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SunnilandSUPERSpotlight: Jay Verstraete – Superintendent, Indian Bluff Golf Course

How many women are on your team? None this season.
Where did you spend your childhood? I grew up in Carrollton, TX… Spent most of my time in the creek or skateboarding.
What made you get into this TurfLife? / Where did you study? My family moved to Illinois just before my 16th birthday, a childhood friend of my dad’s was the superintendent at Short Hills Country Club in East Moline IL. He gave me a job the day after my 16th birthday and I’ve been in the business ever since. I studied at Penn States World Campus, I was actually a “guinea pig” in the program and along with two others whose names I don’t recall now were the very first to complete their program.
Do you take your dog to work?
I’m a cat guy actually, I had an awesome Jack Russel named Divot who was my right-hand girl for 13 years but when she passed, I found the simplicity of my cats more appealing as I love to travel and do my own thing.
What is your most enjoyable memory in being in this turf industry? Handing a bucket of golf balls to Curtis Strange at the Hardees Golf Classic at Oakwood Country Club in 1997. He was one of my favorite golfers growing up and he was the first person to walk up to me that day when I volunteered for range duty! Who is the most beautiful person you know--inside and out? At the expense of sounding clichéd I would have to say my daughter. Even though she’s not quite 18 yet, her maturity, compassion, intelligence, strength and moral compass are more than a dad could ever hope for. It’s just a good thing for her she looks like her mom!
What do you fear the most? Marsupials….. because they’re fast.
What is the most important aspect of your turf life that you want to share about yourself to GCM readers? DO NOT TAKE IT SO SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! I know every situation is different from course to course and club to club, but I see so many people in this industry who are “burnt out” but they were their own worst enemy all along. If you don’t have your flip flops on by 11 am you’re doing it wrong!
What is your favorite turf equipment? Toro
Tell us about your TurfLife protection for you and your team? Fortunately, my year-round crew all get a rather generous clothing allowance so they have a good supply of all of the above.
When you are attending your “only child’s wedding,” are you checking your weather app? Hell no! now if the Cowboys were playing I’d probably check out some of the game though!

What type of music is on your playlist? Everything from Chuck Berry to Gojira. But, there’s nothing that makes my ears happier than TOOL.
When you are not at your Golffice, what do you do for recreation? Golf during the season, love the game, try and play 4-6 times a week still. Winter times guilty pleasure is some online gaming, I suppose.
Who is the best chef on your team? Joe G. He owned a restaurant down the road for years and when he sold the business, he came to work for us out here at the bluff on the grounds crew. I must say if you have the means I highly recommend putting a chef on staff who also rakes bunkers!
Sunn 28-0-0
ITEM #160031
Sunn KTS
Item# 160041
Minors Blend
ITEM #160000
Total Magnesium (Mg) 0.50% Soluble Magnesium (Mg) 0.050% Soluble Iron (Fe) ................... 3.40% Chelated Iron (Fe) 1.60%
Manganese (Mn) .......... 0.25%
Manganese (Mn) 0.25% Soluble Zinc (Zn) 0.10%
(S) combined 3.50% Derived from: Manganese Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate, Iron Glucoheptonate, Iron Sulphate, Magnesium Sulphate.
Sunn 6-0-0 Blend
Sunn 12-0-0 Blend

ITEM# 160021
GUARANTEED as Mn 2% Derived from: Urea, Iron Glucoheptonate, Manganese Glucoheptonate