AN I B M U L O C MICHIGAN ne. In Se In Service to O
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Volume 63 No. 3 January 2013
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Almighty God and Father of light, a child is born for us and a son is given to us. Your eternal Word leaped down from heaven in the silent watches of the night, and now your Church is filled with wonder at the nearness of her God. Open our hearts to receive his life and increase our vision with the rising of dawn, that our lives may be filled with his glory and his peace, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen Rev. Scott A. Thibodeau State Chaplain Micharl J. & Maureen Malinowski State Deputy Robert W. & Sandra Fox State Secretary Kenneth B. & Ellie Unterbrink State Treasurer Antonio G. & Sue Vittorini State Advocate Richard F. & Beth McCloy, Jr. State Warden Thomas A. & Arlene Marcetti, Sr. Immediate Past State Deputy Thomas M. & Joyce Wegener, PSD Supreme Director
AN I B M U L O C MICHIGAN All. ne. In Service to In Service to O
Volume 63 No. 3 January 2013
From The State Deputy Michael J. Malinowski A new year is here and a time when people make a resolution to do something different in their lives. It might be to lose weight or stop smoking, maybe to try and read more and watch less television. People use the New Year as a start point for something new. The Year of Faith began on October 11, 2012, the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. The close of the year of Faith will take place on November 24, 2013, the Feast of Christ the King. The months in between are a privileged time for councils to engage in faith formation activities and charitable programs that provide immediate and practical aid to those in need. The Order’s Year of Faith program is based on the four categories outlined by Pope Benedict in his document Porta Fidei (Door of Faith) that are designed to lead each believer into a deeper relationship with Christ and his Church – Faith PROFESSED, Faith LIVED, Faith CELEBRATED and Faith PRAYED.
Faith PROFESSED: For Knights, now is the time to find out what is the New Evangelization. What is the role of the Christian Family in the Modern World? Faith LIVED: Our first principle as Knights is charity, now is the time to focus our efforts on those who are in the most need of our help. A time to feed the hungry, time to clothe the needy, to take care of the widows and orphans. Faith CELEBRATED: As Knights in this Year of Faith, we have opportunities to gather in the spirit of unity with each other. It is a time for us to have Corporate Communions, to sit together at Mass, with our families and Brother Knights, wearing our K of C lapel pins or name badges. To let those in our Parish know who we are. Faith PRAYED: We should pray in our personal lives, and with our family, parish and council. As Knights now is the time to Pray the Rosary either before or at the close of our council meetings. Start the new year as the Year of Faith. Maureen and I wish you and your families a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year
From The State Membership Director William G. Leveque, Sr. I would like to first thank God for the opportunity to be your State Membership Director. I would like to thank our State Deputy for asking me to take over for Dan Waligora as he takes on a job promotion. I would like to thank all you, my Knights of Columbus family, for the work you have done and for the work you will be doing. I have had the privilege of serving the order in Michigan in different leadership positions over the course of several years, introducing to you my alter egos ‘The Money Man’ and ‘Casey the Bear’. I intend on bringing my brand of excitement to the task of State Member-
ship Director. With your prayers, help, and support I am confident we will have a good year in membership. We have just concluded the Winter Leadership Meeting and are starting the tri-district meetings, bringing the message that the need for charity is greater than ever and our Councils are being asked to do more than ever. Many of our councils have told us their concerns that the same Knights seem to be the ones doing the most work and these Brother Knights are getting tired. Many councils are suffering from an aging Continued on page 8
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From The State Chaplain Rev. Scott A. Thibodeau
My Dear Brother Knights and Ladies: Vivat Jesus! As I sit to write, I have just come from our winter meeting with all our State officers. It was a truly wonderful gathering filled with hope. Now, the Advent season is upon us and we need to take time this year to listen and be still before Our Lord. As we continue to celebrate this Year of Faith, we ought to be praying for a renewal of our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and the Sacramental Church He left us. This means it is time for us to reflect, listen and learn from Our Lord about what He desires for us personally and collectively through our fraternal order. How is He asking us to get involved? What is Jesus asking of us with respect to our faith and service through the Knights? These questions will certainly be answered if we ask in prayer and listen with an open, willing and charitable heart. Right now we have an opportunity to allow the Lord to direct and encourage us through prayer and faith. Obviously, the Advent season is a time of preparation. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Our Lord in time we should also be preparing to meet Him with joy when our earthly lives are done. This preparation can be daunting especially if we are the type of person who lets others do the work the God in the world. All of us need to get involved in our councils so as to impact others positively for the Lord. So, ask yourself this question; what can I do to assist in the salvation of souls through the Knights of Columbus? I am certain your answer will be to get involved, proclaim the name of Jesus and help another to grow closer to Christ. This is our Advent and life long mission by virtue of our Baptism. Christmas will come soon enough and I pray that we will all have a blessed celebration. Christmas is not just a time for parties and family. It is a time to recognize that our Savior became flesh and desires to be active in our lives. This recognition is what we truly need to become motivated to serve and evangelize. So, do the following for the Lord during this Christmas season. Think of that one man who you know to be Catholic but struggling with faith or even fallen away from the Church. Then, invite him to join our order and to get involved in the Church. This invitation not only helps him proclaim our faith, but also helps you to accomplish the mission The Lord sets out for all of us to go to the lost sheep of our family. In this way, we will grow the Body of Christ and assist one another to accomplish the salvation of souls in Jesus Christ; Our God who became Man that we might become like God. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and New Year . Share Your Year of Faith Activities The Year of Faith, proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI, began on Oct. 11, 2012, and will end on the Feast of Christ the King, Nov. 24, 2013. It marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The work of Vatican II set the Church on the path of the Good Samaritan – with faith expressed through acts of charity – a journey that it has continued into the 21st century. It’s a path that the Knights of Columbus has wholeheartedly embraced. Councils throughout the Order are now planning events to mark and celebrate the Year of Faith. We are interested in what your council may be planning and will possibly share your events with other Knights through this newsletter and other publications. Please send any information and photographs of your Year of Faith events to We look forward to hearing from you.
Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus Publisher
State Officers Michael J. Malinowski State Deputy
Rev. Scott A. Thibodeau State Chaplain
Robert W. Fox State Secretary
Kenneth B. Unterbrink State Treasurer
Antonio G. Vittorini State Advocate State Warden
Thomas A. Marcetti, Sr. Immediate Past State Deputy
Thomas M. Wegener, PSD Supreme Director
Michigan State Council Office 2184 Beech Daly Dearborn Hgts., MI 48127 Office Phone 313-274-3223 Fax 313-274-0704 Email: Lawrence T. Grabowski Executive Secretary
Editorial Gary M. Kolbicz, Editor
Michigan Columbian Publication Schedule Copy Deadline
March 1st……………April 2013 June 1st………………July 2013 September 1st……….October 2013 December 1st………..January 2013 Please Send All Copy Material To: Gary M. Kolbicz 39373 Durand Drive Sterling Heights, MI. 48310 Phone: 586-939-3886 Home Fax: 586-939-3886 Email – Moving? Notify your local council. Send your new address and mailing labet to: Knights of Columbus Membership Records PO Box 1670 New Haven, CT 06507-0901
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A New Fraternal Year Thomas M. Wegener, PSD Supreme Director
At the beginning of this New Year, Joyce and I hope that your holidays were blessed with faith, family and friends. May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! The new year also brings a hard look at our progress as Knights leaders, where we are in our membership and our programs. Throughout this issue of the Michigan Columbian there are articles and information for leaders and Knights to review. Please read them as they deserve our attention and our action. It is January and the election is over. The hype and promise now gives way to actual work by our elected officials. There are many issues that they will take up over the coming months, and we must pray that the good of all the people, including the least among us, are all given the same considerations to protect and advance their futures. And yes we will start the new year continuing to fight for Religious Freedom, the 40th Anniversary of Roe v Wade will be observed, and the assault of pornography and the decline of civility continues in our media and airwaves. These and more await us as concerned Christian Catholics and Knights of Columbus. Even with all of this it is a great time to be a Knight of Columbus. Faced with these and other challenges you would think that just the opposite is true. However, the Holy Father has given us a great gift, a gift to the whole church, of course, but certainly a timely one for the American Church in particular.
The gift I am speaking of is the Year of Faith. The Year of Faith, an opportunity for every Catholic to turn towards Jesus Christ, to encounter him in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and rediscover the Faith and the Church. Imagine all of the American Church’s faithful participating in Year of Faith programs, strengthening their faith, ready to lend this strengthened faith to the struggles we have. Certainly we Knights, our Ladies and our Families will be the leaders in our parishes as we strengthen ourselves during this Year of Faith. As leaders of the Order we should become familiar with the Order’s action plan for councils and knights, including the Year of Faith Prayer Booklet, with a list of traditional prayers for every Knight and council to use on a regular basis, at home and at meetings. Certainly we are taking advantage of the resources through the parish and the bishops to learn the beauty and majesty of our faith, growing stronger as we deepen our knowledge of our faith and how it impacts our daily lives. As you know Knights are leaders in charity within the council, the parish, and the community, it is after all what we do. Let us then be leaders in evangelizing the faith during this Year of Faith. Imagine the Church, surging with members with a deepened faith, ready to face the challenges, determined to win. Each one of us Knights, Ladies and families, doing our part, with our priests and bishops, helping to lead the new evangelization as informed, energized, faith-filled faithful are the workers in the field. I ask then - What victories await for our Holy Catholic Church if we arm ourselves with our faith? We only need to be ready to share in the victory.
From The State Program Director David Bergeman The State Leadership Winter Meeting is over and the TriDistrict Meetings are beginning. A number of items come to mind looking at the upcoming second half of the fraternal year. As I have stated before, men do not join the Knights of Columbus just to pay dues and attend meetings. You joined for a reason; whatever the reason, getting involved is good for the soul, mind and body. In part of my presentation I showed a video called The Butterfly Effect by motivational speaker Andy Andrews (available on Youtube go to: embed/0x4e8xTvQh8). Mr. Andrews explains how every move we make and every action that we take can affect a great number of people. If you get a chance take a few minutes to watch the video. There are many program activities that are in need of some attention. In reviewing MI-1’s from the first quarter
there a number of councils reporting activities on the MI-1 such as Family of the Month and Food for Families. But they are not sending in the required reporting forms to the appropriate director. Some council’s are not reporting Knight of the Month and Family of the Month. Please acknowledge outstanding efforts within your councils for brother knights and families who contribute within the parish, council, or community. Something new is the ability to purchase wheelchairs directly through the state office. We are able to get a major brand wheelchair of excellent quality for $150. The 20” wheelchair is lightweight with removable desk arms and elevating leg rests (list price is $690). This offer is available until March 1, 2013. Checks should be sent to the State Secretary with “wheelchair purchase” on the memo continued page 5
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From The State Treasurer Kenneth B. Unterbrink My Brother Knights and families, with the Christmas Season ending on January 6th, my wife Ellie and I extend our greeting and best wishes to all. Thanks to the official family for their timeliness in submitting rooming forms for the summer and winter leadership meeting. Your timeliness has helped with the rooming at Boyne Highland Resort and the Lexington Hotel. While serving as your State Treasurer and in addition to the financial duties, it is my duty to assign State Convention delegates to hotels on Mackinac Island. While all hotels are great, with their own charm, the assignment of the 1st choice of the delegates has many factors. One factor is: being on time with the forms. Election for delegates to the state convention is held at the council meeting in February, with the proper paperwork submitted by the deadline. Attention to details, by your Grand Knight, is essential to delegate assignments. Remember, assignment to the Grand Hotel is always at a premium.
While there are many hotels rooms on Mackinac Island, the room assignment to the hotels are limited as we have an assorted blocks of rooms as related to each hotel. We try to assign as a 1st choice, however, performance of councils is related to preference of choice. We try to make the delegates to the state convention an experience, enjoyable while doing the work of the Order. This is the State Convention of the Michigan Knights of Columbus. As to the checks sent to the State Council, most checks are in order and legible. Information sent to the State Council is processed in a timely order when received with legible information, such as double signed checks from councils and the memo line stating the status of the check. There are always such issues as postal holidays or lack of adequate information as reason for a delay. My wife Ellie and I thank you for your support and friendship throughout the years as we serve the Order in this capacity. It has been satisfying to serve you, my brother knights and families. Remember everything is God’s will. God Bless.
From The State Program Director David Bergeman If you have any questions please contact Michael Wegener, State Community Director. Recently I had the pleasure to deliver one hundred coats for the Coats for Kids project to each of three councils as a prize for winning the first quarter membership horse race. The Winner of Heat 1 was Good Shepherd Council #8669 in Montrose, the winner of Heat 2 was Bishop Henry E. Donnelly Council #3221 in Hudson and the winner of Heat 3 was Our Mother of Perpetual Help Council #6742 in Grand Blanc. Members of Bishop Henry E. Donnelly Council #3221 in Hudson - GK Matthew Monahan, District Deputy Christopher Pemberton, State Program Director David Bergeman, Diocesan Membership Director Edward Nickel and Diocesan Program Director Dale Schaedig Special Olympics Report
Members of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Council #6742 in Grand Blanc - GK Dean Hayward, Jr., District Deputy Paul Dorland, State Program Director David Bergeman, Diocesan Membership Director Edward Nickel and Diocesan Program Director Dale Schaedig
The Knights of Columbus has always had a close relationship with Special Olympics. To further track local councils’ involvement, make sure that your council completes the Partnership Profile Report with Special Olympics (#4584) and submits it to the Supreme Council Office by Jan. 31, 2013, with copies to the state deputy, district deputy and the council’s files. This form is available at forms.
K of C LADIES “CORNER” Happy New Year Ladies! The Christmas celebrations are a wonderful memory and we look to a successful New Year. The Winter Meeting in Lansing was a success for Holy Cross Children’s Services. You wonderful ladies collected and donated over 3000 sweatshirts, 450 bath baskets and over $7,100.00 in gift cards, checks and cash. There were also donations of numerous crocheted hats, baby blankets, sheets for beds and sample sized toiletry items for a women’s shelter. The young mothers from HCCS were showered with gifts for themselves and their children from Santa. Smiles on the children’s faces and their mothers made for truly happy hearts. There was more love and gratitude than you could imagine. One of the young mothers was moved to tears entering the hotel. She had never seen such a beautiful place. The mothers were overwhelmed by your generosity and very grateful to be at HCCS where they are learning to be parents and people. Bless them for choosing life. Thank you to all the ladies who worked tirelessly to box the thousands of packages and fill the truck. You should be very proud. Being Santa’s helpers truly rock! The spirit of Christmas is alive and well in Michigan! A program called “Thank you Mother” was introduced in Lansing and will culminate on May 11 – Mother’s Day. We have more than 20 ultrasound machines in place or in the works for pregnancy centers throughout the state. It is wonderful that the Knights are pursuing putting machines in more places but it is very important that we don’t forget about the existing centers. They still need our help to help the mothers who chose life. The plan is to have an annual Diaper and Formula drive from the councils and parishes in our state. These items would be donated to a center in which we have an ultrasound machine or at least a pregnancy center in the area. Why Diapers and Formula? These are two items that are expensive. These things can’t and probably shouldn’t be bought at the dollar store because of quality. We would ask that you step forward to chair your council or parish’s “Thank you Mother” Drive. There will be more information coming. Please do not forget the State Chaplain’s Tribute Dinner on February 10 at DeCarlo’s in Warren. Get your tickets early because Fr. Scott’s brothers have requested to speak! This should be a very entertaining evening for us, maybe not so much for Fr. Scott. Ladies – Thank you for being the pillar of support for your husband in good times and in bad. Thank you for serving others; for it is in serving others that we serve ourselves. Love and Gratitude, Maureen, Sandy, Ellie, Sue and Beth Important Youth Activity Dates •
March 1, 2013 State Essays and Posters Due
March 10, 2013 State Free Throw
March 23, 2013 State Spelling Bee
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George Hanna Elected Supreme Warden George Hanna, senior vice president of Fraternal Services and past state deputy of the District of Columbia State Council, was elected supreme warden by the Board of Directors Nov. 2, 2012. A Knight for 31 years, he is a member of St. Thomas Moore Council 11578 and James Cardinal Hickey Prince of the Church Assembly 2534 in Washington, D.C. Hanna served as state deputy from 1993-95. He later served as district master. After 25 years of employment with the U.S. Postal Service, Hanna joined the Knights of Columbus Supreme Office staff as first a regional program consultant and, in 2006, as vice president of Fraternal Services. He was promoted to senior vice president two years later. Hanna and his wife Yvonne are parents of three children and reside in Temple Hills, Maryland. Effective Administration Maintaining accurate council records and staying in touch with the entire council membership is vital to maintaining a satisfied base of members. If your council offers programs that are of interest to a majority of the membership — more members will participate on a regular basis. Likewise, annually evaluate your service programs in terms of council membership interest, effectiveness, and the need for the project in the community. Perhaps it’s time to implement a new program that has more widespread appeal to existing members as well as prospective knights. Your council may want to appoint some recent recruits to explore local Church and community needs and propose new program ideas to address those needs. For a list of suggested service programs that any council can implement, refer to the Surge with . . . Service booklet (#962).
Fraternal Survey: Tells Our Story of Service Best Councils, assemblies and circles must complete the 2012 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) and submit it to the Supreme Council office by Jan. 31, 2013. This form can be filed electronically by going to, or the hard copy from the Council Reports Forms Booklet (#1436) can be mailed in.
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“Take 5” Charity Program By: William J. Walsh P.S.D. Michigan State Charities Director I am pleased to report another successful year for our Knights of Columbus “Take 5” Charity Program. While we didn’t reach our goal of $100,000, we did collect a respectfully $91,778. We were able to reach this amount with only 76% of the councils participating. This means about 100 councils did not report one donation to our “Take 5” Charity Program. Even more disturbing is that 41 of these 100 councils contributed last year but not this year. Had they contributed in the same amount as last year, we would have an additional $8,779 letting us reach our $100,00 goal. Another concern is that 48 of these 100 councils have not participated in at least the last 2 years. WHY? Were their members given the opportunity to donate. While it’s probably unrealistic to expect every member to participate, but certainly every council should be included on the enclosed list of councils participating. As a State Council program, Financial Secretaries must include the information sheet showing our recipients of those funds along with your new year dues billing, thus allowing each individual member the opportunity to contribute to this most worthy cause. I would be remiss however, if I didn’t congratulate those councils and dioceses that did an outstanding job. In the Detroit Archdiocese, Father Baumgartner Council #5452 collected $5.28 per member closely followed by St. Fabian Council 13362 at $5.05 per member. In the Grand Rapids Diocese Pewamo Council #8071 collected $6.75 per member. Their were many other councils that collected between $4.00 and $5.00 per member. Only the Gaylord Diocese had an increase over last year with a $400 increase. So you can see large or small, new or old, with the proper promotion of the “Take5” Charity Program each and every council can be successful. Finally, we certainly don’t minimize this total of $91,778 because with it your State Council has been able to assist many worthy causes on your behalf. On the other hand however, they have had to turn down numerous other worthy appeals. This amount, while sizeable, is small compared to our total potential. So again our sincere thanks and congratulations to those members and councils who donated this past fraternal year. We would ask both members and Councils who didn’t participate or give, to seriously consider doing so to this MOST WORTHY Charity Program during the present fraternal year. Thus helping all to fulfill the cardinal principle of our order “Charity”. Listed below is each diocese total collected and the councils that contributed. If you made a donation and don’t find your council listed below, please contact your Grand Knight and or Financial Secretary and ask him why not.
ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT $35,981.74 521-600-856-1266-1802-1774-1987-2251-2569-2632-2660 -2667-2690-2739-2835-2950-3021-3042-3078-3129-31603292-3312-3615-3725-3774-3797-3860-3869-3956-39594064-4188-4401-4513-4556-4764-4872-5436-5452-54605492-5981-6549-6824-6865-7011-7018-7134-7200-72277239-7340-7413-7444-7586-7780-7918-8186-8274-82848441-8500-8659-8695-8697-8698-8710-8902-9346-95269568-10501-10724-11430-11658-11689-11756-1177211811-11957-12102-12121-12403-12408-12479-1280813318-13319-13340-13362-13453-13475-13485-1360013645-13673-13793-13799-13810-13950-13980-1398313992-14213-14883-14728-15204 DIOCESE OF GAYLORD $6,948.50 791-853-923-1213-1224-1705-1982-2022-2709-2781-4235-5083 -6314-6548-6593-6657-6851-7329-7365-7419-7623-7688-80418390-8556-8948-9979-11664-12294-13432-13958-15021-15135
DIOCESE OF GRAND RAPIDS $10,807.00 389-706-1300-1492-2168-2198-2199-2975-3104-31114362-4404-7115-7341-7487-7585-7719-7761-7869-80718117-8291-8425-8564-9909-10992-11581-12258-1266812985-13035-13391-13526-13579-13641-13653-1368513939-14206-14404-14856-14642-15213 DIOCESE OF KALAMAZOO $3,556.50 708-1120-1616-2113-2508-2515-2900-3447-3798-40364055-5255-5999-6980-7796-9962-11114-12998-1325113305-14409 DIOCESE OF LANSING $22,436.54 587-609-695-788-1139-2659-2890-2959-3027-3092-32303281-4090-4285-4354-6534-6674-6687-6694-6742-72377304-7311-7418-7545-7587-7816-7832-7891-7945-79558113-8169-8391-8489-8605-8669-8858-8989-9182-97119937-10006-10170-10542-10907-10963-11099-1153211694-11761-11875-12044-12295-13360-13418-1345013516-13703-14031 DIOCESE OF MARQUETTE $ 3,372.50 646-649-689-1245-1396-1541-1585-2713-2804-2894-2934-3082 -6447-6667-7100-7472-10777-11316-13115-13224-13333
DIOCESE OF SAGINAW $ 8,675.50 414-1297-1546-2141-2291-2724-2740-2943-2986-30293505-3590-3651-3823-4102-4232-4693-7233-7337-75717582-7591-7717-8042-8043-8554-8808-8892-11432-12423 -12660-12684-14211
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From The State Membership Director William G. Leveque, Sr. membership who just can’t do as much as they used to. These are just two reasons why it is more important than ever to have active recruiting at the council level. Without growing membership levels at our councils the same members that are already active are asked to do more, perhaps more than they can give. It is because our programs and our ability to serve God and Our Church may suffer that we need to continue to grow the order. We need to look to young and old alike to increase our ranks and do what God wants us to do. Across the State of Michigan we are having a membership drive on the weekend of January 26-27. With the needs of so many it is a perfect opportunity to participate with your councils on renewing and replenishing our membership. If you have not recruited in a while, it’s easy. Ask yourself first “Why did I become a Knight?” Then ask yourself “Why am I still a Knight?” I know for me personally being a Knight has made my relationship with God better. My prayer-life and family-life are better. My Catholicity has improved and my love of the Church has grown. I would like all eligible Catholic men to have that same opportunity. And I am sure you would too. As you can tell from the visual image titled ‘Is This Your Council or Its Future?’ if we don’t recruit today fewer Brother Knights will be available to be called upon to provide acts of charity in the future. Our council programs are at stake. The ability to start new programs is at stake. Our acts of charity are at stake. Perhaps our Councils are at stake. We need to grow the order today because it’s the right thing to do. Won’t you join me?
Is This Your Council or Its Future?
People in Need
Your Council 2007
People in Need
On behalf of my wife Cindy and I, we would like to wish each and everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. Your Council 2011
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Your Council 2015
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Detroit Arch Diocesan Keep Christ In Christmas Billboard Locations
Poster # 1177 1891 1960 3270 3349 1017 1100 1834 1857 3295
Location Conant & Minnesota Southeast Corner E. 10 Mile & Dequindre North Side of street Little Mack & Homeland Northwest Corner Allen south of Old Superior West side of Corner Ecorse & Wayne Course Northeast Corner Woodward & Willis Northeast Corner E. 8 Mile & Eastwood Northwest Corner E. 15 Mile & Kelly Southeast Corner Van Dyke south of 29 Mile East Side of street Telegraph north of Eaton East Side of street
City Detroit Warren Roseville Taylor Romulus Detroit Warren Clinton Township Washington Township Dearborn Heights
Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Donates $500,000 to Hurricane Sandy Relief With regions of the East Coast still reeling from Hurricane Sandy, the Knights of Columbus announced Thursday, Nov. 15, that its donations to the affected area total more than $500,000. The amount includes the nearly $350,000 raised by the Knights via online contributions. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson announced the amount raised and donated to date at the annual meeting of the Knights of Columbus state leaders, being held in Dallas, Texas. In addition to more than $450,000 being distributed by the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut with the help of local Knights in the affected area, the organization also sent two truckloads of supplies: one to New York and one to New Jersey. The relief being provided by the Supreme Council is supplementing the relief work being done by local Knights of Columbus councils throughout the affected region. Local councils have engaged in a variety of relief activities, in-
cluding feeding hurricane victims and collecting and distributing needed supplies. “Charity is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, “and in a disaster such as this, we are grateful to the many people who have made donations in support of our relief efforts and are pleased to be able to directly aid those most in need.” Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and Supreme Warden George Hanna traveled to some of the hardest hit areas of New York on Staten Island to encourage – and assist – local Knights in their relief efforts. They brought with them from New Haven a truck loaded with relief supplies and a check for $75,000 to assist the relief efforts of Knights in New York. On Staten Island, they joined New York State Deputy Sal Restivo and dozens of New York Knights in distributing relief supplies at Fr. John C. Drumgoole Council 5917 and toured the devastation at - and in the area surrounding Manresa Council 2147. Visiting New Jersey was Supreme Treasurer Logan Ludwig, who oversaw the distribution of a truckload of supplies with the help of Vincent Lombardi Council 6552 in Middletown. He also brought a check for $75,000 which will be distributed to those in need by the New Jersey State Council led by State Deputy Dan Rossi.
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St. Louis Center Update: Fr. Enzo Addari, SdC. As we enter this season of Advent, we await the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and give thanks for the many gifts that we have received in 2012 for our residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Most importantly, we thank God for the presence of the Michigan Knights of Columbus, and their generosity toward St. Louis Center in Chelsea, MI. On November 3, 2012, members of the State Council and their wives attended our annual Fall Dinner Auction at Chelsea Community Hospital, where State Deputy Michael Malinowski presented us with a check for $20,000 on your behalf. While this gesture of support and generosity was tremendously rewarding, you should know that every check is equally rewarding, and adds to our ability to care for “God’s Special Children.” Each council’s contribution is unique and important in its own way, and we are grateful for each one of you. The Michigan Knights of Columbus are an incredible
State Deputy Michael Malinowski presents a check to Fr. Enzo Addari, SdC).
group of Catholic men, and truly exemplify the first principle of the order; charity. The fact that you were able to raise $1.24 million statewide during our last fraternal year shows your tremendous commitment toward caring for the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In spite of the current political climate that we live in, the Servants of Charity value the importance of “Life,” and provide our residents with a high quality of residential services. We believe that these children and adults are special gifts that God gives us to care for that defines our support for the “Culture of Life.” To continue to provide a high level of services to our residents, we began a “Legacy Fundraising Campaign” two years ago, which has allowed us to raise $1.8M from our benefactors to “upgrade, update, and uplift” our facilities. So far, the new “Family Welcome and Orientation Center” was built in 2011, and this year we have constructed a new “Barrier Free Playground” for our residents. In 2013, we hope to remodel Fr. Guanella Hall, and in 2014, Knights of Columbus Hall should follow. This restructuring of our facilities and programs will make us well positioned to serve our next generation of residents. We are not finished by any means, and could use the help of all of you as we attempt to raise another $8M to complete the rehabilitation of our entire complex. Your support and prayers will always be needed, and we welcome any council or family in Michigan that would like to get more involved. In this way we will all continue to witness the mystery that we celebrate during this season of Christmas honoring the birth of Jesus, as God sent us His only begotten Son to live and die for the sins of the world, and to lead everyone to His glory. We will continue to live our mission in support of “life,” in the midst of so many challenges. Please visit us at May God bless all of you and your families in 2013.
Displaying A Nativity Scene Displaying a Nativity scene in your home is a loved Christmas tradition for many Christian families. There are many varieties of nativities, from nativity scene sets with movable figures, to single-piece nativities. No matter what style you choose, nativity scene sets often become treasured family keepsakes that are used every Christmas season. The Nativity scene tradition originated with St. Francis of Assisi in the year 1223 on Christmas Eve. A nativity scene, also called a crib, crèche, or manger scene, refers to any depiction of the birthplace of Jesus. There are a variety of nativity manger scenes to choose from to celebrate this popular Christian devotion. Smaller sets have only a stable with Mary, Joseph, the Baby Jesus, and various farm animals. Larger sets include shepherd boys, lambs, and the Three Wise Men. Traditionally, the figures in the nativity set are added gradually to recount the historical Christmas story. On December 24th the Baby Jesus is placed in the manger, and the following days the shepherds are added. On January 6th, Three Kings Day, the magi are also added near the manger scene. It is customary to keep the Nativity set on display until February 2nd, which is the end of the Epiphany.
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Celebration of New Year In the fairly long history of humanity the celebration of New Year is found to have a pre-historic root. Since the era of the most ancient civilization a number of dates have been marked as the beginning of a new year by different people from different parts of the world. The diversity is due to the difference in their ethnic and cultural background. Today the New Year is celebrated all over the world on January 1. But this was not the case a few hundred years back. The wide spread acceptance of January 1 as the New Year is confined only within the past four hundred years. The changeover: It was the Romans who first used January 1 as the beginning of the year in 153 B.C. Prior to that March 25, the date of the vernal equinox, was celebrated as their New Year's Day. And this was considered to be the beginning of New Year by most Christian European countries during the early medieval era. The delayed acceptance of the changed date might be due to some of its inherent difficulties. The date was unusual. For, unlike the customs prevalent till then, no agricultural or seasonal significance was attached to it. Instead, it was just a civil date, the day after the elections when the consuls would assume their new positions in the Roman empire. But the bigger problem the changed date posed, was difficulties in the calculation of the year. As the Romans moved their New Year's Day backward almost three months to January 1, we have irregularities in our calendar. The months of September, October, November and December, originally mean, the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth month respectively. Later, many of the Roman emperors had given new names to these months. September received names as "Germanucus", "Antonius" and "Tacitus" under each of these emperors' regime. Thus November also earned the varying names of "Domitianus", "Faustinus" and "Romanus". The inconveniences led Julius Caesar to institute a new calendar. It was devised by the Greek astronomer. Sosigenes of Alexandria from the unrivaled Egyptian solar calendar. Caesar wanted to change the date of the New Year from January 1 to a more logical date - to one of
the solstices or equinoxes. However, it happened that January 1 of 45 B.C. was the date of a new moon. It would have been bad luck, or so regarded by the population, to change it. For his calendar reform, the Senate rewarded him by having the month of his birth, Quintilis, renamed "July" in his honor. Caesar's grandnephew, the Emperor Augustus, had a similar honor bestowed on him when he corrected a mistake which had crept into the calculation of the leap year. Till then it had been observed every three years, instead of every four. He abolished all leap years between 8 B.C. and A.D. 8. Thus he set the calendar straight and earned for himself the renaming of Sextilis as "August". This calendar did not witness significant reforms till 1582, when Pope Gregory XII incorporated our present method of calculation and dividing the year. It was the Pope who reinstituted the practice of observing New Year's Day on January 1, regardless of the pre -Christian associations with that date. The Gregorian reforms also canceled ten days from October; Thursday, October 4, 1582, was followed by Friday, October 15, 1582. the old discrepancy was provided for by making only those century dates leap years that were that were divisible by 400. Thus although the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not leap years, the 2000 is. The global adoption: Catholic countries adopted it soon. Yet it took some time for the Protestants to follow suit. Finally Germany did adopt it in 1700, Great Britain in 1752, and Sweden in 1753. It was then necessary to drop 11 days from the calendar because 1700 had been a leap year. The Oriental countries through the influence of religious groups such as the Hindus, Taoists, Buddhists and Moslems, considered the new Calendar as the Christian Calendar, but also adopted it as their official one. Japan welcomed it in 1873 and China in 1912. The Eastern Orthodox adopted it even later, in 19924 and 1927, Russia took it twice - first in 1918 and after trying out its own calendars, again 1n 1924.
May They Rest In Peace Flint Council 695 Richard Bowles,Jr. Thomas Kaza Detroit Council 2739 Chester Solak
Caro Council 3224 Rich Dievendorf
Mt. Plesant Council 3651 Francis Marzolf Gerald Faber
Taylor Council 4872 Bill Kozar Gladwin Council 5280 James Sprinkle
Algonac Council 7227 Peter Drumm Prudenville Council 6548 Ervin Peplinski
12 J A N U AR Y 201 3
Special Olympics Region Map
Celebrate all of the Christmas season. Don't stop on December 25 as the secular season fizzles out. Plan some of your Christmas-season socializing with family and friends after Christmas Day. More important, find appropriate celebrations for the liturgical feasts of the season. For example: Get all of the immediate family together for dinner on the Feast of the Holy Family. (In many families this will turn the day into a major event, especially if there are teenagers and young adults.) On New Year's Day, when we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary and World Day of Peace, reflect on Mary's role in the Incarnation as you pray the joyful mysteries of the rosary for peace. Take time on the Feast of the Epiphany, a gift-giving day in many Catholic cultures, to go through your wardrobes and toy chests and decide what you can now give away after all the new things you received at Christmas. You can also use the Epiphany to make decisions about how to donate your time and money in the new year.
Raffle Items Needed Please"Donate To the 2013 Raffle To Benefit Holy Cross Children's Services Volunteers will be needed to help with tickets, setup and pack up. Please contact the State Advocate's Wife by phone or email Sue Vittorini 46763 Poma Court, Macomb, MI 48044 Cell Phone:. 586-718-1532 Home"Phone: 586-247-9174 Fax: 586-566-4665 Email:
The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord reminds us of our own Baptism. Take this day to reflect on how you have lived out your baptismal promises. Coats for Vets Help a Homeless Vet There are over 18,000 homeless military veterans who will be on the streets this winter in southeast Michigan. These are men and women who have given a part of their lives in the service of our country… in service to us. Now is an opportunity to give them something back. These veterans are in dire need of winter coats. Please donate your no-longer wanted, gently used adult-sized winter coats. Your generosity will be appreciated. Ron Koscierzynski, GK St. Kieran K of C Council 13983 c/o St. Kieran Church 53600 Mound rd. Shelby Twp., MI 48316 “Kind hearts are the gardens, Kind thoughts are the roots, Kind words are the flowers, Kind deeds are the fruits, Take care of your garden And keep out the weeds, Fill it with sunshine Kind words and kind deeds” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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40 Anniversary Roe v Wade Decision Michigan Knights Attending th 39 Annual March on Washington Departs: Council 788 in Lansing: 5:00 p.m., January 24, 2013 Departs: St. Mary Church in Chelsea: 6:30 p.m., January 24, 2013 Arrive: Basilica, Washington D.C.: 7:00 a.m. Mass, Jan 25, 13 Meet: March staging area: 11:30 a.m., Jan 25, 2013 After March: Depart for Hampton Inn, Old Towne Alexandria, Va Cost for Hampton Inn: $99 per room plus tax for up to 4 people Reservations: Call Hampton Inn directly at 1-703-3291400 Place on your credit card Rooms under Michigan Knights of Columbus Cost of Bus: $100.00 per person Make check for bus payable to: Michigan State Knights of Columbus Mail to: Paul and Sue Thorn 768 Lockmoore Ct. Rochester Hills, Mi 48307 Phone Inquiries: 248-852-1758 There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something. Henry Ford
State Right to Life Dinner The annual State Right to Life dinner will be held on Thursday, April 11, 2013 at the Burton Manor in Livonia. A short Bio on the Keynote speaker is below. More information will be available shortly. DAVID BEREIT Pro-Life Speaker and National Director of 40 Days for Life David became an outspoken pro-life advocate after Planned Parenthood announced plans to build an abortion clinic in his Texas town in 1998. He helped to start and build a local grassroots coalition that rallied 60 churches and thousands of people together and dramatically reduced abortions in the region. Planned Parenthood recognized the effectiveness of David's efforts when it labeled his town "the most anti-choice place in the nation." David led the first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign in College Station, Texas. David moved to the Washington, D.C. area in 2005 where he served as executive director of American Life League and national director of Stop Planned Parenthood until being asked to lead the national 40 Days for Life campaign. His pro-life work has been featured in the media hundreds of times, including coverage on Fox News, HBO, ABC, NBC and CBS television stations, numerous radio programs, and in over 100 newspapers across the country including USA Today, The Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times. David and his wife Margaret have two children, Claire and Patrick. Paul & Sue Thorn State Pro Life Chair Couple
THE MACKINAC ISLAND RAFFLE The raffle was started in 1998 by State Deputy Martin Poleni’s wife, Diane, as a live auction with all proceeds going to Holy Cross Children’s Services. In 2000, State Deputy Kenneth Grembowski’s wife, Carol Ann, changed the auction to the raffle we have today. The subsequent state deputies’ wives have worked hard to help the raffle continue to grow. Donations can be made by a person or several people, by a business or organization, council or several councils, an assembly, LOTA, ladies auxiliary or a district. They can have a theme or can be a single item. Donation forms must be filled out for every donation and can be found on the Knights of Columbus web site ( Ladies Corner. The forms are necessary to make sure the item is listed correctly and we know who to thank. For the next two years, the raffle will be run by Sue Vittorini, the wife of the State Advocate. She can be reached at According to the raffle license, donations must be as-
signed a value. Please assign an amount to your gift. Donations must be brought to the Grand Hotel’s Art Gallery for the 2013 Convention. If you have your raffle item ready by November 30, please bring it to the Winter Meeting and the state officers will see to it that it is hand-delivered to the convention. You can give the gift to any state officer before April 1st and they will deliver it for you. You will be seeing sign-up sheets at different Knights’ functions that you attend. These sign-up sheets include: helping with the raffle by setting up the gifts, selling tickets, and packing up the gifts while at the convention. It takes many people to make the raffle a success. Please sign up. You will meet new friends and enjoy being a part of this very worthwhile effort. In the past we have had a business volunteer who has matched the funds that were raised—first the Detroit Free Press, and for the last two years the funds were matched by Weingartz Lawn to Snow. All contributions are welcome.
14 J A N U AR Y 201 3
Bringing Hope to Children & Families for 65 Years SHOW YOUR SUPPORT. LEAVE A LEGACY
Ten members of the Msgr. Esper Council in Fowler has raised $20,000 by selling over 800 calendars over the past two (2) year period. The Msgr. Esper Council has been helping to sell Holy Cross Children’s Services calendars since 1987 and has been the #1 seller since 1995 with a grand total of 5935 calendars. The team was originally started by Henry Theis. Over the years, Alphonse Thelen has been leading the team in sales. In 2011 and 2012 he sold a total over 237. A member of the Knights of Columbus for 65 years, Alphonse secret is to “Show passion, keep your repeat customers happy, and always search for new customers” . The team of Jerry Arens, Jim Braman, Francis, Ron & Alick Feldpausch, Leroy George, Clare Pung, Ray Rowell and Alan Thelen go door to door selling the calendars-times requires multiple visits to a house to catch them when they are home. Selling the calendars and raising money is near and dear to their hearts- which it shows in their results. Thank you for your dedication to help the children in our care at Holy Cross Children’s Services. TO READ MORE WONDERFUL STORIES & SEE PICTURES VISIT If you are like many people, you began this year with a number of resolutions. And like the rest of us, you found some of these resolutions difficult to keep. Why not consider a gift to Holy Cross Children’s Services this year? The good news is you still have time to make a charitable gift that will lower your taxable income, preserving more cash for you and your family. To learn more about fulfilling your year-end goals through charitable giving, please call If you would like to leave a legacy gift to Holy Cross Children's Services •Call Br. Francis at 517.423.7556 or Frank Doria at 517.423.7553 •Or, call your Supreme Council Insurance Agent.
65th YEAR 1948-2013 Visit for information
Holy Cross Children’s Services was founded in 1948 and provides support for youth in the Michigan juvenile justice system, youth that have been abused and neglected as well as those in foster care. Last year HCCS served over 2,000 youth from 80 of the 83 counties in Michigan.
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October 28th Appreciation Event at the Samaritan Center
was a
success!!! Over 182 people attended the mass and brunch. Special thanks to State Deputy Michael Malinowski, the State Council Officers and the Color Corp for their participation and support in making this event a success.
Still Time to Get Your 2013 Holy Cross Children Services Raffle Calendars September: John & Barbara Manchell, Ronald Rau, Tami Rademacher, Ted Brummel, Charles Adams, Joanne Hughes, Esther Nowak, Joseph Pavlou, Jean Thelen, Doug & Donna Brya, Harry Crile, Pamela Harris, Ronald Ratkos, St. Joseph the Provider Council #13942, Fr. Thomas Cusick, Frederick Heiler, Bob Chojnowski, John Casey, David Currie, Patricia Podgorski, Jennifer Weber, Margaret Flannery, Thomas Petruzzello, Larry Rychlick, Tony Schaub, Natalino DiFalco, Gregory Hunt, Kathleen Gabe, Richard Herman, Andrew & Sharon Spilkin, $500 WINNER - Thomas Busch
October: Jeffrey Stevenson, Brad Rhynard, Heather Nutkins, Don & Barb Gehlmann, Joseph Panozzo, Ernest & Kathleen Young, Charles & Johnna Birbeck, Steve Weber, Lori Mattingly, Timothy Steffes, W. Randolph Frykberg, Robert Burcar, Dorothy Martus, Joan Winneroski, William Alwin, Sharon Godfrey, Bay Council #15135, Clifford McCollum, George & Connie Dann, Paul Dorland, Ed Umin, Marie Filipski, David Huhn, Terry Bersano, Alicia Thomas, J. Michael Lenninger, Sandra Brandemihl, Kathy Wittman, William Juodawlkis, Dennis & Jenean Kleinedler, Jacob Ferguson, $500 WINNER - Gregory DeGraff & Michele Mullens November: David Schmitt, Daniel Vogel, Christopher Hannan, Jane Mount, Joel Weiher, Joseph & Felicia Jaskowski, Phillip Hover, Roy Feldpausch, Michael Kreis, Dill Hayes, Sharon Innes, Michael Way, Diane Gerlach, Reverend Ronald Milligan, Michael O’Keefe, Randy Kehl, Florence Stasiak, Michael Schafer, James Zimmer, Alvin Losinski, Jim Hanes, Erin Birkam, Margaret Andres, David Hopcroft, James Cronk Council #8041, Matthew VanNoorloos, Bart & Charlene Zeluff, Raymond Cobb, Joseph Roznowski, LeRoy Goerge,$500 WINNER - Eugene Kaczmar
Your gift to Holy Cross Children’s Services this year will be quadrupled Recently we were presented with a unique $1 million grant opportunity! This challenge grant is a 1:4 matching grant. Our investment of $200,000 private dollars would enable us to receive $800,000. These monies will be used to purchase new fuel efficient vehicles to safely transport our youth. Each year Holy Cross Children’s Services co-workers provide care to over 2,000 youth and families from 80 of the 83 counties in Michigan, requiring HCCS staff members to drive hundreds of miles each day to ensure treatment is given to the children and families in our care. Make your donation today online at or give us a call 517.423.7556
BOARD MEMBERS Benjamin L. Anderson Auday Arabo Peter Bertsch William P. Bolton Geraldine Carroll Robert W. Fox Br. Chester Freel, CSC Michael J. Malinowski Daniel Malone Rodney Mersino Tim Patton Robert J. Pliska Gregory Richmond Albert Schaller Andrew Shmina Salvatore B. Simone J.Gerard Teagan Debbie Van Elslander Raymond J. Weingartz
FOUNDATION BOARD Martin Corcoran Beverly DeVriendt Br. Joseph Fox, CSC Michael Leoni Daniel Musser III Thomas G. O’Hare Tim Patton Richard Rassel Ronald Wiegand James L. Wolohan
Offices in: Clinton (Headquarter) Alpena Detroit Kalamazoo Grand Rapids Mt. Clemens Mt. Morris Redford Saginaw Traverse City
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter:Bro_Francis
16 J A N U AR Y 201 3
FLORIDA TO HOST MICHIGAN KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AND V E N E R A B L E F R E D E R I C B A R A G A D AY 1ST BISHOP OF MARQUETTE The annual Michigan Knights of Columbus and Bishop Baraga Day has taken on a new name and a new significance. After 40 years of dedicated research on the life of Bishop Baraga and with the backing of the Diocese of Marquette, on May 10, 2012 the Vatican confirmed that Bishop Baraga exhibited a life of heroic virtue and could thus be called “Venerable.” "I am thrilled beyond words at this recognition of Bishop Baraga's heroic virtue by the universal Church,” Bishop Alexander K. Sample said. “I cannot overstate what a significant step this is towards the anticipated beatification and canonization of Bishop Baraga. This is a day for which we have been waiting nearly 40 years. I am so pleased to be able to call my saintly predecessor ‘Venerable’ Frederic Baraga!”
With this great news this year’s celebration will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2013 in Holiday, Florida. Join your brother Michigan Knights and their wives in sunny Florida for an afternoon of information regarding the exciting news on Venerable Frederic Baraga and the progress on the cause for sainthood of the 1st Bishop of Marquette and share Knights of Columbus fraternity with your brother Knights and their ladies. The day will start with Mass at 11:00 A.M. at St. Vincent De Paul Church, 4843 Mile Stretch Dr., Holiday, FL 34690, followed by a luncheon and program. The following may be called to make reservation for the luncheon. Map and directions are available upon request.
Please RSVP by February 18, 2013 to: Mr. Herbert Wegener
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barry
4046 Passport Lane, Apt. 102 New Port Richey, FL, 34653 727-376-2743
2951 Westmoreland Ct. New Port Richey, FL, 34655 727-375-5342
Past Supreme Knight Receives K of C’s Highest Honor Gaudium et Spes Award Bestowed onVirgil Dechant
Past Supreme Knight Virgil Dechant received the Orders’ highest honor at a dinner in Dallas, Texas during the annual midyear meeting. The Gaudium et Spes Award was established by Dechant in 1992, with Mother Teresa as its first recipient.
The award is named for the Second Vatican Council’s Apostolic Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. Dechant is the award’s tenth honoree. Other honorees include l’Arche founder Jean Vanier, Cardinal John O’Connor of New York, and Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Cardinals Theodore McCarrick and Justin Rigali attended, joining Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore and Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas and a number of other bishops and priests, as well as Virgil Dechant’s wife Ann, members of their family, many of the past state deputies of Dechant’s home state of Kansas, the state deputies and state chaplains, and the board of directors and members of the executive staff of the Knights of Columbus. Cardinal McCarrick gave a speech recounting some of his continued on page
Special Olympics 10,000 dollars! Just fill out form # 4584 (Partnership Profile Report – Special Olympics) and we could once again be number one in our order. All the form requires is that you report the hours you have spent helping Special Olympics and how much money that your members and Council Donated during the calendar year. The form can be filled out on line and calculate automatically when you fill it out. If you need help to fill it out please ask your District Deputy or contact me a you can also call my cell phone and I will help you in any way I can. The Athletes that participate in Special Olympics needs the help of every member in the state to make this happen. Please contact your Grand Knight before the end of December and let him know what you have done to help in any way. Maybe you are a coach, teacher, volunteer or just a cheer leader on the side. Have you donated anything to the program such as time, equipment or money? If so, let us know. Special Olympics needs our help in many ways, will you take the time to do so? I have given each District Deputy and Diocesan Program Director a map of Michigan that explains the breakdown of each Special Olympics Area. There are 39 total and are designated by counties. They also received a directory on how to contact them. I encourage the leaders in your Council to contact your Area Director and ask how your Council can help. They also have the schedule of State events throughout the year. The Winter Special Olympics are held at Grand Travers Resort & Spa, Schuss Village at Shanty Creek Resort and Howe Arena at the Grand Traverse Civic Center beginning February 5th thru the 8th, 2013. They plan to host over 800 Athletes and 315 Coaches and Chaperones. In March they start the Basketball competitions with over 1940 Athletes and 4442 Coaches and Chap-
erones. Yes, they need our physical help with all of these Athletes during the competition and they are held in four different locations throughout the State. I invite everyone to attend any of the events that are near your Council throughout the year. Overall there are over 410 athletic competitions that are planned for next year. Did you know that the average age of a Special Olympic Athlete in the state of Michigan is 27? Maybe you have some old skates or a pair of ski’s you’re not using any more and would like to donate them to someone that does not have the means to get them. How about considering doing two MI drives next year, one for Special Olympics and the other for the rest of your charities? Why not ask the Area Director if there are any Special Olympics Athletes that would be available to help you collect funds during the MI drive? Although the MI drive is a great way to raise funds, your Council could always host other fund raisers throughout the year such as a 9 pin no tap bowling competition or a polar plunge in the middle of winter. (Yes, that’s right; they jump in the ice water, sometimes with a costume, in the middle of winter) They also do what is called a chicken plunge when the water is much warmer. Any of these events would take time to plan and this month is as good as any to start putting something together. Please let me know if you need some ideas or what you are planning, I would like to be able to help you promote your event throughout the State and maybe attend some of them. You can visit their website for more information. At the end of the day we believe we have made a difference in their lives but, in reality, they are the one that have changed ours. From my Family to yours, have a blessed Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!
Past Supreme Knight Receives K of C’s Highest Honor Gaudium et Spes Award Bestowed onVirgil Dechant fond memories of friendship and collaboration with Dechant for more than 50 years. A video presentation highlighted some of the past supreme knight’s notable accomplishments, especially in the areas of K of C membership, his emphasis on the inclusion of family members in the Order's activities, the professionalization of the insurance operation, the relationships built with the Vatican and the local Church, and the establishment of the Gaudium et Spes Award. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson bestowed the award, with Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori reading the citation. Receiving his award during the 50th anniversary year of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, Dechant said that he accepted the award on behalf of all those Knights who had worked so hard to implement the teachings of the Council.
He informed those gathered in his honor that he would be donating the $100,000 honorarium attached to the award to a K of C scholarship fund for seminarians. Dechant also thanked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick for having first suggested that the Order open the cause of the Order’s founder, the Venerable Servant of God Father Michael McGivney in 1977. Dedication to Father McGivney’s vision, Dechant said, had transformed the Order. The past supreme knight also praised the leadership of Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, who succeeded him as leader of the Knights of Columbus, encouraging all those in attendance in their commitment to the Order and in their commitment to the leadership shown by Supreme Knight Anderson.
18 J A N U AR Y 201 3
In Tough Times, Make an Event an Act of Charity
State Winter Games (Alpine Skiing, Cross Country Skiing, Figure Skating, Snowboarding, Snowshoeing, and Speed Skating) – February 5 - 8, 2013, Grand Traverse Resort & Spa, Schuss Village at Shanty Creek Resort & Howe Arena at the Grand Traverse Civic Center (Approximately 794 Athletes and 311 Coaches/Chaperones) District Basketball (Basketball) – March 1 & 2 (TBD), Escanaba and March 2, 2013, Bay City, Northville, Saline, Grand Rapids, & St Johns (Approximately 1,940 Athletes and 4443 Coaches/Chaperones, 184 teams) State Unified Basketball (Basketball) – March 16, 2013, Western Michigan University Student Recreation Center in Kalamazoo (Approximately 263 athletes, 33 Coaches/Chaperones 23 teams) State Basketball Finals (Sr. Male, Junior, Female & Skills) – March 22 & 23, 2013, Rockford High School, Freshman Center and North Middle School (Approximately 531 athletes and 168 Coaches/Chaperones 48 teams) State Summer Games (Aquatics, Athletics, Bocce, Bowling, Gymnastics, Horseshoes, MATP, Power Lifting, Volleyball, Weightlifting) – May 31 – June 1, 2013, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant (Approximately 2,583 Athletes and 909 Coaches/Chaperones) State Softball & Golf Finals(Softball & Golf) July 20, 2013 (TBD) - Pine View Golf Course in Ypsilanti July 20, 2013 (TBD) - Canton Softball Center in Canton July 27, 2013 (TBD) Versluis/Dickinson Softball Complex in Kalamazoo & St. Johns Youth Baseball Association Ball Fields in St. Johns (Approximately 998 Athletes and 176 Coaches/Chaperones 56 Softball Teams) State Cycling & Flag Football Finals (Cycling) September 7, 2013, (TBD) Chrysler Proving Grounds in Chelsea (Flag Football) Chelsea Public Schools (Approximately 183 Athletes and 68 Coaches/Chaperones 10 Flag Football Teams) State Soccer Finals (Soccer) October 18 & 19, 2013, (TBD) Halmich Park in Warren (Approximately 8797 Athletes and 126 Coaches/Chaperones 75 Teams) State Poly Hockey & Unified Bowling Finals (Poly Hockey & Unified Bowling) November 23 & 24 , 2013, (TBD) Lansing – Eastern High School& Fieldhouse, Lansing. Unified Bowling November 23, 2013, (TBD) at Royal Scot Lanes, Lansing (Approximately 1,078 Athletes and 300 Coaches/Chaperones 60 PH Teams) TENTATIVE Schedule - Date or site subject to change 7/17/12
State Winter
Games Future Dates:
In today’s severe economic conditions more and more families have trouble finding the money to put food on the table. For many people the difference between having a nutritious meal and going hungry can be a very thin line. Your council can do a simple thing to help that will probably not even require any extra planning. Many councils hold spaghetti dinners, fish fries, pancake breakfasts, or “coffee and …” events as fundraisers. In many cases these are longstanding, annual/monthly events eagerly awaited by their attendees. To help needy families in your community, consider not charging an upfront fee for the dinner/breakfasts fundraisers, but instead have a receptacle for donations at the end of the food line This simple act of charity will allow families to give what they can afford (if they can afford anything) while providing them with a source for a nutritious meal at least once a month. It will also offer the opportunity for those people and families that can give more to do so. Be sure to have an explanation of what the fundraiser is for so people can understand why donations are needed. Once you implement this, approach local supermarkets, food distributors, restaurants and the like about getting donations, or at least reduced prices, on items such as pasta, pasta sauce, pancake batter, etc., to help defray the costs of your event. Offer free advertising at the event and in announcements as a way of thanking them for contributions. Advertise your event in the local papers, on community news websites and in the parish bulletin. Make note that the event is free, but that donations will be accepted to help benefit whatever charity/ project you are fundraising for. Through this simple alteration of councilsponsored events you can help needy people and families in your community and show the charitable nature of your council.
10:00AM 11:30AM 9:00AM
1:30PM 10:00AM 9:30AM 10:00AM
3/2/2013 3/9/2013 3/23/2013
4/6/2013 4/7/2013 4/7/2013 4/14/2013 4/14/2013
4/20/2013 4/28/2013
None 9:00AM 10:45AM None None Noon 8:30AM 11:30AM 8:30AM 9:00AM 9:30AM 1:00PM 9:00AM 10:00AM
Dist 1
Dist 2
4Th Degree Exem
Dist 4 3797
Dist 2 609 4188 4232 11432
Dist 1 2975 11658
6687 13475 3774 8043 6674 4362 7200 3860 4404 11430 12479 10006 4556 6534
1:00PM Michigan Center 10:30AM Trenton 1:00PM Allen Park 1:30PM Sanford 1:00PM Saline 1:00PM Wyoming 10:00AM Macomb 1:00PM Dearborn 10:00AM Conklin 11:00AM Temperance 11:00AM Grosse Pointe 2:00PM Okemos 10:30AM Imlay City 11:00AM Eaton Rapids 4Th Degree Exem Southgate 1:00PM Spring Lake 10:00AM Harrison Twp. 4Th Degree Exem 2:30PM Jackson 11:30AM Clawson 11:00AM Saginaw 11:00AM Helena 4Th Degree Exem Caledonia 11:00AM Roseville 4Th Degree Exem Warren
Start Time Start Time Of First Of Second Location of DeDegree Degree gree Council #
1/6/2013 1/12/2013 1/20/2013 1/20/2013 1/27/2013 1/27/2013 2/2/2013 2/9/2013 2/16/2013 2/23/2013 2/23/2013 2/24/2013 2/24/2013 3/2/2013
Date of Degree
Host GK
Host GK Phone #
B. Bernesser R.Abernathy
517-782-4614 248-435-6414 989-327-1238 989-551-9880
330-208-5090 586-466-4932
989-893-7863 586-596-8649 Pete Wilhelm 313-640-4922
517-536-7251 517-581-2299 Steve Artz 248-701-3300 Mark Conger 989-893-9622 Mark Ivon 989-269-9123 Carl Taus
586-781-4729 231-780-8066 586-598-8453
517-206-2630 D. Danko 517-303-5501 734-693-0808 Mike Kane 734-558-2460 313-610-3200 Marcos Dias 313-282-3389 989-233-7871 D.Schrader 989-513-1656 734-904-0567 Joe Lamus 734-678-8362 616-532-0271 D. Zvirzdinis 616-531-0684 586-263-5942 Greg Sokol 586-286-2933 313-218-2602 James Pease 313-908-9888 616-887-6123 Carl Dunn 616-887-1140 734-347-0426 Ron Dressel 734-856-2331 313-641-1091 Tom Lopiccolo 313-585-8504 517-281-1092 Frank Fortier 517-775-2736 810-656-8303 Louis Parsch 810-449-6234 517-410-2890 Joel Weiher 517-663-3459
Host DD Phone #
Charles McNamara J. Dombrowski David Bieniak John Turek R. Dieter D. Urbanowski Jeff Gapczynski Robert Sclesky Martin Brown William Alati C.McCuen III David Myers Paul Rogers Frank March Master Cliff Wasmund Mike Lewis Ken Krause Master George Walrath Joe Munie Tom Kennedy Frank Cieszlak Gary Krause Master Robert Krauseneck Kevin Rowley Master Cliff Wasmund Master George
Host DD
Lan#1 Det#2 Sag#1 Lan#1
GR#1 Det#2
GR#1 Det#5 Det#2 Sag#1 Lan#1 GR#1 Det#2 Det#2 GR#1 Det#2 Det#5 GR#1 Lan#1 Sag#1
Degree Team
Murawski Jakobiak Hartman Shelt
Jakobiak Hartman
Murawski Wilhelm Jakobiak Hartman Hartman Murawski Jakobiak Shelt Shelt Shelt Wilhelm Hartman Jakobiak Shelt
Conferring Officer
Families of the Month Port Huron Council 521 Bill & Shirley Jackson Alpena Council 529 Thomas & Linda Splitt Flint Council 695 Bob & Michele Sltoutenburg Matt & Maryann George Welton & Corrie Wright Marine City Council 856 Art & Julie Rose Carl Daggs family Ludington Council 1492 David & Donna Olszewski David & Jill Hatch Bad Axe Council 1546 Matthew & Deb Knarian John & Lisa Schoettle Lapeer Council 1987 Richard & Norma Schaft Ron & Rosemarie Gotowicki Gary & Gloria Grobbrl Edward & Mary Mason, Jr. James & Robert Kowalczyk James & Joan Skwirsk Robert & Mary Kay Kosal James & Debra Fahey Norm & Luann Snoblen Maynard & Mary Ann Prill Paul & Lucy Pellerito Robert & Carol Marie Smith River Rouge Council 2819 Norm & Eva Eberts, PGK, *fy Westphalia Council 2890 Gene & Shelly Pline Luke & Janet Pohl
Utica Council 2950 Joseph & Susan Schudt Pinconning Council 2986 Edward & Therese Rabish Victor & Shirley Latuszek Caro Council 3224 Dennis Anderson family Peter & Norma Sayers Trenton Council 3615 Michael & Sandra O’Neill Ruth Council 3823 Daniel & Jean Kramer Clarence & Christine Rutkowski Berkley Council 3830 Joseph & Sherri Panozzo Randy & Cindy Wells Bay City Council 4102 Kevin & Danelle Moore Saginaw Council 4232 Jim & Cindy Shea Farmington Hills Council 4401
Bruce & Peggy Lilley Sandusky Council 4693 Justin Faber family Taylor Council 4872 Dave & Lynn Hayward Kenneth & Barbara Bennett Boyne City Council 6314 Vince & Geralyn Schehl Al & Beverly Joseph Edward & Marie Kelenske Roscommon Council 6593 Tim & Deb Harris Terry & Rosie Gallagher Portage Council 6980 Robert & Christine Woleben
John & Sandy Mazzuca Romeo Council 7018 Tony & Kathy Nardozzi Algonac Council 7227 Richard & Joan Zech Fenton Council 7418 Bob & Ruth Hiszak, Sr. Jension Council 7487 Dan & Betty Searle Hale Council 7623 Knights of Columbus Family Augres Council 7717 Christopher & Barbra Penney, Sr.
Hamburg Council 7891 Francis & Sheila Love Durand Council 7955 John & Judee Letavis Michael & Sandra Ward Sanford Council 8043 Augustine & Olimpia Vitale Sidney Hansen family Howell Council 8169 Gerrit & Joan Oton Ada Council 8564 Daniel & Jane White Steven & Dana Gomez Dennis & Dawn Brown Dennis & Diane Brown Cass City Council 8892 Ron & Susan Brzuchowski Jan & Stella Zieba Mason Council 9182 Denis & Patricia McCarthy Jackson Council 9301 Herb & Nancy Estes Rick & Val Bradley
Reese Council 9305 Larry Schiam family Tecumseh Council 9937 Joshua & Katie Mattison Jerry & Jean Carter Edward & Janis Montaluo Okemos Council 10006 Ray & Sonya Boruszewski James & Charlotte Heymes Clinton Twp. Council 11689 Ted & Sherri Czarny Arthur & Janice Krygowski Port Huron Council 11756 Tim & Martha Maxwell Brighton Council 12295 Robert & Denise Putman Muskegon Council 13035 Donald & Mary Ferrier James & Marie Lewis James & Leslie Stein White Lake Council 13319 Bill & Jeanie Kindermann James & Pamela Marx Kingsley Council 13432 Deacon Rene & Jacqilin Hoensheid
Howell Council 13450 Vince & Emily Trenkle Ernest & Georgina Good Troy Council 13453 Donald & Carol Tardiff Farmington Hills Council 13673 Vasilie & Joane Croitori
Traverse City Council 13958 Kenneth & Theresa O’Brien *fy - council family of year
Holy Spirit/Glorious Assumption Council 7891
Holy Spirit/Glorious Assumption Council 7891 of Hamburg sponsored its third blood drive for the American Red Cross this year on October 27th. We were credited with 59 pints. For the year we had a total count of 167 pints of much needed blood. The picture shows various Knights standing in front of the drive taking place at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Pictured are fellow Knight Michael Lenninger, the Red Cross coordinator for Livingston County, the council’s Grand Knight, deputy Grand Knight and other brother Knights that were helping with the drive. We have already scheduled three blood drives for 2013 with the first one on January 27. Over the last three years Council 7891 has had several drives each year and are continuing to grow the amount of donors/blood received at each drive.
Next Copy Deadline March 1, 2013
38th Annual
J A N U AR Y 201 3
Flint council underwrites TV purchase For parish religious education program By George Jaksa FLINT-Council 695 of Flint has voted to donate $800 to a parent-directed religious education program that its director said is attracting widespread interest. Deacon Ron Rowe of St. John Vianney Parish in Flint said the program has been shown interest by other parishes and the book publisher of the program that relies on parents to teach their children at church and at home. Rowe said the program, now in its sixth year, requires parents to be grounded in the material before they teach children. He said age-appropriate classes meet in the parish center the first Sunday of the month for instruction. It started with 40 children but has blossomed to more than 100, including 120 in 2011-2012. More than 90 appeared for the first fall session in September before Rowe appeared before the Council 695 membership to ask for assistance in purchasing a 50-inch TV set, mobile cart and DVD player. “It is time to take the program to the next level," he said. Rowe said the TV equipment will supplement books, catechisms and Bibles already part of the program. "The response we get from parents is 'this is the best thing I have ever done," Deacon Rowe said. "Parents are the first teachers of the faith. They're doing it; they're doing a fantastic job. It's time to get into the next step." "lf we don't get them the tools to do that," he added, "we aren't doing our part to educate the children." Council 695 members attending the meeting voted unani-
mously to underwrite purchase of the TV equipment.
Michigan and Michigan State universities football teams provided plenty of excitement for Flint Council 695's first "tailgate party" in their annual clash this fall. Fans watched the game on two widescreen TV sets in the St. John Vianney parish center while snacking on food, drinking pop and taking part in a spaghetti dinner after the event. Shown here among participants (from left) are Joshua Sherman, his brother, Michael; father Michael Sherman, Sr.; Jack Tylus, grand knight of Council 695; and David McAuliffe. Proceeds went to St.John Vianney School.
Give the Gift of Life Insurance Thomas P. Smith Jr. Chief Insurance Officer Here we are, quickly approaching Christmas, and it’s often easy to forget the true meaning of the season. Remember to help spread the “Keep Christ in Christmas” message whenever you have the opportunity. Truly, the best gifts of the season cannot be wrapped. But this time of year also brings last minute gift-giving decisions, whether we like it or not. According to many retail establishments, holiday sales may not meet expectations. The general trend in the consumer base in North America is to make purchases based on three key elements: price, information and usefulness. The initial reaction for many people when you mention life insurance as a gift is a quick step back and a questioning stare. How morbid, they may think quietly or aloud. While it may seem that way when you first mention it, life insurance is a really thoughtful gift that can be a financial life preserver in tough times. The problem with life insurance is the general perception. Many think of life insurance only in cases where someone dies. Life insurance should, in fact, be thought of as a precautionary protective measure for a family unit. The purchase of
this product can mean saving your home, sending your children to college, and preserving your spouse’s quality of life in the event of your death. One of the times you may want to purchase life insurance for someone is when a family has a new baby. It’s a great, lowcost way to set money aside for the future (i.e. college tuition, housing, business start-up, etc.). Of greater importance, it ensures these children will have insurance as adults, in case an illness later in life makes him or her uninsurable. Newlyweds are also ideal recipients for life insurance. As they join their lives and financial responsibilities, young couples need to make sure that their early investments are fully protected. If something were to happen to one of them, the other may be faced with serious financial hardship. A life insurance policy is an ideal way to ensure their future and protect their assets. As nontraditional as it may be, life insurance is a wise and caring gift to purchase for many people. While they hope they will never have to use it, their loved ones will appreciate this present, if ever needed. Why not consider life insurance? It is affordable, provides peace of mind and security, and there are a number of policies that meet each individual’s specific life situation
Council 2300 and Assembly 0501
Art Aregoni (left) and Rick Commenator (right) co-chairmen of Council 2300 and Assembly 0501 of the Iron River Knights of Columbus, present a check in the amount of $ 2,470.06 from the annual tootsie roll fund drive, to Lisa Anderson, West Iron County special education teacher. a check in the amount $ 814.10 was also donated to Trico Industries. Lake City Council # 8556
DD Rick Karsnick presented the award of Star Council to PGK Randy Sucharski, and he reminded the membership, that this recognition was earned by every one from Lake City Council # 8556, thank you, for a job well done. Heat Up Lapeer Father Goentges Council 1987 in Lapeer, hosted a “Heat Up Lapeer” Polish dinner that raised nearly $4,800 to help families who were struggling to pay their winter heating bills. The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Knights of Columbus Present Check to Lydia’s Gate
Golf committee members Chuck Bolda and Bill Thompson from the Mio council presented a check in the amount of $1427.20 to Executive Director of Lydia's Gate Chris Overley and his wife Patti. Lydia's Gate, located in Mio, is an emergency shelter to individuals and families who are homeless and have no other resources. Also pictured are Al Hood, Mio Council Grand Knight and Frank Werner, District Deputy. The sixth annual Knights of Columbus charity golf outing was held at the Nightmare Golf Course in West Branch on September 18,2012. The district is comprised of councils from West Branch, Prudenville, St. Helen, Roscommon and Mio. The outing profited $7136.00 with 160 golfers participating. The proceeds were divided between charities chosen by each participating council. St Paul of Tarsus Council #11689 In October the council purchased 48 winter coats for the Coats for Kids program and delivered them to a local school. Also in October, the Council conducted a program called Wheelchairs for Wounded Warriors and collected 6 wheelchairs. The wheelchairs were cleaned and delivered to the John Dingell Veteran's Hospital in Detroit. During October and November, the Council is collecting wool hats and gift baskets for Holy Cross Services. If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes. St. Clement of Alexandra
J A N U AR Y 201 3
Cardinal Mercier Council #2723
The Knights Of Columbus ( Cardinal Mercier ) Hamtramck #2723 donated turkeys to Father Bogdan Q of A parish Pictured Grand Knight Edward Gregory & Father Bogdan ) Also G/K passing out complete Thanksgiving meals to needy families in the area Veterans Day 2012
The Cardinal Cushing Assembly 0484, placed a wreath at the Monument inside Sacred Heart Cemetary in Roseville Michigan that we dedicated and placed .there last year on 11/11//2011. Taps were played by Sir Knight Ron Clapps son Michael. The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. Frank Loyd Wright
2012 Gaylord Diocesan Soccer Challenge Winners
J A N U AR Y 201 3
St. Kieran Council 13983 Conducts Prayer Service for Priestly Vocations
Pictured from left to right: Gaylord-West DPD Horst Lehrer – Noah Ekdom, Roscommon, Angelica Parker, Manton, Julia Parker, Manton, Kevin McLeskey, Cadillac. The dignitaries present included Michigan State Advocate Anthony Vettorini (Front Row - Right) and District Deputy David Kuptz (Front Row - Middle).
Rachel Karsnick, Buckley, Michigan Hosted by Council # 8556 Lake City-Manton Tournament Host: Grand Knight Steve Tikkanen, Manton. Keep Christ in Christmas Billboards
St. Kieran Knights of Columbus Council 13983 conducted a Prayer Service for Priestly Vocations on November 8 at St. Kieran Catholic Church in Shelby Township, Michigan. Over seventy people were present for the service, with four K of C councils participating from the North Macomb Vicariate area. Attending the Prayer Service were Knights and their wives from St, Kieran Council 13983, St. Therese of Lisieux Council 11957, St. Clement of Rome Council 7018, and St. Paul of Tarsus Council 11689. The prayer service included a rosary that was led by the St. Kieran Rosary Group. The reflection on the scripture selection was provided by Fr. Phil Ching, Northeast Regional Vocations Coordinator, Archdiocese of Detroit. Light refreshments were served afterward. 2013 Dates To Remember
30 Keep Christ in Christmas Billboards have been posted in the center of Mid-Michigan this December thanks to the overwhelming Council and Assembly support given to this project. This is the 9th consecutive year that Council 9711 of St Casimir in Lansing has organized this worthy KCIC item. Thank you to all who participated and made this possible..
February 14 - Valentine’s Day February 20 - Ash Wednesday March 10 - Daylight Savings Time Begins March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day March 20 - First Day of Spring March 24 - Palm Sunday March 29 - Good Friday March 31 - Easter Sunday
Next Copy Deadline March 1, 2013
J A N U AR Y 201 3
The Church of the Good Samaritan and the Evangelization of Catholic Health Care Supreme Knight Addresses Catholic Medical Association During the keynote address to hundreds of doctors and medical personnel at the closing banquet of the Catholic Medical Association’s Annual Education Conference, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson highlighted the unique role the attendees can play in evangelizing not only their profession, but in evangelizing society. “For you who care for the health of others, you are truly on the front lines of this cultural engagement. Your example — in following the principles of your faith in your work — is a key element in the New Evangelization,” the supreme knight said. “Your decisions about preserving life have a direct effect not only on the life of a particular patient in a particular instance, but also on culture — the culture of that person’s family, the culture of your hospital and medical practice, and the culture of our country.” During his remarks, Supreme Knight Anderson related the parable of the Good Samaritan in the context of how it was utilized by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is his “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Speech.”Rev. King was familiar with that same road between Jerusalem to Jericho men-
tioned in the parable, a road that he knew to be very dangerous in the time of Jesus, Supreme Knight Anderson said. He added that Rev. King speculated that the Levite in the story did not stop because he was afraid, asking himself: “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But, the supreme knight added, the Samaritan asked a different question: “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?” Unlike the others, the Good Samaritan had the courage to act, the supreme knight said. “You and I must ask the right question,” Supreme Knight Anderson told the attendees. “If we do not stop to help the future of Catholic health care, what will happen to the future of our Catholic institutions and to the future of the Catholic Church in America? You and I must have the courage to ask the difficult questions, and then we too must have the courage to act.” The Catholic Medical Association’s 81st Annual Education Conference was held Sept. 27-29 in St. Paul, Minn. The conference explored truths of the Catholic Church as they apply to the science and art of medicine.
Tips for Better Photos ALWAYS HAVE YOUR CAMERA HANDY — you never know when a good photo will present itself at a Knights of Columbus event. COMPOSITION: When composing your photo make sure that there are no distracting items in the background (i.e. a flag appearing to come out of the top of someone’s head), that the central figures are not in shadows or oddly lit (use your flash, even outside, if necessary and keep in mind the limited range of a flash). SUBMITTING PHOTOS: Generally, newspapers and other media (including the Knights of Columbus publications) will accept photos via e-mail. They should be sent as separate attached jpeg files and not embedded as part of a Word document. Photos that are sent embedded in other files or through a third-party online photo service often cannot be downloaded at a high enough resolution. Images should be at least 5.5 inches wide with a resolution of 300 dpi or greater. The greater the resolution, the better the image will reproduce in print. Be sure to include caption information in the e-mail. Also, Do Not Send Photos From Phone Cameras or Polaroids. Both of these produce photos that are too poor a quality to print well. Here are some other Do’s and Don’ts: DO...
Take a photograph of the program or item that the funds your council raised helped to purchase: children with coats, students using new computers, Knights dishing out food, etc. AND,DO... Get close to the action. When you think you’re too close, move a bit closer. People’s faces are perhaps the most interesting part of a photo; they should be prominent. DO... Wear your Knights of Columbus gear! If your members have T-shirts, aprons or other items printed with the emblem of the Order, encourage them to wear these items at your events. But don’t send photos with embedded information such as smaller photos or wording on them (including date and time-stamps), or collages of photos. OTHERTIPS... Action photos illustrate the activity. Photos of people lined up in rows staring back at the camera are not action photos and do not depict all of the ways the Knights are active in the parish and community. Similarly, photos of check presentations, “grip-andgrins,” or the “line up” may be easy to arrange, but are not very imaginative. Show readers how your council is helping people through the funds you’ve worked so hard to raise; don’t show them a signed check. Limit the number of people in each shot and, as we’ve said before, avoid the grip-and-grins. But if you Continued on page!
25 J A N U AR Y 201 3
NOTE : FOR GRAND KNIGHTS AND COUNCIL PR CHAIRMAN In each issue of the Michigan Columbian we print the Current Knights and Families of the Month as designated by the local councils in the State. These men deserve State wide recognition. . We appreciate your help in keeping this information Current. The names of the Family of the Month and those of the deceased members, need to be sent direct to: Gary M. Kolbicz 39373 Durand Drive, Sterling Heights, MI 48310. The Names of the Knight of the Month Need to be sent direct to:
David A. Riley State Council Activities Director 3202 Strickland Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49017-8739
Knights of the Month Bay City Council 414 Stephen Pawlak, Terry Doyle Port Huron Council 521 Paul Torres Alpena Council 529 James Cathers Donald Liptak *cky Patrick Gapske Keego Harbor Council 600 Lynn Rice Jackson Council 609 Bob Fitzpatrick Flint Council 695 Philip Smith, James Cole Tom Edelen Marine City Council 856 Art Rose, Brian Chadra Cadillac Council 1224 William Duley, Joseph Pacella Ludington Council 1492 Randal Wolf, Matthew Mauer Bad Axe Council 1546 Larry Ritter, John Lipski Grayling Council 1982 Roger Moshier Lapeer Council 1987 John Jepson, DR. Jan Gromada Paul Pellerito, Richard Sullivan Paul Joinville, Michael Snay Henry Osentoski, Victor Miller Daniel Mausolf, Richard Rhein James Kent, Jr. Carl Cordonnier Portland Council 2168 Thomas Klein, William Vallier Sturgis Council 2508 John Lesnick Standish Council 2724 Henry Filipek Gaylord Council 2781 Gerald Koenigskecht River Rouge Council 2819 Karol Haspra, *ky Westphalia Council 2890 Rev. James Conton Daniel Arens, Donald Smith Kenneth Rademacher Chesaning Council 2943 Adam Hedrich, Eli Hinojosa Utica Council 2950 Maurice Pianello, Philip Kupser
Paul Cone Grand Haven Council 2975 Norm Welty, Michael Olivier Trenton Council 3615 Kenneth Berlin, Edward Umin Leo Wagatha, Edward Nykiel Berkley Council 3830 Deacon Brian Carroll James Young Bay City Council 4102 Marion Goik Three Rivers Council 4141 Bob Zerfas Farmington Hills Council 4401
Roosevelt Nuar J. Michael Smith, Arnel Nablo Saginaw Council 4232 Larry Hodeck, Jerry Schmidt Sandusky Council 4693 John Leen, Justin Faber Kim Zdrojewski, Justin Faber Taylor Council 4872 Michael Howarth Garry Schoenherr Gerard Mahaney Albion Council 5255 John Richardson Livonia Council 5492 Gary Hinkle, James Baumbick Eaton Rapids Council 6534 Ronnie Miller Prudenville Council 6548 Larry Meir, Gordon Lafontaine Roscommon Council 6593 Bill Kopko, Richard Marshall Gladstone Council 6667 Thomas Pairolero, Joseph Aird Michigan Center Council 6687
Ronald Miller, Carl Perry Gerald Brown Portage Council 6980 Reno Santori, John Reid Felicien Hategekimana Gary Dunlap Romeo Council 7018 Laercio Foltran Michael Lynch Lester Ottenwalder Algonac Council 7227 Wallace Burgess, Dennis Short Anthony Antkowski
Thomas Cyr Madison Hts. Council 7239 Craig Massman Hale Council 7623 Gary Joly, Louis Kendall Erie Council 7413 James Larrow Jenison Council 7487 Rev. Ron Hutchinson Hale Council 7623 George Kosnak Otsego Council 7796 Oe Reinartz Lansing Council 7816 Arthur Weber, Tom Menacher Remus Council 7869 Peter Grandy, Michael Carmody Ian Ruggles Mason Council 7955 Gayle Steele, Robert Hilliker Sanford Council 8043 Donald Fortier Robert Yahrmarkt, PGK Howell Council 8169 Tony Skomra Canton Council 8284 Eugene Borieo, George Peters Lake City Council 8556 Frank Kopasz Ada Council 8564 Todd Gross, Jim MacDonald Ron Thomet George Mauric, Sr Fowlerville council 8605 Tony Blascovich Paul Antrim, Nelson Cypher Auburn Hills Council 8659 David Green Montrose Council 8669 Tony Sovis, Francis LaRock Cass City Council 8892 Ronald Brzuchowski Council Roof Crew Jan Zieba Ann Arbor Council 8989 Joshua Peck, Carl Larkins Mason Council 9182 Mark Leyko, Antony Orlando Jackson Council 9301 Al Benjamin, Steve Ewing
Tecumseh Council 9937 Anthony Battle, Derral Prater Kalamazoo Council 9962 Michael Wachowski Rev. David Grondz Bernard Westrick Okemos Council 10006 Doug Hunter, David Herring Lansing Council 10907 Joe Scarane Lansing Council 11099 John Gordon, Gabriel Riley Clinton Twp. Council 11689 Thomas Gray, Joseph Bond Jeffery Loes, Philip Bryant Robert Lomasney Timothy Treloar Port Huron Council 11756 John Derler Shelby Twp. Council 11772 Bruce Randall, Tim Gonyeau Shelby Twp. Council 11957 Ralph Willianson James Snodgrass Sterling Hts. Council 12102 Peter Ishioka, Frank Kurek Dennis Fink, Peter Preslow George Sutter Edenville Council 12660 Ronald Pakizer Brighton Council 12295 Brian Susako, Dick Huhn Muskegon Council 13035 Chuck Loss, James Stein White Lake Council 13319 John Dombrowski Larry Stopczynski, James Stein Howell Council 13450 David Zoldowski Randy Loiselle Troy Council 13453 Gerald Spanger Farmington Hills council 13673
Steven Conatser Anthony Wagner Adrian Council 13782 Fred Gallager *ky - Council knight of year
J A N U AR Y 201 3
Knights of the Month White Cloud Council 13939 Timothy Frisbie, William Koch Traverse City Council 13958 James Hanes
Shelby Twp. Council 13983 Dominick DeFazio Thomas Petz Midland Council 14056 Bruce Grant, Joe Slicker
Roseville Council 14213 Randy Wilson, PGK David Call Lake Odessa Council 14404 Manuel Rodriguez
Brian Haskin Kalamazoo Council 15439 Edward Pearson *ky - Council knight of year
K of C Bowlers Join usfor FUN competition with other brother knights! Bring your spouse!
2013 State K of C Bowling Tournament Sat. and Sun. * Team * Doubles * Singles *
January 12th through March 3rd *Win Cash Prizes * Live Band & Dancing on Friday and Saturday nights. *Ball Raffles *Jackpots *50/50 *Brackets *Strike pot *King of the hill * Mystery games *Great Local Motels Each event fee $20.00 per man Singles- Doubles- Team All. events $5.00 Information and entry blanks -your council D.D. Colonial Lanes 810-659-5675 George Lechy (Association See.) 734-243-4327
Colonial Lanes 6430W. Pierson Rd Flushing 810-659-5675 _ Tips for Better Photos absolutely must, at least make sure the K of C branding is prominent! Turn off the date and time menu on your camera, never print a photo with the date and time on it in the paper.
27 J A N U AR Y 201 3
Vocations Are Everybody’s Business LEAST WE FORGET OUR DEPARTED A beautiful and lasting remembrance is to have your loved ones enrolled in the Knights of Columbus Vocations Committee Memorial Society Plaque, which now hangs in the chapel of Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit. For a tax deductible gift of $100.00 (a 4-line nameplate or a $25.00 gift (a one-line plate) will be placed on the plaque. Also those enrolled will share in the daily masses, prayers and good works of the Priests and Seminarians of the Seminary. Proceeds from this ongoing fund-raiser go to aid religious students in need of financial help.
In Memory of Gift of
Date of Death Requested by
Address City, State Zip Make checks payable to: Michigan State Council K of C Mail to: Robert J. Garstka State Vocations Director 47120 Savannah Dr. Macomb, MI. 48044
Casey Teddy Bear Order Form Council No. _____ Council Name ________________________ Order Qty. _____
Total Order (Number of Bears x $10) ______________
Ship To: Name ____________________________ Address _______________________________ City _______________________ State _____ Zip Code __________ Checks Payable to: Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus Memo: Casey Teddy Bears Send to: David A. Riley State Council Activities Director 3202 Strickland Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49017-8739
YES I wish to enroll in the Guild and to receive the newsletter. Name Address City/State/Country Please list below the names and addresses of any family or friend who might be interested in the Guild’s work. Name Address City/State/Country
Name Address City/State/Country
MONTHLY MASS FOR GUILD MEMBERS Please remember these specific intentions at the monthly Mass for Guild Member. 1. If you wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to support the mission of the Guild, checks should be made payable to The Father McGivney Guild, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, Ct 06510-3326 GK 4046 10/03
J A N U AR Y 201 3
Columbia Magazine
Here is a fund raiser your council can handle. It is a win, win situation. Every year the Michigan K of C Bowling Association holds their Annual Tournament. The Association officers and directors do all of the work in keeping the scores, record keeping and prize money. Every year the tournament is held in a different part of our State. The host council makes their profit from holding activities during the bowling tournament at their council. Other fund raising activities include selling Tee Shirts, bowling jackpots, selling 50/50 tickets, and etc. All that is needed is the required licenses along with your workers. A good suggestion is to inquire with councils who in the past hosted this tournament. The Association, at their Annual meeting selects the host council from those who bid on this project. For more information go to the State K of C Web Site and follow the link for the Bowling Association or check with your financial secretary for the Associations contacts in his K of C State Directory. Gene Gross Association Publicist
Columbia magazine is now available as a paid subscription on the Amazon Kindle Did you receive an Amazon Kindle device for Christmas? If so, you now have the opportunity to experience Columbia magazine in a new and exciting way. Columbia on the Kindle lets you access the official magazine of the Knights of Columbus whenever and wherever you are. You can even read Columbia when you're not connected to a wireless network since the magazine is downloaded completely onto your Kindle device. Columbia is available for $1.99 per issue when you sign up for a monthly subscription or $5.99 for individual issues purchased without a subscription.
Update Contact Information If you are currently a member and your address has changed, or you are in the process of moving go to, on the home page click on for members in the upper right hand corner of the page, when the for members page pop’s-up scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the Update Contact Information box, follow the instructions, it’s easy and simple .
NEWS WITH A CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVE YES I wish to enroll in the Guild and to receive the newsletter. Name Address City/State/Country Please list below the names and addresses of any family or friend who might be interested in the Guild’s work. Name Name Address Address City/State/Country City/State/ Country MONTHLY MASS FOR GUILD MEMBERS Please remember these specific intentions at the monthly Mass for Guild Member. 1. If you wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to support the mission of the Guild, checks should be made payable to The Father McGivney Guild, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, Ct 065103326, the Orders news website is now Catholic Pulse brings news from around the world together with commentary from the best Catholic minds, analyzing today’s most important issues. It’s a site where you don’t just get the news, you get the Catholic perspective as well. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. --Aristotle
Next Copy Deadline March 1, 2013