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Turf Pirate's Journal
A Turf Pirate’s Journal
What Are You Thankful For?
Jim Stuart, Anthony Williams, Julie Towe pause for a photo at the Stone Mountain Golf Club by Marriott, the trio has over 90 years of Marriott service between them.
Turf Pirates are busy this time of year,
recovering from an unprecedented golf season, planning for next year and of course enjoying the Holidays and a little football and smoke on the grill. Historically November (Thanksgiving) brings with it an extra dose of gratitude. In the spirit of deep thankfulness, I wanted to spotlight some of the other turf pirates that worked with me to make our work lives so spectacular. We sailed through calm and stormy seas and found that our biggest treasures were the relationships we forged.
It is a well-known fact that I have an amazing team here at TPC Four Seasons Dallas and I am blessed to be part of the FSD Family. You will hear a lot about them in the future, but today is a TBTY (Throw Back Thank You). It is not as well-remembered that during my 30 years with Marriott I benefitted from great individuals making things happen. I wanted to say again publically (Turf Pirates rule #22) that I owe many of my staff (dearest friends in the world) a debt of gratitude. I would not be where I am today without them. Two stand outs in this category are our Equipment Manager from back in the day Jim Stuart and our unflappable Administrative Assistant Julie Towe. We served two great destinations together PineIsle and Stone Mountain GC, where the dynamic duo of Jim and Julie still keep it green to this very day. More on Jim and Julie.
Jim and I came up together from the lower decks to the penthouse (Remember the Paul McCartney Suite anyone? I still have a lamp from that legendary space). Jim is the only equipment manager to win the GCSAA/GCM Most Valuable Technician award and the TurfNet Golden Wrench award. He can fix anything and in 30 years together we never missed a budget. He kept us rolling literally and in those last year’s we certainly shared a mind on equipment, agronomy and life. Julie came over to Turf Piracy from the Hotel side after our long time Administrative Assistant Wanda Jones (who was also great BTW) left us to marry her high school sweet heart after reconnecting at a Class Reunion. Julie was the peaceful voice of a mother in a barn full of scallywags. She kept the books and office in order and did floriculture work on the side, we planted like a million flowers together over the years. Julie and my wife Phyllis share a birthday (November 21) so I never missed a birthday because the two made sure the other was taken care of (Perfect for a slightly overwhelmed Turf Pirate, Julie I owe you a trip to the Big Joy). I miss Jim and Julie every day and I always smile when I hear an update (they have grandchildren!) or reminisce on past adventures. Little did we know just how the turf industry would impact our lives but I know they made every day fun and they made me better, together we made a difference.
This Thanksgiving when the turkey is eaten and the shadows grow long and lean to the east take a minute Turf Pirates to be grateful, not just for the good things in your life today but for the people who stood with you in life’s moments of struggle and achievement. The turf business is not a 9 to 5 thing so we spend an incredible amount of time with our work mates so hire well captains and row in time sailors, fore time will slip by quickly and the endless summer will yield to winter. Take a few minutes to call an old friend and say how grateful you are that your paths crossed!

Happy Holidays Turf Pirates, may your glass always be full, and your life be full of adventures. Anthony enjoying a Guiness at the Guiness factory bar overlooking Dublin, Ireland, it's good to be a Turf Pirate!

Sunn 28-0-0
Sunn KTS
Soluble Potash (K2O) ..............25% Total Sulfur (S) .........................17% 17% combined sulfur 0% free sulfur
Derived from: potassium thiosulfate
Minors Blend
Total Magnesium (Mg) ..........0.50% Soluble Magnesium (Mg)....0.050% Soluble Iron (Fe) ...................3.40% Chelated Iron (Fe) .................1.60% Total Manganese (Mn) ..........0.25% Soluble Manganese (Mn)......0.25% Soluble Zinc (Zn) ..................0.10% Sulfur (S) combined..............3.50%
Derived from: Manganese Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate, Iron Glucoheptonate, Iron Sulphate, Magnesium Sulphate.

Sunn 6-0-0 Blend
Total Magnesium (Mg) ..........0.50% Soluble Magnesium (Mg)......0.50% Soluble Iron (Fe) ...................3.40% Chelated Iron (Fe) .................1.60% Total Manganese (Mn) ..........0.25% Soluble Manganese (Mn)......0.25% Soluble Zinc (Zn) ..................0.10% Sulfur (S) combined..............3.50%
Derived from: Manganese Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate, Iron Glucoheptonate, Iron Sulphate, Magnesium Sulphate.
Sunn 12-0-0 Blend
Total Nitrogen ..........................12% 12% Urea Nitrogen Chlorine not more than..............2% SECONDARY PLANT FOODS
Iron as Fe...................................6% Manganese as Mn.....................2%
Derived from: Urea, Iron Glucoheptonate, Manganese Glucoheptonate
Manufactured by SUNNILAND
PO Box 8001 Sanford, Florida 32773-8001
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