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• Become an Alumni Ambassador to help your class stay connected to EHS!
In June, 15 students and 14 staff members participated in Edgewood’s Environmental Field Course at St. Croix State Park in Minnesota. The course had not run for three summers due to COVID, so it was great to be back! The students did a fantastic job of immersing themselves into learning from the staff about all of the nature. They also learned how to live as a small community in the woods (without electronics) and some have said they look forward to coming back and taking the advanced course next summer!
With more than 10,000 alumni worldwide, Edgewood relies on our most passionate graduates to be engaged with their peers as Alumni Ambassadors. These alumni volunteer to serve as a liaison for their graduating class on behalf of the EHS Alumni Association (EHSAA). For more information on class ambassadors, or if you are planning a reunion for your EHS class, please email us!
• Be a Lifetime Member of the EHS Alumni Association
For your one-time payment of $250, Lifetime member benefits include:
• Commemorative insulated beverage mug.
• Children of lifetime members receive a $250 one-time discount on freshman tuition.
• Buy one/get one free general admission tickets to home athletic events.
• Update Your Contact Information

If you have changed your name, phone or email, or if you have moved recently or plan to move, please be sure to update all information including: ehsalumni@edgewoodhs.org
• Full name (including maiden name if applicable) and grad year.
• Complete address including house number, full street name and apartment number, city, state, and zip.
• Phone (home and/or cell).
If you prefer not to receive solicitations, just let us know and we will make note of that, but we’d love to keep in touch with you for EHS news.
*Edgewood never shares contact information with outside groups.