What is the 21 Day? A COLLECTIVE CONSTRUCTION… FEEL… A collective construction… The one that writes… the ones that help keeping the house and everything else, so that it may be written in tranquility… The one that writes, does it with conviction, with determination, with fervor, with complete surrender… The ones that translate, correct, review, do it with courage, with focus, with fervor… The ones that help in the CD… The ones that translate and review for other languages… The ones that create the communication material and social media… The ones that illuminate with fire, SOWING, so that life burns… Who is close to a sower, gets illuminated. Sowing is part of the collective construction… feel… pulsate inside… We will get there on time, obviously, but the opportunity is now. Thank you for allowing me to be your lighthouse… to be the one that illuminates the roots in the amber Garden of Christ and Pachamama… Come on, the construction is collective... be a burning part of this living fire! Burning spark! Lucidor Flores
HOW TO READ AND LIVE THIS MANUAL ...............................................................................................3 THE KEY ..................................................................................................................................................4 THE WORDS............................................................................................................................................5 MOMENTS OF MATURE BEAUTY ...........................................................................................................6 SO SIMPLE ..............................................................................................................................................7 THIS LIGHT ..............................................................................................................................................9 TO BE IN SILENCE .................................................................................................................................10 CONCEIVED IDENTITIES ........................................................................................................................11 THIS I THAT SEPARATES AND SUFFERS ................................................................................................13 HUMID LIGHT .......................................................................................................................................15 EACH PRESENT BREATH .......................................................................................................................16 THE DHARMA BUMS ............................................................................................................................18 MEDITATE.............................................................................................................................................19 ADMINISTRATING MAGIC ....................................................................................................................21 EXPLORING THE IMPOSSIBLE ...............................................................................................................22 THE SUN OF CHILDHOOD .....................................................................................................................23 PACHAMAMA’S HEART IS CRYING OUT ...............................................................................................24 THE COMMUNITY OF THE HEART ........................................................................................................25 THE DELICIOUS LOVING OF THE BODY ................................................................................................26 THE SERENE TABLE IS SET ....................................................................................................................27 DEVOTIONAL BREAD ............................................................................................................................31 RECEIVING THE DAY .............................................................................................................................33 WHAT DO WE EXPECT FROM ILLUMINATIONS? ..................................................................................34 DAY 1 ....................................................................................................................................................36 DAY 2 ....................................................................................................................................................38 DAY 3 ....................................................................................................................................................39 DAY 4 ....................................................................................................................................................40 DAY 5 ....................................................................................................................................................41 DAY 6 ....................................................................................................................................................43 DAY 7 ....................................................................................................................................................44 DAY 8 ....................................................................................................................................................46 DAY 9 ....................................................................................................................................................47 DAY 10 ..................................................................................................................................................48 DAY 11 ..................................................................................................................................................50 DAY 12 ..................................................................................................................................................51 DAY 13 ..................................................................................................................................................53 DAY 14 ..................................................................................................................................................54 DAY 15 ..................................................................................................................................................56 DAY 16 ..................................................................................................................................................57 DAY 17 ..................................................................................................................................................58 DAY 18 ..................................................................................................................................................60 DAY 19 ..................................................................................................................................................61 DAY 20 ..................................................................................................................................................62 DAY 21 ..................................................................................................................................................65
This is one more try of the Silence to touch the Silence. These words sprout from Silence and go back to it, untouched. The words that you read are only waves on the surface of the wide ocean of Being. They dance, create circular dances to end up submerging in the Infinite void, which is where they came from. Read these words and let them go. They are not the essence. They are like lighthouses in the path, only signals pointing where to go. They don’t have the possibility to contain Life, they only point to it. Maybe some fragment will bring some of the fragrance of Illuminations. From this tender, poetic, devout communion between the wave and the ocean. This little book shows you something simple and beautiful, the simple Presence of All in each moment. This presence reminds you the party of flavors, of images, of smells and sounds that are present now. And the serene vitality that sprouts in these moments, that mobilizes everything and that is even further than everything that is visible and perceptible for the brain. It shows us that there is no separated person, and if you commit you will live a way of bonding with this extraordinary now that, it`s not a person, it is presence. This apparent paradox is not incoherence, but Unity. Absence is Presence. Empty is full. Consciousness is everything. And this little manual, that like a creek of fresh Waters come to you, brings inquiries... calls you to come back to yourself. Go back to . I ask you that when you read this little book of minimal fervors, forget what you read about the spiritual awakening, may you abandon your opinions and ideas, and consider a new possibility for you, for your life, right now. May you consider the possibility to release yourself from the person that thinks an identity and may you definitely taste this sweet life. This little notebook is written from the silent empty of personality, like a kind talk. As if we were talking under an old algarrobo tree, drinking some tea and feeling the clouds and listening to the birds that announce that the afternoon is leaving. Actually, I don’t say anything that you don’t know already; actually, you always knew it. I only remind you about the obvious and essential. If you read with an open heart and a mind free from opinions, you will feel the resonance, the echo of what is said, because this words sprout from the Clear Light that you and I are. This light transcends the intellect and understanding. I long from totality that, when you read and practice and live these indications, something new in you shine and at the same time . The lessons, the days actually point to an illumination that already is. They point to an openness for something extraordinary that we already are and our mind cannot understand. Because we are talking about something that the mind cannot solve, you will find, in between the metaphors and comparisons, some contradictions, and that is all right. The mind gets desperate in this rational coherence, which is not life’s dynamic and fluid coherence. This unity that contains all contradictions and embrace them tenderly. Don’t try to understand the practice. Open to the possibility of living moments of illuminations. Dive with your consciousness in the moments that come, feel the breath that is given to us and be thankful.
You, the one that reads, and this one, the one that writes, we are . If any question that I treated here bothers you, I assure you that it is a mistake of mine, and I apologize. I am actually trying to provoke you to live something that has been a wonderful fellow: unconditional love. I would like to tell you also that this is not a self-help or therapeutic journey. It is not to solve the problems or heal the wounded child, or help you develop a technique of cure. But it is made to SEE with the conscious consciousness, that have never been separated from life. This is a manual, a mirror of a revolutionary spiritual movement: (Pachamama Nation). Pachamama’s silent conspiracy through some of her boldest and most inspired children. This little book sprout from the heart of the "nothing" that is Total Presence to remind you of something that you always knew. Oh… I was forgetting and Silence brought me here again. Children know it, don’t forget this knowledge. This is world is a park of attractions. And, even though we take it with the responsibility of a warrior, let’s never forget that it is a game.
The sky looks like a night sea; Pachamama receives it with dreams and between them, us, the simple humans. We sleep or talk at the table. We watch television or participate in a chat with friends, or study or date. This is the land we live in, our homeland: Life. It is Life that allows us to see, feel, percieve the trembling stars of the night sea and a thousand tasks before nodding off. And our days pass fast or slow, conscious that they pass, or unconscious, focused on doing and resolving. And each season comes, with udders full of milk and honey to spill its Grace in all Life. The Soul of Life chants and enchants through a thousand dusks, the hopeful springs, the bamboo flutes sounding with the wind. However, as it doesn’t weigh down, as it is not seen, the soul chanting remains unnoticed by the mind being entertained by the thousands of things to be distracted by. This Soul, my dears, is air, silk, a magic carpet, a garden with fountains to relieve the pain and the fatigue, it is an inspiring tree to get to the dawn and see that our lives are all Light. In this 21 day journey, I invite you to use the key that we will teach you in order to enter the secret garden of the Soul, of your , with conscious eyes, ears full of living music and with the bitter flavor of the world on your tongue. I will teach you of the key to open the understanding of who you already are. To release you from the beliefs that make the soul cloudy. To release you from buying serendipity, releasing you from the torture of “desiring to love” and cleaning you from the mist of doubting your inner homeland. We are human beings and we are not scared to know that the wind that sings today won’t sing ever again; it’s from this impermanence where our boldest poetry comes. And it is from this anguish, this dread of seeing how everything passes that we cordially discover who we are and of what we are made. The afternoon unravels now, merging into the blue night as a grape… The winds in the trees sing, far away a child cries, the shadows advance.
Silent, the birds close their eyes full of sun, the stars are raised, the leaves tremble. I flood myself with understanding. I am this light, I am this truth, I am the path that goes from God towards God. There is so much sensibility now that I am consciousness. I feel the remote pulse of the grass. How difficult to put into words something so essential and so simple! It is this the understanding of everything. The totality of the chanting is here and now, sweet and simple. The passion accumulated embraces the totality of the Infinite. This moment exhales eternity. Time strips naked and nothing now remains. The images disappear and rise empty and full: I Am… We are this consciousness of … from leap to leap, step by step, I enlighten. Without the feature of permanence, I renew in each moment, traveling with the drop of light that slides soft and slowly. I enlighten in Enlightenments. I am here in the 1cerrado , but I am in the entire life; I drink from the faraway breezes, the water of light, this clean and fresh melody that renews me and rejuvenates my heart. To love is to be.
I will certainly use many words to instigate you to feel the evident. Words are very useful to write literature! But there is something I want to remind you of, that the essential is not the words. The vital passes through the integrity of life itself, and this precedes all words, including the word “integrity”. The words that I will tell you come from a great silence that is here: there is a complete rest in this being that writes, and it is from this intimate tenderness that I write you. These pages are kisses of tenderness to your heart, from the extreme quietude… from what I truly am towards what you truly are. Why do we get to extreme situations to recover the perception of the poetry inherent to life? I have always asked myself: why do my friends spend so much life in superficialities and miss the treasure that is inside? Why do we drain ourselves seeking for love, compliments, success, gratitude or illuminations in the future? Why do we postpone life, justifying what we do as necessary? Why do we expect that life brings us the extraordinary? What if... What if everything were right now, here? Not far away, next year, not even in another moment other than this one. Inclusive, if something is aching right now, the body, the mind are here, now, enlightening this reading. Do you want to find out who you are? Who you really are. Not following what your mind says you are. Not following what you’ve been told you were. Without all of these concepts and images that you have inside. These images, sayings, concepts fight between them, and project the fight outside. And, so, I create uncountable sufferings for me and for this life. 1
Arid landscape in central Brazil.
Words come from images and they fight between them. The image of truth, for certain people, is fake for others, and so they fight and huge fields of suffering ensue in life. I feel, dear friend, that there’s a change happening. It is not something very visible, but is in motion. We are not changing, but turning the craziness that triggers the human mind to suffer, into consciousness. We are increasingly conscious that the traditional way of making and directing the world produces separateness, hate, injustice and suffering. Words are not important, but they influence us. For millennia, we developed cultures based in “us and them” and this led to wars, genocides, oppression and violence of all kinds. The ecological, financial disaster and the political crisis are increasingly threatening. And now human beings suffer with depression, anxiety and stress as it has never been seen on this planet. We are conscious of madness. For the first time in history, we came to be self-conscious of the necessity of a solid and truthful exit for this whole anarchist chaos. We have created extraordinary advances in communications, medicine, engineering, but the old human pain still lurks the heart, this old wound keeps on bleeding. The loneliness of the heart aches, even with companionship. I propose to you, explore suffering with the curiosity of a child, how and why it manifests, from where it rises, face it and discover this inner space where accepting integrates to joy and the bird of consciousness flies, free, with the end of duality. The bubble of personal suffering doesn’t exist in itself, it is the pain of the world. It is collective, it belongs to humanity. When you lose your boyfriend, it is not your suffering, it is the suffering of everyone that loses their boyfriend. We are the universe, we are the compassion, we are everyone, every tree, every wind and the melodies. The impersonal and luminous truth of life comes as an intimate revelation, and so I discover that I have never abandoned the common home of the Father of Light. I ask myself: how do I enter in your Soul breaking the ice that covers it so it arises, complete and joyful, the that you are? How can we deep in your winter, taking clarity to your night, putting your obscure sadness to the celestial flame and bathing you in this light and clear joy? Without words, friend, it must be without words, so you drink from the miracle of .
We, men, do not know who we are, we do not dream and we hide in the dump of fear. In desolate hugs wander the Souls that have human expressions, that divide life, that run after life, that separate the Unique. The mystery of the key is found by dreaming. And it is by dreaming that we meet and find our original common nature. When the clouds lay on the earth, in these staging posts of the Soul in 2Queros, many times, I feel the quality of the unity of life and I cry, for love, to Love.
It is a nation that keeps the Andean heart alive; descendent from a legitimate Inca lineage, they live on the top of Peruvian montains, being the last guardians of this culture.
The key of the Mandala opens the perception and I discover after all, again, moments of Illuminations that renew themselves, they are not permanent, nor generate permanent perceptions. Each moment is an option. The day slides humid and resplendent and with it, I travel, not pulling myself apart from its magic. The blue heron of life humidifies the heart, that rejuvenates and dares to love with passion. This day is the only thing I have, the only thing that has been bestowed to me. What great happiness! While I write, the sun embraces the cerrado and I feel in this conscious totality, the aurora of the human beings arriving at the dawn of this moment of consciousness of Illuminations. Moment of harmony and beauty. This mature beauty that simply Is. And with that, it’s enough for me. It reaches me, complete. Finishing the quest, I find the perception of what I am and in it, I commune with everything. I am a river of illuminations that travels with the drop of the day that slides, moment after moment. I dream with this perception that millions of lights unite and clamor for planetary harmony. For this clear harmony that is Christ, Buddha, Allah, Pachamama. The softness of the clouds tells me about humidity and fluidity. I travel with them in the silence where we are all one. Nothing keeps me from feeling the seeds that, under the earth, are vibrating with the heat of this day. The sweetness of the sprouts of thousands of trees caresses me and chants. I write; there are words, but they are not more than milestones through which the light of God leaps, in all its colors and flavors. I cross the threshold of my separated mental gaze. I cross with determination and kindness. I reach once more, reality itself. Everything comes and goes with breath, everything is breathing with me and I with them, in this tide of life; there is no me, nor them. Sometimes, like now, it seems to me paradoxical, the lack of interest for the simple mystery of Now. The lack of curiosity for the wide smile of Now. The letters of life come, but they are not received and the heart keeps on suffering distresses because of its unanswered questions. We have had so many round days, full of smiles and we have been in the edge of solemnity, of protocol with life, which plays and laughs in front of us us, inviting us to see that we are moments of Illuminations. I am present, I am everything that lives… I feel the chanting of the whales in this consciousness, enamored with the galaxies… I feel the crying of the children in Nepal, the fear in the mothers from Africa, the just anger of the Guarani, the fear of the forests in front of the machines, the extreme tiredness of Mother Earth, our common home. I am presence. I participate in everything and I am part of everything. The flavor of this infinite light is soft and profound. It has all pain and joy of life. I embrace, non-stop, this perception. I belong to everyone. Each stone, each blade of herb, each star, each story belongs to me and I travel with it… I am this life unveiling in brief moments of Illuminations.
All you need is a leap in perception. Avoiding this leap is the illusion. You know, life is not a job, there is nothing to reach. This leap will give you a different vision. The vision of who you are. This vision is inherent, it is already there. It is not an award, it is not exceptional. It doesn’t bring infallibility. I used to think that the illuminated were different. But, you know, this was an image
of induced perfection. I feel that most of us see this as a belief. This is as silly as announcing to the world that we can breathe. There is nothing or anyone that illuminates, we simply are illuminated. It is not a trophy, everything is United. We are all illuminated. We breathe, we are consciousness. It is a paradox. Illuminated, we are not stuck into special experiences, or in extraordinary perceptions. It is simple, as simple as living. The master doesn’t teach you a process, he only reminds you that you already are conscious Light. The teaching cannot be complex or obscure. Listen! Feel! Directly perceive. Open up, naturally, it is available. I share with you the understanding, I have no interest in being more that a liberating friend. Helping you become released from beliefs, from the concept of the process to be illuminated as goal. But it is not like this. Illuminations happen one day after the other. Feel how many luminous intuitions explode in your consciousness. The beliefs that with time we will be illuminated, is a limiting belief. Release yourself from this. To breathe doesn’t create expectations or purpose. It only happens, it is. Illumination is not a wonderful event, nor mundane, it is not an extraordinary experience that happens in the brain, under the effect of chemicals or by a super effort. Nothing was lost and must be found, it is not something that we don’t know. It is something so familiar that we don’t even notice it. Relax the focus of your attention to the body-mind, relax the focus and perceive the preceptor, and feel the consciousness of consciousness and breathe feeling. Your natural state of consciousness is everything. It is not the result of accumulation or acquisition. It is here, now, shining humid, sliding in us and this whole Life. Full of Life, it is not bound to religious states of beatitude, of ecstasy. It is happening, we go in natural, human illuminations. It is so lucid and chaste as a sun of autumn on the copper leaves. Life is not a practice, it doesn’t need anything, it is enough in itself to be joy. It sprouts simple and naturally, illuminating everything. Music, wind, leaves, the forest, in twilight flames, presenting themselves before the gaze, empty of anxiety. We forget who we are. Deluded by the electronic toys, by the saviour thoughts, by the religious promises, by the innovative techniques. But, here, now, the blessed essence is conscious in itself and everything shines. It is simply blossoming in us, now: when you feel the consciousness, feel Illuminations, when you don’t feel it, it doesn’t change a thing. My dears, you and this one that writes, we are not separated; we seem to be, because perception was educated to see that way. Let’s see, let’s feel directly, without the opinion of the brain. We are drops of the same ocean, children of the same father/mother, leaves of the same tree. The perception purifies, releases and everything is in sight. The pursuit has come to its end; Illuminations, from instant to instant, happen, new and clear each time. This consciousness that is pulsating in me, in you, in the snail, in the ant, is the same consciousness/life. It has no frontiers. The ignorance is to create shells.
I don’t come to release anyone, because there is no one else but the consciousness. We are all in instantaneous Illuminations right now. May you see it or not. May you feel it or not. Open up your being and perceive! The pain is wandering, why perpetuate it? Because you don’t feel this consciousness that unravels in Illuminations. So many beautiful moments, killed by the manners. So many moments of loving illuminations that caress our memory, as old bones, and we lose this, this, and this moment of loving Illuminations. Illuminations come and go bringing new and luminous inspirations, that include the pain, the sickness, the mistakes, but there is no one there that blames or judges or looks to self-assert. When there is no one, the memory doesn’t highlight, or divide, it only fulfils its natural function, it stores. Now, my dears, conscious, now, not identifying with the shapes of the screen, but feeling the screen and its infinite scope, its spacious garden in blossoms. The Illuminations are coming, I feel it, I perceive it, the back hurts terribly, and nonetheless this sun keeps on shining. Does it shine in you? Yes! Do you see it or do you focus on the back pain, or in the hurry to get to this meeting, or in this desire? Rest, friend, in the consciousness and be relieved of this obsession of suffering. Breathe with me, this life, conscious, only conscious and, softly, focus in the one that focus, and relax… ! It is so beautiful and always happy! It is so simple!
The light, joy of life, with its sweet omnipresence, intimate soul of life, comes here, full and conscious. We all breathe it and live from it. We are here, in abundant light; it reigns propelling metamorphosis. Its presence makes the strings of all souls vibrate. Oh, dear, the light! The brief joys come running to the light, dance, vibrate! What a Grace to receive this essence that lifts the spirits of the fallen; under the sky shines your round grace. It opens infinite eyes to us; all pores, all sensations are eyes that open up before the sublime messenger o God, Tayta Inti. The sun, beloved that shows, day after day, the silent turning, the flow of the . I suggest you, pilgrim of light, to daily nourish your light with the light of the beloved brother Sun. It brings a message of unity, of beauty that allows us to see the delights of Pachamama. He fertilizes heats and nourishes Life with Life. And gives us, together with Pachamama, the juice of life: sunsets, sunrises. Feel and don’t lose the mysterious wedding of the Sky with Mother Earth. There the fusion of Unity ends. Let helplessness die, and then, from the heights of your heart, the chanting of light will come out. And the melancholy will merge into a new universe. The whole universe fluctuates, released and reborn from light. Each cell of your physical body, each aspect of your Being aspires to drink from the source of light, from the lucidity to understand that you already ARE, from this fluttering Light.
With good will, come sun your eyes, sun your cells, sun your mind, your emotions, and see the ingenious movement, the gracious game of Tayta Inti in front of us. We are faithful to the creator love, the love of light, that allows us to see these delicate shades, the voluptuousness of Pachamama; everything allows us to feel the Sun. Oh… dear sun! Fade the fear of Light! Do not chain yourself inside apartments or dark rooms. The Mother Pachamama sanctifies us when we go to the light. When we sow light, we defeat time. The agitation dies and we slowly acknowledge rhythm, the magnificent rhythm. Dear pilgrims! This light, high delight, endless life, visits us day after day and slides by the sea of sky; let’s aspire to this love. Source of eternal youth, balm of the discouraged. Fill us up with faith and value. Enliven the flame of love. Day after day, nourish your Being of the living Light. We are the children of light. We are the happy men, children of the Sun and Mother Earth. Rivers, trees, animals, birds, the golden corncob, the divine inebriation of love, we all are the children of light and the dark mother. We challenge time, worshipping the light of Tayta Inti outside and the Light of the inside. They are the same, they are infinite tenderness creating the feast of conscious life. The consciousness gets excited in front of the light, the waves of joy come to the heart, that surrenders to Light devotion. Oh… my dears, don’t lose one day of celebrating Light. Profound symbol of the consciousness’ Light. Over the fields, over the mind, over the bodies, over the soul of the world, the splendorous universal dawn blesses all equally. In the poetic dawn, in wisdom, liberation of twilight, participate, open and reverent, of the arrival and departure of the Father Sun. We came from the divine lineage of light, we are the candid souls of Light, experience devotedly the light and, as sparks of devout tenderness, celebrate its gift. Inside, as lucid consciousness of Illuminations, outside, as this beloved Sun, eternal life of light, of love, of joy… Sweet love spills in this moment of the benign sky of the cerrado… let’s spread the good news, the age of light is coming, to clean Pachamama’s cry… Let’s celebrate light! And let’s defeat the old death!
To be submerged in the noises of the world increases the pain. Creates tensions and sickness of the shade of apartments. And life and consciousness, luminous and innocent, flow here, there, between these rushes of the world. Illuminations happen in the communicative silence. In this fertile universe that, at simple sight, is not seen, but burns a growing dream in this group silence. At simple sight, everything is worse, but if you leave the noise, you will see birds that break the eggshell.
In this fertile silence, where consciousness extend its wings, moment after moment, there are millions of beings going to the anonymous dream that will bring green, blue and yellow people to the noisy and vulgar concrete. The silence that is heard between the lines of the words, as water of blessing, as voice drenched with tenderness, voice to the prayer of the impossible dream, it grows and kisses hearts, that awake and walk singing. Oh… my luminous brothers, let’s actively listen to the silence; from the other side of the world, there are sounds in the air, and they draw a planetary dawn. In these days, innocently listen to the insurgent voice of the silence, that brings a dream, a victorious dream that illuminates the hearts with hope. Be impregnated with dream and silence, and heal the flesh from fear. The luminous, vibrant silence that burns the illusions and the insensibility that is instigating hearts. All pain, all afflictions are defeated in this silent void, full of consciousness. Is silence not-speaking? No! The creative silence, the silence with a scent of enriching light is an attitude of observing the movements as they are. Observing the illusion of thoughts, that lament for attention. Observing the emotional echoes, that bring us the spell of world’s loneliness, that bring the sad or irritated voice of mummy or daddy. Observing from this active and alert silence that, by observation, becomes mild and tender, and receives everything that flows and cures, heals with kisses all emotions, thoughts and confusing sensations. It is this silence of consciousness that, as an empty mirror, doesn’t fill up with the reasonable exasperation of thoughts, or with the thickness of emotions. The words are capricious beings and must be cared for like little children, and set free with consciousness. To release the words of unconsciousness deprives us from living moments of illumination. The wine of dreams avoids us when we demand, from words, the inebriated flavor of light, which is proper from silence itself. To keep words, with love, inside the heart and to express a high silent love. Between the words rises, exquisite, this flowered silence for the one that, alert, enlivens their curiosity and notices it. This silence is one for all. To fall in love with the celestial silence, enchanting the consciousness with the living and silent water allows us to perceive these moments of translucent illuminations, where consciousness is everything. Consciousness is the empty silence where thoughts happen, where the confusing emotions scream, where the sensations jump, where these fake convictions, supported by the memory, give us the illusory sensation of an impermanent identity. And, so, we deny life, denying that we already are conscious Light. Like birds that fly in the garden of preciosities, the simple current of silence travels through breaths; it is here, while I write. If you notice it, good. If you don’t notice it, you are losing. Silence! Quiet and present, open to the intimate whispering currents, perceive the illuminations that are arriving and departing, leaving their ardor in life.
I am an unfinished man. In this mind, the materials that the mind contains intertwine. They are abundant, varied and distant.
In its function, the mind blends the conscious with the unconscious and everything that left an impression in my childhood influences in the construction of this identity, superficial and conceived. This identity is conceived, created under the sign of chaos, by our rational and emotional aspects, that blends fantasies, fears, memories, desires, mommy talks, dreams and so many lights and shadows. We create an identity and we cling to it, as if it was a lifeline, but it is a shapeless and unconscious set of stimulations, fears and pieces of people that impressed us. In a mysterious way, this character is a resistance to life. It is just that we begin to experience very soon the wars of our parents, of our classmates and the way the things are. And in the root of this war is our own ignorance of who we really are. It wasn’t taught to us the plenitude of life, our true nature, that is the same nature of life itself. Unable of accommodating to life, we set ourselves to create a separated “I”, that goes to war with the present moment. Fighting to be right, to be acknowledged, to survive, we cling to this conceived identity to untie from life itself, departing ourselves from what is happening. And, so, we create the notion of “my life” and we begin this long and sterile fight to control everything, to orchestrate life so that it runs into the direction guided by some prevailing thought or emotion, which says that is right one. Yes! It is expected from us that we take over the reins of our life, that we know what we want and that we achieve it. As we see the adults do, it looks like they know where they are going and how they “get” what they want. And, so, life starts to weigh, the story of our life, our own expectations and the expectations of our dear ones weigh and this load becomes practically impossible of carrying and we get sick. The shadow risks through our eyes and immobilizes us and we begin to live in a country without childhood, a country of fight and sacrifice. Supporting in one foot a sick life, with no intimacy with ourselves, creating a story of ourselves that tries to sooth the sensation of the weigh of living in the middle of this fire. But, like a Cinderella, one day, we wake up and feel the human suffering, incontrollable. We perceive the monstrous problem that is to exist like that and we begin the spiritual search. And we ask ourselves: What is happening with me? What am I doing wrong? And we travel through formulas of improvement and cure. Some work by half, other give us moments of oasis. But we fall again in the sensation of incapacity, of being a prey of emotional suffering. And, in the beginning of the path, we blame our parents, the circumstances, the alignment of the planets or the stars, the electromagnetic forces or the unfathomable karma, or the system, or the devil and in thousand others responsible for our suffering. But you know, suffering is a gift, not a curse. Depression, irritability, sickness happen to make you see how disconnected we can be from life. And when we ripen our perspective about suffering, we begin the path back to integrity. Understanding that nothing exterior, in reality, causes our suffering, is the key to an amazing freedom, for us to be able to rest in the profound rest of who we really are. Suffering has its roots in the denial of feeling what we feel, of experiencing what we experience right now. The fake identity, in war with what doesn’t come out as the thought proposed, in war with life as it is; this blindness keeps us from seeing that everything that happens, happens to find out who we really are and accepting what is, the deepest meaning of life acceptance.
The fake identity dilutes when you accept the truth of this moment, as much as it bumps with your expectations, with your dreams, with your plans. The reality is. Accepting reality releases you from this identity that falsifies the reality and makes you suffer, waiting a future, fighting with a past that is the responsible for not happening today what you dreamed of. If we see the things as they really are and not how we expect or desire it to be, a full tune sprouts. And, from this place of complete alignment with what is, all creative and loving action flows with naturalness. In these days of prodigious instants of illuminations, I suggest you to stop dividing life, approving or disapproving what appears in your present. Life is, without labels of like or dislike, without judgement of good or evil; life is instantaneous, comes before our judgements. Dears, life is simply life and takes the appearance that will help you better to wake up who you really are. From this place of profound acceptation, I invite you to live free from judgement about reality. And this inner space, yes, it is possible to help to change the world. From this acceptation of the divine reality, we can help humanize humanity. Waking up who you really are, this communion between the moment itself; consciousness is not the end, but the beginning of intimacy with life: this is the true commitment. Unbelievably, when we understand that everything is well and in its right moment is when we can leave the fake and superb identity and help changing the things for the better. Exactly there we are free to let the unlimited compassion out, not wanting to drive the change with the conceived identity. It is the heart, accepting life happy and grateful, what can help with the language of the heart. Accepting everyone, you see each being as a whole, complete being, that is blind in its nature and suffers and acts defending a fake self. This is not seeing like bad or ugly a person or their acting. Like this, you mark with kindness the way back to their inherent totality. If we take root in the consciousness of illuminations, of total integrity, we are free to participate as gardeners in the dance of the apparent separation, and so we heal the bond of humanity with Pachamama. Maybe our deepest contribution is the illuminated view, not seeing problems, but mistakes by apparent separation, and affirming the view, the inseparability of the themselves and life. And, so, involving completely in life; accepting that we are one is the highest help to life and to Pachamama. Come, dear, darling, rest in your true nature, that is here, in “someday�, now, while you read this book, accept the fleeting nature of this moment, stop resisting to the river of life.
Unusual and precise, this silent power comes where everything is clear and the blood sings with the birds and the trees that share the silent life in the cerrado.
You and I are a continuity with the universe, such as the wave is with the ocean. Feel this sentence, incorporate your essence. And say it with me:
Everything is united with everything, what was, what is and what will be. The intuition is its language and the silence is the instrument that plays its keynote. It seems separated, but it is intimately bonded. Pachamama, in her infinite multiplicity, with all her events and circumstances, bonds in her cosmic carpet everything that is apparently separated. And from this Unity, transpires , like an endless wind, which the humanity is heading to feel. We are in the middle of the ocean and this “I” continuously tells you that you don’t belong to the ocean. This structure, with its characteristic of separatism, is transferred from generation to generation and is perpetuated through familiar, social and cultural values. As if we were trained since we were children. We still are in mommy’s tummy and there is a game of expectations already. Inclusive our name remits to the grandfather or an uncle or “someone” that insinuates, tacitly, to whom we should look like. In Bible, the authors fantastically blended the clay with breath. The mental clay, structured, full of memory, that influences creating a sensation of continuity of the “I”, this conceived identity, and the real breath, true, silent moment that brings life and illuminations. Friends, life passes between breaths. The mind that is identified with this psychological identity, ignores that the eternity is here and now, in this vibrant, blue space, that we call present and seems to stop, fluctuate, flow, dance, in front of the illuminated, total gaze. Outside this space nothing could exist. Observe carefully. Here is the substrate of life and universe. Everything that happens sprouts from this luminous instant. And even if your mind offers you future sceneries, they do not exist. They are presents that will come or not. Still, it hasn’t happened. It drains between our hands like water. It is so fascinating how the “I” offers us a linear, plain perception that moves in between two points, past/future, beginning/end, depriving us from the celestial opportunity that exists in the middle of these possible extremes. We are, in these humble writings, tempting you to , to what is already awake inside you. And to see with objectivity the illusory process of the “I suffering”. The term to wake up the consciousness and the word illuminations allude to one same event. However, it is necessary to affirm with vehemence, my dears, that the conscious is awake. It is the outside human being that is asleep, immerse in the ego’s plot, and when transcendence emerges on it, we say that its consciousness awoke. But, consciousness, dear, love, is hidden now in the shadows of thought, like a station out of tune. Our attention is stuck in the “I individuality”. We confuse Life with the forms that animate it. She is the primordial source from where all things and beings exist. When a child is born, life is not born, it was there already, simply at birth, it took one of her many costumes, with a script in which the child will be the protagonist. Life is the background, the ocean that sustains the wave. Touching this background, bonding directly with the ocean is what we are proposing to you. Bonding with life from Life that is consciousness in us, is the tunnel, the walkway for the moments of illuminations. There is the key, without reasons or philosophy. It is, in reality, a natural impulse of , that is not subjected to a rational structure. Therefore, do not search for moments of illuminations with the mind. It cannot give you what it doesn’t have.
In the “I suffering”, the Unity that we are gets fragmented and fights between each other. It is impossible to appease so many different feelings. And if you have work or affective pressure, it`s worse. That is why I suggest you, in these days, to learn to internally observe, without intention. Only observe and this is the door to find out who you are. It is your natural Being that observes the consciousness awake, illuminated. Here, in staying conscious, observing the mind, the ego, the attention, here is the freedom that few people know. When observing yourself you will see the many “I”. Observe who you are not. This, in the end, causes laughter because of the absurd of having created these compulsive thoughts. Life is happy, the path is happy, objectively observing and seeing the lack of sense of thoughts and emotions shows yourself that you are leaving the serious space that believes in every thought and emotion as a self-definition. Be tolerant, compassionate with these little children of the mind. Don’t judge. Do this conscious observation, with abandonment, without the purpose of obtaining something… The disciplines must be acts of love. When you dismantle the structure of the illusion in you, with love and for love, everything is transformed, everything that you touch becomes wings, fresh water, delightful life in life. If you persist, the mind will become silent and there the incommensurable is revealed. This awakening happens in the daily life, in waling, washing your hands, listening, going to work, resting, talking, relating with others. If you are a witness of life essence, at least, you are in the path. Let everything show you who you are: conscious Life, flowing in illuminations. Life surrounds you and from it, humid surprises flow, from instant to instant. Everything brings you to feel life and enjoy moments of illuminations, of full unity with what you are, with the present. Accept each breath, the event as a total moment, knowing and feeling that this moment is complete, nothing is lacking, nothing in excess. You can live now, each moment, the dawn of life, step by step, in all sceneries where life manifests. Life, my friend, my dear, has a soundtrack that, if you are alert to what happens, if you listen to it and gives you wings, gives you back the magic ring for you to be what you want, gives you back the perception of home, where the spark of is always alive.
We saw the sea, we felt the rain, we watched, amazed by the rivers that don’t stop coming. Oh… how beautiful is this sacred little water, your irreparable song. Do you feel them, pilgrim? The sea of childhood, the river of snails, the nostalgic rain, the swims of our childhood, laughing and playing, in the first love of mommy. The water, cosmic mother pure and clean, is with us, along with the Sun, both mirrors of the tigers of the soul, loving, loving themselves. Listen to your heart, old bell that brings the divine blessing. Feel the tender water, feel its placid caress and let yourself go with the humid drop of the instant of illuminations.
In this period, bless the water that you drink, drink its sweet liquid light with the eyes of the open. Our whole life is an immense lake of love. Feel, pilgrim! Our sun, beloved invincible light, the water, our beloved fragile, venerable mother‌ Mamacocha, we say in the Andes. Mommy water, you that blesses us, cleans, heals and nourishes. Gracias, gracias! Come each day to bathe in her sweet waters. And if you have waterfalls near your home, look at them and dance in their heart. And if it rains, feel the love that comes with the water of the sky. The water falls over Pachamama, desirous of water. Open your heart to the rain, to the sea, to the rivers, to the waters that fall from the shower, from the tap and be thankful, enamoring the water. When you listen to the chanting of water, feel the warmth of Life. Feel the songs of Life that brings you full white dreams. Bathe yourself, daily and ritually, twice. Add rosemary water with coarse salt and cleanse your energy. They are purifying gestures, ways of rehearsing what we are. It is a fluid of illuminations; when you bathe, feel, wordlessly reflect upon this. You are a fluid such as water, in the depth of your , you are in bloom and fragrant. While you bathe, feel the ignorance peel off, like the skin of a snake. The angels of the water caress you with their fingers of paradise; secretly love their delightful touches when you bathe. Put on some music and sing, dance, feel that this water take away every idea of separateness. We are, and that is enough! Singular and plural is the experience of being in a river that flows, it is the most similar with experiencing, moment after moment, illuminations. Feel each day the fresh pleasure of washing your face, of rinsing your mouth when you brush your teeth and be thankful for this snap of miracle that is water. Instants of illumination playing and revering the water, mother of life, chaste and beautiful sister. Don’t deny yourself from reverently celebrating the beauty of water. Fragile, fluid, primordial innocence, love that flows, the water reminds us that we already are what we are. Daily, pilgrim, surrender to the poetic discipline of illuminations in water, with water, and being yourself a river that flows from illumination to illumination. Sweetly kiss water, when you drink it. In the luminous sweetness of the river, kiss the water and receive in all your pores your fresh life. And open your consciousness and kiss it with your infinite understanding, suddenly, all water. And at night, when you go to sleep, put a glass of water in your bedside table. And as your heart grows in gratitude, as if not realizing it, wet your fingers and bless your forehead, your heart, your life and let yourself go in the sweet river of sleep, completely surrendered to the blessed waters of rest.
There are days in which the joy of breathing, of being breathed, the shuttling waves of breath takes the same life to the consciousness, merging everything in one only hug. 16
To breathe is the most mysterious phenomenon of life. Around it, the whole constellation of vague trembling of stars of all organs, spins. When we suggest to breathe, we will do it from this space of acceptation that we are illuminations that have no control over breath. At first, the aspirant breathes. The conscious mind directs the process of inhaling and exhaling. Soon, with the understanding of acceptation of God’s natural, we “let ourselves” be breathed. And then the dance begins, the cosmic game of coming and going. Simple and serene, the Being is one with breath and the illuminations come, like a rose the blossoms, almost not realizing it. Sitting down to enjoy the quietude of sunset and letting yourself be breathed, accepting that this magic love happens… happens… happens effortlessly, in complete acceptation of each moment of breath. It happens, my dear, my darling, and when exhaling soft and gently, accept, with love, the rebirth of inhalation. And the soft understanding of life and death’s party, in this moment, surprises us in this ancient ritual of waking up. To sit down with a good posture, to be able to abandon yourself to be breathed by Life and, amazed, understand the intimate miracle of breathe that goes and comes back renewing life, brings the silky lunar calm that the consciousness is. To love this simple and essential infinite process of breathing and witnessing with consciousness is a profound revelation. It is there, in this clear communion with breath that we are. When breath continues its dance and we stay in its fruity whiteness, there, if we persist, accepting the certainty of dying, being reborn… oh, the moment simply illuminates the totality of unity inherent to life. And we perceive where we nourish ourselves, to light up the secret of the living universe that we are. We are the breath, the consciousness of coming and going, illuminations adrift of these waves from the ocean of totality. The experience of conscious observation transforms the act of breathing, the act of breathing transforms the observer, the meeting happens in the communion of the moment of illuminations. Don’t try to understand it. Sit down and let the breath dance in the root of the consciousness. Transform yourself in air, in breath, in conscious silence of coming and going. Everything breathes, feel it. In this tight fabric of silence, the dogs that bark, breathe, the misty clouds breath, and the earth, loving and fertile, breathe and breathes us. Let’s surrender blue, entire, to the sacred shuttle of breath. Timeless, let’s unite to everything that is breathed; naive and happy let’s stay here, dressed as breath. The masks fall, like painted little mouths; with the energy of the faun, let’s keep on feeling breath’s caress, that goes in its depth, and the senses sprout in a party when they are touched by the renovation of each breath, and let go the old things, in each exhalation. The Presence begins to be felt, in minutes, it comes slowly, unties the illuminations, the tender Presence comes slowly, it comes slowly, opens the path between the thoughts and anxieties of the fake identity… comes slowly with its illuminations, climbing our being, comes in, kneels before the soul, collects its fragments and then flies blue like the afternoon, and leaves us whole, upstanding, in illuminated breaths.
I steal this precious title from the dear Jack Kerouac to show you a walk, drifting, without an established end, feeling and enjoying each moment. You can walk each day, like an exercise, and then this has a purpose, happens from the mind, it doesn’t give you more than some help to the physical body. But you are much more than this body. You, we, are an infinite wave of liberty. We are an unfinished poem. We are an unfinished melody that happens now. And I invite you to feel inside and go… walk drifting, as if a secret chain of rhymes, proses were guiding your steps. Go wander the world without fear, without the weight of the time of the clock, or the psychological time of organizing the future or ruminating the past. Feel your life now, step by step, breathing. Observing the rhythm of breath, feel how the air flows inside and out, like a wave, as if you were diving deeply in this moment. Try to use all your senses. Let yourself be caressed by the colors, receive with surprise the noises and sounds. Not judging, not dividing. Feel the smells that mysteriously come. Perceive in your skin, the temperature, the wind, the soft pressure under your feet. Feel the Holy Earth that receives your steps with mildness. You leaving a luminous footstep in life. If your mind opines, thinks, takes you to fantasies of fear or desires, only observe and feel the observer, maintain your attention in what the mind is observing. Find the current of Life in you and acknowledge it in everything that you come upon, beyond the form that it has. Do you see this tree? It has harmonic and beautiful life flowing in it. Do you see these clouds, or this bird flying? And this lady that crosses the road listening to music. Everything is alive. Feel with the totality of your senses the wonder of Life. Persist in maintaining your attention in the space where you observe the mind, the senses, and perceive that you are in this place full of creative, luminous, clear and fresh energy. Maintain the attention, if it is disperse, bring it to the consciousness again. And keep on walking, enjoying with new eyes the wonder, the mystery of these ants that cross the path, of the bird’s nest, of the infinite colors and feelings that cross like a merciful grace to impulse you to live in the present time, the time of the gift of God. While you walk, do not organize anything, do not plan anything, do not bring problems to the mind, for this time see them as mental illusions. Your life happens now, walking over this precious Pachamama. Keep on walking and feel how a dawn of joy, flowing, of inner renovation, mysteriously happens. Receive with joy what the moment of illuminations brings. Life offers you a "now", and you offer your to this now, a holy wedding happens. A silent and simple communion. Honor this gift from Life, and of life, with your total surrender to now. Yes! The total, full Life, gives you moments of life. Illuminations is the adequate way to receive them, so they sing inside your bodies’ bowl.
For no apparent reason I started jumping like a child and, for no apparent reason I climbed on a leaf that moved so far away that I kissed the lips of the sun and dissolved myself. HAFIZ Dears, Meditating is to rest here. Surrender, relaxed, to what is happening now. You know, we are always looking for something different, we were programmed not to be satisfied with what is. Our attention is so stuck on the future, or in the reflection of past, that what we are doing now is simply a path to an end, a moment in a logical and productive sequence. And as we are not happy with , we are always making an effort for a better future. And this search, material or spiritual, is a mental movement to an inexistent future. In the root of this insatiable search there is the conceived identity, the “I�. This search for the Fountain, the search for God, the search for Happiness, it brings to us the intimate sensation of lack of plenitude, the lack of being complete, now, the sensation of being fragmented, lost, alienated, needing something or someone to get close to us, that gives us the touch. Meditate is leaving this vicious circle and discovering, with the clear view, that we are in this common house, in this ocean, in the Fountain, and that we have never left. We search as a wave seeking for humidity, or trying to merge again with the Ocean. But the wave always was and always will be a full expression of the Ocean. It was always drenched of , of water, of Life. To meditate is to leave this sleep of separateness. And feel completely at home again. I will teach you a simple technique, but the essential is to dive in life, in the Silence until we get dissolved in It. To meditate is the absorption of consciousness in its own conscious light, through a stability of body, mind and breathing. Then it is important the posture of your body, a delicate and hearty breathing, and the attitude of the consciousness, conscious of this moment of illuminations. Body Posture: The best is to look for a position in which the spine is straight and stable. Without pressure. Inhale through the nose and feel if the breath flows easily with no difficulty. The diaphragm has to be relaxed so the breathing becomes abdominal.
It is very good to sit in a pillow or zafu that keeps the hip above the knees. Put the left hand above the right hand, palms up. The thumbs slightly touch. The position of the legs you must find it yourself. If your muscle tonus does not allow you to sit down in the ground, you can meditate in a chair, or in an armchair, always keeping the spine straight. The chin must be slightly retracted and the neck stretched. The nose is in a vertical line with the navel. The shoulder and the diaphragm relaxed. The jaws touch softly and the tongue touches the upper palate, without rigidity. The eyes stay closed, without tension. When you begin the practise of meditation, breathe deeply ten times, focusing in deep expiration, taking away from you all tensions and voices and images from the day or night before. And then let your breathing become diaphragmatic, what means: when your diaphragm muscle is dilated and the belly relaxed, the breathing moves down in its gravity center. In the beginning of meditation put all your attention in this breath, in the deep wave that comes and goes. Letting yourself be surprised when breath comes, with a conscious and curious attitude. Remember that the air contains breath, Pachamama’s energy, Cosmos’ energy. Let’s receive this energy through the lungs and each cell. If you are in the right posture and alert conscious, breath will naturally become more profound and will show you the path to the reception of illuminated breath. During meditation, the cover of the cerebral cortex rests, the flow of thoughts stop and the blood travels to the deepest layers of the brain. It wakes up of its semisleep and makes us rest almost as if we were sleeping, but with the consciousness completely awake. The primitive brain is in activity. The body takes command and feels. When you meditate, don’t try to stop the thoughts, but let them pass in front of consciousness that is with breath. Like the sun, that when reflected in a lake does not get wet, the same happens with the consciousness, that doesn`t change because of the thoughts, emotions or sensations that come and pass. In the beginning you were focused on breathing, but little by little the conscious and subconscious intellect becomes empty and serene, soft, and nothing can stop the current of profound understanding, unified perception. . If you persist in simply enamoring this coming and going, like waves of breath without thoughts, Life comes, spontaneous, from the profound . And I am not referring to brilliant thoughts, or joyful sensations, or exalted emotions, but to direct perception. Giving everything, surrendering everything to the Silence, we gain everything. The moments of Illuminations happen like waves coming to the beach, the thoughts become immense and profound and reach the total consciousness.
Words cannot explain this. It is possible only to experience it, and the profound practice is necessary. And so, we finish it homecoming, in this pure and infinite sky, that is not disturbed by white clouds flying or by singing birds.
There are times in a human being’s life in which we find life. And the air turns into foliage and gives new names to all lights of the night. And the footstep on the beach is the first one, and the block of birds that goes in the sky, sing soft playful syllables. In this ludic bond, the living being gets humid and lives life once again, diaphanous, from the luminous child of the heart. And while we walk, we are surprised by the reverent mold on the walls, and the light falls as the apple falls. And when the night comes, each being goes back to the mystery, with a tinny little light, with a divine spark… when, my dears, we leave the plain life and enter in the moments of illuminations, to the citric light of life. And each being becomes as beautiful as a fire pit. And everything sings again and we live in this original garden. And we understand that it is useless to lock the doors, close the windows, stop the clock, - life keeps on coming with its incredible happiness. With this feeling of fraternity with everything, with minimal sparks, with minimal gestures, in the stars, Pachamama reveals herself in her magnificent plenitude. Dears, to manage the magic is to release the thinker and make room for amazement again, it is there where playfully happen the moments of illuminations. It is in this sacred act of losing time, where we gain eternity. Slow and super conscious moments, I feel the flavor of each word, I administer each silence with tenderness, under the rain of stars that visit me every night. I smell the freshly baked bread, like a door to paradise. If you want you can enter in the garden of the poets, artists and dreamers. And I suggest you, in these days, to give space to playful, ludic, diaphanous magic, the observation of this strange, mysterious world. If you surrender to the magic journey of each day, which revelations couldn’t reach you? What spark of words will be released from this space where the muses dance? There is an ecstasy in the jar of life, beautiful, agitated, crimson! Take it and dream and release your words, your colors, your scents, let your heart exhale the sacred pollen that spin as wheels, creating universes of life. Why not living a path where the artistic expression is the blanket that covers us from the rational cold of the world? It is so painful for the human sensibility to live without magic, without this sacred wine that inebriates us and makes us fly, exalted. It clouds our vision when we perceive life in a plain, Cartesian way. Paradoxically, we deny the gracious magic of life, we close the door and we stay with the absurd pain, only. Let’s open our eyes, and it will dissipate the rational and practical mist that stops the magic manifestation of seeing the first constellations, the first dawn, the first kiss and everything seems to be “forever”.
It is possible to live in this original, primitive, wild lyricism, we only need to put an end to the punishment of the illuminated essence of your heart and smooth the wrinkles of the verbs and let life surprise us with joy. Each day, the sky gets blue miraculously, the day is done elaborate and secret and, in some way, blue friends, we participate in a magnificent play; only with an open and fluid consciousness and without any I. The smell, the textures of the illuminations “nows” sing like this little bird sings now, in the window of the cerrado. We will meet then, all in poetic Unity, in the lovers’ hug, in the enamored for dawn’s quietude, in the burial of the sun, in the wonder of being able to see in between the gaps of the world.
The impossible, the unlikely, surrounds us. And we resign to it. However, I ask you, is it necessary to leave the impossible in its place and let us thirsty for living here? Why did they scare us so much? However, we have a divine tutelary genius, and we have the right to refresh the Soul adventuring ourselves in impossible gestures. Of course, we will never be 7 meters tall, or give hands with Napoleon, or so many other exemples that really are impossible. However, dear dreamer, have you ever thought about these dreams that you keep in your heart? They are gathering dust, while, beyond the creek of your known circle, there is the the fragrance of the lily of the impossible! I propose you, in you in these days, in some evenings, when the source of inspiration whisper the illuminated moments, that we move out from the prosaic daily life, and, with the Soul full of longings, that we recover our golden dreams, our impossible anxieties. The fortunate country of the impossible, and its nostalgia that will never end, are there, waiting to give you the gift of vibrant vigor of life. In sweet and devout sunsets, I ask you to make, with child’s handwriting, a list of adventures, of impossible dreams. For example, I can do mine now: I would like to know the Mekong River. I would like to see a ghost during the day. I never jumped with a parachute. I want to meet an Eskimo. I want to learn to play the violin. I want to write an endless novel. Now it is up to you. With fifteen or twenty detailed elements will be enough. Once written, put this list inside your pillowcase. And sleep, feeling the list. During those days, feel how you can accomplish these dreams. And whisper, dreaming that you fulfilled the impossible dreams, that are actually possible. Dream at dawn, let the God of the Impossible Dreams kiss your Soul again, and let yourself dream, allow your consciousness to participate in the output of the sinking of your routine life.
Before doing anything, dream, and put in your altar, images related to your impossible dreams. And let your being bond with these noble dreams, in invisible threads. Earthly or subtle, the dreams are necessary for the consciousness to awaken the illumination, is part of its integrity. To embrace life you must enter in the forest of impossible dreams, and fulfill them. And when you do it, engage your friends, the Community of the Heart, make them know that you fulfilled an impossible dream, that was asleep. Then, the fire of Life destroys the unhealthy routine of turning life in repeated spaces, tiny, where the illuminated vision is not necessary. Your life, my life can be a hymn to the Beauty, that sees the Goddess near, with the splendor of the aurora, with the perfume of the sunsets. May She make you valiant and so the ego will follow you, however, it will surrender to your luminous trails.
Illuminated fellows, The real homeland is childhood; it is there where the reserves of spiritual oxygen are stored for moments of the big leap. And this is the time of blue days and childhood suns. Here is where I suggest you to bring the happy memories of your childhood, to the integrity of your consciousness. And drink from it. Yes, I know, of course I know. In every childhood there is pain, wounds and much more, but you can put, in all those wounds, a fluid tenderness, and take from it the dramatic mind, and visit your happy memories with hummingbird wings. In these memories, the One Life have kept an ocean of energy, which is needed now, to release your consciousness from the prison of the conceived and thinking identity. Visit your homeland everyday, your childhood memories, when you stole lipstick from your mother and in front of the mirror trained make up, when you went into daddy’s car and played that you were riding hundreds of miles per hour; all these wonderful memories that are the sun of our childhoods. Visit them with joy from the consciousness and not with the dramatic mind that turns your parents or your childhood into something horrible. No, the bells of childhood are playing in its green prairies. Feel again, with the eyes of a child, the beloved homeland of your seven years old. When the myths used to visit you, the joy of imagining blue horses, unicorns as candles, nights sowed with stars that showed forms and figures. Recover your childish joys, beautiful memories of blue and copper, of fairies and ghosts. Of Indians and football, of little houses and intense moments. Life’s glory, childhood is a Life bank now. To take the leap from the mental view to the view of illumination moments you will need these reserves. Childhood is like a fresh and living prayer that treasures the laughing, flowery, leafy, fruity moments… don’t lose them. My childhood are remembrances from Patagonia, a clear moment of freedom, horses, hunts, fishing, stories by the stove. There are still in my veins this savage source of my childhood; what about yours?
Here is your illuminated heart, you have been recovering it everyday. Visit your childhood with the consciousness that doesn’t judge, only enjoys and revives absorbing again the living water of this well of the Soul. Let this wonderful light reheat the heart of now and enjoy this present with the totality of your being.
The abuelitos, the ancestor knowledge is calling. Pachamama’s heart is vibrating, you are a symptom. The little drums of the hearts are hearing the abuelitos, the millenary knowledge of all peoples. Come dancing in illuminations, come singing, Pachamama’s heart is calling, the forests, the animals, the birds, the fishes, the rivers are answering to the calling. This sacred time, this 3Pachakuti, according with the Andean abuelitos of Queros, is calling all rainbow warriors to unite in a common chant, with the music of drums and quenas, with the melody of the community of the heart, to call Christ to come back, to call the Inka, the Light to enlighten the heart of the men to come back to the path of loving the earth. And we say: GRACIAS for making me understand that we are all One. Dears, all earth is a living soul, we are part of Her. There is only one Community of the Heart. Pachamama’s community, one world, what speaks the language of tenderness with life, delicacy with all creatures, what feels the moments that, as mist, come to go and look at each other with the illuminated look, grateful to be alive. We have received this gift: Life. We are one Life, nothing can kill our Souls, they can be numbed, but the essences cannot be killed. What we can do is awake the light that we are and take our post of loving service to Life. To be an agent of the universe harmony. To receive, with dignity, the inheritance of the abuelos. And feel them, they walk with us. Each instant is well received by the heart astonished by this wonder. The earth with the brothers sustains all dimensions. What if we learnt to share in harmony with all living beings? If it was like that, we would wake up to what we already are, medicine-beings. We all are medicine, we are different medicines, but we are here to irradiate these colors and flavors that we bring, to be a sweet honey-bread to all hearts. Through the sacred path of the heart, we are illuminations for all, and Mother Earth Pachamama surrounds us with love, Father Sun Tayta Inti illuminates all equally, with lucid presence. We came from the stars, walking with no stop, bringing in our heart fresh water for the tired and the thirsty walkers. The heart guides us, it is light, full living light and active in each moment, allowing us to see what the mind thinks, the unconscious acts, the divine presence in beautiful aliments, this ocean of sky, the clouds that travel unhurried and effortlessly, everything teaches us the path of the Sun.
Kuti means time, Pacha means Earth, the time of the Earth.
In these days returning to the savage and illuminated child that you are, walk bare feet, feeling Pachamama’s rough beauty, trying to live in all ages, if it rains, disrobe this body, and let it play with mud, here in this liberty God, the Eternity is hidden. Come, allow your consciousness to set free from all these fake decencies and like a child give yourself the permission to leave the punishment and to be completely Happy! This is an Andean little path, let’s walk like aborigines free from Pachamama’s fear, she is our mommy, nothing will lack if we lay on Her, we are the children of Mother Earth, Life is our Mommy, everything belongs to everyone, and we feel the flow of life, abundant, prosper, happy and complete. In these days, watch the river and play with It, see the Ocean and play, thank for It, see the sacred Apus, the mountains and offer your grateful heart, make a fire and thank for the abuelito fire. Say everyday: … gratitude, gratitude for getting dressed as a bird and enchanting me every morning, gratitude for getting dressed as light cloud, gratitude for smiling luminous in the Sun, gratitude for the food, for the colors of the flowers, gratitude for the luminous silence that takes us back to the home of the heart. Oh… my dears, the humble devotion and surrender to Life is the path to the moments of illumination. Say with all your cells, with all your beings:
Gratitude, Pachamama, for the blue, for the green, for the simple breeze of dusk, gratitude for the smoothness of mist, for love, for learning to be. Gratitude for this life that you give to us, for the numerous sounds of ancient syllables, for receiving in this heart your humid Being, moist of fragility, and for the cosmic joy of understanding illuminations.
Dear comuneros! It is difficult making revolutions by yourself. The community is needed. In the community there is an intense spiritual collective energy, of complete attention and illuminated focus. It puts us in test, in which the conditioning and the old minds leap, resisting to change. The old language and the old style of leading, also go in crisis before the volcanic force of community. But it is the community that pull humanity off of separateness, class struggle, the useless war of sectoral interests. It is the practice of walking, sitting down, breathing, eating and inclusive washing our teeth together that is indispensable to awake the consciousness of identifying with the mind and its contents. In the Community of the Heart we help each other not to sink in the past and not to be tied to emotional pain. The collective practice give us solidity and concentration. The Community of the Heart sounds like a , in which the language of tenderness and open communication are reality. There is space here for vulnerability, the uncertainty and the wisdom of insecurity. The community is not Christian, nor Buddhist, nor religious, even when religiosity, the reverence to now, impregnates all its activities. 25
In the community there are the ones that try to take the others to the happiness of living well, there’s good cuisine there and there is reverence to the food that comes from the clouds, from the rain, from the earth, from the farmers, from all chain of beings, that like apostles bring the food to our table. The gardens are the central part of the community and we offer organic and nutritious vegetables. Everybody work, the ones that cook, the ones that clean, the ones that tidy up, the ones that meditate and irradiate. All of them are sowers of seeds of group love, of planetary commitment, and devotion to now. The community fellows brings childish happiness to the others. In some way everyone put their energy and intelligence to the Community. And this is a core of planetary wakening to the possibility of humanity’s complete revolution. Everything in the community has wings, everything is part of a dream of putting a sign in this planetary now, where it can be understood that all of us can create a universe of compassion and love. In the peasant community live the determined ones, the decided ones and the ones who are submissive to the power of love to the dream of a free and loving world. In the community, everyone live and remember to live in the moment of illuminations, that is the highest on us, this aspect which is completely integrated and united to now. The community has a differentiated treat to educate us in the conscious use of time. If we are too busy running from one side to the other, we feel needy of time for the spiritual practice. The Community of the Heart is a family. And the creation of communities of beings that are conscious in illuminations is the solution for an alienated and consumerist society, that doesn’t enjoy nor allows to enjoy, that doesn’t learn with sensibility nor allows to learn with sensibility. It is a dream of ours and of the grandparents of the Andes, to return to a planetary community, where gardens, animals, children, workers, sages, elders, forests, oceans, all beings, live in a universe of respect, delicateness and fraternity. We bring in our heart the dream of everyone who fought for freedom, that went against injustice, slavery, violence against all beings. We raise their flags and we have a lot to give to the happiness and well-being of the planet from our beloved communities. So, the 21st century will be the end of the unjust treat with Mother Nature and the end of the wars and oppressions, and the birth of Pachamama Nation, a borderless nation. We have the tools, we have the talent, the good intentions, we have the path and the discernment and we already begun, we only need to be presence.
The sensible unity sprouts in bodily joy. It is love, that is the highest way of knowledge. The body needs a tender and intelligent care. Give it water blessed with tenderness of stars, eat carefully, slowly, the many delicious fruit that Pachamama gives us in this wonderful garden. Before anything, forget coffee and all kinds of stimulants and artificial refreshing drinks. Drink juice of fruit and vegetables, maintain an active and intelligent diet. Feel with your body what it needs. Feel what it is asking. And do not surrender to the obsessive demands of nutrition habits.
The animals are precious beings that we care for and do not eat. Acquire this wisdom and in these 21 days definitely abandon the harmful habit of eating meat of any kind. The problem of universal hunger is too complex and we all have some responsibility in this theme. But while there is demand of meat, the cattle will continue to be fatten many times with more protein than what it rally provides, the earth will continue to be polluted with its waste, and the process will continue to cause, in an indirect way, an incalculable pollution and an excessive consumption of water. Instead, if we abandon the consumption of meat we can help to maximize Mother Earth`s potential to nourish her inhabitants, and, at the same time, to diminish the waste needed for this purpose. Try to nourish yourself with pure air as well, with organic food, with simple and beautiful emotions, with thoughts wide as galaxies, and not consuming beliefs, or stiff and rigid concepts. For the body it is necessary to do exercise, yoga, tai chi, chi kung, swimming, or wander feeling the coal of the moment that burns all memories and leave us light and laughing. Also nourish your essence with good friends, with optimistic beings that see and value to be alive! Nothing healthier than a group of brothers that feel the Unity. Be careful to cook your own food. These 21 days can be a good moment to recover the good habit of cooking. And when you cook, sing the names of God, the sacred mantras, or the verses of gratitude that seek to embellish your kitchen. Put a figure of a Goddess of the kitchen and of the abundance, in your kitchen. And remember that the Angel of the house is sleeping in it, when you open the oven to bake the devotional bread, or to roast some vegetables, the Kuntur Mamani of the home wakes up and puts harmony, joy, and reminds you that the food, the one that cooks and the one that tastes are aspects of the Unity, they are all illuminated. Feel Pachamama singing in each food, the rays of sun that bathed Pachamama for you to enjoy, and feel the kind Unity of Life coming to you in shaped like fruit, vegetables, fresh water, air… the beautiful unit coming to generate more and more Life!
Pachamama, this wonderful that hosts us, a fatty and joyous mama! Formed by water in its most part, such as our body! Caring our body with a super healthy diet, drinking pure and clean water, means to revere and heal also our mommy Pachamama! We intoxicate our body when we automatically eat and drink, we intoxicate it with thoughts and mental confusions that keep us from flowing as free, alert and loving hearts. Food is sacred! We must value our food… Oh… dears, there are so many who can’t eat, we are so blessed for having a table full of food, let’s honor this. To rediscover the sacred alchemy of preparing our own food is a way to honor the food, to cook as if it was a ritual that brings us the magic of nourishing ourselves and nourishing our dear ones. When we awake this consciousness of how important food is, we awake the earth and, little by little, we rediscover this loving bond and we feel like being hands-on!
This is an invitation for us to return to the heart of our homes that is the kitchen, preparing our own food. To feel the nuances of flavors and colors. The texture of raw, cooked or middle term. The vibrant aromas of the herbs seasoning life, remembering the grandmas in the kitchen preparing Sunday’s lunch and the grandpa caring, cutting, doing the heavier service. This simple act of preparing the food links us intimately to the Goddess, because from her comes everything, and we, humbly, are her hands! And there is such variety of seasoning, herbs, flowers, aromas, flavors... everything she gives us for free, generously. If we surrender and put ourselves in the service of love, our food is charged with light and nourishes more and more hearts! So, with our kitchens clean, the heart of the home, what about experiencing some cooking? Yes, it is a sweet adventure traveling through this path of nourishing, called culinary… We can put a mantra, light up a candle for our dear Kuntur Mamani, the Deva of the home, put a beautiful vase of flowers, an incense… create a connection with the elements (water, air, fire and earth) and bring the sacred for this moment… You know, in the ancient traditions, everything is an offering to God, so, when we cook we are cooking for God and acknowledging God in each member of our family, in each brother of the path! Oh… how beautiful it is to transform these moments that are automatized in our daily lives, into moments of intense and vibrant love!!! Transforming this preparation of food in an intense and loving meditation, into a deep connection with the Sacred of life, with the creation. What we put in our mouth and how we prepare it, shows our relationship with Life, with love, with all beings. Let’s feed ourselves with more consciousness, colors, and pure water, remembering that we are walkers, freeing ourselves from toxins and pollution. So, to keep on with steady steps on the path, some suggestions so you feel again and decide for and with consciousness: Start to cook with all the senses. Don’t trust only in the palate, during the romance that is established in the act of cooking. Trust in the eye to know if the food is ready or not. Value your power to smell, use the smell to get the salt and seasonings right. Use the touch to know if it is cooked or not. Dance with all your senses during the magic of cooking, and, if you are cooking, stay there, alert, surrendered and enamored. And dance, because the dance sensualizes the making and puts grace and lightness in the preparation of the food. Dance and cook! If you are cooking a vegetable, use low heat and the least amount of water as possible, so the nutrients are kept. If you can steam it, even better. Or cook together with rice or beans, so some of the nutrients are kept in the broth. And letting this vegetable raw can be very pleasant as well, because we don’t lose any of its properties. Use the least amount of SALT as possible. Salt must be only a subtle touch in our food. Society today suffers with many evils because of the excess of salt. Make a bet and take a chance with seasoning: peppers, curry, saffron, paprika, cumin, parsley, and salt won’t be so necessary anymore. If you are using salt, use marine salt or Himalayan salt that are pure and rich in nutrients. The refined salt alters the arterial pressure, overloads the kidneys, causing retention of liquids in our body. Let the refined sugar aside. We don’t need it. Try and be excited with the flavors of sugarless fruits, juices and teas. There is infinity of sugarless flavors to be discovered. Even lemon is enchanting with no sugar, feel the power of the acid if it is necessary. Cleaning our palate from excess, we FEEL the flavors again with intensity. And sugar becomes less and less necessary. Try it!
In case you need to accentuate the sweetness, use demerara or brown sugar, a little bit of molasses or honey. But, nothing in excess. Sometimes, we need to take a chance, and feel new flavors is an interesting risk. Take it! Sprouted grains: to use them is to put in your diet pulsing life, pure vital energy! Sprout grains of lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas. Besides the seeds: sunflower, sesame, linseed… To sprout is to experience the miracle of life happening in your house. Germinated grains: to use them is to put in your alimentation a show of life. Newcomer’s energy! Germinate lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas. Besides the seeds: sunflower, sesame, linseed… To germinate is to witness the miracle of life happening at your home. It is to feel the water wakening the grains and seeds, inviting them to see what’s happening outside the shell. And, to germinate them is very easy: leave the grains or seeds soaking for 12 hours and then drain them. Eventually wet them, in case the air is too dry or it is too hot. In two or three days you’ll already see life sprouting… Bet in the magical power of vegetable milk. We, adults, don’t need animal milk. Our lactation phase ended when we left our mother’s tits. To make delicious and nutritive beverages with seeds and nuts is easy and magical. These beverages are known as “vegetable milks” because they are the mother earth milk and it serves to prepare vitamins mixing with fruits. Use almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds. You only need to soak for 12 hours with pure water and then blend it. Strain it and you’ll have the milk that can be drank pure or blended with fruits such as apple, papaya, banana, peach, and even oatmeal, or what your creativity ask for. What’s left during the process of straining can be used as the basis of dips, mixing olive oil and seasoning – delicious to eat with toasts and devotional bread. On average, with 10 units of oleaginous you can prepare 300 ml of milk. It mustn’t be warmed or boiled, because it loses the richness of vitamins and minerals. Choose your food carefully. Vegetables and fruits of the season, organic, preferably from your region, strengthening your neighborhood, the little market in the corner, even if it is a little bit more expensive, experience buying from little traders and producers fortifying this web of the little ones! Specially, choose for natural food, not processed ones. Remember what our grandparents ate and follow them. They did not use industrialized food. Make delicious salads varying the leaves, using grated vegetables, including pumpkin and courgette. Mix fruits such as orange and apple and also oleaginous, such as almonds and nuts. So, you’ll have nutritive salads that sustain your body. You can season it with lemon, olive oil, mustard, pepper and parsley. You can make a sauce with tahini and lemon juice, enriching the flavor of leaves. Soak chickpea for 24 hours and then cook it. They are delicious to enrich salads and rice. Healthy source abundant in fibers. Make out of your breakfast a sacred act of connection with the new. Then, make green juices and offer your body and your dear organs a rejuvenating beverage. To drink vibrant juices on an empty stomach is a gift to your body. Be creative, blend carrot and/or beets, with apple, cucumber and lemon and/or orange, adding green leaves, especially, the rich leaves of rocket, kale, parsley, celery and spinach. If you have other fruits, use them and trust your instincts. During your 21 days of practice have some days with LIVING food. Drinking green and colorful juices that vibrate in your heart. Make colorful salads with sprouted grains. So, you will be able to feel your body subtle and ready to fly.
You can also enjoy and have a weekly fasting, of ONE DAY to detox and be lighter and more subtle. In this day, stay in silence and enjoy having light activities that don’t demand effort. Use and abuse the solar water (exposed to the sun to absorb its light for some hours), blessed and juices of all colors and flavors. The solarized water withdraws the excess of chlorine and fluorine of the water. And, who knows, you could enjoy and share with your brothers a healing food full of energy. So, what about putting hands on and preparing delicious devotional bread, chanting mantras, thanking Pachamama, Tayta Inti and the four elements, and charging this sacred food with love and affection? Try it, take a chance! To enjoy a full table, colorful, full of healthy and tasty food with our dear ones is a moment of communion in which the heart is happy and celebrates this huge grace of being together. In this moment of mystical union, we express the gratitude for having so much food in our table. Yes, for this privilege of eating abundantly. So, in the meals, as in a little ritual, let’s bless our food, being thankful to Pachamama for this gift that we are receiving, taking our attention to the heart and saying with affection and devotion:
Below we list, as an indication, the food that we recommend during the practice of the 21 days, and the ones that we should avoid to help our detox.
pure water in abundance; teas and broths of cooked fruits. Use the peel of orange and apple to prepare delicious broths; fresh juices that mix fruits with vegetables, greens and leaves; vegetables and fruits. Value the ones of the season which offer is more abundant and the price more accessible, always looking for the organic ones; whole cereals in grain or flour such as: rice, quinoa, oats, rye. If you’re using white flour, enrich it by adding wheat germ; whole wheat breads and pastas, preferably without gluten; grains in abundance, such as: beans, soy, lentils, peas, chickpeas; fresh fruits, preferably the ones of the season; dry fruits and seeds such as: chestnuts, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, prunes, apricot, linseed, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, etc. They are easy to carry and serve as a little, quick and nutritive snack. aromatic herbs and fresh or dry seasonings; they serve to enrich the food and help diminish the consumption of salt. ghee (clarified butter); extra virgin olive oil to season salads and to spread in the bread; sunflower, corn, rice, coconut oil to cook. Be alert so you don’t consume transgenic; natural soy milk (extract or isolated protein), without preservatives, flavoring and nongenetically modified. Give preference to the extract (soy milk powder), then you avoid the conservatives and can be blended with fruits; natural yogurt prepared at home, that can be used to prepare salad dressings and creams to spread in the bread and to consume with cereals such as granola; fermented milk or kefir;
to sweeten: honey, molasses, or brown sugar in moderated quantities. Dare to experience the natural flavors; always prefer the natural food to industrialized such as, for example, fresh/frozen peas and corn instead of canned versions. Tomato sauce prepared at home instead of ready sauces. Prefer the food with known precedence, then you avoid pesticides. Avoid processed food that is rich in sugar, fat, chemical additives and salt.
coffee, mate, black tea, because they are stimulating; milk and its derivatives such as: cheese, butter, margarine, etc.; white and parboiled rice and white bread; white pastas and flours; meats of all kinds: red meat, chicken, fish; cold and canned meat that use meat rich in fat, excess of salt and, many times, monosodium glutamate; sodas of all kinds, alcoholic beverages and industrialized juices (rich in sugar); white sugar; salt in excess; eggs and food prepared with eggs, such as, for example, mayonnaise… remember that, nowadays, eggs and chicken are rich in antibiotics and hormones; chocolates, candies, ice creams; chips and fries in a package; fries in general; industrialized and processed products in general; But let’s always remember that there are special moments and cases. Sometimes, certain food is necessary in certain moments, or you can have alimentary restrictions. In these cases it’s important to consult the doctor or nutritionist to a diet evaluation. We have a virtual group called Nutritive Mamas, in which we talk about nutrition, tips about alimentation and share recipes and a lot of affection. If you want to be part of it, send an email to: misticaandina21dias@yahoo.com.br, asking for your inclusion in the mailing list and informing that you’re participating in the practice of the 21 days. You’ll receive a virtual cookbook, rich in colors and flavors. These recipes, along with suggestions that we’re sharing, intend to help you flow and detox your body. If you have any doubts, comment or a delight to share, just write to us.
Bread is part of the universal culture of man and was the first food that produced the group unity that we know as family. But, with the arrival of the industrial age, the art of kneading was lost. This act is sensual, loving and creative and the essence of our motherhood, because when we knead the bread with love, our hands stop being ours and turn into the hands of the Divine Mother, and so Pachamama comes as a sacred food to the center of our tables and unites the family, nourishing our bodies and our hearts. To make bread, therefore, is more than preparing a food; it’s an opportunity to serve and express our gratitude and our reverence to this Being that toasts us with her grace and ingredients and elements necessary to prepare this sacred food. 31
Let’s also prepare the environment: the clean table, so we have at hand all the ingredients, and the place where we’ll knead the bread, lighting up a candle, to bring light, and an incense, that will also be absorbed by the Kuntur Mamani – the spirit of the house that lives in the oven – along with the unmistakable and delicious bread aroma. And put some fresh flowers and herbs in a little vase and leave it around, to bring beauty to the ritual. And let’s be prepared, centered and with lightness for this activity, putting in the bread the energy that will nourish us physical and spiritually. We begin by putting all the elements on the table: 2 cups of whole wheat flour; 2 cups of white flour (optional – adding 2 tablespoons of wheat germ and 1 tablespoon of wheat bran); ½ cup of oatmeal, oat flakes or rye flour (optional); 1 level tablespoon of salt; 2 tablespoon of linseed; 1 tablespoon of sesame (optional); 1 tablespoon heap of biological yeast; 1 ½ cup of warm water; 2 tablespoons of corn or sunflower oil; 2 tablespoons of brown sugar; 1 tablespoon of honey (optional); To make the bread more nutritive, we can add crystalized fruits, raisins, little pieces of nuts, aromatic herbs and cinnamon. Follow your intuition and season life with new flavors!
We put the dry ingredients (whole wheat and white flour, oats or rye flour, salt, linseed, sesame and yeast) in a big bowl, being careful to add the yeast last, mixing well. In a cup aside, we mix 1 ½ cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of corn oil, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and 1 tablespoon of honey, if we want to give an extra touch of sweetness and joy. We add this little mix little by little over the dry ingredients, until we form a dough that can be kneaded with the hands, that must be very clean. If the dough is too humid, we can add a little bit more of flour, or a little bit more of warm water, if it’s too stiff or heavy. And we knead the dough well, for 10 minutes, in a flour-dusted table, feeling that our hands involve it in a living dance, interacting with intensity until it is well united and smooth and slightly sticks in our hands. In this moment, while we knead the bread, we can chant devotional music, inviting the devas of music to be with us. We recite mantras, feeling that a luminous energy flows from the cardiac to the hands, involving and filling the bread with light, and, also, putting there the intention that its atoms fill up with harmonious, vibrant, healing and loving energy. Next, we put the dough to grow in a bowl delicately covered with a damp cotton napkin, for about one hour, preferably inside an oven or in a place where it’s protected from the wind. Meanwhile, we can meditate, chant mantras, dance, practice Andean yoga, walk or do the kriya. After the dough has grown, in a flour-dusted table, we knead softly, feeling this interaction with life. In this moment, we can also add raisins, little pieces of chestnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, aromatic herbs. After we shape the bread and put it in a roasting tray or a baking dish greased with oil. We let the bread rest (in the tray) for another hour (or until it has doubled its size), covered with
a damp cloth. Soon after it has grown, we take it to the oven, that must be pre-heated (210 to 240ºC), for approximately 45 minutes, where it will continue to grow in the heat of this sacred womb, until it is ready to be born and nourish everyone and become a point of union of the family. Then we take it out from the oven and remove it from the tray carefully. And it’s ready to be shared, our healing, tasty bread filled with love and devotion. An experience of creation and transformation that brings joy to the heart!
You will be born, little by little; the dawn of September brings the chant, that ancient chant. Perhaps the wind and clouds are coming, like a vestige of life, white and light. Like all existence, receive the day in the depths of your consciousness, in the silent luminous void. Simply welcome the day speechless, without the tinsel of vain expressions; receive it as a perfumed gift that expels the loneliness of the world. Each moment of this awakening to the day is a door to the man or woman that you are. Because you are love that communicates, that sings and expresses life… and that weaves and weaves webs of life and enchantment. Receive the day as if it was Christmas, with the yearning of a child opening an impossible gift. Feel, without words, the gratitude of fulfilled dreams. This day is coming, with its happy whiteness. This unique day, that in the mist of a life, comes as an infinite river of illuminated instants. Prolong this moment of waking up, don’t hurry; behind the brain, there is a prodigious encounter that builds in this dawn a tender and luminous happening. You, complete consciousness open and sensitive, receive Life, melodic blue miracle. Speechless, only with the aroma of real gratitude. Conscious, as transparent waters that delicately bathe these first moments of illuminations. Life carves us in the first moments; participate and call the transparent and grateful child of this moment to receive life and be carved, like a brief scent, happy and creative life. Remove the veil of the cerebral words, this noisy dust, let it go and come to the party of moments that are like fountains from where the inspiration of the day sprouts. If you surrender to welcome the life of the day that begins, the inspiration, like a chant, will follow you through the illuminated instants of the day. And you will sing a love story, flower to flower, pollinizing the beings that you find, and the miracles will heal the ones that do not listen, the ones that die, day after day. Do not believe that you own the day, know that it is a gift. Don’t put dams in the day, with stubborn will, let the drop of the day flow and follow it, humble and grateful, the silent passing of the day. Nothing belongs to you, everything is free tributary, stream, spring. Walk through the day feeling, open and conscious, the moments as presents inside which illuminations arrive. Know: Receive, open and sensitive, everything that comes as a door to find out who you are. And who are you?
A consciousness that is light and truth. This consciousness that notices the scent of the neighbour’s flowers. This consciousness that feels the steps on the way to work. This consciousness that delightfully enjoys a hug. Or that tightens in front of the traffic lights of life. This consciousness, awake or asleep, is always there. This is you. Us. Inspired from the silent BEING, to this being that gives us life. The consciousness, dear, darling, accompanies you realizing, feeling and witnessing the miracle of the day flowing like a drop, instant after instant. And if you are conscious, it is minimal illuminations that show you that everything is in its place and its right moment, perfect, harmonic and complete. What more, what less? Receive each moment with illuminated tenderness, receive each color, each aroma, each sensation that comes from our common house, Pachamama, as a celestial gift, and if there are tears, be happy for feeling the sweet sadness that announces that joy is coming. And if you are to live a dark night at day, know, happy, that light is coming. See life spinning, through the day, this illuminated life that we receive in illuminations.
Sometimes I hear our friends asking what is like being illuminated. They believe that I am illuminated, even though I wouldn’t say I am. And they ask me to teach them to be illuminated. Then I ask them: what do you expect from illuminating yourself? What will happen if you get illuminated? What will be different from this BEING of now, when you illuminate yourself? And I listen to the answers with luminous consciousness: “when I illuminate myself I won’t suffer anymore”, “I will release from fear”, “sadness and pain will disappear”, “I won’t have karma anymore”, “I will be completely transformed, and the ego won’t be here anymore”, and so many formulas. I feel it and, in silence, I ask myself how to help beings, that are already illuminated, to realize that what they are looking for is already there. And to realize that illuminating yourself is not wanting to escape from feelings of sadness, frustration, uncertainty, boredom, loneliness. Wanting to escape from suffering, instead of accepting it, at this moment, seeing it with illuminations, seeing the door to the totality that it hides, it is not waiting for a future illumination that may set us free “permanently” from all suffering. Instead of accepting that their home is here and now, they hope to reach a future illuminated home and without any situation of contradiction or tension. By escaping from the pain, the fear, the frustration, by denying their arrival answering to a conditioning of denial, we lose the illuminated view, that perceives in everything a door to God, an opportunity to total integrity. We have been educated to perceive one part of the totality as imperfections, aberrations or disorganizations, karmic impureness, expressions that are outside the divine presence. And we live it as threats that weaken us, turn us into insecure and blind beings. This “obscurity” is a threat. And we learn to control the expressions. And we repudiate it, putting them under the conscious surface, as if they were not part of the illuminated consciousness. We spend life escaping from it. The illuminated moments are an offering, they are complete; if we learn to completely embrace these aspects that are part of the present moment, they turn into doors to the joy of living
imperfect and true illuminations. And then, we solve the loss of the home which we`ve been looking for. Illuminations include all beings that come out from us, this river of birds, white, blue, lame, blind, angry, uncertain, with eyes wounded by autumn, they are all ours. Loving them, hugging them, accepting them without the need to control this moment. Why? Because we cannot control them! Trying to control or escape from feelings of weakness or impotence or frustration weakens us even more. Accepting the feelings that definitely are of defenselessness means that we are not a victim of life anymore. If we allow the feeling appear and disappear, hugging weakness completely, totally seeing this resistance then we open the door to moments of illuminations. Here in this land of fragile creatures, immensely innocents, illuminated loves happen, and the understanding of what we came to live for and what we are doing blossoms. There is an ocean now of acceptance, like an mouth ajar, mature and beautiful, totally accepting the present fruit. Without wounds, red of profound life, like a vital sign that slowly pours the blissful Grace over this life. Once again, I write while I listen, during the night, the trees letting themselves to live, and in this night we are one. The torrent of life comes and goes, nothing stays, I feel at home. The invitation is everywhere. It is in the joy and in the pain, in annoyance and enthusiasm, in silence and noise. In each moment of this miraculous and fragile gift that life is, that we so easily see as done. And in this moment that you read this, Life invites you to come back open and fragile to Her, to live moments of illuminations.
We are this slow rhythm that wakes up and gets dressed each day; we receive it with the last lazy stars that do not want to leave, the clouds and the little birds. Us, in this illuminated morning, release praises to the Offering of the new day! Blessed day! With tenderness and sighs we receive you, slowly, waiting and drinking from the Source of that we ! No more than this soft thankful breathing, we come and release the doves of brief prayers of gratitude, joy for this wonderful Life to us, that are also Life. In hope of complete consciousness, we breathe and receive the celestial Grace, abundant, pouring itself through all things and beings, once and again. The cells light up, burning with joy for the living gift of being in this scene. Now is not a word anymore, it is free goldfinches singing at home. Silent in Silence, Pachamama’s celestial buzz comes to us, a silent floating voice… it does not say, but sings… whistles, vibrates like a river that flows from the origin. Here, now, we go instant after instant, humid with love, illuminated with tenderness, like waves of good will. Blessing everything that happens, feeling consciously that everything is an offering, and, so, receiving the illuminations, like a bouquet of flowers from the Beloved to the Beloved… And here, this clay vessel shines and sings, breathes the sweet air, sits down and merges with the joyful being of quietude, feeling the arrival of illuminated breaths, trembling with joy and surprise; it is the first meditation of the now. Trembling with joy, we arrive to this millenary and fragile day, that impels us in sighs of devoted love for the offering of sitting down in magnificent silence. And playing with illumination, and letting yourself be breathed, amenably letting the silence pour its reasonless delight on consciousness… Oh… dears, we are the Unity returning to the Unity… love, love, looooooveeee…
Receptive, accepting the Offering that comes from Unity to unite to the door of Unity that we are. Simply accepting, like a flower accepts the mist. And if it is difficult, if what comes is intense, say:
And now, let’s sow the “now”, with silent firmness, without negotiation, without giving to the addiction of escaping to what Is. Just accept the movie that is on right now. Sometimes we are protagonists, sometimes, spectators, and, sometimes, gloriously, the screen. Reflect on this today. This obsession for what happens in the surface of Life, this separation between good and evil, between like and dislike. This ancient vice of suffering for what the movie brings. Remember: you are on Life’s cinema. It is a kind movie and you already know the end. Do not be anxious, wanting to control the now. Let the be. Change what you can, what you want, and welcome the rest, accept it gratefully.
Receive what brings the instant that is born from Unity-God to unite to Unity-God that you are. Let it be. Let it go, receive happily. It Comes and it goes and, in the middle, is Unity. So, lightly playing life’s song… let’s travel smoothly, like mild waves. Not trying to catch anything, we are not a fishing net, we are part of a network cells of infinite tenderness, exchanging life, hope and cheer. Feel, the well-intentioned Life that brings you breath as an offering; receive it with prestigious Presence, open and happy and, so, by uniting, the moments of illuminations happen. And if you are to twist in pain in bed, if your gladiators beat each other, sit down in the magical armchair of consciousness and accept, observing as a witness. This is the painful part of the movie. You already watched enough movies to know that a delightful scene follows a painful one. Relax, let it pass. Tranquil, trust in the Creator. And tell your mind:
Trust and play the Supreme Game. With all your BEING, absorb the subtle or rough holy exhalations of each now. Let’s sing together to all creation and let’s heal the painful groan of the human minds, the untuned chord in life’s symphony. The old wound heals, receiving the caress of this moment and, united, we illuminate the moments that come from nothing and return to nothing. Blessed and vigorous nothing, that has everything, pure silent and empty Love. And if we find big children crying or thoughtful, moaning or scarce of humidity in the middle of this ocean, do not say anything, hug them, like a sea of happy stars coming to the Christmas of a child. Let’s be resplendent waves in the ocean of this day, bringing the new ancestral understanding: we are unity, we are this complete being, let’s accept that we are, and always have been God’s children. And, at night, feel the eternal whirl of stars lighting up new and full in the sky and lighting up also in your heart. Oh… let’s receive the bed, the kindness of the day that has passed, with hugs of gratitude… and, abandoned to the happy death of each night, we go sleeping and laughing, joyful for this glorious day. The first, the last. And, to the other side! What is on the other side? Life, more life! One day to play with life, to enjoy the heroic and romantic movie of life, to live in moments of illumination. I finish writing and I feel the sea of birds coming to this balcony, they are dozens that came from I do not know where, smiling simple, without jealous or hell, here, in the beginning of the world, coming and coming, and all creatures resplendant in the devotion to the mysterious Creator. How much grace! The sun came out victorious again! 4
Thank you in quéchua.
Waaaaaaaake uuuup, my dear star catchers! Gardener of stars, with an empty chest, we receive, sighing, the gift of the now, that comes from God to God. Feel, now, without hurry, without anxiety, without anything, the fragrant Presence that arrives.
Guided by the stars, we arrive and with us, Life. Oh… my dear friends, do you perceive it? The marvel of the birds singing, the miracle of sweet breath that goes and comes, the unusual sensibility of humanity waking up in all of us: an ocean of surprises! My friends, here we are, now. We accept in a silent void the happiness of this abundant life that never stops coming. Simple, chaste, fresh. How joyous is radiating our Sun, Tayta Inti this morning! Life turns us into Life, always One and the Same. In you it is called ......................., in me, Lucidor, name-words, like leaves of a same tree. Let the leaves fly and let’s feel the amorous and profound tree, sitting silent, like a millenary mountain cradling the Unity. The morning turns us into mornings to wake Everything up. Everything is fruity in flavor, how much joy to know that we are alive! And these trembling eyes of consciousness, that already IS everything that can BE. Just relax, let the old leaves go, and accept that we already are. We are this now, complete and bubbly! The night have left night in our hair. Why not have a shower and receive this sacred and shining water of life? Oh… how delightful it is to be thankful for water, flow with it, let all night go… And this holy breakfast, with fruit juices, bread of devout hands and luminous fire, filling our cells with vibrant life.
Yes, receive full this offering that comes, the clothes-offering, the work-offering, the familyoffering, the car-offering, the now-offering. So, mysteriously, the moments transform into works of art, illuminated they come, in illuminations they go. We are this unshaded crystal that does not decay during the day, and if it decays, we breathe quietly, for a moment, drinking from the fountain of this now, feeling that we are not the authors of the work, resting in Pachamama and renewing our life in Life’s chest. We bring inside the wound, a love very alike to the one we receive from Life, I suspect that it is the Same. . We are this moment of love that flows, cries, laughs, enchants and disenchants. But does not decay. We are vulnerable, this is the magic of humanity, so we take our place in the margins of the Resplendent Presence of the Mother.
Oh, my good friends, let’s go today, now, through the day, meandering with smiles, hugs, with the humor of orange angels, filling up with sun the gray environments, airing the suffocated, bringing Unity to the sleeping Unity. It is this part of Life, the part of the movie that we are to live. What an adventure! And it is for this that Life gave us wings and words, and hugs of fierce tenderness. It is for this that we are born, to be born and show that we are vulnerable and venerable. Now, now we know what we are and were and will be: this simple and essential Being that is not thought, definition or becoming, but . We are, feel... feel and stay in the being, surfing each wave of moment that comes always new. Surrendered to the loving hand of Life, let’s sing and walk, being healed and healing. The wound cries and we do not escape, we listen and kiss tenderly the insecurity of living, of loving. Love comes through the open window of consciousness and goes to the window of all things. A celestial river has arrived and awakens torrential hearts. The tears swell, dilate and we accept it and keep it to drink and laugh with joy to be alive and be so fragile, so unstable, totally human. What else, what less? The day passes. Does it pass? Or perhaps it always is? We are the first rejoices of Pachamama Nation that is born again and again, making Pachamama green again… in this conscious tribe, delicate, respectful of love for everything. Here, in this balcony of the silent cerrado, the birds mix with the angels that surround like waves that caress everything and make it alive again. For thousands of years, History walked hand in hand with death, now, the warriors of the Andes have arrived to Life, bringing the force of snowy mountains, the ancient music of quenas and drums. And the holy History, nymph, dances again with Life, the chanting of all things… the matchless music of the clouds, of men and women that work the Unity, the green and fertile restart of . Oh, brother, sister, nothing more I can tell you today, rest in Life’s arms, die some time to be born again as a brand new baby, just arrived. Good night, my dears, good dreams, we meet on the other side.
Let’s wake up whistliiiiing! This happy gesture finds the new day in the consciousness serendipity. In this instant, feel intensely the center of the miracles that are free from the illusory order of the linear mind. We are the perception that occupies this body for one day, between swallows, larks, clouds and children. Receive with your whole Being, open and receptive to the Offering of this new moment. Close your eyes and see, feel, perceive your . Great alchemist that transforms every instant into illumination, that is, transforming any suffering into joy without reason. Live deeply these moments of miraculous holiness of dawn. Recover the natural Love, yes, which is natural of your .
You know, each breath that comes is a crystalline creek of fresh life. Feel the innocent Life that offers you this breath. See everything with amazement and let’s go to the party, to the blessedness of this day. This innocent day is full of news! Everything comes new, the rain, the kitchen smelling like bread, the Cézanne paintings, the Neruda books, the Toquinho songs, this green tree that touches the heart, always new. We are born each moment, the ego fights and resists to what IS. We go, amazement to amazement, enjoying the same house, the same family, because the innocence is fresh and makes you see your partner and your children again; listen to your heart. What do you want to do now? Begin from zero right now. It is easy, it is grateful to live in Unity. We are all expressions of Unity. There is so much lightness in Unity. Let out the innocence to find toys of the heart and come back to the natural space of God. Be happy with your wrinkles, with your fat, with your white hair, with your age pains, it is inevitable for a good life. Release yourself from the television, let go of the friends that put you down, receive the best energy of life, letting out the watchful and innocent eye. The happy energy is here, now… join the curious, the kind, the happy and the friends of God. Everything is connected, intertwined with everything. Nothing repeats, so, live now! The innocent intelligence listens; before listening, feel the intelligence of illumination and allow yourself to drink from the essential fountain, and intuit everything. Learn from the mistakes, do not blame yourself, learn and repair the mistakes, always improving. Let’s harmonize the differences today. May this be our vibration. The kind assimilation of the instants, with innocent consciousness, allows us to experience, with hope, the gusts of illumination that visit us and keep on visiting us. When the river of the moments come at midday, remember all of us, that are this community of the heart, and radiate. Release the happy swallows of your heart so the galaxy may feel that there are valiant heroes here, of dreams. Let’s exhaust this day playing in illumination. Receiving with innocent sensibility all the Grace of this day. And when the night comes, enjoy looking at the stars, turning off all technological gadgets and simply going back to the peasant and frugal origin of Life; there is so much to enjoy!
Good Morniiiiiiing! Let’s receive this chaste and hopeful instant, with no individuality. There is no person, there is no I. Feel and receive, with quiet and empty celebration, with reverent gratitude, this lucid slumber. Beginning here, open, without character, without memory, begin seeing . It is so wonderful when you receive ; you quit wanting anything else.
Because when we receive , it is enough, it satisfies us fully and the heart flourishes in illumination. Dive all your consciousness into daily life, sit down to meditate, in silent amazement, travel from , bathe in with the marvelous offering of water, and eat as breakfast. The contradiction has died. There is only this miracle day-to-day, the vibrant and celestial of now. May the scaffold of the ego fall, may the sortilege of suffering for nothing end. Everything is here, now, let’s receive this miraculous offering with the candor heart of savage, sylvan, wild and mountaineer. We do not need refuge, we are in the heart of the little home, now, here. Feel this fourth day and let go all thoughts that confuse and dictate you confusion and resolution of confusion. There is a sea of opportunities of living in plenitude now, for you, for me, for us, Unity wet with candor and consciousness. Let’s release the attachment to the cold regions of unconsciousness and its problematic memories. Say with us, feeling all pilgrims of the heart:
Feel this sentence, let it impregnate the mind, the emotion, the body and release your own sacred words, sounding like the fire, burning all the weight of the person conceived to protect yourself from the threat of other conceived people. And today, let’s sing, dance, maybe we’ll have a party of free joy! Oh… feel, we are alive! Receiving each moment with joy and candor! At sunset, listen to the singing of silence and with profound tenderness say goodbye to Tayta Inti, today nested in all instants of Illuminations.
The day comes to the consciousness, the birds weave a roof of chanting at dawn. And we, in silence, deeply breathe, wet of gratitude, receiving this Offering. And when we receive it, accepting completely, the communion establishes the space of illuminations. It is a rainbow in the heart of burning happiness for an ocean of instants that are coming, carrying, as the three kings, offerings to the child of the heart’s cave. We release the swallows of the heart, putting music and, still in the bed, singing and waking up the cells of this entire blessed body, let’s slowly drink from this awakening. Without hurry, not projecting the future, not dragging the heavy chains of the past. Releasing the sighs of , yes ... is everything that is. Expand your wings, beloved condor, and fly in the infinite space of each instant.
Each moment that comes with its Offering has an special perfume, receive it, bring myrrh, incense, gold and love. In this silence, which like a plant grows from inside, bless everything that happens. And say with us:
Yes! When the offering of what Is, of God, that comes always new, is received in the cave of consciousness, empty and receptive, alert and sensitive, this meeting produces illumination. Profound understandings, sacred insights about the sense that renews moment after moment. Feel today the shipwreck in which are living our sleeping little brothers, who believe they have the control over their lives and destinies, not intuiting the celestial Presence of everything that is, now. Not realizing that we are this illuminated spark between this icy words of control and domain. We are a community of the heart, alight and fighting‌ and like a nightingale, we sing in every single battle between the subtle dictatorship of capitalism, and the human birds that defend every oppressed people, all devastated ecosystems, all the abandoned, all the wronged ones. This community of one only pacifist heart, illuminated with compassionate understanding, and militant ardor, walk, march, grow and grow, and sing the arrival of a new time, Pachakuti of light and love. Let’s unite, today, our words, thoughts and actions to the silent conspiracy of human flowers, to transform this selfish jungle into a garden of fraternal intimacy, respectful, delicate with the vulnerability of each being and situation. Feel, the heart makes its nest amidst the utopias, and feel, intuit, in the middle of this void grow holmoak trees, oak trees, quebrachos, algarrobos, and in them, the swallows in their nest are announcing with their flight, the planetary spring. Today is a good day to witness the luminous and committed current that we are. Defending the trees, the kittens, the dogs, the dolphins, the clouds, all the poor, the aboriginous people and their culture, the colonized and submitted peoples, the black people, the different ones. And so, live group, planetary illuminated moments. In each human heart, stars that must be awaken are sleeping, and we are Pachamama’s children, who receive the calling and accept the invitation. We are the ones that will sing the old songs of love and commitment, so that many sleeping warriors may awake and add up to the caravan towards the liberation of feeling afraid, and obsessed with consumption and social acceptance. Here, in this mysterious cerrado, the night has just arrived, and it bathes in the waterfall; a drop somewhere, is alive and plays a rhythm in which the angels dance, they are so close that I could almost touch them with my hands. The life of a sensitive Pachamama child is full of angels and elves, and muses. And my song of orphan sailor found itself embraced by the sensitive beings that we can see, and by the ones we cannot. These, however, are felt, and are the ones who help to write this notebook of tears and laughter. A whistle cuts the air, it is a bird, or a monkey, or is it the river that receives, happy, the stars in its nightly bathe; there are so many illuminations in these hours of life.
The night slides to the Aurora, and gathered with the last stars, they say goodbye. Devoted groans of birds come, and they start their millenary ritual of Light reception. And us, in this warm bed with them, letting the inspirations that come from the cells release their devout poems, their mantras, their delicate words to the new life that is born inside and out. We are, inevitably, like the day, newborns. The song of the birds falls from the trees and cradle us, with their powerful devotion, oh… let’s sing, my friend: ! We are this same Being that, before being born and now, is manifested in this body, in this mind, in this destiny, singing Life. Let’s flood our consciousness of this beautiful understanding of gratitude, for the gift of breath, for this sensation that we call body, for this living scenery that we call mind, for this explosion that we call emotions. Let’s celebrate like singing birds the totality of life. The stars say goodbye to the world and with them the memories of the night go away and, without memories, empty of everything, I sit down with all my cells, quiet, to receive the flame of life, in each breath. It is so auspicious! In this silent and quiet garden, there is , that has a posture and will always be new, always the same, expanding, contracting, pulsing of life, like a fountain of gifts… now… now… inside the breath. Stay there, sitting with your spine straight, receiving, not letting the thoughts take you to past, to the future or to descriptions. It is here, now, the Sacred Heaven of Love. So many blessings flowing… And then, thank all beings, in all directions, and wish them: May all beings be happy, may all beings be committed and compassionate, may all beings live in peace… And may your breakfast be a party of flavor and colors and healthy life. The sensibility increases; feel, slowly, tasting like a gourmet how this apple is, how the water that you blessed is smelling… and thank for the flavor of the living fruits. And let your being absorb the energy of the forest of life where it comes from, they are Pachamama’s children coming to the table of a Pachamama child. God that returns to God, to take the message of universal revolution of love and light. And now, with crazy joy, go to the day. And what a day! Each moment full of infinite possibilities of receiving and embracing with the open and alert consciousness, aligned with the Infinite Tuning which only comes Now. Aligned with the synchronicities and opportunities of dancing through the day, say:
May the birds of your consciousness sing to each human being that you come across today, with your eyes full of tenderness and joy. Transmit the energy of God through your eyes, through your soft touch, through your clear and tender word, through your irradiation from the Light Army that speaks without words through you.
We can influence much in life, we don’t need to preach, only be a loving, gentle, happy and inspiring presence. The useless and invisible fruits of the stars, of the clouds, of the forests, sing through the non-verbal presence, and influence in the consciousness. Today is a day in which, at dawn, you should go to a sacred place with your friends from this silent conspiracy and, in silence, say goodbye to Tayta Inti, the brother Sun, thanking, with dance, with songs, with holy meditation, with group prayers, his presence in this day. The sun, the stars, the water, the fire, the earth, the air are pious offerings of THIS, and we all are its expressions. Happily, let your wild and perfumed child out and turn this sunset in a peasant ceremony of celebration for the light, for the heat, for the humidity, for breath, for the fertile Mother Earth. And let’s come back home laughing, sweaty of devotion, and happily feel the beloved family… and sleep in the arms of the angels that take care of us in this night of stars and cosmic dreams.
Good morning, darlings! We are the ones who had received this invitation, to accept the possibility of ending with this search, with the suffering sensation of being apart, a separated individual. And, yes, to dive in Unconditional Love. All beings and things show you. Everything is One and today’s wakening is the end of the search. Accept with the consciousness that feels this innocent Unity. The search that impels you to leave your bed, already running, is originated in feeling separate; searching for money, accomplishing with the material responsibilities, the search for success, for better relationships, for finding the one that your mind imagines, or even to be illuminated, to be a better therapist, to free yourself from fear. Definitely, it is all about the same search. You have never abandoned your home. Feel this love-unity, feel, here and now, we have never been apart from it, not even a bit. Feel, the celestial songs of the birds, the heat of the little bed that cradles you, the delightful sensation that we call body, the river of thoughts that we call mind, everything happens, and the one that sees this, he is . Come, dive into the unknown inside you, which is your home, where we have always been watching the personality pass through. Seeing it suffering, enjoying, getting old. It is all so funny, when it is necessary, you play to be the outside personality. But see with clarity, that one is only a conceived personality, a series of organized memories and thoughts, more or less. But we, the Community of the Heart… we are here, now, in the Unity without words. There is not any person, any Myself to defend, or promote, or that needs to be healed. The only fact that is happening in this prodigious morning is that life comes and everything fades out to the background. is complete. It only exists now.
Yes, once in a while, fear and anxiety comes, but they go as they arrive, without opinions, or mental fat. Everything that comes is not resisted, there is no fight or construction around the thoughts, so there is not an identity. Not long ago, my father died, he was in the Unity, and sadness also fits in Unity. And, for instants, it was complete sadness, entire, like a blue flame of absence. But there was no one doing anything with the sadness. And then something so curious happened! That sadness lived its own life, consumed itself, and disappeared as it arrived. There was not a person labeling sadness, or resisting to it, or encouraging it; it was a flame of life, that has illuminated and left. And the old father merged in the happy Unity of which he had never been left. Today is the seventh day, this, clearly, is only an illusory measure, but what about uniting to your practice comrades and meditate together, celebrating the illuminations, sharing understandings, with wonderful food, and feeling that the Unity of ? Of God flows happy and diaphanous among all of us, giving birth to this new moment of Life: . A miracle is illuminating our intimate seas, a nonstop lightning strikes each moment, releasing from darkness the climate of paradise that is blooming in this season of renewing the commitment of love to Pachamama. Obs.: Please, send today a synthetic and clear report of your experience in these first seven days – in the body of the message and not attached, specifying in the subject name and city – to: relatorios21dias@yahoo.com.br
The orchestra of the day, birds, bowels, noises of the street and God sounds like a celestial hum in us, awake us to this emanation of stars. A new day! Speechless, hanging in the void, let’s enjoy the unified perception: is here, now, in each breath that sings. Because we are the Infinite chanting coming to this universe that we call day. Between thoughts, we are this luminous angel that innocently receive the tune of life. We are this metaphysical animal charged with poetry and enchanted by the Divine Presence of this Now. There is a silent music, a fragrance, a texture that this morning brings, that lifts for a moment inside us and goes to nowhere: light, frugal, innocent. With all your cells say with us, all:
Yes! We are the gratitude-heart, that receives and hugs, conscious, in flourished illuminations, perfumed, each instant of this day. Knowing that the sleep of consciousness brings this horrid addiction to suffer, this obsession of separateness, this mental prison where, tragically, dramatically, I suffer and suffer. Today is one day not to search, but to find, surprised, the Everything in everything, including the contradictions which we will go out dancing with, a tango, a forró, a waltz. And by hugging them, they integrate in the Whole. It is one day to be alert to the temptation of diving into the suffering of what I “should be”, “have to do”. To dissolve the attachment to the excessive adherence to the thinker that suffers. The chest cries out and we respond, hurried to release it from its childish fears, its attachments to threats and conspiracies. And so, we close the fundamental wound, the one of separation with each other, we are One and the same, we are . And today is a day to listen, to absorb the oratory of the instant and sing with Him in sonorous illumination. Let’s sing! With the voice in tune or out of tune, we leave a sonorous footsteps in this day. Like a child that wakes up singing, let’s sing, yes! With the eloquence of the stars, with the tenuous voice of the wind among the roses, with bird’s voice, with music of clouds and sky of love. The echo of our voice tickles the Infinite that approaches the consciousness, producing illuminations once and again. These moments of the day, that set us free from the fear of the nightly ignorance of believing we are individuals, owners of “our lives”, with “our truths” and producing this millenary anguish that conduces to the consumerist escape, destroyer of forests, industrial killer of living beings, exploration of the man by the man and the materialistic and mental colonialism. It is today that I ask you to look at the sky and fill your eyes and your heart with width, with lightness of cloud, of the unanimous celestial sky. And understand the infinite that arrives hour after hour to our lives, to take us from the drug of suffering and running away escaping from suffering, trying to control it in vain, to understand it and to elaborate it, rationally, for nothing, for nothing. Feel when the death of the day start to come and look for a tranquil and pleasant place for you to say goodbye to the luminous miracle, the Donor of Light. And then repeat with all awakened beings:
And let the first stars hug you and sing with your heart wide open to the glory, to the glory… to the glory… Feel this moment and also feel the ant-humans that as figures, produce figures and pray for them to also wake up to the Community of the Heart. Here we also work a lot, but with love as a flag, like playing, creating solutions, with the trees, with the rivers, with happy and playful forests, with free cows, which are donors of white and pure milk, with food like heaven. And in the end of the day, dream a planetary garden, where the figures die and the caliandra flowers, the pumas, the condors are reborn. And the ancient owners of the land come back, renovated, to help us find the harmony, the glorious .
The night is leaving, like a desert of stars, it goes, letting dreams and images to us. Wake up, Illuminations comrade, to the perfumed garden of this day. That comes now, sleepy and diamantine. Receive the sounds, the perfumes, all the sensations that come to your consciousness and open the lidless eye of sensibility. And say out loud, sonorously, happy, to your cells: ! It is their breakfast, so they work aligned to the Supreme Purpose of receiving Illuminations moment after moment. Wake up to the Empty Silence from where the fountain of Life emanates the celestial and chaste creek of Life. Enjoy its rhythms for this instant and perceive it by its quality: it is an . You are the one that receives the Offering, the one that gives the offering and the communion between the one that receives and the one that gives. We are this space of the Community of the Heart living Illuminations. Yes! You are not another castaway in Life’s ocean. We found you and raised the ancient flags. Let’s sing happy and walk, may all the people see us, here goes the ones who are the firsts of tomorrow, along with forests and mountains, condors, whales and grandparents, here goes the children of God. And let’s sit our butt, mind and heart for the meditation party. Quiet, enjoying this quiet inner sonority. The thought clouds pass, but don’t distract, the inquietude of the body smudges up and only remains this consciousness, enjoying the space of consciousness. This space where desnudes, and we are . Then after a long or short dive into the Ocean, may the joy follow you all day long. And in the shower, feel how the liquid Offering of the magic water cleanse us from the night’s waste, prepare ourselves as Offering to the day, where millions of Illumination moments are wait ing for us, playful and happy. And while you shower, sing with everyone that accept Pachamama’s calling:
And eat for breakfast the innocent oranges, the paradise fruit that bring you the knowledge from where we never fell, we always were in this common consciousness. There is a moment that comes and goes, nothing can happen for me to miss. Whole, integrated to the moment, let’s receive with joy the Sun that brings this moment, with breath and Life. Oh... how beautiful it is to be conscious, sober, receptive! Gardens of people and things, situations and experiences wait for us, hooray! Hooray! Oh... thank you, thank you for such abundance! Let’s go, Pachamama gardeners, give laughing, singing joy to drink, perfumed with green words, to the trees, to the human flowers that we meet. Radiating outside words, gazes, soft and kind touches, orange, golden, blue irradiations, vibrant with joy. And observe this addicted scape of worry, anguish, that comes through the illusion of separateness. The “I” does not exist. It is a convention, a conceived thought. Here we go, flowers of a free Garden. We are the indian ancestors incarnated in this time in Brazilian, German, Australian, Portuguese, Argentinian, Colombian, Peruvian bodies… In all nationalities, we came to accompany the last day of ignorance, before Pachamama awakes in Humanity hearts. From the Andes, a unique radiation will come, today, the chanting of the snowy mountains will come to release you from the ignorance yawn; listen and pay attention to the synchronicities. And receive its soft chanting, warrior, bold, loving. Of candor and fierceness this chanting is made, this sonorous vibration. Every single being receive it, the dog that happily moves his little tail today, the snail that lift its antennas to be pure joy, the trees that swing and pray between their branches, the Mother Earth that, fertile, keeps doing her job, happy, through the chanting of the snowy mountains, announcing the next planetary awakening. Be, today, a happy witness of passionate kindness. With clairvoyant heart, receive today the sweet emanation that comes to nourish our most valiant dream, the one in which we will finally get to the day, in all planet, when the New Man, the New Woman awakens, and we graduate as gardeners. Come on, do not lose one moment of joy, let’s go through these instants of Illuminations! Come on?
We, clay of God, receive with fragility the Offering of this breath, this instant, this passionate kiss of Life. Let’s drink the dignity of being living devotees of this instant Fountain. The Morning Angel greets us through the birds, through the bladder that asks to go to the bathroom, the sobriety of waking up in this enchanting planet. With a yawn of stars the night leaves; we say goodbye to it with love. See you in the evening, dear! And let’s receive the day, light of hope, color of consciousness awake to the immensurable gift. Here, my friends, the infinite breathes. Here, my friends, the Infinite dances in cells, here, us, cells of a cosmic organism, align with the Supreme Influence.
With gratitude as flag, we align and tune ourselves in this instants, primitive, original of the day. Silence, mind! Be quiet and receive the loving Smile from God. The communion starts here in these first moments.
Love, love, love… kind presence of Sun in us. The blessed consciousness of love makes us solar. Only this way eternity is possible. Love in being quiet, loving to meditate, loving to receive the shower of every morning, loving to go slowly and rest in the present moment. Loving this . Everything looks at me with new eyes and I receive everything with new eyes. I do not search in the castaway rests in the dying beaches anymore, I find in this vigorous day the LOVE that comes like a burning gift in this moment. I receive it, I celebrate it, I sing it and I enjoy it! Today you can loosely love everything that happens. With your presence, with your look, with your pores, with your sensibility, with your delicate touch, with your words as a creek that sings the good news of the humid life. Let’s dilute the anguish of feeling separated from Love today? This petrifying obsession that kills sensibility, hope and happiness. There is a new joy in this day, do you feel it? It is because the bodhisattvas, the Ascended Masters of the Sacred Valley of the Andes are focused on us, garners of Love. We should help healing the wound in men and women, showing with acts, with inspirations, with messages, with whatsapp messages, with letters, with hugs that is here, it arrives each day with breath and blossoms if you receive it without expectations. Feel today in your spine how the flame of Love goes up and down, translucent, carrying the essence of mystery. There are so many toys inside your ! Happiness begins when you find them. Today is an open door to . Recognize how much you have loved, and congratulate yourself, celebrate for it. And let’s make vows of more, more, deeper and wider.
. Like a prophet sent to Earth, when you see a wound heal it with little kisses of love, transform the tin of loneliness in gold of consciousness. And let’s make the celestial, starry, profound revolution to take consciousness to all beings and situations.
In the afternoon how about writing a little poem of , a loving haiku, a little letter of love, a little video of love and send it, while the sun sets, to all your dear friends. There is a Community of the Heart of dears brothers and darling sisters, of babies, men and women, grandfathers and grandmothers that are gardeners of Love, remember that here there is a part of them open and awake to without reasons, the love that flows new and illuminated moment after moment. And, when night comes, say, like to an old friend: Hi, dear! Welcome, I waited for you full of love, thank you for the mystery of darkness, for the stars, for 5MamaKilla, for the love that in the night blossoms in sweet mystery.
The day’s delicate waterfall of sensation is coming. The night and its mysterious stars leave. Holy meeting! A love tear is coming to be received with an open and fresh heart. The garden of gratitude flowers receive this host. Open, completely surrendered to the moment, let’s receive the magnetic Grace, the thirst of life is satiated, now only birds of gratitude leave, silent and celestial. Oh!... what a beautiful day is coming, for us, with its curves, mysteries, ups and downs! Say with us: A day full of treasures hidden in each moment that comes from the diaphanous heart of One Life. Simple and gentle treasures. Miracles of monte, of Dharma bums, of wild and savage magic. Treasures of the ancestors are coming today. For you, for me, for us that are . YES, Lord! The Lord, God, One Life, Pachamama, Tayta Inti, Munaycha, Krishna, Shiva, Tao, Supreme Influence, Ocean of Super consciousness are . This present, this treasure is playing hide and seek each moment. Play! Discover the little path of treasures that takes you home again. Treasures of understandings, waterfalls of laughter, of lust, of amazing flavors, of new colors, of metaphysical flights in one moment, are waiting for us. Let’s meditate preparing the little Christmas tree of the spine so the millions of gifts that we will receive may be hung there, so the Soul baby dance, laugh and thank the Spirit of Life, for the treasures that it brings to us. Take a shower and find out the bouquet of miracles that every drop that slides unique and sacred brings, taking away the night sleep. There is a mirror in your consciousness, clean and empty that reflects for you the land without evil, the original universe that presents in front of your eyes of savage little indian, passionate for curiously living each moment. You know, this is the day of gifts. Receive and give gifts that surprise for its disproportionate kindness. And do not give presents of what is left or you do not use. Give as gift the dearest things, that you are most clung to, the tastiest of your life!
Mother Moon in quéchua.
And steal a , a Wow! Some tears of gratitude, that are the ticket to give the always open door of Infinite Now. The sacred spirit of Life is granting victories in the hearts of the ones that accepted the calling of Pachamama. You are one of those, one of those who love THIS. Give everything, your life itself if it is necessary, to transform the wound in a field of flowers. And enter fresh and triumphant in the infinite space of the savage Indians of God. With the pumas, humming birds, whales, south winds, snowy mountains and Latin-American peoples. Let’s take our position in the river of history revealing the new face of God:
Yes! Collect the treasures of the day and give all your treasures and let’s go dancing to the drop of the humid and fresh day.
And if a cloud comes, embrace it, you will see that it is nothing more than concentrated humidity, you only need the sun of your love to dissolve it in tears, which are fertile of creativity.
Yes, we do not have the control, but we are the animators of the dance, of the love party. Unite in a party of exchange of marvellous presents with the tribe of the rainbow warriors. And write messages of love in everything that happens. On the walls, on the social networks, in your eyes, in your hands, in your presence, release the present birds. We are infinitely abundant.
An abundance of presents wait for you, abundance of presents you have to give. Because it is giving that we receive, because it is surrendering the mind to the heart how you will find the moments of Illuminations.
The luminaries of the day are coming, celebrated by birds and by Pachamama’s heart. And us, brief lives inside Life, with devoted and silent party, we receive the first moments of Illuminations. They arrive slowly and happy. With an orange happiness in its center. They come telling us to be prepared, because what is next is coming. And all of them bring the Galaxy singing, preparing the most sensitive children for the return of “Maitreya, the Gardener”. It is not a man, it is not a woman, it is a planetary moment of Illuminations, a collective epiphany that we are preparing in each epiphany of rural mornings of the heart. Cooperate now, receiving these minimal instants of dawn, quiet and receptive. As a pearl, the entire day grows inside the heart, thirsty of light water. The music of the spirit, silent and vibrant, receive the Offering of these primary moments. They come and go, as everything.
In each moment that is offered to us, comes a breath that animates the consciousness to see the beauty, the light in every situation. Recite with us the vow of the day:
! Say it with me, yes, yes, yes, and may all your star-cells listen. We are the aboriginal people of now. Fighting against consumerism, the spiritual materialism, the unjust and capitalist social contract, the living killing of beings and spaces to build hydroelectric, miners, fields of soy monoculture. We are not the passive children of God, but the warrior, active, awake people that fights and combats, driven by Christ Maitreya, in this Pachakuti, in this final time of kali yuga. Turn yourself into a jaguar-woman, puma-man today and fight with the word, with the gesture, with the solar presence against the current of sleep, of hypnotizer lies that weaken the brothers and take them to Babylon’s path. Today do not be a Dharma bum, silent and passive. Be a wrathful prophet today, a Mapuche, a Tehuelche, a Guaraní, a Xingu, a Tibetan, a brother to the oppressed of the world, being humans or forests, or rivers, or mountains, or suffers of any place of the world, and give your witness out loud: there is a plan of injustices where all life is defeated. Occupy your position in the flourished combat and without any offensiveness, be a perfume that encourages the hearts to know that the day is coming. There is a silent conspiracy, an army of active life blooming in millions of hearts that denied to be Babylon, and chose to be God’s children, abundant, flourished and fruitful in kindness, love and solidarity. This present comes to you today. The courage, the bravery, the clarity of the meaning of incarnating in such a special time. We are accompanied by the comrades that went down in battles before this one, which will be the last battle for love, for life, for Pachamama. Do not surrender to the space of resignation today, write in thousand walls, online or not. So you know: there is a river of tigers marching. And may the combatants of liberty come together to the combat inside us, against the force that makes us sleep, that hypnotizes in obsessive suffering so we consume and postpone the illuminated moment of now. Happily accept your mission, that is why we came for, to learn to enjoy and to serve. A life of group discipline and compassion. I want to make you see today’s music of the spirit, that does not bring only individual illuminations, but group illuminations that include the fight for all species, for all landscapes, for all injustices. It is Maitreya Christ, a voice that gives sight to the blind, that resuscitates the spiritually dead, that makes the resigned paralytics walks. Let this music enter and transmit this glory to everyone you find. And with the flowers, wash your face, take from you the sleepiness and come watch the birth of tree, and death will sleep again for thousand years and sadness will be a theme for the museums.
Today we are God’s storm that crashes distrust, doubt, the resigned tepidness to a TV and a minimal and vain life. Oh… friends, Maitreya’s pure sound crosses me and all cells, now quiet, they ecstatically absorb the of God that leaves from the Earth’s door. Silence! We can already hear the steps of the One that comes to the hearts of million pilgrims, so the Earth illuminates a tree: .
Come, my friend! Let’s put the magnetic ring of serene expectation and wait for the magical finger of Spirit, of the coming day. Slowly, in a great parachute of birds singing, white clouds, passionate breaths, is coming, chaste and holy, this new day. These are moments electrified with silence and gratitude. Let’s enjoy this rainbow blessing. Do not read this fast, be slow and deep. These are door suggestions for you to visit THIS; There is a blessed joy. Serene, light, solar. A murmur of ancient ancestors come with this moment – they never left, they are still walking with us – and it comes today to wake us up, make us remember the drums of light. These are moments with profound sparks of communion.
Yes! We are . From the roots of pure water springs of sacred Indians and animals till this moment of fight and consciousness, we are . Today is the day that the great wings are born in you, one of them is love, the other one is freedom. Extend them. Let them out. Humble gifts from the Father and the Mother of One Life. These wings were given to you not for you to escape, but to fly in the heart of now, fearless, like a warrior, to be felt with your swan chant the Calling of Pachamama. Expand the calling to defend the rivers of the cerrado, the Amazon rainforests, the cow-fish, the whales, the dolphins, the condors, the species that are in threat, including the humans hypnotized by necklaces of colored mirrors that they keep selling to us. Unroll your wings and sing and, like a swan, like a Paramahansa, overfly this day, taking presents of enchanted seeds to be re-enchanted with the One Life, alive and vibrant. Today be careful to observe in you this simulator of hope sower, that pretends that sows, but is a square, without courage, without commitment, not being integrated completely to the tribe of being that completely awoke to the Calling of Pachamama. A calling to redeem Life from human shadow. And for this we must not deny it, but accept it, live it without explanations and transform it in hummus for new forests, new opportunities for gorillas and whales, for poor people without opportunities of having a home or a job. Receive through this humble writing the calling to be a Pachamama poet fighter. And come, add your word, your love, your enchantment, your magnetic look, to any place where joy, hope, Life tenderness are defended. Today is a day of those, who make a mark. 53
The endless and sacrificed ocean of the planetary night, where we create so much suffering, it ended, is the aurora of a new planetary day. Sum up to the solar cells. Celebrate Tayta Inti, inside and outside you, and receive the heritage of the grandpas and grandmas of the planet, that gave their lives for the rivers, for the free children, for the forests. Come, play the drum and sing, dancing with all the ones that are in the world defeating loneliness and separatist suffering! Acknowledge the loving fluid of this neighborhood of spiritual fighters and you will be acknowledged by the Apu Angels (archangel of the mountains), by the waterfall Mommies, by Gods, myths, heroic archetypes and, in your come and go by incognito places through which Pachamama takes you, you will be a Pachamama door. What more, what less? Among scared hearts and heads of this Babylon, there is a radiance that does not stop, flows here, now, among the keys of this little brother computer, there is an indescribable joy, explodes between the moments saturating the consciousness that writes in full Illuminations. How much Grace for a little and old Indian!
Good morning! Let’s listen, with alert silence, to how the ocean of the night retreats itself. The flowers open at day, the petals of the chakras shake the somnolence and the consciousness slowly dawns with the day. Do not allow, that the mind-time takes these sacred instants, breathe and celebrate the sweet Light of God to come. Indomitable, Life comes to us from inside, impregnating the cells, the emotions, the mind and the whole life, through your pores. Feel with devotion and amazement: the seeds of illuminations are coming to this day. Its transparence shines in the Sense. Oh, my friends, what a blessed day waits for us! The Unity is here, visiting the Unity-bed, the Unity-breath, the Unity of . The Unity, through our open heart, touches the Unity of all Life and dances in ! The dark and scared thoughts of the past fade away, we are at home. The Unity of the consciousness with the existence, with the contradictions is a fertile part of this Unity… everything is complete, everything is God. ! A tuned, harmonic, unique choir in Unity. This is the calling of the Unity, that is Pachamama’s experience. Everything is united to Everything. The flies with the poo, with the birds that eat them, with the trees that host them, that benefit with their poo and singing. These same trees that give shadow to a poet that sings with the heart united in the dance of All. We are embodied ideas, in individual appearance. But, see with clarity: everything is united to everything, in energy, in interdependence, and . This is Pachamama’s calling to the understanding of . is the Unity loving the Unity. The unity is attracted by the unity. This is the first and last teaching.
A true teaching serves to consume the apparent fragmentation, but, if it is true, it must also consume the teaching. This way, only stays the wind singing between the trees, the color of the river turning around and giving once again, this field of free plants that release this perfume infinite of life. When you see from the Unity, all philosophy is reduced to ashes, and Pachamama’s beauty, her aesthetic value, takes space. And we are a gardener again, a farmer, a shepherd of flowers. Please, do not lose contact with the inner quietude. When you do, you lose contact with the Unity, and by losing contact with the Unity, you lose contact with yourself, and the world hypnotizes you. You then suffer, run away, and explain, and turn yourself into a dog chasing the tail. Quietude is your essential nature, this Unity of Infinite Totality, you, us, are consciousness disguised as people. , is a mild, tranquil, quiet understanding of the Essential Unity, where there is no evolution, no opinion, no world. I suggest to you today, that you look at a tree, at a flower, at a cloud, at a mountain, at an ocean and rest in . Observe your rooting in the . Feel, allow Pachamama to teach you about quietude, about silence, about . When you perceive the stones quiet, be quiet, be empty of thoughts, opinions and “I must”. Being conscious of consciousness, quietude arises spontaneous, where THIS SAME UNITY shines complete. Dear friend, you are an aspect of ; the understanding of , the united ocean in which we live in arises when we are quiet. The wisdom of being quiet and listening to life break, moment after moment, is everything. Not long we will experience illuminations. Stop, be quiet, listen, feel inside you. Let the quiet Unity drive your words and they will be poems, let the grace of Unity drive your actions, and they will be abundant miracles. Obs.: Please, send today a synthetic and clear report of your experience in these last seven days – in the body of the message and not attached, specifying in the subject name and city – to: relatorios21dias@yahoo.com.br
Good morning, walkers of Unity! Do you feel the dawn that embraces everyone? The morning snatches the last splinters of shadow, disperses the formations of the dust of chaotic memories, the light of the morning bathes our senses and illuminates the immortal wheat of wisdom. Like a blue ray of condors, come without asking permission and takes us back to the consciousness; feel now quietly: the whole continent breathes… and pops in with reverent slowness, playing in light. Because, my loves, light is the highest gift of God. All beauty comes from there, all hope and Love. From this timeless Light come all rivers, all forests, all children and grandparents. Let’s open our and salute this immemorial light. The good dawn accompanies us, inspires us and cheers us to see the Light in every being and situation. Open your inner sensibility and perceive this blue, such blue sky of love, and the unanimous Unity of Tayta Inti galloping in our chest and in the celestial road. Let out through the devout flame of consciousness words of gratitude for the day, for this marvelous body, by the morning music, by the dance of the cells, by learning to meditate, …oh! For this miraculous of breath! Let the exaltation take you and sing with all our brothers:
Yes, modest instrument. A bamboo flute where the cosmos music sounds. Surrender, surrender, superficial mind, surrender to the obvious, to the evident. It is so miraculous this living. This dance of the atoms is so precious and precise that provokes the surrender. The surrender without looking for an explanation. Devotion, dears, is the perfume of this day, the devout surrender to what IS. It comes with its Grace and gets lost in the mist, in the mist… And in its passage leave us with open mouth, singing and dancing. And trembling with reverent surprise for these colors of round oranges, perfect, for this game of fruits and vegetables, like a forest inside a glass, coming to the cells and making them explode with joy. Oh... feel, my friend, The Beloved arrives whole in this moment and if you surrender to the moment, the current of life comes now, and the same river that comes visits all beings. It is, only Is, and comes the land producing waves of colors, of smells, of flavors, of full and harmonic lives. If you feel, then you perceive “the glory” that the instant brings, when you merge in it. In the sea, it creates waves and tides, dies and resuscitates on the beach. In the immense galaxies, it shines and, without an effort, maintains its course. Feel, it is the same current of Life that flowed through the whole history, giving life to Life, and keeps on. Make us infinite, I sing inside this clay vessel. The moments pass and this Grace keeps on spilling; sometimes, this, which Is, asks us to sing, and He sings through us. And we extend our wings, and immensely enjoy and touch the feet of the one that Is, inebriated with love. Oh... feel the Lord, our Friend; the ones that feel the calling, we are always available. The mind empty, the heart open and profound. Available so what Is sings through us.
Our union is alive. Here we are, sitting in the feet of the moment, like bamboo flutes, available, quiet, so what , , uses us and the music of God comes to life. Do not separate yourself from Pachamama’s dust, low, humble, quiet, and, like children, play again in the infinite fields of God. Always be small, little, my friends, always. Wearing espadrilles. we enter in the great party of Life of illuminations. We leave this ignorant vanity, open the eyes and feel the living land, the living beings, the sacred dust of what Is, we go down to the earth, dusted and quiet, letting the Lord of Light come up through this humble bamboo flutes. Let’s sweat with effort, planting, sowing, animating each other between the fellows, let’s cross the human deserts leaving a humid trail, and let’s come to the inner sanctuary, tired, but happy, free from all hypocrite posture, and with tears let’s bathe the feet of the Lord that Is. Feel how we are and have been cared for, since children. Doesn`t it seem miraculous? Surrender, friend, and enter in this Life party, so your ears listen and your eyes see, and feel the Presence of , like , love, love, love... do not be distracted… Be diligent, do not be distracted, surrender to love…
Illumination is a special way of looking, similar to the child, whose vision is not deformed by doctrines, opinions or ideologies. Feel the tepidity of this instant that comes, still sleepy. The body skin, the soul skin are caressed by this day. Open space in your sensibility to let yourself be caressed by the invisible fingers of . Life kisses, mildly, your heart. Everything is kissed in this morning. The flame of serene attention kisses the moment and from the entire being sprouts illuminations. This is the same moment that you always received, the diference is that now you’ve changed the consciousness view. Feel God’s kisses, Pachamama’s kisses, they are genuine. The sun kisses the clouds, the river kisses the willow that bends down by its weight. The flames kisses the kettle to warms up the water for tea. Everything is kissing each other in illumination. What if today was a day to offer and receive Life’s kisses? Offerings of love that come and go. Say, with a sweet kiss to Life, this mantra with all of us:
Reverently, extract the content of your and donate it to the . The unity of Existence and consciousness are a sacred kiss of love. It will be revealed in you if you surrender and do not look for an explanation, nor direct from the personal mind. God’s kiss comes to the baby that, surrendered, sings in mommy’s arms, not thinking, only for the joy of singing to no one… So many days you have come to this paradise, have you ever kissed Life? Kiss today this whole moving miracle and surrender to the wonder, you will see how what IS dissolves all suffering and a song of angels cradles you and takes you, understanding to understanding. Accept what comes to you in this instant, absorb the plenitude. Kiss, gratefully, this space, infinite in a moment, and let them pass. 57
Stop fighting today against the infinite mystery of Life, instead, kiss it, be united with Him. Intuition is the guide, it comes from inside of your Being, it is simple, peasant, humble, poetic. Discover, so, the infinite value of what you are and do not listen to opinions, or judgements that others make over your worth. The old habits of suffering will resist to this simple teaching, however you should will battle, surrender to God, like a bouquet of dark flowers in your heart and breath, relieved. You know, the bonds are like mirrors that show you, not what is missing but how they flow. Learn from this, change the way you relate, be God’s kiss in Life. We are not judges, or kings that judge the life of others. Free yourself from this heavy load, you will see how the kiss of God is fresh to the innocent beings that accept everyone as they are. And if you feel that you were wounded, forgive, this simple action increases the love to yourself and, so, beloved child, God kisses you, and kisses and kisses. You know, give healthy food and drink to the vehicle that carries you, each cell is a point of light and love in the consciousness totality. Do not worship the past, that is only memory and does not exist. Surrender to Pachamama’s kiss, to the enchanting kiss of this moment of illumination and laugh, sing, whistle, enjoy this wonderful pilgrimage. We are Unity, we are bonded with everything and everything is part of our path. The people from Tibet cruelly colonized, the poor children in the favelas, the ignorance of the powerful, the insensibility of the ones that are attached to the fake safety of money, the ones that do not care for the weather, or Pachamama, they are all our brothers and we must pass the savior kiss to everyone. Friends, we have come to the end of this day of love and light, I salute my friends, let’s keep on living, surrendered to the present, that is the only one that is and vibrates. We live the end of a model of injustice that denies the tenderness, the amiability with all form of life, as different as it is. But History unites to the step of Love warriors that come to sing and kiss Life, so it blossoms in free and happy folk. Let’s return to sing, to dream, to feel the Grace spilling in this moment! And let’s sleep very early to keep on kissing Life from the other side. What a joy feels the heart now, Unity gets dressed as midday and hugs me! I kiss it, passionately, nothing can separate us, oh… what a relief!
Good morning, my dears! From the Unity that sings, I hug you with . The day’s aroma sweetens the palate of the Spirit. Open yourself right now, your sensitive consciousness and receive the blessing of the Father’s Light and the holy love of whole Mother Earth. Wild, white, conscious, we receive this day-child. Accept your talents, your precious gifts, and this Inter-being, this Unity that weaves us in its sacred carpet. The earth, mother of mothers, exhales its aroma from the stones, from its organs, to caress your alert perception. In this starred silence flourishes kindness, discipline without sacrifice and this mysterious poetry that you are.
Let each cell expand into a smile that covers the horizon. Smile, let the joy of invade you, the peasant chanting of the body humidify you and smile with all your mystical doves. Yes! The chakras smile in front of Life that bathes and renews them. The different beings that you are, receive this blessed prana with joy, just as homemade bread feeds and cheers. Speak now to all your beings, cells, chakras, bodies, minds, emotions, tell them that the expected Child has arrived, he is always arriving and comes to return the heart of the one that was created. And with all your being, say with us that we are you:
Go to the window and see the smile of God, in everything that you ARE, smile in the clouds, in the wide sky, on the people that walk blind in a hurry, on the birds, on the river, on this wind that brings the murmur of thousand beings that participate on the daily adventure of happily enjoying And come meditate, with a slight smile on your face, with your knees smiling to the ground that smiles to everyone. Silent and happy, our hearts expand through the empty infinite, receiving the enthusiastic plenitude of what IS. Enjoy a happy breakfast, singing, whistling, dancing with the Family, with the dog, with the plants, with the angels that present themselves happy to see a human humanizing. And they also sing to the Mother of Angels because a beloved brother is becoming a soft child, an abundant flute, a loving river that takes the eternity of kisses for all beings. This is our poetic day. What, aren`t you a poet? Who convinced you of this need? You are alive among the happy poetry, full of Pachamama: living affection and poetry. Feel, the rhythm, the cadence that comes in the instants, they are not and can’t be measured by the clock, they are living and poetic spaces of the Mother of Angels. Dare to make your workmates laugh, be an open door to this joy and a happy face of the Infinite. This is the affection that comes from inside like an eternal fountain, the only proof for the mind that doubts and doubts, analyzing that we are a living spark of the Infinite Unity. Release your compassion, smile with your eyes, with your gestures, with your social networks, with your friends and even with the ones that don`t like you, or do not accept that you are a sensitive spiritual warrior. In the evening, go and watch the most wonderful spectacle of the day, the sunset (as well as the sunrise) is when Life gets dressed as glory, do not lose it! Salute Father Sun, say with us: Tayta Inti, Tayta Inti, Tayta Inti, with all living beings I salute you and thank for the light of your smile and for the life that you give us each moment. ! So with all living beings, tune your consciousness to the rhythm of what , and leave the clock slavery, fake and impermanent time, that does not bring neither consciousness or joy. And when the stars come, put some special music on and invite your friends, your family to watch, in the front row, the eternity of mildness. Bathe with the moon, let it impregnate your body, your mind, feel her soft and pale beauty.
And let the spirit of Life smile in you. And when you vibrate, whole, I am in you what vibrates!
Good morning, beloved drops of the great ocean of Love! Life comes to this life that, still quiet in bed, receives more Life, as if a ray of Sun suddenly entered in all . We feel, we receive and celebrate in silence and quietude, and we vibrate even more alive than Life. The heart opens up in this dawn, a starting point of hope, the infinite day. With harmonic patience, we breathe what is apparently far away and what is apparently close. We are still alive! In consciousness there is only this secret and subtle receptivity for the Grace of God, it is a meeting between humanity and the Song of instants that are born. On the flame of sensitive attention, illuminations blossom, one thousand times. With quick caresses, comes to the instant the rehearsing love, and it leaves, not saying goodbye, without hurry, without pause. Leaving us here, smiling with love. And we stand up and rise with firm feet, the heart full of dreams and the head empty of characters and complications. Today is a day multi-millionaire of moments, that brings moments that kiss us, laugh in us, hurt us, advance inside and out, in this life that looks like it is mine, but it is not. And so like humming birds, like a bird singing, let’s start the day, saying:
Yes, today is a day to release the heart from opinions, judgements and conclusions, to open up in curious sighs and hearts alight with reverent surprises. In the heat of the devoted heart, live, my friend, like the happy whistle of a Bird, giving us joy, inspiration, kind hands, soft word, slow and sustained hug, the mild look to all creation. And so, we diminish a little the pain of the world, that is giving birth to so many cries of loneliness among humans. Do not resist weakness or fragility, because it is from there, from vulnerability, that your strength will come, your humanity that flies, with life as wings. Here where love is born, we are being born for everyone, for life, from this place, the present, from this look of God to life, from the same infinite of the days, we are recovering in thousands of experiences of love the fertile understanding of illuminated tenderness. The Love poem of this day has no end, but to return and return again to restart, always new. So much light in this moment, my friends. There is a tenderness floating in the air, like a soft breeze that comes from the infinite, direct to the consciousness; empty the attention of objects and purposes and feel the calling of Pachamama to cut the thread of fear and hunger and injustices of this world that shames! Care for the vehicle in which you are traveling, you must endure to help setting free the Souls of warriors that have incarnated for the last battle against ignorance and brutality.
The vehicle needs living food, and abundanct pure water, but also needs adventures, joy, and the rivers of blood to get drenched in sunsets, high perfumes of the monte, and the poetries of open veins, feeling all the pain of the world. This day, my friends, is unraveling over the open and alert consciousness. Each aroma is a universe, and in the path we sing and serve. The colors of the night come upon us, in this Community of the Heart, let’s sing with light and shadow the divine essence of the moments of illuminations that we receive.
Good morning, pilgrims! The night, ocean of stars, is leaving and we arrive like a soft breeze, with the Light, to the moment of waking up. Wake up to the Calling, to the Offering! Wake up, Gardener of Dreams! Soft, my beloved friends, and gentle with the whole universe that brings us and takes us. Releasing since the first awakening, the adherence to ideas, mental orders, people, images… like a river, we arrive chanting… and with no one knowing, we flow from breath to breath. Is, is, is... there is no before, there is no after, this is the prodigious moment that brings Life, receive it like a child, singing with all your cells. Feel how it rains illuminations. Loose yourself in this moment, humid of Soul until the Soul. I adore so much living this moment and feeling the birds fly and sing, and these clouds that smile mild and white. Oh… dears, this moment is a ripe fruit, alight of life, a little branch of sun, a silver bell that sounds like this moment. Say with us, with your entire heart:
Feel, we are colors of the landscape of this moment. Do not let the movie of this moment turn off, receive the present of light. And ask Pachamama, like a mother friend, to accompany you to meditate, as if sitting down empty and happy was a serenade to Life, light up with dreams. Today, friends, now, friends. Feel Pachamama’s Garden, she is arriving now, awake and vibrant with Life, coming to you, complete, sweet, pure, intense. Receive it, instant after instant. And today and feel the torrent of human sparkles, filling up the glass of feeling. Oh… this glorious day! The earth surrenders to the Sun her adoration through you and the Beloved Sun gives you the conscious light to feel and fructify in wine, in chanting, in babies, in hugs, in gardens, in bunches of miracles. Let’s live today, like a forest of bells sounding and elevating, exalted, this enamored joy to live! Adventure to life! Yes! Today you already can cross the wall of mists in the mind, that says “stop here”. Naughty child… jump the wall and travel to the unknown. The truth is an unknown land, garnished with perfumes of gratitude and courageous dreams.
We are born now, we round the day up, the sun hugs us, the earth sustains us, the wind hugs us, breath moves us in its eternal dance, and here we are only to meet Life with dancing joy. And if something makes the eyes of the heart cry, sow the earth with them, they are also sky, stars, moon elves that are born from the , so that joy is worthy. Oh... feel, Life again! How much time not seeing it, not feeling its Presence. So obvious, so evident, so true! Her hair burning with passion embraces us, her little branch of stars embraces us, let the essential and the evident amaze you once again, the only thing that is worth living for: ! Laughter and tears, ray of sun that adheres to a little drop that slides through the day, giving shine and grace, let’s not lose this soft flow, humid and fragile, dancing today’s 6carnavalito. If you follow the humid drop, green will come to your arid lands. At sunset, say goodbye with blue love to Tayta Inti, darling Sun, ancient Eye of God that illuminates our meetings. While I`m writing this last sentence, a little bird comes close to the door of the room where I am and sings, sorely sings. Oh… wow! It`s just for an instant and then it flies, so elfish, and from these words, doves come out to fly with it. I endlessly drink from Life, do you? Today we are here and now, here, it is not about following the caprices of the mind, but to be quiet inside and with an empty mind so the profound heart meets with this light and lit Love. There is a solid tenderness coming from all things in this moment, the birds, the trees, the next waterfall, everyone feels... it is not extraordinary, it is… it is… it is…
Good morniiiiiiiiiiiiiing, dear, darling! I radiate drops of mist and honey from the snowy mountains of the Andes to your heart. Over this pink, golden orange dawn, where a thankful smile becomes the horizon, I hug you intensely. We are . A warm nest of the day invites us to fly and to come back to the perception of Unity, of all now. Feel softly, with the insistence of a lover, the now opens up and shows its dreams light. Weave your dreams with Life’s dreams. An empire is falling, but these dreams that we weave together, if we do not give up, they will transform into an aurora of all peoples. Brother day, poncho of instants that we receive. Breathe with faith, do not give up mate, we are a people that walk together, we are travelers of a same hopeful boat in which men, women, children, elders, little animals, birds, mountains, rivers, stars, dreams, and the combatants of liberty of all times travel together, and we will get there. Feel everything now, in here there is love, dreams trying to dance with your heart. The 7monte, the birds, the fleshly light of the Sun visits you, inviting to pray, for love, to THIS. And so the history receives the fruits of love. Feel the sunny day! The dream burns our skin, a lit hope of a green
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Andean folk song. Wild and sacred landscape in Argentina.
world again, a universe of birds and rivers of fresh and pure water, a sky of love between people. The wind comes now in this cerrado, with it come the voices of some children playing. Let’s play?
Let’s play with the golden corncob of all lives. Oh… in this morning my heart cries with the voices of all things asking: talk about me, talk about me. Oh… my dear friend, there is a living universe around you, and a unique language, the universal speech: . You could play, being an ignited contagious love, mad with seeds of love to give in abundance. As a lily, you will blossom in the savanna, and in this morning the meditation will be a blossoming of illumination. Dear loves, yes, it has been 20 days that we are heart to heart, kiss to kiss, the sun shines in the gaze… come, give me your sun and I give you this, that shines singing here, let’s enjoy the cherry of this day. I find the morning light so beautiful! Come, come up the hips of my heart so that I may take you to the Garden. This giant of serene light, tender and quiet, the Garden of Pachamama and Maitreya. Taken care by the last Queros, that keeps on sowing flowers on the storm of the progress. Oh!... I ask you to make time to lose today! Yes, there is nothing like time to lose. If we lose the keys, the mind worries, but when we lose time, life tastes sweet like corn. Come and recline over a big, leafy, wise tree, fill yourself with wonder. And then return, stealing earth under your feet, to the beloved home and sing with the family. Sing, laugh, dance, lose time. Remembering the grooves of eternity. Everything is so simple in the Garden. This day is an Andean chanting that is visiting you, dressing you with many colors. Leave the boring colors, brown, gray, blue or black, and come one, revolutionize your being, remember this glorious being that you live in, 8Abya Ayala, the sacred continent of 9Tahuantinsuyo. And get dressed with colors, and feel the living energy of Pachamama, her chanting, her calling to live; if you can take the day to lose it, to visit the Andean stops in your land. A waterfall, a monte, a mountain, peasant homes… Or an old weaver that, with the loom, transforms the threads in verses. If you have a poncho, you can wear it at sunset and visit Tayta Inti so He is happy that his Andean people are still alive and standing, marching to victory, singing. This is a manual of illuminations or is it a manual of illuminated militants? It is the same, because when you get close to receive illuminations in each moment, you will find the sensibility to feel the tired weavers, you will find the tears of the children on the streets, it will come to you for the first time the cry of terror of the forests that were cut to plant soy. And if you are firm in your practice, you will turn yourself into a jaguar woman, a puma man, into a comrade, a true mate. There is no illumination without social commitment, without ecospiritual sensibility. 8
All people united, reference to Abya Yala, how the originary people called the America before the Columbus arrival. 9 Incan Empire, socially organized so everyone is happy and nourished in all its leves.
The entire American continent is with you in your consciousness revolution, for you to be a marche of brave chests, to be a mate of path of the ones who suffered from injustice, so Tayta Inti roars in the night of your heart. Because you know... we are in a time, in a Pachakuti in which you can’t live illuminated without being a sacred activist. When I look at the soul, my people are born again, or your people, it is impossible to separate from where we learn to love life. There, in my case, the eyes of my people with this look of inquiring silence. Why? Why are we persecuted if we are not doing anything, we only are Indians? Return today in your heart to your childhood and popoulate your being with doves, drink from your happy memories, drink from the good people with which life populated your childhood. I know that your people are like my people, let this old nostalgia arise, and get on it and visit your roots. This is a crucial point, unite the roots of all old paths to the little school, and travel through life, seeing how much we have been cared for by the blue hand of the Divine Mother. In this evening, with your brothers, have an Andean party, mystical, and share a meal, singing the chayas and the huaynos, remember that you are an untamed colt. One of the poor brothers of Francis of Asisi, one of ours, embattled Indian full of illuminations. My fire roars when I write this, the pities die, and the drums of the Sun’s hope for a new day arise, for a better time, of free and just stanzas for all living beings of this sacred planet.
The great and mysterious Deities of the snowy mountains of the Andes, of the Himalaya, that protect the practitioners of this effort of 21 days, will visit you today. Do not pass inattentive. You are a latin american peasant… walk slow today, and feel the greatness of being a singer, born in the carnivals of life, a miner of the heart that lowered so much and brings in the hands the miraculous quartz of love that heals all wounds and kills ambition. Oh... my dear puma, my dear jaguar woman, release the gush of shouts in life. Be the voice of the ones that have no voice, populate with fresh springs by denouncing on the social networks the intent to kill life in your region. I walk just for walking, when death takes me only these cries of warriors will remind me, will make me happy. Let’s live with the consciousness of Unity, everything belongs to everyone, Life is one and the same for all. Feel, let’s go to the street and loose ourselves, playing the bells of the Andean revolution, come on, mates! May illuminations become a job for all, a roof for all families, and love for our common home: . Oh... and the Lord of Bright Light is coming. Do you feel Him? My heart dances in ecstasy because I felt him this morning, He is coming. Do not be so rational, feel, feel, the capitalists are muting and, in frank revolution, everyone is talking about Pachamama. Come Uaiki, friend, all comrades, my mates, let’s receive these first stars with the heart full of sun, of life, of love, singing the songs of hope saying that this time:
Good morning, light comrades! The feathery brothers sing to us emotionally, the clouds with white light caress our gaze. Feel the blood running inside, like tiger rivers. Yes! Giving you life in Life. Oh... give yourself time to feel all siblings of life that work, so you can be a chanting of love and an invitation to total liberation. And feel, you are free from the harm of hurry, of being submitted to the mind full of little sparkling mirrors. In this moment full of intimate love, in this moment, my friend, echoes of Buddha, of Christ, of Quetzatcoatl, of Wiracocha, of Mamacocha, of Pachamama, of Gaia, of Krishna, of Tao arises to us... All the great masters of life are singing with the wild Indians, with the combatants of freedom, to the ones that past away with honor, to your consciousness. They say: come on dear, come on, come on mate, come caress the land of life. Today is the last of these glorious 21 days, but, it is the first of your new life, of a new man, a new woman. Open the door to your comrades: the sun wants to enter in the mind and light everything, the wind wants to free the old scents of your emotions, the water wants to play between your rigid opinions and turn them into little colored stones that give birth to your senses, and the holy earth wants to come near your intimate being to show you home, the little house that stayed alive and warm for your return. Come, dear, dear, come, come back home. Come, keep on putting the heart in the middle of this darkness of confusion, be a light in these deserts to free the warriors stuck in progress, clinging to the inventory of reason. Come, unite with this old Indian to relieve the heart of life, and so, we may have fun serving, loving and sowing tenderness and commitment. It`s only missing your yes! Yes? Today is a day of celebration, to definitively enter in the , where the flourished people dance without losing the angel of devout militancy. Come, enter in the garden, take the shape of morning, of midday, of evening, of night. Life today is a fire where we burn all the reasons to escape from life, from Being, from . , yes, . Like an Inca of the new age, stand up, rise and walk! And salute the stones, salute the stars, bright stars that hide in each tree, in each creek. Sow fountains of freedom, of gratitude for . THIS that shines in the mountains. And if your heart wants to sing screaming or crying, come on, in the middle of work, in the middle of the bus, in the middle of the university, in the middle of the parks, so the singing gets to the sea of hearts. So, the star goes back to clarity, to the creek, to freedom and us, men and women, to fulfill our Dharma to free Pachamama from the ones that hurt her, from the ones that kill animals in factories, from the ones that kill the coral, from the ones that do not care for global warming. Come dear, darling, let’s dress in our original nature and help the Planet to be free from predators, and with strength in our voice let’s say: , here and now there is another illuminated warrior. Oh‌ how much peace there is in this heart when it fulfills its Dharma. You know, before incarnating, we visited this Cosmic Light that we call Maitreya or Christ, and we promised to be active illuminations, combatants of Pachamama. And here you are fulfilling your promise, serving the trees, the children, the elders, the creeks, making the human and planetary deserts green, defeating the concrete and financial interests.
Each moment that comes, feel, it comes from the heart of God. Feel. I love this lucid enchantment that God is, it is in me, it is in you, in everything, they are lucid illuminations that take us to the people, to the earth, and not to the top of success. This geniality of momentary illumination was written in the cerrado, receiving the first pink Ipê. The waterfall, on the back of the little ranch where we wrote these coplas, was a mommy caring for our energy. Tayta Inti illuminated our sacred days and the heart cried with life. I used to sit down on the terrace, seeing my barefoot friends going to bathe in the waterfall and I felt at home. There is an earthly blessing here, with inebriated voice, coming now, here, to this little bedroom; the earth sings now… This moment is giving birth to a nation… faith brought us to be here for these 21 days, we all are children of Mother Earth and Father Sun. I am only an old walker that fights for any man in the world, for any unjust cause, for everyone… because when I accept myself as , I am everyone, all the beings inhabit in me and I dance as a sun of tenderness on them. Now I will return to the little ranch I love, in the land of the comechingones¸ algarroberos Indians, full of delight. Then I will keep on traveling on your heart, I will be a silent murmur, a caress of lotus fingers, a minimal and urgent request of love. Come, let’s keep on dancing, let’s keep on receiving , the heart of this moment. I will sing you with the old Indian voice, that we are One, that we are the red wheat colored with the blood of beloved ones that died for us. We raise the flags of their loves, and we will keep on marching, with the consciousness full of illuminations, compassionate, firm and dignified. And now, how do I continue? Keep on walking, singing and dreaming and being a flame of kindness, of commitment, of loyalty with the sacred stones, keep on being a continuation of the dreams of five hundred years of shadow. And in your heart unite with Mother Earth, to this Andean devotion that brings this poetic love to the sky, to the stars, to the children, to the grandparents, to the little animals, to the chanting of the birds, and to the path that others walked leaving their sacred footsteps. I finish writing these 21 days in the middle of this sacred July. We are the ancient Indians that incarnated to release the humanity consciousness from the pities and fill your heart with the fresh water of the Andes, full of humanity, of humid humanity. Oh… feel, my dear, feel, darling, this old grandpa cries. The coplas that I sing, I do not sing them just to sing, the land taught them to me, that is why I sing them to the winds. Live Life! I am all beings, I come in every moment, but, above all in the silence of the monte, in the high ridges of the Andes, you will find me sitting down chewing coca leaves and being the chant of the condors. We are all brothers of the same path, of this same time. Oh… do not wait any longer, this time is the time. It is our time, I feel the flame, the sacred burning consuming all doubt and fear. Come, let’s go now, waiting is not knowing. Remember? Remember the bravery, remember this moment that brings the sacred Presence, come with the bravado to defend the joy and the Amazonia. Everything is the same. Illumination and caring for Pachamama is one and the same action. It seems that I already savor the new dawn, day 22, and you, us all diving, taking delight in . And creating day 22, with its challenges. Inhaling the wild aroma of the new day, inebriating us with Sun and illuminations and never leaving the Maitreya Garden again.
And receive each day with a frank smile, with the arms ready for a hug, with kindness like a flame wanting to leave. Lit with humanity, defeat the insensibility, the progress, the illusion of separateness, and, so, dear friends, let’s rest on the white stones and when it is time, we will smile at death, happy for fulfilling our promise. Come, give me a hug, a kiss, and come on!
Obs.: Please, send today a synthetic and clear report of your experience in these last seven days – in the body of the message and not attached, specifying in the subject name and city – to: relatorios21dias@yahoo.com.br