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Music practice of listening and interpretation with the score to work the two aspects, language and culture, at the same time.

Scores. All music activities scores are provided and adapted to the available instruments in the classroom and usual voices of the students.


Chrome’s music laboratory: apps that offer experiments and sound games, from sound waves to music composition with melodies and chords.

Body percussion activities and batucada.


The books starts with the global project “Traditional music” where the students must Include and connect all the skills and basic skills that they will see throughout the school year. This is a fun project to “learn by doing something” that allows the development of the teamwork skill, learning by competences and creativity.


Several proposals based on games individual, in small or big groups.

Musical equations: equivalence of music durations.

Dominoes: to work on the connection between notes and music silences.

Deck of sound cards: the four features of sound as the four suits in the deck with all the concepts and elements of the music language.

Game of goose: game with openended questions that encourages the cooperation in small groups and also creativity.

Sound riddles, crosswords, word search, typos, intruder...

Use of ITC

Deep use of the different apps by employing specific digital tools created for the music edition, experimentation and creation, interpretation and recording.

Initial context pages with illustration, introduction, scheme and specific chronological chart.

Music II

It focuses on the basic knowledge of Music contexts and cultures (C) that can be understood as history of music from the Occidental culture and, now with another new unit, of music from other cultures (“Music of the world”).

Section “Women in music” to specifically encourage the work about women in music already studied in the charts and the text.

Emotional learning work through the frame “Emotional responses to music”, created to give each student a vocabulary that allows the identification and expression of emotions.


The book starts with the global project “Final concert”, where the students must integrate the competences and basic knowledge learnt during the school year.

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