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Article adapted from Good Food, Great Business, copyright © 2016 by Susie Wyshak. All rights reserved.
12 Good Reasons To Get Into Food Every great business revolves around a big motivation. Some call this the “Why.” The Why is a passion-packed mission. Start by pondering which Whys speak to you.
edible INDY food start-up boot camp issue 2016
Photography courtesy of Susie Wyshak, graphic by Caryn Scheving.
he pages of Edible Indy overflow with wonderful stories, photos of happy people and ads featuring foods that make people happy. Behind all that evidence of a vibrant local food scene are the challenges and rewards an entrepreneurial life in food can bring. Food and food tech start-ups are being funded and acquired in record numbers. Farmers’ markets, adventurous DIY meal kits and convenient meal delivery services have become as popular as grocery shopping. Mainstream supermarkets and warehouse stores are clamoring for more organic foods. This begs the question: Is a food business in your future? For me, after decades of having food business ideas, and taking a stab at a snack food company, my answer was: No. But, what about supporting food entrepreneurs? This was a definite Yes. A year has passed since my book Good Food, Great Business came out, teaching people, as the subtitle says, How to Take Your Artisan Food Idea From Concept to Marketplace. With the tips and tales included in my book as their roadmap, many readers have reported starting their ventures. And now is the perfect time to reflect on your life journey to see if food is your next fork in the road.