Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling Program Update Spring 2017

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Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling

Program Update

Spring 2017

Lily the Collegiate Doodle is enjoying her time as our college facility dog. Last semester we presented in counseling classes on the role of service and therapy dogs. We also visited the Law School and Health Sciences Center during final examinations – to alleviate a little stress! She also spends time with our faculty and students…and that seems to have resulted in a lot of new “treat stations” throughout the college!

2017 Internship Seminar The annual Internship Seminar will be held on Thursday, March 16, 2017 at the Lakeview Resort in Morgantown, WV. We are excited to announce that Andrea Fata will be our speaker for the day, accompanied by our own John Blake. Their presentation will focus on the ethics of confidentiality, disclosure and privacy. Ms. Fata is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Employee Assistance Professional, and has provided clinical and consultation services in the Washington, DC area for 25 years. She has focused much of her clinical work in the area of military and law enforcement operational stress, specializing in post-traumatic stress injury. She currently works full-time with the United States Secret Service where she provides clinical assessment and short-term consultation to the agents, uniformed officers and professional staff. Ms. Fata is also a member of the Visiting Committee for the College of Education and Human Services. You can learn more about her on the CEHS website. We will host the Advisory Group for lunch and our annual meeting then open up to the Employer Meet & Greet. We hope that all of our great employer/clinical site representatives are able to attend and spend time with our students. The event will be held in Chestnut Room 1-2. Registration is at 8:30 AM and we start at 9:00 PM. The Advisory Group meeting will be held in the Ward Christopher room at noon. We will return to the Chestnut Room at 1:15 PM for the employer event and adjourn at 3 PM. Directions and room reservations can be obtained at Let them know you are reserving a room as a member of the rehabilitation counseling program; the room rate is $89. CRC CEUs will be provided for the morning training session. Please RSVP to

CEHS Annual Alumni Dinner Friday, May 5, 2017

6:00 p.m.

Erickson Alumni Center

Join Dean Gypsy Denzine as we honor CEHS alumni, outstanding students and Jasper N. Deahl Award recipients. Please RSVP by April 14, 2017 to or (304) 293-5705.

Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental health Counseling Program Update

RSA Scholars Program We are in year two of a five-year grant from the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration. To date, we have funded 14 students who are all working in the state-federal system of vocational rehabilitation and want to become qualified rehabilitation counselors. Two have graduated from the program and we will be inviting 5 to 7 more applicants into the 2017 cohort. To learn more, please view the story on WVUToday. If you have any questions or would like to refer a candidate, please contact Margaret Glenn at (304)293-2276 or

CACREP Accreditation Application In case you haven’t heard, the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE) is merging into the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Effective July 1, 2017, the rehabilitation counseling program accreditation will be managed by CACREP. This move has been part of a rather convoluted process. Three years ago it started as a shared venture between the two entities and we would become Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling programs. Long story short, they announced in April 2016 that any program in the development stages of the combined degree program (Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling and Clinical Mental Health Counseling) would be given one chance to meet the accreditation standards and the deadline for submission was January 2017.

Development Activities Dr. Richard Cavasina and his wife, Toni, have established the Dr. Richard and Toni Cavasina Counseling Scholarship via a significant estate gift to the college. Dr. Cavasina was the featured speaker at the 2016 Internship Seminar. He also graciously agreed to be interviewed and taped for our Medical Aspects of Rehabilitation course about his experience with a liver transplant and his subsequent volunteer work with other transplant patients. For more information, please see the article in WVU Today. If you’d also like to make a gift to our program, please contact

Our program initiated the application process and submitted our selfstudy on January 11, 2017. Representatives from CORE have one month to review the Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling component. If they find that section fills the requirements, they forward the documents to representatives of CACREP. Recommendations are made to the CACREP Board who votes in July 2017. We should have information by October. What happens if programs are unsuccessful? They continue under the rehabilitation counseling accreditation for the length of the CORE accreditation. For example, the WVU program was reaccredited by CORE until 2019. CACREP will make the determination as to when a self -study will be scheduled. You can imagine that adding 100 programs to an accrediting cycle will be daunting. So pray, wish, cross your fingers, send good energy to our program’s application! If you are interested in more information, visit the CACREP website. You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions document.


FACULTY UPDATE John Blake recently had an article published: Blake, J., Brooks, J., Greenbaum, H., & Chan, F. (2017). Attachment and employment outcomes for people with spinal cord injury: The intermediary role of hope. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 60(2), 7787.

Next month he will be at the West Virginia Trauma Symposium in Roanoke, WV to present “Attachment and Hope as a Framework for Improving Outcome Following Treatment for Traumatic Injury.” Dr. Blake is the instructor for our COUN 501 and 606 courses in Counseling Theories and Techniques; COUN 505 Theory and Practice of Human Appraisal; COUN 664 Ethical Issues in Counseling; COUN 668 Crisis, Trauma, Grief Counseling; as well as our clinical courses. Regina Burgess has been busy with the coordination of our clinical experiences for students. She is the instructor for REHB 600 Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling; REHB 620 Career Development and Job Placement; REHB 624 Rehabilitation Client Services; COUN 645 Couples and Family Counseling; COUN 665 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning; as well as our clinical courses. Margaret Glenn has an article accepted for publication: Glenn, M., Shahan, K.M., Foreman, A.M., Meade, B.J., Wirth, O., & Thorne, K.L. Legislation and other legal issues relevant in choosing to partner with a service dog in the workplace, Journal of Rehabilitation.

She presented on Compassion Fatigue and Managing Stress at the annual meet of the Montana Association of Rehabilitation in October 2016. Over the summer, she was part of the Service Dog Awareness program held in Denver. In August, she had the honor of presenting “Thriving in Higher Education” to students of the PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation’s first Postsecondary Academy. In April, 2016, she and fellow past-presidents Drs. Holloway and Estrada-Hernandez presented NCRE’s path into 2020: A strategic plan aiming for relevance, responsiveness and the bright future of rehabilitation counseling and education at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education’s Annual Spring Conference, Newport Beach, CA. Dr. Glenn is the instructor for our COUN 609 Group Counseling Theory and Techniques; COUN 640 Addictions Counseling; and REHB 610 Medical Aspects of Rehabilitation. She is currently working with colleagues to develop an undergraduate minor in Addictions Studies. George Mamboleo has had an article accepted for publication: Mamboleo, G., Kampfe, C. M., Georgieva, Z., & Smith, S. M. A Longitudinal study of attitudes toward disability among rehabilitation counseling students, The Rehabilitation Professional Index.

He presented with Dr. Blake on “Counseling competencies for veteran rehabilitation: Second phase Delphi finding” at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) - Spring Conference Las Angeles, CA. in April 2016. Dr. Mamboleo is the instructor of our COUN 501 and 606 courses in Counseling Theories and Techniques; REHB 680 Research Seminar; and REHB 612 Disability Across the Lifespan; and COUN 634 Cultural Issues; as well as our clinical courses.

Candy Long Candy is busy taking care of the faculty and students. Right now she is focused on our applicants and upcoming interviews for our program. She also assists with the RSA Scholars Program.

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