Coleção 10 V - Livro 6 - Inglês - Professor

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Jamile Maeda e Silva



INGLÊS Por falar nisso Uma língua não é apenas um sistema de regras morfológicas, semânticas, sintáticas e afins que convém um sentido para interlocutores e falantes: ela, acima de tudo, expressa nuances de raciocínio, vivências culturais, manias, humores de um povo e muito mais. Por haver vários países cujo idioma oficial é o inglês, há diferentes palavras para significar um mesmo objeto e formas diferentes de se expressar dentro dessa mesma língua. O conhecimento dessas diferenças vem à medida que elas são estudadas profundamente e encontradas na fala de nativos, seja por meio de vídeos, textos, seja pessoalmente. Nas próximas aulas, estudaremos os seguintes temas

A01 A02 A03 A04

Formação de palavras ................................................................... 810 Comparativos e superlativos ........................................................ 820 Presente perfeito e passado simples............................................ 827 Passado perfeito ........................................................................... 834





ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n Formação de palavras n Antes de começar n Introdução n Sufixos n Prefixos n Palavras compostas

FORMAÇÃO DE PALAVRAS Antes de começar Leia o texto a seguir, que fala brevemente sobre dois romances − um inglês e um francês − sem o uso da letra "e" em sua construção, e depois responda às questões que o seguem. You Won’t Find the Letter “E” in Either of These Two Novels

Fonte: Wikimedia commons

The letter “e” is so integral to many languages that it’s amazing to think that even a short conversation could be conducted without it. For instance, in one episode of How I Met Your Mother, Lily and Robin challenge their friend Barney to try and get a girl’s phone number while wearing a trash bag and without using the letter “e.” Okay, so he succeeds, but the conversation isn’t very scintillating (and the garbage bag is not a great look, either.)

Fonte: Wikimedia commons

Figura 01 - The cover of Ernest Vincent Wright’s Gadbsy

Figura 02 - The cover of Georges Perec’s translation A Void


“E” is the most commonly used letter in the English language. Not only that, it’s the most commonly used letter in lots of languages, including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Danish, and Dutch. So there are easier letters to omit if you decide to construct a lipogram – a text that deliberately omits a particular letter – no matter what your nationality. All of which makes the fact that not one but two authors managed to complete entire novels without ever using the letter “e” all the more amazing. Written in 1939, Ernest Vincent Wright’s Gadsby is a 50,000 word novel – and there’s not an “e” in sight (at least not once you get past the author’s name or the introduction, in which Wright mentions how people often told him that such a feat was impossible), but Gadsby sticks to its own rules admirably. If there are abbreviations used, they are only ones that still would not contain the letter “e” if written out in full. In order to make sure he didn’t accidentally cheat, Wright reportedly tied down the letter “e” on his typewriter. Inspired by Wright, Georges Perec decided to write his own novel without the letter “e” – in his first language, French. Published in 1969, it was called La Disparition and was later, incredibly, translated into English in 1994 by Gilbert Adair, who renamed it A Void (as the direct translation would have been “The Disappearance”, which, you might have noticed, contains three examples of the letter in question). La Disparation has been translated into many languages in the same lipogrammatic form, including German, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish, Turkish, Romanian, and even Japanese. You have to wonder who had the harder job here: the author of the original novel, or the writers who managed to stick to the rules when they translated it. (Aliya Whiteleys. In: Mental Floss. Disponível em: < article/84280/you-wont-find-letter-e-either-these-two-novels>. Acesso em: 23 jan 2018. Modificado.)

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

DISCUSSÃO 01. Read an excerpt from A Void, written by Georges Perec, and replace the words in bold for synonyms with the letter E: “Today, by radio, and also on giant hoardings, a rabbi, an admiral notorious for his links to Masonry, a trio of cardinals, a trio, too, of insignificant politicians (bought and paid for by a rich and corrupt Anglo-Canadian banking corporation), inform us all of how our country now risks dying of starvation. A rumour, that’s my initial thought as I switch off my radio, a rumour or possibly a hoax. Propaganda, I murmur anxiously—as though, just by saying so, I might allay my doubts—typical politicians’ propaganda. But public opinion gradually absorbs it as a fact.” 02. Levando em consideração o excerto de Perec acima e o seguinte, de Wright, infira estratégias utilizadas por esses autores para escrever os livros mencionados no texto: “Upon this basis I am going to show you how a bunch of bright young folks did find a champion; a man with boys and girls of his own; a man of so dominating and happy individuality that Youth is drawn to him as is a fly to a sugar bowl. It is a story about a small town.” 03. In your opinion, which is harder: writing without the letter E or translating it? Write a small paragraph giving reasons. Resposta pessoal. 04. Desafie-se: escreva um pequeno conto em inglês que não contenha a letra “e”. Lembre-se de que um conto é uma narrativa breve e concisa, contendo um só conflito, uma única ação, com espaço geralmente limitado a um ambiente, uma unidade de tempo e um número restrito de personagens.

Gabarito 01 Today, by radio, and also on giant advertisements, a rabbi, an admiral notorious for his links to Masonry, a trio of cardinals, a trio, too, of insignificant politicians (bought and paid for by a rich and corrupt Anglo-Canadian banking corporation), inform us all of how our country now risks dying of famine. A rumour, that’s my initial thought as I switch off my radio, a rumour or possibly a deception. Propaganda, I murmur tensely—as though, just by saying so, I might alleviate my doubts—typical politicians’ propaganda. But public opinion gradually absorbs it as a fact. Gabarito 02 Algumas estratégias podem ter sido o uso de sinônimos; o uso da narração em primeira pessoa do singular, que tem verbos conjugados sem as terminações da terceira pessoa do singular, como watches; o controle da história e de seus personagens, que podem ter nomes e nacionalidades sem a letra proibida etc. Gabarito 04 Resposta pessoal. Sugere-se, nesse exercício, que o professor corrija os textos dos alunos de modo a ajudá-los a engrandecer o vocabulário de inglês, uma vez que será necessário conhecer vários sinônimos para escrevê-lo. Para facilitar, o professor pode separar a turma em duplas ou trios para realizar a atividade, e depois determinar um número máximo de linhas e um tema, por exemplo, a ida a um funeral, pois, assim, os alunos não poderão usar palavras como funeral, death ou dead.

Introdução A formação de palavras em inglês faz parte do que chamamos de morfologia das palavras, que é o estudo da constituição dos vocábulos e dos processos pelos quais eles são construídos a partir de suas partes componentes. Esse estudo serve para o reconhecimento das classes gramaticais – noun, numeral, article, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction e interjection em inglês – como também para saber os significados das palavras com raízes – parte constante das palavras, que carregam o significado principal –, prefixos – alterados do significado principal inicial – e sufixos – indicadores das classes citadas. Vamos nos ater aos substantivos, verbos, adjetivos e advérbios nesta aula. Repare que, em inglês, é possível formar diferentes classes gramaticais com a mesma raiz: unreal, unrealistic


reality, realism

real, realistic


adjetivos com prefixo de negação





A01  Formação de palavras

A parte em negrito é a raiz da palavra. Note que ela se repete em todas as classes gramaticais e o que muda é exatamente o que a caracteriza (não vamos entrar aqui nas especificidades, vogais temáticas, desinências e afins, do português). Independente do sufixo, é possível acrescentar alguns prefixos a palavras já existentes para mudar seu significado original, como no caso de unreal, que nega a realidade que a palavra real afirma.



Sufixos Para substantivos Já estudamos alguns sufixos indicadores nos módulos anteriores, mas deixaremos as tabelas com alguns exemplos para que você possa conferir, se precisar. Lembre-se de que, melhor do que memorizar tabelas, é ler textos e ouvir áudios em inglês, prestando-se atenção às palavras usadas em cada contexto.

Fonte: Doug Wheller / Wikimedia commons





indicador de grupo; quantidade; local

baggage, village, anchorage


processo ou estado de algo

arrival, burial, deferral


ação ou estado de algo

reliance, defence, insistence


condição ou estado; área reinada por; grupo de algo

boredom, freedom, kingdom


pessoa afetada ou descrita por algo

employee, payee, refugee


indicador de profissão

driver, writer, director


estado ou qualidade de algo

brotherhood, childhood, neighbourhood


grupo de ideias ou sistema de crenças

capitalism, Marxism, socialism


pessoa que acredita em algo; indicador de profissão

violinist, atheist, socialist


qualidade ou estado de algo

brutality, equality, cruelty


ação ou resultado de algo

amazement, disappointment, parliament


qualidade, estado ou característica de algo

happiness, kindness, usefulness


grupo ou classe de algo; estado ou característica de algo; a arte de fazer algo

entry, ministry, robbery, bakery


estado ou característica de algo; habilidade de algo; grupo de algo

friendship, membership, workmanship


ação ou estado de algo

expression, population, complexion

A01  Formação de palavras

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 nov. 2016. Adaptado.

In 1959, at age 17, Hawking took an entrance exam for Oxford. He received a scholarship and commenced schooling there, in his third year joining the boating club as a coxswain in order to make more friends. He didn’t work particularly hard, averaging an hour of studying per day, but that was the prevailing attitude then at Oxford. One should rely on brilliance. Despite that, he advanced successfully to graduate school. (Extrato retirado de: David J. Eicher. The life and times of Stephen Hawking. In:


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Para adjetivos Da mesma forma que os sufixos formadores de substantivos, mostrados acima, os sufixos adjetivos são igualmente importantes norteadores de leitura. Sufixo




possível ou passível de algo

drinkable, portable, flexible


tem ligação a algo; processo ou estado de algo

brutal, formal, postal


que descreve como alguém se sente ou o estado de algo

amused, confused, frightened


ser feito de algo

broken, golden, wooden


indicador de procedência

Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese


cheio de algo

forgetful, helpful, useful


indicador de procedência

Iraqi, Pakistani, Yemeni


tem ligação a algo; que pratica a ação mencionada

classic, Islamic, poetic


que descreve algo que causa emoção

tiring, boring, exciting


indicador de procedência (língua); que age como algo; que se aproxima a algo

British, childish, Spanish


que tende a algo; que tem a natureza de algo

active, passive, productive


indicador de procedência

Canadian, Malaysian, Peruvian


indicador de falta

homeless, hopeless, useless


indicador de frequência

daily, monthly, yearly


que tem a natureza ou a característica de algo

cautious, famous, nervous


estar cheio de algo; que tende a algo

dusty, cloudy, rainy, windy

A01  Formação de palavras

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 nov. 2016. Adaptado.



One out of 5 people in Canada’s population is foreign-born According to the first data from the 2011 NHS, Canada had a total of about 6,775,800 foreign-born individuals who arrived as immigrants. They represented 20.6% of the total population, compared with 19.8% in the 2006 Census. Many of Canada’s foreign-born have lived in the country for many years, while others were relative newcomers. Around 1,162,900 foreign-born people immigrated in Canada between 2006 and 2011. These recent immigrants made up 17.2% of the total foreign-born population and 3.5% of the total population in Canada. Together with immigrants who came during the first five years of the millennium, nearly 2,155,000 immigrants made Canada home during the last ten years.


(Dados retirados de: <>. Acesso em: 19 mar. 2018.)


He was red from all that moving around. Os sufixos de adjetivos -ed e -ing são escritos da adje vo substan vo mesma forma que os indicadores de verbos no particípio e no presente contínuo, respectiva- He had finally moved to his new house and now he was bored. mente, mas representam verbo substan vo classes gramaticais diferentes. Além disso, o sufixo -ing pode indicar um substantivo. Veja os exemplos a lado:

He was moving to his new house and the whole process was verbo

ring. adje vo

Para verbos

A01  Formação de palavras

A quantidade de terminações formadoras de verbos é significativamente menor do que de substantivos e adjetivos, contudo, não menos importante. Os verbos exemplificados, na tabela a seguir, estão no infinitivo, a não ser quando explicitamente apresentados em outro tempo. Terminação




dar qualidade a algo

to complicate, to dominate, to irritate


fazer ou tornar-se algo

to harden, to soften, to shorten



cooked, moved, cried


fazer ou tornar-se algo

to beautify, to clarify, to identify


presente contínuo

swimming, speaking, trying


fazer ou tornar-se algo; agir como algo; colocar em algum lugar

to economize, to realize, to industrialize


fazer algo

to retrieve, to believe, to conceive

Disponível em: <>.Acesso em: 16 nov. 2016. Adaptado.

Observação: A variação do sufixo -ise ou -ize depende do fato de o inglês ser britânico ou americano, respectivamente. 814

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Para advérbios Os sufixos formadores de advérbios também se apresentam em menor quantidade, e o mais utilizado na língua inglesa é o -ly, que pode ser acoplado a quase todos os adjetivos. É importante lembrar que, na língua inglesa, existem também as locuções adverbiais, que são formadas por frases. Veja os seguintes sufixos: Sufixo




do jeito de algo; em intervalos de tempo

calmly, easily, quickly, daily


na direção de algo

downwards, homeward(s), upwards


no jeito ou na direção de algo

anti-clockwise, clockwise, edgewise

Disponível em: < /british-grammar/word-formation/suffixes>. Acesso em: 16 nov. 2016. Adaptado.

Figura 04 - Please, let’s not go backwards, we’ve done so much until now! (advérbio)

A01  Formação de palavras

Figura 03 - To enter uninvited the party, they went towards the back of the building. (locução adverbial)




A01  Formação de palavras

Os prefixos, diferentemente dos sufixos, não são indicadores de classe gramatical e são colocados antes das raízes das palavras. Eles indicam, porém, mudanças de significado nos vocábulos e o fato de conhecer seus significados pode ajudá-lo a entender o sentido de palavras desconhecidas em textos. Prefixo




o oposto

anti-government, anti-racist, anti-war


relacionado a si próprio

autobiography, automobile


reverso ou mudança

de-classify, decontaminate, demotivate


reverso ou remoção

disagree, displeasure, disqualify


reduzir ou menor

downgrade, downhearted

en-, em-

colocar em, causar ou prover

endanger, embed



extraordinary, extraterrestrial



hyperactive, hypertension

il-, im-, in-, ir-

negação ou dentro de algo

illegal, impossible, insecure, irregular, infiltrate



interactive, international


muito grande, importante

megabyte, mega-deal, megaton


meio (a)

midday, midnight, mid-October


de modo incorreto ou ruim

misaligned, mislead, misspelt



non-payment, non-smoking



overcook, overcharge, overrate


ir além

outdo, out-perform, outrun



post-election, post-war



prehistoric, pre-war


a favor

pro-communist, pro-democracy



reconsider, redo, rewrite



semicircle, semi-retired


embaixo, abaixo

submarine, sub-Saharan


em cima, acima

super-hero, supermodel


a certa distância

television, telepathic


através de

transatlantic, transfer



ultra-compact, ultrasound


remoção, reverso, negação

undo, unpack, unhappy


menos que

undercook, underestimate


fazer ou levantar

upgrade, uphill

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 nov. 2016. Adaptado.


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Palavras compostas Existem três maneiras de se formar palavras compostas em inglês: n n n

A forma fechada, em que as palavras são escritas juntas: butterfly, redhead, makeup; A forma hifenizada: year-old, mass-murdered, mother-in-law; A forma aberta: full moon, high school, half sister.

Esses métodos são mais difíceis de serem memorizados, porém saber que eles são possíveis ajudará você na hora da leitura, permitindo o reconhecimento e a memorização natural de palavras pelo cérebro. Exercícios de Fixação

a) The customs official was accused of bribe______ and corruption. b) This painting has a certain charming child______ quality. c) Long leather boots were extremely fashion______ at one time. d) A shell fell on Jim’s head and knocked him sense______. e) Helen served her apprentice______ as a reporter on a local paper. a) Bribery; b) Childlike; c) Fashionable; d) Senseless; e) Apprenticeship

02. Complete the word in each sentence with a suitable suffix. a) The Prime Minister handed in his resign______ yesterday. b) The film didn’t live up to my expect______ at all. c) Every employ______ will be given an electric badge for entrance and exit purposes. d) Paul doesn’t just like to be clean, he is obsessed with clean ______. e) We have no plans to move house for the foresee______ future. a) Resignation; b) Expectations; c) Employee; d) Cleanliness; e) Foreseeable

03. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the word in brackets. a) Tax _________________ is one of the biggest challenges of the new Ministry of Economy. (EVADE) b) Many people are interested in job __________________ more than in earning a large amount of money. (SATISFY) c) My __________________ course is being paid for by my employer. (MANAGE) d) It’s a __________________ shame that all these people didn’t have a better chance in life. (CRY) e) You can basically behave how you want but there is an __________ law that says you must not run naked. (WRITE)

a) Evasion; b) Satisfaction; c) Management; d) Crying; e) Written

04. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a compound word formed from the two words in bold. Some changes can be made to the words, which may or may not be hyphenated.

a) A girl with fair hair answered the door. ______________ A fair-haired girl answered the door. _________________________________________ b) Jack loses his temper after just a short time. __________ _________________________________________ Jack is short-tempered. c) We have certainly had some trouble from our neighbours. Our neighbours are certainly troublesome. ________________________________________ d) The people upstairs have a child who is five years old. __ The people upstairs have a five-year-old child. __________________________________________ e) The sight of the waterfall took my breath away. _______

__________________________________________ The sight of the waterfall was breathtaking. 05. O texto a seguir é a introdução da publicação “Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman review – a rich retelling”, do Guardian. Dele, foram retirados alguns prefixos e sufixos. Complete as palavras com os prefixos e sufixos adequados, respeitando a gramática da língua padrão inglesa e a semântica do texto. It’s virtual____ imposs____ to read more than 10 words by Neil Gaiman and not wish he would tell you the rest of the story. He is a thesaurus of myth, both origin____ and tradition____, as comfort____ apprais_____ the science fict____ of Douglas Adams or ____authoring fantasy with Terry Pratchett as he is ___imagining the story of Orpheus and Eurydice or creating a bleak___ funny serial killers’ convent____ in small-town America. And that’s before you get on to his children’s picture books. Eclect____ doesn’t quite cover it. Still, it comes as something of a shock that he begins this most recent book with the words, “If I had to declare a favourite [sequence of myth], it would probab___ be for the Norse myths.” Sure___ Gaiman loves the Greeks the most? All those gorgeous Sandman comics, playing around with Greek mythology and the strange space between personific____ and abstract____: Dream, Death, Desire. Gaiman’s Sandman exists in a world so dense and dark that the stories haunt his readers long after the comic is put back on the shelf. Virtually - impossible - original - traditional - comfortable - appraising - co-authoring - reimagining - bleakly - convention - Eclectic - probably - surely - personification - abstraction


A01  Formação de palavras

01. Complete the word in each sentence with a suitable suffix.


Exercícios Complementares To Battle Computer Hackers, the Pentagon Trains Its Own After years of building firewalls and other defenses against relentless hacker attacks, the Pentagon is going over to the dark side of computer warfare. Only ethically, of course. The Defense Department, like most large organizations, has recognized that no wall is high enough to keep out skilled and determined hackers for keeps. Instead, it has decided that in order to anticipate and 5thwart those attacks, it needs to know what the hackers know. “More than 100 foreign intelligence organizations are trying to hack into U.S. systems,” Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn warned last month. “Some governments already have the capacity to disrupt elements of the U.S. information infrastructure.” So the Pentagon recently modified its regulations to allow military computer experts to be trained in computer hacking, gaining designation as “certified ethical 10hackers.” They’ll join more than 20,000 such good-guy hackers around the world who have earned that recognition since 2003 from the private International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (also known as the EC-Council). 1

a) opposite. b) bigger. c) in good condition. d) in excess. e) wrong. Texto comum às questões 03 e 04 Jessica Hosler, 17

Time magazine

01. (Udesc SC) The correct syllable division of the word “modified” (ref. 5) is: a) modi – fi – ed. b) modi – fied. c) mo – di – fi – ed. d) mod – i – fied. e) mod – ifi – ed.

Hometown: Indianapolis Occupation: High school junior height: 5- foot-1 Highest recent weight: 233 pounds in April 2005 Weight on March 11:201 pounds Three-month weight-loss goal: 18 pounds Program: Weight Walchers and a personal trainer6

02. (Puc RS) 01It is often said of this monumental example of 02 Victorian civil engineering that it simply should never 03 have been built. Hundreds of navvies lost their lives 04as the line made hesitant progress through some of 05England’s harshest terrain, while the financial costs 06leapt ahead at breakneck speed. But a combination 07of stubbornness and a not entirely misplaced belief 08that a new route to Scotland could be profitable 09ensured that on 1 May 1876, some seven years after 10construction began, the first passenger train hauled 11itself over the north Pennines.

Current weight: 187 pounds Current Loss: 14 ½ pounds

Source: The Lake District brochure, published by the English Tourist Board, 1996.

A01  Formação de palavras

Vocabulary: navvy someone whose job is to do hard physical work (old fashioned) haul to change someone’s position by pulling them By adding the prefix mis-, as in the word “misplaced” (ref. 07), a word changes to mean something


MAKING PROGRESS DESPITE2 DIFFICULTIES Karen Miller-Kovach, chief scientific officer5 at Weight Watchers, comments on Jessica Hosler’s weight-loss success: Her progress is exceptional, especially when3 you consider7

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias - 28/06/06

03. (UFSM RS) A expressão “In an ideal world” (ref.1) pode ser substituída, sem mudança de sentido, por a) happily. b) constantly. c) finally. d) concluding. e) hopefully. 04. (UEPB) What is gender anyway? […] History and science suggest that gender is more subtle and complicated than anatomy. (It’s separate from sexual orientation, too, which determines which sex we’re attracted to.) Gender helps us organize the world into two boxes, his and hers, and gives us a way of quickly sizing up every person we see on the street. “Gender is a way of making the world secure,” says feminist scholar Judith Butler. Though some scholars like Butler consider gender largely a social construct, others increasingly see it as a complex interplay of biology, genes, hormones and culture. Genesis set up the initial dichotomy: “Male and female he created them.” And historically, the differences between men and women were thought to be distinct. […] But, as society changed, the stereotypes faded. […] Still, even the most diehard feminist would likely agree that we are not exactly alike. In many cases, our habits, our posture, and even cultural identifiers like the way we dress set us apart. Now as transgender people become more visible and challenge the old boundaries, they’ve given voice to another debate– whether gender comes in just two flavors. […] “Transgender” is an umbrella term that includes anyone whose gender identity or expression differs from the sex of their birth–whether they have surgery or not. [...] However, male or female, we all start life looking pretty much the same. Newsweek, May 21st, 2007.

“Transgender” in TEXT refers to people: a) who undergo surgery to change the sex of their birth. b) whose gender expression is different from the sex of their birth. c) who are heterosexual. d) who are repelled by sexuality. e) who respect gender dichotomy.

05. (UFSM RS) A terminação ER tem a mesma função no vocábulo “officer” (ref.5) e no vocábulo a) trainer (ref.6). d) harder (ref.8). b) after (ao lado da figura). e) her (ref.9). c) consider (ref.7). 06. (Unimontes MG) Religion vs. Superstition Is religion just organized superstition? Is superstition always religious? Is there a real connection between religion and superstition? Some, particular adherents of various religious faiths, will often argue that the two are fundamentally different types of beliefs. Those who stand outside of religion, however, will notice some very important and fundamental similarities which bear closer consideration. Obviously, not everyone who is religious is also superstitious and not everyone who is superstitious is also religious. A person can faithfully attend church services all their life without giving a second thought to a black cat walking in front of them. On the other hand, a person who completely rejects1 any religion whatsoever may consciously or unconsciously avoid2 walking under a ladder — even if there is no one on the ladder who might drop something. If neither necessarily leads to the other, it might be easy to conclude that they are different types of Beliefs9. Moreover, because the very label “superstition” seems to include a negative judgment of irrationality, childishness, or primitiveness3, it is understandable of religious believers wouldn’t want their own faiths to be categorized with superstitions. We must, nevertheless, acknowledge that the similarities are not superficial4. For one thing, both superstition and traditional religions are non-materialistic5 in nature. They do not conceive of the world as a place controlled by sequences of cause and effect between matter and energy. Instead, they presume the added presence of immaterial6 forces which influence or control the course of our lives. (…) These are all important psychological benefits often used to explain the reason why religion exists and why religion persists. They are also reasons for the existence and persistence of superstition. It seems reasonable to argue, then, that while superstition may not be a form of religion, it does spring* from some of the same basic human needs and desires as religion does. Thus, a greater7 understanding of how and why superstition develops can be useful in gaining a better8 understanding and appreciation of religion. ( hedGods-2.htm, 25/10/2006 – with adaptations )

*spring = brota Em que par de palavras abaixo NÃO está expressa, no texto, uma relação de sentido entre elas? a) Rejects (ref.1) — avoid (ref.2). b) Primitiveness (ref.3) — superficial (ref.4). c) Non-materialistic (ref.5) — immaterial (ref.6). d) Greater (ref.7) — better (ref.8). 819

A01  Formação de palavras

that she takes the weight-unfriendly medicine10 prednisone for her asthma. Prednisone can be a real diet-buster. She is adding to a sizable weight loss already4. The fact that she had already lost 33 pounds (from April 2005 until she started the Challenge in March 2006) makes it harder8 to continue to lose now. After six months of weight loss, most people plateau11, and it becomes difficult to lose. She is working very hard to get the weight off, and what she is doing is really effective. Losing it this way means she’s more likely to keep it off long-term. In an ideal world1, as she loses weight, her9 asthma will improve.





ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n Comparativos e superlativos n Antes de começar n Why do Puns Make People Groan? n Introdução n Adjetivos comparativos n Adjetivos superlativos

COMPARATIVOS E SUPERLATIVOS Antes de começar O texto a seguir trata de um fenômeno de linguagem em que o falante brinca com a grafia e/ou a sonoridade de palavras em contextos inesperados, chamado pun. Muito comum em países de língua inglesa, esse fenômeno divide opiniões: alguns amam, outros detestam. Leia-o e responda às questões que seguem.

Why do Puns Make People Groan? The once-exalted form of wordplay takes a lot of heat these days. When it comes to puns, it often seems like people are either lovers or haters—they can take them or leave them, make them or grieve them. The pun-haters are in storied company. They can count among their ranks Samuel Johnson, author of the 1755 Dictionary of the English Language—not the first English dictionary, but one of the most influential before the Oxford English Dictionary came along. It took him nine years to nail 42,000 slippery definitions to the page, so it’s understandable that he might take it a bit personally when people messed with the rules he took so long to create. Before him, the printing press also placed some binding on language and it helped transform what had been an oral culture into a written one, forcing writers to commit to a single spelling before the type was set. “To trifle with the vocabulary which is the vehicle of social intercourse is to tamper with the currency of human intelligence,” Johnson once wrote. “He who would violate the sanctities of his Mother Tongue would invade the recesses of the paternal till without remorse.” But the plight of any dictionary-writer is the inherent fluidity of language, which is the pun-trepreneur’s delight. Did you hear about the Italian chef who just died? He passed way, just ran out of thyme. His wife is still upset, chesse not over it, because she never sausage a tragedy coming. Sadly, there's just not mushroom for Italian chefs in the world today.

“Puns are threatening because puns reveal the arbitrariness of meaning, and the layers of nuance that can be packed onto a single word,” says John Pollack, a communications consultant and author of The Pun Also Rises. “So people who dislike puns tend to be people who seek a level of control that doesn’t exist. If you have an approach to the world that is rules-based, driven by hierarchy and threatened by irreverence, then you’re not going to like puns.” Peter McGraw, the director of the Humor Research Lab at the University of Colorado, Boulder, has a theory about what makes things funny. He calls it a benign violation— something that subverts or threatens a norm, but not in a way that feels harmful and puns would fall under the pun-brella of communication violations. “They can be a demonstration of wit, of cleverness,” McGraw says. “You’re relying on a person’s ability to parse language, to understand the nuances and complexities of words.” Perhaps that’s why, according to Pollack, “for most of Western history, puns were a sign of high intellect. They were a tool, and they remain a tool, to pack more meaning into fewer words.” Shakespeare, it is often pointed out, was a merry scribe and punster. “I think another question to ask that’s just as relevant is why is sarcasm considered cool by the same people who often decry puns as uncool?” Pollack asks. “Both are a way of saying one thing and meaning another. In an age of cynicism it’s safer, socially, to tear something down through sarcasm or irony than it is to build something up through punning.”


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Still, if the pun rose as the best, it has yet to set as the least. Puns are still popular in ad campaigns and marketing (Ben and Jerry’s being a notable example), and used in TV and movie titles, like Grey’s Anatomy or Transparent. The cartoon Bob’s Burgers has a title sequence built entirely around puns that change every episode. But Pollack thinks the haters are defining the term pun too narrowly. “Puns don’t have to be spoken,” he says. “There are also visual puns.” Google’s changing logo, the letters replaced with doodles for special occasions, is one example of a visual pun. Pollack brings up Pablo Picasso’s sculpture Bull’s Head, which is made from a bicycle seat and handles. (Julie Beck. In: The Atlantic. Disponível em: < archive/2015/07/why-do-puns-make-people-groan/398252/>. Acesso em: 23 jan 2018. Modificado.)

Glossário Parse: analyze context into logical syntactic components Plight: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation Till: cash recipient Trife: to treat something without seriousness or respect

DISCUSSÃO 01. Traduza o texto na imagem para o inglês padrão, desfazendo os puns. Qual o elemento comum em todos eles? 02. Você se lembra de puns, o que chamamos de trocadilhos, em português? Quais? 03. Do you find puns funny? Why? Write a small paragraph giving the reasons why or why not. You can base your arguments in some ideas from the text. 04. Que outras violações da norma-padrão são comuns no dia a dia, seja em português, seja em inglês? Dê exemplos.


Gabarito 01 Did you hear about the Italian chef who just died? He passed way, just ran out of time. His wife is still upset, she is not over it, because she never saw such a tragedy coming. Sadly, there’s just not much room for Italian chefs in the world today. Elemento comum: trata-se de troca para nomes de alimentos usados na cozinha italiana. Gabarito 02 Resposta pessoal. Pode-se citar “tudo passa, até uva passa”, “eu não quis sair, mas a Cássia Kiss”, “isso é disneycessário” etc. Gabarito 03 Resposta pessoal. Gabarito 04 Neologismos; empréstimos de palavras de outras línguas; abreviações radicais - comuns em redes sociais- como “deletar”, “benchmark”, “vc” etc.

Tanto em português quanto em inglês, adjetivos são palavras que se juntam a um substantivo para modificar seu significado, acrescentando-lhe noções de qualidade, natureza, estado etc. Flexionados, eles podem exprimir comparações entre um estado e outro do mesmo substantivo, entre um substantivo e outro ou exprimir sua superioridade – ou inferioridade – em relação aos outros substantivos de sua categoria. A seguir, estudaremos como se flexionam e quando são utilizados esses adjetivos em ambos os casos. A02  Comparativos e superlativos

Adjetivos comparativos Formação Adjetivos curtos A forma mais facilmente identificável de adjetivo no comparativo é o acréscimo da flexão –er e variantes ao final de adjetivos curtos, de apenas uma ou duas sílabas. São exemplos great, nice, ugly e fat, que, flexionados, tornam-se greater, nicer, uglier e fatter. A regra geral é acrescentar –r em adjetivos terminados em “e” e acrescentar –er em adjetivos terminados em consoante. 821



É importante notar que categorizamos os adjetivos curtos como possuidores de apenas uma ou duas sílabas, mas não falamos sobre como essas sílabas são separadas. Infelizmente, a separação silábica no inglês não é similar ao português, pois ela considera o conhecimento da configuração morfológica das palavras: isto é, prefixo, raiz, sufixo, flexão, concordância etc., além da sílaba tônica. Portanto, conhecer essa técnica de hifenização é um processo longo e não interessa ao Ensino Médio. Sugere-se ler muitos textos em inglês, assistir a telejornais, escutar músicas e aprender pelo contato com a língua e pelo uso. Quando em dúvida, consulte o dicionário sobre a hifenização. Verbete retirado do dicionário online Merriam-Webster, que indica sua classificação gramatical, sua separação silábica e sua transcrição fonética.

Nos quatro exemplos citados anteriormente, há dois que fogem à regra geral: n


o adjetivo ugly, da mesma forma que pretty, tidy, angry, easy, terminam em y e essa condição determina que a flexão retire o y e acrescente -ier. Veja: uglier, prettier, tidier, angrier, easier; observe que o adjetivo fat, assim como fit, sad, mad, big, são formados por uma estrutura singular - consoante + vogal + consoante. Essa estrutura, quando no final da palavra, demanda à flexão a repetição da última consoante antes do acréscimo do -er. Veja: fatter, fitter, sadder, madder, bigger.

Assim, temos a seguir a forma final dos adjetivos curtos: Adjetivo + flexão de comparativo

Forma final

sweet + (-er)


cute + (-r)


happy + (-ier)


hot + (-ter)


Adjetivos compridos

A02  Comparativos e superlativos

Fonte: Wikimedia commons

Para adjetivos com três ou mais sílabas, não os flexionamos. Mantemos sua estrutura intacta e juntamos aos comparativos more (‘mais’) ou para transmitir o significado desejado. São exemplos: more attractive, more exquisite, more confident.

Figura 01 - This car is certainly better, but I’m sure it’s more expensive as well, maybe even more than we can afford.


Usos Usamos comparativos para descrever pessoas e coisas: I’m feeling better now; my sister needs a bigger house; n Junto com a conjunção than para comparar algo com outro: Brazil is a bigger country than Belgium; my cat is sweeter than my dog; he’s a better player than me; Michelle is more confident than Melania; n Quando descrevemos como algo muda gradativamente: the gas price is more and more expensive in Brazil; your kid keeps getting bigger and bigger; n Quando se quer expresser duas ideias interdependentes, é comum inverter a ordem fraseológica: the higher they climbed the Everest Mountain, the colder it got; the faster you go, the more dangerous it is. n

Adjetivos superlativos Formação Adjetivos curtos A construção dos superlativos segue os mesmos princípios de quantidade de sílabas e de terminação da palavra. Em vez de acrescentar -er, acrescentamos -est e, antes do adjetivo flexionado, colocamos o artigo definido the. Veja: Adjetivo curto + flexão de superlativo

Forma final

sweet + (-est)

the sweetest

cute + (-st)

the cuttest

happy + (-iest)

the happiest

hot + (-test)

the hottest

Fonte: Wikimedia commons

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Para adjetivos com três ou mais sílabas, em vez de more, adicionamos the most antes do adjetivo intacto: the most attractive, the most exquisite, the most confident. Adjetivos irregulares Alguns adjetivos, por razões históricas de evolução linguística, têm comparativos e superlativos irregulares. Nesse caso, é preciso memorizá-los: Adjetivo irregular





the best



the worst

little (quantidade)


the least



the most

far (tempo)


the furthest

far (distância)


the farthest

late (ordenação)


the last

old (pessoa)


the eldest

Fonte: Wikimedia commons

Figura 02 - The Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, is the tallest building in the world with 828 m.

Adjetivos compridos

Figura 03 - Salvator Mundi, by Leonardo da Vinci, is the most expensive painting ever sold at auction.

A02  Comparativos e superlativos

Figura 04 - I’m feeling better, but I’m still the worst at replying to people. That’s because I have less and less time and more and more work to do, and the further it gets without me replying, the more discouraged I get.



Advérbios As mesmas construções dos adjetivos comparativos ocorrem nas palavras que acompanham e caracterizam verbos – os advérbios. Assim, em vez de comparar pessoas, animais, objetos, comparamos ações: I always work harder than everyone else in my team. Suzana slept way faster than she intended. Complementos Por fim, veja algumas construções possíveis para completar uma comparação em inglês:


n n


Pode-se usar um pronome objeto com ou sem o verbo auxiliar da oração: Lucas is 1,80 m tall. Andrew is taller than him. (informal) OU Andrew is taller than he is. (formal) É possível utilizar um verbo auxiliar para que não se repita o verbo principal: Steph dances better than Mat does. Um possessive, seja um pronome seja um substantive acompanhado de apóstrofo também são passíveis de completar a comparação: My mouse was more expensive than Gilmar’s. My mouse was more expensive than his. Se a comparação estiver clara, a segunda parte não é necessária. My mouse was more expensive than Gilmar’s, but it’s worse!

Exercícios de Fixação 01. Complete cada período a seguir com a forma comparativa b) This printer prints in worse quality ____________________ correta dos adjetivos dados entre parênteses. Adicione than (your printer). That’s saying a lot! Than yours caso necessário. a) noisier than; b) more economic; c) colder; d) easier than; e) better c) You finished homework earlier ______________________ (your brother). Than your brother did a) Old vacuum cleaners are much ______________ (noisy) d) One’s bed is more confortable _____________________ new ones. (anyone else’s bed). Than anyone else’s b) Gas is so expensive in Brazil! We need ________________ e) Jamie Oliver’s knife is more dangerous _______________ (economic) cars. (Julia’s kitchen knife). Than hers c) I prefer _________________ (cold) temperatures, that’s why I want to move to Canada. d) With mobile phones, communication is way ________________ (easy) it was before them. e) My cousin lived in the countryside, but now she live in a big city. She believes her life was ______________ (good) then. 02. Complete corretamente os períodos abaixo com as palavras entre parênteses, utilizando comparativos.

A02  Comparativos e superlativos

a) This Swiss watch ______________________ (keep time/ accurate) this chinese one. b) My mother ________________________ (call me/often) my brother. c) Thor _________________________ (score/ affection) from his father _________ his brother Loki. d) Kate ____________________ (sing/bad) Rebecca. e) Those lights ______________ (shine/ intense) I can bear. 03. Escolha e circule a palavra ou expressão que complete corretamente cada caso a seguir, de acordo com a língua inglesa padrão. a) Yours; b) Than; c) Fattier; d) He is; e) Mine a) My car is less efficient than your/yours. b) These blue jeans is softer then/than those. c) Picanha is fatty, but bacon is fattier/fattier than. d) Professor Roger is 40 years old. All his colleagues are older than he is/he does. e) Paul’s cat is younger than my/mine. 04. Complete corretamente cada comparação abaixo com a informação entre parênteses sem repetir o substantivo. a) My teacher takes better photos __________________ (his partner). Than I do


Questão 02. keeps time more accurately than calls me more often than scores more affection/ than shine more intense than

05. Look at the charts comparing three laptop computers. Then complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives and adverbs in parentheses. Product Details




Screen size

15 inches

17 inches

14 inches


5.5 pounds

6 pounds

6.5 pounds

Amount of time on the market

18 months

3 months

9 months





Customer Ratings




Starts quickly





Operates quietly


★★★★ ★★★


Displays pictures well




Runs reliably


a) (large / small) The screen of the T400 is ________________ the A-50’s, but it is _______________ the XJ7’s. b) (light / heavy) The XJ7 is ________________ the A-50, but it is________________ the T400. c) (new / old) The A-50 is ________________ the T400, but it is ________________ the XJ7. d) (cheap / expensive) The T400 is ________________the XJ7, but it is ________________the A-50. Questão 05. a) Bigger than/ smaller than b) Heavier than/ lighter c) Newer than/older than d) Cheaper than/more expensive than

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Exercícios Complementares EXPECT GOOD THINGS

Mark the sentence which follows the same comparative

“To a very large extent, we are responsible for much of the good fortune that we encounter.”, says Richard Wiseman, PhD, a professor of psychology and the author of The Luck Factor. When Anna Z. moved to Chicago, she joined a group for Arabic speakers. “I saw this group and thought, why not?” As luck would have it, the organizer grew up in Fez, Morocco, where Anna had lived when she was learning the language. Today they’re married and have a little boy. Elizabeth B. will never forget her luckiest moment: she was driving to New York from Pennsylvania when something told her to buy a lotto ticket. After she pulled over, a terrible accident occurred: “A pickup crossed into my lane and crashed into a guardrail. If I hadn’t stopped,

structure found in “The longer a child with autism goes without help, the harder they are to reach.” a) Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does, the better. b) The more effort involved in creating a poem, the most poetic the result will be. c) Advice is like snow: the softest it falls, the deepest it sinks into the mind. d) More you know, more you understand there is always something else to learn. e) The fewer money you have, the least you have to worry about. 03. (Unifor CE) Beauty and the Beast é uma trilha sonora do filme de 2017 da Walt Disney Pictures, Beauty and the Beast.

my car would have been totaled.” Maybe Elizabeth’s pit

Contém em sua maior parte regravações de canções origi-

stop was a fortuitous fluke. Or maybe her intuition had

nais do filme de mesmo nome lançado em 1991, compostas

warned her to get away from an erratic driver. She can’t

por Howard Ashman e Alan Menken.

be sure. But we process far more visual information and sensory details than we consciously realize, which can lead to instincts we can’t explain. Adaptado de: Kate Rockwood. How to Get Lucky – Reader’s Digest, February 2016.

01. (UEPG PR) Em relação ao adjetivo luckiest (terceiro parágrafo), assinale o que for correto. 01. Ele está no grau superlativo. 02. No contexto em que se encontra, poderia ser traduzido por de mais sorte. 04. No grau comparativo sua forma é luckier.

Tale as old as time

08. No grau normal sua forma é lucky.

True as it can be

02. (UEFS BA) “The longer a child with autism goes without help, the harder they are to reach.”

Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small, to say the least A02  Comparativos e superlativos

Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast Ever just the same Ever a surprise (

Ever as before



05. (Unifor CE) Adjetivos comparativos são usados para comparar

Ever just as sure As the sun will rise

pessoas e coisas. Advérbios são usados para comparar ações.

Tale as old as time

Ambos podem ser usados no grau superlativo, indicando qual é

Tune as old as song

o melhor, maior etc. em um grupo.

Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change

Complete o texto usando as palavras e frases abaixo. Adicione

Learning you were wrong

‘the’ se necessário.

Certain as the sun (Certain as the sun)

low prices expensive easy ways large cheap good (2x) suitable

Rising in the east

small people less

(Tale as old as time) Advertising space

Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast (Tale as old as time)

Companies have to choose _____1 way to advertise based

Song as old as rhyme

on budget and suitability. TV adverts are _____2 form of

Beauty and the beast

advertising, and only larger companies can afford them. A radio advert is _____3 to produce, and is often more effective for

Oh, oh, whoa

_____4 companies with a limited budget. Local radio reaches


more people and its message can be more direct.

Beauty and the beast

Print ads in magazines, newspapers, and on billboards are one of _____5 to reach people. Advertising space in local

As estruturas apresentadas “Tale as old as time” e “Song as old

newspapers costs _____6 than in national papers, although they

as time” exemplificam

have _____7 adverts than the local shops. National newspapers

a) comparativo de igualdade e superioridade.

often carry adverts for computer or mobile phone companies

b) comparativo de superioridade.

offering _____8 than their competitors.

c) comparataivo de inferioridade.

Advertising spend time selecting _____9 publication. For

d) comparativo de igualdade.

shampoo manufacturers, women’s magazines are _____10

e) superlativo.

sports magazines, because they are seen by the biggest audience of consumers.

04. (IF SC)

É correta APENAS a alternativa: a) the best1; the most expensive2; cheaper3; smaller4; the easiest ways5; less6; larger7; lower prices8; the most suitable9; better than10. b) the best1; the most suitable2; smaller3; cheaper4; the most expensive5; better than6; the easiest ways7; lower prices8; Fonte: Acesso em: 23 fev. 2015.

A02  Comparativos e superlativos

c) the better1; the most suitable2; smaller3; cheaper4; the most

Choose the option(s) in which the suffix ―-ER‖ has the same

expensive5; better than6; the easiest ways7; lower prices8;

meaning as in the word ―tester‖, in the comic strip. Mark in

less9; the best10.

the answer sheet the sum of the CORRECT proposition(s)

d) the best1; the most suitable2; smaller3; cheaper4; the more

01. greater.

expensive5; better than6; the easiest ways7; lowest prices8;

02. center.

less9; larger10.

04. semester.

e) the better1; the more suitable2; smaller3; cheaper4; the most

08. commander.

expensive5; the best than6; the easiest ways7; lower prices8;

16. newer.

less9; larger10.

32. dancer.


less9; larger10.





PRESENTE PERFEITO E PASSADO SIMPLES Antes de começar Leia o texto a seguir, que explica sobre a etimologia − estudo da origem e da evolução das palavras − em inglês: woman, man, female e male. Em seguida, responda às questões que o seguem.

ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n Presente perfeito e passado


n Antes de começar n Introdução n Passado simples n Presente perfeito

Why does the word woman have “man” in it and the word female has “male” in it? Sometimes we manipulate the words and their origins and make adjustments to them so they fit our assumption. This phenomenon is fairly common and it actually has its own name: folk etymology. This phenomenon happens a lot with the words man and woman, and male and female. To many, the word man carries stigma; you shouldn’t use man to refer to “human”, that’s sexist. To others, both words should be dismissed because even human has “man” in it. Same thing for mankind and humankind. The nonsense doesn’t stop here. They went so far as to complain why does woman have “man” in it and female has the word “male” in it? But seriously… why? Man derives from Proto-Germanic and it meant literally ‘person’, that is, it could refer to both man and woman. Woman, on the other hand, derives from wifman. What was used to refer to man with today’s sense of the word is wer or werman. You can see this in the word werewolf (literally ‘man-wolf’). Wifman, in the course of language development, lost the “f” and became wimman until it reached us as woman. Werman didn’t just lose the “r”, like what happened with the “f” in wifman. Following the Norman conquest, the whole “wer” was gone, and it became man, and it gradually narrowed down to refer to ‘male men’ only. Let’s now settle down to handle human and male. The first derives from the Latin humanus and has nothing to do with the word man. The second is from Latin masculus (‘male’), which was then shortened to masle in Old French, which dropped the “s” and it finally became male. Female is also from French, but from femelle (‘woman’), from the Latin diminutive of femina; it never had any connection, etymologically speaking, to male. Still, although there are no etymological relationships between these words and what people purport them to indicate, it’s amazing how our minds find patterns, and link them to what’s going on in the world. (Yacine Ahtaitay. In: Silly Linguistics. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 jan 2018. Modificado.)



Gabarito 01 Resposta pessoal. É possível citar goodbye: God be with ye > Godbye > goodbye; “vamos embora”: “vamos em boa hora” > “vamos embora” > “bora”; “você” > “vossa mercê” > “vosmecê” > “você” > “cê”. Gabarito 02 Assim como fake news, inventar a etimologia das palavras pode servir para propósitos egoístas de convencimento de pessoas menos esclarecidas, para inflamar discursos de ódio etc. Gabarito 03 Resposta pessoal. Pode-se citar acalmar ânimos e diminuir discursos de ódio, trazendo à mesa argumentos certos, em vez de achismos; facilitar o aprendizado de outras línguas por conhecimento prévio e relação gráfica etc. Gabarito 04 Atualmente, com as acusações contra assédio sexual em Hollywood ganhando força na mídia, com mais esclarecimentos a favor do feminismo, com mais lutas contra o machismo, é fácil se perder em discussões acaloradas sem argumentos e muita cegueira em relação às próprias opiniões; entre outras respostas possíveis.

DISCUSSÃO 01. Que evoluções de outras palavras ou expressões, em inglês ou em português, você conhece? 02. Quais são as possíveis implicações danosas à sociedade do fenômeno folk etymology? 03. Is it important for you to study words’ etymology? Why? 04. Ao final do texto, a autora escreve: “it’s amazing how our minds find patterns, and link them to what’s going on in the world”. Que tipo de padrões seriam esses?

Introdução Nos módulos anteriores, analisamos a construção dos tempos verbais: passado simples e presente perfeito, além das aplicações e usos. Nesta aula, vamos relembrar o que foi estudado e comparar os dois tempos verbais, a fim de sanar quaisquer dúvidas em relação ao uso.

Passado simples O passado simples (simple past) em inglês pode ser entendido como o nosso pretérito perfeito em português, mas sua forma de conjugação nunca varia para nenhuma pessoa do discurso, exceto para o verbo to be. A maioria dos verbos são regulares, e isso significa que é facilmente identificado e memorizado. Construção As construções dos verbos regulares nas orações afirmativas são as seguintes: n Verbos terminado em -e, ou na maioria das consoantes, são acrescidos apenas de -(e)d: sued, sweetened, thanked; n Verbos terminados em-y, mas precedidos de vogal, são acrescidos de-ed: enjoyed, loved; n Verbos terminado em -y, mas precedidos de consoantes, são acrescidos de -ied no lugar do -y: cried, buried; n Verbos terminados em -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x ou -z também são apenas acrescidos de -ed: focused, kissed, washed, watched, mixed, buzzed. Por sua vez, os verbos irregulares são diferentes e, para facilitar sua memorização, é preciso ler bastante e praticar sua escrita. São exemplos os verbos to be (was/were), to begin (began), to do (did), to eat (ate), to make (made) etc. Quando em dúvida, consulte um dicionário. Para as orações negativas e interrogativas, faz-se o uso do verbo auxiliar to do, que é conjugado no passado simples, enquanto o verbo principal permanece intacto: I didn’t make this cake. − Did you make this cake?

Nós usamos o passado simples quando queremos nos referir a: Um evento que aconteceu apenas uma vez no passado: Einstein won a Nobel Prize in 1921; Anna dyed her hair red for the first time last year; n Um evento que acontecia repetidamente no passado: when Rosie was a kid she wanted to see the world; Andrew brought this cat home last night; n Um evento que foi verdadeiro por um tempo específico no passado: René Magritte attended an art school in Brussels for a couple years, Leia always thought she was an only child. É importante notar que as expressões ago, for (+ medida de tempo), in (+ ano, mês etc.) e outras, que indicam quando os eventos ocorreram, estão intimamente ligadas ao passado simples. n


A03  Presente perfeito e passado simples


Figura 01 - Barbara Kruger created this artwork. Barbara Kruger didn’t create this artwork. Did Barbara Kruger create this artwork?


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Presente perfeito O presente perfeito, ou present perfect, não é algo com que se pode fazer um paralelo em português: você vai ver que, se tentar traduzir a maioria dos exemplos desta aula, acabará usando tempos verbais diferentes para a mesma estrutura. Por isso, vale mais estudar o present perfect por seus casos. Construção Simples Sua construção se dá pelo verbo to have, auxiliar, no presente e na pessoa do discurso (have ou has, quando na terceira pessoa do singular), e do particípio passado (past participle) de outro verbo, o principal. O particípio passado dos verbos regulares coincide com sua forma no afirmativo do passado simples e segue as regras que vimos no item anterior. Já a forma dos verbos irregulares deve ser estudada à parte, pois as regras de construção não são facilmente percebidas, a não ser por um estudo de sua evolução etimológica. São exemplos to be (been), to begin (begun), to do (done), to eat (eaten), to make (made) etc.

Figura 02 - I have eaten oatmeal for breakfast for a month now. I have not (haven’t) eaten any oatmeal for breakfast in the last month. Have you eaten oatmeal for breakfast?

Já sua contrução continous é formada por have/has + been (to be no particípo passado), ambos auxiliares, e um outro verbo, principal, em sua forma -ing:

Figura 03 - She has been looking at this painting for ten minutes now. She has not (hasn’t) been looking at this painting for ten minutes now. Has she been looking at this painting for ten minutes now?


A03  Presente perfeito e passado simples



Usos Usamos o presente perfeito: n

Para descrever algo que começou no passado e ainda continua no presente: Andrew has teached in this school since last year; Andrew has been teaching in this school since last year;


Para mencionar algo que o sujeito da oração fez inúmeras vezes no passado e continua o fazendo: we have been having these useless meetings and no one learns they’re useless; she has produced two Oscar-winning movies and she has just started another one;


Para descrever uma experiência até o momento da fala: this is the worst soup I have ever tasted; “have you ever seen the rain?”;


Para mencionar algo que aconteceu no passado, mas que é importante no momento da fala: I’m really tired, because I’ve been exercising all morning; because Nina has lost the deadline of the application, she can’t do the test;


Para dizer que alguém foi a um lugar e voltou dele, com o verbo to be: My parents have gone to Paris several times now; I’ve just been to the mall to buy another suit;


Para dizer que alguém foi a algum lugar e não voltou dele, com o verbo to go: My parents have gone to Paris and decided to never come back; Richard has just gone to the mall, but he will return in a hour;


Para descrever algo que aconteceu em um passado recente, com auxílio de advérbios de tempo: Scientists have recently discovered a new particle; I have only just been to the mall, don’t make me go again!

Observe as palavras em negrito no texto: elas são bastante comuns na língua inglesa quando usamos o presente perfeito. Além disso, permitem mais fluidez ao discurso, assim como as seguintes, mais usadas para perguntas e negativas:

A03  Presente perfeito e passado simples

Figura 04 - Have you ever tasted blueberries? What have you been eating up to now? Have you tasted blueberries yet? No, so far I have only tried cranberries.


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

O uso geral do passado simples é pontual, ou seja, ocorreu em um determinado período de tempo, que geralmente é marcado e identificável, enquanto o uso do presente perfeito descreve ações, cuja duração é mais importante, seja porque começou no passado e continua no presente, seja porque ainda não acabou, seja porque foi contínuo durante certo período de tempo. Em geral, há a seguinte linha do tempo: A MONTH AGO I

have cooked

have been cooking dinner in my house hold.

YESTERDAY I cooked dinner in my household.

TODAY I cook dinner in my household.

Questão 04. O uso do verbo auxiliar did é utilizado em respostas positivas ou negativas quando os interlocutores já sabem de que verbo principal e de que objeto se tratam. Assim, para que a resposta não repita o verbo e o objeto da pergunta, no caso, “Harold Pinter wrote it”, usa-se apenas o verbo auxiliar flexionado no tempo da pergunta. / Ao professor: lembre a seus alunos que é possível formar orações afirmativas no simple past com o verbo auxiliar flexionado para ênfase, como em “Harold Pinter did write it”

Exercícios de Fixação 01. (Uerj RJ) Indique o tempo verbal mais usado na história escrita por Calvin. Em seguida, retire, em inglês, dois verbos regulares conjugados nesse tempo. 02. (UECE) The answer to the question “Do you know who wrote the screenplay of the film The Handmaid’s Tale?” should be: Gabarito questão 01 “Harold Pinter …………………” Pretérito perfeito / passado Dois dos verbos: a) was. • lived b) did. • locked • tricked c) does. • hatched • shouted d) had. 03. No exercício anterior, a resposta “Harold Pinter ........” poderia ser encontrada em outra opção, se fizesse algumas alterações à pergunta “Do you know who wrote the screenplay of the film The Handmaid’s Tale?”. Qual seria essa outra resposta e que alterações deveriam ser feitas à pergunta?

A resposta poderia ser “Harold Pinter was” se a pergunta fosse “Do you know who was the writer for The Handmaid’s Tale’s screenplay?”.

04. Ainda tomando como base o exercício 02, explique gramaticalmentte sua resposta.

05. Sublinhe a palavra ou expressão correta em cada caso. a) has


Os quadrinhos 5, 6 e 7 apresentam uma história criada por Calvin.

a) I can’t believe it, Inspector. You mean that Smith stole/ has stolen/has been stealing money from the till from all this time! b) You three boys look very guilty! What did you do/have you done/have you been doing since I left/have left the room? c) It’s a long time since I saw/have seen/have been seeing you brother Paul. What did he do/have he done/has he been doing? saw/ has he been doing d) I can’t believe that you ate/have eaten/have been eating three pizzas already! I only brought/have only brought them in fifteen minutes ago! have eaten/ only brought e) I’m having problems with David. He has called/ has been calling/have been calling me up in the middle of the night and told/said/telling me his troubles. has been calling/ telling


A03  Presente perfeito e passado simples

been stealing; b) have you been doing/ left


Exercícios Complementares 01. (IME RJ) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente. Not alone __________ the race, but she also beat the record. a) she wins b) she will win c) she would win d) did she win e) she won

“To a very large extent, we are responsible for much of the good fortune that we encounter.”, says Richard Wiseman, PhD, a professor of psychology and the author of The Luck Factor. When Anna Z. moved to Chicago, she joined a group for Arabic speakers. “I saw this group and thought, why not?” As luck would have it, the organizer grew up in Fez, Morocco, where Anna had lived when she was learning the language. Today they’re married and have a little boy. Elizabeth B. will never forget her luckiest moment: she was driving to New York from Pennsylvania when something told her to buy a lotto ticket. After she pulled over, a terrible accident occurred: “A pickup crossed into my lane and crashed into a guardrail. If I hadn’t stopped, my car would have been totaled.” Maybe Elizabeth’s pit stop was a fortuitous fluke. Or maybe her intuition had warned her to get away from an erratic driver. She can’t be sure. But we process far more visual information and sensory details than we consciously realize, which can lead to instincts we can’t explain.

calculations, three ‘nanoseconds’ must have elapsed between his presenting the cheque and the arrival in my account of the funds needed to honour it. I refer, of course, to the automatic monthly deposit of my Pension, an arrangement, which, I admit, has been in place for only eight years. You are to be commended for seizing that brief window of opportunity, and also for debiting my account to the tune of £30 by way of a penalty for the inconvenience caused to your bank. My thankfulness springs from the manner in which this incident has caused me to rethink my errant financial ways. I noticed that whereas I personally attend to your telephone calls and letters, when I try to contact you, I am confronted by that impersonal, overcharging, pre-recorded, faceless entity, which your bank has become. From now on, I, like you, choose only to deal with a fleshandblood person. My mortgage and loan payment will therefore and hereafter no longer be automatic, but will arrive at your bank by cheque, addressed personally and confidentially to an employee at your bank whom you must nominate. Be aware that it is an offence under the Postal Act for any other person to open such an envelope. Please find attached an Application Contact Status, which I require your chosen employee to complete. I am sorry it runs to eight pages, but in order that I know as much about him or her as your bank knows about me, there is no alternative. Please note that a Solicitor must countersign all copies of his or her medical history, and the mandatory details of his/ her financial situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities) must be accompanied by documented proof.

Adaptado de: Kate Rockwood. How to Get Lucky – Reader’s Digest, February 2016.

(Adapted from:

No que se refere à afirmação feita por Elizabeth “A pickup crossed into my lane and crashed into a guardrail.”, assinale o que for correto. 01. Poderia ser traduzida por “Uma caminhonete entrou na minha pista e bateu em um anteparo de segurança” (guardrail). 02. Os dois verbos presentes na sentença estão no simple past tense. 04. Poderia, sem prejuízo do sentido, ser substituída por “A van crossed the road in front of my car and fell into a ditch”. 08. Os dois verbos presentes na sentença estão no present perfect tense.

Indique a alternativa que completa a sentença: The lady was sorry the Application ......... to eight pages, but she ......... it to get the information she ......... . a) runs … needs … wanted b) runs … need … wanted c) run … needs … wants d) run … needed … wanted e) run … need … want

02. (UEPG PR)

A03  Presente perfeito e passado simples


03. (Unesp SP) Texto Here is the first part of a letter, written by a 98-year-old pensioned lady to her bank manager. Dear Sir, I am writing to thank you for bouncing my cheque with which I endeavoured to pay my plumber last month. By my


04. (Unirg TO) Ever Wondered About the History Of CrossFit? Original article courtesy of 19/03/2011 Posted by Deanna Whiteley For those of you Zoners who have joined us over the years, and for whatever reason have never actually completed our traditional Introductory session, here is a detailed look at what the actual History of CrossFit is: Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 out. 2016. [Adaptado]

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

05. (Fac. Guanambi BA)

Playing a video game causes positive structural 2 brain changes in regions responsible for spatial 3 orientation, memory formation, strategic planning, and 4 fine motor skills, with potential implications for psychiatric 5 disorders, new research suggests. 6 In light of these findings, investigators from the Max 7 Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, 8 Germany, suggest that video game training might be 9 therapeutically useful for patients with mental disorders 10 such as schizophrenia, posttraumatic stress disorder 11 (PTSD), or neurodegenerative diseases, such as 12 Alzheimer’s dementia, in which brain regions are altered 13 or reduced in size. “While previous studies have shown 14 differences in brain structure of video gamers, the present 15 study can demonstrate the direct causal link between 16 video gaming and a volumetric brain increase. This proves 17 that specific brain regions can be trained by means of 18 video games,” lead author Simone Kühn, PhD, said in a 19 statement. 20 Video gaming provides the gamer with a multitude 21 of complex cognitive and motor demands. There is a 22 growing body of evidence that video game experts 23 outperform novices on several cognitive measures of 24 attention and perception, which has fueled interest in 25 using video games for brain training. 26 The researchers had 23 healthy young adults with 27 little or no prior video game experience play the video 28 game “Super Mario 64” for more than 30 minutes a day 29 for 2 months. A matched control group of 25 adults did 30 not play video games. Brain volume was quantified using 31 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In comparison with 32 the control group, the video gaming group showed 33 significant gray matter increases in right hippocampal 34 formation (HC), right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 35 (DLPFC), and bilateral cerebellum. These changes were 36 more pronounced the more desire the video gamer had 37 to play the video game. 1

BROOKS, Megan. Disponível em: <www. 814050>. Acesso em: 8 out. 2016.

Considering verb forms used in the text, it’s correct to say: 01. The modal “might” (Ref. 8) expresses permission. 02. “can be trained” (Ref. 17) is in the active voice. 03. “has fueled” (Ref. 24) describes an action that begins in the past and goes up to the present time. 04. “did” (Ref. 29) is functioning as a main verb. 05. “were” (Ref. 35) is in the past participle. 06. (FCM PB) “[…] Mr. Temer has not been a popular president, and his approval ratings stand at just 10 percent. […]” Assign the correct grammatical classes (underlined words) based on the order that they appear in the sentence above. a) Auxiliary verb, adverb, noun, adjective, numeral. b) Main verb, conjunction, auxiliary verb, pronoun, noun. c) Auxiliary verb, main verb, noun, pronoun, numeral. d) Article, noun, noun, conjunction, numeral. e) Main verb, conjunction, auxiliary verb, adverb, noun. 07. (IME RJ) ESTÃO EM DESTAQUE CINCO TERMOS OU EXPRESSÕES. ASSINALE A ALTERNATIVA CORRESPONDENTE AO TERMO CUJO EMPREGO ESTÁ INCORRETO. At every stage, Mr. Keating, a 26-year-old doctoral student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, has pushed and prodded to get his medical information, collecting an estimated 70 gigabytes of his own patient data by now. His case points to what medical experts say could be gained if patients have had full and easier access to their medical information. Better-informed patients, they say, are more likely to take better care of themselves. a) has pushed b) collecting c) what d) have had e) likely 08. (Fatec SP) Leia a tirinha seguinte.

<> Acesso em: 23.02.2016. Original colorido.

O uso do Present Perfect, no primeiro quadrinho da tirinha (em I’ve decided), pode ser explicado por se tratar de uma ação a) que ocorre uma única vez no presente. b) que se inicia no passado e termina no passado. c) que se inicia no presente e se estende até o futuro. d) ocorrida no passado, mas com um resultado importante no presente. e) ocorrida no passado, concluída em um momento bem definido ou explícito. 833

A03  Presente perfeito e passado simples

Observando o título do artigo, verifica-se que a autora utiliza uma pergunta, sem, no entanto, incluir elementos geralmente presentes na forma interrogativa em língua inglesa. Tal estratégia objetiva atrair o leitor e tornar o título mais sucinto e sintético. Os elementos que complementam corretamente a questão na sua acepção de “Você já fez isso?” encontram-se em a) Do you ever wondered about the history of Crossfit? b) Did you ever wondered about the history of Crossfit? c) Have you ever wondered about the history of Crossfit? d) Will you ever wondered about the history of Crossfit?





ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n Passado perfeito n Antes de começar n Introdução n Passado perfeito n Usos

PASSADO PERFEITO Antes de começar O texto a seguir representa um exagero de como a pergunta Do you like hamburgers? seria respondida em dois contextos diferentes. Leia-o e responda às questões que o seguem. Do you like hamburgers? Answer #1: “Yeah, I like hamburgers.”

Gabarito 01 A primeira seria uma conversa informal entre amigos e a segunda, um contexto escrito, formal, como uma redação escolar. Gabarito 02 O tamanho – curto e muito longo –, a pessoa do discurso utilizada – primeira do singular e terceira do singular –, o tipo de vocabulário – yeah e partake, por exemplo –, o fato de haver ou não explicação da resposta, a tentativa ou não de racionalizar o próprio gosto. Gabarito 03 Não seria adequado, pois uma redação escolar requer uma resposta bem elaborada para averiguar se o aluno sabe se expressar de maneira satisfatória, sem muitos erros e com argumentos bem fundados. A primeira resposta seria insuficiente no segundo contexto e a segunda resposta, no primeiro contexto, seria exagerada, pedante e longa demais para um diálogo oral, em que se espera mais espontaneidade na fala. Gabarito 04 Resposta pessoal. Sugere-se que, nesse exercício, o professor corrija os textos dos alunos de modo a ajudá-los a aprimorar o vocabulário de inglês, uma vez que será necessário conhecer um vocabulário mais formal para escrevê-lo. Para facilitar, o professor pode separar a turma em duplas ou trios para realizar a atividade, determinar um número máximo de linhas e determinar um tema, por exemplo, “você gosta de viajar de avião?”.


Answer #2: “Should someone partake in the consumption of hamburgers, this person will indeed verily enjoy the taste, texture, and overall experience of consuming hamburgers. It is perhaps the fact of eating the hamburger, not the consumption of eating the combined ingredients. One finds that, if one ate some ground beef and bread that were not assembled into the form of a hamburger, he or she would not enjoy it quite as much as eating a hamburger. It is the whole idea and execution of a hamburger. Yes, each individual ingredient is cooked in such a way that, combined, transforms the taste. It has been well noted that, when one eats a hamburger, he or she is lifted from his or her normal state and transcend into one of happiness and regains his or her will to live.”

DISCUSSÃO 01. Quais seriam os contextos adequados para as respostas de número 1 e 2, respectivamente? 02. Que diferenças marcantes há entre uma resposta e outra? 03. Seria adequado, linguisticamente, trocar os contextos das respostas 1 e 2? Por quê? 04. Challenge accepted! Write two paragraphs, one informal and the other formal, explaining your point of view of something simples, as the text you have just read.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias

Introdução Nesta aula, estudaremos um tempo verbal novo chamado passado perfeito (past participle). Assim como o presente perfeito, visto na aula anterior, ele não tem tradução direta para o português. Por isso, é melhor estudá-lo por seus casos de uso. Não traduzir é um passo importante para o aprendizado de qualquer língua estrangeira: significa que você a compreende como um sistema em si mesmo e isso o ajuda a ser fluente!

Passado perfeito Após aprender e relembrar o presente perfeito, o passado perfeito torna-se mais fácil de ser entendido. Sua construção simples ocorre pelo verbo to have, auxiliar, no passado simples (had), e do past participle de outro verbo, principal:

Figura 01 - She had lived in her parents’ house for 18 years, it was time to move on. She had not (hadn’t) lived in her parents’ house for 18 years, it was weird to be back. Had she lived in her parents’ house for 18 years?

Já sua contrução continous é formada por had + been, auxiliares, e outro verbo, principal, em sua forma -ing:

A04  Passado perfeito

Figura 02 - It had been raining for hours non-stop, so she never met us. It had not (hadn’t) been raining for hours non-stop, so she went out and met us. Had it been raining for hours non-stop?



Usos Usamos o passado perfeito para os mesmos casos que o presente perfeito, mas para nos referirmos a um tempo no passado e não no presente: I. Para descrever algo que começou no passado e continuou até determinado ponto também no passado: she had had pets since she was ten (ela não os tem mais); she had been writing me letters for years (ela não as escreve mais); II. Para mencionar algo que o sujeito da oração fez inúmeras vezes no passado e continuou fazendo depois daquele ponto: My husband was a great teacher. He had been teaching in that school since he graduated; I had been watching Parks and Recreation every week, but I missed the last episode; III. Para descrever uma experiência até o momento da então fala: that was the best party I had ever attended; my kid had never met his father until that point; IV. Para mencionar algo que aconteceu no passado, mas que é importante no momento da então fala: Nina couldn’t get into the party, because she had forgotten to respond the RSVP; my boyfriend had forgotten that it was Valentine’s Day, so he never showed up to the restaurant. V. Para condições, hipóteses e desejos: if he had asked, I would have brought a pet home; this ice skating thing you got yourself into is dangerous, what if you had got into and accident?; Sarah wishes she hadn’t spent all her time in that one store. Observe as palavras em negrito nos exemplos: elas são bastante comuns na língua inglesa quando usamos o passado perfeito. Além disso, permitem mais fluidez ao discurso, assim como as seguintes, mais usadas para perguntas e negativas: Abaixo, segue uma cronologia com a regra geral do passado perfeito.

A04  Passado perfeito

Figura 03 - Had your child ever been scared of ghosts? What had you been doing up until that point? Had Suzana taken that cooking class? No, until then she had only taken sewing.



exercised been exercising


MOMENT IN THE PAST I stopped exercising everyday


Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias Questão 05. a) Did not realize – had left – needed b) Found – knew – being

c) Found – had been giving – thought d) Knew – had done – received

Exercícios de Fixação 01. Sublinhe a forma verbal gramaticalmente correta em cada caso. a) My sister was really hungry because she didn’t eat/hadn’t eaten all day. hadn’t eaten b) Before we got out of the house, we requested/had requested an Uber. requested c) Nobody at work told me that our company decided/had decided to have a holiday on Friday. I could have traveled! d) Joane: Excuse me, but I believe this seat is mine. c) had decided Smarty pants: I’m sorry, I didn’t realize/hadn’t realized that you were sitting here. d) didn’t realize 02. Decida se a forma verbal sublinhada está corretamente empregada no texto, de acordo com a língua inglesa padrão. Se estiver correta, faça um visto (✓) no espaço designado; se estiver incorreta, reescreva, corrigindo-a. The train (1) ground to a halt at a small station miles from London, and it (2) became apparent that the engine (3) had broken down. Everyone (4) was getting their cases down from the luggage racks, and we (5) were waiting on the platform in the freezing wind for hours until the next train (6) was turning up. ________________ ________________ ✓ ✓ ________________ ✓ ________________ got waited ________________ turn up ________________

c) Neither me or my boyfriend ________ (be) in Denmark before last December. had been d) She then wondered if she ________ (make) the right decision. had made 05. Complete, gramatical e semanticamente corretas, as sentenças a seguir com os verbos que estão presentes dentro do quadro abaixo. Cada verbo só será usado uma vez e deverá estar flexionado em algum tempo passado. receive












a) I ________ that I ________ my bag on the train until I ________ my ID. b) Wherever Lee ________ a job, there was someone who ________ him for ________ on TV. c) Several years later my brother ________ out that during all his high school years the teachers ________ him way more challenging homeworks than his colleagues because they ________ he was bored. d) My friend ________ she ________ well in her exams even before she ________ the official results. 06. (Mackenzie SP)

03. Em cada caso abaixo, decida se uma ou as duas formas verbais são gramaticalmente corretas no contexto. Se apenas uma for correta, escreva “U” no espaço designado e sublinhe a resposta. Se as duas foram corretas, escreva “D” no espaço.

04. Complete as sentenças com a forma gramaticalmente correta do verbo entre parênteses. a) When my grandma offered me more pie I said I ________ (have) enough. had had b) This time last year I ________ (decide) to go on a fancy ship holiday. Much to my surprise I had an awful time by being seasick! had decided

“When I look back on all these women, I remember the story of an old man who said on his deathbed that he __( I )__ a lot of trouble in his life, most of which __( II )__ .” Winston Churchill

The verb forms that correctly complete the blanks I and II in the quotation are a) has had, has never happened b) had, never happened c) would have had, had happened d) should have, wouldn’t happen e) had had, had never happened


A04  Passado perfeito

a) When I got to the restaurant, my date was waiting/had been waiting for me. _________ U – was waiting b) My stomach hurt after Christmas dinner. I ate/had eaten too much. _________ D – “ate” neste contexto é informal c) My boss was in such hurry that he left/had left before I had time to talk to him about my resignation. _________ D d) In 2009 off the coast of the Horn of Africa, pirates had sighted/sighted an easy-to-invade container ship, the MV Maersk Alabama. _________ D

Inglês Questão 01. had taken had – risen

Had – flown hadn’t/had not worn

Exercícios Complementares 01. Complete os espaços em branco com o passado perfeito dos verbos em parênteses. Someone _____________ (take) his daughter, so he threatened: “I will find you and I will kill you”. My grandma’s doughs ______ always _______ (rise) until that moment. _______ your bird never ______ (fly) away before? I _____________ (not wear) a kimono until I went to Japan. 02. (UPE PE) In what tense is the sentence “He had arrived from Vietnam two years earlier”? a) Simple past tense. b) Past perfect tense. c) Simple present tense. d) Present perfect tense. e) Past continuous tense. 03. (IF AL) Over 6mmt of soybean sales in just one month in Brazil. The demand for soybean is still strong in Brazil. Farmers from the state of Mato Grosso alone had sold 5.9 million metric tons just in May, according to numbers from the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea). Of those, nearly 2.5 million metric tons are from the current crop and 3.5 million metric tons anticipated from 2016/2017 season. Prices are still favorable in June. Exports, on the other hand, did not have a so positive result. They reduced to 3.19 million metric tons in the month of May, but do not revert a scenario of more international demand than last year. From January to May, about 1.0.5 million tons of soybeans originated in Mato Grosso were exported – 54 percent more than in the same months of 2015.

A04  Passado perfeito

<> Accessed on June 23rd, 2016.

Nas sentenças seguintes, assinale a alternativa em que o termo destacado é um verbo auxiliar. a) The demand for soybean is still strong in Brazil. b) Farmers from the state of Mato Grosso alone had sold 5.9 million metric tons just in May. c) Of those, nearly 2.5 million metric tons are from the current crop. d) Prices are still favorable in June. e) Exports, on the other hand, did not have a so positive result. 04. (Uerj RJ) Though I had seen them many times, it was actually refreshing to view them in a new light.


The typical use of the underlined verb form signals the following aspect of this action: a) it happened after another b) it happened before another c) it was a condition to another d) it was simultaneous with another 05. (UECE) The sentences: “...some service workers and support staff members had been drinking up to a liter of soda at work and at home each day” and “The university’s experiment comes at a time of growing battles over policies aimed at curbing soda consumption.” are, respectively, in the a) present perfect tense and present continuous. b) past perfect continuous and present tense. c) present perfect continuous and past continuous. d) past perfect tense and present perfect tense. 06. (Unipas PB) Kikusui says: “I participated in the experiment, and my oxytocin boosted up after the eye gaze”. The suitable rephrasing of this sentence in Reported Speech is Kikusui said that she _____ in the experiment, and her oxytocin ___________ after the eye gaze. The alternative that completes these two blanks correctly is 01. is participating – boosted up. 02. would participate – boosted up. 03. participated – has boosted up. 04. had participated – had boosted up. 05. had been participating – did boost up. 07. (UEFS BA) “Instead of assuming she ’d made a mistake” (Refs. 4-5) The ’d in this sentence is the contraction of a) did. b) had. c) could. d) would. e) should. 08. (Urca CE) In the sentences “When he had killed the guard” and “... a prisoner had escaped”, both verbs are in: a) present perfect tense b) simple past tense c) past perfect tense d) past continuous tense e) simple present




Exercícios de Aprofundamento Texto comum às questões 01 e 02. TEXT The movement known as Modernism began in the first decade of the 20th c. and was a reaction against all aspects of Victorianism. Literary interest shifted from the external to the internal, to the psychology and.motivation of characters and their roots in deeply shared experience, influenced by the theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, and the anthropological relativism of J. G. Fraser. Joseph Conrad, D. H. Lawrence, and E. M. Foster, among others, explored mind and feeling4 in fiction still largely conventional in narrative and dialogue. Virginia Woolf and James Joyce, however, experimented with the stream of consciousness to express a character’s thoughts more directly. Poetry broke even more radically with the past, replacing5 traditional prosody with free verse and favouring6 the shorter poem with sharp, concrete imagery. The American-born T. S. Eliot became the most famous poet of the new style in England, while in Ireland W. B. Yeats started in Neo-Romantic vein but developed new verse styles for his own mythology, and Hugh Mac-Diarmaid in Scotland sought a renaissance of literary Scots in tandem with verbal experiment and socialist1 politics. Much of the literature of the period was marked by a more colloquial and relaxed use of language. The magisterial tone and direct comment of 19th c. novelists changed into styles which allowed the reader a more open and less directed approach to the text. Scenes and topics once banned from literature were now admitted, with hitherto taboo words appearing7 in print and a more explicit presentation of sexuality and human differences. These traits increased in the years between 1918 and 1939, with a sense of the fragmentation of society and the dispersal of shared beliefs. Aldous Huxley and Evelyn Waugh wrote of the frenetic escapism of the years after the First World War. Under the threat of a second war, writers began to urge the need for commitment and political action, writers such as the poet W. H. Auden and the novelist2 George Orwell took strong leftwing stances, whileGraham Greene expressed a radical Roman Catholic point of view. All of them sought to make their work popular, using as appropriate to their genre the language of the thriller or the rhythm of popular dance music. After 1945, there was radical questioning8 of the47.basic savagery in human nature. William olding, Iris Murdoch, Norman Mailer, and John Fowles brought this theme into fiction. The freedom to write explicitly of sex and violence was taken further. Drama and

the novel now presented the human dilemma in terms influenced by French existentialist3 philosophy. The theatre of the absurd, with Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter, took dramatic speech away from the communicative and naturalistic to the inconsequential. The term Postmodernism has been given to the extension of Modernism into a more radical questioning of the integrity of language and the uncertainty of all linguistic performance. 01. (UECE) The suffix –IST in these words from the text: socialist (ref.1 ), novelist (ref.2 ), existentialist(ref.3 ) forms respectively: a) Noun, noun, adjective. b) Adjective, adjective, noun. c) Adjective, noun, adjective. d) Noun, adjective, adjective. 02. (UECE) The words feeling (ref.4), replacing (ref.5), favouring (ref.6), appearing (ref.7) and questioning (ref.8) function in the text respectively as: a) Verb, verb, noun, verb, noun. b) Adjective, verb, verb, noun, verb. c) Noun, verb, verb, verb, noun. d) Noun, verb, adjective, verb, verb. 03. (Mackenzie SP)

Which sentence is grammatically correct about the picture above? a) If the 2 lions had been taller, they wouldn’t have to had helped each other. b) If one lion was bigger, the other wouldn’t be help him. c) Had one lion taller, the other would have helped him. d) Should a lion be bigger, the other have helped him. e) If one lion were taller, the other one wouldn’t have had to help him. 839


04. (ITA SP) 1 Harvard conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development — the 75 year 2 old Grant Study — that’s reached some fascinating conclusions regarding the recipe for leading a happy life. The 3 sample group was comprised of healthy male Harvard college students who, over the course of their lifetime, agreed 4 to meet with an array of scientists and researchers who measured their psychological, physical and anthropological 5 traits. Though all identities are confidential, it was recently discovered that John F. Kennedy was a sample participant. 6 Following these men through times of war, their careers, parenthood and old age, the Grant Study has amassed an 7 exorbitant amount of data that deeply reflects the human condition. What can be concluded from seven decades of 8 data? It is quite simple actually; warm relationships between parents, spouses, children and friends have the greatest 9 impact on your health and happiness in old age. The study found that 93 percent of the sample group who were 10 thriving at age 65, had a close relationship with a sibling when they were younger. As George Vaillant, the lead 11 director of the study states, it can all be boiled down into five simple words: “Happiness is love. Full stop.” (Business 12 Insider.) (acesso em 10/06/2013).

Substituindo os adjetivos long e comprehensive, respectivamente, por easy e rich na oração “Harvard conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development” (Ref. 1), teremos: a) the most easy - the richest d) the easiest - the richest b) the easiest- the most rich e) the most easy- the most rich c) the more easy - the richer 05. (UFPel RS)

FRENTE A  Exercícios de Aprofundamento

STOLEN CAR RETURNED TO SOUTH AFRICAN OWNER AFTER 22 YEARS 01 JOHANNESBURG - A South African man _______________ with his car 22 years after it was 02 stolen, thanks to a dogged police investigator. 03 Pretoria businessman Derick Goosen got a surprising call from warrant officer Kwakwa Ntokola two 04 weeks ago about a gray 1988 Toyota Corolla, the Afrikaans newspaper Beeld reported. 05 Goosen had reported the car stolen back in 1993 but it turned up only last year when police seized a 06 vehicle at a roadblock in the northern province of Limpopo after noticing that its engine number had been 07 scratched off. 08 Ntokola, “a true policeman”, then managed to reconstruct the number and eventually traced the 09 owner to Pretoria, police Colonel Ronel Otto told the newspaper. 10 “I’m going to wash it and drive around in it,” Goosen said. “Everything inside is still in perfect order. I 11 can’t believe it.” (Adapted from

Das alternativas abaixo, a que completa corretamente a lacuna da linha 01 do texto, é 840

a) was reunited. b) had been reunited. c) will have been reunited.

d) were reunited. e) has been reunited.

06. (Unit SE) You Complete Me

1 If Hollywood ever makes a prequel to The Matrix, it 2 could start with the research that scientists at Duke 3 University are doing with rats. In the sci-fi movie, humans 4 were connected to a machine and to each other in one 5 enormous interlinked, well, matrix. It’s not too dissimilar 6 to what they’ve been doing at Duke. Thanks to technology 7 they’ve developed that records and transmits brain 8 signals, they’ve been able to plug rats’ brains into each 9 other so that when one learns a simple task, the other 10 does as well. They even managed to connect a rat brain 11 in Brazil to a rat brain in North Carolina. It seems the 12 rodents begin to share their identities: acting, for instance, 13 as if their whiskers were the same length when they’re 14 not. “We are creating a single central nervous system 15 made up of two rat brains,” says neurobiology professor 16 Miguel Nicolelis. Theoretically, he said, there could be 17 many more in what he called a “brain-net,” or perhaps 18 even a vast organic computer. “You can imagine that a 19 combination of brains could provide solutions that 20 individual brains cannot achieve by themselves,” says 21 Nicolelis. No mention of plugging human brains into each 22 other ... yet.

DICKEY, Christopher. You Complete Me. BIG THINK, Around the world in six ideas. By. Newsweek, Apr. 1, 2013. p. 7.

Considering verb forms used in the text, it’s correct to say: a) “were connected” (Ref. 4) is in the Active Voice. b) “they’ve been doing” (Ref. 6) describes a past action connected with the present time. c) “does” (Ref. 10) is functioning as a main verb. d) “begin” (Ref. 12) is in the infinitive form. e) “there could be” (Ref. 16) expresses certainty. 07. Combine as duas orações abaixo, no simple past, utilizando o past perfect. John left the house at 7:30 yesterday morning. Mary rang John’s doorbell at 8:15 yesterday. 08. What is the chronologic difference between the two sentences below? Answer in English. James had cooked breakfast when we got up. James cooked breakfast when we got up.

Questão 07. Mary rang John’s doorbell at 8:15 yesterday but John had already left the house.

Questão 08. In the first sentence, the past perfect tells us that James cooked breakfast before we got up. In the second sentence, first we got up and then James cooked breakfast.

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