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Toledo Festivities
Corpus Christi: The traditions and customs more established in Toledo reached its maximum exponent during its festivities. Since centuries the narrow streets of the old town welcomed the religious festivity of Corpus Christi, declared of International Tourist Interest, during this time the city is richly embellished.
The procession in which the magnificent cathedral´s monstrance walks the streets of Toledo marks the greatest day in the religious festivities calendar, the city life and the numerous visitors. The designation of International Festivity of Tourist Interest just confirms its recognized importance during centuries.
During one month on occasion of the Corpus Christi festivity the city organized numerous cultural events and entertainment, competitions, concerts, verbenas, music festivals and bullfight.
The streets cover by canopies and carpeted with thyme, rosemary and lavender along with flowers and wall tapestries give way to the magnificent procession culminating with the XVI century Enrique de Arfe`s monstrance. These days are the best moment to visit the traditional courtyards whish are opened to the visitors. •••

Holy Week: Holy Week is also celebrated on spring, it was declared of International Tourist Interest, it has a special attractive for its peculiar scenario of narrow and steep streets and its penitential severity. All processions are happening during night time, showing the beauty of century old imagery to the light of candles and torches. Each brotherhood and sisterhood wears their distinctive colors, of the Nazarene type, compounds habit with sash and cap, hood on head, many with veil that hide the face… •••