Moodle User Group - May '14

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Moodle User Group 15th May 2014 Askham Bryan College Present Becky Kenworthy Barnsley College, Brian Woodburn North Yorkshire County Council, Charles Horton Leeds City College, Chris Pratt Wilberforce College, Colin Taylor Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, Daniel Wilshaw Barnsley College, David Perry Hull College, David Appleyard The Sheffield College, David Barnes North Lindsay College, Eddie Gulc Jisc RSC YH, Jayne Bragg Jisc RSC YH, John Maskrey Babington Business College, Karen Kendall Askham Bryan College, Kathleen Roberts ERA, Kieran Briggs The Sheffield College, Margaret Reid Wilberforce College, Nathan Cobb East Riding College, Richard Stevenson Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, Scott Hibberson Jisc RSC YH, Sharon Fox The Sheffield College, Benn Cass John Leggate College Eddie Gulc - Introduction Still no clear answer to funding past July, but hopeful there will be an extension into 2014/15. Details of our summer conference here Hot topics: Badges - Scotland leading the way Strategies for rolling Moodle data from year to year, how do you access old data? Integrating collaborative tools in courses into Moodle Celeste McLaughlin, Jisc RSC Scotland - Open Badges RSC Project; short online CPD courses, badge awarded for each course completion. Encouraging peer learning and collaboration. Gold, silver and bronze badges awarded as the student builds up their Moodle profile and uses Moodle to its fullest. Awarding Influencer Badge - learners can vote for a peer whom has contributed significantly to their learning experience. Awarding Super Digital Practitioner Badge - awarded for completion of a range of other badges. Borders College are awarding CPD Open badges to staff who are committed to CPD. Jisc Scotland has a lot of useful tools for setting up badges – details in presentation here Kathleen Roberts, ERA Clarification was sought on copyright license (EARA licence). Schools getting it free, and why FE still paying for it? School fee paid in top sliced by LEA. Could be a discussion point at next LR meeting – Kathleen to be invited – action Scott H. Dave Perry, Hull College – Open Badges project

(@elearningdaveuk) Awarding bronze, silver and gold badges for Employability Seal. Badges gained for attendance which covers 7 key criteria (punctuality, key skills etc). Each key criteria has a list of criteria to be met. Criteria set by employers. Employability Seal hall of fame so learners can see and get recognition amongst peers. Working on platform for sharing the badges. Employability badge criteria probably needs to be standardised so that they mean something in the 'real world’. Give more power to work placement employers to award badges? Attach a badge to a course? Badges for extra curricula activities for learners to boost their employability/university application. Hull Colleges JISC Open Badges project blog – Mibew Messenger (live chat – independent from Moodle itself, just has a link from Moodle – WizIQ virtual classroom (with a proper scheduling Moodle plugin) – OUblog Moodle plugin - (make sure you choose the right version for your Moodle version using the BRANCH dropdown, as the latest version is meant for v2.6 and didn’t work on 2.5).

Chris Pratt, Wilberforce College New way of looking at student course info/data - J query/PHP program. Like Moodle Grade Book. Headers and student names stay in place when scrolling, search function, filter mode. Works on iPhones. Previously exported data into Excel from Moodle. New project trying to encourage students on non IT related courses to interact; forums, being able to submit work at any time, avatar that they can change. Forums are tutor moderated but paid marketing company also do administration. Each department has Twitter and Facebook accounts. Staff can email specific info to targeted groups of students using a code Brian Woodburn, North Yorkshire County Council Upgraded to 2.5 now, not tested on Chrome fully. Old Explorer and portable version on Firefox and Chrome work best. Feedback from learners positive Google Analytics code can be out into the bottom of the theme selection section in administrator login. Colin Taylor, Rotherham College Their Moodle now has side scrolling top bar with latest info, menu at top always visible and changed the icons and text fonts making a more user friendly interface

Report builder - enables administrators to build custom reports Working on integrating MIS system into student direct system which will put new course enrolees into correct Moodle portal automatically - need unique course id/code to do so Nathan Cobb, East Riding College - Moodle 2.7 Update on Moodle Moot - Moodle are going to be doing a lot of research/work on Grade Book. A more useable interface for mobile devices. MORE theme lets non-administrators write and change Moodle. Clean and More theme only but can plugin your own old theme. Atto - new html editor Logging framework foundation of powerful analytics features Extended support of 3 years Conditional release of activities brilliant on 2.7 Moodle 2.7 has data monitoring facility. Easier to create logs and export to a database Jisc project - access system to move reporting system out of Moodle Creating tool kit for non-administrative users of MIS system to build reports easily. Downloadable for the public Creating a report to monitor teacher activity Daniel Wilshaw, Barnsley College Done a lot of work to make the user interface not look like Moodle. Lots of plugins installed. Editable feedback Turnitin plugin works for them Karen Kendall, Askham Bryan College External support for Moodle - not supported in house New file storage software WINSCP links new info to both staff and student sites using urls Kieran Briggs, The Sheffield College Hidden course codes, students do not enrol themselves Ordered by student and teacher, not course Metacourse feeds into the higher child course and metacourse info only cascades down one level of child course. Automatically puts into groups Doodle project - set up Droople webpage that links to Moodle course. Completion badge awarded. Working on language so that the two talk to each other properly Charles Horton, Leeds City College Celcat plugin for personalised timetable for students and staff/tutors, runs on j query

Created feedback plugin - students are able to give feedback on their feedback of assignments. Has a summary for tutors so that they can see if feedback has been left and resolved. Enables tutors to give out feedback to each student at the same time rather than to each student at different times John Maskrey, Babington Business College Project - looking for ways for students to communicate with each other that work properly with Moodle and that don't interfere with firewalls. Trying WebEx, Adobe Connect, chat in Moodle Blackboard Collaborate – option? Big Blue Button plugin may work OUblog used by students/tutors to communicate and share info Mibew Messenger good for live chat David Barnes, North Lindsay College Upgrading to 2.6 shortly Ofsted inspectors in at the moment. Commented on the lack of interactivity with Moodle/users.

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