Coleção 10 V - Livro 3 - Inglês - Aluno

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Jamile Maeda e Silva



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INGLÊS Por falar nisso Um dos assuntos mais discutidos atualmente é como podemos continuar nos desenvolvendo e, ao mesmo tempo, proteger o meio ambiente de nossas próprias escolhas e ações. São organizações e acordos mundiais como o Greenpeace e o Acordo de Paris que colocam ênfase nas consequências de longo prazo e freiam um capitalismo avassalador. Como uma das línguas mais importantes no mundo hoje, grande parte dessas discussões são realizadas em inglês e entendê-lo ajudará você a buscar a discussão direto na fonte, sem precisar recorrer a traduções da mídia. Nas próximas aulas, estudaremos os seguintes temas

A09 A10 A11 A12

Passado simples............................................................................. 706 Present perfect.............................................................................. 714 Conjunções.................................................................................... 721 Vocabulário sobre o meio ambiente............................................. 728





nn Passado simples nn Antes de começar nn Uso nn Construção nn Sentenças

Exemplo 01. No pequeno parágrafo, à esquerda da jaqueta, o consumidor descobre que receberá 20% de desconto ao entregar um produto usado na hora da compra, o qual será doado para pessoas com menor poder aquisitivo. Assim, o consumidor poderá comprar sua jaqueta e agasalhar-se com ela e outra pessoa, que receber a doação da empresa, também ficará aquecida com o gesto do consumidor. Exemplo 02. A expressão take it all on significa ‘desconte tudo em’, no sentido de que a marca Timberland é tão resistente que aguenta qualquer intempérie. Exemplo 03. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 04. Podem ser citadas Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Apple, Microsoft, Stella Artois, Quem disse Berenice etc.


PASSADO SIMPLES Antes de começar Hoje muitas marcas de sucesso no Brasil e no mundo têm programas voltados para a preservação do meio ambiente ou para a melhora da sociedade em geral. Tais programas acabam se tornando mais importantes para os consumidores do que preço, popularidade e qualidade, e são considerados uma ótima forma de publicidade para a marca. Veja a propaganda a seguir, da marca norte-americana Timberland e discuta as questões que seguem.

Fonte: Wikimedia commons


DISCUSSÃO 01. O que a propaganda quer dizer com “A jacket that can keep two people dry”? 02. O que significa o slogan “Take it all on (Timberland)”? 03. A Timberland é uma marca voltada para a vida na natureza e é considerada uma marca cujos produtos são caros, mas muito duráveis. Na propaganda, não vemos exaltada nenhuma dessas qualidades. Em sua opinião, seria mais vantajoso para a empresa ressaltar qualidades da jaqueta em destaque? Por quê? 04. Que outras marcas possuem uma questão socioambiental marcante como a Timberland?

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

O passado simples (simple past) em inglês pode ser entendido como o nosso pretérito perfeito em português, só que mais simples do que ele, pois não há variações de pessoa e número. É só uma conjugação para cada verbo! Mesmo que alguns deles sejam irregulares, a maioria é regular, ou seja, não há por que reclamar da famosa lista de verbos irregulares. Pense que você já aprendeu a lidar com coisa bem mais complicada!

Uso Nós usamos o passado simples quando queremos nos referir a: I. Um evento que aconteceu apenas uma vez no passado: the fall of the Berlin Wall happened in 1989, I bought my son his birthday present yesterday, King Robert died a long time ago; II. Um evento que acontecia repetidamente no passado: when I was a kid I loved baking, he always loved visiting his grandmother; III. Um evento que foi verdadeiro por um tempo específico no passado: she lived in Brussels for ten years, Lesly always thought she was an only child.

É importante notar que as expressões ago, for (+ medida de tempo), in (+ ano, mês etc.) e outras, que indicam quando os eventos ocorreram estão intimamente ligadas ao passado simples.

Construção As construções dos verbos regulares são as seguintes: I. Verbos terminado em -e são acrescidos apenas de -d: loved, agreed; II. Verbos terminados em -y mas precedidos de vogal são acrescidos de -ed: played, slayed; III. Verbos terminado em -y mas precedidos de consoantes são acrescidos de -ied no lugar do -y: cried, falsified, buried; IV. Verbos terminados em em -s, -ss, -sh,-ch, -x ou -z também são apenas acrescidos de -ed: focused, kissed, washed, watched, mixed, buzzed. Por sua vez, os verbos irregulares são diferentes. Veja a tabela com os verbos mais comuns no final desta aula.

Sentenças sujeito +

verbo no passado +




in the pool yesterday. A09  Passado simples

A construção do passado simples afirmativo se dá da seguinte maneira:

Perceba que sua construção se dá com apenas um verbo no passado: essa é sua forma mais básica e mais usada. Isso não significa, porém, que seu complemento não possa ser um verbo que, nesse caso, estará no infinitivo, no passado contínuo ou também no passado:



sujeito +

verbo no passado +




to learn English when she was a kid.



looking for her cat.



she was an only child.

Ainda, é possível construir afirmações enfáticas, que se utilizam de um verbo auxiliar no passado para serem construídas, veja: sujeito +

verbo auxiliar no passado +

verbo principal no infinitivo +






Lembre-se de que o verbo auxiliar do passado simples é sempre do. Esse verbo apenas ajuda a construção de frases e não tem tradução específica sozinho. Ele é facultativo para as afirmações, como visto acima, mas é obrigatório para interrogações e negações, veja: verbo auxiliar no passado +

sujeito +

verbo principal no infinitivo +




take out

the trash?

sujeito +

verbo auxiliar no passado e na negativa +

verbo principal no infinitivo +



did not/ didn’t

take out

the trash.

A09  Passado simples

Figura 02 - Fran enjoyed looking for her cat. Fran didn’t enjoy looking for her cat. Did Fran enjoy looking for her cat?


Por Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock/

Por Liderina/Shutterstock

Por MsDianaZ/Shutterstock/

Agora, veja exemplos das construções de afirmações, negações e interrogações:

Figura 03 - Amelia wanted to learn English when she was a kid. Figura 04 - Leia thought she was an only child. Amelia didn’t want to learn English when she was a kid. Leia did not think she was an only child. Did Amelia want to learn English when she was a kid? Did Leia think she was an only child?


Passado simples


To be



To begin



To break



To bring



To buy



To build



To choose



To come



To cost



To cut



To do



To draw



To drive



To eat



To feel



To find



To get



To give



To go



To have



To hear



To hold



To keep



To know



To leave



To lead



To lose



To make



To mean



To meet



To pay



To put



To run



To say



To sell



To send



To set



To sit



To speak



To spend



To stand



To take



To teach



To tell



To think



To understand



To wear



To win



To write



A09  Passado simples

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias



Exercícios de Fixação 01. Complete as lacunas com o passado simples dos verbos enwas born – fled – found – got – began – had – managed tre parênteses. – was – was written – was discovered – was sent off –

(exist) ______________, he (be living) ______________ on borrowed time.”

published – became – was remained – refused – silenced

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 nov. 205.

About the author

Anne Frank (be born) __________ in Frankfurt-am-Main on 12 June 1929. In 1933 the Franks (flee) ______________ from Germany to escape persecution by the Nazis and her father (find) ______________ a position as a manager in a company in Amsterdam. Anne (get) ______________ a diary for her thirteenth birthday and (begin) ______________ writing in it the next day. She (have) ______________ a passion for writing and (manage) ______________ to keep up her diary throughout the time her family (be) ______________ in hiding; her last entry (be written) ______________ just before the hiding place (be discovered) ______________ and the family (be sent off) ______________ to concentration camps. After the war, her diary (be published) ______________ and (become) ______________ an immediate success. It (be remained) ______________ in print ever since, and the story of Anne’s life has been made into a Hollywood film. Most readers of the diary come away feeling that they have really grown to know the lonely girl who (refuse) ______________ to be (silence) ______________ by circumstances.

03. (Uerj RJ)


Os quadrinhos 5, 6 e 7 apresentam uma história criada por Calvin. Indique o tempo verbal mais usado na história escrita por ele. Em seguida, retire, em inglês, dois verbos regulaPretérito perfeito / passado. Dois dos res conjugados nesse tempo. verbos: lived, locked, tricked, hatched ou shouted.

The Diary of a Young Girl - Teacher’s notes. Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

04. (Unesp SP) 02. Complete as lacunas com o passado simples dos verbos entre parênteses. Sinopse de 2001: a space odyssey, de Arthur C. Clarke

A09  Passado simples

The man-apes of the world, who (live) ______________ by gathering berries and nuts, (be facing) ______________ a lack of food. A giant monolith (appear) ______________ on Earth one day and (begin) ______________ to experiment with many of them, probing and developing their minds. Among those in whom the monolith (take) ______________ an interest (be) ______________ Moon-Watcher, the only man-ape who (walk) ______________ fully upright. At night, a few select man-apes (be taught) ______________ and during the day, they (innovate) ______________. Moon-Watcher (discover) ______________ that he (can fashion) ______________ tools with which to kill animals for sustenance—the man-apes’ hunger problem (be solved) ______________. Time (pass) ______________ and the man-ape (evolve) ______________. His brain (grow) ______________, he (invent) ______________ language and (organize) ______________ into civilizations, and he (invent) ______________ weapons—first knives, but then guns and finally nuclear missiles. Such innovations had been central in man’s dominion over earth, but “as long as they


Questão 02. lived – was facing – appeared – began – took –was – walked – were taught – innovated – discovered – could fashion – was solved – passed – evolved – grew – invented – organized – invented – existed – was living

Status of same-sex marriage South America

Argentina The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (a federal district and capital city of the republic) allows same-sex civil unions. The province of Rio Negro allows same-sex civil unions, too. Legislation to enact same-sex marriage across all of Argentina was approved on July 15, 2010. Brazil A law that would allow same-sex civil unions throughout the nation has been debated. Until the end of the first semester of 2010 the Supremo Tribunal Federal had not decided about it. Colombia The Colombian Constitutional Court ruled in February 2007 that same-sex couples are entitled to the same inheritance rights as heterosexuals in common-law marriages. This ruling made Colombia the first South American nation to legally recognize gay couples. Furthermore, in January 2009, the Court ruled that same-sex couples must be extended all of the rights offered to cohabitating heterosexual couples. Ecuador

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

( Adaptado.)

Assinale a alternativa na qual todas as palavras são formas verbais relativas ao passado. a) Adopted, become, decided, recognized, ruled. b) Adopted, allow, become, recognized, ruled. c) Approved, became, been, decided, ruled. d) Allow, approved, became, decided, may. e) Can, debated, entitled, made, offered. 05. (Acafe SC) Brazilian Obesity: The Big Girl from Ipanema Published by TIME magazine on April 10th 2009 (The text below has been slightly modified to better suit the exam)

1. With thousands of miles of sun-kissed coastline, Brazil is a beach nation, one where people like nothing better than to spend weekends and holidays with a cold one on the sand. But the chances of spotting suntanned beauties in tiny bikinis are getting smaller and smaller, according to a government study released this week. Research shows that the number of Brazilians suffering from obesity is growing. And the trend toward the fuller figure is most prevalent among women. “Obesity among women had stabilized in previous studies, and now there is an expressive increase,” says Deborah Malta, the study’s coordinator. “That is very worrying.” 2. Some 13% of Brazilian adults are obese - 12.4% of men and 13.6% of women – according to the study, which was carried out in 2008 among 54,000 people for Brazil’s Health Ministry. Meanwhile, almost half (47.3%) of adult males and 39.5% of females are considered overweight. Those figures are still low compared with industrialized nations like the U.S., where more than a third of all adults are considered obese (a condition defined by the ratio of weight to height). But Malta says the trend is clear and that Brazil is slowly moving on the same path. In 1975, similar studies showed that only 2.8% of men and 7.8% of women were obese; just seven years ago, the numbers were 8.8% and 12.7%. 3. The study, carried out for World Health Day (April 8), covered many health-related topics and offered some contradictory figures as well. ______ Brazilians are getting fatter, they are eating less red meat and more fruits and vegetables, Malta reports. They are smoking less and taking more preventive tests such as mammograms and Pap smears. But they are using less sunscreen and drinking more, especially to excess and often when driving. 4. Nevertheless, in body-conscious Brazil, the nation of Gisele Bündchen, plastic surgery and minuscule bikinis, the obesity

figures caused the most anxiety. Any suggestion that the girl from Ipanema is not necessarily tall and tan, young and lovely, but could possibly be short, pale, and fat, and ugly, can cause a scandal here. When the New York Times reported in 2005 that Brazilians were getting fatter, the correspondent came under attack in the media as a gay, Brazilian-hating heretic. 5. Indeed, Malta calls that earlier report “disrespectful” and prefers to emphasize that Brazilians are relatively slim compared with their counterparts in the West. “I think Brazilians are still worried about their bodies. When we compare ourselves to the rest of the world, we are still much thinner,” she tells TIME. “And remember, this is not just Brazilians that are getting fatter -this is a worldwide phenomenon.” Which are the simple past forms of the verbs in the fifth paragraph: think (third line), tells (fifth line) and getting (sixth line), respectively? a) think, told and got. b) taught, told and gotten. c) thought, told and got. d) taught, tell and gotten. 06. (UFRR) TRAFFIC HELD UP IN DEMONSTRATION There were long queues on the busy A6 road at Rainsford yesterday morning when demonstrators sat in the road and held up the traffic. Rainsford Bridge was blocked for twenty minutes, and at one time there was a two-mile tailback of traffic on the London road. The demonstration was part of the campaign for a Rainsford by-pass which has been going on for several months with little result, but has now at last won some much-needed publicity. In fact, it was a great success for local residents who won a promise from Councillor Peter Cox that the County Council would ask the government to provide the money for a by-pass. Nearly a thousand demonstrators and about fifty police were in the village street at eleven o’clock. Police tried to prevent the demonstration from taking place by arresting residents’ association chairman Sam Tasker, but hundreds of people, many of them women and children, rushed into the road and sat down, ignoring police warnings that they also might be arrested. No further arrests were made in fact, but police began to carry the demonstrators back on to the pavement. However, there were not enough police to keep the road clear, and the demonstrators were able to prevent the traffic from moving. ‘We have won a great victory’, said Sam Tasker after the police released him later in the day. ‘With the County Council on our side, I’m sure we can persuade the government to start building a by-pass soon. We certainly need one.’ “Held” está para “hold” assim como: a) “go” está para “gone”. b) “won” está para “win”. c) “took” está para “taken”. d) “understated” está para “understand”. e) “did” está para “done”. 711

A09  Passado simples

The Ecuadorian new constitution has made Ecuador stand out in the region. Ecuador has become the first country in South America where same sex civil union couples are legally recognized as a family and share the same rights of married heterosexual couples. Uruguay Uruguay became the first country in South America to allow civil unions (for both opposite-sex and same-sex couples) in a national platform on January 1, 2008. Children can be adopted by same-sex couples since 2009.


Exercícios Complementares 01. (UFRR) Complete the dialogue by choosing the right option: A: Where did you_______yesterday? B: Well, I_______downtown. A: What did you_______there? B: I_______shopping. Actually, I________some food in the supermarket and I_______ to take my husband’s shoes to the shoemaker. A: Oh, Did you________Fred there? B: Yes, I________him. He_______about you. A: So, what did you______? B: I______you_______fine. A: Thanks. a) go – went – do – went – buy – had – see – saw – asked – say – said – were b) go – went – do – went – bought – had – see - saw – asked – say – said – were c) go – went – did – went – buy – had – see – saw – asked – say – said – were d) went - go – did – go – buy – have – saw – saw – ask – say – said – were e) went – went – do – go – buy – had – saw – see – asked – said – say – was

A09  Passado simples

02. (UPE PE) When Barbara __________ home last night she __________ so tired that she ________ straight to her bedroom and __________ asleep. a) arrived; was; went; fell. b) arrived; is; went; fell. c) arrived; was; went; felt. d) arrived; was; go; fell. e) arrives; was; goes; fell. 03. (Unifacs BA) Now a pop classic, The girl from Ipanema was the first big hit to come from the bossa nova movement of Brazilian singers and composers. In the mid-1960s, the voice of Brazilian singer Astrud Gilberto put1 Brazilian popular music on the map and brought2 instant fame to composer Tom Jobim and lyricist/poet Vinicius de Moraes. But what about the girl, or was there ever a ‘girl from Ipanema’? There was indeed and, in fact, there still is. The song and lyrics were inspired in 1962 by the beauty of the 14 year-old Heloisa Pinheiro3. She regularly walked past the Veloso Bar sidewalk cafe on Montenegro Street in Ipanema on her way home from school. After several weeks following Helo’s daily passage, Jobim and Moraes felt sufficiently inspired to write the song that made them famous.Today, the street has been renamed after the poet Moraes, and the bar is appropriately called A garota de Ipanema (The girl from Ipanema).


Looking back with a smile, Helo today, still4 strikingly beautiful, attributes her immortalisation to ‘being in the right place at the right time’. Other observers, however, most notably Jobim himself, insist that Helo represented the image of stunning5 Rio beauty. Says Jobim, ‘She had long golden hair, beautiful bright green eyes and a fantastic figure...’ MOHAMED, Sue; ACKLAN, Richard. The intermediate choice. England: Longman, 1996. p. 15.

Based on the context and language usage, it is correct to say that V-V-F-V-V (1)“put” (ref.1) is used in the Simple Past. (2)“brought” (ref.2) is the past form of the verb buy. (3)the transformation of the sentence “The song and lyrics were inspired in 1962 by the beauty of the 14 year-old Heloisa Pinheiro.” (ref.3) into the active voice is “The beauty of the 14 year-old Heloisa Pinheiro inspired the song and lyrics in 1962”. (4)“still” (ref.4) is used as a conjunction and means however. (5)“stunning” (ref.5) is functioning as an adjective. 04. (Unifacs BA) People who travel to Brazil a lot tend to get a little, well, snobby about where to find the “real” Brazil. “Rio?” one friend sneered before my first trip, and then added, “Nobody goes to Rio. It’s a tourist trap. Go to Bahia.” I went to Rio anyway, and I loved it. But I couldn’t get that refrain, “the real Brazil” out of my head. On my third trip, last January, I decided to see Salvador, the vibrant capital of Bahia, Brazil’s most African-influenced state. I traveled with my friend Doug Fredman, a Brazil first-timer. With my rudimentary Portuguese, I became the expert, and I was determined to venture where few foreigners had trod before. After checking into a hotel on the beach in Barra, we took a taxi to Pelourinho, the beautifully restored colonial heart of Salvador. We walked around the cobblestone streets, slick and slippery after a summer rain, as the steady beat of drums from local bands playing axé, African-Bahia’s musical gift to the world, drifted from behind ancient but brightly painted walls. “Yes!” I cried. “That’s the real Brazil. At least we can hear it.” But it wasn’t all we heard. We also heard young backpackers speaking French, Italian, German and many other languages. I have nothing ___________ Euro-hippies, but if I wanted to see them, I ___________ to Frankfurt. (New York Times, August 3, 2003)

In the text, But it wasn’t all we heard indicates that the author a) has a hearing problem. b) didn’t like what he heard. c) could only hear part of the music. d) didn’t like axé music. e) didn’t stay for the whole show.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

The guru effect Why do designers of digital hard- and software have so much trouble with the simple notion that easy-touse means easy to use? I’ve long had a theory about this state of affairs, which I call the guru effect. Gurus, of course, are those technology-adept individuals in your company, your work group, your family, whom you call in when all else fails. My first inkling of the guru effect on ease-of-use came years ago, when I was writing a Newsweek story about computers in small business. I was interviewing a boss whose assistant was typing into a personal computer nearby. Midway through the interview she looked up and announced that her computer had crashed, and she needed to call “Lee” to reboot it. It was an Apple II — this was a long time ago — and I said, well, that’s not hard to reboot, let me do it for you. No, she said, only Lee can get this machine to start. OK, I said, and watched as Lee [TO COME] into the room, [TO SIT] down in front of the Apple II, lifted the lid and reached in to fiddle with something inside. He closed the lid, rebooted the computer successfully, then reached inside again to make another mysterious adjustment. About then he saw me watching, and it was clear I [TO KNOW] something about computers — including the fact that you didn’t have to reach into the circuit boards of an Apple II to reboot it. “Oh, well,” Lee said defensively, “that’s just a little tweak I put in to improve the performance.” No: that was a little tweak that Lee put in to make Lee indispensable. And that’s the danger in letting our gurus decide what constitutes easy-to-use: if they do too good a job of it, they may put themselves out of business. Ease of use needs to be judged by the person most likely to be befuddled — not by the experts. (Adapted from Newsweek, April 2, 2002)

No texto, as formas corretas de [TO COME], [TO SIT] e [TO KNOW] são, respectivamente, a) comes - sits - know b) came - sat - know c) comes - sits - knows d) came - sat - knew e) come - sit – knows 06. (IME RJ) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente. Not alone __________ the race, but she also beat the record. a) she wins. b) she will win. c) she would win. d) did she win. e) she won. 07. (UECE) Choose the alternative that contains only irregular verbs. a) run, occupy, remain, say b) worry, stretch, finish, deserve c) forget, use, tower, sprint d) grow, see, fly, build

08. (UECE CE) One of the purposes of my trip across my native country was to listen – to hear speech1, accent rhythms, overtones and emphasis. For speech is so much more than words and sentences. I did listen everywhere. It seemed to me that regional speech is in the process of disappearing; not gone, but going. Decades of radio and television must have this impact. Communications must destroy8 localness, by a slow, inevitable process. I can remember a time when I could almost pinpoint a man’s place of origin by his speech. That is growing more difficult now and will in some foreseeable future become impossible. It is a rare house or building that is not rigged with the spiky combers of the air. Radio and television speech becomes standardized, perhaps better English than we have ever used. Just as our bread, mixed and baked, packaged and sold without benefit of accident or human frailty, is uniformly good and uniformly tasteless, so will our speech become one speech18. I who love words and the endless possibility of words am saddened by this inevitability3. For with local accent will disappear local tempo. The idioms, the figures of speech that make language rich and full of the poetry of place and time must go. And in their place will be a national speech17, wrapped and packaged, standard and tasteless. In the many years since I have listened14 to the land, the change is very great. Travelling west allong the northern routes, I did not hear truly local speech until I reached Montana. That is one of the reasons I fell in love again with Montana5. The West Coast went back to package English. The Southwest kept7 a grasp, but a slipping grasp on localness. Of course the deep south holds on to its regional expressions, just as it holds and treasures some other anachronisms, but no region can hold out for long against the highway, the hightension line and the national television. What I am mourning9 is perhaps not worth saving, but I regret its loss nevertheless6. Even while I protest the assembly-line production of our food, our songs, our language, and eventually our souls, I know that it was15 a rare home that baked good bread in the old days. Mother’s cooking11 was with rare exceptions poor, that good unpasteurized milk touched only by flies and bits of manure crawling with bacteria, the healthy old time life was riddled with aches12 and sudden death from unknown13 causes and that sweet local speech I mourn was the child of illiteracy and ignorance. It is the nature of man as he grows10 older, a small bridge in time2, to protest against change, particularly change for the better. But it is true that we have exchanged corpulence for starvation, and either one will kill16 us. We, or at least I, can have no conception of human life in a hundred years or fifty years. Perhaps my greatest wisdom is the knowledge that I do not know. The sad ones are those who waste their energy4 in trying to hold it back, for they can only feel bitternes in loss and no joy in gain. (STEINBECK, John. Travels with Charley. New York: Book of the Month Club, 1962.)

The verbs kept (ref.7), destroy (ref.8), mourning (ref.9) and grows (ref.10) are: a) regular, irregular, regular, regular b) irregular, regular, regular, irregular c) irregular, regular, irregular, irregular d) regular, regular, regular, irregular 713

A09  Passado simples

05. (Unifor CE)







nn Present perfect

Antes de começar

nn Antes de começar nn Usos

A Usina Nuclear de Chernobyl, na Ucrânia, antes do desastre em 1986, não era vista como um lugar perigoso à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Sete anos antes desse desastre, um diretor russo gravou uma de suas obras-primas no local e, nos anos seguintes, sofreu as consequências de passar tanto tempo na usina sem proteção. Leia o texto a seguir e discuta as questões que o seguem.

Fonte: Wikimedia commons

Andrei Tarkovsky (Stalker)

Figura 01 - Andrei Tarkovsky, famous Russian film director.

The artful and very European Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, who arguably had the most influence on European cinema, died early at 54 of lung cancer, just a few months after the release of his last film The Sacrifice, which (as revealed in its accompanying documentary, also directed by Tarkovsky) he was working on in its post-production stage from his bed. He was also too ill to attend the film’s premiere in Cannes earlier that year, where it won a number of prizes. Mostly due to his young age at his death, a rumor began spreading that he was assassinated by the KGB (the security agency during the Soviet communist era), because they viewed his films (especially his last two outside of Russia) to be anti-Soviet propaganda. However, a more reasonable explanation for his sudden death comes from sound designer Vladimir Sharun, of Tarkovsky’s 1979 film Stalker, who claims that since Tarkovsky, the film’s actor Anatoly Solonitsyn, and assistant director (and Tarkovsky’s wife) Larisa Tarkovskaya all succumbed to the same rare type of lung cancer, he hypothesised that they were all poisoned by radiation during the filming of that movie. They were all doubly exposed as they had to shoot a large portion of the movie twice, as a good deal of the filmed footage was rendered unusable during its processing stage. Stalker was filmed just seven years before the Chernobyl disaster, so unfortunately for the crew, there was not enough awareness of the poisonous materials that were in the environment, and the deadly potential that they evidently had. According to Sharun, they were filming in Tallinn near a half-functioning hydroelectric station. He said, “Up the river was a chemical plant and it poured out poisonous liquids downstream. There is even this shot in Stalker, snow falling in the summer and white foam floating down the river. In fact it was some horrible poison. Many women in our crew got allergic reactions on their faces.” These subsequent deaths were the final blow of what was already a massively troubled production, but Stalker (like with all of Tarkovsky’s seven films) has since been praised as a landmark and quintessential arthouse film. This notion of dying for your art was mused over by Erland Josephson’s character in The Sacrifice when he says, “Every gift involves a sacrifice. If not, what kind of gift would it be?” Fonte: <>.Acesso em: 29 jul 2017.)


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias Exemplo 01. The April 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl, a nuclear power plant in Ukraine, was the product of a flawed Soviet reactor design coupled with serious mistakes made by the plant operators. It was a direct consequence of Cold War isolation and the resulting lack of any safety culture. It led to major changes in safety culture and in industry cooperation, particularly between East and West before the end of the Soviet Union. Former President Gorbachev said that the Chernobyl accident was a more important factor in the fall of the Soviet Union than Perestroika – his program of liberal reform.



Exemplo 02. Podem ser citados acidentes nucleares, como o césio-137, em Goiânia-GO; as bombas de Hiroshima e Nagasaki; a extinção de animais; a falta de água; o derretimento de geleiras polares; terremotos, tsunamis etc.

Usamos o present perfect:

01. Explique, com suas próprias palavras e em inglês, o que foi o desastre de Chernobyl.

I. Para descrever algo que começou no passado e ainda continua no presente: she has lived in Brasilia since she was ten; she has been living in Brasilia since she was ten;

02. Quais outros desastres foram necessários para que o ser humano tomasse consciência da importância de proteger o meio ambiente? 03. Você conhece outros profissionais, artistas ou não, que morreram devido ao seu trabalho?

II. Para mencionar algo que o sujeito da oração fez inúmeras vezes no passado e continua o fazendo: I have been watching Les Revenants since it begun; he has written two novels and he has just started another one;

04. Você concorda com a fala do personagem Josephson: “Every gift involves a sacrifice. If not, what kind of gift would it be?” Explique. Exemplo 04. Resposta pessoal.

O present perfect não é algo com que se possa fazer um paralelo em português: você vai ver que, se tentar traduzir a maioria dos exemplos desta aula, você acabará usando tempos verbais diferentes para a mesma estrutura. Por isso, vale mais estudar o present perfect por seus casos. Sua construção simples se dá pelo verbo have, auxiliar, no presente, e do past participle de outro verbo, principal:

III. Para descrever uma experiência até o momento da fala: this is the best cake I have ever tasted; my kid has never drunk soda; IV. Para mencionar algo que aconteceu no passado, mas que é importante no momento da fala: I’m all worn out, because I’ve been working all day long; because I have lost my keys, I can’t get inside the house. V. Para dizer que alguém foi a um lugar e voltou dele, com o verbo be: May has gone to China several times now; I’ve just been to the supermarket to buy celery;

Por Fizkes/Shutterstock

Já sua contrução continous é formada por have + been, auxiliares, e o verbo em sua forma -ing:

Observe as palavras em negrito no texto: elas são bastante comuns na língua inglesa quando usando o present perfect. Elas permitem ao discurso mais fluidez, assim como as seguintes, mais usadas para perguntas e negativas:

Figura 02 - I have been listening to your chit chat for ten minutes now. I haven’t been listening to your chit chat, so don’t expect much of an answer. Have you been listening to this chit chat?

Figura 03 - Have you ever seen the rain? What have you been doing up to now? Have you finished your paper yet? No, so far I have only written the introduction.

Exemplo 03. A cientista polonesa Marie Curie, que descobriu o elemento químico Rádio morreu de leucemia, contraída pela alta exposição à radiação do elemento. O cientista canadense Louis Slotin, trabalhando no Projeto Manhattan (projeto estadunidense para desenvolver a primeira bomba nuclear), morreu após derrubar uma esfera do elemento químico Berílio, causando uma reação química. Recentemente, suspeita-se que o ator americano Heath Ledger, mais conhecido por seu papel do vilão psicótico Coringa, na trilogia do Batman: O Cavaleiro das Trevas, tenha exagerado nas misturas de medicamentos após fazer uma perturbadora imersão no personagem.


A10  Present perfect

Figura 01 - You have been a good boy. You have not been a good boy. Have you been a good boy?

VII. Para descrever algo que aconteceu em um passado recente, com auxílio de advérbios de tempo: Scientists have recently discovered water in Mars; I have only just been to the supermarket, don’t make me go again!

Por A3ofamily/Shutterstock

Por Holbox/Shutterstock

VI. Para dizer que alguém foi a algum lugar e não voltou dele, com o verbo go: May has gone to China and she has never called me back; Daisy has just gone to the supermarket, but she will return shortly;


Abaixo, segue um quadro com alguns verbos irregulares em suas conjugações no passado simple (simple past), particípio (utilizado para a conjugação do present perfect) e suas traduções.

A10  Present perfect

Verbos Irregulares



Passado simples



To be




To begin




To break




To bring




To buy




To build




To choose




To come




To cost




To cut




To do




To draw




To drive




To eat




To feel




To find




To get




To give




To go




To have




To hear




To hold



Segurar Manter

To keep



To know




To leave




To lead



Guiar Perder

To lose



To make




To mean




To meet




To pay




To put



Colocar Corer

To run



To say




To sell




To send




To set




To sit




To speak




To spend




To stand




To take




To teach




To tell




To think




To understand




To wear




To win




To write




Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

01. (Mackenzie SP) “You have to motivate yourself with challenges. That’s how you know you’re still alive. Once you start doing only what you __(I)__ you can do, you __(II)__ on the road to death.” Jerry Seinfeld

The verb forms that correctly complete the blanks I and II in the quotation are a) should have proved, will be b) had proven, would be c) have proven, are d) may have proven, can be e) will be proving, will have been 02. (Mackenzie SP) Buffalo Springfield, Pearl Jam Rock Bridge School Benefit S. Stills, R. Furay and N. Young of Buffalo Springfield perform together during the Bridge School Benefit concert in Mountain View, Calif. Associated Press photo/Eric Risber. The annual Bridge School Benefit has featured special acoustic sets by everybody from David Bowie and Paul McCartney to Metallica and Phish. But for the 24th edition, on October 23rd and 24th, organizer Neil Young unveiled a stunning finale: the first set since 1968 by his old band Buffalo Springfield. “From my perspective, we just picked up where we left off many, many years ago,” says singer Richie Furay. “It was almost like going back in time.” Over two chilly, wet days at the Shoreline Amphitheater near San Francisco, baby boomers and local dot-com kids gathered for a remarkable, eclectic lineup: Jackson Browne and David Lindley tackled Bruce Springsteen’s 1983 “Brothers Under the Bridge”; Kris Kristofferson broke out “Me and Bobby McGee”; Billy Idol revved up the crowd with a singalong on “Rebel Yell”; and Pearl Jam blasted through their eighth appearance at the benefit. At the end of their set, which included “Black” and “Better Man”, Young joined them on his new tune “Walk With Me.” “We played it for him backstage, and he said, ‘That’s basically it, but let me show you what you aren’t playing,’ ”says Pearl Jam guitarist Stone Gossard. “We _____( I )_____ an interaction with him that __( II )__ a lesson in the sheer, raw love of rock.” Rolling Stone

The right forms of the verbs have and be which appropriately complete blanks I and II in the text are a) had better never have, isn’t b) have never had, wasn’t c) should never have, hasn’t been d) had never had, had been e) will never have, is

03. (Ibmec SP) The special Chinese economic zones: the importance to the country’s economy Over the past decade, there has been a sea change in China’s economic policies. Like other developing countries which are attempting to become more export- orientated, China has started to set up free trade zones called “Special Economic Zones”(SEZ’s) and feature various incentives designed to encourage foreign investment. What is the significance of these zones? Have they really played an important role in the development of the economy of China? In this paper I first describe the background to the establishment of these zones, looking at China’s economy before the 1970s. Then I describe some of the aims and characteristics of the SEZ’s. Lastly, I attempt to assess the significance of the SEZ’s in the development of the wider Chinese economy. Historically, China has adopted an inward-looking strategy to its economic development. Successive Chinese governments thought that the economy could grow purely through self-reliance. However, there are always limitations to what a country can do by itself and they can hold back the growth of an economy and certainly China’s economic growth lagged far behind much of the rest of the world up to the 1970’s. By contrast, countries like the USA were achieving significant economic growth in this period because they were practicing foreign trade policies which facilitated free trade. Any shortages in the domestic economy, for example oil in the USA or Japan, could be compensated for by imports. Foreign trade, then, could help to aid economic growth. The export trade is also vital. Not only can exports be a means of paying for imports, but they also help to earn foreign exchange. Since 1979, the Chinese government has recognized the importance of exports as a means of fostering economic growth. Economic policies and special incentive programs have been introduced to increase exports. One measure taken was the opening of the five special economic zones. The aims of the establishment of the SEZ’s were to earn foreign exchange, to enhance employment, to attract foreign investment and to accelerate the introduction of technology and management expertise. Five SEZ’s were established and, in order to attract foreign investors and develop foreign trade, they offer similar packages of favorable incentives to foreign firms. One of the most attractive points of these packages is that income tax is fixed at the rate of 15 per cent, lower than that in other parts of China. Other advantages such as tax exemptions, land use rights, and banking and finance privileges are not available to firms operating outside the SEZ’s.


A10  Present perfect

Exercícios de Fixação


A10  Present perfect

Many other non-financial advantages are provided inside the SEZ’s. Firms are provided relatively free-market environments with minimal government intervention. This means that private and joint venture enterprises are free to hire their own workers. They are also free to set wages to reflect market conditions. Bonuses can be awarded to workers for outstanding performance. The favorable impact of the SEZ’s on the economy of China is fivefold: They attract foreign investment, they help the growth of the export industry, they earn foreign exchange, they provide employment opportunities and lastly they help the indigenous economy improve its level of technology. The preferential treaties of the SEZ’s have attracted foreign investors to invest a huge amount of money in China. One significant factor is that the investment has not been confined to the export industry, but has permeated other sectors such as infrastructure construction, commerce, tourism and real estate. The establishment of the SEZ’s has opened a way for China to increase its trade with foreign countries. They not only enhance trading activities such as foreign investment and tourism but also help China to earn foreign exchange through these activities. As all five SEZ’s are coastal cities, they are convenient for ocean transport routes and help to promote the export industry. Preferential policies have encouraged foreigners to set up export- oriented factories in the territories. From 1985 to 1987, an annual average real growth rate of 83% was recorded for exports from the five zones. At the same time the proportion of the SEZ’s’ industrial products which went to export had risen to 53% by 1987. Since the beginning of the open-door policy, small-scale private businesses have been allowed to coexist with state enterprises. This has increased employment opportunities for local people and raised the level of economic activity. Also, many state workers sense that going into business on their own may provide greater income potential. They generally adopt an attitude of refusing to work and refusing to relax. Many prefer to work for joint-venture firms for higher wages. So the average income in SEZ’s now ranks as the highest in China. In theory advanced technology and know-how will also flow into the country as a result of foreign investment. In turn, with increasing exports the force of international competition may bring greater pressure on Chinese firms to adopt more efficient work practices. It is perhaps questionable how much benefit the wider Chinese economy has reaped from these investments. The technology, patents and know-how remain firmly the property of, and are controlled by the parent companies. It may however be the case that in the long run the work culture and practices adopted by foreign companies could have some wash back effect over wider economic practices in the country. In conclusion, the establishment of the SEZ’s has helped to increase the export trade which in turn has helped to improve the Chinese economy. A large amount of foreign investment has 718

occurred not only in the export trade, but also in infrastructure construction, commerce and tourism. Foreign companies have been encouraged to set up factories in the territories and the export industry has grown. Jobs opportunities have been provided for locals as factories need labor and the average income of the people has increased. In addition, advanced foreign technology has been brought in with the inflow of foreign investment. All these factors have contributed to the growth of the Chinese economy. It remains to be seen if these quantitative advances, in which the SEZ’s have played an important role, are matched by commensurate advances in the quality of life for the majority of Chinese people. (Horshey, J.P. - The China Business Review)

In the last paragraph there are many examples of the use of the present perfect (…has helped to increase the export trade,… has occurred not only in the export trade, Foreign companies have been encouraged, Jobs opportunities have been provided…, All these factors have contributed…) This verb tense was used because: a) the development process is in the past b) the development process is widespread c) the development process is happening within a limited time span d) the development process is on-going e) the development process is happening at the time of speech 04. (UnB DF) FIFA Fair Play The generic concept of fair play is a fundamental part of the game of football. It represents the positive benefits of playing by the rules, using common sense and 4respecting fellow players, referees, opponents and fans. The Fair Play Campaign was conceived largely as an indirect result of the 1986 FIFA World CupTM in Mexico, 7when the handball goal by Diego Maradona stimulated the admirable reaction of the England coach, Sir Bobby Robson. Since then, the campaign has had the unconditional support 10of former FIFA President João Havelange and his successor, current President Joseph S. Blatter. To give fair play more visibility, FIFA created a 13programme that turned the generic notion into a simple design and an easy to understand code of conduct that could be recognized and respected by players and fans alike. 16 Fair Play has a fundamental role in sport and there is a need to apply it to all sporting activities, especially children’s. Children need strong values to grow up with, and 19football, being a team sport, makes them realize how essential discipline, respect, team spirit and fair play are for the game and for life. 1

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the text above, judge the items below. C (1) In “Since then, the campaign has had the unconditional support of” (ref. 7-10), the choice of verb tense conveys the idea that the situation was true in the past and still is in the present.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Exercícios Complementares

The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity was adopted unanimously in a most unusual context. It came in the wake of the events of 11September 2001, at the UNESCO General Conference, which was the meeting for its 31st session, was the first ministerial-level meeting to be held after those terrible events. It was an opportunity for States to reaffirm their conviction that intercultural dialogue is the best guarantee of peace and to reject outright the theory of the inevitable clash of cultures and civilizations. Such a wide ranging instrument is a first for the international community. It raises cultural diversity to the level of “the common heritage of humanity”, “as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature” and makes its defense an ethical imperative indissociable from respect for the dignity of the individual. The Declaration aims both to preserve cultural diversity as a living, and thus renewable treasure that must not be perceived as being unchanging heritage but as a process guaranteeing the survival of humanity; and to prevent segregation and fundamentalism which, in the name of cultural differences, would sanctify those differences and so counter the message of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration makes it clear that each individual must acknowledge not only otherness in all its forms but also the plurality of his or her own identity, within societies that are themselves plural. Only in this way can cultural diversity be preserved as an adaptive process and as a capacity for expression, creation and innovation. The debate between those countries which would like to defend cultural goods and services “which, as vectors of identity, values and meaning, must not be treated as mere commodities or consumer goods”, and those which would hope to promote cultural rights has thus been surpassed, with the two approaches brought together by the Declaration, which has highlighted the causal link uniting two complementary attitudes. One cannot exist without the other. The Declaration, accompanied by the main lines of an action plan, can be an outstanding tool for development, capable of humanizing globalization. Of course, it lays down not instructions but general guidelines to be turned into groundbreaking policies by Member States in their specific contexts, in partnership with the private sector and civil society. This Declaration, which sets against inward-looking fundamentalism, is the prospect of a more open, creative and democratic world, and also, now, one of the founding texts of the new ethics promoted by UNESCO in the early twenty-first century. My hope is that one day it may acquire the same force as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Koïchiro Matsuura. Director-General. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09/12/2008.

The following sentence in the present perfect tense would be: “[…] It was an opportunity for States to reaffirm […]”. a) It has been an opportunity for States to reaffirm. b) It’s being an opportunity for States to reaffirm. c) It was been an opportunity for States to reaffirm. d) It has being an opportunity for States to reaffirm. e) It is an opportunity for States to reaffirm. 02. Choose a CORRECT interrogative form for the sentence You have never shaken an empire or led an army into battle. a) b) c) d)

Have you ever shaken an empire or led an army into battle? Have you ever shaked an empire or led an army into battle? Did you ever shaked an empire or led an army into battle? Have you never shaken an empire or led an army into battle?

03. (Urca CE) Survival of the cutest Thousands of creatures will quietly disappear if we only focus on the most fascinating species. The struggle to preserve the world’s biodiversity is being compromised by fatal flaws in the way conservations draw up their lists of endangered species. An Australian botanist warms that the lists reflect the plants and animals that scientists are most interested in studying, rather than the most threatened species or those at risk of extinction. For instance, says Mark Burgman of the University of Melbourne, lists compiled and used by organizations such as the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and the Secretariat to the CITES agreement are heavily biased toward birds, mammals and flowering plants, to the detriment of less charismatic species such as insects and fungi. If no one tackles the problem, Burgman believes we will unwittingly focus our conservation efforts in the wrong places, and fail to stop the biggest mass extinction since dinosaurs. Rare species lists contain fewer threatened insects than birds, although we know of nearly a million insect species and fewer than 10,000 birds. That’s because most insects are poorly studied, says Burgman. For most, all that we have is a specimen in a museum and a brief formal description, he says. Generally, little or nothing is known about their habitat and abundance, and no one may have looked for them since their discovery. ―We assume all’s well because we don’t have any evidence, and we don’t have evidence because we haven’t looked‖, Burgman says. Georgina Mace, director of science at the Zoological Society of London and chair of the Species Survival Comittee, thinks Burgman has identified real problems. Yet she says that groups like the IUCN are addressing them. Starting with amphibians, it has begun assessing the global health of whole groups of related


A10  Present perfect

01. (UFGD MS) The cultural wealth of the world is its diversity in dialogue


animals, species by species. Putting a species on the Red List is like assessing people coming into a hospital emergency room, she says. It’s not a robust prediction of what will happen, but it’s a quick way to pick out the sickest. But Burgman says that the criteria for assessing whether a species will go extinct vary from country to country and from study to study. He has compared a range of studies and found that different methods produce very inconsistent results. He says conservation scientists ―need to get our act together‖ and develop a uniform set of tools that everyone can test and agree upon. Even ―extinction‖ can be hard to define, he points out. A surprising number of species have been declared extinct, only to resurface later after people had given up looking for them. (Jeff Hecht in New Scientists, jan, 2002, p.5)

Vocabulary Struggle – effort; fight Flaw – fault; error Draw up – compose; design Threatened – at risk, endangered Biased – inclined; to be disposed to a certain preference Tackle (v) – confront, attack Unwittingly – unintentionally Brief – short Pick out (v) – select, choose Range – variety Tool – instrument Resurface (v) – reappear Choose the option that correctly complete the blanks of the sentences: One of the most obvious examples of “context migration” is from war to sport. If you read any sports commentary, you ______ dozens of words of military origin: battle, strike, offence, defense, shoot. In the modern world, sport __________ the place of war socially and psychologically, and the language we use _________ this. a) find – have taken – demonstrated b) will find – has taken – demonstrates c) would find – took – has demonstrates d) has found – takes – will demonstrates e) found – had taken – demonstrates 04. (UFPE)

A10  Present perfect

What the Internet cannot do “The Internet changes many things. It has had a dramatic impact on the world of business. Firms can now link their systems directly to those of their suppliers and partners, can do business online around the clock, and can learn more than ever about their customers. Economies may be more productive as a result. For individuals, e-mail has emerged as the most important new form of personal communication since the invention of the telephone. The extent to which the Internet will transform other fields of human endeavour, however, is less certain. Even when everyone on the planet has been connected to the Internet, there will still be wars, and pollution, and inequality. As new gizmos come and go, human nature 720

seems to remain stubbornly unchanged; despite the claims of the techno-prophets, humanity cannot simply invent away its failings. The Internet is not the first technology to have been hailed as a panacea – and it will certainly not be the last”. From THE ECONOMIST, August 19th 2000, page 12).

In “The Internet is not the first technology to have been hailed as a panacea ...” the expression “to have been hailed as a panacea ...” means: V-V-V-F-F 01. to have been greeted as a remedy 02. to have been saluted as a cure 04. to have been acclaimed as a solution 08. to have been discussed as the main point 16. to have been appointed as the best invention 05. (UFR RJ) WHO chief to step down GENEVA, Aug. 23.Gro Harlem Brundtland said Friday she would step down from her post as director general of the World Health Organization when her current term expires in July next year because of her age. Brundtland, 63, a medical doctor and former Norwegian prime minister, took up the helm of the U.N. agency for global health matters in 1998. Within a year she won a mandate to tackle smoking as a major public-health issue. “My decision to complete my work as director-general at the end of my current term reflects the fact that I have had leading positions in political and public office for nearly 30 years3 and would be 69 at the end of a second term,” she said in a statement. Her decision not to put herself forward as a candidate came as a shock to many WHO staffers and raised questions over 2 who will succeed her at the top of the Geneva-based agency. “She has changed the organization and given it a global focus. People saw that as the first stage in a longer process and are now wondering what comes next?” said one WHO source. “There are no clear names at the moment1.” The WHO’s executive board is due to nominate a candidate for the July 2003 to July 2008 term at a meeting in January. The World Health Assembly, composed of all 191 member states, will then vote on that candidate at an annual meeting in May. Brundtland became the first woman to head WHO when she was appointed and is seen as a champion of women’s rights and the environment. Available: Captured: Aug. 23 2002.

In the sentence, “I have had leading positions in political and public office for nearly 30 years…” (ref.3), the underlined words describe an action which: a) was repeated in the past. b) continues up to the present. c) continues to the future. d) goes to the past. e) was completed in the past







Antes de começar

nn Conjunções

O atual presidente dos Estados Unidos da América, Donald Trump, desde sua vitória nas eleições de 2016, é tema recorrente de matérias jornalísticas por suas opiniões fortes e de cunho polêmico. Uma de suas ações foi particularmente malvista pelo mundo. Leia o texto a seguir, descubra essa ação e discuta as questões que seguem.

nn Antes de começar

Trump’s pulling the US out of the Paris climate agreement could be disastrous for the economy

Bob Bryan – June 1st, 2017

President Trump announced on Thursday that he would withdraw the US from the Paris climate accord. The agreement, which 195 nations signed in December 2015, set a global goal to keep the planet from warming to a level that scientists say could keep the planet from launching into a tailspin of irreversible consequences. Trump said that he planned to renegotiate the US’s position in the agreement, but the exact terms are unclear. In explaining his decision, Trump said it was in part to save US jobs, saying that the accord “handicaps the US economy.” Economists say that while there may be some positive short-term economic effects, Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris agreement and not fight to address climate change would most likely have devastating long-term economic consequences for the US and the world. In a paper published in Nature attempting to bring together previous findings of climate change for the economy, researchers from the University of California at Berkley and Stanford estimated that there would be serious consequences for the global economy if climate change continues at its current pace. “If future adaptation mimics past adaptation, unmitigated warming is expected to reshape the global economy by reducing average global incomes roughly 23% by 2100 and widening global income inequality, relative to scenarios without climate change,” said the paper from Marshall Burke, Solomon M. Hsiang, and Edward Miguel. While these effects would be different in different countries around the world, the researchers estimated that US GDP between 2016 and 2099 would be 36% lower if climate trends continue, compared to a world with more stable temperatures. This isn’t to say that the other nations in the Paris accord couldn’t mitigate these effects, or that Trump couldn’t undertake other measures to decrease carbon emissions.

Figura 01 - Example of climate change’s effects.

Por Piyaset/Shutterstock

In addition to the macroeconomic effects, Trump said that the move would help to preserve jobs at power plants, coal mines, and other fossil-fuel-generating industries. While there are still a large number of workers in the traditional fossil-fuel industries according to the Department of Energy, the number of Americans employed in energyefficient and renewable-energy jobs is also huge. For instance, 1.1 million Americans work in electric-power generation through traditional fossil fuels, but renewables follow closely with 880,000 employees. Additionally, from a long-term economic perspective, shifting toward renewable energy would likely be more beneficial for job growth.



The Department of Energy said the renewable sector is booming with solar employment growing by 25% and wind-generation employment growing by 32% in 2016. Add on the fact that 2.2 million people are employed in the “the design, installation, and manufacture of Energy Efficiency products and services,” and it’s clear that combatting climate change is a big employment driver for the US. Morgan Stanley equity strategist Eva Zlotnicka said the job losses in fossil fuels would likely accelerate regardless of Trump’s policies. “As we’ve noted, economics are still driving, not regulation,” said Zlotnicka in a note to clients after Trump’s announcement. “Our energy commodities team’s fundamental analysis of power generation economics shows that longer term coal cannot compete with natural gas or renewables (even on an unsubsidized basis).” Given much of this research, a large number of business leaders spoke out against Trump’s rumored decision before his announcement. Twenty-eight major US companies — including Apple, Gap, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Morgan Stanley — took out a full-page ad in The New York Times asking Trump to stay in the Paris agreement. Both Exxon Mobil and Conoco Phillips, two of the largest energy companies in the world, have also expressed support for the Paris accord. General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt tweeted his disappointment after Trump’s announcement on Thursday. “Disappointed with today’s decision on the Paris Agreement,” Immelt said. “Climate change is real. Industry must now lead and not depend on government.” Fonte: <>. Acesso em: 29 jul 2017.)

Glossário Tailspin: an occasion when something or someone suddenly gets into a very bad state.

DISCUSSÃO 01. Que outros acordos já foram firmados para a proteção do meio ambiente em escala mundial? 02. O que significa, em sua visão, o fato de os Estados Unidos da América se retirarem de um acordo tão importante quanto o de Paris 2015?

A11  Conjunções

Exemplo 01. Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Meio Ambiente Humano - 1972 (Estocolmo, Suécia) Comissão Mundial sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento - 1983 a 1986 (ONU) Cúpula da Terra / Rio-92 – 1992 (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) Conferência das Partes 3 – 1997 (Quioto, Japão) Conferência de Bali – 2007 (Bali, Indonésia) Conferência de Copenhague – 2009 (Copenhague, Dinamarca) Conferência do Clima da ONU de Durban – 2011 (Durban, África do Sul) Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Rio+20) – 2012 (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) Exemplo 02. Resposta pessoal. Podem ser citados influência sobre outros países, maior degradação do meio ambiente, soluções de curto prazo sobre soluções de longo prazo etc. Exemplo 03. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 04. Resposta pessoal.


03. Em sua opinião, líderes políticos devem ter soberania para tomar decisões cujas consequências extrapolam o tempo de seu mandato ou cujas raízes estão arraigadas em acordos mundiais? 04. Para você, qual a importância de empresas como Apple, Microsoft e Google se mostrarem publicamente contra as decisões de um líder político, como Donald Trump ao se retirar do Acordo de Paris?

Todo texto, seja ele em inglês, em português, seja em qualquer outra língua, deve ser conciso e coeso. Isso significa que ele deve expressar tudo de maneira precisa e sucinta e ainda apresentar uma lógica interna, harmônica e fechada em si mesma. Para alcançar coesão, é necessário aprender a usar conjunções, palavras cuja função é ligar duas orações, coordenadas ou subordinadas. Assim, constroem-se sentidos de adversidade, causa, efeito e afins. Não só as conjunções são importantes para redigir um texto, mas principalmente para entendê-lo.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Ligantes mais comuns Saber quais são as conjunções mais comuns é importante, pois elas permitem deduzir uma palavra desconhecida no contexto. Veja a sentença a seguir: Even though Matthew is very intelligent, he sometimes balderdashes. Caso você desconheça a palavra balderdash (ela já foi citada em um exercício em aula anterior), você pode deduzir pelo contexto e pela conjunção concessiva que ela é opositiva à palavra “inteligente”, mas não a anula. Isso já o ajudaria para compreender o significado do texto, mesmo sem saber exatamente o que significa balderdash (‘falar besteiras sem sentido’). Lembre-se do esquema de interpretação textual: nn Deparar

com uma palavra desconhecida; seu arredor; nn Buscar uma conjunção; nn Identificar sua função; nn Buscar a palavra que se relaciona com aquela desconhecida por meio da conjunção; nn Entender o sentido da palavra desconhecida. Função




and, moreover, also, furthermore, again, in addition, besides

He is so smart. In addition to that, he loves studying.


but, on the other hand, however, yet, unlike, nevertheless, instead, on the contrary

When Amelia woke up, she didn’t want to go to the gym. Later, however, she it was best to go.


likewise, similarly, in the same way, in like manner, correspondingly

“Some have little power to do good and have likewise little strength to resist evil.” (Samuel Johnson)


in fact, indeed, actually, certainly, as a matter of fact

I think he majored with honors. In fact, I am quite sure about it.


even though, although, though, despite this

Even though they are so poor, they are always dressed so neatly.


for example, for instance, that is, in other words, in particular, e.g.

Many great men have risen from poverty – Lincoln and Edison, for example.


thus, therefore, then, as a result, hence, so, consequently, accordingly, for this reason, because of this

Snow White is as pale as the snow, hence her name.


in summary, in conclusion, finally, in short, to sum up

The techniques discussed are valuable. Each chapter is supported by a well-selected bibliography. In short, this is an interesting and clearly written textbook for geography teachers.


first, second, next, then

First, I must finish this work. Then I can watch my favorite TV show.


when, while, as, as soon as, after, before, until, till, since, once, now, whenever, in the meantime, then, yet

We can’t send a helicopter at least until dawn.


as, how, as if, as though

Play the game as if you were going to win a grand prize.


why, because, since, as, seeing that, now that, for

Since it was too cold to go outside, we stayed in and watched a movie.


so that, in order that

In order to make yourself clear, use conjunctions in your text.


or, either... or, neither... nor, or else, otherwise

The key wasn’t neither on the shelf nor on the table.


if, unless, whether, as long as, so long as, on condition that, in case

Let’s prepare some vegan food, just in case Matthew comes.


A11  Conjunções

nn Olhar


Exercícios de Fixação 01. (Escs DF) A New Test And Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disease 1 Alzheimer’s 1 disease is a deadly neurodegenerative 2 disorder and there’s no cure for it. However, scientists appear 3 to have found a compound that could be used to develop a drug 4 for treating patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, 5 Huntington’s and other disorders. 6 As you might know, when a brain cell is hijacked by 7 a virus, the result is the building up of viral proteins. The cells 8 defend by stopping almost all protein production to make sure 9 that the virus doesn’t spread. 10 The same defense mechanism is started by many 11 neurodegenerative disorders which involve the production of 12 “faulty” proteins. But the cells shut down the production of 13 proteins for so long that they die due to hunger. This 14 mechanism can lead to the death of neurons throughout the 15 brain, resulting in movement or memory problems or can even 16 be fatal depending on the disorder. 17 The compound that was used by the scientists 18 prevented the defense mechanisms from being activated, so 19 there was no neurodegeneration. When the compound was used 20 on mice, it prevented all neuron death from prion disease. 21 Of course, more research is required on the compound 22 before a drug can be developed for use on humans, but this 23 certainly seems to be a good start. 24 According to Prof. Roger Morris, from King’s College London, 25 “This finding, I suspect, will be judged by history as 26 a turning point in the search for medicines to control and 27 prevent Alzheimer’s disease”. Internet: <> (adapted).

The meaning of “However” (Ref.2) is equivalent to a) and. b) so. c) for. d) but. 02. (ESPM SP) Emerging economies The Great Deceleration The emerging-market slowdown is not the beginning of a bust. But it is a turning-point for the world economy

WHEN a champion sprinter falls short of his best speeds, it takes a while to determine whether he is temporarily on poor form or has permanently lost his edge. The same is true with emerging markets, the world economy’s 21st-century sprinters. After a decade of surging growth, in which they led a global boom and then helped pull the world economy forwards in the face of the financial crisis, the emerging giants have slowed sharply. China will be lucky if it manages to hit its official target of 7.5% growth in 2013, a far cry from the double-digit rates that the country had come to expect in the 2000s. Growth in India (around 5%), Brazil and Russia (around 2.5%) is barely half what it was at the height of the boom. Collectively, emerging markets may (just) match last year’s pace of 5%. That sounds fast compared with the sluggish rich world, but it is the slowest emerging-economy expansion in a decade, barring 2009 when the rich world slumped. This marks the end of the dramatic first phase of the emerging-market era, which saw such economies jump from 38% of world output to 50% (measured at purchasingpower parity, or PPP) over the past decade. Over the next ten years emerging economies will still rise, but more gradually. The immediate effect of this deceleration should be manageable. But the longer-term impact on the world economy will be profound. Jul 27th 2013/

The underlined word but in the excerpt of the third paragraph of the text: “The immediate effect of this deceleration should be manageable. But the longer-term impact on the world economy will be profound.”, could be rewritten, without changing its meaning, as a) The immediate effect of this deceleration should be manageable, whereas the longer-term impact on the world economy will be profound. b) The immediate effect of this deceleration should be manageable therefore the longer-term impact on the world economy will be profound. c) The immediate effect of this deceleration should be

A11  Conjunções

manageable, rather than the longer-term impact on the world economy will be profound. d) The immediate effect of this deceleration should be manageable, provided the longer-term impact on the world economy will be profound. e) The immediate effect of this deceleration should be manageable due to the longer-term impact on the world economy will be profound


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Friday, Aug 2 2013

Bribing a public official in Brazil could become a very onerous mistake for local and foreign businesses under a law enacted on Friday that for the first time makes companies liable for bribes paid by their employees. Companies found guilty of bribery will face fines of up to 20 percent of their gross annual revenue for the previous year or a maximum of 60 million reais ($26.22 million). They could also be suspended from operating, have assets confiscated and even face possible dissolution. Brazil’s Congress passed the law in record time in the wake of sweeping protests that shook the country’s political establishment in June, fuelled by widespread public anger with corruption and bad government. The law proposed by President Dilma Rousseff’s government covers both bribery of foreign officials by Brazilian companies and bribery of local officials by any company. Until now, only individuals convicted of bribery in Brazil could be punished with prison, while companies were not liable for bribes paid by their employees. “This is a very positive development because it fills a gap in our legislation and complies with our international agreements,” said attorney Carlos Ayres, co-chair of the anti-corruption and compliance committee of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law. The new law provides for the blacklisting of companies convicted of bribery, banning them from receiving public lending and government subsidies and withholding government contracts for up to five years. The law includes provisions to encourage self-disclosure of bribery cases, a practice quite foreign to Brazilian businesses. ( Adaptado)

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo – Until now, only individuals convicted of bribery in Brazil could be punished with prison, while companies were not liable for bribes paid by their employees. – a palavra while indica ideia de a) contraste. b) tempo. c) simultaneidade. d) alternativa. e) consequência. 04. (FGV SP) The road to hell (1) Bringing crops from one of the futuristic new farms in Brazil’s central and northern plains to foreign markets means taking a journey back in time. Loaded onto lorries, most are driven almost 2,000km south on narrow, potholed roads to the ports of Santos and Paranaguá. In the 19th and early 20th centuries they were used to bring in immigrants and ship out the coffee

grown in the fertile states of São Paulo and Paraná, but now they are overwhelmed. Thanks to a record harvest this year, Brazil became the world’s largest soya producer, overtaking the United States. The queue of lorries waiting to enter Santos sometimes stretched to 40km. (2) No part of that journey makes sense. Brazil has too few crop silos, so lorries are used for storage as well as transport, causing a crush at ports after harvest. Produce from so far north should probably not be travelling to southern ports at all. Freight by road costs twice as much as by rail and four times as much as by water. Brazilian farmers pay 25% or more of the value of their soya to bring it to port; their competitors in Iowa just 9%. The bottleneck at ports pushes costs higher still. It also puts off customers. In March Sunrise Group, China’s biggest soya trader, cancelled an order for 2m tonnes of Brazilian soya after repeated delays. (3) All of Brazil’s infrastructure is decrepit. The World Economic Forum ranks it at 114th out of 148 countries. After a spate of railway-building at the turn of the 20th century, and road- and dam-building 50 years later, little was added or even maintained. In the 1980s infrastructure was a casualty of slowing growth and spiralling inflation. Unable to find jobs, engineers emigrated or retrained. Government stopped planning for the long term. According to Contas Abertas, a public-spending watchdog, only a fifth of federal money budgeted for urban transport in the past decade was actually spent. Just 1.5% of Brazil’s GDP goes on infrastructure investment from all sources, both public and private. The long-run global average is 3.8%. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates the total value of Brazil’s infrastructure at 16% of GDP. Other big economies average 71%. To catch up, Brazil would have to triple its annual infrastructure spending for the next 20 years. (4) Moreover, it may be getting poor value from what little it does invest because so much goes on the wrong things. A cumbersome environmental-licensing process pushes up costs and causes delays. Expensive studies are required before construction on big projects can start and then again at various stages along the way and at the end. Farmers and manufacturers spend heavily on lorries because road transport is their only option. But that is working around the problem, not solving it. ( Adapted)

The first word used in the fourth paragraph – moreover – carries an idea of a) contrast.

A11  Conjunções

03. (Fac. Direito de Sorocaba SP) Brazil enacts tough anti-bribery law

b) conclusion. c) finality. d) addition. e) time.



Exercícios Complementares 01. (Acafe SC)

A11  Conjunções

The Evolution of the Telephone Sam Goddard - published by Ezine Articles (The text below has been modified to better suit the exam) 1. Alexander Graham Bell most likely had no idea that he had discovered what would eventually change the world in more ways than could be imagined. The technology at the origin of telephones has led to many more inventions in the telecommunications field that keep people in touch and connected around the world. On March 10, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first speech using electricity. From that day forward, the telephone system changed every aspect of life. Although it did not immediately change the world, it set communication on a path that would alter its future. 2. The initial lack of acceptance of Mr. Bell’s discovery was due to the telegraph being the dominant form of communication and it had been around for over 50 years. This voice traveling across electrical lines that Mr. Bell was proposing was a new and daunting discovery. In the late 1870’s Mr. Bell took his public telephone demonstrations on the road in an attempt to raise awareness and public finance for the project. Mr. Bell presented the telephone as a broadcasting system. However, he wasn’t the only person working on ideas that would have an impact on telephone technology. Thomas Edison invented the first transmitter and receiver that would be practical for commercial use. He had already invented a type of multiplexing that allowed messages to be sent in opposite directions simultaneously. 3. In the 1880’s the switchboard came on board. During this time, there was no dialing, no signaling system, and no electronic switches. Callers would crank the handle and speak with an operator who would then connect them to their party so that they could have their conversation. This type of system had no ringer to alert of incoming calls and no privacy due to the operator being the middle man holding the call together. By 1946 the number of telephone callers made switchboard operators’ jobs too much for people alone to handle. Nearly a quarter of a million operators were working for AT&T in 1946 but that number would decrease significantly with the widespread implementation of automatic call switching. 4. Although this switching system was invented in 1889, it was not until 1914 that it was installed on a large-scale basis in New Jersey. Then, it wasn’t until 1976 that the first computerized switch was put into action and by 1982 almost half of all telephone calls were switched electronically. Bell’s patent ran out at the turn of the century and approximately 6000 independent phone companies opened up shop.


Which of the following alternatives for the statement Although this switching system was invented in 1889… (fourth paragraph) is grammatically incorrect? a) Though this switching system being invented in 1889... b) Even though this switching system was invented in 1889... c) In spite of this switching system being invented in 1889... d) Despite this switching system being invented in 1889… 02. (ESPM SP) WILDLIFE Asia’s Biggest Wildlife Traffickers

(BANGKOK) — Squealing tiger cubs stuffed into carry-on bags. Luggage packed with hundreds of squirming tortoises, elephant tusks, even water dragons and American paddlefish. Officials at Thailand‘s gateway airport proudly tick off the illegally trafficked wildlife they have seized over the past two years. But Thai and foreign law enforcement officers tell another story: Officials working-hand-in-hand with traffickers ensure that other shipments through Suvarnabhumi International Airport are whisked off before they even reach customs inspection. It’s a murky mix. A 10-fold increase in wildlife law enforcement actions, including seizures, has been reported in the past six years in Southeast Asia. Yet, the trade’s Mr. Bigs, masterful in taking advantage of pervasive corruption, appear immune to arrest and continue to orchestrate the decimation of wildlife in Thailand, the region and beyond. And Southeast Asia’s honest cops don’t have it easy. “It is very difficult for me. I have to sit among people who are both good and some who are corrupt, says Chanvut Vajrabukka, a retired police general. “If I say, ‘You have to go out and arrest that target,’ some in the room may well warn them,’” says Chanvut, who now advises ASEAN-WEN, the regional wildlife enforcement network. Several kingpins, says wildlife activist Steven Galster, have recently been confronted by authorities, “but in the end,

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

August 15, 2012 /

In the underlined sentence “But Thai and foreign law enforcement officers tell another story:”, the word but could be replaced, without changing its meaning, by: a) Nevertheless b) Furthermore c) Since d) Hence e) Instead 03. (UFTM MG) Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union. Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income

transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level. Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future. The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income). ( Adaptado.)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. –, in spite of equivale, em português, a a) inspirado por. b) apesar de. c) devido a. d) por causa de. e) juntamente com. 04. (Usp SP) 1 In Brazil, it is well-known that nursing 2 professionals have long work hours. Work shifts of 3 12 hours followed by 36 or 60 hours of rest enable 4 these professionals to engage in more than one 5 productive activity. In this professional group, long 6 work hours can lead to exhaustion and fatigue, 7 which may affect patient care. In addition, due to 8 the predominance of women, professional work is 9 added to domestic work, resulting in the total work 10 hours. 11 Few studies have considered the complexity of 12 nursing hours, guided by the variety of conditions 13 that interfere with their determinations and 14 outcomes, as proposed in the model developed by 15 Caruso et al. The analysis of work hours cannot be 16 restricted to professional work; instead, it should 17 include the work performed at home. Thus, the 18 present study aimed to analyze factors associated 19 with the professional work hours and total work 20 hours (professional work and domestic work) 21 among nursing professionals. Revista Saúde Pública 2011; 45(6). Adaptado.

No trecho “Thus, the present study...among nursing professionals.”, (Refs. 17-21) o advérbio “thus” pode ser substituído, em inglês, por a) yet. b) however. c) hence. d) also. e) although.


A11  Conjunções

good uniforms are running into, and often stopped by bad uniforms. It’s like a bad Hollywood cop movie. “Most high-level traffickers remain untouched and continue to replace arrested underlings with new ones,” says Galster, who works for the FREELAND Foundation, an anti-trafficking group.





ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS nn Vocabulário sobre o meio am-


nn Palavras

VOCABULÁRIO SOBRE O MEIO AMBIENTE Leia o texto a seguir sobre um dos maiores expoentes de tecnologia do mundo atualmente, Elon Musk, e sua visão sobre a indústria de combustíveis fósseis, e discuta as questões que seguem. Elon Musk: ‘We need a revolt against the fossil fuel industry’ Tesla chief says educating the public on climate issues is essential in countering oil and gas lobby’s influence over big political decisions, reports Matt Mace, May 5th 2016

Fonte: Wikimedia Commons

Tesla’s chief executive Elon Musk has accused politicians of bowing to the “unrelenting and enormous” lobbying power of the fossil fuel industry, warning that a global “revolt” may be needed to accelerate the transition to more sustainable energy and transport systems. Speaking at the World Energy Innovation Forum at the Tesla Factory in California on Wednesday, Musk claimed that traditional vehicles and energy sources will continue to hold a competitive edge against greener alternatives due to the vast amounts of subsidies they receive. The solution to this energy dilemma, Musk says, is to introduce a price on carbon by defining a tax rate on greenhouse gas emissions or the carbon content of fossil fuels. “The fundamental issue with fossil fuels is that every use comes with a subsidy,” Musk said. “Every gasoline car on the road has a subsidy, and the right way to address that is with a carbon tax.” “Politicians take the easy path of providing subsidies to electric vehicles, which aren’t equal to the applied subsidies of gasoline vehicles. It weakens the economic forcing function to transition to sustainable transport and energy.”

Figura 01 - ‘We need to fight the propaganda of the fossil fuel industry,’ says Elon Musk


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

While reiterating these calls for a robust carbon tax, Musk acknowledged that introducing the concept would be “hugely and politically difficult - especially when you have enormous lobbying power on behalf of the fossil fuel industry”. The business magnate therefore believes that educating the public on climate issues will be essential in reeling back the fossil fuel industry’s influence over big political decisions – which has already led to European climate policies being dropped over fears of a mass exodus. “It is quite worrying, the future of the world,” he added. “We need to appeal to the people and educate them to sort of revolt against this and to fight the propaganda of the fossil fuel industry which is unrelenting and enormous.” Despite Musk’s concerns, public demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is gathering pace and beginning to disrupt the automotive industry’s biggest players. Last month, for example, pre-orders for Tesla’s lower-priced Model 3 reached more than 276,000 within the first 24 hours of the car’s unveiling.

(Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 28 jun 2017. Adaptado.)

DISCUSSÃO 01. Que outros tipos de energia, além dos combustíveis fósseis, já existem no mundo e como funcionam? 02. Em sua opinião, qual o tipo de energia deveria ser mais amplamente utilizado? Argumente com seus colegas sobre seu ponto de vista. Resposta pessoal. 03. Você concorda com Elon Musk em taxar a indústria de combustíveis fósseis para que haja sua redução? Por quê? Resposta pessoal. 04. Imagine a seguinte situação hipotética: você é um jovem adulto bem-sucedido e juntou dinheiro o suficiente para comprar um carro. Ao dirigir-se à concessionária, o vendedor lhe oferece dois carros extremamente semelhantes: a única diferença entre eles é que o primeiro é movido a gasolina e o segundo, a energia elétrica, e isso influencia nos preços: o segundo custa o dobro do primeiro. Digamos que você possa comprar qualquer um dos dois sem se apertar, mas que sua escolha impacte na sua vida após a compra: se comprar o mais barato, terá dinheiro para viajar para o exterior, financiar sua própria casa etc.; se escolher o mais caro, terá de adiar esses planos e terá de juntar mais dinheiro. Qual dos dois carros você escolheria? Por quê? Resposta pessoal.

Nesta aula, não trataremos de gramática. Vamos aprender ou relembrar palavras sobre um tema importante na discussão atual das sociedades: o meio ambiente. Em meio a debates sobre efeito estufa, poluição de mares, rios e lagos, conhecer algumas palavras para melhorar seu inglês fará bem.

Palavras A lista a seguir apresenta algumas palavras sobre o assunto e seu significado em inglês para que você pratique sua leitura.

Gabarito questão 01 A energia hidráulica (ou hídrica) é a energia coletada da força das águas, tanto dos rios quanto dos mares e é a mais utilizada no Brasil por causa da grande quantidade de rios que temos no nosso país. Essa fonte de energia é renovável, mas gera alguns impactos ambientais a serem considerados: mudam o curso dos rios com a construção de represas e, com isso, alteram o ambiente natural. A energia solar é aquela que vem do Sol. Com ela, é possível gerar energia elétrica, esquentar a água do banho e muito mais. É ainda pouco utilizada no mundo, pois sua instalação inicial tem custo elevado. É uma fonte limpa e renovável e não causa grandes impactos ambientais para ser produzida. As placas solares são os sistemas utilizados para captar a radiação solar e transformá-la para gerar calor ou eletricidade. A energia eólica é a energia gerada a partir do vento. Grandes hélices (como aquelas dos helicópteros) são instaladas em áreas abertas, com boa incidência de ventos. O movimento dessas hélices gera eletricidade. Para utilizar a energia eólica, é preciso que a região tenha ventos constantes e fortes o suficiente. O vento é uma fonte de energia limpa e inesgotável, porém, ainda pouco utilizada pelo homem. A energia de biomassa vem da matéria orgânica, de origem animal ou vegetal, que pode ser utilizada na produção de energia: madeira, lenha, cana-de-açúcar, milho, esterco, restos de alimentos e outros elementos. A decomposição de algumas dessas matérias gera gases, que são processados em usinas especiais para produzir energia. A biomassa é considerada um recurso renovável e de baixo custo. Seu principal uso é o álcool de cana-de-açúcar, que se usa para abastecer carros no Brasil. A energia nuclear ocorre da fissão do núcleo do átomo de urânio libera energia em forma de calor. O processo de geração permite a obtenção de grande quantidade de energia num espaço muito pequeno, entretanto, sua produção gera resíduos chamados de “lixo atômico”, extremamente nocivos ao meio ambiente. Além disso, o uso desta energia para fabricar bombas atômicas causou grande polêmica a partir da Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Desde então, o desarmamento nuclear ganhou amplo destaque na agenda dos países de todo o mundo, desestimulando o uso desta energia.


A12  Vocabulário sobre o meio ambiente

Musk used his time at the forum to discuss how Tesla have had an “outside effect” on the industry, which has seen EVs grow from a “stupid idea” to the hallmark of company portfolios. With EVs set to represent 35% of all car sales by 2040, Musk predicts that half of all new car productions will be fully autonomous within the next decade. “It’s going to be common for cars to become autonomous a lot faster than people think,” Musk said. “I think that seven or eight years from now, half of all cars produced will be fully autonomous, and it would be viewed as odd if it wasn’t in a car.”


A12  Vocabulário sobre o meio ambiente

Acid rain

acidic precipitation (rainfall) that causes harm to the environment. It is formed in the atmosphere when industrial waste gases combine with water.


people who show their strong support of a cause through action, especially political action.

Animal rights

the natural rights of animals to live free of human dangers and exploitation.


an artificial channel for transporting water, often in the form of a bridge.


generally referring to packaging, it means something than can be decomposed by bacteria or other organisms.


the process of a liquid heating up and turning into a gas or vapor.


when a plant or animal species ceases to exist entirely.

Fault line

a fissure in the Earth’s crust where the tectonic plates move against each other causing an earthquake.


when a body of water, such as a river, becomes too full and water overflows beyond its normal confines.

Fossil fuels

fuel formed naturally over many years from the remains of animals, such as coal, oil, and natural gas.


gases and vapor (usually harmful).

Genetically modified

normally related to food, it’s when an object’s genetic makeup has been altered.

Breeding in captivity

the reproduction of animals in confinement, not in their natural habitats.

CFC gases

(Chlorofluorocarbon) gases that are harmful to the ozone layer in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Global warming

an increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, which is due to the greenhouse effect.


water that has been transformed from a gas to a liquid and appears on a cold surface.

Greenhouse effect

the trapping of the sun’s heat in the atmosphere caused by greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases

any gas, especially carbon dioxide, which contributes to the greenhouse effect.


large areas of land where waste and garbage are disposed.


when a large amount of land slides down from a mountain or cliff.

Natural resources

materials found in nature which are often exploited for economic gains.


the protection and preservation of the natural environment.

Conservation program

a formalized action plan for protecting or restoring a natural area.


to care for, preserve and protect.


polluted, usually by toxic waste


to rot or decompose; also, to decline in quality, energy, etc.


a large body of salt water spanning between continents.


the continuous absence of rain, thus causing the land to dry up.


without chemicals (such as sprays) or other man-made additives.


the natural organisms and flora and fauna that constitute and sustain a particular area.

Organic farming

producing crops without the use of chemical pesticides or herbicides.


toxic gases from factories and machinery that are then leaked into the atmosphere.

Ozone layer

the lower part of the atmosphere which contains a high level of ozone that absorbs the majority of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Endangered species

a species of plant or animal that are in danger of becoming extinct.


the illegal hunting of animals.


to contaminate a natural area


a person who actively works to promote the protection of the environment.


contamination or toxic bi-products from factories


the process of the wearing away of land due to there being little to no vegetation.

Power lines


when a volcano becomes active and begins to eject lava.

they’re used to conduct electricity to houses and buildings, and are often supported high above the ground by wooden poles or large metal structures.


Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 26 nov. 2015.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias Gabarito questão 01 a) A propaganda utiliza o slogan “One good thought deserves another” porque sua proposta é recompensar aqueles que pensarão ou executarão juntos ideias sobre como preservar o meio ambiente, ou seja, aqueles que farão uma boa ação merecem ter algo em retorno. Assim, no dia do meio ambiente, o shopping center Korum oferece em troca uma muda de planta para ser plantada e maquiagem para as mulheres que comparecerem.

Exercícios de Fixação 01. (Uel PR) Leia o texto a seguir.

03. (UEFS BA) The Greenland shark

Com base no texto, a) relacione o slogan “One good thought deserves another” à proposta da propaganda; b) cite, em português, cinco sugestões da propaganda para preservar e proteger o meio ambiente. 02. (Unesp SP) Examine o quadrinho.

“News, sports, weather, comics, advice, politics, opinion – it’s the Internet in a biodegradable, easily recycled format. The latest thing in green technology!” (

The boy a) is late for school because he was reading all the newspaper sessions. b) is amused because a newspaper is cheaper than the internet. c) has just read an article about environment and technology. d) thinks that newspapers were developed after the internet to protect the environment. e) believes the internet is better than books and newspapers.

They can be as big as great white sharks, but that’s 2 about as far as the comparison goes. Their maximum 3 speed is a lethargic 1.7 miles per hour, many are almost 4 blind, and they are happy to eat rotting carcasses. They 5 may be common throughout the ocean, but you’ve 6 probably never heard of them. Meet the Greenland 7 shark. Looking like nothing so much as a chunk of 8 weather-beaten rock, Greenland sharks (Somniosus 9 microcephalus) can grow up to 7.3 metres (24 feet) long, 10 making them one of the largest of all fish, and the biggest 11 in the Arctic. But they prefer to live in deep, cold water, 12 so humans rarely see them. 13 Studies in the Arctic have revealed a few snippets 14 of information about Greenland sharks, and more data 15 is now starting to come in from elsewhere. It turns out 16 that Greenland sharks are bizarre, and may be crucially 17 important for the ocean ecosystem. 18 Greenland sharks only come close to the surface 19 in places where the shallow water is frigid enough for 20 them — primarily in the Arctic. They are most easily 21 seen around Greenland and Iceland. As a result, they 22 were long thought of as purely polar animals, as were 23 the closelyrelated Pacific sleeper shark and southern 24 sleeper shark. 25 But they have been reported on the coasts of 26 Canada, Portugal, France, Scotland and Scandinavia. 27 Some researchers think they live in many other areas 28 too but just haven’t been spotted in them yet. “They may 29 be everywhere that’s cold enough and deep enough,” 30 says Aaron MacNeil of the Australian Institute of Marine 31 Science, in Townsville, Queensland. 32 The obvious way to see a Greenland shark in the 33 wild is to dive into the deep sea. For instance, in 2001 a 34 remotely operated vehicle in the Gulf of Mexico captured 35 footage of either a Greenland shark or a sleeper shark in 36 over 2,600 meters (8,530ft) of water. Two years later, a 37 pilot and a scientist from the Harbor Branch 38 Oceanographic Institution 1

Gabarito questão 01 b) Pagar o lixeiro para separar os recicláveis; preferir pratos de papel aos de plásticos; organizar car pool (carona) com a vizinhança; usar garrafas de vidro e não de plástico em casa; grampear o papel usado para servir de caderno de rascunho; utilização de cadernos recicláveis; fazer as escolas aceitarem envio de tarefas e trabalhos por meios digitais; manter uma sacola com você para jogar o lixo.


A12  Vocabulário sobre o meio ambiente

(Adaptado de: <>. Acesso em: 10 out. 2014.)


in Fort Pierce, Florida, became 39 the first people to come face to face with a Greenland 40 shark in the deep sea. The shark, which was five meters 41 (16ft) long, bumped into their submersible vessel 1,000 42 meters (3,280ft) down in the Gulf of Maine. But hardly 43 anyone dives that deep. So these rare encounters can’t 44 tell us how widespread and important the Greenland 45 sharks are. The Greenland shark. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 out. 2014.

Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). The last paragraph has answers to the following questions: ( ) How can you see a Greenland shark in its natural environment? ( ) When was the first time that a Greenland shark was captured alive? ( ) What did a special vehicle manage to film in 2001? ( ) How deep was the Greenland shark spotted in the Gulf of Mexico? The correct sequence, from top to bottom, is a) T T T T b) F T T F c) F F T F d) T F T T e) T T F F 04. (FGV) Radiation and evolution THE disaster last year at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, caused by an earthquake and tsunami, scored seven on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES). No worse rating exists. Radiation is harmful to living things, yet the long-term effects of persistently high levels of background radiation on ecosystems are poorly understood. With this in mind, a team led by Timothy Mousseau of the University of South Carolina and Anders Moller of the University of Paris-Sud set out to compare bird species dwelling near the Fukushima plant with those living at the site of another nuclear incident that scored a seven on the INES: the Ukrainian town of Chernobyl, where disaster struck in 1986.Remarkably, they found that some species seem to develop a tolerance for radioactivity over time. 2 Fukushima and Chernobyl are more than 7,000km (4,350 miles) apart, but Dr Mousseau and his colleagues soon realised that the two sites had much in common. Both are in areas that have a temperate climate with species that have similar habits and needs. And both are surrounded by a mixture of farmland and forest. Upon closer examination the researchers found that 14 species of bird lived in both regions, including the barn swallow, great tit, great reed warbler, buzzard and Eurasian jay. With so many similarities between the two places, a comparison of the biological responses to radiation in each (recent in Fukushima; longterm in Chernobyl) would surely be illuminating.

A12  Vocabulário sobre o meio ambiente



To do this, during July 2011, the researchers counted and identified birds at 300 locations near Fukushima that had radiation levels as low as 0.5 microsieverts per hour and as high as 35 (for comparison, dental X-rays rarely expose patients to more than 0.05 microsieverts). Then they compared these results to bird data collected in areas that had the same range of radiation levels near Chernobyl between 2006 and 2009. 4 Their results show that as radiation levels in an area rose to 35 microsieverts per hour, the average number of birds dropped by almost a third compared with the areas where radiation levels were only 0.5 microsieverts per hour. This makes sense: in those areas with a high level of radiation, living things would tend to die or sicken and fail to reproduce. However, when researchers looked at the 14 bird species that lived in both regions, they found that the same level of radiation was associated with twice as large a drop in bird numbers in Fukushima as in Chernobyl. 3

The reasons for this are not clear. It is possible that the composition of the radionuclides are proving more dangerous to the Fukushima birds than they are to the birds near Chernobyl. But Dr Mousseau suggests a more likely explanation is that evolution has already been at work near Chernobyl, killing off individual birds that cannot cope with the background radiation and allowing the genes of those that have some tolerance to be passed on. The birds at Fukushima are only beginning to face the evolutionary challenge of living in a radioactive world.


Adapted from The Economist, March 3, 2012

In the last paragraph, “this” in the sentence “The reasons for this are not clear” most likely refers to which of the following phenomena? a) Though the Fukushima and Chernobyl regions received a similar amount of radiation, relatively more birds disappeared from the Fukushima region than disappeared from the Chernobyl region. b) Sterility was more prevalent in Fukushima birds than in Chernobyl birds, even though both groups of birds were exposed to similar levels of radiation. c) Though Fukushima and Chernobyl are situated in identical environments, birds in the Fukushima region are generally smaller and less healthy than are similar birds in the Chernobyl region. d) Timothy Mousseau and his colleagues discovered that, in many cases, a region’s environment protects animals against high levels of radiation. e) Though the same types of birds were exposed to similar levels of radiation in the Fukushima and Chernobyl regions, the Fukushima birds in general remained healthier than the Chernobyl birds.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Exercícios Complementares

Hell on Wheels: Environmentally Friendly Electric Bikes Pose City Menace… Or Do They? For the past two months, The New York Observer had been deluged with emails asking if we’d like to test drive one of those new electric bicycles. Finally, we relented. Ultimately, e-bikes, which have a top speed of 20 mph, seem no more dangerous than fixed-gear bicycles or, for that matter, actual motorcycles or Vespas. The real danger is legal: by merely getting on the bike, we later discovered, we were technically breaking New York State law. While electric bikes haven’t caught on here like they have in Europe and Asia, experts figure that around 100,000 were sold last year in the U.S. They are a staple of New York’s restaurant industry, allowing customers’ food to be delivered quickly and piping hot, thanks to the bike’s battery-powered boost. For the men and women who spend all day pedaling, e-bikes offer an energy-friendly alternative that requires a fraction of the work. According to New York State and municipal legislation, electric bikes are 100 percent illegal to ride. The good news for e-bike proponents? The laws regarding the bikes are so contradictory and confusing that you’d be hard-pressed to find a police officer who would give you a ticket. “The fines for breaking traffic laws [with e-bikes] should be even higher than when you break rules with traditional bikes,” Councilman Garodnick told us, mentioning that the vehicles’ weight, speed and relative silence all make them a danger to pedestrians. The crackdowns seemingly have less to do with the dangers the bikes themselves pose and more with the behavior of the people riding them. Deliverymen are often cited as the source of the problem—riding on sidewalks, against traffic and through red lights on both regular bikes and the motorized variety. (In a constituent survey, Councilwoman Lappin found that 72 percent of the 1,305 respondents said they have been hit or almost hit by a delivery bike.) Still, in order to get these bigger fines passed, the City Council is working from the assumption that all e-bike riders—even those obeying traffic laws—are violating state law simply by riding these relatively safe, low-powered electric bikes. Adapted from: 24/08/2012.

The reporter comments that V-V-F-V-V 00. delivery cyclists often show inadequate behavior such as riding on sidewalks or against traffic. 01. e-bikes are very convenient as they are friendly to the environment and demand less effort from the rider. 02. free-gear bikes and vespas are less dangerous than e-bikes. 03. he only knew that e-bikes were illegal after the test drive. 04. e-bike selling is a flourishing business in the United States.

02. (Fatec SP) Welcome to Work for Water! It’s the place where students and job seekers can explore green careers, and utilities1 will find a clearinghouse of resources for recruiting in the wonderful world of water. Developed by the American Water Works Association and Water Environment Federation, the world’s leading technical experts on drinking water and water quality, this site is packed with resources to find jobs or prepare for rewarding careers in protecting public health and the environment. Learn about what it takes to work for water and get a great job for a great cause! ( Acesso em 13.03.2013. Adaptado)

utilities1: refere-se ao setor de serviços públicos, como fornecimento de gás, eletricidade ou transporte. O website Work for Water oferece oportunidades de empregos para aqueles interessados em “green careers” (carreiras verdes), um setor do mercado de trabalho em franca ascensão atualmente no cenário econômico mundial. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que a) o setor de serviços é o único que ainda não pode se beneficiar do site para o recrutamento de mão de obra. b) o setor de saúde pública ainda não é contemplado com os recursos disponíveis no site, mas passará a ser em breve. c) o site se destina especificamente a empresas que pretendem contratar empregados para trabalhar nas carreiras verdes. d) o site se destina unicamente a estudantes, já que aqueles que procuram empregos só encontrarão ofertas de atividades não remuneradas. e) o site oferece uma grande variedade de recursos para encontrar empregos ou mesmo se preparar para atuar profissionalmente em “green careers”. 03. (Ibmec RJ) Global Thinking in the 21st Century At the end of the 20th century, the world changed in important ways. Until recently nations acted independently. Each did its business and tried to solve its problems alone. But now, the economy is worldwide and communications technologies have connected people all over the globe. Many problems are global too, and can no longer be solved by individual nations. Environmental destruction is one of these problems. As the world’s population has grown and technology has developed, the environment has suffered. Some nations have begun to try to stop the pollution and the environmental destruction. But the environment is global – the atmosphere, the oceans, and many forms of life are all connected. Thus, the solutions require global thinking. The problem of ocean pollution is a good example. Since all the oceans of the world are connected. Pollution does not


A12  Vocabulário sobre o meio ambiente

01. (UFPE)


stay where it begins. It spreads out from every river and every harbor and affects bodies of water everywhere. For centuries, people have used the oceans as a dumping place. Many cities take tons of garbage out to sea and dump it there. Five million plastic containers are thrown into the world’s oceans every day! Aside from plastics, many other dangerous substances are dumped in oceans. Some people believe that oceans are so large that chemicals and waste will disappear. However, many things, such as chemicals and plastics, stay in the water and create problems. Another global pollution problem concerns the atmosphere. Until recently, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were used around the world in manufacturing refrigerators. Scientists discovered that these CFCs were destroying the ozone layer in the atmosphere and this layer helps protect the earth from the sun’s rays. Without this layer, most forms of life on earth – including humans – probable would not be able to live. CFCs will soon be completely banned in the United States and in most developed countries while many other countries still use CFCs in manufacturing. Among these are some of the most populous on earth, such as India and China, which need to change their refrigerator factories to non-CPC processes. But they may not be able to make this change alone and will need help from the industrialized countries. This is what global thinking means – working together for solutions. You may infer from this passage that in the past: a) problems were more local b) nations were more interested in the environment c) the economy was more global d) individual nations did not have as many problems e) developed countries have more environmental problems

A12  Vocabulário sobre o meio ambiente

04. (Uerj RJ) As questões deverão ser respondidas em língua portuguesa. A língua estrangeira só deverá ser utilizada quando o enunciado o exigir. The greenwashing of toxic consumer products

Um dos sentidos: na onda do verde; na moda do ecologicamente correto. Duas das expressões: Earth friendly; green; environmentally friendly; eco-friendly.

Have you noticed over the past years how virtually every large corporation is trying to make consumers believe their products are “Earth friendly”? Everything from toxic cosmetics to smogproducing cars is now being positioned as “green” products. I actually saw a package of mercury-containing compact fluorescent lights with a marketing logo that claimed the product 1


was “Helping protect the planet”! I 5have yet to understand the logic of how buying and throwing away mercury-contaminated products has any real benefit to the planet. Corporations, it seems, can claim that practically anything is eco-friendly or environmentally friendly, regardless of all the toxic chemicals it contains or produces. Their products are said to be green when, in reality, they’re not at all impressive as ecofriendly products. Nowhere is greenwashing more overhyped 10 than in the ethanol bio fuels industry, where consumers are being told that we can simply find our way out of an oil crisis by converting most of our food into fuel. Ethanol from corn is so energy inefficient that it takes almost exactly one barrel of oil from somewhere else to farm, harvest, process and produce one barrel of oil equivalent energy from corn. But let’s face it: consumers like to buy products that they think are green in some way, even if the “green-ness” 15of those products is highly exaggerated or even entirely fictitious. Why? Because it removes their guilt from driving sport utility vehicles (SUVs), eating meat products and spraying pesticides on their lawns. Somehow, buying a little corn ethanol puts it all back into balance for these people – folks who live remarkably unsustainable lifestyles that would require five Earths to support if everyone lived that way. Magically, the purchasing of a handful of green products each week causes all that guilt to just melt 20away. The more green products we buy, many consumers believe, the greener the planet will be. Beware of green claims by product manufacturers since everybody’s on the green bandwagon. Be alert for products that are extremely hazardous to the environment. They often carry some type of green claim. Therefore, consumers should be sharp and do their research on these corporations before blindly buying into their claims of being Earth friendly. 25 Greenwashing is big business, and so is pushing more toxic products to consumers for them to spray on their lawns, shove down their throats, put in their cars or pour away into the sewer system. Most consumer products are highly toxic for people, animals and nature, and before long, nearly all of them will likely carry some kind of greenwashing claim that declares how good they are for the environment. The Earth is being poisoned, day by day, by greenwashing corporations and greedy consumers. It is only 30a matter of time before it all comes back to bite us so hard that we might end up as a race of chemically induced genetic mutants. MIKE ADAMS.

Observe as expressões destacadas no fragmento abaixo: Beware of green claims by product manufacturers since everybody’s on the green bandwagon. Be alert for products that are extremely hazardous to the environment. (ref. 20) Explique o sentido de on the green bandwagon e retire do texto, em inglês, duas expressões adjetivas com sentido oposto a hazardous to the environment.




Exercícios de Aprofundamento 01. (Uncisal AL)


Oceans warm faster, and may hold the key to climate change […] The Earth hasn’t cooled — this past decade has still been the hottest on record—but temperatures haven’t risen as climate models predicted. Call it a “pause,” call it a “hiatus,” but the question is clear: where’s the heat? Try the ocean. That’s one takeaway from a new paper published in Science today, one of a number of studies suggesting that the oceans depths seem to be soaking up the excess heat energy created by the accumulation of greenhouse gases. Researchers led by Yair Rosenthal at Rutgers University reconstructed temperatures in one part of the Pacific Ocean and found that its middle depths have been warming some 15 times faster over the past 60 years than at any other time

Some 13% of Brazilian adults are obese - 12.4% of men

and 13.6% of women – according to the study, which was carried out in 2008 among 54,000 people for Brazil’s Health Ministry. Meanwhile, almost half (47.3%) of adult males and 39.5% of females are considered overweight. Those figures are still low compared with industrialized nations like the U.S., where more than a third of all adults are considered obese (a condition defined by the ratio of weight to height). But Malta says the trend is clear and that Brazil is slowly moving on the same path. In 1975, similar studies showed that only 2.8% of men and 7.8% of women were obese; just seven years ago, the numbers were 8.8% and 12.7%. 3.

The study, carried out for World Health Day (April

8), covered many health-related topics and offered some contradictory figures as well. ______ Brazilians are getting

over the past 10,000 years. It’s as if the oceans have been

fatter, they are eating less red meat and more fruits and

acting as a battery, absorbing the excess charge created by the

vegetables, Malta reports. They are smoking less and taking

greenhouse effect, which leaves less to warm the surface of the

more preventive tests such as mammograms and Pap smears.

planet, where we’d notice it.

But they are using less sunscreen and drinking more, especially

Disponível em: Acesso em 25 out. 2013 (adaptado).

No fragmento, os verbos em destaque estão empregados, respectivamente, nos seguintes tempos verbais: a) past perfect – past perfect – past tense – past tense b) present tense – present tense – past perfect – past perfect c) present perfect – present perfect – past tense – past tense d) past tense – past tense – past perfect – past perfect e) present perfect – present perfect – past perfect – past perfect 02. (Acafe SC) Brazilian Obesity: The Big Girl from Ipanema Published by TIME magazine on April 10th 2009 (The text below has been slightly modified to better suit the exam) 1. With thousands of miles of sun-kissed coastline, Brazil is a beach nation, one where people like nothing better than to spend weekends and holidays with a cold one on the sand. But the chances of spotting suntanned beauties in tiny bikinis are getting smaller and smaller, according to a government study released this week. Research shows that the number of Brazilians suffering from obesity is growing. And the trend toward the fuller figure is most prevalent among women. “Obesity among women had stabilized in previous studies, and now there is an expressive increase,” says Deborah Malta, the study’s coordinator. “That is very worrying.”

to excess and often when driving. 4.

Nevertheless, in body-conscious Brazil, the nation of

Gisele Bündchen, plastic surgery and minuscule bikinis, it was the obesity figures that caused the most anxiety. Any suggestion that the girl from Ipanema is not necessarily tall and tan and young and lovely, but could possibly be short and pale and fat and ugly, can cause a scandal here. When the New York Times reported in 2005 that Brazilians were getting fatter, the correspondent came under attack in the media as a gay, Brazilian-hating heretic. 5.

Indeed, Malta calls that earlier report “disrespectful” and

prefers to emphasize that Brazilians are relatively slim compared with their counterparts in the West. “I think Brazilians are still worried about their bodies. When we compare ourselves to the rest of the world, we are still much thinner,” she tells TIME. “And remember, this is not just Brazilians that are getting fatter -this is a worldwide phenomenon.” Which are the simple past forms of the verbs in the fifth paragraph: think (fourth line), tells (seventh line) and getting (eighth line), respectively? a) think, told and got. b) taught, told and gotten. c) thought, told and got. d) taught, tell and gotten. 735


03. (Efoa MG) Who lives longer? How to live longer is a topic that has fascinated mankind for 2 centuries. Today scientists are beginning to separate the facts from the 3fallacies surrounding the aging process. Why is it that some people reach 4a ripe old age and others do not? Several factors influencing longevity are 5set at birth, but surprisingly, many others are elements that can be 6changed. Here is what you should know. 7 Some researchers divide the elements determining who will live 8longer into two categories: fixed factors and changeable factors. Gender, 9race and heredity are fixed factors – they can’t be reversed, although 10certain long term social changes can influence them. For example, 11women live longer than men – at birth, their life expectancy is seven to 12eight years more. However, cigarette smoking, drinking and reckless 13driving could shorten this advantage. 14 There is increasing evidence that length of life is also influenced 15by a number of elements that are within our ability to control. The most 16obvious are physical life-style factors. 17 Cutting calories may be the single most significant life-style 18 change you can make. Experiments have shown that in laboratory 19animals, a 40 percent calorie reduction leads to a 50 percent extension in 20longevity. According to experts, eating less has a more profound and 21diversified effect on the aging process than does any other life-style 22change. It is the only factor we know of in laboratory animals that is an 23 anti-aging factor. 24 A long life, however, is not just the result of being good to your 25body and avoiding disease. All the various factors that constitute and 26influence daily life can be critical too. In searching for the ingredients to a 27long, healthy existence, scientists are studying links between longevity 28and the psychological and social aspects of human existence. Several 29 aspects can play significant roles in determining your longevity. 30 Researchers have found that people who are socially integrated – 31members of a family network, married, or participants of structured group 32activities – live longer. 33 Early studies indicated that the more friends and relatives you 34had, the longer you lived. Newer studies focus on the types of 35relationships that are most beneficial. According to these studies, larger 36networks don’t always seem to be advantageous to women, since certain 37kinds of ties add more demands rather than generate more help. 38 A feeling of autonomy or control can come from having a say in 39important decisions (where you live, how you spend your money) or from 39being surrounded by people who inspire confidence in your ability to 40master certain tasks. Studies show these feelings bring a sense of wellbeing 41and satisfaction with life. 42 Where you live can make a difference in how long you live. A 43study by the California Department of Health Services in

FRENTE A  Exercícios de Aprofundamento



Berkeley found a 4440 percent higher mortality rate among people living in a poverty area 45compared to those in a nonpoverty area. According to the study, the 46difference was not due to age, sex, health care or life-style. The resulting 47 hypothesis was that a locale can have socioeconomic characteristics, 48such as high crime rate and level of stress, that make it unhealthy. 49 People with higher incomes, more education and high-status 50 occupations tend to live longer. Researchers used to think this was due to 51better living and job conditions, nutrition and access to health care, but 52these theories have not held up. 53 The message from experts is clear. There are many ways to add 54years to your life. Instituting sound health practices and expanding your 55circle of acquaintances and activities will have a beneficial effect. The 56good news about aging is many of the factors related to longevity are also 57related to life satisfaction. (Source: SKALKA, P. Who lives longer? In: SMITH, L. C.; MARE, N. N. (Org.). Topics for today: an advanced reading skills text. 2 ed. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle, 1997, p. 70-73. Adapted.

The sentence which IS NOT an example of the present perfect simple is: a) “[…] a topic that has fascinated mankind for centuries.” (lines 1-2). b) “[…] eating less has a more profound and diversified effect […].” (lines 20-21). c) “Experiments have shown that in laboratory animals […].” (lines 18-19). d) “Researchers have found that people who are socially […].” (line 30). e) “[…] these theories have not held up.” (line 53). 04. (Usp SP) 1 While community-based, representative studies 2 are critical to understanding the distribution and 3 burden of anemia in the older population, it is also 4 important to recognize that anemia is even more 5 common in institutional settings. Although there 6 are no published national estimates of anemia 7 prevalence in nursing home facilities, a few studies 8 have retrospectively reviewed the records of 9 nursing home residents to estimate the prevalence 10 of WHO* – defined anemia. For instance, Artz and 11 colleagues examined the charts of 900 residents in12 5 skilled-nursing homes and reported that 48% of 13 residents had anemia. Among anemic nursing14 home residents in the study, 30% had been 15 hospitalized within the past 6 months whereas 16 16% of non-anemics were hospitalized. Using data 17 from a national network of nursing homes, 18 Robinson and colleagues reported that that of the 19 6,200 records examined, 60% of older nursing 20 home residents had anemia and that 43% had 21 chronic kidney disease. Finally, Landi and 22 colleagues reported that 63% (235/372) of older23 residents in a single nursing home in Rome, Italy 24 had anemia and showed that the 2-year-risk of 25 death adjusting for age and sex was 60% higher in 26 anemic than in non-anemic residents. Both the 27 high prevalence of anemia

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Semin Hematol, Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 1. Adaptado.

A conjunção “whereas” na sentença “Among anemic nursing... whereas 16% of non-anemics were hospitalized.” (Refs. 13-16), estabelece uma relação de a) explanação. b) complementaridade. c) exemplificação. d) adição. e) comparação. 05. (UFRPE) Comprising over 70% of the Earth’s surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprised of hydrogen and oxygen, life on Earth would be nonexistent: it is essential for everything on our planet to grow and prosper. Although we as humans recognize this fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and oceans. Subsequently, we are slowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms are dying at a very alarming rate. In addition to innocent organisms dying off, our drinking water has become greatly affected as is our ability to use water for recreational purposes. In order to combat water pollution, we must understand the problems and become part of the solution. Disponível em: Acessado em 22 de janeiro de 2009.

Humans will pollute existing water resources a) despite the fact they know better. b) according to their recreational needs. c) because these are already polluted, anyway. d) due to the fact that water is abundant. e) in order to kill unwanted living organisms. 06. (Cefet PR) WATER WORRIES Overdosing of antibiotics can do more than damage your health. It can damage the environment too. Water samples recently taken from the Ohio River and two of its tributaries contained trace amounts of commonly prescribed antibiotics like penicillin, tetracycline, and vancomycin. The drugs apparently came from farms and hospitals located upstream. The drugs were also present in area tap water.

Antibiotics leave the bodies of animals and humans as waste, which is apparently how they entered the water. The low levels of antibiotics are not considered harmful to humans. However, the findings raise concerns about so-called superbugs — bacteria that are immune to antibiotics. Scientists believe overexposure to antibiotics helps resistant bacteria become more widespread. This is the first time it has been demonstrated that antibiotics can leech into the water supply. The science project was conducted by 17-year-old high school senior Ashley Mulroy, who also showed that while typical wastewater treatment plants don’t eliminate the drugs, activated charcoal filtration does. Mulroy’s innovative research earned her a water science prize from the engineering firm ITT Industries of White Plains, New York. (CURTIS, Ellis. Popular Science: water worries. May 2001, page 42)

VOCABULARY amounts – quantidades bugs – micróbios leech – “penetrar” tributaries – afluentes waste – resíduos, lixo widespread – muito espalhadas The main idea of the text is: a) The water science prize given to Mulroy’s innovative research. b) The elimination of the drugs by typical wastewater treatment plants. c) The damage antibiotics can cause for human health and the environment. d) The description of the Ohio River which is still not polluted. e) The superbugs — bacteria that are not spreading thanks to antibiotics. 07. (UECE CE) Brazil plowed billions of dollars into building a railroad across arid backlands, only for the long-delayed project to fall prey to metal scavengers. Curvaceous new public buildings designed by the famed architect Oscar Niemeyer were abandoned right after being constructed. There was even an ill-fated U.F.O. museum built with federal funds. Its skeletal remains now sit like a lost ship among the weeds. As Brazil sprints to get ready for the World Cup in June, it has run up against a catalog of delays, some caused by deadly construction accidents at stadiums, and cost overruns. It is building bus and rail systems for spectators that will not be finished until long after the games are done. But the World Cup projects are just a part of a bigger national problem casting a pall over Brazil’s grand ambitions: an array of lavish projects conceived when economic growth was surging that now stand abandoned, stalled or wildly over budget.


FRENTE A  Exercícios de Aprofundamento

and relatively shortterm 28 mortality rate observed by Landi et al 29 suggests that the incidence of anemia in nursing 30 homes (either upon admission or through the 31 course of stay) is high and/or recovery from 32 anemia is high, the latter of which seems doubtful. 33 As with community-based studies, the wide range 34 of prevalence estimates of anemia in nursing 35 homes (48-63%) likely reflects differences in the 36 demographic and health status composition of 37 residents across studies, but clearly there is a very 38 high prevalence of anemia in nursing homes that 39 requires further investigation. * WHO: the World Health Organization


Some economists say the troubled projects reveal a crippling bureaucracy, irresponsible allocation of resources and bastions of corruption. Huge street protests have been aimed at costly new stadiums being built in cities like Manaus and Brasília, whose paltry fan bases are almost sure to leave a sea of empty seats after the World Cup events are finished, adding to concerns that even more white elephants will emerge from the tournament. “The fiascos are multiplying, revealing disarray that is regrettably systemic,” said Gil Castello Branco, director of Contas Abertas, a Brazilian watchdog group that scrutinizes public budgets. “We’re waking up to the reality that immense resources have been wasted on extravagant projects when our public schools are still a mess and raw sewage is still in our streets.” The growing list of troubled development projects includes a $3.4 billion network of concrete canals in the drought-plagued

FRENTE A  Exercícios de Aprofundamento

hinterland of northeast Brazil — which was supposed to be finished in 2010 — as well as dozens of new wind farms idled by a lack of transmission lines and unfinished luxury hotels blighting Rio de Janeiro’s skyline. Economists surveyed by the nation’s central bank see Brazil’s economy growing just 1.63 percent this year, down from 7.5 percent in 2010, making 2014 the fourth straight year of slow growth. President Dilma Rousseff’s supporters contend that the public spending has worked, helping to keep unemployment at historical lows and preventing what would have been a much worse economic slowdown had the government not pumped its considerable resources into infrastructure development. Still, a growing chorus of critics argues that the inability to finish big infrastructure projects reveals weaknesses in Brazil’s model of state capitalism. First, they say, Brazil gives extraordinary influence to a web of state-controlled companies, banks and pension funds to invest in ill-advised projects. Then other bastions of the vast public bureaucracy cripple projects with audits and lawsuits. “Some ventures never deserved public money in the first place,” said Sérgio Lazzarini, an economist at Insper, a São Paulo business school, pointing to the millions in state financing for the overhaul of the Glória hotel in Rio, owned until recently by a mining tycoon, Eike Batista. The project was left unfinished, unable to open for the World Cup, when Mr. Batista’s business empire crumbled last year. “For infrastructure projects which deserve state support and get it,” Mr. Lazzarini continued, “there’s the daunting task of dealing with the risks that the state itself creates.” The Transnordestina, a railroad begun in 2006 here in northeast Brazil, illustrates some of the pitfalls plaguing projects big and small. Scheduled to be finished in 2010 at a cost of about $1.8 billion, the railroad, designed to stretch more than 1,000 miles,


is now expected to cost at least $3.2 billion, with most financing from state banks. Officials say it should be completed around 2016. But with work sites abandoned because of audits and other setbacks months ago in and around Paulistana, a town in Piauí, one of Brazil’s poorest states, even that timeline seems optimistic. Long stretches where freight trains were already supposed to be running stand deserted. Wiry vaqueiros, or cowboys, herd cattle in the shadow of ghostly railroad bridges that tower 150 feet above parched valleys. “Thieves are pillaging metal from the work sites,” said Adailton Vieira da Silva, 42, an electrician who labored with thousands of others before work halted last year. “Now there are just these bridges left in the middle of nowhere.” Brazil’s transportation minister, César Borges, expressed exasperation with the delays in finishing the railroad, which is needed to transport soybean harvests to port. He listed the bureaucracies that delay projects like the Transnordestina: the Federal Court of Accounts; the Office of the Comptroller General; an environmental protection agency; an institute protecting archaeological patrimony; agencies protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and descendants of escaped slaves; and the Public Ministry, a body of independent prosecutors. Still, Mr. Borges insisted, “Projects get delayed in countries around the world, not just Brazil.” Some economists contend that the way Brazil is investing may be hampering growth instead of supporting it. The authorities encouraged energy companies to build wind farms, but dozens cannot operate because they lack transmission lines to connect to the electricity grid. Meanwhile, manufacturers worry over potential electricity rationing as reservoirs at hydroelectric dams run dry amid a drought. Then there is the extraterrestrial museum in Varginha, a city in southeast Brazil where residents claimed to have seen an alien in 1996. Officials secured federal money to build the museum, but now all that remains of the unfinished project is the rusting carcass of what looks like a flying saucer. “That museum,” said Roberto Macedo, an economist at the University of São Paulo, “is an insult to both extraterrestrials and the terrestrial beings like ourselves who foot the bill for yet another project failing to deliver.” Adapted from 12, 2014.

In terms of tenses, the verbs in “…investors have grown…”, “… he acknowledged…” and “were intended” are, respectively, in the a) simple present, present perfect, past continuous. b) present perfect, simple past passive, simple past. c) present continuous, present perfect passive, simple present. d) present perfect, simple past, simple past passive.

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