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FIESTAS Y EVENTOS NATURALEZA · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·20 GASTRONOMÍA · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·22 RESTAURANTES · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·24 ALBERGUE DE PEREGRINOS · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·27 PLANO · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·28 ENGLISH · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·29

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FEBRERO: • Las Candelas y las

Águedas. • Las fiestas patronales en honor a la Virgen de las Angustias. Novenario y hoguera previos y misa, procesión y típica subasta el día 9 de febrero. • Carnavales, de tradición arraigada, que culminan con una gran cabalgata el domingo de Carnaval..


MARZO • Jornadas gastronómicas del Tostón de

Arévalo y del cochinillo asado, los días comprendidos entre los dos primeros fines de semana.

MARZO / ABRIL • Semana Santa, con procesiones y exposición de pasos en la iglesia del Salvador.

ABRIL / MAYO: • Feria de Muestras y

Desembalaje de Antigüedades (bianual, años pares) • Feria de Abril • Fiesta de la Comunidad (día 23).


JUNIO: • Fiesta en honor a la Virgen del Camino, (tercer fin de semana). • Fiesta de San Pedro. • Ruta de las Tapas.

JULIO: • Fiestas de S. Victorino mártir, desde el primer fin de semana hasta el domingo del siguiente. • Encierros típicos, verbenas, competiciones deportivas y conciertos.

AGOSTO / SEPTIEMBRE: • Programación cultural estival. • Visitas guiadas nocturnas.

OCTUBRE: • Muestra de Teatro de

Aficionados. • Jornadas taurinas.

DICIEMBRE: • Programación navideña.


a comarca de la LMoraña está dentro de la ZEPA y LIC de Tierra de Campiñas, una de las más grandes de Europa. En este territorio se encuentran diferentes ecosistemas, que albergan una gran biodiversidad, siendo la llanura cerealista la que más caracteriza el paisaje de la zona. Es la avifauna esteparia la que tiene un mayor peso específico y presencia dentro de este entorno, en el que encontramos aves tan emblemáticas como la avutarda, el sisón, la ganga ibérica y la perdiz roja.

El pinar del término municipal se desarrolla en pinares isla y sobre todo a lo largo del corredor de los ríos Adaja y Arevalillo, siendo la variedad más abundante el pino resinero (pinus pinaster) sobre el piñonero (pinus pinea). En cuanto a fauna se refiere, hay mamíferos como el zorro, la gineta, el tejón o la ardilla y un sinfín de aves rapaces (milanos, busardos ratoneros, aguilillas calzadas…), aves nocturnas como el cárabo y el búho real y otras de gran colorido como la carraca.

Estos pinares están recorridos por innumerables caminos, como el de Santiago de Sureste y el de Levante, que invitan a recorrerlos.

Las riberas de los ríos Adaja y Arevalillo, rompen la monotonía de la planicie. Sus valles y taludes ofrecen un escenario idóneo para la cría de aves y los ríos los peces y anfibios para sustento de martines pescadores, garzas reales, abejarucos y otros. Los chopos, álamos y sauces, ofrecen sombra y frescor en los días cálidos de verano y son el escenario de vuelos y cortejos.

Dentro del casco urbano reina la cigüeña, con una colonia numerosa que ocupa la mayoría de las torres de las iglesias. Es fácil verlas ya en diciembre, adelantando su regreso (los años que se van) hasta agosto, cuando los polluelos tienen la fuerza y la destreza suficientes para volar grandes distancias. Desde la web municipal y el Centro de interpretación de la Naturaleza, se pueden observar los movimientos de tres nidos de cigüeña que una webcam registra desde la torre de Santa María.

Aunque la comarca es conocida principalmente por su entorno estepario, hay numerosos lavajos y pequeñas lagunas que sirven de refugio y lugar de descanso a gran cantidad de aves migratorias, como grullas y gansos. En las cercanías hay encharcamientos interesantes, así como la laguna del Oso.

Un paseo fluvial recorre parte de la ribera de los ríos Adaja y Arevalillo en las proximidades de su confluencia, tras el castillo.


révalo fue desde el S. XVI la “cátedra” del

Aasado del cochinillo contando con un proceso acreditado históricamente que sirvió para obtener la marca TOSTÓN DE ARÉVALO. Las características diferenciadoras de esta marca de calidad se centran en que el producto es más tierno al tener menor edad el lechón (igual o menor de 20 días) y tiene menos peso. En todas las etapas de la producción se han seguido procesos naturales y la

dieta de las madres de cría gestantes y lactantes es a base de pienso específico certificado, cuyo componente principal son los cereales de la comarca.

Es característica de Arévalo la postura del animal para el asado, abierto totalmente en canal y diferenciador del elaborado en otras poblaciones.

Las legumbres de la comarca morañega tienen una gran reputación: garbanzos y judías de diferentes variedades, que pueden comprarse en los comercios de alimentación y en degustarse en los restaurantes locales.

En tierra de buen cereal no puede faltar el pan, que es amasado para darle diferentes formas y tamaños. La más afamada es la variedad candeal, conocida vulgarmente con el nombre de pan blanco.

Para los amantes del dulce, los pasteles genuinos de Arévalo son los jesuitas, que son hojaldres con crema y piñones y las tortas del veedor (antiguo funcionario público encargado de la inspección y control de actividades de los gremios y sus establecimientos).

Los productos chacineros se ven favorecidos en sus procesos de curación por las favorables condiciones atmosféricas y climatológicas de la zona. Están presentes en tiendas, carnicerías, bares y restaurantes.

En otoño y si las lluvias y el tiempo acompañan, se pueden recolectar infinidad de setas, como las de cardo, de colmenilla, champiñones, setas de tronco azul… pero es el lactarius deliciosus, llamado níscalo a nivel local, el protagonista de las cocinas y las salidas al campo. Son tantas como deliciosas las formas de prepararlos, pues aceptan las formas más sencillas de elaboración, como a la plancha o rebozados, como las más elaboradas: guisados solos o acompañados de patatas, carne o legumbre.


a asociación de hostelería ASAD-

LHOS vela por la cultura gastronómica de Arévalo, para ofrecer al comensal la garantía de calidad del TOSTÓN DE ARÉVALO. Anualmente, desde el último fin de semana de febrero hasta el primer fin de semana de marzo, organiza las JORNADAS GASTRONÓMICAS DEL COCHINILLO ASADO Y TOSTÓN DE ARÉVALO, que incluye un menú completo con legumbres de la Moraña y asado por un precio reducido.

Mesón Alcocer (R1) Plaza del Arrabal, 15 70 comensales 920 045 012

Anduriña (R2) Av. Emilio Romero, 29 40 comensales. 920 301 569.

El Arco (R3) Plaza del Arrabal, 2. 60 comensales. 920 302 373. www.asadorelarco.es

Los V Linajes (R4) Plaza Tello, 5. 80 comensales en dos comedores. 920 30 25 70. www.loscincolinajes.com Las Cubas (R5) C/ Figones, 11. 120 comensales. 920 300 125.

Desirée-Casa Felipe (R6) Pza. del Arrabal, 2. 100 comensales+90 en terraza. 920 300 327. www.desirée-casafelipe.com

El Figón (R7) C/ Huerta del Marqués, 2. 150 comensales. 920 301 876. www.elfigondearevalo.com

Las Fuentes (R8) Polígono industrial Tierra de Arévalo. 750 comensales. 920 300 362.

Goya (R9) Av. Emilio Romero, 33. 1º 48 comensales. 920 300 362. www.restaurantegoya.es

Casa Simona (R10) C/ Sindical, 6 100 comensales. 920 300 201.

La Pinilla (R11) C/ Figones, 1. 180 comensales. 920 300 063. www.restaurantelapinilla.com

La Posada (R12) C/ San Juan, 25 106 comensales. 920 300 045. www.asadorlaposada.com Siboney (R13) C/ Figones, 4. 100 comensales. 920 301 523. www.restauranteasadorsiboney.es

El Tostón de Oro (R14) C/ Teso Nuevo, 2. 400 comensales. 920 300 798. www.eltostondeoro.net

Hostal del Campo (R15) C/ Eusebio Revilla, 9 100 comensales. 920 30 24 96, 920 30 16 81. www.hostaldelcampo.com


Posada Real Los V Linajes (HA) Plaza Tello, 5. 920 30 25 70. www.loscincolinajes.com

Hotel** Fray J. Gil (HB) Av. de los Deportes, 2. 920 300 800. hotelfrayjuangil.es Las Fuentes (HC) Polígono industrial Tierra de Arévalo. 920 300 362.

Hostal* del Campo (HD) C/ Eusebio Revilla, 9. 920 30 24 96, 920 30 16 81.

Apartamentos turísticos Desirée 1/10 personas C/ Figones, 8. 643 74 41 21 http://atdesiree.es


Casa abuela Carmen 4 plazas. C/ Descalos, 1. 606 325 598

Casa La Real 2/10 personas Pza. del Real, 8. 680 547 825 https://casalareal.com Malocar 3 plazas. C/ Eusebio Revilla, 14. 657 890 280

Piso Tesa 4 plazas. C/ Lorenzo Partearroyo, 3, 1º A 629 863 498-608 915 285

(datos actualizados a 30 de abril de 2019)


Arévalo se encuentra en la mitad del recorrido de los caminos jacobeos procedentes de Levante, concretamente del Camino de Levante, que procede de Valencia y del Sureste, con origen en Alicante.

El albergue, de titularidad municipal, cuenta con 8 plazas repartidas en dos dormitorios, calefacción, baño con ducha y agua caliente y cocina con menaje, frigorífico, vitrocerámica y microondas. Está ubicado en pleno casco histórico, en el número 13 de la calle de Sta María.

Más información en la Oficina de turismo: 920 30 13 80



The name of the city has a Celtic root “are-valon” which means near the wall. The first document referred to Arévalo is from the year 1090, when settlers came from the north of the peninsula. Very quickly and because of its very good geographical situation, it became one of the most inhabited and flourishing cities of the Kingdom of Castilla. The demographic development made people go outside the city wall to establish their residences. Jews and Muslims boosted the dynamism of the area and Jewish neighborhood became the second in importance in the kingdom, after that of Ávila. In the 15th century, the town acquired an extraordinary importance from a political point of view because of the frequent stays of the Parliament in the Royal Palace (now disappeared). In Arévalo was signed, by the Catholic Kings, the famous Treaty of Tordesillas, in which Portugal and Castilla agreed to divide up all the land in the Americas between the two of them. Nowadays Arévalo has a population of 8200 inhabitants registered in the census, but its real population is over 10.000 inhabitants. Its economic life revolves around its function as centre of the area in everything connected with commerce, services and tourism. They are in continuous expansion


El Salvador

San Juan

Sto. Domingo de Silos

San Miguel

Santa María

San Martín



From the Arab “muyyadan” meaning “permitted to remain” and referring to the Muslim population that was allowed to remain in Christian re-conquered territories. A popular and religious form of Mudéjar art existed alongside the aristocratic and civic version, which is evident in the places of worship used by the people, such as parish churches. The religious Mudéjar style brought about the combination of Islamic decorative and structural elements with Romanesque and Gothic styles, examples of which include the use of brick instead of stone as a building material, and wooden instead of vaulted ceilings. Along with these and other general features, the Mudéjar style threw up regional differences determined by the fact that

different regions were conquered at different times by the Christian kings. It is the style that dominates in the constructions in Arévalo and the region, called “La Moraña” (Land of Moors)


EL SALVADOR The Jewish neighbourhood extended to this Christian Church. Like the other churches of Arévalo its construction is dated in the XII Century although nowadays there are only the tower and a Romanesque chapel under it remaining. Inside is divided in tree naves by large arches over columns of stone and its ceilings are vaulted and have a baroque dome. Inside the church there are the sculptures used during the celebration of the Easter Week of the city. Several of which are sculptural gems. There is also the altarpiece of the Dávila Family Chapel which was made partially by Juan de Juni in 1573 and, when he died, it was completed by his son Isaac.

SAN JUAN This church was built in XII century in mudejar style and later joined the city wall (the base of the tower was a part of the wall) It belonged to the Sedeño lineage. This belfry and the mudéjar head decorated with arches, which are intact inside because it has been surrounded by other buildings, are the only original mudéjar parts of the church we can see today. In the XVI century the granite façade was built and in the XVIII the present ceiling substituted the coffered ceilings. Inside, there is an important artistic heritage of which stands out, the Altarpiece of the Asunción from the XVI century, made en Castillian-Flemish style. Also the Romanesque marble statue of San Zacarías (XIIth Century), a gothic Christ and the altarpieces form the Church of San Nicolás with a clear Jesuit influence.

SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS It has a Mudéjar part headpiece (XII Century) decorated with brick arches. The rest of its external appearance was erected later as its façade which dates from the year 1572 and its tower form the 18th. Century although the base of the tower was built previously with wall paintings dated in 1520. Inside of the church, which is divided into three naves separated by stone arches, we can see the sculptures of the patron saints of Arévalo and surroundings and St. Francisco de Asís from the studio of Gregorio Fernández. The grill of the main chapel is a splendid work of wrought-iron in the Plateresque style.

SAN MIGUEL (12th-16th Century) It has a strange plant with its flat apses. Whose exterior is decorated by arches and circles distributed in an anarchical way. The subsequent repairs have changed its outward appearance. Inside there is no furniture with the exception of the excellent altarpiece with panels painted by Marcos Pinilla in 1507 inserted in a 18th Century structure. Some parts of the coffered ceiling remain and some mural paintings have appears on its walls.

SANTA MARÍA This church was built in the XII century in Mudéjar style. It belonged to the Briceño lineage. The most important thing is the fresh painting that represents the Pantocrator, flanked by the Tetramor-

phs (the man is St. Matthew, the lion is St. Mark, the bull is St. Luke and the eagle is St. John). You can also see an edging brick frieze decorated with human faces. Finally, at the back, there is a Mudéjar coffering from the XVI century.

SAN MARTÍN This pretty church is dominated by its towers, called “Twin Towers” although they are actually very different in appearance and chronology. The “chess-board” tower is the oldest and is decorated in its upper part in a chess board design in brick. The tower called “New” (dating from the year 1200) is unadorned except for the area containing the bells and the semicircular arches. The only porch in stone in the city is in this church, with columns finished off in the purest Romanesque style but which are badly eroded and their identification is very difficult. The inside of the church is not of the same style since the interior is the result of many changes, the most important of which was during the baroque period, giving it magnificent vaults and dome. Opposite the church is the old Alhóndiga (16th Century) where the grain that guaranteed the supply for the city was stored.

LA LUGAREJA It´s considered one of the most important monuments of the Mudéjar style of Castilla. It is near Arévalo on the road to Palacios Rubios. The hermitage is the head of the church of the Convent of Santa María de Gómez Román, Cistercian monastery built there since the 12th Century. It´s triple apse is decorated by double arches of brick which begin over a plinth of rough stone. In the upper part of the cross nave there is a dome and a cupola as inside roof, which is a rare architecture solution that has seven decorative arches on each of its sides. The whitewashing of the interior makes the decorative elements stand out even more, making a beautiful contrast. The main altarpiece is baroque. It is located in a private property. Opened every Wednesday of 13/15 hrs


It was built between 1469/1480 by Don Álvaro de Zúñiga. Its strategic position in the vertex formed by the rivers Adaja and Arevalillo made it easy to defend. It´s also the place where the city wall that went round the city converged. It has an impressive “Homage Tower” in which there is a military tower that must have been a part of the previous city wall. The ground plan is almost square, round towers at its corners, round sentry boxes on its walls and the large D-shaped keep in one corner. The keep is made of ashlars masonry with later brick additions (XVI century) similar to the rest of the castle. Also the castle underwent changes to adapt it for the artillery, with loopholes for the cannons and pit. It became a state prison where various Spanish nobles have been incarcerated in its walls and also a Dutch Prince, Philip William of Orange-Nassau has been a prisoner there in the 16th century. As you can see, there are traces of connecting walls on the right side of the keep and the left side of the left wall. After its use as a prison it was over the castle felt to ruin and it was used as a cemetery. In the 1950’s the castle was restored by the Ministry of Agriculture, turned into a cereal silo for a short while and was later taken into use as a museum. June/sept: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 10/20 Rest of the year: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 10/20


Museum of the Cereal and Center of Interpretation of the Nature

Plaza del Real, 20. Saturdays, Sundays and festive: 11/14-16/20 hrs

Museum of Arévalo’s History

Plaza de la Villa. Saturdays, Sundays and festive: 11/14-16/20 hrs

Center of interpretation of Mudéjar

Plaza de la Villa. Opening in 2016

Drover´s cellar

Tuesday/Sunday, 13:30/14:00 hrs. Saturday, 18:30/19:00 hrs.


For decades now, Arévalo has been a national reference point in everything connected with gastronomy because of its famous roast-suckling pig, which is cooked to a good traditional method and with an excellent raw material. The vast majority of the restaurants in the town consider it as the star dish. But the roast lamb, the T-Bone steaks the local pulses are also important. Gastronomic days of the sucking-pig roasts are celebrated from the last weekend of February up to the first weekend of March. The proximity to wine growing areas such as Ribera del Duero, Rueda or Cigales means that the cellars offers excellent wines. As for confectionery, the most important is that which relives our Moslem past such as Tortas de Veedor, Rozneques without forgetting cakes and butter sponge pastries. For shopping, products such as pulses and chickpeas from our local area are specially recommended.


Las Angustias Virgin (9th February). This festivity is celebrated with procession and auction sale of products in honor of her. Carnival (date depending on the Easter Day). There are groups and dressing-up competition. Easter Week. Processions with very beautiful sculptures and different fraternities. Trade and Antiques Fair, from the ends of April and beginning of May. Pilgrimage to La Caminanta (the third weekend of June) Pilgrimage to the hermitage of the same name and different activities. Route of Tapas, in the bars of the locality. June Medieval Market. July Ferias, (10 days of festivities around the 7th July, the day of St. Vitorino, The Patron Saint of the city). There are a lot of festivity and cultural events. Traditional “Encierros” running the bull on foot. Bullfighting days, with exhibition and conferences of bullfighting topic. October. Amateur Theatre Contest. October.


Arco del Alcocer s/n www.ayuntamientoarevalo.es 920 30 13 80 turismo@ayuntamientoarevalo.es

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