1 minute read
Fantastic Animals
Are you ready to get creative with the whole family?
Amaia Arrazola creates unique board books with a hundred combinations each, ideal to share quality family time and invent amazing stories together through images, gestures and sounds or questions. Fantastic Animals is a do-it-yourself bestiary to create fantastic animals. Faces helps children identify emotions through questions and facial expressions!

Author & Illustrator: Amaia Arrazola Format: Board Book Size: 23 x 16 cm Pages: 11 spreads Age Level: 1+ Publication date: February 2021
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By the same illustrator
Amaia Arrazola is a freelance designer and illustrator. Her work, both fresh and colourful, has been featured in publicity campaigns for companies like Coca-Cola and Uniqlo, books, ceramics, tarot cards and large walls. Her books have been translated into English and French. She has more than 55K followers on Instagram.