February 2018

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February Newsletter 2018 Something new every Saturday for our ASEA Associates. Bobby Martin our Triple Diamond Upline in America is giving training for those who wish to join: Believe Belong & Become The webinar lasts for one hour. The first half an hour is a diamond from ASEA telling about their own journey and how they have created their business. The second half hour is the training portion. We are reading the book The Geometry of Success by Clay Stevens and as a group we are working through this book about 12 pages a week. It is great to get other’s opinions and feedback and you learn from listening and partaking in the group. Here is one of the Team Zoom Link from last week.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/c7da8ivjdkifpw0/TeamZoomDuyck.mp4?dl=0 For future calls login at: https://zoom.us The code for the call is: 505-249-2575 Time of call Saturday 4:00pm UK time Hope to see you on the call.

News From The Convention in Copenhagen We have just had the European Envision Conference. Due to circumstances way beyond my control I missed it which really upset me as I was so looking forward to going, and I only got as far as the Netherlands when disaster/ fog really struck. However, and there is always an however, I was able to visit an old friend from when we lived in the Netherlands and I helped her with the eczema on her face and we removed the itching within 30 minutes by spraying the face with ASEA and applying the Renu 28 every few minutes, so it was not a wasted journey in the end. Even though I missed the convention we do have some exciting news from the convention. We are getting a new health product that works in synergy with the Redox Signaling Molecules and it will be launched in March 2018.

This I feel will give us something new and help focus people to take action to care for their health in a more positive way. I have also been thinking how is the best way for us to explain these amazing molecules so I have put this together and hopefully you will find it helpful.

What are Redox Signaling Molecules? Redox Signaling Molecules are being manufactured in the cells of your body continually throughout the day. These molecules are like cell phone towers to cell phones & when you do not have enough of these crucial molecules your cells do not have clear communications & it becomes harder for these molecules to protect, repair and replace themselves. As we age the internal production of these Redox Signaling Molecules decline.

Due to environmental stress

For the first time in history this patented technology of ASEA & Renu 28 allows us to replenish these crucial communication molecules to help our bodies to become younger to become faster and stronger on a daily basis.

The company moto. Believe, Belong & Become We Believe through our own personal experience with ASEA and Renu 28, & by listening to the testimonials from others so that our belief becomes stronger. We Belong by dialling into the Charge Up Call to join with the ASEA Family each day to learn together. https://soundcloud.com/chargeupcall/tracks We Become better people & successful Associates by following, practising & mastering the ALIFT Process (Attitude, List, Invite, Follow-up, Teach) and the RI Training by Clay Stevens. Start one or two people a day through the ALIFT Process and you will grow a successful business. With the charge-up call we are taken through the ALIFT process on a weekly basis. A=Attitude – Monday’s call is to help improve attitude because your attitude will determine your altitude. L=List - Tuesday we talk about making our list. I=Invite - Wednesday we learn to invite people from our list to look at ASEA and to give us permission to share one of our tools to educate them about this phenomenal technology & opportunity. F=Follow Up - Thursday and here there is no exaggeration in saying that the fortune is in the follow up. As we follow up we are collecting a decision. T=Teach - Friday we teach business concepts, principles and pacific trainings. REMEMBER YOU ARE THE MESSENGER NOT THE MESSAGE. A few good books (available on Amazon) to get you on your path to success are: • • • • •

Six Figures in Six Months Ask, Listen Repeat Fast Start Geometry of Success Healthy Cells, Healthy Lives – Balancing Redox for better health.

We are truly all one ASEA Team.

Remember Visualisation is the Key to Success!

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