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Washington Irving

graded readers TEACHER’S BOOK


Washington Irving

Retold by Hannah Fish TEACHER’S BOOK


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(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

Fish, Hannah

Rip Van Winkle : standfor graded readers, level 1 / Washington Irving ; retold by Hannah Fish ; illustrated by Amanda Grazini. -1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.

ISBN 978-85-96-00423-7 (aluno)

ISBN 978-85-96-00708-5 (professor)

1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Irving, Washington. II. Grazini, Amanda. III. Título.



Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Literatura infantil 028.5

2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5

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Washington Irving was born in New York City in 1783. His most famous stories are partly magical: Rip Van Winkle (1819) and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820). Both of these stories take place in the countryside of New York State and have been adapted many times for the TV and as movies. Washington Irving was perhaps the first successful American author, and his stories are famous all over the world. He died in Tarrytown, New York, in 1859.



Match the names and faces with the descriptions. 1 2

Look at the front cover and read the back cover of this book. Now decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

1. Rip Van Winkle is very old. F

2. Rip Van Winkle lives in a big city. F

3. Rip Van Winkle has a dog. T

4. The story is very modern. F

1. Rip Van Winkle

2. Hendrick Hudson

the first European to find many places in North America

3. King George the Third

the first president of the United States of America

the last British King of North America

a kind and friendly village man

4. George Washington

Rip Van Winkle

From the great Hudson River you can see the beautiful Catskill Mountains. These mountains change color at different times of the year –sometimes they are blue, sometimes they are red, and sometimes they are black! Many people say the color of the Catskill Mountains can tell you things. Some people say the Catskill Mountains are magic!


At the foot of the great Catskill Mountains there is a beautiful little village. Around the village there are lots of green trees, and the houses are small and friendly. The first people there were from Holland, so many of the houses are yellow, with interesting roofs. Around the village there are many farms, and at the center of the village is a grassy village green. On the village green is a small inn with a picture of King George the Third over the door.

In this little village at the foot of the Catskill Mountains lives a friendly man. His name is Rip Van Winkle. Rip has a wife and two children, and he and his family live in one of the small yellow houses in the village. The Van Winkles don’t have very much money and their house is old, with only two rooms – a living room and a bedroom. Rip is a kind and good man, but he doesn’t work to make money for the family. He doesn’t sleep all day; he helps the people in the village with their work.

Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle helps lots of people in the village. He helps the men on their farms, and he helps the women with their work. All the people in the village like Rip. The children in the village like Rip, too. He helps the children with their sports, and he plays with them all day. The children are happy when they see Rip. They run after him, and they shout and sing. Rip tells the children wonderful stories and they laugh as they listen.

Rip is always happy to work for the people in the village, but he never works on his farm!

The Van Winkle family farm is now very small, thanks to Rip. Everything on Rip’s farm goes wrong, and everything is broken. His cow sometimes runs away, and his potatoes never grow. The farm is useless, and it makes no money for Rip and his family.

Rip Van Winkle

Rip’s two children are useless, too. His son, Young Rip, and his daughter, Judith, are lazy. They never help on the farm, and they never help their mother with her work. Young Rip wears his father’s old clothes because there is no money for new ones, but the clothes are always too big for him.

Old Rip isn’t usually with his children. You don’t see him at home, but on the village green or out with his dog, Wolf. Wolf is Rip’s best friend. They walk through the trees and look for squirrels to shoot. Rip and Wolf are happy when they are together.


Now, Rip’s wife, Dame Van Winkle, gets very angry with Rip, and with Wolf. She shouts at Rip morning and night and tells him he is lazy. She is angry because the family has no money. She wants Rip to work harder, and to make more money on the farm. She shouts and she shouts. But Rip never answers her, and this makes her angrier! Dame Van Winkle shouts at Wolf, too. “You are a lazy dog, Wolf! And you make that man even lazier!”


Rip and Wolf usually leave the family house when Dame Van Winkle is angry. They sometimes go to the village inn on the green in the center of the village. Under a big green tree outside the inn, there is a bench. Rip sits here and talks to his friends. The village men love to meet at the inn to sit and talk. They talk about their friends in the village, the stories in the newspapers, and they tell long sleepy stories about nothing.

Rip Van Winkle

One day Dame Van Winkle is very angry.

Rip and Wolf leave the house and go to the inn to find their friends. Rip sits on his favorite bench and starts to talk about this and that.

But Dame Van Winkle looks for Rip and finds him at the inn. She shouts at him, and at Wolf, and at all of Rip’s friends! Rip feels sad, so he takes his gun, calls for Wolf, and walks off into the mountains.

Rip Van Winkle

In the mountains, Rip sits down under a big tree, and Wolf sits at his side. Rip looks at Wolf and feels sad for the poor dog. Wolf’s eyes are sad, too. Rip and his dog sit on the grass under the tree for a long time. After some time, they get up and walk high into the mountains. Rip can see the beautiful Hudson River. It is far away at the foot of the mountains. Rip sits on a grassy rock to watch the river, and puts his gun at his side. Then he starts to think about Dame Van Winkle. It is time to go home!


Soon the sky is nearly dark so Rip calls for Wolf. He gets up from the grassy rock and Wolf comes to his side. They start to move down the mountain, but suddenly Rip hears a voice. The voice calls, “Rip Van Winkle! Rip Van Winkle!” He looks around, but he doesn’t see anyone. Then he hears the voice again, and again the voice calls his name. Rip starts to feel worried. He looks at his dog, and Wolf’s eyes are worried, too! Then over on some rocks, Rip sees a strange old man.

Rip Van Winkle


Rip Van Winkle lives in a village in the Catskill Mountains. One day he goes into the mountains with his dog. There they meet an old man in very old clothes. Rip follows him, deep into the mountains, and some very strange things start to happen. Life is never the same again for Rip Van Winkle.

Level 1 | 380 Headwords

Level 2 | 580 Headwords

Level 3 | 800 Headwords

Level 4 | 1000 Headwords

StandFor Graded Readers provide a range of engaging reading materials for learners of English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes retellings of great classics, and informative, factual titles.

Audio a vailabl e enilno
www.standfor.com.br CEFR A1 42580106 97 88596 007085 ISBN 978-85-96-00708-5

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