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Can someone have an eating disorder and a substance use or other mental health disorder at the same time?
Those who suffer from an eating disorder may also struggle with substance use disorder and/or other co-occurring mental health disorders.
·One study of people hospitalized for an eating disorder found that 97% had at least one cooccurring mental health disorder, with 94% suffering from a mood disorder.
What is an eating disorder?
Eating disorders are serious, potentially lifethreatening, health conditions. They are characterized by persistent disordered eating behaviors that negatively impact the physical, mental, and emotional health of the sufferer; as well as their ability to function in important areas of life. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, binge-eating disorder, and other specified feeding and eating disorder.
Who is at risk for an eating disorder?
An eating disorder can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or socio-economic status, however some common risk factors are:
·Having a close relative with an eating disorder or other mental health condition.
·History of dieting behaviors, including ones which are “clean eating” focused.
·Type-1 or insulin-dependent diabetes.
·Some personality traits such as perfectionism, inflexibility, and being highly rule or order driven can contribute to eating disorder development.
·Having body image dissatisfaction and overemphasis on weight, shape, and size when evaluating self-worth.
·Weight stigma. Weight stigma is discrimination or stereotyping targeted towards individuals because of their weight, shape, and/or size.
·Teasing or bullying. 60% of eating disorder sufferers reported bullying as contributing to the development of their eating disorder.
·Eating disorder sufferers are 8 times more likely to have current OCD and 9 times more likely to develop OCD in their lifetime
·Up to 50% of individuals with eating disorders use alcohol or illicit drugs.
Is there a way we can prevent eating disorders?
A variety of factors give rise to an eating disorder. Therefore, effective prevention requires a systematic effort to change the circumstances that initiate, predispose, promote, perpetuate, or intensify these diseases. Some prevention strategies may be to learn more about eating disorders and the experience of those who suffer from them, and to support programs designed to change cultural attitudes and public policy around weight stigma and eating disorders.
Is there a way to treat eating disorders?
Eating disorders do not heal on their own. They are complex disorders which require psychological, nutritional, and medical treatment. Sanford Behavioral Health has a full continuum of care for eating disorder treatment. Please call 844.776.9651 for more information.