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Executive Director

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Florence Crittenton provides innovative, comprehensive services and nurturing programs that engage and empower children, young adults and young families to thrive and build productive lives.


Sarah Corbally, President Ron Waterman, Vice President Jim Carney, Treasurer Lisa Nelson, Secretary Amy Dietchler Collette Hanson Creeana Rygg Danielle Durkin Jamie McCullough


Florence Crittenton is a leader in family and early childhood services. We provide effective intervention and prevention services to families of young children. With the support of partners like you, Florence Crittenton offers a comprehensive array of services, including therapeutic residential care, home visiting, community parenting classes, outpatient treatment services for mental health and substance use disorders and early education and childcare oopportunities for children 0-5.

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Florence Crittenton! As the weather begins to turn (or at least attempts to here in Montana!) and we see the first signs of the new growth of the year, we too at Florence Crittenton are coming out of a long winter and ready for growth and a bright future.

I have always loved the word perseverance. It’s one of those great words you see on posters in schools, offices, and in the fitness room in a hotel. It is widely used in these situations because it’s a word we all want to live up to, we all want to say that we met a challenge and we persevered. However, it can be hard to actually live that coveted word when things are really tough. The past 2 years have brought challenges to our staff, clients, and organization that I could have never imagined. The beginning of 2021 brought some of our toughest days as the pandemic seemingly made a final sweeping pass at our state and the world. We had to make difficult decisions about how to staff every program during outbreaks that inevitably plagued our staff and clients, while doing everything we could to bring in new clients, as we knew we were the safest place for them and their children during this time.

I can say with confidence and pride that our staff and clients met the definition of perseverance. Staff rallied around each other to step in when others were sick in all programs, often filling roles that had nothing to do with their day jobs. Clients came through and helped their fellow residents…and all the while our Administrative and Development teams and Board (with the help of our incredible supporters!) managed to close a historic purchase of a new campus, landing one of the largest CDBG grants in Montana’s history. Perseverance at its finest.

As we emerge from these dark and challenging times, we are guided by sunshine. There are many challenges ahead, but we will do as we always have and face them head on, with a sense of purpose and belief…belief that the families we serve deserve a chance to thrive, belief that we have what it takes to persevere, and belief that the community will continue to stand behind us.

Thank you for believing. May the sunshine and warmth of the spring days ahead fill you with hope and growth.

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