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Edible Monterey Bay Spring 2017 LOCAL SOURCE GUIDE
Find the Monterey Bay’s best local, seasonal and sustainable products and services here. ese business advertise in Edible Monterey Bay, supporting our mission and enabling us to provide this magazine to you for free. Please thank them with your business and tell them we sent you!
Santa Cruz County Bank
7775Soquel Drive, Aptos 831.662.6000| sccountybank.com 819Bay Ave., Capitola | 831.464.5300 720Front St., Santa Cruz | 831.457.5000 4604Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley 831.461.5000 595Auto Center Drive, Watsonville | 831.761.7600 A leading community business lender and full-service bank of choice for locals.
East Cliff Brewing
21517E. Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz 831.713.5540| eastcliffbrewing.com Neighborhood brewery specializing in British-style, cask-conditioned ales.
East End Gastropub
1501 41st Ave., Santa Cruz 831.475.8010 | eastendgastropub.com Local gastropub serving handcrafted food, beer and wine.
Grillin & Chillin Alehouse and Brewery
401 McCray St., Ste. B24, Hollister 831.637.2337 | facebook.com/grillinchillinalehouse “Drink Well and Eat Well” is the motto of this alehouse where the proprietors brew handcrafted beer and offer more than 40 beers on tap and gourmet pub food as well.
Peter B’s Brewpub
2 Portola Plaza, Monterey 831.649.4511 | portolahotel.com Monterey’s first craft brewery features delicious, locally brewed beer and an innovative menu including vegetarian and gluten-free options.
Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing
402 Ingalls St., Ste. 27, Santa Cruz 831.425.4900 | santacruzmountainbrewing.com An award-winning, certified-organic craft brewery featuring wildly imaginative seasonal beers, hard ciders, draught root beer and kombucha.
Trailside Café and Beer Garden
3 Del Fino Place, Carmel Valley 831.298.7453 | trailsidecafecv.com Café and beer garden with handcrafted food and a rotating draft selection of 15 beers and one cider plus over 40 bottled selections including Belgian, German and ciders.
West End Tap & Kitchen
334D Ingalls St., Santa Cruz 831.471.8115 | westendtap.com Local gastropub serving handcrafted food, beer and wine.
Dina Clark Design
831.466.9843 | dinaclarkdesign.com A Central Coast graphic design studio for logos, labels, illustrations and websites.
Aqua Terra
529 Central Ave., Pacific Grove 831.657.9790 | aquaterraculinary.com Fresh and seasonal food ideas, rooted in sustainability.
Carried Away
7564 Soquel Drive, Aptos 831.685.3926 | carriedawayfoods.com Seasonally driven and organic prepared foods and catering operating for 25 years in the Aptos Center.
LionFish SupperClub
Santa Cruz | lionfishsc.com LionFish is ready to serve your guests the same locavore delights that have generated a passionate following for its own events.
ACF - American Culinary Federation
Monterey Bay Chapter P.O. Box 7034, Carmel montereybaychefs.org A nonprofit association of professional chefs, cooks, bakers, home enthusiasts and business associates in the food service and hospitality industry, this local AFC chapter focuses on continued education and participates in many local community events.
Habitat for Humanity/ReStore
4230 Gigling Road, Seaside 831.899.1362 | habitatsc.org 719 Swift St., Santa Cruz 831.824.4704 | habitatsc.org A nonprofit home improvement store and donation center offering new and gently used furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances to the public. Proceeds build affordable homes, community and hope locally.
Santa Cruz, 88.1FM 831.459.2811 | kzsc.org College radio broadcasting from UC Santa Cruz. Tune in for music, news, public affairs, sports, and more!
Quail Hollow Kitchens
235 Crown Drive, Ben Lomond 831.609.6226 | quailhollowkitchens.com Specializing in courses for the home cook including artisanal recipes, as well as French and American classics using home-grown and locally farmed organic herbs, vegetables and eggs.
e Foodie Edition with Ruth Reichl, Nancy Silverton and Evan Kleiman
Wednesday, May 17 6pm VIP reception; 7pm general admission Sunset Center, San Carlos Street at 9th Avenue, Carmel 831.620.2048 | sunsetcenter.org Benefit for the Carmel Public Library Foundation.
Retail: 7250 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel 831.625.6219 | ebfarm.com e country’s largest organic grower, Earthbound Farm has been delivering delicious, clean produce to the local community for more than 30 years.
Gizdich Ranch
55 Peckham Road, Watsonville 831.722.1056 | gizdich-ranch.com A third-generation farm and bakery-café specializing in heirloom apples, berries, juice and pie.
Live Earth Farm
831.763.2448 | liveearthfarm.net Watsonville based, with a new farm stand 10am–3pm Saturdays at 1275 Green Valley Road and CSA pickup throughout the Monterey Bay and South Bay regions. Committed to sustainable food through a CSA, farmers’ markets and on-farm farm stand and education.
Morris Grassfed Beef
CSM, at markets and online 831.623.2933 | morrisgrassfed.com A provider of locally grown grassfed beef, fostering healthy relationships between people, land, animals and food.
Real Good Fish
CSF, Monterey and Santa Cruz counties 831.345.5153 | localcatchmontereybay.com A community-supported fishery connecting local fishers and sustainable seafood consumers.
Blade Tech
831.917.1330 | bladetechusa.com Professional knife sharpening services for business and home kitchen; also offering high-quality knives and accessories for purchase.
14201 Del Monte Blvd., Marina 831.384.5313 | mrwmd.org Visit the website for a complete schedule of disposal and recycling services, workshops and home composting supplies available at Last Chance Mercantile.
Solar Technologies
705 N. Branciforte Ave., Santa Cruz 831.421.0440 | solartechnologies.com Local solar energy system provider featuring efficient technology, design and installation for your home or business.
833 Cass St., Monterey 831.383.9652 | acubloom.com Healing simply, simply healing with Kristan Roth, a healer with more than 20 years of experience in acupuncture and a number of other modalities.

L’Auberge Carmel
Monte Verde Street and 7th Avenue, Carmel-by- the-Sea 831.624.8578 | laubergecarmel.com A romantic, full-service boutique, Relais & Chateau hotel is within walking distance of all that Carmel-bythe-Sea has to offer, including the iconic Carmel Beach.
415W.CarmelValleyRoad,Carmel-by-the-Sea 831.658.3400|bernarduslodge.com LocatedintheheartofsunnyCarmelValley,Bernardus Lodge&Spaisanelegantandintimateluxuryresort offeringrenowneddiningandspaexperiencesanda10acreon-siteestatevineyard.
Hyatt Carmel Highlands
120 Highlands Drive, Carmel 831.620.1234 | highlandsinn.hyatt.com Seaside hotel and oceanfront retreat that seamlessly blends the amenities of a luxurious resort with the refined charm of rustic Big Sur.
Hyatt Regency Monterey
1 Old Golf Course Road, Monterey 831.372.1234 | monterey.hyatt.com Located on Del Monte Golf Course amid 22 beautiful acres of Monterey pines, this hotel also offers a spa and close proximity to Monterey Airport and the city center.
InterContinental e Clement Monterey
750 Cannery Row, Monterey 831.375.4500 | ictheclementmonterey.com e premier luxury hotel in the heart of Cannery Row, situated right next to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and overlooking the pristine Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa
400 Cannery Row, Monterey 831.920.6710 | montereyplazahotel.com At Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa you’ll be able to enjoy the best of Northern California such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium, historic downtown Monterey and Fisherman’s Wharf, world-class golfing at Pebble Beach, shopping in Carmel, wine tasting in Carmel Valley and the memorable Big Sur coastline.
2PortolaPlaza,Monterey 831.649.4511|portolahotel.com ArelaxingretreatinhistoricMontereysurroundedby uniqueshopping,finedining,spectacularcoastaltrails andbeaches.
Post Ranch Inn/Sierra Mar Restaurant
47900 Hwy. 1, Big Sur 831.667.2800 | postranchinn.com A “sanctuary for the soul” offering the ultimate in luxurious coastal Big Sur lodging, including breathtaking views and exquisite dining.
Quail Lodge & Golf Club
8000 Valley Greens Drive, Carmel 831.620.8808 | quaillodge.com Quail Lodge features comfortable lodging, an 18-hole championship golf course, fitness center and sustainably sourced, seasonal cuisine on the Monterey Peninsula.
San Lorenzo Garden Center
235 River St., Santa Cruz 831.423.0223 | sanlorenzolumber.com/gardencenter
Scarborough Gardens
33 El Pueblo Road, Scotts Valley 831.438.4106 | scarboroughgardens.com
Seaside Garden Center
1177 San Pablo Ave., Seaside 831.292.0400 | seasidegardencenter.com
Tope’s Sustainable Garden Center
650 E. Franklin, Monterey 831.920.1203 | topesgardencenter.com
Valley Hills Nursery
7440 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel 831.624.3482 | valleyhillsnursery.net
Mountain Feed & Farm Supply
9550 Hwy. 9, Ben Lomond 831.336.8876 | mountainfeed.com Mountain Feed & Farm Supply is a unique and complete organic farm, garden, homestead, pet, gift and housewares store located in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
14201 Del Monte Blvd., Marina 831.384.5313 | mrwmd.org e MRWMD offers premium quality, OMRI-listed organic compost as well as topsoil and wood chips by the truckload at the district scales or bag-your-own at its Last Chance Mercantile shop.
Plant Landscape Design
2801 S. Main St., Soquel 831.476.1895 | plantlandscapedesign.com Full-service landscaping company: design, build, maintain, serving greater Monterey Bay.
Terra Nova Ecological Landscaping
Santa Cruz 831.425.3514 | terranovalandscaping.com A full-service ecological landscaping company providing design, installation and maintenance of beautiful living systems for public and private lands.
Sanderlings/Seascape Beach Resort
1 Seascape Resort Drive, Aptos 831.662.7120 | sanderlingsrestaurant.com Overlooking the Monterey Bay, this beachside all-suite hotel is only 12 miles from the Santa Cruz Wharf, but with a private beach, 3 outdoor pools and hot tubs, and a great restaurant, you may see no reason to leave the hotel.
Sorensen’s Resort
14255 Hwy. 88, Hope Valley 530.694.2203 | sorensensresort.com A historic all-season resort with rustic cabins and outdoor activities located in majestic Hope Valley at Lake Tahoe.
Yogi Tea
Sold at local grocers and at yogiproducts.com. Yogi uses more than 100 exotic herbs and botanicals from around the world to create its sweet and spicy herbal teas.
DIG Gardens
420 Water St., Santa Cruz 831.466.3444 | diggardensnursery.com A garden shop unlike any other: organic, bohemian, modern style from Santa Cruz.
Gardner & Bloome
OMRI-listed organic fertilizers and soils from Kellogg Garden Products distributed locally by:
Aptos Landscape Supply
5035 Freedom Blvd., Aptos 831.688.6211 | aptoslandscapesupply.com
Del Rey Oaks Gardens
899 Rosita Road, Del Rey Oaks 831.920.1231 | drogardens.com
Drought Resistant Nursery
850 Park Ave., Monterey 831.375.2120 | droughtresistant.com
e Garden Co.
2218 Mission St., Santa Cruz 831.429.8424 | thegardenco.com
Griggs Nursery
9220 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel 831.626.0680 | griggsnursery.com
Hidden Gardens Nursery
7765 Soquel Dr., Aptos 831.688.7011
Lakeside Nursery
190 Espinosa Road, Salinas 831.632.2100 | lakesidenursery.net
M. J. Murphy Lumber
10 E. Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley 831.659.2291 | facebook.com/M.J.MurphyLumberHardware
Martins’ Irrigation
420 Olympia Ave., Seaside 831.394.4106 | martinsirrigation.com
Mountain Feed & Farm
9550 Hwy. 9, Ben Lomond 831.336.8876 | mountainfeed.com
e Plant Works
7945 Hwy. 9, Ben Lomond 831.336.2212
Courtney G. Jones/Carmel Realty Co.
Dolores Street between 7th and 8th Avenues 831.233.4839 | courtneygjones.com Courtney@carmelrealtycompany.com Family-owned firm offering local luxury real estate experts with a reputation for integrity, longevity and excellence.
Lisa Guthrie/Santa Lucia Preserve
1 Rancho San Carlos Road, Carmel 831.620.6762 | santaluciapreserve.com Lisa@thepreservelife.com Santa Lucia Preserve is home for 300 families on 20,000 acres of pristine land in Carmel.
Chardonnay Sailing Charters
704 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz 831.423.1213 | chardonnay.com Excursions aboard the Chardonnay II are perfect for any age group and fun for everyone from seasoned sailors to first-time adventurers.
See our Dine Local Guide, p. 55.
Earthbound Farm’s Farm Stand and Organic Kitchen
7250 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel 831.625.6219 | ebfarm.com Serving delicious organic, handcrafted food, gourmet groceries and unique gifts, as well as fresh produce and flowers.
Food Lounge
1001 Center St., Santa Cruz scfoodlounge.com A dynamic, community-minded venue featuring local artisanal products, special events, a bar and the products and services of resident collaborators Fogline Farm, Kickin’ Chicken, La Marea of the Sea, Lifestyle Culinary Arts, Ocean 2 Table and Tanglewood.
Golden Roots Kitchen
831.471.7787 | goldenrootskitchen.com Organic prepared meals made in Santa Cruz, available weekly for local delivery or pick up.
Hidden Fortress Coffee Roasting
125 Hangar Way, Ste. 270, Watsonville 831.228.1400 | hiddenfortresscoffee.com Small-batch, locally roasted organic coffee sold by the pound.
e Quail & Olive
3 Pilot Road, Carmel Valley 831.659.4288 | quailandolive.com A boutique featuring quality, California olive oils and vinegars, as well as natural skin care products and cookbooks for better health.
Shopper’s Corner
622 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz 831.423.1398 | shopperscorner.com Santa Cruz’s oldest and friendliest family-run market.
Star Market
1275 S. Main St., Salinas 831.422.3961 | starmkt.com An independent grocer featuring the freshest, best tasting and finest selection of food in the Monterey Bay area; locally produced foods and wines are a specialty.
Stewart & Jasper Orchards
Monterey Plaza Hotel 400 Cannery Row, Ste. C, Monterey 831.375.6887 | stewartandjasper.com A family-owned almond grower committed to quality, eco-friendly practices, water conservation and customer service.
Stone Creek Kitchen
465 Canyon del Rey Blvd., Monterey 831.393.1042 | stonecreekkitchen.com Our mission is to create a unique educational and culinary destination for epicureans on the Monterey Peninsula.
Troia Foods
801 Foam St., Monterey 831.375.3354 | troiafoods.com A local dairy and fine food distributor for businesses.
Vertigo Coffee Roasters
81 Fourth St., San Juan Bautista 831.623.9533 | vertigocoffee.com Specialty coffee roasters that also feature wood-fired cooking and craft beers.
e Wharf Marketplace
290 Figueroa St., Monterey 831.649.1116 | thewharfmarketplace.com Monterey County’s fresh food destination, featuring the “bounty of the county”—locally produced provisions at their seasonal best.
310 Harvest Drive, Watsonville 831.761.2041 x21 | annieglassstore.com Locally designed and handmade slumped-glass plates, bowls and serving dishes that add famed art and style to the dining room.
Last Chance Mercantile/MRWMD
14201 Del Monte Blvd., Marina 831.264.6900 | mrwmd.org e only reuse store at the entrance to a landfill in the U.S. where one person’s trash truly becomes another’s treasure, Last Chance Mercantile provides convenient drop-off for reusable goods and an ever changing inventory of affordable, pre-owned and salvaged items.
910B Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz 831.216.6366 | mme.ltd Mmē. is a gorgeous high-end women’s clothing boutique located in a historic 1894 Italianate building in midtown Santa Cruz.
Pacific Trading Co.
1224 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz | 831.423.3349 504C Bay Ave., Capitola | 831.476.6109 facebook.com/pages/pacific-trading-co/65027935549 Independent, local, family-owned women’s apparel boutique.
Seven Bridges Cooperative
325A River St., Santa Cruz 831.454.9665 | breworganic.com e local source for certified-organic homebrew ingredients and equipment.

Beauregard Vineyards
10 Pine Flat Road, Santa Cruz 831.425.7777 | beauregardvineyards.com Sustainably produced wines expressing the terroir of the Santa Cruz Mountains through minimal impact winemaking.
Cima Collina Tasting Room
19 E. Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley 831.620.0645 | cimacollina.com Award-winning, artisanal wines from small Monterey vineyards. Tasting room is located in a picturesque historic building.
McIntyre Tasting Studio
169 Crossroads Blvd., Carmel 831.626.6268 | mcintyrevineyards.com Small lot wines that embody the mountainous, maritime terroir.
46 4th St., Gonzales 831.675.2311 | percheron-mcfarland.com Dedicated to a world-famous legacy of excellence in California Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.
Taste Morgan
e Crossroads Carmel 204 Crossroads Blvd., Carmel-by-the-Sea 831.626.3700 | morganwinery.com For three decades, Dan and Donna Lee and their Morgan label have been synonymous with artisan, vineyardcentric wines from the Santa Lucia Highlands and Monterey. e Taste Morgan visitors’ center brings the family’s history and craft to life through a relaxed tasting experience.