ciclos formativos Contenido actualizado
a la nueva Ley de
Claves de la nueva ley de Formación Profesional
(Ley Orgánica 3/2022, de 31 de marzo, de ordenación e integración de la Formación Profesional)
Elementos principales de la nueva ley orgánica
• Ordena, integra y describe el sistema de Formación Profesional.
• Define y regula las ofertas de formación.
• Generaliza el carácter dual de la Formación Profesional.
• Regula las modalidades de impartición.
• Incentiva y potencia el procedimiento de acreditación de competencias adquiridas por experiencia laboral o vías no formales.
• Crea y regula el sistema de orientación profesional vinculado al sistema de Formación Profesional.
• Incorpora la innovación, la investigación aplicada, la digitalización, la sostenibilidad y el emprendimiento a todas las formaciones.
• Consolida la corresponsabilidad de centros y empresa en la formación.
Ámbitos de la ley que conforman de manera coordinada
e interdependiente su pilar básico de construcción
Define el sistema único de Formación Profesional como un conjunto, por primera vez, articulado y compacto que:
identifica las competencias profesionales del mercado laboral.
asegura las ofertas de formación idóneas.
posibilita la adquisición de la correspondiente formación o, en su caso, su reconocimiento.
pone a disposición un servicio de orientación y acompañamiento profesional que permita el diseño de itinerarios formativos individuales y colectivos.
Todos los estudiantes que alcancen un certificado o título de Grado C, D y E pasarán por la empresa durante su formación.
Existen dos tipos:
• Entre 25 % y 35 % de duración de la formación en empresa.
• Colaboración en hasta un 20 % de resultados de aprendizaje en la empresa.
• No existe vinculación contractual con la empresa.
• La formación en empresa será del 35 % al 50 %.
• Colaboración en más del 30 % de resultados de aprendizaje en la empresa.
• Con vinculación contractual.
Fuente: Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes. Más información en:
© Ediciones Paraninfo 2
Nuevo modelo de formación profesional ley orgánica 3/2022
Grado E: Cursos de Especialización. En Grado Medio o en Grado Superior.
Grado D: Ciclos Formativos de FP. Grado básico, medio y superior (técnico básico, técnico y técnico superior).
Grado C: Certificado Profesional. Niveles 1, 2 y 3.
Grado B: Certificado de competencia. Un módulo profesional incluido en una oferta superior.
Grado A: Acreditación parcial de competencia. Un resultado de aprendizaje incluido en una oferta superior.
Relación Formación
Profesional - Universidad.
Incorporación de complementos de formación adaptados al territorio.
Acciones formativas en las empresas.
Duración variable de las formaciones.
Obligatoriedad de proyectos intermodulares en el nivel D (Técnicos y Técnicos Superiores).
Revisión constante de los currículos. Dobles titulaciones.
Flexibilidad en el diseño del currículo.
Acceso no permitido a menores de 16 años
Flexibilidad de las ofertas para personas con dificultades especiales de inserción laboral.
Además, nuestras publicaciones siempre cuentan con gran cantidad de materiales docentes específicamente creados para ayudarte en tus clases, como son:
Programación didáctica
Presentaciones de aula
Actividades de ampliación y desarrollo
Examina: generador de exámenes
Company Profile 3
Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes. Más información en:
© Ediciones Paraninfo 3
Cada texto incluye actividades que abordan un vocabulario específico relacionado con el tema principal, permitiendo a los estudiantes familiarizarse con términos relevantes en contexto.
Ofrecen una cobertura gramatical, ya sea básica o exhaustiva, dependiendo del texto, junto con tablas de revisión que ayudan a los estudiantes a repasar y consolidar sus conocimientos gramaticales.
Proporcionan materiales de escucha pertinentes que permiten a los estudiantes practicar y mejorar sus habilidades de comprensión auditiva en relación con los temas tratados.
Incluyen actividades que fomentan la práctica de habilidades de expresión oral, lo que ayuda a los estudiantes a comunicarse de manera efectiva en situaciones relacionadas con el campo de estudio.
Todos presentan textos de lectura interesantes y diversos, extraídos de diferentes fuentes, lo que enriquece la comprensión de los estudiantes sobre los temas tratados y les exponen a diferentes estilos de escritura.
Ofrecen una variedad de prácticas de escritura útiles que permiten a los estudiantes mejorar sus habilidades de expresión escrita en relación con los temas abordados.
Incluyen secciones de autoevaluación en cada unidad, lo que permite a los estudiantes monitorear su progreso y comprender mejor sus áreas de fortaleza y debilidad.
© Ediciones Paraninfo 4
Características principales
Todos los materiales de escucha están interpretados por hablantes nativos de la lengua.
Temas variados relacionados con el ámbito profesional específico.
Prácticas de pronunciación.
Final tasks o Projects intercalados con las unidades conectados con su realidad profesional.
Sección adicional de gramática al final de los libros con más actividades.
Glosario del ámbito profesional específico.
Modelos de examen en los Teacher’s books.
Las programaciones didácticas estarán adaptadas a los nuevos requerimientos de evaluación (RA y CE).
Recursos para todos los títulos
Programación didáctica
Teacher’s book*
English listenings (materiales y documentación extra)
LDP (Libro Digital Proyectable)
* El teacher´s book no se comercializa, solo se facilita al profesorado que confirme con nuestro Departamento de Promoción la adopción de este título como libro de texto en el aula.
© Ediciones Paraninfo 5
Ejercicios para practicar en casa
Practicar la lengua: hablar y escribir
Al final de cada bloque se abordan temas reales y de influencia en la vida laboral y diaria: cómo buscar un trabajo, hacer presentaciones o videoconferencias, elaborar un CV y una carta de presentación para el mercado anglosajón, etc.
Trabajo en grupos
Trabajo en parejas
other you know well: Choose the job offer you think best suits your profile. Take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the new job and take a final decision. Explain the process your group followed to the rest of your classmates. Tell them how recruitment websites work, how they are organised and any other relevant information.
“Hello, we are looking for a job!”
Descubre nuestros libros de inglés por dentro 72 New Table for Two Looking for a job PROJECT I Looking for a job today is not the same as a few years ago. Apart from traditional employment agencies, you can find a job on an Internet website. The Internet provides a wide range of on-line recruitment agencies where you can look for a job in a particular location. For information on recruitment go to Work in groups of three or four. Imagine you have to look for a job in London or the London area. This is your profile: You are a Spanish boy/girl, aged 19. You have finished ESO and a Ciclo Formativo de grado medio in Culinary Arts/ Hospitality with good marks. You have worked part-time (a kind of mini-job) in a restaurant/hotel for just 6 months. Next month you will move to London with your family and you want to work there, but you have just a basic knowledge of the English language. You got your driving licence last year. Now surf the net and try to find the best job for you. You can visit the following websites for help, or any
© Ediciones Paraninfo 6
Teacher’s book
2 1. Course description © Ediciones Paraninfo Teacher’s book. Reset your Computer 1. Course description 1.1. Welcome to our project! Languages are becoming more and more important in our society. This is something that could go unnoticed some years ago, but nowadays, students are aware of the importance that acquiring second languages (or even third ones) will have in their lives. They know that languages will help them get better jobs, travel or even, smaller things like surfing the Internet. This seems even more evident when we talk about the English language, used nowadays as a mean of communication across the world. A proficiency in this language will provide our students with a tool that they will use for life and that will provide them with opportunities for basically every single field. We are aware of the difficulties English teachers face when teaching in Vocational Training Courses (Ciclos Formativos). For this, this textbook aims to provide English teachers with useful teaching materials. At the same time, it tries to help students to improve all the language skills (both receptive and productive) covering all the main contents and areas students may need in their future in the IT industry. The method consists of 6 units, plus an introductory one to familiarise students with the subject. A term may include two or three units depending on the number of hours fixed for the subject by educational laws in every Autonomous Community. Besides, the method also provides a project every two units, Extra materials in the appendices and a Glossary with specific useful vocabulary. 1.2. Introductory unit The introductory unit, Welcome to IT!, aims to motivate students and to make them familiar with the textbook. This motivating unit is shorter than the rest of the units and it does not follow the same structure or sections. It reviews some fields of vocabulary related to IT devices and jobs as a point of departure for the course. It also gives teachers the opportunity to revise basic structures, like giving personal information, while students get to know their new classmates. As interaction in the classroom should be in English, classroom language is also reviewed in this unit. 1.3. The units: Structure and sections The units covered in the book follow the same structure and contain the following sections. a) Warm-up Each unit starts with a warm-up to introduce the topic. In this warm-up, there’s always a list of questions and a quote linked to the topic of the unit so that students can brainstorm and get ready for the development of the unit. b) Vocabulary Handling a wide range of vocabulary is essential for your students. This section gives students the opportunity to work with varied vocabulary related to specific fields. They 1-2-3-4-INGLES para Informatica-Teacher’s book.indd 3 1. Course description Teacher’s book. Reset your Computer 1. Course description 1.1. Welcome to our project! Languages are becoming more and more important in our society. This is something that could go unnoticed some years ago, but nowadays, students are aware of the importance that acquiring second languages (or even third ones) will have in their lives. They know that languages will help them get better jobs, travel or even, smaller things like surfing the Internet. This seems even more evident when we talk about the English language, used nowadays as a mean of communication across the world. A proficiency in this language will provide our students with a tool that they will use for and that will provide them with opportunities for basically every single field. We are aware of the difficulties English teachers face when teaching in Vocational Training Courses (Ciclos Formativos). For this, this textbook aims to provide English teachers with useful teaching materials. At the same time, it tries to help students to improve all the language skills (both receptive and productive) covering all the main contents and areas students may need in their future in the IT industry. The method consists of 6 units, plus an introductory one to familiarise students with the subject. A term may include two or three units depending on the number of hours fixed for the subject by educational laws in every Autonomous Community. Besides, the method also provides a project every two units, Extra materials in the appendices and a Glossary with specific useful vocabulary. 1.2. Introductory unit The introductory unit, Welcome to IT!, aims to motivate students and to make them familiar with the textbook. This motivating unit is shorter than the rest of the units and it does not follow the same structure or sections. It reviews some fields of vocabulary related to IT devices and jobs as a point of departure for the course. It also gives teachers the opportunity to revise basic structures, like giving personal information, while students get to know their new classmates. As interaction in the classroom should be in English, classroom language is also reviewed in this unit. 1.3. The units: Structure and sections The units covered in the book follow the same structure and contain the following sections. a) Warm-up Each unit starts with a warm-up to introduce the topic. In this warm-up, there’s always a list of questions and a quote linked to the topic of the unit so that students can brainstorm and get ready for the development of the unit. b) Vocabulary Handling a wide range of vocabulary is essential for your students. This section gives students the opportunity to work with varied vocabulary related to specific fields. They cover all the main areas of the IT industry. The field of IT is so vast that some areas could not be included, for obvious reasons, we had to select the most meaningful ones for our students’ profile. In the vocabulary sections students will find the most important terms of different semantic fields and a set of varied exercises: matching, making lists, filling in the gaps, labelling, etc. to help them improve their vocabulary. This way they will get an effective vocabulary corpus to work with. c) Listening The listening section provides authentic models of oral language (informal conversations, radio programmes, phone calls, dealing with complaints, etc.). Students should listen to the recordings carefully and then carry out some tasks related to them: answering open questions, filling in the gaps, note taking, true or false activities, etc. Besides, all the scripts can be found at the end of the textbook, so that both teachers and students can use them if needed. These scripts can be an interesting teaching / learning tool, for example, they can be read out loud or even role-played in small groups in the classroom, and they can serve as a model for dialogue writing. d) Grammar This section reviews the main aspects of English grammar; verb tenses, sentence structures, etc. that students are supposed to have learnt in previous years. Although the grammar sections in this book do not necessarily follow a pattern of increasing difficulty, upper intermediate grammar contents are displayed at the end of the book in the Extra grammar appendix. Teachers can decide the best moment and way of using these materials in their lessons, according to the needs and level of competence of their students. There is also a remember section at the end of each unit that includes the verb tense and structure charts for self-study and revision. e) Reading In this section, a variety of selected texts on topics linked to the field of IT is presented for their exploitation (skimming and scanning procedures). The texts have been slightly adapted from different sources, mainly interesting websites. Although the book is based on British English, in this section both British and American spellings have been respected and accepted, since we have used authentic texts. Several comprehension tasks are proposed: true or false, open questions, matching or vocabulary exercises (labelling, synonyms, opposites, etc.) to ensure that students have understood the texts properly. There is a set of Extra readings in the Appendices at the end of the student’s book. f) Speaking The speaking sections offer varied role-play communicative situations to help students express themselves fluently in English. They show the typical situations our students will have to face in their working place. Besides, we offer several rubric samples in the Speaking section of this Teacher’s book. 1-2-3-4-INGLES para Informatica-Teacher’s book.indd 3 22/6/23 8:32 8 5. Speaking and writing Teacher’s book. Reset your Computer 5.1. Speaking Teachers should promote speaking in the classroom doing all kinds of motivating activities. Besides, they should be also aware of what speaking tests involve. The speaking tests in this Teacher's book offer a variety of typical communicative situations related to the IT world. Students must work in pairs or groups to show they are able to interact properly. Here we provide several sample assessment rubrics to help teachers test the different aspects of this skill. a) Rubric for speaking activities and tests Name of the student: Group No Performance Rating (circle) Comments Anecdotal Records 1. Interacts appropriately with teacher and peers. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Uses classroom vocabulary and expressions. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Sequences and organised information. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Initiates verbal interactions with others. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Can make understandable sentences and commands in English. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Tries to communicate in English with the teacher. 1 2 3 4 5 7. Speaks English with his / her classmates. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Pronunciation 1 2 3 4 5 9. Use conventions of respectful speaking. 1 2 3 4 5 10. Speaks at appropriate volume. 1 2 3 4 5 11. Participates in class discussions and debates. 1 2 3 4 5 12. Respects and engages the turn taking. 1 2 3 4 5 TOTALS Rating Key: 1 = poor 2 = fair 3 = acceptable 4 = good 5 = excellent 5-INGLES para Informatica-Teacher’s book.indd 8 22/6/23 8:33 13 6. Answer key for units © Ediciones Paraninfo Teacher’s book. Reset your Computer Unit 0 Answer key for units Susan — I’m alright, thanks. Where are you from? Peter — I’m from Germany. And you? Susan — I’m from Italy. How old are you? Peter — I’m 30 years old. And you? Susan — I’m 29 years old. Are you a student here? Peter — Yes, I’m learning web design. What are you studying? Susan — I’m learning software design. Nice to meet you! IT devices This section provides a general overview of IT devices so that students can brainstorm and learn new vocabulary linked to the field. 1. Do you know the name of these IT devices? a) Mouse b) Keyboard c) Virtual-reality goggles d) Controller e) Webcam f) QR code g) USB stick h) Headphones i) Laptop j) Smartwatch k) Router l) 3D printer 2. Now, let’s group the above IT devices into the following categories: Wireless Wired Virtual-reality goggles Controller QR code USB stick Laptop Smartwatch Mouse Keyboard Webcam Headphones Router 3D printer 3. Write down the name of the IT device described in each definition: a) A portable personal computer equipped with a touchscreen laptop b) A small device that lets you control various things on a computer mouse c) A machine for printing text or pictures printer d) A device with which you type on computers keyboard e) Technology used to connect computers with peripheral devices router f) A wearable device in the form of a watch smartwatch 4. Now, it’s your turn. Write a definition for two IT devices. Free answer. Accept any reasonable answers. ➥ Read out the definition to your classmates and see if they can guess the device you are describing. 6-INGLES para Informatica-Teacher’s book.indd 13 © Ediciones Paraninfo 7 Explicación del método Practicar la lengua: hablar y escribir 82 7. Answer key for Appendices Teacher’s book. Reset your Computer 7.1. Key to Quizzes Introductory Unit: Welcome to IT! Crosswords P H M O U 3 S E N M E A R T W U H E A D P H O N E S T B C S H T P R I N T E R C K Across 2. It has the name of an animal, but it is not an animal. 5. They are used to listen to music. 6. You can print whatever you want with it. Down 1. Secretaries use it for work. 3. It is a digital watch. 4. You can store your files on this device and carry them everywhere. Unit 1: Looking for a job in IT Word search Find eight words linked to the vocabulary of Unit 1: S O E P U N C T U A L Y N V V A Q C N G J Z L E I U K E Q X J W D R R B E U N Z N V P E E G N L V T P J O S L W E U L E P B E H Y L O T Q V E C E C B Y I L I J F R C Y S Z O K L C H E E I O B B P S O Y T I V I T A E R C F G C G K W O R K E R G Y I L E A D E R V Z L V 1. Creativity 2. Disloyal 3. Energetic 4. Follower 5. Skilled 6. Worker 7. Punctual 8. Leader 7-INGLES para Informatica-Teacher’s book.indd 82 22/6/23 8:47 252 11. Key to Glossary Teacher’s book. Reset your Computer UNIT 1: LOOKING FOR A JOB IN IT agile ágil ambitious ambicioso autónomo badly paid mal pagado caring atento challenging desafiante committed comprometido creative creativo creativity creatividad delivery person repartidor demanding exigente dependent dependiente disloyal desleal disobedient desobediente disorganised desorganizado driver conductor dull aburrido easy-going tranquilo/a efficiency eficiencia efficient eficiente energetic energético engineer ingeniero follower seguidor full-time tiempo completo good memory buena memoria hard-working gran trabajador helpdesk technician técnico de soporte técnico imagination imaginación inactive inactivo incompetent incompetente indifferent indiferente indoor interior inept inepto information security analyst analista de seguridad de la información interesting interesante intolerant intolerante Java developer desarrollador de java lazy perezoso leader líder leadership skills habilidades de liderazgo logical reasoning razonamiento lógico loyal leal manager mánager obedient obediente onsite en el sitio, presencial organisational skills habilidades de organización organised organizado outdoor al aire libre part-time tiempo parcial passionate apasionado permanent permanente problem solving skills habilidades para resolver problemas productive productivo programmer programador programming languages lenguajes de programación punctual puntual remote remoto repetitive repetitivo rewarding gratificante secretary secretaria serious serio skilled cualificado/a slow lento stressful estresante talented talentoso teamwork skills habilidades de trabajo en equipo tedious tedioso temporary temporal tireless incansable uncaring indiferente uncreative poco creativo unenthusiastic poco entusiasta unproductive improductivo unpunctual impuntual unskilled no cualificado unusual inusual varied variado web designer diseñador web well-paid bien pagado witty ingenioso/a worker trabajador UNIT 2: MY WORLD 2.0 Bluetooth bluetooth camera cámara capacity capacidad comfortable cómodo desktop computer ordenador de escritorio ergonomic ergonómico expensive caro external memory memoria externa fast rápido graphic tablet tableta grafica hard drive disco duro high definition alta definición inkjet tinta input device dispositivo de entrada mainframe computadora central memory memoria microphone micrófono operating operativo output device dispositivo de salida powerful poderoso processor procesador RAM memoria ram smartphone móvil 11-INGLES para Informatica-Teacher’s book.indd 252 22/6/23 8:52 100 © Ediciones Paraninfo Teacher’s book. Reset your Computer Photocopiable ENGLISH TEST – UNIT 1 Level 1 Mark Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Class: __________________________________ /100 R Reading 1. Read the text and tick the sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the text. (5 × 2 = 10 points) WORK FOR DIGITAL US Digital US is a leading company providing IT services and solutions located in Brentwood, California. We provide a variety of customer-centric services for online business. We are looking for a full-time experienced project assistant to join our team. The profile that we are looking for needs to be punctual, as in our company every second counts; committed, as our company is like a big family; and ambitious, as we offer excellent opportunities of promotion every year. We are looking for people who have: An IT-related diploma. Ability to meet deadlines. Effective verbal and written communication skills. B2 English level. Teamwork skills. At least two years of experience. Job functions: Track project progress. To monitor work plan executions. Coordinate and schedule project meetings. Assist in budget preparations. If you want to be part of our company, please send your CV and cover letter to and let us know why you consider you are the perfect candidate for the job. Include your contact details and we will contact you for a telephone interview! True False 1. Digital US is looking for a project manager. □ □ 2. They are looking for someone with experience on the field. □ □ 3. Their company is like a big family. □ □ 4. They are looking for people who speak English and French. □ □ 5. Teamwork skills are required for the job. □ □ 2. Circle the correct answer below. (5 × 2 = 10 points) 1. Digital US is … a) a leading IT company located in the United States. b) a customer centric company providing services for all type of business. 2. They are looking for … a) ambitious, punctual and reliable. b) committed, punctual and ambitious. Respuestas a todos los ejercicios Tests de todas las unidades y globales con extra tracks de audio y respuestas Soluciones a los apéndices Glosario
Inglés técnico para Administración, Comercio e Informática
Julia Teschendorff Cooper
Come on, let’s go.
1. Welcome to the world of work.
2. People and safety at work.
3. Information technology in today’s business.
4. Communication.
5. Administrative documents, tasks and duties.
6. Working in a customer service environment.
Libro de inglés específico para Formación Profesional, adaptado a las necesidades de los estudiantes.
Todos los ejercicios del libro se encuentran adaptados y están plenamente planteados en torno a la Administración, Comercio e Informática.
Todas las unidades contienen ejercicios tipo listening, interpretados por hablantes nativos de la lengua.
Teacher’s book de Inglés técnico para Administración, Comercio e Informática
ISBN: 9788428367271
Teacher’s book Inglés técnico Administración, Comercio e Informática GB All the listening files of the student's book are available at Inglés técnico Administración Informát Book.indd
© Ediciones Paraninfo 8
Válido para las siguientes familias: Administración y Gestión • Comercio y Marketing • Informática y Comunicaciones
Get Ahead at Work. Inglés para Administración y Comercio
M.ª José Carrasco Cabrera Manuela Fajardo Carrasco
1. Preparing to become a professional.
2. Looking for a job. Final Task I.
3. Landing the job.
4. Day-to-day. Final Task II.
5. Doing business.
6. Computing, Internet and Finance.
Final Task III.
Temas variados relacionados con Administración, Comercio y Turismo.
Actividades de vocabulario con un enfoque especial en el vocabulario en contexto.
Materiales de escucha relevantes.
Actividades comunicativas de expresión oral.
Práctica de pronunciación.
Teacher’s book de Get Ahead at Work. Inglés para Administración y Comercio
ISBN: 9788428367288
Textos de lectura interesantes de diferentes fuentes.
Práctica de escritura variada y útil.
Reflexión sobre el idioma aprendido en cada unidad.
Referencia gramatical con actividades adicionales. Glosario.
Válido para las siguientes familias: Administración y Gestión • Comercio y Marketing
Teacher’s book ADMINISTRACIÓN Y GESTIÓN COMERCIO Y MÁRKETING All the listening files of the student’s book are available at get ahead at work 2nd edition Inglés para Administración y Comercio M. JOSÉ CARRASCO CABRERA MANUELA FAJARDO CARRASCO Ahead para Comercio Book_2 © Ediciones Paraninfo 9
Get Well Soon! Inglés para Sanidad
1. Looking for a job. 2. A new colleague. PROJECT I. Looking for a job. PROJECT II. Video CVs. 3. The human body.
4. I need a doctor. PROJECT III.Health systems.
PROJECT IV. Food as medicine. 5. Patient care. 6. Latest trends in healthcare. PROJECT V. Donations.
PROJECT VI. Spanish innovations in health.
Válido para las siguiente familia: Sanidad
1. Looking for a job. 2. Healthy food. PROJECT I. Looking for a job. PROJECT II. Healthy eating. 3. At the restaurant.
4. Ready, steady, cook. PROJECT III. Typical restaurants.
PROJECT IV. Pubs. 5. Complaints. 6. Table etiquette.
PROJECT V. Cooking. PROJECT VI. Etiquette.
Válido para las siguiente familia: Hostelería y Turismo
1. Looking for a job in IT. 2. My world 2.0. PROJECT I. Looking for a job in IT. 3. IT systems run the business. 4. The World Wide Web.
PROJECT II. Web design. 5. E-Commerce. 6. IT in the office.
PROJECT III. IT devices in the future: Design your own device.
Appendices: I. Quizzes; II. Grammar test; III. Extra grammar; IV. Writing reference; V. Extra readings; VI. Listening scripts; VII. Irregular verbs; VIII. Glossary.
Válido para las siguiente familia: Informática y Comunicaciones
Reset your Computer. Inglés para Informática Blanca Jimena Díaz Cuetos
M. Milagros Esteban García New Table for Two. Inglés para Cocina y Restauración Milagros Esteban García • Pilar Rodríguez Arancón Teacher’s book ISBN: 9788428348669 INFORMÁTICA Y COMUNICACIONES thelisteningthestudent’s book availableat Teacher’s book Computer_2023_Teachers Teacher’s book ISBN: 9788428344975 M. MILAGROS ESTEBAN GARCÍA SANIDAD Table new method specifically tailored needs of students of the Formativos grado medio superior familia profesional Hostelería Turismo: Grado superior: Gastronomía. Dirección Servicios Restauración. Dirección Servicios de course students and necessary English to enable them to develop today’s professional of Cooking Restaurant The of the textbook follows the syllabus of studies and the self-reflexive of the Common European Framework of Reference Languages. New Two –a revised, improved and version previous edition– students can practice receptive productive skills the foreign listening, writing speaking, through up-to-date readings and motivating meaningful activities. and Vocabulary are the student’s so that use workbook Apart from individual and group work, students also be required work in teams searching for extra information order to their knowledge (projects, helpful websites, etc.). emphasis placed developing oral as communication will be crucial professional development features include: Varied topics related to Cooking Restaurant Extensive specific vocabulary activities. Grammar coverage and charts. listening municative activities. Interesting texts from sources. Varied useful writing practice. Self-assessment section unit. Warm-up and sections. The book helpful flexible guide teachers which includes teaching suggestions class solutions exercises as unit, term end-of-year tests two different of difficulty. the listening the student’s are available Get get well soon! Inglés para Sanidad MILAGROS ESTEBAN GARCÍA All listening files available Inglés para Sanidad Inglés para Sanidad TEACHER’S BOOK Teacher’s book ISBN: 9788428340021 © Ediciones Paraninfo 10
Let’s Switch On! Inglés para Electricidad y Electrónica
M. Milagros Esteban García
1. Looking for a job. 2. A new electrician. PROJECT I. Looking for a job. 3. Appliances. 4. My laptop needs to be serviced. PROJECT II. What kind of mobile suits me best? 5. Domotics. 6. Gadgets and telecommunications. PROJECT III. New gadgets.
Válido para las siguiente familia: Electricidad y Electrónica
Let’s Speed Up! Inglés para Automoción
M. Milagros Esteban García
1. Looking for a job. 2. A new mechanic. PROJECT I. 3. On wheels. 4. My car needs to be served. PROJECT II. 5. Breakdowns. 6. Motorbikes. PROJECT III. Appendices: I. Quizzes; II. Extra grammar; III. Extra readings; IV. Pronunciation; V. Numbers and measurements & other curiosities; VI. Accident reports, estimates and invoices; VII. Listening scripts; VIII. Glossary; IX. Irregular verbs.
Válido para las siguiente familia: Transporte y Mantenimiento de Vehículos
Todos los recursos de estos títulos están disponibles para descargar en la web de Paraninfo
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Teacher’s book ISBN: 9788428338295 MILAGROS ESTEBAN GARCÍA ELECTRICIDAD Y ELECTRÓNICA TEACHER’S BOOK listening available Switch on! let’s Inglés para Electricidad y InglésElectrónica Teacher’s book ISBN: 9788413661155 M. MILAGROS ESTEBAN GARCÍA TRANSPORTE Y MANTENIMIENTO DE VEHÍCULOS Speed Up! method specifi tailored to needs of students studying professional vocational courses mechanics Formativos familia profesional de Transporte Mantenimiento Vehículos content of this follows the of these provides with the necessary skills of the language them develop today’s professional world of and motor industry. Let’s Speed students can practise both the receptive and productive skill of foreign language – listening, reading, and speaking – through up-to-date texts and motivating meaningful activities. The book also grammar vocabulary so that students as too. Besides individual and class work, students will required to teams to for extra information expand their knowledge (projects, websites, Special emphasis placed on developing skills, as communication in English be crucial professional development. Key features Varied topics related the eld transport and motor vehicles. Extensive and vocabulary in context. Comprehensive basic grammar coverage and charts. Relevant listening materials. Communicative speaking activities. Interesting reading from different and useful practice. Self-assessment sections in every Appendices extra materials. Let’s Up! Let’s Speed up! Inglés para Sanidad MILAGROS ESTEBAN GARCÍA TEACHING RESOURCES Programación didáctica Listening Teacher’s (Libro Proyectable) resources teachers rmed Department publication recursos rme Departamento Promoción texto 978-84-1366-0912nd edition All listening les student’sbookareavailable TEACHER’S BOOK © Ediciones Paraninfo 11
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