2 minute read

Wise Helpers: Co-Creators of Soul Nourishment


Life circumstances can create patterns of disconnection with the broader world. Limitations of understanding created out of our lived experience are reinforced by habits of isolative living and decreased engagement with new people, ideas, and places.

After I experienced a spiritual awakening, an awareness of my place in the universe and a desire to engage others became clear. I experienced a vision of a wise woman and midwife who was present within me. She was there to assist me in facilitating transformative conversations and playing my part in the birth of a new consciousness in the world. Since then, my life changed remarkably. In fact, I finally had a life. The me that was present before was numb, disconnected, overdrinking, isolative, and frozen. The me after has been living with passion, willingness to feel pain, curiosity, creativity, and movement.

I developed a new way of listening to myself and the world. But this did not happen through quiet inner work alone. It was also through working with wise helpers. Many of those who assisted me are listed in the Edge Directory. The directory offered me a place to have soul conversations and develop a different way of seeing my challenges, circumstances, and pain points. Soul-based inner work supports a broad, grounded, dynamic way of seeing the trajectory of our lives. We need each other to learn to see in this way. Wise helpers are abundant. We are not alone.

I began to invest in the work of my soul and the care of my body in the way that some people invest in their homes. I cannot think of anything I would rather invest in than this work. The clarity within, nourished by soul conversations, inner work, travel, and connection with nature, has continued to stretch my soul and clarify my voice.

Our connection with self-worth, our gifts, and our creative potential is born out of engagement with the world. The old narrative is that it is disempowering to ask for help. The new narrative is that engaging others in conversations around transformation teaches us how powerful we really are.

There are abundant wise helpers to meet, engage, and co-create with. Just look in The Edge Directory! We are never alone on this journey. We are built to co-create. Every experience, joyful or painful, is an opportunity to stretch our souls, learn more, and become more empowered. I invite you to join me on this adventure of discovering your gifts and co-creating a new way of being in the world. a Emily Fossum, MA, is the Founder & Creator of Soul Tunings. This unique and deeply transformative work is provided through individual sessions that have been created to tune you to your soul’s gifts and purpose. Emily is a Soul Practitioner and Soul Storyteller who embraces beauty in all its forms and loves to laugh at life’s absurdities along her journey. To connect with Emily, visit soultunings.com

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