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BGS Maths _ Barcelona Graduate School of Maths

Barcelona Graduate School of Maths (BGS Maths)

Areas of research: Core Mathematics; Mathematical Modelling for Engineering, Life and Social Sciences; Statistics and Data Science; Computer Science and Logic Location: Barcelona. Website: www.bgsmath.cat; Contact: secretariat@bgsmath.cat


The Barcelona Graduate School of Maths (BGSMath) is a collaborative initiative of the research groups in mathematics of the four main universities located in the Barcelona area: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), and an international research centre, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM). A relatively young institution (launched in 2013), it aims to deliver the best possible training for graduates and early stage researchers in all areas of mathematics (core and applied), whereas building up a corpus of world class scientific output. It is physically distributed over four campuses: three located in downtown Barcelona, one in nearby Bellaterra where the one stop office is based.

Barcelona has become in the last decades an outstanding international hub in mathematical research, as the Maria de Maeztu Excellence Award (2015) received by the BGSMath has proven. Our wide portfolio covers both core and applied mathematics, reaching areas such as computing, modeling in life and social sciences, and data science. Cross-fertilization among diverse areas of mathematics is strongly encouraged as a source of creativity. Regarding innovation, the BGSMath has a strong record focused on delivering data analysis services and tailored training through the Servei d´Estadistica Aplicada (UAB).

The BGSMath gathers more than 200 faculty members, organized in approximately 40 groups working in one of the following strategic areas: Algebra, Geometry and Topology; Number Theory; Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Dynamical Systems Discrete mathematics; Probability and Statistics; Data Science; Computer Science and Logic; Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis.

The CRM is the managing institution of BGSMath, and was awarded in 2015 the Human Resources for Scientific Researchers (HR4SR) policy. Our young researchers are offered a full-fledged training package, both in core mathematics, research and transferrable skills. Every semester, advanced graduate courses taught by international scientific leaders of the diverse topics are a fundamental ingredient. An itinerary of generic research and transferrable skills (RRI, communication and outreach, tech transfer and innovation)

sessions is to be followed by PhD students. At postdoctoral level, fundraising, project management and leadership are introduced to help fellows to move forward their career.

Opportunities are available for short visits to collaborators, as well as funding for attending international workshops and conferences. The Berlin Mathematics School is a very close partner and a sort of “twin institution”. Exchanges and joint activities with young participants from both institutions are a regular feature since 2016. Our location in a burgeoning research hub as Barcelona enables BGSMath applied researchers with many opportunities to collaborate with other excellence centres in physics, biomedical and social sciences. Three months secondments at industrial partners (examples include Ferrovial, Banque Nationale de Paris, or Vodafone) are also made available to those interested in gaining a first taste of an intersectoral experience.

On top of regular PhD and postdoctoral openings, other recruitment opportunities arise throughout the year due to our groups´ projects and initiatives. BGSMath welcomes expressions of interest from high-profile graduates and researchers who would like to join a vibrant network of top mathematics research hubs (Berlin, Paris, London, Stockholm) across Europe, of which BGSMath can be considered the “Barcelona node”.



2nd Predoctoral Call June 2017: One PhD position in Probability and Statistics and one PhD position in Topology and Geometry (June 2017, calendar and requirements to be announced shortly at www.bgsmath.cat)


2017 Individual Fellowships Marie Sklodowska-Curie (IF_MSCA): From April to July every year, the BGSMath opens a campaign to attract outstanding candidates with a PhD in Mathematics or neighbouring areas, who are currently working outside Spain, and would like to join one of our groups. Candidates receive expert coaching from a consultant to prepare draft and submit proposal. Please submit your short bio and research interests to secretariat@bgsmath.cat to start the process, with IF-MSCA 2017 Candidates as subject of the message.


2018 Call: Two-year postdoctoral positions (2 positions), specific areas to be defined. The call will be opened approximately from December 2017 to January 2018. Check www. bgsmath.cat for details. Requirements: 3-4 years of postdoctoral experience.

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