4 minute read
Precision Impact
New Training Aid Promotes Perfect Impact Position
Endorsed by former CBS golf analyst and renown swing instructor Peter Kostis
Mike Manley had a problem. A big problem. Something many golfers minds and together, they invented a training product called the Precision Impact. Like the name suggests, the irons, pitching or chipping, the club head has to lag behind the hands – creating crisp, flawless contact with the ball. Precision Impact provides struggle with which often leads to a Precision Impact trainer literal- audible feedback that indicates level of frustration that slowly takes ly forces your club head into the you’ve made the correct backswing the fun out of the game. What was ideal position at impact. Precision rotation and achieved the proper that problem? Inconsistent ball Impact prevents the fatal flipping or wrist set at the top. From there an striking. scooping of the hands, which helps aggressive downward rotation can
Manley, a former career auto accelerate the learning process be made through impact, resulting engineer from the big “D” — Detroit, and muscle memory for the entire in crisp, ball first contact, followed Michigan — enrolled a few friends swing. by a high balanced finish. with equally talented engineering Whether you’re hitting driver, “I am living proof that if you work

with the Precision Impact and allow the feelings of your new golf swing to engrain into your muscle memory, you will experience the same staggering results that I did,” said Manley, President of Pure Swing Products. “I was amazed at how far and solidly I hit the ball. Every part of my game improved dramatically. I became a ‘true’ and consistent ball striker and it felt great!”
You know you’ve got a winning product when it catches the attention of one of golf’s renown swing instructors and former CBS golf analyst, Peter Kostis. He bought the trainer to use with his students and touring pros and believed in it so much he became a brand ambassador for the company.
“From the first time I tested Precision Impact, I knew it was special,” said Kostis. “The hands are ‘the heartbeat of the golf swing’ and this trainer lets you feel and hear what it’s like to use your hands and wrists correctly. Learning to use your hands, arms and body properly will increase distance and consistency – the two things that golfers want most.”
Precision Impact teaches you how to properly strike the ball with a descending blow. The auditory feedback indicates when you are
hinging your hands properly in the backswing. The combination of visual, auditory and kinesthetic feedback working together helps golfers improve their golf swing with results that last.
“Many golfers today are falling victim to the technology age of teaching and they’re skipping past the most important thing in the golf swing, and that’s the education of the hands,” explained Kostis. “If you don’t have a proper grip, if you don’t know how to use your hands and wrists, whatever you do with your body or your arms will never make it to the club head because it has to go through the hands to get to the club head. That’s why Precision Impact is such an effective training device.”
Precision Impact is easily attached and worn on the trailing hand and forearm. There is a mechanism in the hand paddle that clicks and holds the wrists in the proper position creating the feeling and ability to aggressively rotate and trap the ball. Precision Impact teaches how to hinge the wrists properly in the backswing, how to retain the correct angle coming down, how to lean the shaft forward at impact and how to release the hands without flipping or scooping. These are the keys to getting more distance and experiencing consistent ball striking. “Average golfers can’t spend as much time working on their games as the pros do,” said Kostis. “When you hit 15 or 20 balls with the Precision Impact, you’re going to hit them all correctly — with the correct wrist hinge, retaining the angle in the downswing, learning to trap the ball — that’s like hitting 100 balls in a row without it. Precision Impact maximizes the time you practice.”
Precision Impact is an efficient, total swing trainer that works with every club in your bag. It helps with multiple short game shots by training the hand action and shaft lean for trajectory and distance control. It helps eliminate fat and thin shots. It can dramatically improve putting, enabling golfers to pre-set their wrist angles eliminating excess hand action in the stroke. Precision Impact makes your practice time more effective – indoors or out.
“I’ve always been a strong multisport athlete, but I always struggled with golf and flipping my hands at impact. I couldn’t find a product to help me, so I invented one,” concluded Manley. “After learning how to properly compress the ball, I went from a golfer who hacked it around, and sometimes couldn’t even break 100, to a golfer that now shoots consistently in the low 80s and 70s. My distances were off the charts. My friends couldn’t believe it; now I was the guy everybody wanted on their team.”
If you want to “Be Like Mike” and learn more — or purchase Precision Impact — visit www.PrecisionIm-