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Nettle & Elderflower Oxymel
Oxymels are a traditional way to use honey medicinally, mixing honey and raw vinegar, and infusing them with herbs to make potent, natural remedies. The combination of nettles and elderflowers, paired with local honey is a folk remedy for allergies to try this spring allergy season and support your immune system—plus, it tastes wonderful, too! You can take a swig as needed or stir into a bit of sparkling water, warm water or tea to make a medicinal beverage.
4 tablespoons dried nettles, chopped
4 tablespoons dried elderflowers
1 cup local, raw honey
1 cup raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar
1. Place the dried herbs in a pint-size glass jar.
2. Cover the herbs with both the honey and vinegar.
3. Seal the jar with a plastic, nonreactive lid and shake well.
4. Let the mixture sit at room temperature for two weeks, shaking often to infuse.
5. Strain out the herbs when ready to use, pressing gently to get out as much oxymel as possible. Discard the herbs.
6. Store in the fridge or pantry where it will keep for several months.
To source your herbs, I like Mountain Rose Herbs, which can be purchased in bulk online, or you can check your local co-op for dried herbs as well. If you are knowledgeable about wild edibles, both nettles and elderflowers can be foraged in the spring; refer to wild edible guides to ensure safe and ethical harvesting of wild foods.