Jamile Maeda e Silva
06photo / Shutterstock.com
INGLÊS Por falar nisso No meio da rotina, do cansaço do dia a dia, viajar parece a única solução que realmente nos faz descansar e recarregar as energias. Quando mudamos de cenário, tudo muda: prestamos atenção às ruas, às vitrines das lojas, ao verde da grama, ao azul do céu, detalhes que nos passam despercebidos no cotidiano. Mesmo que viajar possa custar caro, é sempre uma experiência que nos enriquece culturalmente, pois conhecemos novos sabores, novas formas de viver, de pensar, de interagir uns com os outros: expandimos nossos horizontes e evoluímos um pouco a cada interação. Independente do destino, a língua inglesa nos ajuda nessa experiência. Pelo menos, são 23 países em que se fala diariamente a língua inglesa. Crianças de todos os países da União Europeia, do Japão e de Hong Kong aprendem inglês nas escolas. Nas próximas aulas, estudaremos os seguintes temas
A05 A06 A07 A08
Falsos cognatos.............................................................................. 698 Formação de plural........................................................................ 706 Pronomes relativos........................................................................ 714 Pronomes reflexivos....................................................................... 726
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS nn Falsos cognatos nn Antes de começar nn Parecem, mas não são
FALSOS COGNATOS Antes de começar Leia o texto a seguir, transcrito do discurso de Malala Yousafzai, ativista paquistanesa que recebeu do governo canadense o título de cidadã honorária em abril de 2017. Bismillah hir rahman ir rahim. In the name of God, the most merciful, the most beneficent. Good afternoon. Bonjour. Assalaam-u-alikum. Pakhairraghlai. Mr. Prime Minister and Madame Gregoire Trudeau, Mr. Speaker, members of the House, members of the Senate, distinguished guests, my parents Ziauddin and Toor Pekai, people of Canada — thank you so much for the warm welcome to your country. This is my first trip to Canada, but not my first attempt. On Oct. 22, 2014, my father and I landed at the Toronto airport, excited for our first visit to your wonderful country. We soon learned that a man had attacked Parliament Hill — killing a Canadian soldier, wounding others and threatening leaders and civil servants in the building where I stand today. Canadian security professionals advised us to reschedule. With sorrow in our hearts, we headed back to England, promising to return to Canada one day.
Fonte: JStone / Shutterstock.com
The man who attacked Parliament Hill called himself a Muslim — but he did not share my faith. He did not share the faith of one and a half billion Muslims, living in peace around the world. He did not share our Islam — a religion of learning, compassion and mercy. I am a Muslim and I believe that when you pick up a gun in the name of Islam and kill innocent people, you are not a Muslim anymore. He did not share my faith. Instead, he shared the hatred of the man who attacked the Quebec City mosque in January, killing six people while they were at prayer. The same hatred as the man who killed civilians and a police officer in London three weeks ago. The same hatred as the men who killed 132 schoolchildren at Pakistan’s Army Public School in Peshawar. The same hatred as the man who shot me. These men tried to divide us and destroy our democracies, our freedom of religion, our right to go to school. But you refuse to be divided. Canadians — wherever they were born and however they worship — stand together. And nothing proves this more than your commitment to refugees. Around the world, we have heard about Canada’s heroes. […] Like the refugees in Canada, I have seen fear and experienced times when I didn’t know if I was safe or not. I remember how my Mom would put a ladder at the back of our house so that if anything happened we could escape. I felt fear when I went to school, thinking that someone would stop me and harm me. I would hide my books under my scarf. The sound of bombs would wake me up at night. Every morning I would hear the news that more innocent people had been killed. I saw men with big guns in the street. There is more peace in my home of Swat Valley, Pakistan today, but families like mine — from Palestine to Venezuela, Somalia to Myanmar, Iraq to Congo — are forced to flee their homes because of violence.
Figura 01 - Ativista paquistanesa Malala Yousafzai
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
“Welcome to Canada” is more than a headline or a hashtag. It is the spirit of humanity that every single one of us would yearn for, if our family was in crisis. I pray that you continue to open your homes and your hearts to the world’s most defenceless children and families — and I hope your neighbours will follow your example. (Disponível em: <www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/04/12/malala-yousafzais-inspirational-speech-after-becoming-an-honorary-canadian.html>. Acesso em: 20 abr 2017.)
DISCUSSÃO Tendo como inspiração a fala de Malala, discuta com seus colegas as seguintes questões:
ras decisões foi fechar as portas do país para pessoas de nacionalidade diferente. O Canadá, pelo contrário, abriu ainda mais suas portas para recebê-las melhor. O Brasil, por sua vez, também está de portas abertas para refugiados e, mais do que isso, é um país conhecido por sua miscigenação. Dê motivos de como abrir as portas para refugiados pode ajudar um país.
01. Você já conhecia a ativista Malala Yousafzai? Comente ou pesquise sobre sua história de vida e o motivo pelo qual ela luta, e como sua vida e luta se relacionam. 02. Refugiados são pessoas que são obrigados a deixar seus países de origem por motivos de guerra, perseguição devido à raça, religião, nacionalidade, associação a determinado grupo social ou opinião política. Nessa situação, buscam acolhimento em outros países e tentam se integrar à nova realidade. Após a posse de Donald Trump, em 2017, como presidente dos Estados Unidos da América, um de suas primei-
03. Muitos refugiados, ao chegar aos países aos quais pedem acolhimento, sofrem com outros problemas. Quais são eles? Cite, pelo menos, três. 04. O que o Brasil (tanto o governo quanto outras instituições) faz para melhorar a vida dos refugiados que nele vivem? Pesquise.
Neste módulo, você conhecerá alguns falsos cognatos para ajudá-lo a melhorar seu contato com a língua. Você já ouviu falar que as línguas, os idiomas, os dialetos têm famílias? Algumas são originais, outras derivadas... Essa classificação foi criada, porque, durante a história, as línguas foram mudando e se tornando outras por contato e dominações. Esse é o caso das línguas derivadas do latim: português, francês, espanhol, italiano e outras; por isso, essas línguas têm tanto em comum em estrutura e em vocábulos. A ORIGEM DA LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA INDO-EUROPEU Trocadiano
Trácio Esiavo
Armênio Bál co
Exemplo 2. Motivos que podem ser citados incluem altruísmo, miscigenação, evolução genética, enriquecimento, boa imagem internacional e outros.
Cél co Grego
Dácio Germânico
Exemplo 3. Sofrem com problemas de língua, pobreza, exclusão social, preconceito, desrespeito a sua própria cultura, falta de oportunidade de estudo, trabalho e outros.
La m
Italiano Romeno
Francês Franco-provençal
Sardo Português
Português Europeu
Português Brasileiro
Português Africano
Periodização da História da Língua Portuguesa Romano 218 a 419 d.C.
Germânico 218 a 419 d.C.
Galego-Português 218 a 419 d.C.
Português 1214 d.C. até hoje
Árabe 711 a 1249 d.C. Opirus/Arte
Pré-Românico até 218 a.C.
Exemplo 4. O Brasil acolhe refugiados e lhes dá todos os documentos necessários para regularizar sua situação, como o Cadastro de Pessoa Física-CPF, e tem programas de ingressos dessas pessoas em escolas e universidades. A ACNUR, Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados, também conhecido como Agência da ONU para Refugiados, tem o mandato de dirigir e coordenar a ação internacional para proteger e ajudar as pessoas deslocadas em todo o mundo e encontrar soluções duradouras para elas, inclusive em todo território nacional. E outras instituições menores, como o IMDH, Instituto Migrações e Direitos Humanos, arrecadam dinheiro e outras doações para os refugiados e são como o centro de informações para eles, auxiliando em processos jurídicos, na busca de emprego e de estudo. Por fim, existem núcleos nas universidades que lhes dão aulas de inglês gratuitamente.
Figura 02 - A origem da língua portuguesa e suas irmãs.
A05 Falsos cognatos
Exemplo 1. Em outubro de 2012, quando Malala tinha 15 anos, ela entrou em um ônibus escolar na província de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. Um homem armado chamou-a pelo nome, apontou-lhe uma pistola e disparou três tiros. Uma das balas atingiu o lado esquerdo de sua testa e percorreu o interior da pele, ao longo da face e até ao ombro. Nos dias que se seguiram ao ataque, Malala manteve-se inconsciente e em estado grave. No mesmo mês, um grupo de 50 clérigos islâmicos paquistaneses emitiu uma decisão jurídica contra os homens que a tentaram matar, mas os talibãs reiteraram a sua intenção de matá-la. A tentativa de assassinato desencadeou um movimento de apoio nacional e internacional. Hoje, Malala é conhecida principalmente pela defesa dos direitos humanos das mulheres e do acesso à educação na sua região natal do vale do Swat, na província de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no nordeste do Paquistão, onde os talibãs locais impedem as jovens de frequentar a escola. Desde então, o ativismo de Malala tornou-se um movimento internacional.
Fonte: Constantin Stanciu / Shutterstock.com
Na aprendizagem de uma nova língua, existem palavras que soam ou se escrevem de maneira similar à língua materna do aprendiz e que possuem, ainda, significados similares. Tais palavras são chamadas de cognatos e facilitam o entendimento. Falsos cognatos (false friends, em inglês), por sua vez, são palavras em duas línguas diferentes que parecem ou soam similares, mas que se distinguem em significado. O termo false friends, em inglês, vem emprestado do francês faux amis du traducteur, que quer dizer ‘falsos amigos do tradutor’, pois dificultam seu trabalho. Um bom exemplo é a a palavra inglesa sensible, que se parece com sensível, em português; apesar disso, sensible significa ‘feito ou escolhido com razão, com prudência; sensato’. Sensível, em inglês, é sensitive.
Figura 03 - Algumas palavras ou estruturas em inglês, como o uso de preposições, são, às vezes, nossos inimigos declarados: são difíceis de aprender, mas pelo menos confundem tanto quando falsos cognatos.
Parecem, mas não são Falsos cognatos são difíceis, porque não há pistas para reconhecê-los. Essa identificação vem com a prática e com a leitura. Mesmo assim, veremos alguns exemplos agora. Uma lista com alguns dos falsos cognatos mais comuns foi colocada ao final desta aula.
A palavra actually, em inglês, não significa ‘atualmente’, como parece; significa ‘na verdade’. Atualmente, em inglês, é nowadays.
Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
A05 Falsos cognatos
Figura 04 - I thought that the song “Bedtime story” was written by Madonna, but actually she just sings it. Even nowadays no one knows it was written by Björk.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Eventually, em inglês, significa ‘finalmente’, e não ‘eventualmente’, como se poderia pensar. Eventualmente, em inglês, é occasionally.
Figura 05 - My article wasn’t as comprehensive as I would like it to be, but there was no time left to enhance it. My teacher, though, was very understanding.
Figura 08 - Occasionally, my boyfriend would tease me saying we would get married. One day eventually, he asked me to marry him.
Fonte: Roman Bodnarchuk / Shutterstock.com
A palavra disgrace, em inglês, não significa ‘desgraça’, como parece; significa ‘vergonha’. Desgraça, em inglês, é misfortune.
Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
Figura 09 - Undercover boss is a TV show where senior executives work undercover, pretending to be employees in their own companies and intending to investigate how their firms really work and to identify how they can be improved, as well as to reward hard-working employees.
A palavra support, em inglês, não significa ‘suportar’, como parece; significa ‘apoiar’. Suportar, em inglês, é bear ou stand.
Figura 10 - I don’t get Lucca, he can’t stand his father, even though he is a very supportive man.
A05 Falsos cognatos
Figura 06 - A magician, master of deception and illusion, never reveals his tricks or else people would be disappointed in the fact that maybe magic doesn’t exist.
Pretend, em inglês, significa ‘fingir’, e não ‘pretender’, como se poderia pensar. Pretender, em inglês, é intend.
Fonte: VGstockstudio / Shutterstock.com
Fonte: Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com
Deception, em inglês, significa ‘enganação’, e não ‘decepção’, como se poderia pensar. Decepção, em inglês, é disappointment.
Figura 07 - The boy disgraced himself by lying to everyone and having the misfortune of people finding out.
Fonte: juefraphoto / Shutterstock.com
Fonte: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.com
A palavra comprehensive, em inglês, não significa ‘compreensivo’, como parece; significa ‘abrangente’. Compreensivo, em inglês, é understanting.
Inglês Questão 01. A palavra ingenuity é um falso cognato entre as línguas inglesa e portuguesa, pois parece significar “ingenuidade”, qualidade daquele que é ingênuo, inocente, simples, mas, na realidade, a palavra é corretamente traduzida para o português para “engenhosidade”, qualidade de quem é engenhoso, esperto.
Questão 03. a) The News TV Broadcast showed footage of the remains from the attack. b) I’ve got the flu, my nose is dripping and my body burns and aches. c) It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her white dress before the wedding. d) Please, give me that pinch of apple juice. e) The subtitles of the movie was too small and I couldn’t read it.
Exercícios de Fixação 01. Leia o texto seguinte, retirado de um livro do poeta Edgar Allan Poe, escritor romântico do século XIX, cujos trabalhos mais famosos são poemas e histórias curtas e macabras, e faça o que se pede. It may well be doubted whether human ingenuity can construct an enigma of the kind which human ingenuity may not, by proper application, resolve. Edgar Allan Poe. Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Nova Iorque: Pocket Books, 2007.
A palavra ingenuity é ou não um falso cognato entre a língua inglesa e a portuguesa? Se sim, traduza-a e explique com qual outra palavra ela poderia causar confusão. 02. Marque a única opção gramatical e semanticamente correta de acordo com a língua inglesa padrão. a) Our Physics teacher would occasionally bring news on the LHC to discuss in class. b) Posters were a common and effective way for the Communist advertisement. c) Senior President, please stop the war. d) He is so annoying, I can’t support him! e) Disney is the best diversion park in the world! 03. Encontre os erros semânticos presentes nos períodos a seguir e corrija-os, de acordo com a língua inglesa padrão. Atenção: há apenas uma palavra errada em cada período.
a) The News TV Emission showed footage of the remains from the attack. b) I’ve got the grip, my nose is dripping and my body burns and aches. c) It’s hazard for the groom to see the bride in her white dress before the wedding. d) Please, give me that jar of apple juice. e) The legend of the movie was too small and I couldn’t read it. 04. Traduza as afirmações a seguir para a língua inglesa padrão. a) O mais famoso lanche da tarde na Inglaterra é chá e biscoitos. b) Um tipo de almoço na Inglaterra é peixe com batatas fritas. c) A professora pediu que seus alunos resumissem os capítulos do livro que cairiam na prova. d) A professora pediu que sua aluna lhe enviasse seu currículo profissional. e) O atendimento no hotel foi cordial. f) Tenho de fazer um serviço de conserto no hotel em que trabalho. 05. (Ufac AC) All of words in each group are false cognates; EXCEPT one. a) abstract – romance – parents – faculty b) demand – cynic – amass – costume c) pretend – tax – gratuity – dissert d) cigar – audience – major - library e) factory – dream – knowledge – release
A05 Falsos cognatos
Exercícios Complementares 01. (ITA SP) Texto I A text familiar to many, George Orwell’s classic satire has cropped up on school reading lists ever since the year of its creation. Few readers can fail to be touched by the tragedy within, by its wonderful synthesis of unthreatening symbolism and incisive criticism. This familiarity is convenient since, as an adaptation, “Animal Farm” spends too littletime on the details of time and place. Instead, directors Joy Batchelor and John Halas thrust us directly into the depression that is Manor Farm, briefly explaining the situation with pictures and narration by Gordon Heath. (...) Sadly, Batchelor and Halas make it vital to have read Orwell’s biting satire on Soviet history before viewing “Animal Farm”, just to know what’s been left out. As it is, the film grasps the superficial aspects of Orwell’s allegoric fable without his deeper message. In missing so badly, we’re left with an impressive attempt that never matches up to its birthright.
Texto II Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely – and this is vividly and eloquently proved in Orwell’s short novel. “Animal Farm” is a simple fable of great symbolic value, and as Orwell himself explained: “It is the history of arevolution that went wrong”. The novel can be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale; in any case it tells a good story that aims to prove that human nature and diversity prevent people from being equal and happy, or at least equally happy. (...) In “Animal Farm”, Orwell describes how power turned the pigs from simple “comrades” to ruthless dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips. The story may be seen as an analysis of the Soviet regime, or as a warning against political power games of an absolute nature and totalitarianism in general. For this reason, the story ends with a hair-raising warning to all humankind: “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which”.
Questão 04 (exercícios de fixação). a) England’s most famous afternoon snacks are tea and biscuits. b) A type of lunch in England is fish and chips. c) The teacher asked her students to summarize the chapters of the book that upon which the test would be based. d) The teacher asked her student to send her his résumé. e) The hotel service was friendly. f) I’ve got to do some repairing job at the hotel where I work.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
(Fontes omitidas)
Os termos prevent from (texto II) e realize (texto III) significam, respectivamente: a) prevenir, compreender b) impedir, compreender c) prevenir, imaginar d) impedir, idealizar e) preparar, idealizar 02. (Uerg RS) While Thomas of Colmar was developing the desktop calculator1, a series of very interesting developments in computers was started in Cambridge, England, by Charles Babbage, a Mathematics professor. In 1812, Babbage realized6 that many long calculations9, especially those8 needed to2 make mathematical tables10, were really a series of predictable3 actions11 which12 were constantly repeated. From this he suspected that it should be possible to do these automatically. By 1822, he had a working model4 of the difference engine, an automatic mechanical calculating machine13. With financial help from the British government, Babbage started fabrication of the difference engine in 1823. It was intended to be steam powered5 and fully automatic, including the printing7 of the resulting tables, and commanded by a fixed instruction program15. The difference engine16, although having limited adaptability and applicability, was really a great advance17.Babbage20 continued to work on it14 for the next 10 years, but in 1833 he lost interest18 because he thought he had a better idea19− the construction21
of what would now be called a general purpose, fully programcontrolled, automatic mechanical digital computer22. Babbage called this idea an Analytical Engine23. (Texto adaptado a partir do sítio www.zynex.com/nanotech/babbage.html.)
Auxílio à leitura: desktop calculator (ref.1) − calculadora de mesa needed to (ref.2) − necessárias para predictable (ref.3) – previsíveis working model (ref.4) −protótipo powered (ref.5) − movido Assinale, dentre as propostas a seguir, a melhor tradução para a palavra realized (ref.6). a) reproduziu d) construiu b) realizou e) remodelou c) percebeu 03. United 93 Paul Greengrass’s account of how a single group of passengers, almost certain of death, decided on the morning of September 11, 2001, to fight back against hijackers on a suicide mission turns out to be – after much public anxiety about potential “exploitation” – an example of a hundred per cent professional filmmaking. Greengrass’s movie is tightly wrapped, unrelenting, and, no matter how exciting, superbly precise. For this story of semi-anonymous group heroism, he uses actual professionals (pilots, flight attendants, an air-traffic controller) mixed in with largely unknown actors, and avoids visual or verbal rhetoric. The handheld camera is an active participant in everything that’s going on – and still manages to see what it needs to see out of the corner of itseye. The avoidance of front-and-center staging makes us feel the uncertainty of an unprecedented situation. This is true existential filmmaking; in the end, the viewer’s dread is released in mad exhilaration as the passengers charge the hijackers with the force of water breaking through a dam. (Adapted from The New Yorker.)
A palavra actual, no texto, é sinônima de: a) dramatic b) current c) true d) contemporary e) modern 04. (Unifei MG)
Border Security Bill On September 29th, 2006, in the final hours prior to the fall election break, the Senate voted 80 to 19 to approve 700 miles of fence in high traffic, non-mountainous sections of the border. President Bush signed the bill in Phoenix, Arizona, while calling again for “comprehensive reform” of immigration policies, including what his conservative base decries as effective “Amnesty”. Based on statements of a wide cross section of Senators, both Republican and Democrat, there is little chance of any actual construction to begin during the remainder of the 703
A05 Falsos cognatos
Texto III When the farm’s prize-winning pig, Old Major, calls a meeting of all the animals of Manor Farm, he tells them that he has had a dream in which mankind is gone, and animals are free to live in peace and harmony. (...). When Old Major dies, (...) Snowball and Napoleon assume command, and turn his dream into a full-fledged philosophy. One night, the starved animals suddenly revolt and drive the farmer Mr.Jones, his wife, and his pet raven off the farm and take control. The farm is renamed “Animal Farm” as the animals work towards a future utopia. The Seven Commandments of the new philosophy of Animalism are written on the wall of a barn for all to read, the seventh and most important of which is that “all animals are equal” (...). Many years pass, and the pigs learn to walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single phrase: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs, and the humans of the area (in the adjacent Foxwood Farm run by Mr. Pilkington), who congratulate Napoleon onhaving the most hard working animals in the country on the least feed. Napoleon announces his alliance with the humans against the labouring classes of both “worlds”. The animals discover this when they overhear Napoleon’s conversations and finally realize that a change has come over the ruling pigs. During a poker match, an argument breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, and the animals realize how they cannot tell the difference between the pigs and the humans.
Bush administration. A trial “virtual fence” will be tested in a 28-mile section for 8 or more months, prior to making any final construction plans for a physical fence, according to statement made on October 6th by the Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff. A positive vote by prominent Democrats such as Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer suggest that some assurances were made to the Democrats and Bush-supporting Republicans, that a “go slow” policy would be applied by the Executive branch regarding actual construction. Michael Chertoff is given general discretion in all these matters. Chertoff is on record as favoring a “virtual fence” over a physical barrier. The Secure Fence Act of 2006 was signed by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2006
Copy, from the text, the words that mean the same as: a) All-inclusive, complete, full, broad a) comprehensive b) Real, genuine b) atual c) Guarantee, declaration, confidence, certainty c) assurances d) policies d) Guidelines, procedure, rule e) Proposal, measure, proposed law, document e) bill 05. (Unifei MG) Your Time Their Future Frank could have been the average American teen-ager. But with profound family, drug and behavioral problems, and almost completely without resources, Frank was anything but average. He’d drifted into an alternative school for troubled youths, where, despite1 special classes, Frank’s principal still considered him “the worst5 kid of the whole lot2.” Clearly, Frank was in a downward spiral with little hope of reversing the direction. However, Elizabeth Muller, program coordinator at the Freeport Youth Outreach Center, refused to give up on the teen-ager. She matched him with a mentor, Dr. Lawrence Brennan, who found Frank an after-school job. More importantly, Dr. Brennan promised to meet with Frank for a few hours every week to talk and relax, and eventually3 to become a friend and confidant. The results were powerful. In one semester, Frank switched from the alternative school to a regular junior high school andbecame an honor roll student. Since then he has never missed a class, mentor meeting or day of work. “All he needed4 was to be given some purpose and direction,” Brennan says. Encarte do Reader’s Digest, October 1998
A05 Falsos cognatos
De acordo com o texto, como você traduz eventually (ref. 3)? a) possivelmente d) casualmente b) eventualmente e) certamente c) finalmente 06. (Puc Campinas SP) “Ele acabou descobrindo o Word”, corresponde, em inglês, a a) he finished discovering Word. b) he finished to find out Word. c) he eventually found out Word. d) he eventually discovered Word. e) he ended to discover Word. 704
07. (Escs DF) (1) Fears are growing that the tourism industry in many Caribbean states could suffer if Barack Obama, US presidentelect, decides to weaken or lift a long-standing US embargo on Cuba. (2) US passport holders are now banned from going to Cuba. But if American tourists, the Caribbean’s biggest group of visitors, were granted unrestricted access to what is potentially the region’s largest tourism destination, a “seismic shift” could hit the region, said Rafael Romeu, an International Monetary Fund economist who has studied the issue. (3) What exactly an Obama administration will do on Cuba remains unclear. (4) But any shift allowing US travel to the Caribbean’s largest island could represent the single most significant change in US policy towards the region and its economies. (5) While Cuba has suffered from strict trade barriers for the past half-century, the rest of the region has benefited as a result. (6) Now, however, they will need to act quickly to prepare themselves for a large loss in what amount to implicit trade preferences – or suffer the consequences, said Mr. Romeu. (7) Destinations most vulnerable are those that depend most heavily on US tourists, such as the Bahamas and Cancún, while others that have a higher proportion of European visitors, such as the Dominican Republic and Barbados, would be less affected. (8) MrRomeu expects a net increase of more than 10 per cent in the region’s tourists as costs of visiting fall. About 1.4m people visit Cuba each year– compared with 1.5m for the Bahamas, 2m for Cancún, 2.3m for the Dominican Republic, 1.3m for Jamaica and 2.9m for Puerto Rico. (9) But Cuba is expected to receive as many as 3.5m American visitors alone if the US changes its policy. John Rapley, of the Caribbean Policy Research Institute based in Jamaica, said that since Cuban tourism was mostly directed towards the lower end of the market, one solution was for other islands to develop a higher end product. By Benedict Mander in Caracas. Financial Times - November 9 2008
False friends are pairs of words in two languages that look and/ or sound similar, but differ in meaning. The option that contains an example of a false friend is: a) potentially (p.2). b) fund (p. 2). c) seismic (p.2). d) policy (p.4). e) region (p. 5). 08. (UFPI) Gang violence grips Brazil State Attacks are continuing in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo where a wave of coordinated violence since Friday has left at least 81 people dead. Overnight, gangs torched9 buses5, targeted banks and maintained their attacks on police patrols and stations. At least 23 people were killed in the latest fighting10, officials said. Authorities say the unrest is being directed from inside jail by a criminal gang14
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
www.bbc.news Monday, 15 May 2006
O significado da palavra “facilities” (ref. 20), no texto é: a) facções. d) viaturas. b) facilidades. e) faculdades. c) instalações.
09. (UFRGS) 1 ”Seattle has a deep wateriness”, says British- 2bom author and avid sailor Jonathan Raban, who 3has been a resident of the Washington city for 4more than a decade. “It’s a basic constituent of 5the architecture that everything is reflected. The 6sight of the city ‘sitting’ on Elliott Bay on a calm 7day is extraordinary.” 8 Indeed, water is the soul of Seattle. From Elliott 9Bay, in the city’s west side, ferries set sail for 10Bainbridge Island and container and cruise ships 11dock. Lake Union rests in the center of the city, 12and its arms cut off the north end. To the east lies 13vast Lake Washington, a physical barrier between 14Seattle and its expansive suburbs. Most vantage15points include a glimpse of water, either still and 16shimmering or angry and capped with white. When 17the clouds can hold no more moisture, water rains 18down, washing the pavements dean and drenching 19the green lawns and elaborate gardens of the city. 20 The peculiar and complex intersections of land 21and water in Seattle have created geographical 22and philosophical boundaries and divisions. One 23result is in the city’s many distinct and self- 24contained neighborhoods. It’s not uncommon to 25 meet someone who has lived in a single areasince 26birth, and Seattleites are fiercely loyal to their 27neighborhoods. No one is prouder than a local of 28the isolated hamlet of Magnolia or the former 29hippie redoubt of Wallingford, for instance. Residents 30 in each neighborhood still consider it to be the 31center of the universe. There is a neighborhood for 32everyone. 33 Even if natives should treasure an urge to get 34out and see the world, it seems more than likely 35that they will eventually return. It’s as if the soft 36rains and mild temperatures that allow trees and 37plants to flourish so abundantly somehow also 38permeate those who live here, encouraging familial 39roots to take hold. 40 In 1851, it was water that first attracted Arthur 41Denny’s clan, among the first settlers who left 42Illinois by covered wagon to seek riches in the 43Oregon Territory. After learning of plentiful 44 resources to the north, Denny and his group sailed 45to what is now Alki Beach in West Seattle. They 46eventuaíly established what became Pioneer 47Square. History may be young in this port town, 48but its grasp on the collective Northwest spirit is 49possibly stronger than that in any older, more 50storied East Coast city. Adapted from: Elle Decor, v. 16, p. 66-80, Mar. 2005.
A expressão vantage points (ref. 14-15) significa, em português, a) pontos estratégicos. b) pontos de vantagem. c) vantagem nos pontos. d) estratégia pontual. e) pontos avantajados. 10. (Ufac AC) When did the doctor attend the conference? O significado do verbo ATTEND neste contexto é: a) cuidar. b) servir. c) acompanhar. d) atender. e) assistir. 705
A05 Falsos cognatos
after hundreds of its13 members were sent to maximum security prisons. Correspondents say the violence is an escalation of what many in Sao Paulo are calling a war between the state authorities and the First Command of the Capital (PCC) criminal faction. Uprisings are said to have been quelled at some 40 jails1, but officials are also struggling to restore order in 29. About 120 people are still being held hostage. Unrest has also been reported in some prisons in neighbouring11 states, including Mato Grosso do Sul and Parana. Following a meeting with the Brazilian president, Justice Minister Marcio Thomaz Bastos is on his way to Sao Paulo to offer the use of both the army and8 an elite police unit. Petrol Bombs Heavily armed gangs held up more than 60 buses15 during a third night of extreme violence in Sao Paulo, clearing6 the passengers off and then setting the vehicles alight. Molotov cocktails were hurled into7 several bank branches and across Sao Paulo city, police stations again came under attack by gangs wielding machine guns, machetes and home-made bombs. There were also several fatal shoot-outs. On Monday morning, bus terminals and underground stations were closed amid fears of further attacks, making it impossible for many people to get to work. Many worried parents kept their children away from school18. The attacks and riots began on Friday after 700 jailed PCC members were transferred to higher-security facilities20. Violence was reported in various parts of Greater Sao Paulo, as well as towns along the coast, including Guaruja, Santos and Cubatao, and towns in the interior of the state. Despite the violence, the governor of Sao Paulo state4, Claudio Lembo, has said local authorities can cope, but Brazilian newspapers report that the federal government is eager to send troops to restore order. Mobile Phones A local public safety official told the Associated Press that authorities had been prepared for a PCC response to the jail transfers but “never imagined it would be so big or ferocious”. According to authorities, 38 gunmen and 39 police officers and prison guards are among the dead. Those who saw the killing of one police officer said two men wearing12 masks had approached and shot him16 in the head as2 he dined with his wife17. Founded in 1993, the PCC has been involved in drugs and arms trafficking, kidnappings, bank robberies, and prison breaks and rebellions, police say. The power of the faction has been heightened in recent years21 by the availability of mobile phones, smuggled through prison security3, enabling members to run criminal activities from the safety of their cells. In November 2003, the gang attacked more than 50 police stations19, killing three police officers and wounding 12. Those attacks were thought to have been orchestrated by PCC leaders in jail.
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS nn Formação de plural nn Antes de começar nn Indicadores de multiplicidade
FORMAÇÃO DE PLURAL Antes de começar Viajar para locais diferentes, principalmente para o exterior, é uma experiência muito gratificante, pois amplia horizontes: conhecer outras culturas ensina o respeito ao diferente, estudar outras histórias coloca em perspectiva a nossa própria. Isso tudo sem falar nas belezas naturais e naquelas construídas pelo homem, que encantam e intrigam. Antes de viajar, é recomendado conhecer previamente algumas regras de comportamento do local, para não ser mal-educado ou, pior, infringir alguma lei sem saber. Leia algumas regras de conduta sobre como se comportar durante jantares e saídas nos Estados Unidos e no Reino Unido e discuta as questões que as seguem. Etiquette in the USA: dining and entertainment nn Americans conduct business over breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some socializing
may start off the meal, but often the conversation will revolve around business. a business setting the person extending the invitation to a meal pays for it. nn The fork is held in the left hand, tines facing down. The knife is held in the right hand. After cutting the food, the knife is laid down and the fork is switched to the right hand to eat the cut food. Continental style (where the fork stays in the left hand to eat the cut food) is perfectly acceptable. nn Your napkin should be placed on your lap shortly after you are seated and kept on your lap at all times during the meal. Do not tuck your napkin under your chin. nn Raise your hand or index finger and make eye contact to signal a server. nn Do not be late for a dinner party. Arrive within 5 to 15 minutes after the time on the invitation. Never arrive before the time you were invited. If you are going to be more than 15 minutes late, phone your hosts and apologize. nn Never begin eating until everyone is served and your hosts have begun. Offer food or drink to others before helping yourself. Serve all women at the table first. nn If offered a second helping of food, feel free to take what you like. Americans like people to eat a lot. nn When you are invited to an event, it is very important to call or drop a note letting the host know if you will attend. That said, Americans are notorious for not responding to invitations. nn Do not be afraid of hurting someone’s feelings by responding “no” to an invitation. People will be offended if you say you will attend and then do not come. nn If an invitation reads “6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.,” leave very close to the ending time stated. nn Americans tend to eat more quickly than people from other countries. Dining in the United States is seldom the long, lingering event it is in much of the world. The point is more often to eat rather than socialize and savor the meal. nn In
Fonte: Syda Productions / Shutterstock.com
Figura 01 - Having dinner with friends in Brazil is the same as the USA or in the UK?
Disponível em: <www.ediplomat.com/np/cultural_etiquette/ce_ us.htm>. Acesso: em 10 abr. 2017.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Etiquette in the United Kingdom: dining and entertainment nn Summon
a waiter by raising your hand. Don’t wave or shout. nn Most business entertaining is done at restaurants or pubs over lunch. The host, the one who extends the invitation, pays the bill. nn Do not discuss business at dinner in someone’s home unless the host initiates the conversation. nn In England, when invited to someone’s home, arrive at least 10-20 minutes after the stated time. Never arrive early. In Scotland and Wales, arrive on time. nn A male guest of honor is seated at the head of the table or to the right of the hostess. A female guest of honor is seated to the right of the host. nn Wait for your host to begin eating before you eat. nn At a formal dinner, do not smoke until after the toast to the Queen or until otherwise indicated by the host. nn Keep your hands on the table at all times during the meal – not in your lap. However, take care to keep your elbows off the table. nn When finished eating, place knife and fork side by side on the plate at the 5:25 position. nn You should leave a very small amount of food on your plate when finished eating. nn When the host folds his napkin, this signals that the meal is over. nn Leave a dinner party shortly after dinner ends. nn Write a thank you note to the hostess. nn It is considered impolite to ask for a tour of your host’s home. nn Entertain anyone who has entertained you, but don’t try to impress British guests with an extravagant dinner. The Brits prefer understatement. Disponível em: <www.ediplomat.com/np/cultural_etiquette/ce_gb.htm>. Acesso: em 10 abr. 2017.
DISCUSSÃO 01. Quais modos no Brasil são diferentes e como são diferentes dos modos no Estados Unidos? Há similaridades? 02. Quais modos no Brasil são diferentes e como são diferentes dos modos no Reino Unido? 03. Você acha que é importante conhecer a cultura e modo de se portar do local para qual se vai viajar? Por quê? Dê exemplos para ilustrar seu ponto de vista. 04. Liste, com seus colegas, algumas regras de conduta em relação a jantares e festas no Brasil. Você acha que temos mais ou menos regras que os outros dois países e por quê?
Neste módulo, você aprenderá sobre a formação do plural na língua inglesa, que é um pouco diferente em relação ao português.
Exemplo 01. Exemplos incluem, além de outros, não falar sobre negócios nas refeições, poder chegar atrasado a jantares, poder comer antes do anfitrião, poder responder que vai a um evento e depois não ir é melhor do que dizer “não”. Pode-se citar que uma similaridade é que brasileiros também gostam de pessoas que comem muito, que repetem pratos etc. Exemplo 02. Exemplos incluem, além de outros, acenar para o garçom ou chamá-lo por nomes como “garçom”, “amigão” etc.; não há problema em falar sobre negócios antes do anfitrião; não há lugar designado para o anfitrião na mesa; pode-se pedir para conhecer a casa do anfitrião. Exemplo 03. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 04. Exemplos incluem chegar uma hora, pelo menos, atrasado a festas; repetir o prato; aceitar marmitas – o que sobrou do jantar em vasilhas – para levar; sair logo depois do parabéns etc.
A06 Formação de plural
O plural em inglês não é tão simples quanto em português. Ainda que, para algumas palavras, seja necessário apenas adicionar um -s ao final das palavras, outras possuem plurais irregulares que podem confundir durante a leitura caso você os desconheça. Palavras com plurais irregulares não possuem regras específicas, por isso a prática e a leitura o ajudarão nesta tarefa.
Indicadores de multiplicidade Existem algumas regras para a formação do plural em inglês: nn Adição
de -s: cat> cats; book > books; game> games; nn Adição de -es a substantivos terminandos em -ss; -ch; -s; -sh; -x: class > classes; watch > watches; glass > glasses; wish > wishes; box > boxes; 707
nn Adição de -ies a substantivos terminados em consoante +-y: lady> ladies; country
> countries; party > parties; nn Adição de -s a substantivos terminados em vogal + -y: boy > boys; day > days; play > plays; nn Algumas palavras possuem plurais irregulares: man > men; woman > women; child > children; foot > feet; person > people; tooth > teeth; mouse > mice; ox > oxen; nn Algumas palavras mantêm seu plural em latim: bacterium > bacteria; maximum > maxima; alga > algae; thesis > theses; vortex > vortices. Repare, porém, que as palavras dadas como exemplo acima são substantivos contáveis (podem ser contadas por unidade). E os substantivos incontáveis? Alguns deles não são colocados no plural: nn Substâncias:
milk, cream, sugar, flour, water, wine; peace, beauty, entertainment, freedom; nn Sentimentos: anger, joy, honesty, pride; nn Atividades: homework, sleep, surveillance. nn Conceitos:
Para se referir a quantias, usamos some, a lot of, a piece of e afins. Can you get me a slice of that bread? Some peace would be nice for a change. She has a lot of hope inside her. My sons needs so little surveillance it’s curious. Outros substantivos estão sempre no plural: My pair of scissors are missing. Those sunglasses are very dark.
A06 Formação de plural
Fonte: Daxiao Production / Shutterstock.com
The police are waiting outside your house!
Figura 02 - The milk is all over the floor. Let me clean this up while you get me some more bottles of milk.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Exercícios de Fixação 02. (UFRR)
By Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller
As spiritual beings, we are responsible for actualizing the potential holiness that God imbues in each moment. One of the easiest questions to answer is: “What time is it?” One of the most difficult questions to answer is: “What is time?” We measure time’s passage by hours, days, months, and years, but what is the elusive reality that we are measuring? A physicist would answer that time is the way that we measure the rotations and revolutions of the heavenly bodies. But while the movement of the heavenly bodies is circular, the human sense of time is linear. On the physical level, the earth turns around today just like it turned around yesterday. On the deepest level, however, we know that yesterday should not be just a repetition of today, and this year should not be just a repetition of last year. We understand intuitively that our lives must move not in circles, but in spirals, with every rotation higher than the preceding one. We also know that time runs out, and our bodies can endure only a certain number of years before they perish. This subconscious awareness of own mortality also colors our relationship to time and its passage. www.aish.com/literacy/concepts/What_Is_Time$.asp
A palavra ‘bodies’ está no plural. Marque a alternativa que apresenta a palavra que segue a mesma regra para a formação do plural. a) knife b) toy c) potato d) city e) foot
A THE YOUNG ROOSTER A young Rooster was summoned to his Father’s bedside. “Son, my time has come to an end,” said the aged bird. “Now it is your turn to crow up the morning sun each day.” The young Rooster watched sadly as his 5Father’s life slipped away. Early the next morning, the young Rooster flew up to the roof of the barn. He stood there, facing the east. “I have never done this before,” said the Rooster. “I must try my best.” He lifted his head and crowed. A weak 10and scratchy croak was the only sound he was able to make. The sun did not come up. Clouds covered the sky, and a damp drizzle fell all day. All of the animals of the farm came to the Rooster. “This is a disaster!” cried a Pig. 15 “We need our sunshine!” shouted a Sheep. “Rooster, you must crow much louder,” said a Bull. “The sun is ninety-three million miles away. How do you expect it to hear you?” Very early the next morning, the young Rooster 20flew up to the roof of the barn again. He took a deep breath, he threw back his head and CROWED. It was the loudest crow that was ever crowed since the beginning of roosters. The animals on the farm were awakened from their sleep with a start. 25 “What a noise!” cried the Pig. My years hurt!” shouted the Sheep. “My head is splitting!” said the Bull. “I am sorry,” said the Rooster, “but I was only doing my job.” 30 He said this with a great deal of pride, for he saw, far to the east, the tip of the morning sun coming up over the trees. A first failure may prepare the way for later success. O plural de “sky”, “roof”, “day” e “barn” está contemplado na alternativa: a) skys, roves, dais e barnes. b) skys, roofs, days e barnes. c) skies, roofs, days e barns. d) skies, rooves, days e barns. e) skyses, roofs, day e barn. 03. (Udesc SC) The Seven Wonders of the World 1 The ancient Greeks loved to compile lists of the marvelous structures in their world. Though we think of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as a single list today, there were actually a number of lists compiled by different Greek writers. Antipater of Sidon, and Philon of Byzantium, 4drew up two of the most well-known lists. Many of the lists agreed on six of the seven items.
A06 Formação de plural
01. (UFR RJ)
The final place on some lists was awarded to the Walls of the City of Babylon. On others, the Palace of Cyrus, king of Persia took the seventh position. Finally, toward the 6th century A.D., the final item became the Lighthouse at Alexandria. Since it was the Greeks who made the lists it 8is not unusual that many of the items on them were examples of Greek culture. The writers might have listed the Great Wall of China if then had known about it, or Stonehenge if they’d seen it, but these places were beyond the limits of their world. It is a surprise to most people to learn that not all the Seven Wonders existed at the same time. Even if you lived 12in ancient times you would have still needed a time machine to see all seven. While the Great Pyramids of Egypt was built centuries before the rest and is still around today (it is the only “wonder” still intact) most of the others only survived a few hundred years or less. The Colossus of Rhodes stood only a little more than half a century before an earthquake 16toppled it. (Texto retirado do web site www.cleveleys.uk/wonders/sevenwondersoftheworld, em 15 de outubro de 2005.)
Choose the right alternative, in the singular for “…but these places were beyond the limits…”. a) …but that place were beyond the limit… b) …but these place was beyond a limit… c) …but this place was beyond the limit… d) …but this place were beyond the limit… e) …but that place was beyond the limit… 04. (Uesc SC)
A06 Formação de plural
Chocolate could be good for you, especially if you sniff it2, reports The Sunday Times. Scientists at the University of Westminster made the discovery while3 studying how pleasurable experiences affect the immune system. The team monitored a group of people4 who were exposed to the smell of chocolate and that of rotting meat. They found that the physiological response to the two odors differed: the smell of chocolate boosted1 the immune system, while5 rotting meat made it less effective. Gender also made a difference. Women6 had the more extreme psychological responses to the smell, while men7 had the biggest physiological ones. CHOCOLATE sniffers. Speak Up, São Paulo, ano12 , n. 144, 1999. p. 13.
In the text, “people” (ref.4), “Women” (ref.6) and “men” (ref.7) a) are in the singular form. b) don’t have a singular form. c) take an “s” to form the plural. d) are examples of regular plural nouns. e) are examples of irregular plural nouns. 05. (Unifor CE) “Tsunami” is the Japanese word meaning tidal wave. A tidal Wave is a large sea wave caused by a submarine earthquake or volcanic explosion. When the ocean floor is tilted or offset during an earthquake, a set of waves is created. These waves are similar to the concentric waves generated by an object dropped into the water. Usually tsunamis move entirely across an ocean to the shore. A tsunami can have wavelengths of 60 to 120 mi and may reach speeds of 800 km/h. When the wave enters shallow waters, the wave, which may have been half a meter high out at sea, grows rapidly. When the wave reaches the shore, it may be 50 ft. high or more. Tsunamis have incredible energy because of the great volume of water affected. They bring waves of destruction capable of killing thousands of residents along the coast. Towering walls of water have struck populated coastlines with such fury that entire towns have been destroyed. In 1896 a population of 20,000 inSanriku, Japan werewiped out. Tsunamis have resulted in waves as high as 135 ft. above normal sea level. When a tsunami strikes the shore, it creates a number of waves with troughs that are lower than normal sea level. Each following wave is higher than the one before it. The period between waves is 10 to 30 minutes. This usually gives people ample time to escape to high ground after the first wave. Most tsunamis originate along the Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire is an area of [VOLCANO] and of seismic activity 24,000 mi long. It encircles the Pacific Ocean. Since the year 1819, more than 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaiian Islands. A tsunami warning system has been developed in areas such as Hawaii, where many devastating tidal waves occur. Hawaii, the highest risk area, averages one tsunami every year with a damaging occurrence every 7 years. Alaska, also at high risk, averages a tsunami every 1.75 years and a damaging event every 7 years. The warnings are provided by seismograph records. Seismographs help determine the location of where a submarine earthquake occurred. These earthquakes usually originate in one of the deep trenches in the Pacific Ocean floor. (http://library.thinkques t.org/16132/html/tsunami.html)
No texto, a forma correta de [VOLCANO] é a) volcanes. b) volcani. c) volcanoes. d) volcano’s. e) volcanos’.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Exercícios Complementares
by Alex Shoumatoff
The paper industry is destroying11 one of America’s last great stands of native forest25 to bring you fresh shopping12 bags and toilet paper. If there were an international tribunal that prosecuted9 crimes against the planet, like the one in The Hague that deals23 with crimes against humanity, what is happening22 on the Cumberland Plateau in eastern Tennessee would undoubtedly be indictable. The crime -- one of many clandestine ecocides American corporations are committing1 around the world -- has taken2 place28 over three decades. About 200,000 acres on this tableland have already been clear-cut30 by the paper industry, and the cutting13 continues3. Where once grew10 some of the most biologically rich hardwood forest in North America’s Temperate Zone (which extends4 from the Gulf of Mexico to southern Canada), there are now row after row of fast-growing loblolly pine trees genetically engineered to yield the most pulp in the shortest time. But the paper industry’s insatiable appetite26 for timber has met5 with unexpected competition from an equally voracious insect. In the last four years, an estimated 50 to 70 percent of the pines planted6 on the plateau have been devoured31 by the southern pine beetle. The entire South has been ravaged32 by the worst outbreak in its history of this native predator of pine trees, caused by the tremendous increase in the amount of pine available for it to eat on the industry plantations that have replaced20 the native forest. Unable to salvage its dead timber, the paper industry has been losing17 hundreds of millions of dollars. Yet it seems7 still committed to destroying16 what remains24 of the extraordinarily lush forest on the Cumberland Plateau, which, along with eastern Tennessee’s Great Valley and the Cumberland Mountains, has the highest concentration of endangered species in North America. The loss of biodiversity is tragic but also absurd economically; it doesn’t even make good business sense. Not many people are aware of what is taking14 place33. Nearly 90 percent of the Cumberland Plateau is in private hands and exempt from all but a few government regulations18. The federal and state agencies that are supposed to be regulating the paper, timber, and mining15 industries are populated with34 these companies’ former executives and have come29 to view these industries as clients whose permits and projects should be facilitated35 rather than scrutinized. But a quarter of the world’s paper27 and 60 percent of America’s wood products are being19 produced36 in the South, and the will to address the abuses of the paper industry, which contributes8 millions of dollars to the campaign coffers of politicians around the country, just isn’t there -- certainly not in Tennessee.
There’s another reason for the lack of public awareness: Much of the devastation is hidden from view by thin “beauty strips” of native forest left along the plateau’s highways. The only way to get the full picture is to go up in a small plane and see it from the air. Vocabulário loblolly pine – espécie de pinheiro beetle – besouro, inseto timber – madeira to ravage – devastar Indique o singular correto das palavras businesses, treasures, oxen, agencies, species: a) busines, treasury, oxen, agencie, species b) business, treasure, ox, agency, species c) businesses, treasure, oxen, agencie, specie d) business, treasury, oxe, agency, specy 02. (Ufac AC) As palavras city, country, variety, irony, venality terminam todas em -es na forma plural. Assinale a alternativa cujas palavras não têm a forma plural em -es : a) box, brush, church, bus, cross b) half, tomato, shelf, elf, knife c) cliff, cuff, piano, dynamo, moth d) hiss, bliss, mass, fuss, dress e) potato, wish, business, whiz, quiz 03. (Uneb BA) Tall people earn more
Researchers in Australia have found that tall people earn higher wages than their shorter counterparts. They also found that chubby people earn more than those who are skinny. 5 The long and short of this Australian report is that tall workers earn significantly more than their vertically challenged counterparts. A six foot man can expect an income of almost $750 a year. The researchers found there were practical reasons 10why the size gap translated into a pay gap. Tall people were sometimes more capable of performing certain physical tasks, like reaching high shelves. But the discrepancy is explained mainly by discrimination, the simple fact that society tends to look on tall people as 15more powerful and smarter, even when they’re not. 1
A06 Formação de plural
01. (UECE)
The study from the Australian National University also found that slimmer workers tend to get slimmer pay pockets. Fat men earn 5% more than their slender colleagues.
06. (UFMS) Wonder drugs1 The ‘conquest of disease2’ through medicines3 was a popular topic of books in the 1920s. A few vaccines were then being introduced and more were being dreamed about. It was, however, the development of penicillin during World War II - curing such diverse and feared maladies4 as syphilis, pneumonia and meningitis- which was a real breakthrough. A treatment for tuberculosis soon followed and the sanatoria5 closed. The Victorian lunatic asylums6 were closed by the use of new drugs such as chlorpromazine (and because of guilt about locking people up). It seemed that the products of the pharmaceutical industry had almost magical powers. However7, there were always skeptics. The tragedy of thalidomide- a sedative for pregnant women8 which deformed babies in the womb - shocked people in the early 1960s. The crisis of incurable AIDS in the 1980s challenged the faith of many other people9. Books no longer deal with “the conquest of disease”, but10 patientdoctor relationships are moving to a new footing based on shared appreciation of risks11 and benefits12 of various treatments.
BRYANT, Nick Bryant. Disponível em: <http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ learningenglish/newsenglish/witn/>. Acessoem: MAIO 2009.
Considering language usage in the text, it’s correct to say: a) The verb form “is explained” (ref. 10) is in the active voice. b) The conjunction “But” (ref. 10) expresses result. c) The words “foot” (ref. 5) and “man” (ref. 5) have regular plural forms. d) The word “those” (ref. 1) is in the plural form. e) The verb form “have found” (ref. 1) describes an action dissociated from present time. 04. (Mackenzie SP) Which alternative shows the correct plural form of the words given? a) mouse - mice / goose - geese / phenomenon - phenomena / deer - deer b) mouse - mices / chick - chicken / person - persons / child -children c) mouse - mouses / goose - geeses / deer - deers / news - news d) mouse- mouses / new- newses / bus- buses / person-people e) mouse- mises / child- children / police- polices / news –news
Source: adapted from http://www.ingenious.org.uk/Read/Health/Wonderdrug/
Conforme o uso no texto “Wonder drugs”, é correto afirmar: 01. drugs1 é o mesmo que medicines3. 02. disease2 é o antônimo de maladies4. 04. sanatoria5, asylums6, women8 e people9 encontram-se no plural. 08. However7 e but10 tem o mesmo significado. 16. risks11 é sinônimo de benefits12.
05. Music industry may seek salvation in ‘all you can eat’ downloads 1 Things have moved on a little since the days when the greatest threat to the music industry was teenagers furtively slipping blank tapes into ghetto blasters* to snatch the odd song from the 5radiowaves. Today’s young people, a new report suggests, are every bit as passionate about music as their predecessors. But their love of a good tune is matched only by their proficiency at obtaining it 10 illegally and their reluctance to pay for it. According to UK Music, the industry needs to fundamentally rethink the way it deals with young music lovers – ideally by offering them as much music as they can download for a fixed fee. *ghetto blaster: a large radio and tape recorder that can be carried around, and is often played very loudly in public places. (Adaptação do texto disponível em <http:www.guardian.co.uk>. Acesso em 10/08/2009).
A06 Formação de plural
(Uem PR) Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from the text is correct. Gab: 19 01. The expression “all you can eat” (title) is explained in the extract “by offering them as much music as they can download” (ref. 10). 02. The suffix “est”, as in “greatest” (ref. 1), is used in English to form the superlative of many shorter adjectives and adverbs. 04. The pronoun “their” (ref. 5) refers to “teenagers from the past” and “it” (ref. 10) refers to “a good song”. 08. The prefix “re” as in “rethink” (ref. 10) means “too much”. 16. The noun “music” (ref. 10) cannot be used in the plural form as it is an uncountable noun in English. 712
Gab: 013
Survival of the cutest Thousands of creatures will quietly disappear if we only focus on the most fascinating species. The struggle to preserve the world’s biodiversity is being compromised by fatal flaws in the way conservations draw up their lists of endangered species. An Australian botanist warms that the lists reflect the plants and animals that scientists are most interested in studying, rather than the most threatened species or those at risk of extinction. For instance, says Mark Burgman of the University of Melbourne, lists compiled and used by organizations such as the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and the Secretariat to the CITES agreement are heavily biased toward birds, mammals and flowering plants, to the detriment of less charismatic species such as insects and fungi. If no one tackles the problem, Burgman believes we will unwittingly focus our conservation efforts in the wrong places, and fail to stop the biggest mass extinction since dinosaurs. Rare species lists contain fewer threatened insects than birds, although we know of nearly a million insect species and fewer than 10,000 birds. That’s because most insects are poorly studied, says Burgman. For most, all that we have is a specimen in a museum and a brief formal description, he says. Generally, little or nothing is known about their habitat and abundance, and no one may have looked for them since their discovery. ― We assume all’s well because we don’t have any evidence, and
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
(Jeff Hecht in New Scientists, jan, 2002, p.5)
Vocabulary Struggle – effort; fight Flaw – fault; error Draw up – compose; design Threatened – at risk, endangered Biased – inclined; to be disposed to a certain preference Tackle (v) – confront, attack Unwittingly – unintentionally Brief – short Pick out (v) – select, choose Range – variety Tool – instrument Resurface (v) – reappear Choose the option which all forms of plural are correct: a) calfs, pence, wharfs, dynamos b) wolfs, handkerchiefs, pianos, selfs c) libraries, houses, stomaches, flys d) men, salesmen, halfs, dice e) boxes, echoes, surveys, wives 08. (UFPI) Gang violence grips Brazil State Attacks are continuing in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo where a wave of coordinated violence since Friday has left at least 81 people dead. Overnight, gangs torched9 buses5, targeted banks and maintained their attacks on police patrols and stations. At least 23 people were killed in the latest fighting10, officials said. Authorities say the unrest is being directed from inside jail by a criminal gang after hundreds of its members were sent to maximum security prisons. Correspondents say the violence is an escalation of what many in Sao Paulo are calling a war between the state authorities and the First Command of the Capital (PCC) criminal faction.
Uprisings are said to have been quelled at some 40 jails, but officials are also struggling to restore order in 29. About 120 people are still being held hostage. Unrest has also been reported in some prisons in neighbouring states, including Mato Grosso do Sul and Parana. Following a meeting with the Brazilian president, Justice Minister Marcio Thomaz Bastos is on his way to Sao Paulo to offer the use of both the army and8 an elite police unit. Petrol Bombs Heavily armed gangs held up more than 60 buses during a third night of extreme violence in Sao Paulo, clearing the passengers off and then setting the vehicles alight. Molotov cocktails were hurled into several bank branches and across Sao Paulo city, police stations again came under attack by gangs wielding machine guns, machetes and home-made bombs. There were also several fatal shoot-outs. On Monday morning, bus terminals and underground stations were closed amid fears of further attacks, making it impossible for many people to get to work. Many worried parents kept their children away from school18. The attacks and riots began on Friday after 700 jailed PCC members were transferred to higher-security facilities20. Violence was reported in various parts of Greater Sao Paulo, as well as towns along the coast, including Guaruja, Santos and Cubatao, and towns in the interior of the state. Despite the violence, the governor of Sao Paulo state, Claudio Lembo, has said local authorities can cope, but Brazilian newspapers report that the federal government is eager to send troops to restore order. Mobile Phones A local public safety official told the Associated Press that authorities had been prepared for a PCC response to the jail transfers but “never imagined it would be so big or ferocious”. According to authorities, 38 gunmen and 39 police officers and prison guards are among the dead. Those who saw the killing of one police officer said two men wearing masks had approached and shot him in the head as he dined with his wife. Founded in 1993, the PCC has been involved in drugs and arms trafficking, kidnappings, bank robberies, and prison breaks and rebellions, police say. The power of the faction has been heightened in recent years by the availability of mobile phones, smuggled through prison security, enabling members to run criminal activities from the safety of their cells. In November 2003, the gang attacked more than 50 police stations, killing three police officers and wounding 12. Those attacks were thought to have been orchestrated by PCC leaders in jail. www.bbc.news Monday, 15 May 2006
Qual alternativa contém palavras que NÃO formam o plural da mesma forma que “buses” (ref.5)? a) gas, tomato, fox b) fax, potato, negro c) tomato, gas, box d) photo, piano, studio e) negro, tomato, potato 713
A06 Formação de plural
we don’t have evidence because we haven’t looked‖, Burgman says. Georgina Mace, director of science at the Zoological Society of London and chair of the Species Survival Comittee, thinks Burgman has identified real problems. Yet she says that groups like the IUCN are addressing them. Starting with amphibians, it has begun assessing the global health of whole groups of related animals, species by species. Putting a species on the Red List is like assessing people coming into a hospital emergency room, she says. It’s not a robust prediction of what will happen, but it’s a quick way to pick out the sickest. But Burgman says that the criteria for assessing whether a species will go extinct vary from country to country and from study to study. He has compared a range of studies and found that different methods produce very inconsistent results. He says conservation scientists ―need to get our act together‖ and develop a uniform set of tools that everyone can test and agree upon. Even ―extinction‖ can be hard to define, he points out. A surprising number of species have been declared extinct, only to resurface later after people had given up looking for them.
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS nn Pronomes relativos nn Antes de começar nn Especificadores
PRONOMES RELATIVOS Antes de começar Há não muito tempo, antes de a Internet ser tão comum, viajar não era tão fácil. Não tinha como saber como era o local para qual se viajava (a não ser que se comprassem livros de turismo sobre cada local especificamente), nem se o hotel reservado era bom. Era preciso confiar no agente de viagem. Pode-se dizer que viajar era uma aventura. Com o advento e a popularização da Internet, tudo isso mudou. Hoje, as tecnologias são tão evoluídas que, muitas vezes, viajamos até sem sair da cama. Leia o texto a seguir que traz cinco transformações que a era digital proporcionou ao mundo das viagens. Digital has transformed the travel industry. Here we look at 5 ‘megatrends’ Mega-trend 1: The Rise of the experience economy
In a study by travel advice website Tripadvisor, 32% of respondents indicated plans to spend more on travels in 2015 than the year before. Whilst a survey by American express found that 85% agreed with the statement that “spending money on travel is an investment worth making.” Figura 01 - “Consumers are cutting back spending on many material goods in favour of spending on ‘experiences’.”
Fonte: Por I’m friday / Shutterstock.com
Consumer spending habits are changing rapidly. Just as spending on audio content is falling whilst spending on attending concerts rises, consumers are cutting back spending on many material goods in favour of spending on ‘experiences’. This trend is particularly strong among the Millennial Generation of people between the ages of 18 and 34. The travel industry is uniquely well positioned to benefit from this.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias Fonte: Soloviova Liudmyla / Shutterstock.com
Mega-trend 2: Customers existing within a social ecosystem It is no secret that social media influences our spending habits. But there are few industries where it is more influential than travel. It is even fueling the trend towards valuing experiences. 52% of travellers said that social media influenced a change in their travel plans, while 80% are more likely to book a trip from a company “liked” by a friend than a conventional Facebook ad. This is largely due to the fact that 76% of social media users post status updates and vacation photos, fueling a ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ like desire to travel to equally exotic locations as one’s friends. Mega-trend 3: Recommendations are king social media users post status updates and
Fonte: zaozaa19 / Shutterstock.com
A growing distrust of corporate websites and the move to social media means recommendations from our peers are increasingly important Figura 02 - “76% of when considering booking a holiday. Over 95% of leisure travelers in a vacation photos”. Tnooz study read about 7 reviews before booking, spending an average of 30 minutes. A recent TripAdvisor survey revealed 92% of UK travelers agree with the statement “reviews are essential when booking a holiday”. This means bad reviews should be dealt with very delicately and customer complaints should be addressed with the utmost thought. Going the extra mile for customers could really pay for itself if it means you get a good review that could end up driving more leads than an expensive advertising campaign.
Figura 03 - “Reviews are essential when booking a holiday”.
Mega-trend 4: Personalisation with big data Mega-trend 1 shows us that people are increasingly concerned with experiences. But people don’t want the same experience as everyone else. They want unique and personalised experiences. Big data is key to achieving this. A07 Pronomes relativos
Big data allows brands to offer customised offerings and to track preferences. 83% of millennials allow travel brands to track their habits in exchange for a better, more individual experience. Furthermore, 85% of respondents across all age groups said that customized itineraries are far more appealing than one-size-fits-all solutions. By combining big data with AI we are presented with the near-term prospect of useful ‘virtual travel assistants’.These could offer advice, such as suggesting nearby restaurants according to our personal tastes and budget. 715
Fonte: ArtFamily / Shutterstock.com
Mega-trend 5: Virtual reality Virtual reality is one of those technologies that has seemed like being the next big thing for an awfully long time, but has never really made it into the mainstream. This is about to change as the tech is finally mature enough to offer an incredible virtual reality experience without breaking the bank.
Figura 04 - “VR allows the possibility of giving holidaymakers the chance to ‘try before you buy’ in a way that has previously been impossible.”
VR allows the possibility of giving holidaymakers the chance to ‘try before you buy’ in a way that has previously been impossible. You try on clothes to see how they look before taking your credit card out, but you have to take a travel companies word for it that their beach resort really does offer ‘pristine white beaches’. In future, you’ll be able to look around the resort, see your room and check out just how big the pool is.
This technology may seem a few years off, but in some cases it is already in place. Trying holiday experiences such as helicopter rides via virtual reality are already available at 10 Thomas Cook stores in the U.K and Europe. VR-promoted New York trip revenues are already up 190% – proof that VR unlocks real payoffs. Disponível em: <www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-platforms/big-data-digital-marketing-platforms/ digital-trends-transforming-travel-industry/ >. Acesso: em 10 abr. 2017.
Glossário Keeping up with the Joneses: English-speaking idiom which refers to the comparison to one’s neighbor as a benchmark for social class or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to “keep up with the Joneses” is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority. The phrase originated in a comic strip of the same name. Peer: someone who is of the same age or who belongs to the same social or professional group as another person. Pristine: very clean, tidy, or new. Whilst: while.
A07 Pronomes relativos
Exemplo 1. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 2. Pode-se falar sobre a influência de uma crítica positiva ou negativa na internet, a necessidade de customização de produtos e serviços, a falta de necessidade de se ter um espaço físico próprio, e outros. Exemplo 3. Pode-se falar sobre estabilidade na profissão, crescimento de cargo na mesma empresa, busca da casa própria, acumulação de fortunas etc. Exemplo 4. Resposta pessoal.
DISCUSSÃO 01. Para você, a popularização de mídias sociais, como o Snapchat e o Instagram, diminui as fronteiras dos países ou as aumenta na medida em que cresce o sentimento de insatisfação por estar vendo e não estar lá? 02. Como as redes sociais e plataformas correlatas mudaram o modo de as empresas se comportarem? 03. Quais comportamentos mudaram da geração de seus pais e de seus avós para a sua? 04. Na sua opinião, com a popularização de novas tecnologias como a realidade virtual, como será o futuro dos passeios? Pense em cenários específicos, como a ida a uma biblioteca ou um museu, e em cenários amplos, como uma viagem à Tailândia.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Neste módulo, você aprenderá sobre os pronomes relativos em inglês, que funcionam, basicamente, como em português: eles introduzem orações subordinadas, que definem, explicam, limitam ou acrescentam algo ao significado da oração principal do período. Os possessivos, como o próprio nome faz referência, indicam posse. As informações a seguir lhe permitirão identificar as classes de palavras desconhecidas, ajudando-o melhor na compreensão do texto.
Especificadores Os pronomes relativos e o determinante relativo de posse em inglês são os listados a seguir e dependem da função que exercem na oração: Espécie
Função de sujeito
Função de objeto
(preposição +) who(m)
(preposição +) which
Pessoa e coisa
Usamos who e whom (quem) para pessoas e which (que) para coisas, mas podemos usar that (que) para ambos. Os pronomes relativos, na função de sujeito, são usados nos seguintes casos: de um substantivo para especificar sobre o que ou quem estamos nos referindo: the country that Colombo discovered; the woman who discovered radium; the son/ cat which likes milk. nn Para explicar mais sobre algo ou alguém: my sister, who is an year older than I am, is a great teacher; your puppy, which is very cute, chases beetles. Na função de objeto, por sua vez, utilizamos o pronome whom: this is Andrew, whom you met last week; here’s Harry, with whom I go to school every day; my teddy bear, which I sleep with, is clean. Note que a preposição pode estar presente tanto antes do pronome relativo quanto ao final da oração subordinada, mas, oralmente, deixe para usar a preposição no final. Isso é possível em inglês, mas não em português.
Fonte: taratynova.photo / Shutterstock.com
nn Depois
A07 Pronomes relativos
Figura 05 - Allow me to introduce Matthew, the boy whom I’ve been going out with. OR Allow me to introduce Matthew, the boy with whom I’ve been going out.
Por fim, saiba que é perfeitamente possível utilizar o who na função de objeto. Isso foi uma evolução da língua e acabou sendo aceita gramaticalmente, lembre-se, porém, que o original é whom. Deixe para usar who oralmente.
Fonte: Wikipedia Commons
Allow me to introduce Matthew, the boy with who I’ve been going out.
Figura 06 - Gandalf, whose hat is ponty, is very wise.
Partindo para o determinante relativo de posse: você se lembra do uso de cujo(a)(s) em português? Pois ele é igual ao uso do whose em inglês. Vamos ver: whose também é empregado para especificar algo ou alguém (um substantivo), só que o início dessa explicação é também um substantivo. Assim, dois substantivos têm relação entre si e se referenciam.
Exercícios de Fixação 01. Leia o poema seguir, escrito por George William Russell (1867-1935), poeta, crítico literário e artista plástico do nacionalismo irlandês, cujas obras tinham como tema o misticismo. Depois, complete corretamente o poema com os pronomes relativos who, whom, that, which ou whose, de acordo com a língua inglesa padrão. The Virgin Mother Who is that goddess to _____ men should pray, But her from _____ their hearts have turned away, Out of _____ virgin being they were born, _____mother nature they have named with scorn Calling its holy substance common clay. Yet from this so despised earth was made The milky whiteness of those queens _____ swayed Their generations with a light caress, And from some image of _____ loveliness The heart built up high heaven when it prayed. Lover, your heart, the heart on _____ it lies, Your eyes _____ gaze and those alluring eyes, Your lips, the lips they kiss, alike had birth Within that dark divinity of earth, Within that mother being you despise. Ah, when I think this earth on _____ I tread Hath borne these blossoms of the lovely dead, And makes the living heart I love to beat, I look with sudden awe beneath my feet As you with erring reverence overhead.
A07 Pronomes relativos
Glossário Scorn: a feeling that someone or something is not good enough to deserve your approval or respect. Clay: a type of heavy wet soil that becomes hard when it is baked in a kiln (=oven), used for making cups, plates, and other objects. In Portuguese, argila. Sway: to influence or change someone’s opinion. Tread: to walk or step on something. Hath borne: an old expression meaning ‘has born’.
Awe: a feeling of great respect and admiration, often combined with fear. A sequência de pronomes relativos que completam o poema corretamente é a) whom – whom – whose – whose – who – whose – which – that – which b) who – who – that – which – whom – which – that – that – which c) whom – who – whose – whose – whom – whose – which – which – who d) who – whom – that – who – who – which – who – which – that 02. (UEMG) Virtual People, Real Friends
by Anna Pickard (The Guardian)
The benefits of forming friendships with those we meet online are obvious, so why is the idea still treated with such disdain? Another week, another survey claiming to reveal great truths about ourselves. This one says that people are increasingly turning “online friends” into people they’d think worthy of calling real-life friends. Well, that’s stating the obvious, I would have thought! If there’s a more perfect place for making friends, I have yet to find it. However, when surveys like this are reported in the media, it’s always with a slight air of “it’s a crazy, crazy world!” And whenever the subject crops up in the conversation, it’s clear that people look down on friends like these. In fact some members of my family still refer to my partner of six years as my “Internet Boyfriend.” It’s the shocked reaction that surprises me as if people on the internet were not “real” at all. Certainly, people play a character online quite often – they may be a more confident or more argumentative version of their real selves – but what’s the alternative? Is meeting people at work so much better than making friends in a virtual world? Perhaps, but for some a professional distance between their “work” selves and their “social” selves is necessary, especially, if they tend to let their guard down and might say or do something they will later regret.
Those people disapproving of online friendships argue that the concept of “friendship” is used loosely in a world driven by technology, in which you might have a thousand online friends. They make a distinction between “social connections” – acquaintances who are only one click away – and meaningful human interaction, which they say requires time and effort. They note that for many Facebook “friends,” conversation is a way of exchanging information quickly and efficiently rather than being a social activity. However, I’ve found that far from being the home of oddballs and potential serial killers, the internet is full of like-minded people. For the first time in history, we’re lucky to enough to choose friends not by location or luck, but by those who have similar interests and senses of humour, or passionate feelings about the same things. The friends I’ve made online might be spread wide geographically, but I’m closer to them than anyone I went to school with, by millions miles. They are the best friends I have. Obviously, there will be concerns about the dangers of online friendship. There are always stories buzzing around such as “man runs off with the woman he met on Second Life” or people who meet their “soulmate” online and are never seen again. But people are people, whether online or not. As for “real” friendship dying out, surely, is social networking simply redefining our notion of what this is in the twenty-first century? The figures – half a billion Facebook users worldwide – speak for themselves. And technology has allowed countless numbers of these people to keep in close contact with their loved ones, however far away they are. Without it, many disabled or household people might go without social contact at all. Call me naive, call me a social misfit, I don’t care. Virtual people make best real friends. Adapted from http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/ 2009/jan/02/internet-relationships
Read the passage below to complete the gaps with the relative pronouns (1- 4): Online friends are people _______ always post messages and pictures of the places _______ they are, _______ they are with and ______ they are doing. 1. what 2. who 3. whom 4. where The CORRECT sequence is: a) (1), (3), (2), (4) b) (3), (1), (4), (2) c) (4), (2), (1), (3) d) (2), (4), (3), (1) 03. (UERN) Prison Violence Brings Scrutiny to State in Brazil By Simon Romero Jan. 8, 2014.
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — A series of violent episodes at an overcrowded prison, and video showing inmates gloating over three decapitation victims during a riot there in December, are focusing scrutiny on the deteriorating security situation in Maranhão State, the bastion of one of Brazil’s most powerful political families.
Nearly 60 inmates were killed in 2013 at the Pedrinhas prison in Maranhão, an impoverished state governed by RoseanaSarney, the daughter of former President José Sarney. A judge investigating conditions at Pedrinhas said in December that the leaders of criminal gangs operating in the prison were raping inmates’ wives during conjugal visits. Security forces tried to assert control at the end of December, prompting a brutal response by some inmates, who apparently ordered retaliatory attacks on Friday outside the prison walls. Gunfire was sprayed at a police station and at least four buses were burned in the state capital, São Luís. A 6-year-old girl who was aboard one of the buses died from burn injuries. The graphic video of the decapitation victims, who were killed during a riot at Pedrinhas on Dec. 17, was apparently recorded by an inmate with a cellphone. The union representing prison workers in Maranhão obtained the images and provided them to a leading Brazilian newspaper, Folha de São Paulo, which made the video available on its website. “You need to adjust the focus,” one prisoner is heard telling another in the video, before the camera shows three beheaded corpses on a blood-splattered floor. Facing an outburst of criticism from human rights groups over the conditions at the prison and an overall surge in violent crime in Maranhão, Ms. Sarney’s administration issued a statement lashing out at the newspaper for circulating the video, calling the move “sensationalist.” In an interview published on Sunday by O Estado do Maranhão, a newspaper controlled by the Sarney family, Ms. Sarney attributed the prison crisis to delays in the country’s legal system that lengthen the time inmates spend in prison, and to prison guards’ resistance to plans to change how Maranhão’s prisons are managed. Officially, Pedrinhas has space for 1,700 inmates, but it currently has more than 2,200. In October, a battle between rival gangs at the prison left 13 inmates dead. Brazil’s Justice Ministry said on Wednesday that Maranhão had transferred 22 Pedrinhas inmates who were deemed especially dangerous to federal prisons, in an attempt to regain control of the facility. Beyond the violence at Pedrinhas and rights activists’ claims that the authorities have been slow to build new prisons, Maranhão is struggling with a surge in homicides.Murders in São Luís more than quintupled over the last decade. The ratio of police officers to residents in Maranhão is among the lowest of any Brazilian state. On Wednesday, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights called for an investigation into the prison violence there. Brazilian human rights groups say the violence at Pedrinhas could spread to other prisons. Brazil’s prison population is among the world’s largest, with about 550,000 inmates after a surge in incarcerations over the last two decades. The number of inmates has more than quadrupled since the early 1990s, while the population has risen about 30 percent. “The tragedy in Pedrinhas was foretold and could be repeated at any time in other complexes facing the same problems,” said Lucia Nader, executive director of Conectas, a Brazilian rights group. (Simon Romero. Prison Violence Brings Scrutiny to State in Brazil. Disponível em: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/09/world/americas/ brazilian-state-video. html?ref=murdersandattemptedmurders. Acesso em: 13/01/2014.)
A07 Pronomes relativos
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
In “A judge investigating conditions at Pedrinhas said in December that the leaders of criminal gangs operating in prison were raping” a) the relative pronoun can be omitted. b) all of the verbs used are regular ones. c) gerund forms were used as adjectives. d) there are nouns with irregular plurals. 04. (UCS RS) OBAMAS STUDY UP ON COURTLY MANNERS By Nia-Malika Henderson, 04/01/09 2:04 PM
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama met with Queen Elizabeth II at 2Buckingham Palace Wednesday, a meeting that seemed casual and chatty and not weighed 3down by protocol, though the president did a slight neck bow as he greeted the royal couple. 4 In advance of the visit, which lasted about 30 minutes, Obama said his wife had been 5really thinking it through, and the Obamas apparently studied up on protocol on their 6 transatlantic flight. 7 During a brief portion of their meeting on camera, Obama mentioned a list of global 8leaders he was meeting with and said he expected to be very busy during his first trip abroad. 9 The first couple and the royal couple shared a laugh and posed for pictures - Prince Philip, with 10a wave of his hand, directed the first couple to turn around for the camera. 11 There was much speculation around what the first lady would wear, and she ended up 12wearing a black and white Isabel Toledo dress and a black Jason Wu coat. Her hair was 13partially swept up and she wore a double string of pearls. 14 Before the meeting, which was closed to the press, Obama said earlier that he loved 15the queen. “There’s one last thing that I should mention that I love about Great Britain, and that 16 is the queen,” Obama said at his press conference with Gordon Brown. “I think in the 17imagination of people throughout America, I think what the queen stands for and her decency 18 and her civility, what she represents, that’s very important.” 19 Obama is the eleventh U.S. president to meet Queen Elizabeth II, 82, who has reigned 20since 1952 – she has met every U.S. president since then, with the exception of Lyndon 21Johnson. While the queen has no official government role, she does meet weekly with Prime 22Minister Gordon Brown. 23 Most important in a meeting with the queen is following protocol, which is its own sort of 24diplomacy when it comes to the British public. President George W. Bush made several gaffes 25 during his meeting with the Queen – he winked at her, and said that she was around in 1776. 26In fact, a bow or curtsy can take on a meaning of its own, as both Nancy Reagan and more 27recently Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, France’s first lady, learned. Reagan didn’t curtsy before the 28queen in 1981 when they met – a tradition followed by subsequent first ladies. Bruni-Sarkozy, 29however, curtsied before the Queen and quickly became a “new Jackie” to the British public, 30formerly skeptical of her rock-and-roll past. 31 Traditional royal protocol dictates that men do a neck bow and women a slight curtsy – 32though a handshake is considered acceptable as long as the queen offers her hand first.
A07 Pronomes relativos
Harriet Quick, Vogue UK’s fashion features director, said the meeting was a grand and 34memorable occasion, “granting respect and pride on both parties.” 33
(Disponível em: <http:www.politico.com/news/stories/0409/20763.html>. Acessoem: 03 abr. 2009 – Textoadaptado.)
Na frase “Before the meeting, which was closed to the press, Obama said earlier that he loved the queen”. (refs. 14 e 15), a oração sublinhada encerra uma a) contradição. b) explicação. c) condição. d) consequência. e) negação. 05. (Puc MG)
TO BLOG OR NOT TO BLOG The web log or blog, where internet pioneers first recorded their daily lives in on-line diaries, has been a significant part of the internet since 1999, when a software from blogger.com put blogging within the reach of all web-users, no matter how limited their technical skills. There are now as many as a million blogs out there in cyberspace. But last year the blog experienced a Cinderella-like transformation due to a young Iraqi architecture graduate writing under the pseudonym Salam Pax. His blog, Where is Raed? , providing an eyewitness account of life in Baghdad during and after the final months of the Saddam regime, became extremely popularfor a huge international audience. It finally gave the web log, according to Richard Clark, the editor of Web User, the UK’s best-selling internet magazine, the prominence it deserves. Salam Pax has created a precedent many people hope will be followed. But in reality, few blogs provide insight on global events. For many bloggers, the objective is simply to entertain. In the vast world of blogs - which now includes photoblogs for amateur photographers and moblogs, updated in real time with photos from mobile phones - Richard Clark’s own personal favorites are chosen for their literary appeal. His regular reads include a cynical account of working life as a manager in a call centre, an Australian student’s views on British culture and the difficulties of a British woman in Belgium with what she claims is an intensely annoyingboyfriend. To find the blogs that amuse you, he recommends following the links on the page of a popular blog: most bloggers compulsively link to other blogs, but there are also lots of sites that list blogs according to popularity. If, on the other hand, you actually want to make your own contribution to the blogging universe, Clark advises you to make sure they’re interesting and to update them regularly - ideally, every day, or every two days - because that’s the only reason people come back. (FROM: Speak Up, April 2004. Adapted)
The word which in “which now includes…” (paragraph 03) refers to a) real time photographers. b) photos from mobile phones. c) photoblogs for amateurs. d) the vast world of blogs.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias Questão 01 “that” (l .17) função gramatical: conjunção subordinativa; função sintática: introduz uma oração subordinada substantiva objetiva direta – ou – função sintática: introduz uma oração substantiva objetiva direta
“that” (l .23) função gramatical: pronome relativo; função sintática: introduz uma oração subordinada relativa com função adjetiva. – ou – função sintática: introduz uma oração adjetiva relativa.
Exercícios Complementares
WHO OWNS ENGLISH? The name –– Cambridge School of Languages –– brings to mind images of Anglo-Saxon aristocrats conversing in the Queen’s English. But this Cambridge is composed of a few plain rooms with old chairs at the edge of a congested Delhi suburb. Its rival is not stately Oxford but the nearby Euro Languages School, where a three-month English course 5costs $16. “We tell students we need two things to succeed: English and computers,” says Chetan Kumar, a Euro Languages manager. “We teach one. For the other” –– he points to a nearby Internet stall –– “You can go next door.” The professors back in Cambridge, England, would no doubt question the schools’ pedagogy. There are few books or tapes. Their teachers pronounce “we” as “ ve” and 10“primary” as “ primmry.” Such store-front shops are part of the massive English-learning industry and the front lines of a global revolution in which hundreds of millions of people are learning English, the planet’s language for commerce, technology –– and, increasingly, empowerment. Within a decade, 2 billion people will be studying English and about half the world –– some 3 billion people –– will speak it, according to a recent report from the British 15 Council. From Caracas to Karachi, parents who want their children to succeed are spending money on tuition for English-language schools. And governments from Tunisia to Turkey are pushing English, recognizing that along with computers and mass migration, the language is the turbine engine of globalization. As one 12-year-old self-taught English-speaker from China says, “If you can’t speak English, it’s like you’re deaf and dumb.” 20 Linguistically speaking, it’s a whole new world. Non-native speakers of English now outnumber native speakers 3 to 1, according to English-language expert David Crystal, whose numerous books include “English as a Global Language.” “There’s never been a language that’s been spoken by more people as a second than a first,” he says. In Asia alone, the number of English-users has topped 350 million –– roughly the combined 25populations of the United States, Britain and Canada. There are more Chinese children studying English –– about 100 million –– than there are Britons. The new English-speakers aren’t just passively absorbing the language –– they’re shaping it. New Englishes are quickly developing all over the globe, ranging from “Englog,” the Tagalog-infused English spoken in the
Philippines, to “Japilish,” the cryptic English 30poetry of Japanese copywriters, to “Hinglish,” the mix of Hindi and English that now crops up everywhere from fast-food ads to South Asian college campuses. “Hungry kya?” (“Are you hungry?), queried a recent Indian ad for Domino’s pizza. In post-apartheid South Africa, many blacks have adopted their own version of English, laced with indigenous words, as a sign of freedom –– in contrast to Afrikaans, the language of oppression. “We 35speak English with a Xhosa accent and a Xhosa attitude,” veteran actor John Kani recently told the BBC. All languages are works in progress. But English’s globalization, unprecedented in the history of languages, will revolutionize it in ways we can only begin to imagine. In the future, suggests Crystal, there could be a tri-English world, one in which you could speak 40a local Englishbased dialect at home, a national variety at work or school, and international Standard English to talk to foreigners. With native speakers a shrinking minority of the world’s Anglophones, there’s a growing sense that students should stop trying to copy Brighton or Boston English, and embrace their own local versions. Researchers are starting to study non-native speakers’ “mistakes” –– “She look very sad,” for example –– 45as structured grammars. In a generation’s time, teachers might no longer be correcting students for saying “a book who” or “a person which.” Linguist Jennifer Jenkins, an expert in world Englishes at King’s College London, asks why some Asians, who have trouble pronouncing the “th” sound, should spend hours trying to say “thing” instead of “sing” or “ting.” International pilots, she points out, already pronounce the word “three” as “tree” in 50radio dispatches, since “tree” is more widely comprehensible. POWER, Carla. Not the Queen’s English. Newsweek, New York, v. CXLV, n.10, p. 40-45, Mar. 7, 2005.Adaptado.
02. (Fatec SP) Tooth fairy quantum mechanics The reason I can’t show you a Higgs boson1 is alsothe solution to a parental dilemma. Posted by Jon Butterworth Sunday 23 December 2012 18.36 GMT, theguardian.com
I do sometimes get asked “If you’ve found a Higgs boson, can you show me a picture of it?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. But the reason for this provides a resolution to a severe parental dilemma, and explains why I am in fact sometimes the tooth fairy. Bear with me.
A07 Pronomes relativos
01. (UFBA) Analyze the use of “that” (l. 17) and “that” (l. 23), and indicate both their syntactical and grammatical functions.
I can’t show you something which is definitely the new boson, but I can show evidence for it, for example in the picture below. It shows the distribution (black dots) of the mass you get when you combine the energy and momenta2 of pairs of photons (particles of light) in the ATLAS detector. The bump shows that there are more of these photon pairs at masses corresponding to around 125 GeV than would be expected from the trend. This excess implies the existence of a particle at about this mass which decays to pairs of photons.
to extend this to Father Christmas, and it also explains why sometimes Father Christmas uses the same wrapping paper as your parents - he and they are, in a sense, indistinguishable quantum possibilities for the delivery process. (theguardian.com/science/life-and-physics/2012/dec/23/tooth-fairy-quantum-mechanics. Acesso em: 26.08.2013. Adaptado)
Glossário 1 Higgs boson: partícula subatômica teórica que ficou conhecida publicamente após ter sido divulgada como a “partícula de Deus”. Sua existência é associada a pesquisas acerca da origem do universo. (topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/h/ higgs_boson/index.html Acessoem 02.10.2013.Adaptado)
momenta: plural de momentum – conceito físico associado à quantidade de movimento de uma partícula. 3 bump: choque ou elevação. 4 undermine: tornar algo gradativamente mais fraco, especialmente a confiança ou autoridade de alguém. 5 mugger: assaltante. 2
A07 Pronomes relativos
The bump3 in this plot would not be there unless there were a new boson (credit, ATLAS experiment and CERN). The key is that even if I show you a collision event with a pair of photons which exactly gives the “Higgs mass”, i.e. at the top of that peak, it is still not possible to be sure that this exact pair of photons came from a Higgs boson. There may be several possible ways of producing a set of new particles from the incoming ones; but if the resulting set is identical, it is not physically meaningful to say which way occurred. Now, to the parental dilemma. It is especially acute at this time of year, but if you have children who are losing their milk teeth, it is ever-present. Is the tooth fairy real? What about Father Christmas? Do you spoil the fun or do you lie? Something in me hates the idea of lying to my kids, and undermining4 trust. Here’s my way out. Anything which has the same initial state (tooth) and final state (money) might in fact be an event in which a tooth fairy was present. To put itanother way, anything which removes the tooth and delivers money shares such an essential property with a tooth fairy that it can be said to be one (anything removing both teeth and money is probably a dentist. Or possibly a mugger5). By now, my son doesn’t believe a word of it of course. But in the early days it was the truth. We managed this transition without lies, betrayal and tears because actually, when tiptoeing into the bedroom with a shiny pound coin, I really am the tooth fairy. I am of course also at the same time Dad. This seemed to work, and now he’s older, it’s still fun. It’s not much of stretch
No segundo parágrafo do texto, o pronome relativo which em – I can’t show you something which is definitely the newboson – pode ser substituído, mantendo-se a sentença gramaticalmente correta, por a) whose. b) whom. c) this. d) that. e) who. 03. (IF RS)
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Fire in the Blood (Documentary - 2013) Plot Summary An intricate tale of “medicine, monopoly and malice”, FIRE IN THE BLOOD tells the story of how Western pharmaceutical companies and governments blocked access to low-cost AIDS drugs for the countries of the global south in the years after 1996 - causing ten million or more unnecessary deaths - and the improbable group of people (1) ____ decided to fight back. Shot on four continents and including contributions (2) ____ global figures such as Bill Clinton, Desmond Tutu and Joseph Stiglitz, FIRE IN THE BLOOD is the never-before-told true story of the remarkable coalition (3) ____ came together (4) ____ stop ‘the crime of the century’ and save millions of lives in the process. - Written by Anonymous Disponível em <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1787067/ plotsummary> Acesso em: 13 set. 2014
Assinale a alternativa que preenche correta e respectivamente as lacunas (1), (2), (3) e (4) do texto. a) who – of – which – for b) who – from – which – for c) who – from – which – to d) which – from – who – to e) which – of – who – to 04. (FPS PE) Depression in pregnancy may affect children’s mental health, study finds Research suggests that levels of stress hormone cortisol, which are raised in depression, can influence development of foetus By Sarah Boseley, health editor
A large study from Bristol University, published in a leading medical journal, suggests that levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which are raised in depression, may affect the development of the foetus in the womb. Experts called for more help for women who are depressed in pregnancy, saying the study confirmed that the development of people’s mental health begins before birth. “The message is clear: helping women who are depressed in pregnancy will not only alleviate their suffering but also the suffering of the next generation,” said Carmine Pariante, professor of biological psychiatry at King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry. The study also showed that postnatal depression in the mother was a risk factor for children’s depression in late adolescence, but only in mothers with low educational attainment. The study is published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Psychiatry. It was carried out by Rebecca Pearson, research epidemiologist at Bristol University’s school of social community medicine, and colleagues, who studied data on the mental health of more than 4,500 parents and their adolescent children involved in Alspac (Avon longitudinal study of parents and children). “The findings have important implications for the nature and timing of interventions aimed at preventing depression in the offspring of depressed mothers. In particular, the findings suggest that treating depression in pregnancy, irrespective of background, may be most effective,” the authors wrote. Celso Arango, professor of psychiatry at the Gregorio Marañón general university hospital, Madrid, and president-elect of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), said it was a significant study. He pointed out that the mental state of the father during the pregnancy had no effect on the longterm health of the child, which may implicate cortisol in the womb. “Researchers are only just beginning to realise that it is not psychiatrists, psychologists or neuroscientists that are having the biggest impact on preventing mental health issues – it is gynaecologists,” he said. “This is something that needs much more research as we have seen similar impacts in schizophrenia with increased risk in mothers that developed schizophrenia during the war and passed on an increased risk to their children.”
Experts called for more help for women who are depressed in pregnancy, saying the study confirmed that the development of people’s mental health begins before birth. Photograph: Katie Collins/PA The children of women who are depressed during their pregnancy may be more likely to succumb to depression themselves by the age of 18, according to new research.
Analyse carefully the relative clauses in the sentences (i) and (ii) below and then mark the right answer that explains their use: i. The children of women who are depressed during their pregnancy may be more likely to succumb to depression themselves by the age of 18, according to new research. ii. A large study from Bristol University, published in a leading medical journal, suggests that levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which are raised in depression, may affect the development of the foetus in the womb.
A07 Pronomes relativos
Source: www.the guardian.co.uk
a) WHO refers to the children of women.
06. (Uem PR)
b) WHO, THAT and WHICH refers respectively to woman, medical journal and cortisol. c) THAT and WHICH refers respectively to Bristol University and foetus in the womb. d) WHICH refers to depression. e) WHO and WHICH refers respectively to woman and levels of the stress hormone cortisol. 05. (Escs DF) Doctors Without Borders Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières2 (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization 3 created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971. In 1999, 4the organization received the Nobel Peace Prize. 5 Today, MSF provides independent, impartial 6 assistance in more than 60 countries to people whose survival 7is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due 8 to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from 9 health care, or natural disasters. MSF gives assistance to those 10most in need. MSF also calls attention to neglected crises, 11 challenges inadequacies or abuse of the aid system, and 12 defends improved medical treatments and protocols. 13 Humanitarian Action 14 MSF’s work is based on the humanitarian principles of 15 medical ethics and impartiality. The organization is dedicated 16 to giving quality medical care to people in crises not 17 considering race, religion, or political affiliation. 18 MSF operates independently of any political, military, 19or religious views. Medical teams conduct evaluations to 20 determine a population’s medical needs before opening 21 programs, with the objective of answering problems that exist 22 (instead of duplicating services that are already offered) or 23 reach communities that are not being assisted. The key to 24 MSF’s ability to act independently in response to a crisis is its 25 independent funding. Ninety percent of MSF’s overall funding 26 (and 100 percent of MSF-USA’s funding) comes from private, 27 non-governmental sources. In 2009, MSF had 3.8 million 28 individual donors and private funders all over the world. As a 29 consequence, MSF is a neutral organization. It does not take 30 sides in any armed conflicts, for example. 1
A07 Pronomes relativos
Internet: <www.doctorswithoutborders.org> (adapted).
The word “whose ” (Ref.6) refers to a) “assistance ” (Ref.6). b) “countries ” (Ref.6). c) “people” (Ref.6). d) “survival” (Ref.6). e) “violence” (Ref.7).
Space hotel to give rich a thrill that’s out of this world Russian engineers have announced the ultimate get-awayfrom-it-all holiday, revealing plans to put a hotel into orbit 200 miles above Earth by 2016. The four-room Hotel in the 5Heavens would house up to seven guests who would be able to dance happily in zero-gravity while watching as our planet turns. The out-of-this-world experience will not come cheaply, however. Space tourists will have 10to pay £500,000 to travel on a Soyuz rocket to get to the hotel before struggling to pay a further £100,000 for a five-day stay. “The hotel will be aimed at wealthy individuals and people working for private 15companies who want to do research in space,” said Sergei Kostenko, chief executive of Orbital Technologies, which will construct the orbiting guest house. “A hotel should be comfortable, and this one will be.” 20 The news that Russia plans to launch a hotel into outer space is the latest example in a series of extreme holidaymaking projects. As the world accumulates more and more billionaires, entrepreneurs are seeking newer and more 25demanding ways to provide them with the ultimate in hi-tech thrills. Apart from space hotels, which have also been touted recently by US and European aerospace companies, proposals to fly thrill-seekers on rocket flights to the edge of 30space are now being finalised by Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic as well as by US companies. In the case of the space hotels, hedonism will be limited. Orbital Technologies have made it 35clear that guests will be restricted to consuming iced tea and fruit juices for their liquid intake. Alcohol will be banned. In addition, waste water will be recycled while air will be filtered to remove odour and bacteria and then returned to 40cabins. Tourists, accompanied by experienced crew, will also have to dine on food prepared on Earth and reheated in microwave ovens, while showers will be carefully sealed affairs to prevent 1
water 45escaping as globules that otherwise would float around the hotel’s interior. It is scarcely five-star luxury. On the other hand, there will be many compensations. Views of the Earth from the space hotel’s special 50observation windows should be breathtaking as the craft fastly moves round our planet every 90 minutes – providing guests with 16 sunsets and 16 sunrises a day. Visitors will also be able to choose to have their beds vertically or horizontally 55inclined to their line of flight. Indeed, the prospect of weightlessness offers all sorts of zero-gravity activities that, on Earth, can only be dreamt of. By contrast, the pleasures offered for those who go on suborbital flights offered by Virgin 60Galactic will be over far more quickly. Launched on craft pioneered by aviation designer Burt Rutan, these craft will allow passengers to slip the bonds
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
(Texto adaptado. Disponível em <http://wwwguardian.co.uk/science/2011>. Acesso em 31/8/2011 às 10h50min)
According to the text, choose the correct alternative(s). 01. “who” (ref. 5) refers to “ Russian engineers”. 02. “which” (ref. 15) refers to “Orbital Technologies”. 04. “them” (ref. 25) refers to “entrepreneurs”. 08. “their” (ref. 35) refers to “guests”. 16. “those” (ref. 65) refers to “Virgin Galactic’s plans”.
Gab: 10
07. (UFMA) Most modern scholars believe that Aesop was a name invented to provide attribution for a body of oral tales ____________ true authors were a number of anonymous storytellers. The missing word is: a) that b) which c) whose d) where e) who 08. (Unifor CE) Most new cars are ___ according to rather abstract and impersonal engineering specification. But the new Monte Carlo was designed to be your own private space. So instead of assuming ___ drivers wanted, we asked − the result is a perfect fit. O pronome relativo que completa corretamente a segunda lacuna do texto é: a) which b) why c) when d) who e) what 09. (Unifor CE) Robotic Engineers: Engineers [TO BE] needed to build robots that do everything from assembling machinery to caring for aging parents. Tech Teachers: As technology use increases in all industries, more adulteducation teachers are needed to give workers the skills to survive. About half of all adults are currently enrolled in an adult-education class.
Tech Support: Technology isn’t infallible, and skilled workers who can fix frustrating problems are rarely needed. Estimates show a 222 percentage boost in computer-support jobs by 2008. (Newsweek, April 30, 2001)
No texto, o pronome who a) está corretamente empregado por se referir a uma pessoa. b) deveria ser substituído por which porque se refere a uma pessoa. c) está incorreto por não se tratar de um pronome relativo. d) está corretamente empregado por se tratar de um pronome possessivo. e) deveria ser substituído por which porque se refere a um objeto material. 10. (Unifor CE) GOOD @ GIVING Plenty of people hit the jackpot in Silicon Valley and spend their fortunes fast on Porsches, private planes or Gatsby-like mansions. Not Anthony Parks. By the time Parks, 42, met financial adviser Rick Warner, this high school graduate had accumulated several million dollars in stock in Webvan, an internet grocery and consumer goods company he helped start. To Warner’s surprise, Parks did not have any big, hedonistic plans. When Warner asked a routine question – “Do you plan on making gifts on any of your shares?”– Parks looked startled. Then, in a low, deliberate voice, he replied, “Yes, I do.” A few weeks later, Warner received letters from Parks naming more than 60 people towhom he wanted to give some of his valuable stock. That list is a road map to Anthony Parks’s life. Each person on it had made a difference in his life as he worked his way up. Parks was raised in a hardscrabble neighborhood of Oakland, Calif. Pregnant at 16, his mother, Jacqueline Worley-Kemp, was forced to leave high school. After she and her husband separated, Worley-Kemp raised Anthony and his younger brother on her own. Her solution: set up a beauty salon and accomodate customers who wanted their hair done before work or after dinner. Some evenings, her sons didn’t see her until 11 p.m. But, Parks recalls, “I knew I’d better have my homework finished and on the table for her to check when she got home.” From The Wall Street Journal
The relative pronoun underlined in the text has the same function as in the sentence: a) He loves people who love him. b) That’s the house whose window was broken. c) That’s the shop which sells souvenirs. d) This is the car for which I was looking. e) I am a man who will fight for your honor. 725
A07 Pronomes relativos
of the gravitational field for only a few minutes before their rocket-powered craft 65descends back to Earth. On the other hand, the company’s plans are far more advanced than those put forward by most other space tourism entrepreneurs. Branson says Virgin Galactic’s first flights should begin next year. Tickets will 70cost a mere $200,000, with celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Tom Hanks and Stephen Hawking signing up for early flights. A billionaire’s dream venture, in other words.
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS nn Pronomes reflexivos nn Antes de começar nn Pronomes e verbos
PRONOMES REFLEXIVOS Antes de começar Viajar não é somente deslocar-se de um local para o outro a trabalho ou a lazer. Viajar é, muitas vezes, uma metáfora para a própria vida e as escolhas que são feitas durante o percurso. Leia, a seguir, um poema de Robert Frost (1874-1963), um dos mais aclamados poetas do século XX, cujas obras giram em torno de descrições realistas da vida rural e da linguagem coloquial. Depois, discuta as questões que o seguem. The road not taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And both that morning equally lay
And sorry I could not travel both
In leaves no step had trodden black.
And be one traveler, long I stood
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
And looked down one as far as I could
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
I doubted if I should ever come back.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
I shall be telling this with a sigh
And having perhaps the better claim
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
Though as for that, the passing there
I took the one less traveled by,
Had worn them really about the same,
And that has made all the difference.
Disponível em: <https://www.poetrysoup.com/famous/poem/the_road_not_taken_201>. Acesso: em 12 abr. 2017.
Glossário Grassy: with grass Fonte: Artens / Shutterstock.com
Hence: as a consequence. No step had trodden black: there was no mark of steps that could have made the leaves black (dead). Trodden is the past participle of tread: walk in a specific way. Sigh: Emit a long, deep audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or similar. Undergrowth: small thick bushes that cover the ground, especially between larger trees in a forest. Wanted wear: doesn’t look worn (damaged as a result of much use). Yellow wood: an area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with growing trees in Autumn (when leaves turn yellow).
Figura 01 - In many moments in life, we face choices which will take us to different paths.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
DISCUSSÃO 01. Discuta com seus colegas qual a temática o poema e a que ele se refere. 02. Você considera que a vida é uma viagem? Por quê? 03. Nas gerações anteriores, as escolhas pareciam mais permanentes que hoje. Você acredita ter mais liberdade de escolha que seus pais tiveram? As decisões hoje são mais flexíveis? Por quê? 04. Que filmes você conhece que trazem a mesma temática do poema?
Neste módulo, você aprenderá sobre os pronomes reflexivos em inglês, que, como em português, são usados para referenciar o próprio sujeito da oração, resultado de uma ação do sujeito para com ele mesmo. Pronomes reflexivos, em inglês, concordam com o substantivo ou pronome a que se referem da mesma maneira que em português: Em inglês
Em português
Exemplo 1. No poema, editado em 1920, Robert Frost (1874–1963) versifica questões existenciais fundamentais relativas às escolhas do ser humano, à inexorabilidade do tempo, ao ser social regido por padrões, à vida, à morte. No primeiro verso, Frost abre a temática citando a dificuldade da escolha no outono da vida. O bosque amarelo tem, como significado, um forte apelo que se relaciona ao tempo. As florestas temperadas, onde são comuns a presença de plantas caducifólias ou decíduas, amarelam no outono. [...] Esse tipo de adaptação da natureza ao inverno rigoroso que virá, traz consigo a evidente relação com os períodos do ano, a passagem da vida, a maturidade, o envelhecimento e a morte. [...] É bom que se ressalte a dualidade de todo processo de escolha, a oposição trazida pelo autor, o fator escolha-versus-tempo-versus-morte, subentendida na primeira estrofe e, além disso, o detalhe da vegetação rasteira de um dos caminhos dobrada por ter sido pisada por muitos, denotando a escolha da maioria por aquela via: uma imagem metafórica para um modelo social imposto. (Disponível em: <http://qorpus.paginas.ufsc.br/como-e/ edicao-n-19/traducao-comentada-do-poema-the-road-not-taken-1920-de-robert-frost-be-santanna>. Acesso em: 11 abr 2017. Adaptado.)
Exemplo 2. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 3. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 4. Exemplos de filmes: Um Homem de Família (A Family Man, 2000); O efeito borboleta (The Butterfly Effect, 2004); Click (Click, 2006); Antes de partir (The Bucket List, 2007).
Seu uso, porém, é um pouco mais extenso do que em nossa língua. Em alguns casos, esses pronomes modificam verbos, em outros, apenas enfatizam: vale aprendê-los para o momento de interpretação de textos. Em nosso esquema, temos: nn deparar
com uma palavra desconhecida (nesse caso, verbos); se existe pronome reflexivo; nn identificar o uso em que se encaixa tal pronome; e nn tentar deduzir o significado do verbo por esse caso e pelo contexto. nn olhar
Pronomes e verbos Alguns casos em que nós usamos os pronomes reflexivos e algumas observações a serem feitas sobre tais casos:
Figura 02 - Dizzy Gillespie is a jazz musician who taught himself to play the trumpet at the age of 12.
Fonte: Pixabay
A08 Pronomes reflexivos
objeto direto quando o objeto é o mesmo que o sujeito da oração:
Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
nn Como
Figura 03 - Be careful when lighting a fire. You might hurt yourself.
Os verbos mais comuns de serem usados nessa estrutura são os a seguir: amuse
Alguns verbos, quando acompanhados do pronome reflexivo, mudam de sentido. Veja: Would you like to help yourself to another drink?
Would you like to take another drink?
Children, behave yourselves!
Children, behave well!
He found himself by the fridge door in the middle of the night.
He was surprised when he realized he was by the fridge door in the middle of the night.
Amy always saw herself as a renowned artist.
Amelia always imagined that she was a renowned artist.
Matthew applies himself to getting his diploma.
Matthew works very hard to get his diploma.
My husband will busy himself in the kitchen if we fight.
My husband will work busily in the kitchen if we fight.
While travelling, I had to content myself with just a few dollars.
While travelling, I had to be satisfied with just a few dollars.
Note que alguns verbos, como wash, dress e shave, não são acompanhados pelo pronome reflexivo, a não ser em situações enfáticas: he dressed himself in spite of his injuries. objeto indireto quando este é o mesmo que o sujeito da oração:
Wor Sang Jun / Shutterstock.com
A08 Pronomes reflexivos
nn Como
Figura 04 - Andrew knew he should have brought himself something to eat.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Fonte: shyshak roman / Shutterstock.com
nn Como objeto de uma preposição, quando o objeto se refere ao sujeito da oração:
Figura 05 - She wasn’t feeling sorry for herself after the break-up.
Observe que, depois de proposições que indicam lugar e with, no sentido de ‘acompanhado por’, não se usa o pronome reflexivo: he had a briefcase in front of him; he brought a few friend with him. a preposição by para descrever que alguém fez algo sozinho, sem ajuda:
Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
nn Após
enfatizar sobre quem ou o que estamos falando:
Figura 07 - Sir Paul McCartney himself came to Brasilia!
A08 Pronomes reflexivos
nn Para
Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
Figura 06 - Masterchef Junior is a TV show where children cook all by themselves.
final da oração, também para enfatizar:
Fonte: natalia bulatova / Shutterstock.com
nn No
Figura 08 - I solved the Rubik’s Cube myself!
Exercícios de Fixação 01. Complete as lacunas a seguir com o pronome reflexivo que concorde com o sujeito.
e) She taught herself Italian.
04. (Puc RS) 01 Reading the work of Jorge Luis Borges for the first time is 02 like discovering a new letter in the alphabet, or a new note in 03 the musical scale. His writings are fictions filled with private 04 jokes and esoterica, historiography and sardonic footnotes. 05 They are brief, often with abrupt beginnings. Borges’ use 06 of labyrinths, mirrors, chess games and detective stories 07 creates a complex intellectual landscape, yet his language is 08 clear, with ironic undertones. He presents the most fantastic 09 of scenes in simple terms, seducing us into the forking 10 pathway of his seemingly infinite imagination. 11 Half a century ago, when Borges’ ground-breaking collection 12Ficciones was first published in English translation, he was 13 virtually unknown outside literary circles in Buenos Aires, 14 where he was born in 1899, and Paris, where his work was 15 translated in the 1950s. In 1961, he was catapulted onto the 16 world stage when international publishers awarded him the 17 first Formentor Prize for outstanding literary achievement. 18 He shared the prize with Samuel Beckett (the other authors 19 on the shortlist were Alejo Carpentier, Max Frisch and Henry 20 Miller). The award spurred English translations of Ficciones21 and Labyrinths and brought Borges widespread fame and 22respect. 23 Over the decades since his death in 1986, Borges’ global 24 stature has continued to grow. “Today one could consider 25 Borges the most important writer of the 20th Century,” says 26 Suzanne Jill Levine, translator and general editor of the 27 Penguin Classics fivevolume Borges series. Why? “Because 28 he created a new literary continent between North and South 29 America, between Europe and America, between
Questão 02. a) I had to be satisfied with a few Euros. b) I wish my classmates would behave well in front of the principal. c) Sweetheart, have another piece of the apple pie. d) I imagined that I was a famous actor. e) He was surprised when he realised that he was at the side of the road.
Questão 03. a) He lives alone in a cottage by the sea. b) Did you actually do this homework or did you get help? c) They looked at their own image in the mirror. d) Did you have a good time at the party? e) She is self-taught in Italian.
a) himself; b) itself; c) himself; d) yourselves; e) ourselves
a) He cut _____________ with the knife while he was doing the dishes. b) The lion can defend _____________. c) I’ve never heard of someone who doesn’t talk to _____________. d) Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help _____________. e) You and I collected the stickers _____________. 02. Alguns verbos mudam levemente de significado quando acompanhados por pronomes reflexivos. Reescreva cada período a seguir retirando o pronome reflexivo e mantendo o significado. Faça os ajustes necessários.
A08 Pronomes reflexivos
a) I had to content myself with a few Euros. b) I wish my classmates children would behave themselves in front of the principal. c) Sweetheart, help yourself to another piece of the apple pie. d) I saw myself as a famous actor. e) He found himself lying by the side of the road. 03. Reescreva os períodos a seguir de modo a manter sua coerência gramatical e semântica sem usar os pronomes reflexivos. a) He lives by himself in a cottage by the sea. b) Did you do this homework yourself or did you get help? c) They looked at themselves in the mirror. d) Did you enjoy yourself at the party?
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
old worlds 30 and modernity. In creating the most original writing of his 31 time, Borges taught us that nothing is new, that creation is 32 recreation, that we are all one contradictory mind, connected 33 amongst each other and through time and space, that human 34 beings are not only fiction makers but are fictions themselves, 35 that everything we think or perceive is fiction, that every 36 corner of knowledge is a fiction.” Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20140902the-20thcenturys- best-writer (acessado em setembro 2014).
The pronoun “themselves” (Ref. 35) is used a) to replace the subject. b) to complement the verb “are”. c) to refer to human beings taken in general. d) to emphasize the subject of the verb “are”. e) to specify which human beings create fiction. 05. (Unifra RS)
Stay Alert
You don’t need a gym to have your fitness fix. “I 11 carry a jump rope because it gets my heart beating 12 in the morning,” Wildman says. “And sometimes I’ll 13 take it on shoots with me, and I just do a little rope 14 jumping for 5 minutes. It wakes me up better than 15 a cup of coffee.” 10
Feel at Home in a Hotel
Roddick’s move: “Unpack immediately. That18helps a lot,” he says. “If you’re tapped out from19 being on the road, the last thing you want is to20 come back to a couple of bags that look like they21 exploded all over the hotel room.” Wildman will22 even put books on bookshelves. “The least I can23 do for myself,” he says, “is fool myself into24 thinking I’m home.” 17
Find a Decent Meal
If you return to a city regularly, you could do as27 Roddick does and revisit a favorite restaurant each28 time. That’s a good way to create a feeling of29familiarity, which can be wel26
TRAVEL MORE, STRESS LESS Pack these essential trip tips from Travel Channel host Don Wildman, touring violinist Joshua Bell, and tennis star Andy Roddick Illustrations by Rami Niemi, Posted Date: April 10, 2012
come when you’re30 away from home. Globe-trotting violin virtuoso31 Joshua Bell, on the other hand, likes to explore: “I32 rarely ask the concierge for advice,” Bell says,33 “because he is apt to send me to his cousin’s34 pizzeria around the corner. But I do refer to some35 guides and research thoroughly online—Yelp,36 Zagat, Open-Table—and I sometimes ask for37 recommendations on social networking sites like38ASmallWorld, which is full of travelers like me.” 39
Use Downtime Wisely
“I try to remind myself that ‘killing time’ is a sin,” 41 Bell says. “Life is too short as it is, and it’s a 42 shame to wish for it to go by quicker. There’s 43 always something worthwhile to do, even on an 44 airplane—read a good book, learn a new language 45 with Rosetta Stone, write to my friends around the 46 world who haven’t heard from me in too long.” 47 When Bell does watch 40
television, it’s often on his 48 iPad: He’ll catch episodes of Dexter, Breaking49 Bad, Modern Family, and Desperate Housewives. 50 Joshua Bell is touring to support his new album 51French Impressions. Andy Roddick plays this month 52at the French Open. Don Wildman’s Off Limits airs on 53the Travel Channel.
Sleep Like a Local
Andy Roddick needs quality rest when he lands 03 in a new city
for a tournament. So he starts right in 04 with forcing his body to adapt to the time zone, 05 even if he arrived exhausted. “If you fall asleep at 06 3 p.m., you’re dead. You’ll be up all night,” he 07 says. “In a new place I normally try to make it to at 08 least 9 or 10 o’clock the first couple of nights.”
Os referentes de myself (Ref. 23), he (Ref. 33) e who (Ref. 46) são, respectivamente, a) I – the concierge – Rosetta Stone. b) I – the concierge – my friends around the world. c) Roddick – Bell – my friends around the world. d) I – Bell – Rosetta Stone. e) Roddick – the concierge – my friends around the world.
A08 Pronomes reflexivos
Exercícios Complementares 01. (UFV MG) How important is leisure time? How important is time to relax and to collect yourself? Many doctors believe that learning to relax in order to relieve day-to-day tension could one day save your life. In our fast-paced world, it is almost impossible to avoid building up tension from stress. All of us confront stress daily; anything that places an extra demand on us is stress. We encounter stress on the job, and we face it at home. The body responds to stress by “mobilizing its1 defenses.” Blood pressure rises and muscles get ready to act. If our tension is not relieved, it can start numerous reactions, both physical and psychological. Yet, we can learn to cope with stress effectively and to avoid2 its consequences. How? By relaxing in the face of stress. According to researcher Hans Selye of the University of Montreal, the effects of stress depend not on what happens to us, but on the way we react. In times of stress, taking a few moments to sit quietly and relax can make anyone feel better. Some people enjoy listening to classical music, while others3 are interested in going to rock concerts. One person may be fascinated by watching an eagle in its nest, whereas another might be bored by sitting in a field for hours, studying the eagle through binoculars. It may be pure pleasure for you to play endless hours of chess, but for others it could be pure frustration. Fortunately, people have invented4 countless ways of amusing themselves5, and whatever your particular taste is, no doubt there’s a physical or mental activity for you to get involved in and enjoy. Of course, finding the activity that is right for you is half the fun! And don’t forget: Take your time to smell the flowers (WERNER, P. K. Mosaic I: A content-based Grammar. New York: Random House, 1985)
The word “themselves” (Ref. 05) is a a) personal pronoun. b) possessive pronoun. c) reflexive pronoun. d) objective pronoun. e) possessive adjective.
A08 Pronomes reflexivos
02. (Unifae SP)
Tax Attorney Help. Liens and Levy Removals S’s Offers in Compromise
Collection Problem Assistance Internal Revenue Service Audits Fraud, Civil and Criminal Defense tax penalties. To represent you please contact __II__ and allow __III __ to represent __IV__. You Can Stop!! RS Intimidation! Overpaying __V __ Taxes! IRS Abuses and Bullying! Paying Avoidable Penalties! IRS Mistakes and Error! IRS Bluffing Tactics! Adapted from: <www.irs-offer-incompromise.com> Access in Oct 23, 2004.
The words that best complete the text are: a) I. ourselves – II.we – III. we – IV. yourself – V. yours b) I. yourself – II. us – III. us – IV. you – V. your c) I. myself – II. me – III. me – IV. myself – V. my d) I. ourselves – II. they – III. they – IV. your – V. you e) I. yourself – II. them – III. me – IV. you – V. yours 03.
Ways of meeting oppression Oppressed people deal with their oppression in three characteristic ways. One way is acquiescence: the oppressed resign themselves to their doom. They tacitly adjust themselves to oppression, and thereby 5become conditioned to it. In every movement toward freedom some of the oppressed prefer to remain oppressed. There is such a thing as the freedom of exhaustion. Some people are so worn down by the yoke of 10oppression that they give up. This is the type of negative freedom and resignation that often engulfs the life of the oppressed. But this is not the way out. To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed 15become as evil as the oppressor. Non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. A second way that oppressed people sometimes deal with oppression is to resort to physical violence and 20corroding hatred. Violence often brings about momentary results.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. http://www.gibbsmagazine.com
(Uerj RJ) Reflexive pronouns have two distinct uses: basic and emphatic. The reflexive pronoun used emphatically is found in: a) “the oppressed resign themselves to their doom.” ( l. 2 - 3) b) “They tacitly adjust themselves to oppression,” (l. 3 - 4) c) “The enforcement of the law itself” (l. 31) d) “our end is a community at peace with itself.” (l. 46) 04. It is an old saying that “Order is Heaven’s First Law”, and like many other old sayings, it contains amuch deeper philosophy than appears immediately on the surface. Getting things into a better order is the great secret of progress, and we are now able to fly3 through the air1, not because the laws of Nature have altered, but because we have learnt to arrange things in the right order to produce this result – the things themselves2 had existed from the beginning of the world, but what was wanting was the introduction of a Personal Factor which, by an intelligent perception of the possibilities contained in the laws of Nature, should be able to bring into working reality ideas which previous generations would have laughed at as the absurd fancies of an unbalanced mind. (…)
Now the first thing in any investigation is to have some idea of what you are looking for, just as youwould not go up a tree to find fish, though you would for birds’ eggs. TROWARD, T. (1915), The creative process in the individual. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York.pp 1-2.
(Puc RS) The pronoun “themselves” (Ref. 2) is used a) as the complement to the verb “had existed”. b) to emphasize the subject of the verb “had existed”. c) in relation to people taken in general. d) to specify which things are arranged. e) as a personal pronoun. 05. CURIOSITY: a path toward knowledge?
Curiosity’s virtue4 is its greed. It wonders, often indiscriminately, about everything it focuses on. Curiosity carries you, limited by time and space, beyond the immediate. It knows no boundaries, and it pushes you to learn about everything that’s still unknown or unfamiliar to you. It can as easily direct itself to the ancient Egyptians as to the wriggling pond-life under your microscope1. But that’s also its vice, for it’s usually directed to very particular interests – say, to ballet or to bugs. You therefore have to make strenuous efforts to extend its range, so that your wonder about ballet becomes knowledge about dance, or so that your fascination with bugs turns into a lifelong love affair with the entire natural world. When you were a child, your eagerness to learn defined your behavior. You were full of wonder about everything – touching, holding, maybe wrecking anything that came into your reach. And as soon as you could talk you were full of questions: why is the sky blue? why is up up? why can’t tomorrow be yesterday2? You found everything “curiouser and curiouser,” as Alice found it in Wonderland. Adults tried to answer your endless questions (even if you sometimes drove them crazy with them), for they knew that by rewarding your natural inquisitiveness and by satisfying your excitement to know, they’d help you to learn and, equally important, to acquire a taste for learning throughout your life. Yet you must keep this in mind about knowledge: it isn’t the same thing as information. Knowledge is information that has been given organization, meaning, and use. Facts exist by themselves3. Knowledge is a human creation. 733
A08 Pronomes reflexivos
Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem; it merely creates 25 new and more complicated ones. The third way, open to oppressed people in their quest for freedom, is the way of nonviolent resistance. Nonviolence can touch men where the law cannot reach them. When the law regulates 30behavior it plays an indirect part in molding public sentiment. The enforcement of the law itself is a form of peaceful persuasion. But the law needs help. Here nonviolence comes in as the ultimate form of persuasion. It is the method which seeks to 35implement the just law by appealing to the conscience of the great decent majority who through blindness, fear, pride, or irrationality has allowed their consciences to sleep. The nonviolent resisters can summarize their 40message in the following simple terms: We will take direct action against injustice without waiting for other agencies to act. We will not obey unjust laws or submit to unjust practices. We will do this peacefully, openly, cheerfully because our aim is to 45persuade. We adopt the means of nonviolence because our end is a community at peace with itself. We will try to persuade with our words, but if our words fail, we will try to persuade with our acts. We will always be willing to talk and seek fair 50compromise, but we are ready to suffer when necessary and even risk our lives to become witnesses to the truth as we see it. The way of nonviolence means a willingness to suffer and sacrifice. It may mean going to jail. It 55may even mean physical death. But if physical death is the price that a man must pay to free his children from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing could be more redemptive.
Hydrogen and chlorine are elements of nature5. That’s a fact. Your understanding that, when combined,these two elements create new substances, such as hydrochloric acid, which has certain characteristics that hydrogen and chlorine independently don’t have, constitutes knowledge. Knowledge differs from information as music differs from sound. An orchestra warming up doesn’t make music; it makes only noise. It makes music when the conductor takes over and each performer follows the score in cooperation with one another. Music is sound given form and significance. Similarly, knowledge is information given structure and meaning. The facts in your head become knowledge when you put them together so that they’re related to one another and, put together, take on meaning that is large than the mere facts alone. Nothing has meaning by itself. Information has to gain meaning from the application of human thought. To attain knowledge, you must struggle endlessly to derive meaning from information. Curiosity can be every student’s best friend. It’s the inner signal of what your mind and spirit want toknow at any particular time. You ask questions and pursue your curiosity for a single reason: to createknowledge. (Adapted from BANNER, Jr., M.J. and CANNON, H.C. The elements of learning. New Haven: Yale Press, 1999.)
basis for an alcohol industry that is in decline. Small to medium sized tanker ships [TO TAKE] alcohol onboard in Maceio’s port with considerable frequency during the peak period. Such loads still take place with more frequency. 3 In the last twenty years the tourist industry has found the beaches and Maceió [PRO1] has changed from a rather sleepy little port with coconut palm plantations along [PRO2] beaches to high rise hotels. The northern coast, particularly around the towns Maragogi and Japaratinga, is beginning to see some of this development in the form of resorts attracting people from the south and some from Europe. (Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alagoas, acessado em novembro de 2005)
(Ufal AL) No parágrafo 3 do texto, as formas corretas de [PRO1] e [PRO2] são, respectivamente, a) herself – her b) her – hers c) its – it d) hers – her e) itself – its 08.
Glossary greed = ganância, avidez to reward = recompensar wriggling = remexendo-se, to pursue = buscar, contorcendo-se perseguir to wreck = destruir to struggle = esforçar-se (UFF RJ) The statement “Facts exist by themselves” (ref.3) means that a) curiosity guarantees the veracity of a fact; b) facts and knowledge are interdependent; c) information is what brings truth to a fact; d) facts exist independently of human knowledge; e) the pursuit of knowledge is a human characteristic.
A08 Pronomes reflexivos
06. (Unifra RS) Instead of being obsessed with superficial beauty, a clever woman should try to be _______ . a) yourself b) herself c) himself d) yourselves e) themselves 07. The Sertão in the state of Alagoas is a high dry region dominated by scrub that is often thorn filled and sometimes toxic. This area and its people is famed in legend and song. It is the land of the cowboy who is clad from head to toe (if he is lucky) with very thick leather to avoid the tearing vegetation. 2 The economy is agricultural, dependent largely on large sugar cane plantations with some tobacco. Sugar cane formed the 1
A study conducted by Stanford University has found that even people who use the Internet for as little as five hours a week are less likely to visit or talk to family and friends, and are at risk of isolating themselves from society. People who spent between five and ten hours a week online reported a 25 percent decrease in time talking on the phone or face to face. Sixty percent of the time was at the expense of watching television.
(Speak Up, no 159, August, 2000)
(UFPB) The text says that people a) are at risk when buying computers. b) prefer talking on the phone. c) like socializing. d) spend 65 percent of their free time meeting face to face. e) are isolating themselves by spending too much time on the Net.
Exercícios de Aprofundamento 01. (Ufac AC) Na frase We need more data to make the homework, o significado da palavra em destaque é: a) tempo. b) dias. c) data. d) colegas. e) dados. 02. (Unama AM)
Jornal Folha de São Paulo, 16/10/2001
The plural of Afghan is: a) Afghanian b) Afghanese c) Afghans d) Afghanes 03. (UEG GO)
c) A pergunta: Do you think the Taliban is, se relatada por um terceiro personagem, seria: “The man asked him if he think the Taliban is...” d) A resposta à pergunta feita poderia ser: “Yes, I do”. e) Na sentença It’s for a poll, Sir, o termo it refere-se a “Taliban”. 04. (Unifor CE) The guru effect Why do designers of digital hard- and software have so much trouble with the simple notion that easy-touse means easy to use? I’ve long had a theory about this state of affairs, which I call the guru effect. Gurus, of course, are those technology-adept individuals in your company, your work group, your family, whom you call in when all else fails. My first inkling of the guru effect on ease-of-use came years ago, when I was writing a Newsweek story about computers in small business. I was interviewing a boss whose assistant was typing into a personal computer nearby. Midway through the interview she looked up and announced that her computer had crashed, and she needed to call “Lee” to reboot it. It was an Apple II — this was a long time ago — and I said, well, that’s not hard to reboot, let me do it for you. No, she said, only Lee can get this machine to start. OK, I said, and watched as Lee [TO COME] into the room, [TO SIT] down in front of the Apple II, lifted the lid and reached in to fiddle with something inside. He closed the lid, rebooted the computer successfully, then reached inside again to make another mysterious adjustment. About then he saw me watching, and it was clear I [TO KNOW] something about computers — including the fact that you didn’t have to reach into the circuit boards of an Apple II to reboot it. “Oh, well,” Lee said defensively, “that’s just a little tweak I put in to improve the performance.” No: that was a little tweak that Lee put in to make Lee indispensable. And that’s the danger in letting our gurus decide what constitutes easy-to-use: if they do too good a job of it, they may put themselves out of business. Ease of use needs to be judged by the person most likely to be befuddled — not by the experts. (Adapted from Newsweek, April 2, 2002)
Disponível em: http://www.cartoonstock.com/ newscartoons/directory/i/ignorance.asp
Analisando a charge, é correto afirmar: a) O homem que está falando dirige-se ao outro de maneira informal. b) Os termos: A cellphone company, a deodorant e a terrorrist group, no plural, são: “cellphone companies”, “deodorants” e “terrorrist groups”.
No texto, o pronome whose está a) corretamente empregado, mas poderia ser substituído por whom. b) corretamente empregado e não admite substituição. c) incorreto e deveria ser substituído por which ou that. d) incorreto e deveria ser substituído por who. e) incorreto e deveria ser omitido. 735
05. (Mackenzie SP) The Movies
MY WEEK WITH MARILYN Has anyone counted the number of books, films and even songs (Elton John’s “Candle in the Wind”, for example) that have been dedicated to the life and death of Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)? This is in addition to all the movies __( I )__ Marilyn herself made during her brief career. Nearly 50 years after her death, the Monroe industry is alive and well. The latest example is My Week With Marilyn (__( II )__ received its US release in November, and is scheduled for Brazil on February 24). It tells the story of the film star’s trip to Britain, during the course___( III )__ she worked with Sir Laurence Olivier. Seen through the eyes of Olivier’s assistant, Colin Clark (__( IV )__ Marilyn had an affair), it stars Michelle Williams as Marilyn (pictured above), Kenneth Branagh as Olivier, and Judi Dench, __( V )__ plays another great actress, Dame Sybil Torndike. www.speakup.com.br
FRENTE A Exercícios de Aprofundamento
The words that properly fill in blanks I, II, III, IV and V, in the text, are a) that / which / of which / with whom / who b) which / which / about whom / with which / who c) when / who / whom / with which / who d) which / which / from which / with whom / that e) that / when / in which / with who / who 06. (UFPE) Every day thousands of teens wake up afraid to go to school. Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students of all races and classes. Bullying has everyone worried, not just the kids on its receiving end. Yet because parents, teachers, and other adults don’t always see it, they may not understand how extreme bullying can get. Bullying Is a Big Problem Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing. Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and social status. Bullies pick on the people they think 736
don’t fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian. Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge. For example, people in popular groups or cliques often bully people they categorize as different by excluding them or gossiping about them (psychological bullying). They may also taunt or tease their targets (verbal bullying). Verbal bullying can also involve sending cruel instant or email messages or even posting insults about a person on a website — practices that are known as cyberbullying. One of the most painful aspects of bullying is that it is relentless. Most people can take one episode of teasing or name calling or being shunned at the mall. However, when it goes on and on, bullying can put a person in a state of constant fear. Guys and girls who are bullied may find their schoolwork and health suffering. Amber began having stomach pains and diarrhea and was diagnosed with a digestive condition called irritable bowel syndrome as a result of the stress that came from being bullied throughout ninth grade. Mafooz spent his afternoons hungry and unable to concentrate in class because he was too afraid to go to the school cafeteria at lunchtime. Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide more. Bullies are at risk for problems, too. Bullying is violence, and it often leads to more violent behavior as the bully grows up. It’s estimated that 1 out of 4 elementary-school bullies will have a criminal record by the time they are 30. Some teen bullies end up being rejected by their peers and lose friendships as they grow older. Bullies may also fail in school and not have the career or relationship success that other people enjoy. (Disponível em:<http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/problems/bullies.html> Acessado em 10 de julho de 2008).
“Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge.” The reflexive pronoun themselves refers to: a) assault. b) bullies. c) targets. d)psychological control. e) verbal insults. 07. Complete as lacunas a seguir com o pronome reflexivo que a) herself concorde com o sujeito. b) himself c) ourselves
a) Jane made this skirt _____________ . d) yourself e) myself b) Andrewcooked this delicious meal _____________. c) We helped _____________ to some fruit punch at the party. d) Emma, did you take this photo by _____________? e) I wrote this poem _____________.