Tyshawn Sorey: For George Lewis

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SOREY EP 68782 For George Lewis for Chamber Orchestra Full PetersScoreContemporary Library

ALLE RECHTE VORBEHALTEN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EDITION PETERS LEIP ZI G · L ONDO N · NE W YOR K TYSHAWN SOREY POD PETERS on demand Commissioned by Alarm Will Sound Performing edition by Alan Pierson For George Lewis for Chamber Orchestra

The Vibraphones must be played with the motors switched completely off. Additionally the sustain pedals must be depressed for the entire duration of the performance

The Piano’s sustain and una corda pedals must be depressed for the entire duration of the Stringperformance.players will encounter sounding pitches with harmonic symbols directly above them which may, when indicated, be performed naturally or artificially. The choices regarding the manner of which these sounding pitches should be played (i.e. as natural or artificial harmonics) may be made at the discretion of the players.

All durations must sound as exact as possible and at full value. Additionally, all players (winds, brass, and strings) must perform all passages with no vibrato.

The Double Bass must be equiped with five strings. The lowest string must be tuned to the lowest A on the piano keyboard.

Instrumentation Flute/Alto Flute English Horn 2 Clarinets in BHornBassoonin FlügelhornF in BBass Trombone 2 ScoreStringsPianoVibraphonesinC

Performance Notes

All accidentals apply only to the notes which they precede and carry through a given measure, unless indicated otherwise.

Tyshawn(2019)SoreyFor George LewisScore in C Edition Peters 68782 © 2022 by C. F. Peters Corporation, New York


Describeders.combytheNew York Times as 2020’s “composer of the year,” Newark-born composer and multi-instrumentalist Tyshawn Sorey (b. 1980) is celebrated for his incomparable virtuosity, his effortless mastery and memorization of highly complex scores, and an extraordinary ability to blend composition and improvisation in his work. His highly acclaimed and prolifically recorded work as a jazz composer, bandleader and performer is intertwined with a growing catalogue of his music written for many of America’s most celebrated classical ensembles and soloists. He has composed works for the L.A. Philharmonic, the International Contemporary Ensemble, JACK Quartet, Jennifer Koh, Alarm Will Sound, the Seattle Symphony, and Lawrence Brownlee. Sorey joined the composition faculty of the University of Pennsylvania in the fall of 2020. Tyshawn Sorey wurde 1980 in Newark (New Jersey) geboren und 2020 in der New York Times als „Komponist des Jahres“ bezeichnet. Sorey, ein Komponist und Multinstrumentalist, wird für seine unvergleichliche Virtuosität, sein müheloses Einstudieren und Auswendiglernen von sehr komplexen Partituren und seine außergewöhnliche Fähigkeit, Komposition und Improvisation in seinen Werken zu verbinden, gepriesen. Seine hoch gelobte Musik, die er als Jazzkomponist, Bandleader und Interpret schuf, wird häufig eingespielt und er komponiert mehr und mehr Werke für die renommiertesten klassischen Musikensembles und Solisten in Amerika. Er komponierte Werke für die Los Angeles Philharmonic, das International Contemporary Ensemble, das JACK Quartet, Jennifer Koh, Alarm Will Sound, die Seattle Symphony sowie für Lawrence Brownlee.

RodgersJohn©Photo Tyshawn Sorey

Im Herbst 2020 übernahm Sorey einen Lehrstuhl im Fachbereich Komposition an der University of Pennsylvania.

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