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Vilamoura Facilities / Slopes,

As we live in Belgium, a way to keep our sport out in the months of October and mid-November is, no doubt, going to Vila-moura where we find what we seek from our young and experienced horses and our students and pro - Owners: Slopes with excellent floor, Good prizes in the ranking tests and excellent professionals working in the area of jury, shipowners and the sports secretary.

Environment / Antonio Moura,

Without a doubt, Antônio Moura always provides the riders with the possible and the impossible for a welcoming event with that simple feeling. Family that is already very difficult to find in any equestrian circuit. Which always seeks to ascertain all the specific conditions of each rider, owner, sponsors, logists and friends, thus reaching the maximum satisfactory return to all those around them. And lastly, in addition to all this effort ... Vilamoura itself is a wonderful city with a great marina open to all tourists and visitors from the Algarve, with wonderful restaurants, bars, the beach, casinos and fun at all. time. Kisses and success.


Vilamoura is one of my favourite places! I have had a lot of success here over the years with different horses but aside from that the people are all so friendly, the venue keeps getting better and the surrounding areas are superb. It’s just a lovely place to spend the start of the season and we are also lucky enough to be able to come back for the Champions tour in the autumn!!


The facilities are magnificent, they are immersed in an impressive natural environment, and the team offers an even more impressive deal with the rider.


The perfect combination of competition and family holidays!

One Day in Vilamoura

One Day in Vilamoura

One Day in Vilamoura

One Day in Vilamoura

vilamoura mood

One Day in Vilamoura

Hospital de Loulé The most modern health unit in Algarve Le plus moderne hópital de Algarve

Clínica Internacional de Vilamoura

Grupo Hospital de Loulé Always looking after Vilamoura Toujours prendre soin de Vilamoura



Quem nunca se viu espelhado numa superfície de água? Sabemos que a água reflete, mas nem todos os reflexos sao visíveis. Existe um outro, especial, e que está presente em cada gota desse bem que diariamente consumimos:

O reflexo do nosso trabalho.

Como o investimento em infraestruturas, de captac;ao e tratamento de água, e em vastas redes de distribuii;ao, para a fazer chegar aos diversos municípios da regiao toda a água indispensável as necessidades diárias da populai;ao.

Ou em modernos sistemas de controlo da qualidade, que fizeram a Águas do Algarve ser a primeira empresa do mundo a ter a sua água certificada para consumo humano.

Ou ainda, o lnvestimento em sofisticadas infraestruturas

de tratamento e reaproveitamento de águas residuais,

contribuindo significativamente para a sustentabilidade e protei;ao do ambiente, com reflexo evidente na qualidade das águas balneares.

E, principalmente, a dedicac;ao de urna vasta equipa, profissional e competente, que trabalha diariamente para que, desde a captai;ao até a devolui;ao ao meio ambiente, o ciclo da água seja, ele mesmo, o reflexo do melhor que se faz no Algarve, no país e no mundo.

Águas do Algarve,

o reflexo da qualidade da água no valor de uma regiiio.

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