Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge - No.3/March 2015

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

The Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge No. 3/ March 2015 ISSN 2360-5499 ISSN-L 2360-5499

EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: Ioan I. Gâf-Deac, PhD. The Journal of Economics and Knowledge Technologies is a publication officially registered ISSN 2360-5499 / ISSN- L 2360-5499 in Romania / Bucharest by Free Mind Publishing in collaboration with FDBC-KBDF, Knowledge-based Development Foundation.

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JETK International Indexing: ECONIS-ZBW/EconBiz, (; RePEc (; EconBiz ( ZBW–German National Library of Economics, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, (, Düsternbrooker Weg 120, 24105 Kiel, Germany Service of SSRN indexing individual items through SSRN's eLibrary and abstracts for publication in SSRN's electronic journals., Electronic publishing –Issuu

The main areas of analysis in JETK are: Theory and Practice for Economy, Technology, Knowledge Based Economy, Interdisciplinary and Inovative Studies.

KBDF, Knowledge-based Development Foundation

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 1

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Subject Coverage JETK is an international scientific journal, which focuses on the intersection of Knowledge Technology, Knowledge Business and Knowledge Economics. Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Knowledge production processes and research activities, Knowledge practices, memory practices, Collaboration, coordination, cooperation, partnerships in knowledge production, New forms of research conduct, New modes of knowledge production with knowledge infrastructures, Design, development, and uses of knowledge infrastructures, Sustainability of knowledge infrastructures, Global operations management, The impact of managing disruptive technologies, The diffusion of new technologies, Managing changing business models and ecosystems in emerging industries, Strategic management of disruptive technologies and industries, Intellectual property rights management of technologies and industries, Managing new business models, Applied macroeconomics, Applied microeconomics, Service operations and performance, Product development, Performance management, Modeling and simulation, Quality control and management, Production and material flows, Knowledge R&D management, Inventory management and co-ordination, Multi-objective optimization, Business process outsourcing, Aggregate planning, Performance measurement,

Risk management, Financing sources of entrepreneurial ventures, Business performance, Entrepreneurial intentions, Entrepreneurship and business education, Entrepreneurship and business and economic growth, Social entrepreneurship, Ethics and social responsibility, Methodologies for e-government, Enterprise architectures, Business-IT alignment modeling, Governance and policy modeling, Technologies for e-government, Cloud computing, Interoperability and standards, Knowledge management and decision process support, Business processes management, Data and network security, Emerging technologies, Workflow management systems, Open source applications, The shale oil and gas revolution, Energy use and environmental impacts, Alternative sources of energy, New products/process and innovation for sustainability, Multi-criteria decision methods for sustainability assessment, Innovative business models for sustainable development, Natural resources management, Sustainability, Corporate social and environmental responsibility, Industrial ecology and eco-clusters.

Notes for Prospective Authors All papers must be submitted online, via e-mail, as word document attachments. (

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Managing Editor: Ioan GĂ‚F-DEAC, PhD.

(Professor Management & Technologies, International Fellow University of Canberra,


& Nicolae BULZ, PhD.

(Associate Professor, National Defence College, Romania - Honorary Researcher, Institute of World Economy/ NERI/ Romanian Academy - Research Associate External, Center for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia)

Board Member, Techno-Executive Officer: Roxana HERBEI, PhD.

The mission of The Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge - JETK is to publish original, high quality, economics and technologies knowledge empirical research that will have a significant impact on new Knowledge-based Economy theory and practice. Regular articles accepted for publication in JETK must have implications for new economy operations managers based on one or more of a variety of research methodologies. JETK also publishes insightful meta-analyses of the economics and technologies knowledge literature, conceptual/theoretical studies with implications for practice, comments on past articles, studies concerning the economics and technologies knowledge field itself, and other such relevant matters. The primary audience includes researchers who are interested in advancing the economics and technologies knowledge field, academics, Ph.D. students and practitioners who have a concern for keeping abreast of the state of the art in Knowledge-based Economy. The journal presents to this audience the concepts, theories, economics and technologies knowledge perspectives that address currently cutting-edge issues in Knowledge-based Economy. Accordingly, the aim of JETK is to enhance the field of economics and technologies knowledge and develop general theory, typically through the identification, analysis, and theorization of real Knowledge-based Economy problems. JETK seeks research that can help the audience develop a better conceptual base for understanding Knowledge based Economy. The focus of articles for JETK should be on the economics and technologies situation or the theory being studied the techniques solution being developed or used. General topics covered by the journal, is not exclusive.

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Consulting Editors: Theodor Damian, Metropolitan College of New York, USA (PhD, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics, Metropolitan College of New York; President of the American Branch of the Academy of Romanian Scientists; President of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York).

Ion Ciucă, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Nicolae Bulz, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia (Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies - External research associate)

Mihai Pascu Coloja, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania Academic Editorial Review Board: Carsten Drebenstedt, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany Raul S. Turmanidze, Georgian Technical University of Tbilisi, Georgia Monika Hardigora, Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland Flaviu William Ritziu, John Jay College, West University of New York, USA Nicolae Țâu, ULIM University of Chișinău, Republic of Moldova Alexandru Stratan, NIER Chișinău, Republic of Moldova Ion Petru Roșca, ULIM University of Chișinău, Republic of Moldova Hana Lorencova, Envir. Ostrava Univ. St., Czech Republic Sorin Mihai Cîmpeanu, USMAV Bucharest, Romania Aron Poantă, University of Petrosani, Romania Ionel Didea, University of Pitesti, Romania Dorel Zugrăvescu, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania Constantin Bungău, University of Oradea, Romania Nicolae Tiberiu Iliaş, University of Petrosani, Romania Marin Andreica, Academy of Economics Studies, Bucharest, Romania Mihai Aristotel Ungureanu, R.-American University of Bucharest, Romania Ioan Curtu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania Wilhelm Kecs, University of Petrosani, Romania Nicolae Paraschiv, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania Maria Gâf-Deac, S. Haret University of Bucharest, Romania Ioan Copaci, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania Ion Iulian Hurloiu, S. Haret University of Bucharest, Romania Silviu Marin Nan, University of Petrosani, Romania Nicolae Cicerone Marinescu, University of Pitesti, Romania Achim Ioan Moise, 1 Dec. 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania Vasilica Ciucă, Institute of NCSMPS, Bucharest, Romania Iosif Andraş, University of Petrosani, Romania Aronel-Ovidiu-Corneliu Matei, University of Petroşani, Romania Roxana Herbei, University of Petroşani, Romania Gelu Uglean, S. Haret University of Bucharest, Romania Ioana Andreea Marinescu, S. Haret University of Bucharest, Romania Antonela Toma, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Lăcrămioara Rodica Hurloiu, S. Haret University of Bucharest, Romania Sorin Pavăl, Dynamic Comp.- University of Petrosani, Romania Antonio Silviu Mutulescu, S. Haret University of Bucharest, Romania Sorin Mihai Radu, University of Petrosani, Romania Diana Anca Artene, S. Haret University of Bucharest, Romania Constanţa Chiţiba, D. Cantemir University of Bucharest, Romania Marinică Dobrin, S. Haret University of Bucharest, Romania Susana Arad, University of Petroşani, Romania Lucian Curtu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania Ildiko Tulbure, 1 Dec. 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Guide for authors: Ethics in publishing: Conflict of interest: All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations.

Submission declaration and verification: Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright-holder. Changes to authorship: This policy concerns the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship of accepted manuscripts.

Copyright: JETK is an open access journal for the electronic version ( The authors are legally and total liable for the copyright content of published articles in JETK. Language (usage and editing services): Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted). Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English.

Submission Submission to JETK proceeds totally online ( and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, takes place by e-mail removing the need for a paper trail. Referees Please submit the names and institutional e-mail addresses of several potential references. Note that the editor retains the “sole right� to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers are used. Impact factor Intent: Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports Abstracting and indexing Intent: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Executive Sciences Institute, INSPEC, Social Sciences Citation Index, SciSearch/Science Citation Index Expanded, Information Access Company

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge (JETK) published by the Free Mind Publishing in partnership with The Knowledge Based Development Foundation endeavors to adhere to the highest standard of ethics of publication of scholarly research work. JETK's Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement is guided by COPE's (Committee on Publication Ethics) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, reviewers and authors. Publication process. The submission process of an article is electronic (e-form). It is fundamental that the authors are kept fully informed about the status of their paper at all stages. Although these are detailed in the journal's guidelines to authors, the editors feel that the authors would like to see them in practice. Thus, the process starts off with acknowledgement of receipt of papers as they are received. This reminds the authors of the process that their papers will go through a series of steps and that they will be briefed about the developments throughout. Most importantly, the objective is to take the authors into confidence telling them in no uncertain terms that they need not worry about any lapses taking place on the journal side. The editorial team comprising the chief editor, managing editor and the editors/associate editors, with their collective wisdom and experience, first screens the papers to make sure that the papers fully comply with the journal's focus and would look to be of an acceptable standard overall to warrant further processing – reviewing etc. If not, the paper may be returned to the author, very often, advising them that, for better exposure, it should be sent to some other journal expressly more dedicated to the theme. From an ethical point of view, this aspect is deemed highly important and is considered as an USP of the journal. The papers, once through this screening, will then be sent to the reviewers (see below). In case the review yields positive results, the paper will be accepted for publication subject to any other conditions being met in that the publication process is subject to the Journal abiding by the legal requirements in force regarding libel, breaches of copyright, plagiarism amongst others. Duties and responsibilities of authors. It is well specified in the journal policy that only scientific works would be considered for potential publication. The authors are requested to go through the pages detailing submission procedures and note that their work is obliged to go through a peer review process prior to any consideration for publication. They themselves should satisfy that the work is objective and original enough, that there is application of theory to practice wherever warranted, conclusions are supported by evidence and it adds to the body of knowledge already in existence. Where there is more than one author all authors are expected to significantly contribute to the research. These are all hall marks of being scholarly. It needs to be emphasized that there is a conscious effort to avoid plagiarism. The works must be well referenced. Poor referencing, or very old references is often a cause for refusal of a paper because of the possible interpretation that ideas have been borrowed from other researches without acknowledging them. All authors must agree to submit a statement that all data in the article is real and authentic and fully complies with the guidance and rubrics of the journal. It is also a requirement of submission for consideration that the author/authors declare any financial support received with a view to undertaking or commissioning the said research. The same research work should not be submitted to another journal when it is under consideration by one. Should authors so feel that the time being taken by a journal, JETK for instance, is unacceptable to them, they should ask for withdrawing their paper from consideration. Once an article has been peer reviewed and approved for publication it will be sent back to the authors for a final check and it is imperative that the article is thoroughly appraised and that notification is sent of any retraction and any mistakes or errors that have be corrected prior to publication. For now there are No Fees for this Process. Duties of Reviewers. Contribution to Editorial Decisions. The journal uses double-blind review process. The reviewers advise the editors as to whether the paper is of publishable material or not. If it is not, sufficient reasons should be provided so that the author(s) can go back to the drawing board and improve upon what they had already done. Reviewers must also accept only those papers where they would feel competent enough to perform the duties expected of them. To facilitate this process, JETK has a competency data base of all its reviewers which are updated periodically. As business environment changes, there will be emerging areas of research. The journal proactively considers inviting new reviewers to smoothen the review process so that the authors are not inconvenienced. Reviewers must endeavor to be objective at all times and should declare any conflict of interest with regards to the research, the authors and or any institutions or bodies that have provided funding for the said research. Diligence is important and reviewers should be sure to point out relevant published work not yet cited. All articles should be treated with confidentiality at all times. Editor's responsibilities. Responsibility. From the outset it must be understood that the Editor has complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article. They will only accept an article once it has undergone the Journal's established processes and when as certain as is reasonably possible that the paper meets accepted academic standards and the rubric as set out by the Journal. The Editor is ever mindful of the issue of conflict of interest with regard to the acceptance or rejection of an article. Rapid response. The journal editors are committed to provide timely review to the authors. If a reviewer does not submit his/her report in a timely manner, the paper is immediately sent to another qualified reviewer. The Editor-in-Chief or the other editors would communicate with the authors, as required, briefing them why the paper, in its present shape could not be published. Confidentiality. The Editor, reviewers, and editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, editorial team, and the publisher, as appropriate. The Editorial team will take all reasonable steps to protect and preserve the anonymity of the reviewers. Transparency. When errors are found the Editor commits to ensure the publication of a correction or retraction. Disclosure and conflicts of interest. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used by any of the editorial board members and reviewers in their own research.

DISCLAIMER 1. The Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge (JETK), the editors, the Editorial Board is not responsible for authors' expressed opinions, views, and the contents of the published manuscripts in the JETK. The originality, proofreading of manuscripts and errors are the sole responsibility of the individual authors. All manuscripts submitted for review and publication in the JETK go under double-blind reviews for authenticity, ethical issues, and useful contributions. Decisions of the reviewers are the only tool for publication in the JETK. Final decision, as noted above, is, however, taken by the editorial team at JETK. 2. JETK reserve the rights to add, amend, modify, or delete its rules, policies, and procedures affecting its relationship with contributors as deemed necessary by the administration. 3. Free Mind Publishing and JETK reviewers will make every effort to ensure that no paper submitted contains any plagiarized material, it must be stressed that this is ultimately the responsibility of the author.

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge– JETK. ( General Call for papers  For authors: The language of the Journal is exclusively English. The manuscripts must be submitted only in word electronic form ( The manuscripts are subjected to preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board. The period for evaluation by the referees is two months.  Manuscript preparation: Authors are requested to prepare the manuscripts considering the following options: The length of manuscripts should be as follows: articles – max. 10 pages (not more than 15 standard pages including references, tables and figures), single-space, 3.0-2.5-cm margins, on Arial font. Use an English keyboard layout and the Symbol Font for mathematical symbols.  Organisation: The title page should include the title, authors and their affiliations, e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent and an Abstract. Abstract – should not exceed 200 words and should give the subjects and conclusions of the article and all results of general interest. Maximum ten keywords should follow the Abstract. Aims – should include brief and clear remarks outlining the specific purpose of the work. Background/ Introduction – a short summary of the background material. Experimental – should be sufficiently detailed, but concise, to guarantee reproducibility. Results and Discussion – should indicate the logic used for the interpretation of data without lengthy speculations. Conclusions – short summary of the main achievements of the research. References –They should be indicated by superscript Arabic numerical in the text. Figures and captions –figures must be numbered consecutively together with captions. Illustrations must fit the format of the Journal and should not exceed 12 × 18 cm. For best results, illustrations are to be black and white, and submitted in the actual size at which they will appear in the Journal. Tables – each bearing a brief title should be numbered in Arabic numerals and placed in order of their mention in the text. All papers should be submitted via e-mail, as word document attachments. Submission not in electronic form may face a delay in publication. Manuscripts in PDF are not accepted. Particular attention is drawn to the use of SI system of units, and IUPAC recommendations regarding symbols, units, and terminology.  Submission of manuscripts: Manuscripts should be sent to the following e-mail address, as word document attachments: E-mail:

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

CONTENT Call for Papers: JETK (Volume 1/2015)

 Nicolae Bulz,- The International Consortium Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity…/10  Sorin Anghel, - Risk of cumulating effects of air pollution sources – A case study…/21  Irina–Maria Paraschiv, Monica Valeca, Crina Bucur, - Disposal concepts for radioactive waste …/25  Georgeta Chirleşan, Dumitru Chirleşan, - Ensuring environmental security in the context of the current European security environment …/34  Ioan I. Gâf-Deac, Ion Ciucă, Ioan Gâf-Deac, Nicolae Bulz, - Construction of hyper organizational culture and cultural hyper spaces…/39  Ion Copaci, Nicolae Iliaș, Sorin Mihai Radu, Ioan Aonofriesei, - On the shock caused by the collision of railway vehicles (I) …/43  Cristina Filiş, - Almost contractive coupled mappings in ordered complete metric spaces…/50  Carmen Mihaela Topală, Sorin Anghel, - Different approaches of risks generated by the air pollutants control …/55  Mădălina-Cristina Marian, - Topo studies for building of the photovoltaic panels field …/59  Nicolae Iliaş, Eugen Cozma, Roland Moraru, Cristian Tomescu, Nicolae Vlasin,- Virtual simulation of the coal bed degassing and highlight the beneficial consequences for the environment…/62  Mahran Dawwa, Yahia Zakaria, - Predicting the fluid flow shape in the combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine by using CFD simulations…/67  Eugen Cozma, Florin Rădoi, Doru Cioclea, - Increasing safety conditions in industrial ventilation installations…/73  Alexandru-Florin Mihai, - Separation of the constituents from mineral mixture composed of iron ore, bauxite and coal through jigging…/77  Ioan I. Gâf-Deac, Constantin Sava, Aronel-Ovidiu-Corneliu Matei, Roxana Herbei, Mihai Marius Nedelea, - Exploitation and recovery of the mineral useful in Northern Dobrogea…/83  Nicolae Cicerone Marinescu, Daniela Giosanu, Carmen Maria Ion, Ramona Beloiu, Ioana Andreea Marinescu, Ilie Ionel Ciuclea, Ioan Rus, - Thermo-pan thermal solar…/88  Ramona-Ioana Vlada, Alexandra Oțetea, Mihai Aristotel Ungureanu, - The positioning of CEC Bank S.A. in the sphere of the Romanian banking system…/96  Radu Cursaru, - The economic analysis of the heat pump heating compared to other heaters…/102  Maria Gâf-Deac, Ioan I. Gâf-Deac, - Highlight matrix of conventional performance levels in higher education…/107  Dănuț Chirilă, Cristina Dura, Roxana Claudia Herbei, Aronel Matei, George Bălan, CorinaMaria Ene, - Time scan maintenance of the hydro tunnel on Jiu River, Dumitra-Bumbesti area …/110  Conference Alerts − Scientific Events /113  News & Information /116

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 8

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Call for Papers: JETK (Volume 1) The Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge is a publication officially registered ISSN 2360-5499 / ISSN 2360-5499 L in Romania / Bucharest by Free Mind Publishing in collaboration with FDBC-KBDF, Knowledge-Based Development Foundation.

Call for Papers We welcome all kinds of the papers, reports and articles which can give meaningful information to other authors or members

Since 2015 Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge ( ISSN:2360-5499 ISSN-L: 2360-5499 Publication: Monthly Next Issue: April, May

Publication and Review Information Track Type Review Period

General / Special Issue's Publication 4-6 weeks, by 2-3 reviewers in 1-2 months after completing the publication process Publication for Accepted Paper (according to publication schedule)

JETK are peer reviewed by 3 Reviewers [1Managing Editor (Prescreening), 1Editors (General Review), 1Invited Reviewer (General Review)] and every review process is controlled according to the journal's guideline. Paper Types We welcome all kinds of the papers, reports, and articles which can give meaningful information to other authors/members. (Original research papers, Economic &Technical Articles, Surveys and/ or Analysis of the New trends in knowledge)

Submission Authors are cordially invited to submit papers at journal's e-mail address. Please follow the designated format for journal. To download the template file click

Call for Editors We are inviting some editors who serve the journal as an editor. If you want to be an editor, please visit the website and submit your information.

Copyright (c) 2015. JETK, Free Mind Publishing, KBDF All rights reserved.

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 9

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

THE INTERNATIONAL CONSORTIUM GENEROSITY-CREATIVITY-SOLIDARITY - INVITATION for e-partnership and CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS from the editorial board of the JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND TECHNOLOGIES KNOWLEDGE (JETK) – Nicolae BULZ1 This research entity is a start up, in a first stage, to address to the potential (e-)partners in order to invite them to be co-operands within a collective effort to identify the ‘Heritage, Challenge, Perspective’ through their own ‘expectance – awareness - insight – action’ regarding the jointed approaches on ‘Generosity AND Creativity AND Solidarity’ and on ‘Spirituality AND Biodiversity’. Alongside this first stage address, it is proposed a (minimal) background for the above pointed constructs to be identified by a jointed approach: i.e. an ‘expectance – awareness - insight – action’ flow regarding our ‘indifference AND engagement’. So, if emulating multiple ‘expectance – awareness - insight – action’ flows addressing the jointed ‘Generosity AND Creativity AND Solidarity’, and ‘Spirituality AND Biodiversity’, then it is to conceptually model their complex aggregated ‘Heritage, Challenge, Perspective’ versus ‘indifference AND engagement’. This International Consortium models, simulates and emulates only the proposed (start up) lines referring our ‘indifference-engagement’ background to elicit a conceptual stance toward a near staged systemic and systematic fulfillment of ‘Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity’ and ‘Spirituality_Biodiversity’ constructs. Into this context an “initial innovative solution” is proposed and detailed: ‘Creative Partnership’. So, let us invite the the potential (e-)partenrs to confront themselves with a first stage inquiry as “Why and to whom is 'Spirituality-Biodiversity / Creative Partnership' to be addressed?”. This inquiry would take part into a set of inquiries, this set would have its background by yet not too evident lines referring our ‘indifference-engagement’. Also, there is an initial trend, within these types of attempts, and concluding within an extended area of ideas, in order to acknowledge the 2009-2014 dedication and efforts alongside these types of attempts from a set of personalities. So, it is explicitly intended to argument the content of the 'Spirituality-Biodiversity / Creative Partnership' construct as to contain and promote an embedded construct: ‘Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity’, to outline a possible approach as to be entitled ‘Contemporary World Changes’ and to express the belief and comprehension of any better possible approaches – within a dialogue, or not, comparing to this one. INTER/TRANS/CO/CROSS-DISCIPLINARY ATTEMPTS Considering this start up to fulfil a near stage research proposal (within this first stage address to the potential co-applicants to a set of near projects - potential co-applicants, and within their expected inter/trans/co/cross-disciplinary attempts), then it is to initially enumerate the following inquiries [beyond their apparently speculative, too large, too metaphysical, “Victorian”, without any “logic” and “evidence” according, here and now, to a firstly lecturing possible/probable expectance – awareness insight]: * Does Humankind matter beyond limitations and paradoxes? * Why and to whom is 'Spirituality-Biodiversity / Creative Partnership' to be addressed? * Is their any possible insight to be attained toward 'Spirituality-Biodiversity / Creative Partnership' issue from the contemporary background of our ‘Indifference-Engagement’? * Does Humankind (conceptually) exist beyond the space-time continuum [i.e. Knowledge Society the phrase is open to modification]?

* Is it possible to elicit a Contemporary World Changes Charta within a multi-stage approach [i.e. Consciousness Society - the phrase is also open to modification]? * Does Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity matter within the possible/probable expectance incoming the Contemporary World Changes [i.e. an inquiry filtered through the above mentioned multi-


Professor PhD., External research associate, Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia /Associate Professor at National Defence College, Bucharest, Romania/ Honorary Researcher at World Economy Institute, INCE, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, /Vice-President of SocioEconomic Cybernetics Commission of the structure of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, / Founder of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory <<M. Eminescu-S. Haret-V. Ghika>>, Romania,

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 10

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge stage approach - toward a construct as 'Spirituality-Biodiversity / Creative Partnership' versus our contemporary ‘Indifference-Engagement’]? ARGUMENT AND INVITATION ARGUMENT: Crisis [again] is not an option Humankind is confronted with a critical knot of evolution major problems on a general background of NOT TO LEARN from the previous great clashes, and to believe - to understand - to explain almost everything by the “inner power” of economic self-organizing appearance with the usage of a few unsystemic concepts toward an invoked equilibrium state - frequently outside of major holistic attempts. E.g. 1: “risk” construct - as lexicographic insertion without a minimal search on the probabilistic base over the entity attributing this construct; “threat” construct - as lexicographic insertion without a minimal search on the complexity over and inside the border of the entity attributing this construct; “collateral damage”;... – all these are staged by an implicit refusal of an explicit systemic inquiry over the entity attributing the above constructs. E.g. 2: The great difference between the efforts involved and the observable results related to Rio + n10 Sustainable Development Conferences / 1992, 2002, 2012. It is to be observed the low level interest on a critical insight to the difference between the “ideal”, the present stance (in data)/ modelling/ simulation/ emulation and the “(hypothetical) reality/real” of our complex world. But there is a high possibility that the complexity across the global world to be (conceptually) holistically limited, to attain a kind of systemic “creative simplicity”, and so, as an invariant facing a humankind “positively” summed planetary reservoir, to be difficult or impossible to clash - to diffuse - to enlarge it by “negative” structural reverse-changes. Which are the barriers in front of this high possibility? Is there a structural gap? Yes, there is a main structural gap inward our contemporary world: - Between Economy and Society. Are there methodological gaps? Yes, there are three main and prominent methodological gaps inward the strictly mono-disciplinary sciences of our period of research, education and praxis: - Between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics; - Between Economics and Sociology; - Between the Foresight, Prospective Studies, Forecasting alongside the respective different temporal periods (specific to these future studies efforts) on the “same” problematic entities. This “Crisis [again] is not an option” argument, here and now, is open to some extensions relating the dynamic expressed interest of the audience, of the potential (e-)partners of the International Consortium GENEROSITY-CREATIVITY-SOLIDARITY – within and beyond the quasi-separate stages background. INVITATION: to be an active partner to a study (global application) acknowledging that “Crisis [again] is not an option” If the Humankind is confronted with a critical knot of evolution major problems, then it is to receive the invitation to take part – to be an active partner - to a next stage of this paper as a study (global application): ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity’ versus ‘indifference-engagement’ /‘Creative (e)Partnership’ inquiring “Qvo Vadis Homine_2050_?” // toward a Systemically Moral Market. From this perspective, at least, there exists a possible common Interactive Modelling base between the proponent author, the possible co-authors and the audience of this work. This study (global application) as an actual option does not explore a middle way between the long term dedication to a political-diplomatic HARMONIZATION within the contemporary humankind and, respectively, the possible genetic/bioengineering/bio and quantum-computing dedication to reveal and implement a new type of RELATION BEYOND THE SYNERGY on the Earth – both these two ways having recursive historian recovery high ideated bases / and possible great chance of success on the current eve. After a Cold War, with its still visible parts, but also with its fundamental invisibilities, caught in between tiredness and terrorism, between stupidity and terribilism, between hopes and evidence – our world fundamentally oscillates between globalization and regionalization, but within an intellectual and pragmatic tendency toward quasi-unity, that could take place in the extremely remote future. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 11

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge This “third way” is exposed through the 'SPIRITUALITY-AND-BIODIVERSITY/CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP' construct. It is exposed through the confidence into new types of harmonizing efforts on a side, and new types of human and humankind evolving on an other side, here and now; it is exposed within the emotion related to the interfaces between several great ideas of the worldwide scientists, politicians, culture and mass-media personalities and other ideas from both Western and Eastern European zones, from worldwide also, creating/eliciting/adapting a creative dialogue sphere which connects developed, “emergent” and developing (transitional) entities. Therefore, this creative dialogue between great ideas is fuelled by the real (not conjectural) desires for theoretically deeper research and by the practical adaptation of all parties to an existing and expected audience (the future co-researchers and co-workers). There is a search for and an increasingly interactive enlarged audience with: the co-authors (of the study-global application), the proponent author - linked to the real and virtual co-authors of the next stages of this study-global application. This study-global application as an actual option could pass its too “large” title. Returning to the eve of the 2008 global crisis, then, “evils” [as “bankers’ greediness” and “businessmen’s avarice”] may be challenged understand /explanatory expanded within an assumed complexity and searching for simplifying solutions. The NOTES I -:- III related to “Indifference-Engagement” The following explicative NOTES, as parts of “an actual option”, are open to any modification: NOTE I: The actual social and economic phenomena and acute problems which would need the “indifference-engagement” approach: - Climate Change; - Post Global Crisis; alongside social, economic and political burden of activities; - Micro-biological recent evolution related to the damaged human health; - Worldwide near stage agro-food evolution(s); - Acculturalisation [trend, sezonality, major aleatoric events /”pro” and “cons”educative impact]; - Worldwide Happiness /Alienation ratio; - Conflicts-consensus after the Easter European Communism Collapse and the Cold War end; - Worldwide sustainability – equity – robustness of the societal regulation flows; NOTE II: Analytic aspects referring the “indifference-engagement” approach at the general individual level – as a beyond social strata concept; aspects which would claim this or another innovative approach /a first stage: - Indifference_1: The “narrow” specialist openness toward the surrounding dynamics of the neighborhood (human, institutional, natural site-used and distorted environment, intellectual and spiritual environment) – versus and beyond the recovery after a day/week/…/career long office and/or industry work; - Indifference_2: The “narrow” specialist’s “past and future” – the connections within the humankind spirituality thesaurus, and the major contemporary projects (within the Macrocosm; Microcosm; Bio-cosmos); - Indifference_3: Toward a day by day will of “to CHANGE” – and “to PRESERVE YOUR IDENTITY”; - Indifference_4: Toward the (post-modern) alterity. NOTE III: Synthetic aspects referring the “indifference-engagement” approach at the general macro-social level – as a beyond social strata concept; aspects which would claim this or another innovative approach / a first stage: - Macro_Indifference_1: Which is the contemporary prospect for a “day by day” eGovernment adaptive and self-learning economic and social feed-back and feed-before? - Macro_Indifference_2: Which is the contemporary prospect for an increasing transparency of the increasing economic and social complexity of the contemporary Knowledge Society (post Industrial Society)? - Macro_Indifference_3: Which is the contemporary prospect from the Knowledge Society toward the Consciousness Society? Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 12

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Macro_Indifference_4: Toward the (classical, modern and post-modern) alternatives/variances regarding the possible “saturated” too keen professionalized reservoirs – as limited/saturated sources for innovative progress/discoveries/inventions. End-note: The “indifference” construct is an important issue within the Econometrics of Utility, Consumption, Political Economy,…. It has not a negative connotation (as into the common language) – it refers the econometric additive preferences of a rational choice human (mainly in front of a quantitative selection from the two sets of products – according to a restricted budget). Also, there are “indifference” constructs as important issues within the Theology (‘indifferentism’), and Metaphysics (‘doctrine of absolute identity’). Here and now, the “indifference-engagement” construct and proposed approach could be a subtle identifier towards the actual social and economic phenomena and acute problems. The re-proposed ten inquiries of this global application by a focal point and concerns. The following revised ten inquiries are open, also, to any modification. 1:Why and to whom is <<‘Spirituality-Biodiversity /Creative Partnership’__Qvo Vadis Homine_2050>> inquiry to be addressed? 2:Understanding/explaining the Contemporary World Changes within a first [probabilistic/statistic] stage. 3:Approaching Humankind as more related to the space-time causal (dis)continuum. 4:Approaching Humankind beyond the space-time continuum /i.e. Knowledge Society (the phrase is open to modification). 5:Understanding/explaining the Contemporary World Changes within a second [fuzzy/statistic] stage. 6:Studying the Contemporary World Changes as an interactive inquiry toward love, apathy and sin / action, hurriedness and laziness / generosity versus creativity and solidarity. 7:A proposed turning point: understanding / explaining the Contemporary World according to a (non)systemic approach and an interactive in/ex-trusion within our subtle world. This is an emulation inquiry (our subtle world being proposed as a possible host for the Contemporary World). 8:Understanding/explaining the Contemporary World Changes within a third [fuzzy and subtle/statistic] stage. 9:Eliciting a Contemporary World Changes Charta within a fourth [probabilistic, fuzzy and subtle/statistic] three-stage approach /i.e. Consciousness Society (the phrase is open to modification). 10:Does Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity Matter within the Contemporary World Changes - an inquiry filtered through the above mentioned three-stage approach – toward 'SPIRITUALITY-BIODIVERSITY /CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP'? A focal point regarding the architecture of this ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity versus ‘indifferenceengagement’ / Creative Partnership’ study-global application Understanding / explaining how Humankind comprises the "Good" and "Evil" limitations and paradoxes, bringing (non)systemic complexity back into the world through: - transgressing Immanuel Kant's and Adam Smith's turning points - beyond partly observable and partly controllable meta-states in the space-time causal (dis)continuum; - a critical juncture; Immanuel Kant's and Adam Smith's turning points elicit a critical juncture; - correlating the above presented possibility of understanding / explaining a (non)systemic approach to the innovative depth of the 'SPIRITUALITY-BIODIVERSITY /CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP' construct. - to the Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity construct within the Contemporary World Changes. - other critical junctures; 'SPIRITUALITY-BIODIVERSITY /CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP' elicit a critical juncture. Also, Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity construct within the Contemporary World Changes elicit a critical juncture. The aim of this study (global application) is to describe these critical junctures in more detail and, from the analysis of empirical case studies as well as appropriate theoretical considerations, a cogent form of global research will be developed, which is back grounded and stimulated by humankind dedication to spirituality, biodiversity (hypothetical) realities and inquiries, history and cultural studies, social sciences, technical sciences, informational/knowledge sciences - last but not least: philosophy. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 13

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A primary concern - regarding the architecture of this ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity /Creative Partnership’ study (global application) A hypothesis: The existence of the possibility to elicit a 2050_SPIRITUALITY-BIODIVERSITY /CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP construct and interactive praxis - as a contemporary philosophic, juridical, socio-economic and anthropologic meta-experiment. Within the above hypothesis, then, Humankind matters beyond limitations, paradoxes and (in)dependent causes (time; space) – so, there is a subtle affirmative response addressed to ourselves and to the future political leaders (who are now probationers/trainees and students) interactively, face to face with the ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity /Creative Partnership’ construct - with the Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity debate - within the Contemporary World Changes. 1. Toward a 2050 SPIRITUALITY-BIODIVERSITY___Creative_Partnership construct: To elicit a dynamic level of co-ordination (the best/dominant knowledge level - beyond the "top" or "down" of the co-ordination levels) / comprising the homogeneity level # heterogeneity level (hol#hel). The hol#hel model would be based on a triadic conceptual set of internalized constructs (C): C1: Natural-Artificial Dualism; C2: (A)symmetry; C3: Interactive Modelling. A possible aggregation of the C1, 2, 3 internalized constructs would elicit the compound construct: ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity /Creative Partnership’. 2. A possible implementation of the C1, 2, 3 internalized constructs would elicit and evolve the frame and thesis within the Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity corpus. The above would support the "subtle world based on subtle indicators" construct, resulting in an emulation inquiry, sparking and sparkling by a "will_can_must_do" quaternary elicitation within the Contemporary World Changes. This is to elicit a Charta - equally addressing the Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity debate within the Contemporary World Changes paradigm. The co-applicants' orientations as "mutual direction/method of research", "thesis integration", “cultural exchange” are expected to add/ to provide, at the initial interdisciplinary framework, a trans/co/cross-disciplinary guideline as regards the profile of the contents. A secondary concern - regarding the architecture of this SPIRITUALITY-BIODIVERSITY /CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP' study (global application) Are there subtle affirmative responses regarding the following three questions: 1. Do the two metaphors "Pygmalion and Prometheus" still matter today? [These metaphors transgress the structural approach within the biological entity and the social entity. These metaphors may be understood as genuine interference entities stimulating the (observable and deep) self-organization; going over the (gradual and adaptive) co-ordination and reaching the conceptual and existential layers, under the forms of: imitations, inventions, survival over discoveries and evolution. These metaphors may stay active (beyond their Ancient Greek Mythology temporal frame) with the continuously iterative and interactive implementation of democracy. It is therefore our duty not to repeat the "same" type of mistake beyond the space-time continuum.] 2. Would Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity within the Contemporary World Changes contribute to increasingly harmonize the biological and the social entities trying to "link" somehow some entities, at least, "from" Microcosm, Bios, Macrocosm? 3. Would all above to elicit/prevail another (hypothetic) insight than "strong anthropic principle" and "weak anthropic principle", just versus Knowledge Society (the phrase is open to modification), Consciousness Society (the phrase is open to modification), and "their interregnum"? The author of this study (global application) believes that this draft could invite/elicit/provide another "link" (related or not to the just above "desired link" between some entities "from" Microcosm, Bios, Macrocosm) Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 14

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge between the twisted scientific and technological vision of the world and the morally balanced religious perspective, in the sense of explaining how the scientific vision was derived from the religious one (the phrase is open to modification) - but how it led humanity astray and away from the much-needed spiritual benefits (the phrase is open to modification). On the other hand, the "re-introduction" of the anthropic principle seems to solve many puzzling equations, even if it contradicts the time-honoured tradition of analytical reasoning. Evaluation and Dissemination The focal point regarding the architecture of this ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity /Creative Partnership’ study (global application), is a related point regarding the just the track of the necessary implementation and the following results of the next idea covering this study (global application): (Non)Systemic risks and incertitude - evaluation and dissemination So, why and how does Humankind generate and reflect the problems related to our global (post)crisis through imitations, inventions, survival? It would be an inquiry into our world’s subtleness alongside the [probabilistic/statistic and fuzzy/statistic] classical approaches on sustainable, equitable and societal feasible solutions toward and through (open and interactive) education dissemination. The following TABLE presents within four cases: the relation between different modelling approaches according to an extended System Theory (related to a (Non)Systemic Theory) – on the background of KNOWLEDGE vs. FRAME concepts. Within all these four cases (frame vs. knowledge) the author of this study (global application) proposes that you make room for the "same" set of problems, and then to compare: - the capacity of representation regarding these "same" set of problems, - the versatility of problem solving supported by assisted decision makers, and - the incursion/anticipation force of (re)adaptation of the (non)systemic features of the problematic backgrounds (structure, functionality, organizational nexus). So, one has first to delimitate the (non)systemic context of the individual/ community/ Humankind, and then the above stated issues should be refined: capacity of representation, versatility of problem solving, incursion/anticipation force of (re)adaptation. But, here and now, the author of this study (global application) supposes that at least one of the below contexts (TABLE /four cases) would be sensitive to the above-mentioned type of multiple approaches addressed to the (non)systemic risks and incertitude – as a (hypothetical) reality: ‘SpiritualityBiodiversity / Creative Partnership’ – reality beyond the proposed construct, so, the following TABLE constitutes the initial and basic conceptual tool of the ‘Interactive Modelling’ – as an intra explicit multi_pattern of the hol#hel model [which would be based on a triadic conceptual set of internalized constructs (C): C1: Natural-Artificial Dualism; C2: (A)symmetry; C3: Interactive Modelling – per se]; - as a way to obtain subtle affirmative responses regarding the questions related to this paper, and so, to represent and solve the related set of PROBLEMS; - as an initial and open expected dialogue between the proponent author and the possible coauthors /co-applicants within their "mutual direction/method of research", "thesis integration", “cultural exchange” a trans/co/cross-disciplinary guideline as regards the desired profile. KNOWLEDGE vs. societal FRAME Structured knowledge

TABLE KNOWLEDGE vs. SOCIETAL FRAME Symbolic frame Numeric frame

No_structured knowledge

case 1: Expert Systems case 3: Subtle (No_)Systems

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case 2: Probabilistic/Statistical and/or Fuzzy Systems case 4: Neural Systems (networks)

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge A proposed set of PROBLEMS As a Justification for the requested ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity /Creative Partnership’ co-applicant stance for this study (global application) – the author of this study (global application) presents an issue connected to these four cases from the above TABLE. So, it is to propose a set of PROBLEMS – i.e. the following set of PROBLEMS – in order to gain the text-interactive answer /proper to each co-applicant: PROBLEM_A: systemicity-(generalized) ubiquity (SPACE-TIME/ CAUSALITY) (i.e. case 3). PROBLEM_B: systemicity-(generalized) love, apathy and sin (i.e. case 3). PROBLEM_C: on our metaphoric CRUSAIDE(S) (i.e. case 3). PROBLEM_D: on our meta/macro models (i.e. cases 1, 2, 3, 4). PROBLEM_E: [on PROBLEMS_A,_B,_C, and_D] sets versus the innate/obtained innovation spark, continuous (re)search on other resources, the genuine generosity of the first Cro-Magnon (and “this” generosity is to be compared to the Neanderthal status -i.e. cases 1, 2, 3, 4). PROBLEM_F: [on PROBLEMS_A,_B,_C, and_D] sets versus heritage, anterior and contemporary challenge and actual perspective of the advantages and disadvantages within just the heritage, entire challenge and "our" civilization perspective before/after [and beyond] the Roman Empire - and their successor entities - comprising the XX century status (focalizing on the Peace and War interference of the Humankind conflict/consensus marked by the First and the Second WW, the Cold War, and the aftermath of the Terrorist War - i.e. cases 1, 2, 3, 4). IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THERE ARE A LOT OF POSSIBLE PROBLEMS (case 3) IN ORDER TO AGREE TO POINT THEM/ SO, ABOVE IS ONLY AN INITIAL LIST - AN OPEN ONE. It is to suggest, within the context of this ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity / Creative Partnership’ study (global application), that the efforts should be (initially) related to a few real cases within our contemporary space-time causal (dis)continuum profoundness - as much as possible to cases related to the global (post)crisis issues - confronting the individual and collective worldwide entities. These efforts within the context of this study (global application) mean: to enlarge the above ten inquiries, to take into consideration the methodological focal point regarding the architecture of this study (global application), to put the primary and secondary concerns into our iterative and interactive praxis, to project the base and the details of the hypothesis regarding a 2050_Creative_Partnership construct by Interactive Modelling. Thus, it is a way to obtain subtle affirmative responses regarding the above two questions - and so, to represent and solve the above set of PROBLEMS. Last (into this last paragraph “A proposed set of PROBLEMS”) but not least, to invite the the potential (e-)partners to take some moments of attention at the following Q/A paragraph (the answers are received from Dr. Mihaela Buia - a colleague from our Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity International Consortium): 1. Q: Which is the best / worst element within our World - our e-World? A: The best element within our World and e-World is the immense Diversity, practically limitless, thanks to which nothing and nobody is irreplaceable. Nor is it useless. The worst element within our World and e-World is the lack of a permanently updated Code of Responsibilities, somehow complementary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Such a Code may contribute to preventing, alleviating and even solutioning discontentment, troubles, dangers, risks and conflicting contexts. 2. Q: Which is the equilibrium point (if it would exist) regarding the sentence: <<To win / to lose with generosity vs. to be indifferent>>? A: Real equilibrium points can’t exist in the humankind evolution, but there are equilibrating forces that manage to ultimately keep conflicts under control. These forces need the strength and stamina of a large number of already aware individuals in order to decrease the danger of indifference. Indifference is malefic and destructive, it means disrespect for Creation. 3. Q: Could a contemporary humankind meta-strategy based on generosity to be innovatively involved /to efficiently phrase on the above Question 1 and/or Question 2? A: A contemporary humankind meta-strategy based on generosity could innovatively and beneficially be involved within the complex process of better organizing diversity. It may also be implied in the attempt to take advantage of the challenges by offering everybody enough chances to create, to innovate, to share. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 16

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge CONCLUSIONS The “Conclusions” for this presentation for the International Consortium Generosity-CreativitySolidarity are embedded into the following two sorts of THANKS addressed to the founder of the Journal of Economics and Technolgies Knowledge (JETK): 1. Thank to the the opportunity to compose this presentation related to the expected study (global application), and cases of the future middle term work to find the necessary coherence and cohesion of the entire final (2015) text. 2. Thank to the prospected (e-)readers of the JETK for the opportunity to e-interfere with them in order to adapt/re-compose this paper as to be more related to an extended area of ideas, as: • an other type of insight, and/or insight, referring the “fundamental differentiation between the technological ascension and the quasi-stationary human being”, • just an <<another “third way”>> than “this way (here in this paper)” through the ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity /Creative Partnership’, • other inquiries than the presented ten inquiries (which so, or else, are open to any modification), • an other type of architecture and/or an other architecture than the prospected architecture as a consequence of “this way” ‘Spirituality-Biodiversity /Creative Partnership’, • an other prospect then “Contemporary World Changes”, • an other outlook regarding the “Generosity versus Creativity and Solidarity” within the Contemporary World Changes, • other model(s) than the proposed hol#hel model, • an other conceptual set than the triadic conceptual set of internalized constructs (C), • other type of internalized constructs (C), • other conceptual sets, • an other alternative "desired link" between some entities "from" Microcosm, Bios, Macrocosm, • other cases (frame vs. knowledge), • other proposed PROBLEMS addressed to the expected study (global application). The author of this paper remains confident that a study (application) as Qvo Vadis Homine_2050_? 'Spirituality-Biodiversity’ versus ‘indifference-engagement’ /Creative Partnership would receive more and more innovative text interactive answers together with the co-applicants and (e-)audience. It may/might also be a good opportunity to propose a series of studies, debates, collective volumes on this subject. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

These “Acknowledgment lines” are dedicated to the identification of partners and collaborators within the Consortium GENEROSITY-CREATIVITY-SOLIDARITY /at the March 2015 stage. Here, there is an order only according to the data of replay with a completed Letter of Interest toward the initiator – *(1) Prof. dr. Nicolae Bulz – External research associate, PhD., Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia /Associate Professor at National Defence College, Bucharest, Romania /Honorary Researcher at World Economy Institute, INCE, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania / Vicepresident of Socio_Economic Cybernetics Commission of the structure of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania /Founder of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory <<M. Eminescu - S. Haret - V. Ghika>>, 2000 - by: *(2) Dr. Larry Stapleton - Director of INSYTE: Centre for Information Systems and Technoculture, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Republic of Ireland; *(3) Dr. George Ghinea - Reader in Computing, Director of Postgraduate Studies, NITH Programme Manager, School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom; *(4) Dr. Jozef Bohdan Lewoc - Director of BPBiT Leader (Leading designer: the Design, Research and Translation Agency), Wroclaw, Poland; *(5) Dr. Dorien DeTombe - Chair of International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; *(6) Dr. Laszlo Karvalics - Chair of Department of Library and Information Science Faculty of Arts, Szeged University, Hungary; *(7)&*(8) Prof.dr. Petre Prisecaru – Senior Researcher at Institute of World Economy, INCE, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania // Prof.dr. Nicolae Secalis /previous Director of Popular University „Ioan Dalles”, Bucharest, Romania, and Ileana Boeru - Projects manager // Dr. Florin Rotaru – General Director of Metropolitan Library, Bucharest, Romania, and Adrina Pana - Manager in chief for the Dimitrie Cantemir branch ML;

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge *(9) Dr. Cristiana Glavce – Director of Institute of Anthropology “Francisc I. Rainer", Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania [in the name of Prof. dr. Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici, Honorary Member of Romanian Academy, Honorary Director of this Institute of Anthropology]; * (10) Dr. Corina Sas – Computing Department, Lancaster University, United Kingdom. *(11) Prof.dr. Marcel Stoica (+), Prof.dr. Ana Bazac, Conf.dr. G.G. Constandache (+), Conf.dr. Catalin Ionita, Lect.dr. Mihaela Buia, Dr. Dan Farcas, Assist.Prof.dr. Laura Pana, Dr. Lucian Spiridon, Drd. Anca Mihaela Hagiu, Drd. Anda Mihaela Calinescu, Comp.Eng. Corneliu Milos, Phil. Dumitru Mateescu – members of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of the structure of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania; *(12) Dr. Karolin Kappler - Director of COBAWU-Institute [COmplexity Balanced World United-Institute], Wuppertal, Germany [also, in the name of Andrés Ginestet Menke - artist and sociologist]; *(13) Dr. Iudith Ipate - Researcher of the Center for Agroforestry Biodiversity Study and Research „Acad. David DAVIDESCU” /NIER - INCE /Romanian Academy, Bucharest [in the name of Prof. dr. Alexandru T. Bogdan, Correspondent Member of Romanian Academy, Director of this Center]; *(14) Professor ssa. Marcella Pompili Pagliari – Direttrice Laboratorio di Politiche e Strategie di Genere /Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale /Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy; *(15) Marta Donolo - researcher of Eutropia ONLUS, Roma, Italy [also, in the name of Professor Carlo Donolo]; *(16) Associate Professor Akbar Javadi, PhD - Head of Computational Geomechanics Group, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK; *(17) Professor dr. Florentin Smarandache – Chief of Math. and Science Department, University of New Mexico - Gallup, US; *(18) Michel R. Nilles – Chief Executive Officer of AAA Commercial Broker and Consultancy Inc., Cebu, Philippines [also, in the name of Anna B. Pollok]. The entire Consortium Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity has generous ideals per se. The partners and collaborators within the Consortium GENEROSITY-CREATIVITY-SOLIDARITY have succeeded to (e)publish the following recent studies: ◊ Inquiry on the global (post) crisis versus humankind wisdom as a turning point: Does the generositycreativity-solidarity triad matter? - into the International Research Journal of Police Science, Criminal Law and Criminology, September 2012; Vol.1, No.1, pp.: 7-44 co-authors: Nicolae Bulz, Larry Stapleton Waterford Institute of Technology /Republic of Ireland, Jozef B. Lewoc BPBiT Leader /Poland, Laszlo Z. Karvalics University of Szeged /Hungary, Mihaela Buia Ecological University of Bucharest /Romania, Ana Bazac Politechnica University Bucharest / Romania ◊ An Extended Presentation of the Inquiry on the Expected Synergy between the Quatro-Construct Reducing Trauma, Enhancing Empathy, Guiding Epigenetics, Governing Complexity and Triad Generosity-CreativitySolidarity, co-authors: Andrés Ginestet Menke, Karolin Eva Kappler, Johannes Gottlieb, Joao Canelas Raposo all these four co-authors are from: COmplexity Balanced World United-Institute (COBAWU-Institute) /Germany, Nicolae Bulz ◊ Integrated Project for the Exergy and Sustainable Development: From the Knowledge Based Eco/BioEconomy and Digital Business Eco/Bio-Systems Toward the Necessary Synergy According to the Gap(s) Between the Actual Knowledge Society and the 'Next' Consciousness Society By the Generosity – Creativity - Solidarity Triad Versus a Spirit of Integrity, Humility, Patience and Love, co-authors: Nicolae Bulz, Alexandru Bogdan, Sorin Chelmu, Amalia Strateanu all these last-three co-authors are from: Center for Agroforestry Biodiversity Study and Research "Academician David Davidescu" Romanian Academy /Romania, Jozef B. Lewoc BPBiT Leader /Poland, Antoni Izworski Wroclaw University of Technology / Poland, Slawomir Skowronski Wroclaw University of Technology - Informatics and Management Faculty /Poland, Antonina Kieleczawa Institute of Power Systems Automation (IASE) /Poland, Andrés Ginestet Menke, Karolin Eva Kappler, Johannes Gottlieb, Joao Canelas Raposo all these last-four co-authors are from: Complexity BAlanced World United-Institute (COBAWU-Institute) /Germany These (e-)published three studies represent a kind of program of the International Consortium. More, within the structure of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of the structure of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania [where the author of this paper is the President], there are overseas members dedicated to affirm the program of the Consortium and, so, to be authors of important related studies (e-sent to the Interdisciplinary Research Group, in Romania) and/or to dedicate their scientific insight and good will to the inquiries promoted by this Interdisciplinary Research Group, as from (alphabetical ordered): Archbishop Chrysostomos Diocese of Etna in California, US, Richard Amoroso Director, Noetic Institute, US, David Atkinson, Very Reverend and Professor, Aberdeenshire, UK, Marianne Beliş Directrice Académique, Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique (Academy of Computer Science), Paris, France,

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Mariano L. Bianca Dean, Department of Historical, Social and Philosophical Studies, Arezzo, University of Siena, Italy, Bishop Auxentios, Acting Synodal Exarch in America, + Soerj L. Bonting Emeritus professor of biochemistry and Anglican theologian, Goor, the Netherlands, Ronald Cole-Turner Rev. Prof. Dr., H.Parker Sharp Professor Theology and Ethics Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Pittsburgh, US, Dorien J. DeTombe Chair, International Research Society on Methodology Societal Complexity, Amsterdam, The Netherland, Carlo Alberto Donolo President Eutropia Onlus; Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Marta Donolo Director, Eutropia Onlus, Italy, Timi Ećimović Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Chairman for life of the SEM Institute for Climate Change, Slovenia, Christopher Fynsk Prof. Dr., Director Centre for Modern Thought, School of Language & Literature University Aberdeen, King's College, Aberdeen, UK, László Z. Karvalics Professor, Szeged University, Hungary, + Frederick Kile Past-President SWIIS/ IFAC; Microtrend, Wisconsin, US, Richard E. Kilgour Very Reverend, Provost of the Saint Andrew Cathedral, Aberdeen, UK, Dora V. Marinova Professor, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, Matjaž Mulej; Vojko Potočan; Zdenka Ženko Professors, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia, Constantin Virgil Negoita Professor, City University of New York, Hunter College, US, Dana Nicolau Researcher, Technology Transfer – Industrial Parks, Melbourne, Australia, Philippos Nicolopoulos Professor, University of Crete - University of Indianapolis, Athens, Greece, Marcella Pompili Pagliari Professor ssa., Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Pauline Rudd Reader, University College Dublin, Belfield / Republic of Ireland, Giacomo Scarascia Mugnozza Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Agro-Ambientali e Territoriali dell’Università di Bari - Aldo Moro, Italy, Florentin Smarandache Chief of Math. and Science Department, University of New Mexico - Gallup / US, Teodorescu Horia-Nicolai Prof. Dr., Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi Kazimierz Turkiewicz – Domenika B. Turkiewicz Lecturer, Queensland University, Brisbane / Australia, Robert Vallée President, World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, Prof. Émerite Université Paris-Nord /France. There are important related e-received studies [from the above enumerated overseas members of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of the structure of the Romanian Academy]. ( 2130246 2124098 2043310 2044095). These e-links are/were parts at the long-term erected intellectual architecture of the entire Consortium GENEROSITY-CREATIVITY-SOLIDARITY - so, based on generous ideals per se. There are important related e-received studies [from the above enumerated overseas members of the Interdisciplinary Research Group of the structure of the Romanian Academy]. ( 2130246 2124098 2043310 2044095) These e-links are/were parts at the long-term (re-)constructed intellectual architecture of the entire Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity Consortium - so, based on generous ideals per se. The last stage of applications/III.2013-IV.2014 within our International Consortium was a benefical event as new partners were taken active roles: i.e. *(19) Prof.dr. Alexander Makarenko, and Dr. Evgeniy Samorodov - Institute for Applied System Analysis at National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine [also, within a later participation: Dr. Zinaida Klestova, Institute for Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine]; *(20) Prof.dr. Cristin Bigan – Ecological University of Bucharest, Dean of the Faculty of Managerial Engineering, Bucharest, Romania [also, within Dr. Cristian Tsakiris‘s participation]; *(21) Prof.dr. Pompiliu Manea – Academia de Științe Medicale, Bucharest, Romania; *(22) Amy Stapleton – Africa Direct, Waterford, Republic of Ireland; *(23) Dan Costa Baciu - Schweizer Heimatschutz, Zürich, Switzerland; *(24) Dr. Aurel Florentin Badiu - Academia de Științe Agricole și Silvice “Gheorghe Ionescu Sisești”, Bucharest, Romania; *(25) Drd. Claudiu Bolcu, Drd. Mihaela Mecea - Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies, ClujNapoca, Romania; *(26) Dr. Mike Fitzgibbon – Cork University, Cork, Republic of Ireland. There is an important new January 2015 stage regarding the co-operation with the founder of the Journal of Economics and Technolgies Knowledge (JETK) *(27) Prof.dr. Ioan Gâf-Deac – Ph.D. Scientific Doctoral Thesis Superviser, University of Petrosani, Romania / JETK Managing Editor / Vice-President of the KBDF, Knowledge-based Development Foundation, Professor Management & Technologies, International Fellow University of Canberra, Australia.

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge So, this presentation of the International Consortium GENEROSITY-CREATIVITY-SOLIDARITY ends within a CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS from the editorial board of the JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND TECHNOLOGIES KNOWLEDGE (JETK). This CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS is kind addressed to all the above 27 enumerated personalities / groups of personalities. Also it stands for the new (e-)partners of the International Consortium GENEROSITY-CREATIVITY-SOLIDARITY. This CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS and the upward first stage INVITATION for e-partnership coherent and cohesive stand with the idea of network of Consortia recently expressed by Prof.dr. Ioan Gâf-Deac. So, the International Consortium GENEROSITY-CREATIVITY-SOLIDARITY is “one” Consortium (with a background of three other step by step applications Consortia) – but it would be great if the partners can attract other Consortia – to expand the thesaurus of ideas, tasks and objectives – to operate with a network of Consortia, as an innovative scientific tool. I address to all the JETK (e-)readers the following text as a challenge: The new Romanian President Klaus Werner Iohannis has synthetise the very recent March 20, 2014 – EU Bruxelles high level meeting on European Energy, as the following analytic (and problematic) Dimensions: * Energy Security * Common Energy Market * Decreasing Pollution / Increasing Regeneration * Research / Innovativeness * Competitivity / Efficiency How could stand better these five dimensions approach? Is a network of Consortia an innovative scientific resolutive tool regarding the representation and problems solving? In order to stimulate the JETK (e-)readers to answer to the above inquiry – and to underline, here and now, the conceptual stance – let be the following images that try to joint, in a metaphoric way, the Corallian form and the human networking:

A quatro_metaphoric reflection on the construct network of Consortia

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

RISK OF CUMULATING EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION SOURCES – A CASE STUDY Sorin ANGHEL1 Abstract Compliance with current regulations of atmospheric pollutant emissions, (as well as in the case of other environmental factors), requires an assessment of the pollution produced by the sources generating such pollutants. Usually, it is estimated (by calculation or measurements) emissions and immissions generated by a source, depending on the nature and the emission rate of pollutants, as well on the atmospheric conditions. Even in the case of one source, emissions and immissions are within the imposed limits, it is possible that, if an area contains several such sources, their cumulative effect would lead to overcome these limitations, situation that must be considered in the case of the evaluation of pollution in a studied area. Such a situation is the subject of this case study. Keywords and phrases: sources of air pollutants, pollution assessment, cumulative effects

1. Introduction In the zone of Domneşti village, one of the economic activities which have escalated during the last years is the production of stove plates (tiles). The production process generates, especially by the operation of baking tiles, air emissions, mainly particulates, as a result of burning wood fuel. In this area there are over a hundred burning terracotta kilns, whose operation, especially if simultaneous, raises the issue of air pollution with particulate matter. Calculations and measurements made in this case have shown the fact that by cumulating; the effects of particulate pollution generated by the baking kilns must be taken into account. 2. Estimation of particulate pollution by the baking of tile kilns in Domneşti area I have chosen for this application an area (600 x 800 m2) in Domneşti village, Argeş County,Romania, where are located 5 baking terracotta tiles kilns, shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1. Location of five kilns in the studied area (Source: Google Maps)

Referring to the operation of baking tiles kilns I used the following typical data: a kiln works with wood fuel (about 2800 kg), the burning process lasting about 100 hours; combustion products are evacuated on a brick stack, having the side of the rectangular section 30 cm and a height between 5 and 6 m above the ground. Based on these data the following calculations can be made: Fuel consumption is M= 28 kg/h. Using information provided by the normative AP42, US Environmental Protection Agency2, for burning wood fuel, I used the emission factor F(g/kg) – the amount of pollutant emitted per fuel unit of mass. Knowing the fuel consumption, the emission rate (amount of pollutant emitted per unit of time) can be determinate using the relation R(gpollutant/h)= F(gpollutant/kgfuel) x M(kgfuel/h). For main pollutants emitted, the results are presented in the table1. 1

Associate Professor PhD, University of Pitesti, Romania,

2 Factors & AP 42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Table 1. Emission factors and emission rates of pollutants emitted from wood combustion Pollutant Emission factors F (g/kg) Emission rate R (g/h) Pariculates PM10 1,2 33,6 CO 0,7 19,6 SO2 0,037 1,04 VOCtot 0,1 2,8 NOx 1 28

I chose, for the performed application, particulate matter PM10 in suspension, typical pollutant emitted by terracotta baking kilns. As air normative1 consider the emissions of particulate for 24 hours averaging time and dust emission rate is calculated for an averaging time of 30 minutes, I used a scaling factor equal to 0.4, linking these emissions2. Thus, I considered the particulate emission rate of 33.6 x 0.4: 3.6 =3.73 mg/s. Running SCREEN calculation software, under the condition of the considered evacuation stack (H=6.1m - considering the pollutant plume height, L=0.3 m, Hreceptor=1.5 m- height of breath), stable atmosphere D class (without atmospheric turbulences generating the dispersion of pollutants on a large area, with lower values at various points than in the case of unstable atmosphere), location in rural area, I obtained the maximum value of particulate immission 14.3μg/m3, at 78 m distance from the stack base (compliance with O.M. no. 592/2002, which provides a limit of 50μg/m3) as shown in the listing below:

*** SCREEN-1.1 MODEL RUN *** *** VERSION DATED 88300 *** pulberi SIMPLE TERRAIN INPUTS: SOURCE TYPE = POINT EMISSION RATE (G/S) = .3700E-02 SOURCE HEIGHT (M) = 6.10 LENGTH OF SIDE (M) = .30 RECEPTOR HEIGHT (M) = 1.50 IOPT (1=URB,2=RUR) = 2 BUOY. FLUX = .00 M**4/S**3; MOM. FLUX = .00 M**4/S**2. *** STABILITY CLASS 4 ONLY *** ********************************** *** SCREEN AUTOMATED DISTANCES *** ********************************** *** TERRAIN HEIGHT OF 0. M ABOVE STACK BASE USED FOR FOLLOWING DISTANCES *** DIST CONC U10M USTK MIX HT PLUME SIGMA SIGMA (M) (UG/M**3) STAB (M/S) (M/S) (M) HT (M) Y (M) Z (M) DWASH ------- ---------- ---- ----- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---20. .8793E-01 4 1.0 1.0 320.0 6.1 1.9 1.1 NO 100. 13.46 4 1.0 1.0 320.0 6.1 8.2 4.7 NO MAXIMUM 1-HR CONCENTRATION AT OR BEYOND 20. M: 78. 14.35 4 1.0 1.0 320.0 6.1 6.6 3.8 NO

In order to achieve a 2D dispersion curve (planar iso-concentration curves), whereas SCREEN 3.0 software does not have this option, I used the facilities of MATHCAD 7.0 software, as follows: I covered an area of 320 x 320 m around the stack base with a grid of 40 m step, obtaining a matrix whose elements are plotted as concentration values at different distances from the stack. Using the discrete distance option of SCREEN software, I calculated the particulate concentrations at considered distances around the stack. The considered matrix and the dispersion curves are plotted in Figure 2.


Ministerial Order No. 592/ 2002 for the approval of the Normative regarding limit values, threshold values, criteria and evaluation methods of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter in suspension (PM10 and PM2.5), lead, benzene, carbon monoxide and ozone in ambient air. 2

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Fig. 2. Dispersion curves for a single stack and the matrix to obtain them

In order to estimate particulate emissions produced by a single kiln operating, I overlapped the considered dispersion curves over the map area, obtaining the representation shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Particulate dispersion produced by a single kiln operating

As about cumulating the emissions of all five kiln sources, I regarded a grid to fill the entire surface area, with 50m step. I obtained a [8 x 6] matrix whose elements were calculated by summing in every considered point, the concentration values produced by each of the emission sources. The cumulative immission matrix leads, using MATHCAD software, to the cumulative iso-concentration curves; by overlapping them over the map area, I have achieved the representation shown in Figure 4. In order to overlay the graphic elements, I also used PAINT graphic software facilities.

Fig. 4. Cumulative dispersion in the case of simultaneous operation of all kilns

It can be observed that, in the case of all five simultaneous tile kilns operation, concentrations exceed on a significant area, which includes the five kilns, the limit value of 50 Îźg/m3 required by O.M. 592/2002. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 23

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge 3. Conclusions The presented case study highlights the importance of cumulating effects of the pollution produced by several sources. The cumulative effect has been also revealed by dust measurements made by different environment companies in the studied area. For the issuance of the environmental license, estimations are usually made for the separate operation of a pollution source, without taking especially into account the cumulative effects with other nearby sources. That is the reason why, in the places with clusters of tile kilns from Domneşti, Argeş Regional Environmental Protection Agency imposed a program for their alternating operation. References 1. * * *,- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality, SCREEN Model User's Guide, Planning and Standards, 1991 2. Beychok M.R., - Fundamentals Of Stack Gas Dispersion, (4th Ed.), author-published, 2005 3. * * *,- Factors & AP 42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors 4. * * *,- Ord. nr. 135/2010 privind aprobarea Metodologiei de aplicare a evaluării impactului asupra mediului pentru proiecte publice şi private emis de Ministerul Mediului şi Pădurilor, Ministerul Agriculturii şi Dezvoltării Rurale, Ministerul Administraţiei şi Internelor, Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Turismului, publicat în M. Of. al României, nr. 274 din 27 aprilie 2010. 5. * * *,- 6. * * *,- European Commission, BREF: Draft reference document on best available techniques in the ceramic manufacturing industry, june 2005 7. * * *,- Environmental Assessment Studies, Environmental Audits for clay plates production in Domneşti area, S.C. Tempus Edit S.R.L., Piteşti, 2012

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DISPOSAL CONCEPTS FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE Irina–Maria PARASCHIV1, Monica VALECA2, Crina BUCUR3 Abstract Radioactive wastes are generated in all nuclear activities, from the use of radioisotopes in medicine, industry and research to research reactors and nuclear power plants. These waste must be properly managed to ensure in all management stages a reasonable level of protection both for population and environment. Representing the end point of the nuclear fuel cycle, solving the radioactive waste disposal problem is often considered a mandatory, prerequisite condition for developing new nuclear power programs. Consequently, the radioactive waste disposal is an essential part of radioactive waste management strategy, contributing to build and increase the public confidence in nuclear energy. In Romania, radioactive wastes are generated mainly by Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) where two CANDU 600 units are in operation. In addition, small amounts of radioactive waste are generated in research activities of the two nuclear research institutions: RATEN ICN Pitesti (where TRIGA research reactor is in operation) and IFIN-HH Bucharest (where the VVR-S reactor is in the decommissioning stage). This paper is focused on the main disposal concepts both for low and intermediate level waste (LIL) and for high level waste (HLW) and spent fuel (SF). Keywords and phrases: radioactive waste, multiple barriers, near surface disposal, geological disposal

1. Introduction Radioactive waste can be classified in different ways, depending on the source, physical form (solid, liquid or gas), the level of radioactivity, the amount of short-lived and the long - lived radionuclides, storage requirements or toxicity. There is no official classification of radioactive waste recognized by all EU countries, but the classification system recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Vienna, based on waste characteristics and the content of radionuclides, represents a framework for defining the radioactive waste management system for each country producing this type of waste. [1] In principle, radioactive waste disposal systems must: isolate the radioactive waste for the period that they present a risk of radiological contamination, especially until the short-lived radio nuclide that are not derived from the disintegration of the long – lived, are disintegrated; to isolate the waste from the biosphere and to substantially reduce the risk of intrusion; to inhibit, reduce and delay the migration of radionuclide in the accessible biosphere due to any release from the disposal facility, both in the operational and post-closure phase; to ensure that the activity level of radio nuclides that eventually reach the biosphere are such that potential radiological impact is low, below the regulations [2]. Table 1. The classification of radioactive waste according to its characteristic [1] Type Characteristics Disposal options 1. Excepted Waste - EW Levels of activity under the national levels of It does not require discharges, based on annual dose for population radiological restrictions members, less than 0.01 mSv. 2. Low and Intermediate Activity above the limit of discharge and thermal Level Waste - LILW power less than 2kW / m3 2.1 Low and Intermediate Limited concentrations of long – lived radio Surface Disposal or Level Waste - Short Lived nuclides (Limitation of α emitting radio nuclides Geological Disposal - LILW - SL to 4000 Bq / g in individual packages) Storage surface or geological repository 2.2 Low and Intermediate Long - lived radio nuclides concentrations Geological disposal Level Waste - Long Lived - exceed the limits for short-lived radioactive LILW-LL waste 3. High Level Waste Thermal power above 2kW / m3 and Geological Disposal (HLW) concentrations of long-lived radio nuclides that exceed the levels for short-lived waste.

Radioactive waste management responsibility enforces fundamental safety principles [3] and the need to implement measures that will ensure the protection of human health and the environment, according to the national radiation protection [4] systems that applies the latest principles and


Mst. Eng., University of Pitesti, Romania, Lecturer PhD., University of Pitesti, Romania, 3 Senior Researcher PhD. Physicist., Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti, Romania, 2

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge requirements internationally agreed, regarding the radioactive waste management and radiation protection [5, 6,7,8]. Over the time, many storage concepts were developed; various storage units were built in several countries and are now in operation. These storage concepts and the related storage units have various degrees of sorption and isolation, depending on the accepted waste. Mainly, the following storage types are adopted [9]:  Landfill disposal, similar to a conventional landfill disposal practiced with an appropriate cover and isolation system may be appropriate for storage of very low level waste (VLLW).  Near field disposal – consists of engineered units (such as trenches or vaults) built on the surface or up to a few tens of meters below ground level, proper for the disposal of low and intermediate level waste – short lived.  Storage at intermediate depths – consists in units specially constructed to at least a few tens of meters below ground level and up to a few hundred meters depth, or units built in existing mines and natural caves. Depending on the specific characteristics, a storage unit may be appropriate for storage of low level waste but also of intermediate level waste.  Geological disposal – consists in engineered units built in a particular geological formation (in terms of its long – term stability and its hydro geological characteristics), at least a few hundred meters below the ground. Such storage systems could be designed to receive high level waste (HLW) and spent fuel (SF) if this it is to be treated as waste. There are countries that prefer geological disposal for all type of radioactive waste (e.g. Germany), the concept of geological disposal for low and intermediate level waste being different from that for high level waste and spent fuel.  Borehole disposal – consisting of an array of boreholes or a single borehole which may be between a few tens of meters up to a few hundred of meters depth, which can store small volumes of radioactive waste, especially closed spent radiation sources.  Storage in very deep boreholes (2 to 4 km) - was proposed as an option for storing high level waste and spent fuel, but this option was not adopted by any country and its feasibility is still uncertain. In the past, in some countries, various types of sludge and liquid radioactive waste have been stored by injection into deep geological formations but this option no longer meets current radiation requirements and is no more practicable. Figure 1 schematically shows the types of radioactive waste and the concept used for storage.

Fig.1. Relationship between IAEA classification of radioactive waste and final disposal [10]

To achieve these objectives, multi-barrier storage concepts are adopted, in which the conditioned waste (the waste form), engineered and natural barriers (the geology of the host site) contributes to the efficient waste isolation. Figure 2 illustrates the multi-barrier concept for a radioactive waste repository. The concept of "multiple barriers" has been developed for both storage options: geological disposal and surface disposal. To comply with EC Directive 2011/70 / EURATOM [12], Romania will have to notify the European Commission about the national program for the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste until 23 August 2015. Romania's strategy for safe management of radioactive waste and spent fuel [13] provides the construction of a surface repository for Low and Intermediate Level Waste - Short Lived (LIL-SL) which should be operational by 2020. Following an extensive program of characterization and selecting the host site for the surface repository, Saligny site, located in the exclusion zone of Cernavoda NPP was selected. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 26

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Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the multi-barrier system [11]

For the final disposal of spent fuel and other Long-Lived Waste (High Level Waste), a deep geological repository construction is envisaged, operational by 2050. After the removal from the core of the two units CANDU, spent nuclear fuel is stored in the reactor storage pools for cooling (minimum 6 years), after which it is transferred to the Intermediate Storage Repository, in operation at the Cernavoda NPP site since 2003. By project, interim dry storage repository provides safe storage of spent nuclear fuel for a period of 50 years. 2. Surface/near surface disposal The classification proposed by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in "Classification of radioactive waste" and more recent paper works regarding the developing of acceptance criteria for waste in repositories, highlights the fact that the types of waste suitable for storage at or near the ground surface facilities, are mainly low and intermediate waste containing short-lived radio nuclides and only in low concentrations long-lived radio nuclides [1]. Low and Intermediate Level Waste-short lived are an important category of waste; even if they contain only a small fraction of the total activity of all radioactive waste globally produced, they represent more than 90% of the total volume [14]. Surface disposal of radioactive waste must ensure, waste isolation from the accessible environment, for sufficient time to allow substantial disintegration of short - lived radio nuclides and on a long term time scale, limit the release of remaining radio nuclides [15]. To achieve these objectives, multi - barrier disposal concepts are adopted, according to which the conditioned waste (waste form), engineering and natural barriers (geology of the host site) contributes to the efficient waste isolation. The safety of surface repositories is ensured by the embedding step, when the waste is immobilized in a stable matrix, by the container in which the waste is immobilized, by sorption and confining properties of the engineering barriers and the rigorous control of the inventory of radio nuclides of the stored waste. In addition, the geology of the site selected to host the repository represents an additional barrier that contributes to the retardation of contaminant transport potentially released from the repository zone area due to dissolution processes / leaching. In the concept of a multi-barrier disposal system, the waste will be immobilized in a stable matrix (the most commonly used conditioning matrix is the cement), in carbon steel or concrete packages and placed in cells or storage units filled with materials based on cement, sand or bentonite. Physical barriers, achieved by steel or concrete packages will ensure an effective retention of radioactivity over a period of several hundred years, so that relatively mobile radio nuclides with short life will significantly disintegrate. The engineering barrier system may also consist of a number of separate components, including the structural walls, and the backfill and buffering material surrounding the waste packages, various chemical additives and waterproof covering system. Depending on the disposal concept, engineered barriers system can be supplemented with other engineering components, such as the collection of precipitations and drainage system, separation walls, exhaust system and monitoring boreholes [14, 15]. Engineered barriers are designed to operate passively, without human intervention and are differentiated both in design and in effect. Storing cells filled and closed will contain the following engineering barriers, each of them representing a component of the multi-barrier disposal concept: the waste form; the storage package - containing the waste and the immobilization / conditioning matrix; the backfill material (usually cement) around the waste packages; concrete slab used for closing the storage cell. The waste, the engineering barriers and the adjacent geological environments disturbed by excavation and by other constructions and operational activities are known as the "near-field" storage system [15]. In Figure 3 a surface repository is schematically shown. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 27

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Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the multi-barrier system [10]

The natural barriers system is represented by the geological environment selected to host the repository. Both the host rock and the layers that will cover the repository play an important role in the release of radio nuclides in the biosphere. In the safety assessments, natural barriers system is often referred to as the "far field" or geo-sphere. The geo-sphere includes the unsaturated zone (known as vadoze) and the saturated zone (positioned below the groundwater table). Geo-sphere has the role to protect the storage facility, retains (delays) and dilutes the radio nuclides released from the near field. The biosphere is the environment normally populated by living organisms. In the biosphere, radio nuclides released directly or through the geo-sphere from the repository, can be diluted, retained / delayed or concentrated before having a radiological impact on people and other living species [15]. 3. Geological disposal In the nuclear fuel cycle, the most important high level waste long – lived is the spent nuclear fuel, which can be directly stored in a repository or can be reprocessed. Due to the large amount of radio nuclides with high half-time, it requires isolation for long periods of time. This involves the radiation protection of the population for long periods of time, during which the radiation exposure must be kept below the values set by national regulatory bodies or international conventions. An important activity related to the storage of high level waste and other long-lived waste, is the selection of a suitable site for geological disposal. Such a site must have favorable natural containment characteristics for the waste considered and must be suitable for the implementation of all engineering barriers to retard/delay a potential transport of radio nuclides from the storage area in the environment. It is recognized that, in general, for spent fuel and high level waste the concept of deep geological storage is preferred, in stable geological formations. The safety of the repository is not based on continue institutional controls after closing the repository, such as maintenance, monitoring and supervision, minimizing the burden on future generations [16]. Generally, the geological disposal is considered to be the only feasible and sustainable option for isolating on a very long-term time scale the high level waste and it is considered to be applicable for the disposal of HLW, spent fuel and other long-lived waste. Construction, operation and closure of a geological repository for long-lived radioactive waste, including closure of all underground excavations, requires the use of scientific and technical information in every aspect of the concept, design, facility safety assessments. A geological storage system can be defined as a combination of solid conditioned and compacted waste and other engineered barriers placed in drilled or excavated repositories located at depths of hundreds of meters in geologically stable environments. The geological formation in which the waste is placed called "host rock" is generally the most important barrier for isolation. The various barriers cooperate to confine the radio nuclides, providing them the necessary time to decrease the activity and limit their release in the geo-sphere [17]. Geological disposal involves the construction of engineered facilities, usually at depths that range from 200 and 1000 m, in which radioactive waste can be placed. Internationally, common to all geological disposal systems is the multi-barrier concept [11]. The combination of engineered and geological barriers (known as the "multi-barrier system") work together to isolate the waste, preventing water infiltration, present in almost all geological formations, and preventing the transport of contaminants outside the repository [18]. The main objective of this multiple barrier system is to avoid for as long time as possible, the release in the environment of radio nuclides contained in the waste form, so that radiological impact due to waste disposal will be reduced to an acceptable level. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 28

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge The location of radioactive waste in a stable geological formation at depths greater than 300m is a barrier against human intrusion and contributes to delaying the release of radio nuclides in the biosphere [19].

Fig. 3. Example of multiple barrier system developed for disposal of spent fuel in rock formations in Sweden [20]

These barriers are working together to ensure isolation and safety [18]: • the container protects the waste and prevents any water infiltrations for at least several hundred years and, in some concepts, for tens or even a hundred thousand years – by this time, most activity will have decayed inside the waste matrix; • the buffer protects the container, preventing water from flowing around it and absorbing any mechanical disturbance that might be caused by future deep-earth movements (associated with major earthquakes). If the buffer material it is highly impermeable, such as clay, it also retain any radio nuclides that eventually escape from the container; • the rock and the geological environment of the repository provide stable mechanical, chemical and water flow conditions around the engineered barriers for very long times, allowing to the retention of the radio nuclides for much longer periods compared to surface disposal– this ‘cocoon’ effect is due to the very slow rate of natural processes at depth; • the rocks, soils and water system around and above the repository slow down, or completely immobilize, dilute and disperse any eventual releases of radioactivity in order to not cause a hazard in the natural environment. 4. Case study: Low and intermediate level waste storage in Romania – National Radioactive Waste Repository Baita – Bihor The Final disposal of low and intermediate level waste resulting from applications of ionizing radiation in industry, medicine and research is realized in the National Radioactive Waste Repository, located at Baita Bihor owned by IFIN-HH. In 1985 was given in function the National Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Waste Baita Bihor located in Apuseni Mountains in an uranium closed mine. The relief of the region is mountainous with large slopes determined by the geological structure of the site. The site is covered with hardwood forests up to an altitude of 900-1000 m and coniferous forests at an altitude of 1500m. In Figure 4 images from the repository are shown. In the technological process of storage bentonite, wood and cement bricks are utilized. Bentonite is used as backfill material and engineering barrier, having very good sorption and retention capacity of radio nuclides. The waste drums are stored on 4-5 rows stacks. The rows of waste drums are separate d by wood diaphragms. When the gallery is full it is closed (built) with cement bricks. Baita repository is designated exclusively for institutional waste being accepted and only limited quantities of waste generated at Cernavoda NPP (mainly resulted from the use of such waste as samples in demonstration activities of characterization technology, treatment and conditioning) and has the a maximum storage capacity of 21,000 drum [5].

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Fig. 4. DNDR Baita Bihor, Romania [21, 22]

Figure 5 schematically illustrates the concept of Baita – Bihor, Romania repository. In Romania specific nuclear activities are performed according to the Law 111/1996, and activities of nuclear units are authorized by the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN). According to the laws, radioactive waste resulting from specific nuclear activities are collected and transported to the Radioactive Waste Treatment an Conditioning Plant, to be treated and conditioned in order to achieve a final storage, safe for the environment and population. Currently, in Romania two treatment plants are in operation, one belonging to RATEN - ICN Pitesti and the other belonging to IFIN - HH Bucharest; for the radioactive waste conditioning technology both units, use the. Immobilization in cement matrix. The Waste conditioned in cement matrix are transported to the National Radioactive Waste Repository. Low level waste accepted for storage at Baita -Bihor are those resulting from TRIGA reactor, Nuclear Fuel Plant and liquid organic waste from Cernavoda NPP - (maximum 50 final products /year) and the categories are: contaminated materials containing activation and fission products; radioactive concentrate with 1.2 g/cm3 maximum density resulted in the process of evaporation of liquid radioactive waste; materials contaminated with natural uranium, spent ion exchange resins Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 30

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge bituminized; solid low level waste; conditioned organic liquid radioactive waste (lubricants, liquid scintillates, solvents) from Cernavoda NPP; metallic parts, equipment from installations, filters and laboratory glass that could not be decontaminated; they will be cut at maximum dimensions of: L = 680 mm and l = 250 mm; plastic and individual protection equipment. At Baita-Bihor repository the radioactive waste are disposed conditioned in concrete and packaged in metal drums classified as transport type A packages.

Fig. 5. Scheme of Baita – Bihor, Romania repository [21]

Radioactive waste acceptance criteria at DNDR are as follows [23]: radioactive waste containing fissile radio nuclides are not accepted for storage; only waste than have obtained the environmental license from Environmental Protection Agency, as being non-hazardous to the environment, are allowed for final disposal; waste must be treated, conditioned and packaged so that the package ensures the stability of the radioactive waste during the disposal period and a reduced migration rate of the radio nuclides; liquid waste has to be solidified or packed in an absorbing material which is capable to absorb a volume of two times greater than the volume of fluid; solid waste shall not contain free liquid (up 1%); in normal temperature and pressure conditions waste cannot react with each other or with conditioning matrix, to decompose explosively or react explosively with water; gaseous waste which contain or are capable of generating toxic gases, vapors or smoke during transportation, handling and disposal, are not permitted for storage; pyro-phoric waste are not allowed for disposal; pyro-phoric materials contained in the waste must be treated and packaged to eliminate potential hazards due to their disposal; waste containing hazardous materials, biological (organic) or infectious pathogens should be treated conditioned and packaged as to minimize the danger that would result from the disposal of these types of waste; free spaces from the storage of radioactive waste packages should be reduced as much as possible; the spaces between the packages in the storage gallery must be filled with a material known to be optimal for the retention of the "in-situ" of any eventual radionuclide migration and ensure the stability of the repository. Radioactive waste packages will then be placed in the storage gallery that will maintain their structural integrity and allows filling the spaces between them. Continuous international improvement of security concept for disposal of radioactive waste has led to a reassessment of the National Radioactive Waste Repository safety, located at Baita Bihor, which was realized according to the requirements of the ‘80s. Preliminary safety analysis of the repository developed by IFIN-HH, required by CNCAN, was evaluated in PHARE project 005/017-519.03.02 "Improvement of CNCAN Capabilities in the field of safety assessment of the Baita Bihor disposal facility". The reports provided under the project contain recommendations for demonstrating and improving the safety of the repository, recommendations that will be used in the authorization of National Radioactive Waste Repository. In late 2008, during an inspection of CNCAN at the repository, a team formed by CNCAN Geoprospect and CNU Bihor representatives have collected samples of water and sediment from different locations in the galleries located in galleries related to the repository, making it one of the recommendations of the project. According to the annual environmental monitoring around Baita Bihor repository prepared by IFIN-HH, environmental radioactivity is within normal limits [24]. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 31

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge 5. Conclusions There is an international consensus [25] that the geological disposal is appropriate for high level waste (HLW), spent fuel (SF) and long-lived waste (LILW-LL), which reached significant levels of activity in tens or hundreds of thousands year. Surface disposal or near the surface disposal are feasible options for low and intermediate waste short-lived (LIL-SL), which contain mostly radio nuclides that reach acceptable lower activity levels in tens or hundreds of years. Romania's strategy for radioactive waste management [13] requires that the radioactive low and intermediate level waste short-lived generated from the operation and decommissioning of nuclear units at Cernavoda NPP to be stored in a repository located near the surface, which will be built on the Saligny site. Also very low level waste will be stored on the Saligny site, in a repository with fewer engineering barriers than the one built for low and intermediate level waste [26]. In the current concept of the final repository for low and intermediate level waste, waste isolation is ensured by a system of sustainable engineering concrete structures: the waste is placed in storage modules which are placed in storage cells. Long-term safety of the surface repository from Saligny is achieved by combining favorable characteristics of the site, project engineering characteristics, proper form and content of waste, operating procedures and arrangements for repository control. Institutional control period post-closure for the final disposal repository for low and intermediate level waste, according to international practices, is proposed to be 300 years and will be divided as follows: 100 years active institutional control, 200 years institutional passive control [27]. According to the strategy of the National Agency for Radioactive Waste [13], in Romania, spent nuclear fuel from CANDU 6 reactors at Cernavoda NPP will be stored in a deep geological repository. Currently, spent nuclear fuel is stored first in the reactor pool for 7-10 years, after which it is stored in Spent Fuel Intermediate Repository, dry storage repository, specially designed for dry storage, in safe conditions, of the CANDU spent fuel. Research for selecting areas and potential sites for Final Spent Fuel Repository began in 1994 through massive inventory of salt and granite massifs in Romania [28]. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17.

* *,- IAEA - Classification of Radioactive Waste, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSG-1, Viena, 2009 Bucur C.,– Comportamentul radionuclizilor ȋn formaţiuni geologice, (in Romanian), Colecţia „Institutul de Cercetări Nucleare”, Ed. Universităţii din Piteşti, 2012 * * *, - CNCAN – Norme fundamentale pentru gospodărirea în siguranţă a deşeurilor radioactive şi a combustibilului nuclear uzat, (in Romanian), NDR-01, aprobate prin Ordinul Preşedintelui CNCAN nr. 56/2004 şi republicate în M. Of. al României, Partea I, nr.223 din 28.03.2014 * * *, - IAEA – Fundamental Safety Principles, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, Viena, 2006 * * *, - CNCAN - Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste, Bucharest, 2005 * * *,- IAEA - International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources, Safety Series No.115, Viena, 1996 * * *,- International Commission on Radiological Protection - Radiation Protection Recommendations as Applied to the Disposal of Long Lived Solid Radioactive Waste, ICRP Publication 81, Pergamon Press, Oxford and NY, 2000 * * *,- International Commission on Radiological Protection - Recommendations of the ICRP, ICRP Publication 60, Pergamon Press, Oxford and NY, 1991 * * *,- IAEA - Disposal of Radioactive Waste, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSR-5, Viena, 2011 * * *,- SKB - International perspective on repositories for low level waste, R-11-16, 2011 * * *,- NDA – Geological Disposal – Near – field evolution status, R-11-16, 2010 * * *,- European Council (EC)- Directive 2009/71/EURATOM * * *,- ANDR - Strategia naţională pe termen mediu şi lung privind gestionarea combustibilului nuclear uzat şi a deşeurilor radioactive, inclusiv depozitarea definitivã şi dezafectarea instalaţiilor nucleare şi radiologice, (in Romanian), aprobată prin ordinul nr. 844 din 9 august 2004, publicat în M.Of. al României, nr. 818 din 6 septembrie 2004 * * *, - IAEA - Considerations in the Development of Near Surface Repositories for Radioactive Waste, Technical Reports Series, No. 417, Viena, 2003 * * *, - IAEA, Scientific and Technical Basis for the Near Surface Disposal of Low and Intermediate Level Waste, Technical Reports Series, No. 412, Viena, 2002 * * *, - IAEA - Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste, IAEA Safety Standards Series, No. SSG-14, Viena, 2011 * * *, - IAEA - Scientific and Technical Basis for the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, Technical Reports Series, No. 413, Viena, 2003

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* * *, - EC - Geological Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Produced by Nuclear Power from concept to implementation, EUR 21224, 2004 Ahn J., Apted M.J.,- Geological Repository Systems for Safe Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuels and Radioactive Waste, Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy: No. 9, 2010 * * *,- IAEA - Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Technological Implications for Retrievability, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NW-T-1.19, Viena, 2009 Sorescu A.-Gh., Lițescu C., AN&DR, Dincă M., - Nuclear and waste activities in Romania, Workshop on “Review of a Decommissioning Plan” Bucharest-Magurele, Romania; 4-8 July 2011 Dragolici F., – The Romanian National Repository for Radioactive Waste, Băiţa, Bihor County (DNDR), National Institute of R&D for physics and nuclear engineering „Horia Hulubei”, Radioactive Waste Management Department, 2011 Godbee H.W., Kibbey A.H., Forsberg C.W., Carter W.L., Notz K.J., -Nuclear Fuel Cycle: An Introductory Overview, A.A. Moghissi, H. W. Godbee, S.A.Hobart (editors), Radioactive Waste Technology, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1986 * * *,- CNCAN – Raport de activitate 2008 (, (in Romanian) * * *, - IAEA - Radioactive Waste Management Status and Trends – Issue #3, IAEA/WMDB/ST/3, Viena, 2003 Niculae O., - Documentaţie de evaluare a securităţii pentru amplasarea unui depozit de suprafaţă de deşeuri radioactive la Saligny, (in Romanian), SITON/SCN, 2009 Niculae O., Slăvoacă D.C., Sorescu A.-Gh., Liţescu C., - Current status of the development of a new LILW repository in Romania, Proceeding Conferinţa Nuclea, Piteşti, 2012 * * *, - GEOTEC - Studiul documentar pentru stabilirea cadrului general al condiţiilor geologice, hidrologice şi seismologice privind depozitul final de combustibil ars, (in Romanian), Bucureşti, 1994

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ENSURING ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CURRENT EUROPEAN SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Georgeta CHIRLEŞAN1, Dumitru CHIRLEŞAN2 Abstract This paper addresses the security environment in terms of the current European security environment. In its introduction clicks main concepts that operate in the field, then follows a description of the current European security environment in terms of causes and determinants, actors and features (including results of a small sociological survey on European security) and the last part of the paper focuses on environmental security and approaches ways of ensuring it, highlighting the afferent threats and common responses to these environmental threats. Keywords and phrases: security environment, environmental security, threats, terrorism, security strategy

1. Conceptual introduction For security there is no single definition universally accepted. The term can be defined as "the fact of being protected against any danger, the feeling of confidence and peace given to someone by the absence of any danger".3 From etymological point of view, the word security4 appeared in Romanian in the nineteenth century, being borrowed from French, from the original "sécurité". Further developments of security concept have generated a number of other related concepts: environmental security, security strategy, security policy, etc. Today the concept has a complex global significance: evolving, the concept has broadened its area of analysis and recovers new dimensions such military, economic, cultural, environmental, psychological, informational etc. It is frequently spoken of security and safety, the concepts being defined through each other: "Security is a state in which the individual and human groups, but also a state or union of states can live and act freely and without any disturbance, following their mode of development that has been chosen voluntarily and knowingly. Safety is certainty that human individuals and communities have of being in complete security. In fact, the two terms that reflect reality, mutually presuppose each other, which means that there can be no security without safety and vice versa. In turn, these two concepts are closely correlated with the country's membership in a political-military alliance, powerful and recognized by all other countries of the world”5. As some synthesis papers6 highlight, of those who have contributed to redefine the concept of security, a high intake had Barry Buzan – a promoter and representative of the Copenhagen School, who in 1983 with the publication of the book "Peoples, States and Fear" has introduced other types of security in addition to the military one (the traditionalist vision operated with security as "the study of the threat, use and control of military forces" (Walt, 1991). By launching the different senses of security Buzan has practically initiated the introducing of the new approach on the concept within the academic agenda. For Buzan, understanding security was also involving to answer, primarily, to related questions "What exactly is protected?" i.e. the reference object of security and "Against what threats reference object is protected?". Buzan's analysis framework was deepened through his collaboration with other specialists in the 90s. The culmination of this collaboration was the book "Security: a New Framework for Analysis" in which Buzan and his collaborators have tried to list the key aspects of security analysis in terms of the five key dimensions7: military, societal, economic, environmental and political. These five dimensions can operate at different levels: of the state, groups of individuals or even regional or global level.


Senior lecturer PhD., University of Pitesti, Romania, Senior lecturer PhD., University of Pitesti, Romania, 3 Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language (DEX), Romanian Academy, Institute "I. Iordan". Second Ed., Publisher Encyclopaedic Universe, Bucharest 1996, p. 996 4 Small Academic Dictionary, Romanian Academy, Linguistic Institute "Iorgu Iordan". Second Ed., Publisher Encyclopaedic Universe, Bucharest, 2003 5 Moştoflei C., - National Security, European and Euro-Atlantic Integration (III), Colocviu Strategic, no. 6, 2004 6 Veaceslav Berbeca et al., - Security Studies, Ed. Cavallioti, 2005, pp.12-14 7 Buzan has called "sectors" these new areas or dimensions of security 2

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Copenhagen School questioned who and what should be protected, in what dimensions security should operate; also, the means through which language and speech affect interests and actions related to security. The impact of the School was enormous. The thinking of Copenhagen School influenced the politics of most states members of European security organizations. In 1991 on high level summit in Rome, NATO has decreed – in the classic language of the Copenhagen School - that security now has five dimensions: military, societal, political, economic and environmental. As with the term security, for security environment there is no univocal, universal definition, but is widely accepted that the security environment represents a set definable by the existence or nonexistence (absence) of the threats to security, in which actors (states, nations, supra-nations etc.) manifest themselves and inter-correlate with each other, from governmental, political, military, economic and social point of view. In addition to state actors, non-state and para-state actors participate in generating the security environment. Hence, the need to integrate states in political-economic and political-military alliances is clearly a sure way to provide an appropriate and flexible response to all current security challenges. The different dynamics of interactions between actors involved in the security environment and the space for expression of interactions between these actors, made possible the emergence of distinct security environments: local, zonal, regional and global (international). The increased complexity of the post-bipolar international security environment (due to interconnected threats and the emergence of new challenges, vulnerabilities and risks - so called "asymmetric" or "unconventional", increased number of actors and diversification of their types) made the management of the security environment to become a very difficult task, a challenge for decisionmakers. 2. Brief description of the current European security environment: determinisms, actors, features As stated in the European Security Strategy1, in the last 60 years Europe has experienced a period of peace, prosperity and stability unprecedented. This is due, in large measure, to the existence and actions of the European Union. The European Union is the artisan of the current construction of European security environment, being the one that has implemented an own approach to European security and beyond, based on the administration of disputes by peaceful means and cooperation through shared institutions2. Along with the EU, NATO had a decisive role (and the US through its security commitments to the Union). Not to be neglected in the list of determinisms of current European security environment, the EU Enlargement Policy and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) have contributed to creating stability and security on the continent, first by adding new democracies and the ESDP through common decisions of EU states on their relationship through the Union and with other actors in the international arena. The ESDP is progressively establishing a common European defence. Member States may thus participate in military or humanitarian missions and, therefore, are linked by a solidarity clause in European defence. They also have the means to cooperate more closely in this area, particularly within the European Defence Agency or by creating a permanent structured cooperation.3. Other causes which led to the shaping and strengthening of the current security environment in the Euro-Atlantic area are: the fall of the communist political regimes; the establishment of democratic regimes in Central and Eastern Europe; the expansion and reform of NATO; the free movement of people, goods and services; the technological progress and the increase of its area of distribution. Actors involved in the creation of the current European security environment are the 28 EU Member States and the "institution" of the Union itself, together with other state and non-state entities with which interactions take place in the international system, in terms of influences and interests that each pursue. European actors make up a unique mosaic of states, with different geographical size, population, economic development level, with an own governmental and political system, with historical traditions and very close cooperation relations, with common ideals which are based on the 1

European Security Strategy: A secure Europe in a better world, 2003, p.1 Javier Solana at 20 June 2003, EUHR for CFSP - European Council, Thessaloniki (Greece) 3 Conf. Europa: Summaries of EU legislation, 2

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge promotion of democracy and creation of a common space of freedom, peace, security and justice, the European institutions ensuring good governance throughout the entire construction and bringing closer the realization of these ideals. In the new security architecture, European Union aims to become a global player and work towards enhancing its status, Russian Federation wants to regain political and military importance and influence and make efforts in this regard, and China and India aspire to the rank of political and economic superpowers, while the globalization process continues to develop at high rates. The deepening of interdependences at global level leaves its mark on European security environment: the US remains the most important actor, but for Europe NATO and OSCE manifest themselves as actors with impact. EU-NATO partnership is already an added value for European defence, NATO being an important guarantor of security for the EU states. All EU countries are active members of the OSCE. EU and OSCE cooperation is experiencing a continued broadening and deepening based on the development of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU and on EU crisis management operations launched within the European Security and Defence Policy. As regards EU-UN relationship under Article 21.1, paragraph 2 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), the Union "promotes multilateral solutions to common problems, in particular in the framework of United Nations." UN maintains its increased role in disarmament and arms control policy. Areas of instability at the EU borders (e.g. the current situation in Ukraine) also contribute to design appropriate strategies for implementation of European security. All these determinisms and the contributing actors have drafted specific features of current European security environment, the most obvious being: an environment of stability and peace but worried about the instability at its borders (Russian threat in Ukraine); economic crisis with repercussions especially on the job market and therefore with increasing social discontent and tensions; increased terrorist threat (January-February events in France - Charlie Hebdo, Belgium, Germany); increased potential of challenges, risks and threats that are ranked immediately next to terrorism: organized crime, corruption, human trafficking, arms and drugs, regional conflicts; inefficient governance and political instability in some Member States; more visible effects of globalization and global economic crisis. Even in this context, however, the European Union has managed to remain, in economic terms, on one of the first places in the world (even under the current financial crisis). A sociological study (qualitative research) performed in January and February by applying an opinion questionnaire which aimed to identify the perception on European security of future professionals in the field "International Relations and European Studies� (current students in the final year)" outlined several concerns about ensuring the European/ Romania’s security and the current challenges: - among the key threats to the security explicitly mentioned in the European Security Strategy, the organized crime is seen as being the highest (100% - all respondents), followed by terrorism, regional conflicts and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (85% of respondents). - 35% of respondents believe that the current European security environment is unstable; - 72% of those who filled in the questionnaire consider that radical, fundamentalists followers of Islam and not the Islam itself is a major threat to the EU security (although 50% of respondents also see the moderate followers of this religion as a threat to security); - the vast majority (72%) believe that recent events and terrorist attacks in France (from Charlie Hebdo), Belgium and Germany are a clear indication of the worsening of the "clash" between civilizations whose religion is Muslim and those non-Muslim; - 57% of respondents estimated an average or low importance role of Romania in ensuring the European security, since Romania is not a global force, has not a great importance at international level and has no army too well established in order to be a pillar within European security; - 50% believe that ineffective governance, 42% that Romania's geostrategic position at the Eastern border of the EU and NATO and 28% that energy dependency on resources of other countries represent security threats to Romania; - the confidence in Romanian institutions responsible for security is widely distributed, so 72% believe in Romanian Intelligence Service, 57% in the President and each 42% in Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service, Army and Supreme Council of National Defence. 3. Ensuring environmental security in the XXI Century Environmental security is one of the five dimensions of security, along with the military, economic, political and societal. Ensuring environmental security is one of the premises at the foundation of the current security architecture. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 36

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Unfortunately, lately we are confronted with a series of natural disasters caused by change of natural processes at global level (diminished resources or resources in depletion, global warming, earthquakes, floods, extreme weather events etc.). These, in turn, negatively affect the security environment, reducing its stability and cohesion. The Kyoto Protocol, the successor of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is one of the most important international legal instruments in the fight against climate change. It contains the commitments assumed by industrialized countries to reduce their emissions of certain greenhouse gases, responsible for global warming. Total emissions of developed countries should be reduced by at least 5% in 2008-2012 compared to 1990 levels. The Kyoto Protocol addresses the issue of emissions of six greenhouse gases: • carbon dioxide (CO2); • methane (CH4); • nitrous oxide (N2O); • hydro fluorocarbons (HFC);• per fluorocarbons (PFC); • sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).This Protocol is an important step forward in the fight against global warming, containing obligatory and quantified objectives to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On 31 May 2002 the European Union has ratified the Kyoto Protocol. It entered into force on 16 February 2005 after ratification by Russia. Several industrialized countries have refused to ratify the Protocol, among them the United States and Australia. "Sustainable development is the process of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. [...] For the desire of sustainable development can be achieved, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot be addressed independently of it.’’1 Agenda of the environmental security includes2: a) disruption of the ecosystem - climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, desertification and other forms of soil erosion, reduction of the ozone layer, pollution of any kind; b) energy crisis - depletion of energy natural resources (wood, oil), various forms of pollution caused by the production and distribution of energy (oil, nuclear, chemicals); c) demographic crisis - population growth over the carrying capacity of the natural system, epidemics, disease, excessive urbanization; d) food crisis - destruction of agricultural lands, water sources, overconsumption; e) economic crisis - in economic equalities, protection of polluting economies, societal instability; f) civil disorders - including environmental damage due to acts of war and violence as a result of environmental damage. European Security Strategy (2003) clearly identifies the implications of climate change on security. In 2008, the High Representative and the Commission presented a report to the European Council, stressing that climate change is a threat multiplier factor, in that natural disasters, environmental degradation and competition for resources exacerbate conflicts (especially amid poverty and population growth), with humanitarian, medical, political and security consequences, including increased migration. The same report also showed that climate change could generate disputes over trade routes, maritime zones and resources previously inaccessible. EU Internal Security Strategy (2010) specified common threats and challenges to EU internal security, by including here the environmental security and showing that "natural disasters and manmade disasters such as forest fires, earthquakes, floods and storms, droughts, energy shortages and outages of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), represent challenges to safety and security. Currently, civil protection systems represent an essential element of any modern and advanced security system."3 The answer4 to these challenges envisages: analysis of future situations and scenarios: threat anticipation; adequate response: planning, programming and management of the consequences; effectiveness in the field: the work of agencies, institutions and bodies; instruments based on mutual recognition, to exchange information and to facilitate investigations and joint operations; evaluation mechanisms to analyze the effectiveness of our actions. 4. Conclusions The importance of ensuring environmental security is a major element in the current structure of European and global security. The European Union makes the necessary efforts and demarches to achieve this. 1

Declaration on Environment and Development, adopted at the end of the World Conference on Environment and Development, organized by the UN in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 2 National Endowment for Democracy, Supporting Freedom Around the World, 3 Internal Security Strategy of the European Union: Towards a European security model, 2010, pp. 15-18 4 Ibidem

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge As we have seen, strategies to develop and further consolidate in the future the environmental security exist and they they will be adapted to the evolution and changes of the security environment. It is however required a deeper awareness at the level of professionals from the environmental field and decision makers and as well of ordinary citizens, on environmental issues in general and on the environmental security in particular, a special attention being necessary to be given to clarifying approaches that to eliminate confusion between environment protection and environmental security, and especially to reduce limiting security only to environment protection. References 1. * * * -, Declarația asupra Mediului și Dezvoltării, (in Romanian), Conferinţa Mondială privind Mediul și Dezvoltarea, ONU, Rio de Janeiro în 1992 2. * * * -, Dicţionar Explicativ al Limbii Române (DEX), (in Romanian), Academia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică “Iorgu Iordan”. Ediţia a doua, Ed. Univers Enciclopedic, Bucureşti, 1996 3. * * * -, Discursul prezentat de Javier Solana la 20 iunie 2003, EUHR for CFSP - European Council, Thessaloniki (Grecia); 4. * * * -, Mic Dicţionar Academic, (in Romanian), Academia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică “Iorgu Iordan”. Ediţia a doua, Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucureşti, 2003 5. Moştoflei C.,- Securitatea Naţională, Integrarea Euro-Atlantică şi Europeană (III), (in Romanian), Colocviu Strategic nr. 6, București, 2004 6. * * * -, National Endowment for Democracy, Supporting Freedom Around the World, 7. * * * -, Strategia Europeană de Securitate: O Europă sigură într-o lume mai bună, București, 2003 8. * * * -, Strategia de Securitate Internă a Uniunii Europene: către un model european de securitate, (in Romanian), Bucharest, 2010 9. Berbeca V., et al., - Studii de Securitate, (in Romanian), Ed. Cavallioti, București, 2005

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CONSTRUCTION OF HYPER ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND CULTURAL HYPER SPACES Ioan I. GÂF-DEAC1, Ion CIUCĂ2, Ioan GÂF-DEAC3, Nicolae BULZ4 Abstract In the book named Bases of doxastic management (Gaf-Deac I., Ed. FMP, Bucharest, 2013) is found in sub-rule on the managerial culture technologies, and its content is stated that occurs establishment digitized “transgenerationity”. This context is completed by the authors with elements of role models of multiculturalism in cultural devolution to innovative conceptual infusions. The article used to complement the interpretation / reinterpretation of contextual notions and concepts related to ultracompact and raising the ultrapower cultural space. Keywords and phrases: knowledge, ultracompact cultural space, hyper space, ultra-power, culture, organization, technology dominance

1. Introduction. Acts done using artificial intelligence In ordinary life meets scientific effort to build artificial intelligent facts, referred as artifacts, obtained with artificial intelligence.[2] In theory there are different explanations of intelligence and its implications for philosophy of thought, the obvious enunciative accents understanding from empirical psychology. For a certain type of management thinking, related to a phenomenon or object in organization systems, commonly accepted idea of directly intelligent building in relation mind (brain) - the human body. Often, the result of this relationship is a sort of vindictive "materialism" or expression of quantification. On the other hand, the "labor model" in the determinative correlation with management, to wit, that attempt definition, it highlights the different requirements that start more than the overall design determines: "experiments" in relation to "specific assumptions". Significant early signals of artificial intelligence area aimed at perceived in 1950, in association with concerns regarding the development of computers to ensure volumes and speeds as high storage and processing (calculations) data. Intelligence is perceived (understood) as a structural property or the ability of a system to actively expand beyond its execution or to extend quality and dimensional human cognitive behavior. In our assessment, we should not consider important how a complex operation is resolved. Importantly, is the operation in question has a solution, be it even artificially obtained. In management, is significant the action decision to logical solving problem, whether the resolution is obtained from human cognitive behavior (the manager) or artificial, electronically (using the information technology). [2] Progress using natural or artificial intelligence has content, correlations and identical finalities in terms of usefulness and efficiency (intended purpose) with using the progress of human mind. 2. The dominance technology on culture management. Establishment of digitized „trans-generationality” In essence, human civilization seems to go through a process of general quasi-continuous trivialization since the invention, the permanent quest for new causes to the forefront operationalization, recognized actionable validated/ incurred or acquired tools to obtain the finals. The tools are used to create culture, infrastructural support and concept which is housed in original metacultura by constituents objective. We find it necessary to transfer the fundamental knowledge quantities belonging to culture and to get from one generation to another. [3] The ability to transfer is not exclusively derived from institutional sources or from separate management structures; in history is assumed roles for portability and transcendence.


Senior Lecturer PhD. Law, Ec./Technical Science, Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, INCE "C.C.Kiriţescu", Romanian Academy,Bucharest, Romania, 2 Professor PhD, Univeristy Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, 3 Professor PhD., SH University of Bucharest, Romania, International Fellow University of Canberra, Australia, 4 Professor PhD., External research associate, Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia /Associate Professor at National Defence College, Bucharest, Romania/ Honorary Researcher at World Economy Institute, INCE, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, /Vice-President of SocioEconomic Cybernetics Commission of the structure of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania,

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge With this boundary is inferred a specific stage of human life, that becomes custodian of cultural substance, meaning or marking historical social behavior, which causes physical meanings in generational vacuum of knowledge on the axis time. In some cases, self-dragging quantities of restructurativ-societal culture meanings in context vectors containing conventional catalysts for knowledge accumulation. On other occasions, different cultural independent flow alignments in adjustment time and regularly appears, even if the conventional context would not want to assume. It is also questionable requirement to obtain or achieve something of "desire". It is therefore questionable quality of generational makers. The beginning of XXI century may nevertheless be characterized by "digital nativity culture", which means that the transfer of the current generation to the next generation of content culture must be done with still unimaginable tools. [2] Self-sufficiency transferability can mark the state described, that technical risk is found among people in the erosion of the elements of interest digitized space. A population of "digital immigrants" is the virtual tangent of new horizons for future generations. Marked efforts immersion of elements generation of information technology is in the operational field of these systemic homeostazian human capacity and no signs the articular puncture in trans-operational lines, in order to transfer the digitization of culture from one generation to another. Intervals of individuals adaptation, and thus managers at more technological operationalization or densely structured prove to be larger than those of past generations. A certain quartering was conventionally accepted solutions for human collectivity on axis beginning of two millennia. This marks the specific situation in which evolutionary exponentiality step appeared as metaphysical method, objective formalized process of transferring culture or organizational process and acting essential to society and human nature. Unfamiliar terrain, vague abstractions and manifestations of cultural change - characteristic of intellectual life (including management), - tempers the spirits still can not accelerate ideas, accepting noncartesian heuristic, fully disarming a apparently brownian holism. The culture is distinguished in harder leaders and cultural policies or practices; all are largely depersonalized. [3] Education is affected by this impossible opportunistic sign, when conceptual technologies surpassed, characterized by self-sufficient operational in creating the right culture for transgenerational transfer. The act of cultural creation seems to be simplified in conjunction with increased density of meaning and content of cultural themselves acts. Density shall be found to be entirely emotional,not posted by the creators. Interstices, in such a vision, are emotional structural access items. There is now required "full experience", but "algorithm-based experience" achieve "full living". The significance of trans-generational intervals remain with inert density hidden, latent cultural acts digitized, compressed with dominant and domineering technologies. The original assessment issue that is being placed between the technologies, and are layered above the crop. Generic technology covers the envelope, general culture, which has two exist alternatives: a) to breathe in endogenous technological climate, or b) become an active part as the element or subsystem than general technological system, powerful and reflective concrete life and human society. Culture becomes its status as work in process, an envelope with new regressive status or transgressive work in all-embracing technological infrastructure in the surrounding world. Sub-sequences creation, fully self-review hearing, mastered the technologies, determining a digitized transgenerationality. Cultural symbiosis between man and tools is eroding, and foundations are becoming more hidden in cultural creation. Is Time of metaphysics; beyond the walls, over the heights, behind metaphysical culture increases resources. Traditional creative gestures are reclassified hope request a new fully possible for utilities to support their emotions. E.B. Tylor (1874) [op.cit.2] one of the founders of cultural anthropology, defines culture as "one-formation comprising knowledge, belief, art, morals, living and other such features and capabilities, combined in man and man as a member of society." In pejorative, man has provided its growing and now we find that recorded "degradation of the human condition", compress and hide its cultural appearance. Essentiality is more dynamic than ever. Homo sapiens, according to the French philosopher Henri Bergson, could be rather Homo faber. Its structure becomes the expression of "knowing" to "doer", which today about digitization Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 40

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge generalization, by surpassing manufacturing, concern the tools and knowledge to become reality emotion proves, in order to confirmation. [3] Man invents instruments, which in turn, by deploying specific period we are living (technologizing dominant) lead the new cultural production to a certain degradation of traditional human condition. Equally, degradation could be questioned when sense induced change as the human condition. Another type of human condition refers to the final human condition, again depicted, which determines pragmatic instrumental attractions. Cultural routes are radically transformed emotional advance. Culture, with its new birth is the default compression disseminated, essentiality with new densities. The feeling that now among managers and people, in general show, that there are no ancient book, the appearance of the exclusivity intangible encyclopedic, for multilateral, n-dimensional. As such, we are witnessing a restriction of freedom.

Fig. 3. The role of multiculturalism to devolution of cultural models with innovative conceptual infusions

Cognitive environment of civilization is ruled by technology. Present stage is that the instruments or devices exogenous, in turn relates to human endogenous device, for the thought. Consciousness can now be communicated. The structure has not yet been actually thinking accessed for exogenous instrumental systems, but without any doubt, still not too late, since it is dominated by technological impressions inclusions. The human mind begins to reach capacity, not look its pure creative acts, due to the intensity and density of cultural acts aura, induced peripheral technologies, digitized thought proper, on the border with the completely environment. The essential nature of thought is surrounded by cultural texture, generated by technology, so the "else" and "else", not necessarily the man. Coding cultural signs and signals are evolutionary spiral of exponential curve, which has in its complexity steep. 3. Ultra-cultural space and raising the ultra-power The management objective is found located, designed and operationalized in a cultural space. A cultural space can be termed as constituted hyper-if there are sub-cultural database which covers each meaning representation ideational and emotional consistency, in the perceptual sense, always having under-coverage of at least two meanings of the total. Normativity are such an area where hyper shows is always compact. Continue the cultural images which causes, some compact linear order are those that generate and sustain supercompactity.The general management aims at formalizing compact linear orders, when are formulating decisions. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 41

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge However, compactification spaces / sub-cultural spaces in their entirety discrete states, it manifests hyper full compatibility, so total hyper-space can not exist. A growing element of a sub-base is interrelated with all the others in the cultural area / space considered, with the potential to compose a clear degree of significance representativeness. Otherwise, our culture elements connected to said sub-bases are likely trivial us. They are subject to exploration by the creators. As their mutual attraction (trivial), it is well known that self-saturation can occur significance. Durability is recorded when the self-saturation tends to cancel or minimize the maximum. Durability can appear only with great significance. Any trivial element of culture was in its original state non-trivial, unusual, quasi again. There are no non-trivial pure element. Any cultural (culture) act is fully decipher and look approachable, but with varying meanings differentiated different. Search through the act creation of cultural images in sub-enclosed space super-compact quasi general means identifying limits of nontrivial sequences and responses to problems of significance. In modern general management, issues tend to take place significance and broader role to play increasingly perceptible. Considering a continuous image of hyper-cultural space, then we find that there are trivial element identified to become trivial. This is achieved by making creative. As such, non-trivial element abuts the creation reaching appearance (formalization trivial element) and non-formal boundary marks quasi non-trivial element since, as noted, non-trivial element just does not exist. The area of work completed by the artist or decision developed by the manager, the area bounded by the image-source non-trivial to be extended craftsmanship, talent, grace and predestination fully look to consumer oriented binary form segment, derived from praxiological shaft and culture management when occurring as inter-conditionings. It remains in the edge area of quasinon-trivial. Therefore, the element is non-trivial limit of the sequence of non-trivial beginning metaphysically. At the same time, if a sub-cultural space corresponding to a sub-base hyper-space non-trivial elements houses, there is a cardinal (search metaphysical appearance) and respectively, the actual creation (final expression of material act, managerial case). An original approach like the one above leads to the conclusion that any cultural space supracompact / hyper-quasi-continuously subjected of compactication. Compactification is no subject for separable matrices, since this process is conventional layering. We may encounter filters and over-filters which have an insulating over-extension. Any excess creative (ie managerial decision) fits the Gaussian alignments as alike formalize cultural inaction on extreme slopes statistically Gaussian bell. Thus, it introduces the concept of managerial creative excess. It is expected that in this development and regulatory elements cofinalitatea cultural and managerial therefore, be limited. Cultural power, both power management, reflected in the environment exogenism of ultrapower, that are surrounded by hyper-cultural space generated by technologies, that are sources of hypertext (depths) and new meanings densities. 4. Conclusions Intelligence is perceived (understood) as a structural property or the ability of a system to actively expand beyond its execution or to extend quality and dimensional human cognitive behavior. The management objective is found located, designed and operationalized in a cultural space. Culture, with its new birth is the default compression disseminated, essentiality with new densities. The feeling that now among managers and people, in general show, that there are no ancient book, the appearance of the exclusivity intangible encyclopedic, for multilateral, n-dimensional. As such, we are witnessing a restriction of freedom. References 1. Biriş I., - Conceptele ştiinţei, (in Romanian), Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2010 2. Gâf-Deac I., - Bazele managementului doxastic, (in Romanian), Ed. Free Mind Publishing, Bucureşti, 2013, (ISBN 978-606-93321-5-3) 3. Gâf-Deac I.I., - Noua Economie între cunoaştere şi risc, (in Romanian), Ed. Infomin, Deva, 2010, (ISBN 978-973-7646-11-8) 4. Gâf-Deac I.I., - Bazele juridice şi economice ale sistemelor de resurse în noua economie, (in Romanian), Ed. Infomin, Deva, 2007, (ISBN 978-973-7646-04-0) 5. Rescher N.,- Epistemic Logic: Survey of the Logic of Knowledge, University Pittsburg Press, 2005

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

ON THE SHOCK CAUSED BY THE COLLISION OF RAILWAY VEHICLES (I) Ion COPACI1, Nicolae ILIAČ˜2, Sorin Mihai RADU3, Ioan AONOFRIESEI4 Abstract The shock caused by the collision of railway vehicles determines the transmission of forces and accelerations to the vehicles, which may lead to unwanted consequences. In order to reduce the effects of the shock, vehicles are equipped with shock insulators. The paper presents a unique theoretical approach, completed with an experimental study on the efficiency of long-displacement dampeners in regards to reducing the response amplitude of the mechanical system comprising the two colliding vehicles. The paper presents theoretical notions regarding the shock due to collisions of railway vehicles as well as a study on the applied methodology used to experimentally determine the static and dynamic characteristics of the bumpers that equip railway vehicles. The experimental stand, the transductors, the measurement, recording and data processing apparatus are also presented. Keywords and phrases: Shock insulators, long-displacement dampener, stored and dissipated potential deformation energy, accelerations and forces transmitted during shock, static characteristics, dynamic characteristics

1. Introduction Due to current tendencies to increase travel velocities and car masses by allowing increasingly larger axle loads, railway equipment shows a series of special problems regarding shock loads that appear during collisions. Collision of railway vehicles occurs in car coupling operations during triage maneuvers and in travel as a consequence of train braking or acceleration. The shock caused by the collision of railway vehicles determines the transmission of considerable forces and accelerations that create accelerations on the transported freight, which may endanger its integrity or that of the affixing or packaging equipment. In order to insulate longitudinal shocks and to protect against them, railway vehicles are equipped with shock insulators [2]: Buffers or central coupling dampener; Long displacement dampeners, used supplementary in order to protect freight loaded on the cargo platform. The study is aimed at evidentiating the efficiency of using long displacement dampeners in order to reduce the values of the forces and accelerations transmitted to the transported freight as response functions to the shock caused by collision. 2. The Collision Process The general case of the collision of two railway cars is considered. The colliding care, with mass m1 and velocity v1, impacts a collided car, of mass m2 and velocity v2 (v1 > v2). The cars are equipped with shock insulators (buffers or central coupling dampeners and a long displacement dampener equipped on he collided car). During the collision process, part of the kinetic energy of the vehicles is transformed into stored potential deformation energy Ep which is maximum at the time t12 when the vehicles travel at the same velociy v12[3]. The expression of the stored potential deformation energy is:

Ep =

m 1 m 2 (v 1 − v 2 )2 m1 m 2 v 2 = . 2 m1 + m 2 m1 + m 2 2


The mechanical model that represents the system composed of the two vehicles and the shock insulators that take part in the collision is shown in figure 1:


Professor PhD., Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania, Professor PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, 3 Professor PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, 4 Ph.D Student, Eng., University of Petrosani, Romania, 2

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Fig. 1. The mechanical model/ the shock insulators that take part in the collision (KL, KT – rigidities for long displacement dampener and buffers, respectively; CL, CT – dampening for long displacement dampener and buffers, respectively; mS – mass of the chassis bearing the useful load; mLM – mass of the mobile beam; m2=ms+mLM)

By considering the laws of conservation of momentum and energy, during the collision process the following times and time intervals become remarkable: 1. At the moment t = t1 = 0, which constitutes the start of the collision process, the vehicles have velocities v1 and v2 respectively, such that: 2

m 1 v1 m 2 v 22 E c = E c1 + E c2 = + 2 2


where: Ec is the total kinetic energy; Ec1 is the kinetic energy of the colliding car; Ec2 is the kinetic energy of the collided car. 2. During the time interval t = 0 up to t = t12 a part of the vehicles’ kinetic energy Ec(t) is transformed into potential deformation energy Ep(t) as follows: in the shock insulators We(t); in the vehicles’ resistance structures Wes(t); in the elastic elements that equip the suspensions of the vehicles and in other vehicle functional equipment WeB(t); in the vehicles’ freight Weî(t). The potential deformation energy stored by the vehicles is defined: (3)

Wev (t) = Wes (t) + WeB (t) Thus:

m 1 v1 m v 2 m v 2 (t ) m v 2 (t ) (4) + 2 2 = 1 1 + 2 2 + E p (t ) 2 2 2 2 (5) Ep(t) = We(t) + Wev (t) + Weî(t) We(t) = WeA (t) + WeTA(t) (6) where: WeA is the deformation energy stored by the long displacement dampener; WeTA is the deformation energy stored by the shock insulators (buffers or central coupling dampeners). 3. At the time t = t12 the two vehicles have equal velocities v1(t) = v2(t) = v12, the process of transformation of kinetic energy into potential deformation energy ceases, Ep reaches the maximum value. Thus: 2



v m1 v1 m v2 + 2 2 = (m1 + m 2 ) 1 2 + E p (t 12 ) 2 2 2



4. On the time interval ( t 12 − t 12 ) the kinetic energy of the vehicles has a tendency to increase due to the transformation of a part of the stored potential deformation energy Ep(t) into kinetic energy. The other portion was or is dissipated and eliminated from he mechanical system Ea(t). The law of *

conservation of energy between time t=0 and a moment on the interval ( t 12 − t 12 ) is: m1 v1 m v 2 m v 2 (t ) m v 2 (t ) + 2 2 = 1 1 + 2 2 + E p (t ) + 2 2 2 2 + E a (t ) = E cv (t ) + E ca (t ) + E p (t ) + E a (t ) 2


where: Ecv(t) kinetic energy proper to the vehicles; Eca(t) kinetic energy restored to the system by transformation of a part of the potential deformation energy of the mechanical system composed of the two vehicles; Ep(t) potential deformation energy still existing in the considered mechanical system; Ea(t) is the stored and dissipated potential deformation energy. Ea(t) = Wa(t) + Wav (t) + Waî(t) Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 44


Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Wav(t) = Was(t) + WaB(t) Wa(t) = WaA(t) + WaTA(t)

(10) (11)


5. The moment t 12 is the moment when the force transmitted to the vehicles F(t)=0 and thus the process of energy transformations has concluded. The process of the shock caused by collision ends at time t2 when the shock insulators have the same deformation state as at time t=0. At this *

moment t= t 12 (the buffers still have a remanent deformation), the velocities of the vehicles are

v1* and v *2 respectively. The sum between the stored potential deformation energy still existing at this * * time Ep( t 12 ) and the potential deformation energy dissipated up to this moment Ea( t 12 ) is equal to the potential deformation energy dissipated during the collision process Ea: *


Ep( t 12 ) + Ea( t 12 ) = Ea(t2) = Ea


6. The moment t = t2 marks the end of the collision process. Thus: 2 m 1 v1 m v 2 m v *2 m v *2 (13) + 2 2 = 1 1 + 2 2 + Ea 2 2 2 2 or: and

E c = E c1 + E c2 = E *c1 + E *c2 + E a = E c (t 2 ) + E a


E c = E cv (t 2 ) + E ca (t 2 ) + E a = E cv (t 2 ) + E p


3. The Energy Characteristics of the Shock Caused by Collision The use of shock insulators with high dynamic characteristics has the following consequences: spectacular decrease of the maximum forces transmitted to the vehicles, with direct consequences on the protection of resistance structures by decrease of specific deformations and stresses caused by the shock during collision; decrease of the level of accelerations transmitted to the vehicles down to values that ensure a necessary protection of freight and equipment, as well as an enhanced passenger comfort. The energy factors are defined as: 2β=f(v), coefficient which describes the collision process for railway vehicles [1]; 2λ=f(v); 2δ=f(v); 2χ=f(v) which pertain to the stored potential deformation energy Ep. Thus:

2β =

W We ; 2λ = es ; Ep Ep


WeB ; W It is obvious that: 2χ = eî Ep Ep W + Wes + WeB + Weî 2β + 2λ + 2δ + 2χ = e = 1 (17) Ep Further on, the dissipation energy coefficients are defined, which characterize the process of eliminating stored potential deformation energy during the course of the shock caused by collision. Hence: E - the dissipation energy coefficient of the mechanical system 2α = a ; (18) Ep - the dissipation energy coefficient of the shock insulators η = Wa = Wa ; (19) 2δ =



2βE p

- the dissipation energy coefficient of the vehicles and their freight W + WaB + WaÎ E − Wa (20) = a η aSBÎ = aS (1 − 2β )E p (1 − 2β )E p The relationship between the fundamental storage and dissipation energy coefficients, which characterize the collision process, is obtained: 2α = 2βη a + (1 − 2β )η aSBÎ (21) It is extremely important that the bearing structures, the elastic elements of the suspension, the functional equipment as well as the nature and quantity of the freight are determined by other defining criteria than that of the response to the longitudinal shock caused by collision. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 45

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Thus, the only practical possibility to diminish the effects of the shock is to increase the potential deformation energy stored by the shock insulators. Hence it can be explained why it can be considered that the 2β=f(v) coefficient represents the specific energy coefficient that characterizes the shock phenomenon for railway vehicles. During the collision of two railway vehicles with relative velocity v, the potential energy that pertains to the vehicles (2λ+2δ+2χ)Ep is the result of the work done by the forces transmitted in the process of the collision. In order to decrease the level of the forces transmitted during the collision, two solutions are adequate: 1. modifying the elements of the vehicles in order to increase their flexibility;2. increasing the storage capacity and the 2β coefficient, through the use of shock insulators with superior dynamic characteristics. The second solution is generally adopted by vehicle producers both in the design phase and, most commonly, in the prototype or existing vehicle phase. 4. Experimental Research The collision tests were conducted with the platform care on 4 axles with mobile cover, equipped with category A buffers and Oleo International long displacement dampener (figure 2).

Fig. 2. The collision tests

Figure 3 shows the affixing method for the long displacement dampener (1), interposed between the mobile beam and the bearing platfom (load bearing chassis), as well as the affixing method for the force transductor (2) used to determine the force transmitted through the long displacement dampener.

1 2

Fig. 3. The affixing method for the long displacement dampener

The collided car was loaded with pellets and small material in two variants: a) up to a mass of 56.960 kg with half the useful load; b) up to a total mass of 90.000 kg. The colliding car was a gondola-type car loaded with sand up to a mass of 80t, equipped with category A buffers, according to UIC 526-1. During the testing the following parameters were determined as response functions of the tested collided car: F1; F2 [kN] – forces transmitted through the car’s bumpers; D1; D2 [mm] – contraction of the buffers; FLM [kN] – force transmitted by the mobile beam to the long displacement dampener; DLM [mm] – contraction of the long displacement dampener; aS [g] – acceleration on the bearing chassis on which the transported freight is affixed; aLM [g] – acceleration of the mobile beam. The colliding car was launched from an inclined plane and collided, at various velocities, the tested car located on a level, straight track. The experimental results for the conducted collisions are shown in Table 1. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 46

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Table 1. The experimental results Measured Car with mass 56.960 kg (varianta a) parameters Velocity [km/h] F [kN] FLM [kN] D1 [mm] D2 [mm] DLM [mm] as [m/s2] aLM [m/s2]

7,1 224 219 32 27 289 0,67 4,13

8,12 271 282 38 32 312 0,86 4,54

8,95 309 347 41 35 317 0,92 5,00

10,16 376 427 48 41 329 1,44 6,10

10,84 417 472 51 46 336 1,63 6,48

11,61 453 534 56 49 340 1,67 6,68

12,0 476 565 59 53 340 1,74 6,82

Car with mass 90.000 kg (variant b) 8,29 294 346 35 27 337 0,65 5,09

8,95 326 390 38 31 340 0,7 5,3

10,22 393 486 46 37 347 0,95 6,13

10,87 418 499 50 44 350 1,05 6,44

11,68 470 570 55 49 350 1,22 6,95

From the analysis of the experimental results for collision variant “b” (V=11,68 km/h), it is determined that the duration of the collision process is 0,75 s. From the integration of the curve of the acceleration on the bearing chassis as a function of time we have determined the the evolution of velocity as a function of time during the collision process, figure 4. The time evolution of the acceleration of the bearing chassis aS is shown in figure 5. On the figure, the velocities at times t=0, beginning of the collision process, and at time t2=0,75s end of the collision process, are shown. Also, the moment t1,2=0,27s is to be noted, moment at which the process of transformation of the kinetic energies of the masses that partake in the shock into stored potential deformation energy has concluded, and the masses of the vehicles travel at the same velocity. From the energy balance for case “b” for the collision of the car with mass 90000kg at collision velocity v= 11,68km/h the following significant experimentally determined values are obtained: 2β=0,747; 2α=0,719; ηa= 0,843; ηaSBÎ= 0,35 (with the observation that Waî has the maximum share). Figures 8, 9 and 12 show the characteristic diagrams of buffer 1, buffer 2 and long displacement dampener, for situation b, collision at 11,68 km/h.

Fig. 4. Velocity as a function of time

Fig. 6. The variations with velocity of transmitted force(1)

Fig. 5. The time evolution of the acceleration

Fig. 7. The variations with velocity of transmitted force(2)

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Fig. 8. The characteristic diagrams of buffer (1)

Fig. 9. The characteristic diagrams of buffer (2)

Fig. 10. The characteristic diagrams of buffer (3)

Fig. 11. The characteristic diagrams of buffer (4)

Fig. 12. The characteristic diagrams of buffer (5)

Fig. 13. The transmitted force and the acceleration (1)

Fig. 14. The transmitted force and the acceleration (2)

Fig. 15. The variations with velocity of the transmitted force (1)

Fig. 16. The variations with velocity of the transmitted force (2)

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Figures 6 and 10 and figures 7 and 11 show the variations with velocity of transmitted force and shock insulator contractions, respectively. Figures 13 and 14 show the variations with velocity of the transmitted force and the acceleration of the loaded bearing chassis, for situation a. Figures 15 and 16 show the variations with velocity of the transmitted force and the acceleration for situation b, together with the variations of the transmitted force Fc and acceleration ac for the collision of two vehicles (m1=80t, m2=90t) without a long displacement dampener. The collision velocity of 11,2 Km/h is highlighted on the diagram, velocity at which the shock insulators reach the maximum displacement. 5. Conclusions (I) After the analysis of the experimental rezults, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. With the increase of velocity and mass of transported freight, differences appear between the values of the forces Fa,Fb and FaLM, FbLM as well as between the values of the accelerations aaS, abS and aaLM, abLM due to the series insertion of the long displacement dampener into the mechanical system, which leads to an increase in the storage capacity for potential deformation energy. 2. The force transmitted to the useful load bearing chassis and its acceleration decrease spectacularly (by approximately 60% - 85%) in comparison to a similar collision, during which the collided car is not equipped with a long displacement dampener. 3. In regard to the static characteristics, the buffers do not correspond to the requirements of the UIC 526-1, the values of the absorption coefficient ƞ corresponding to the force at 25 mm and 60 mm does not fit within the admissible limits. 4. For the extreme temperature tests, the studied buffers do not correspond to the UIC 526-1 norms. We point out that at -400 C the buffer only underwent a compression of 81 mm and it did not return to the initial displacement, by 31 mm, which, in use, determines the altering of the clearance between car buffers. 5. In regard to the dynamic characteristics, the tested buffers do not correspond to the requirements imposed by the UIC 526-1 for category C buffers. The buffers fit within the limits imposed by category B buffers. In conclusion, the tested buffers correspond to the norms of category B buffers in regard to the dynamic characteristics without fulfilling the requirements for the static characteristics at extreme temperatures. References 1. Copaci I., Trif E., (col)., - Aplicarea metodei tensometrice pentru calcularea forţei transmise şi a lucrului mecanic înmagazinat de amortizoarele de şoc în timpul tamponării, (in Romanian), Revista Transporturilor şi Telecomunicaţiilor nr. 3 la al II-lea Simpozion Naţional de Tensometrie cu participare internaţională, Cluj Napoca, 1980, pg.33-39 2. Sebeșan I., Copaci I., - Teoria sistemelor elastice la vehiculele feroviare, (in Romanian), Ed. Matrix Rom, București, 2008 3. Tănăsoiu A., Copaci I., - Study on the Sock caused by Collision of Railway Vehicles, International Journal of Mechanics, ISSN 1998-4448, pp. 67-76, 4. Copaci I., - Încercări experimentale pentru vehicule feroviare, Ed. Univ. Aurel Vlaicu Arad, 1999 5. Copaci I., Bocâi L.S., Sârb M., - Determinarea experimentală a forței longitudinale la vehiculele feroviare echipate cu cuplă centrală, The First International Railway Vehicles Symposium, 25-26 november 2005, Bucharest, ISBN 973-755-038-2, pp.109-112 6. Copaci I., Olaru S., Tanasoiu A., - Fatigue–Resistance and Life Span of Railway Vehicle Bearing Structures Under Random Strains / The Knowledge Based Organization, Applied Mechanics, Military Technical Systems and Technologies Conference, pp.218-225, N. Bălcescu Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Noiembrie 2007 7. Hoancă V., Copaci I., Otlăcan D., - Tampon pentru vagoanele de marfă de categoria C, (in Romanian), Sesiunea de Comunicări ştiinţifice a Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu, Arad, 1996 8. Tănăsoiu A., Copaci I., -Study on the Behaviour of the Self-Unloading SSDT Train Upon the Shock Caused by Collisions, WSEAS Conferences, Computer and Simulation in Modern Science, vol.II, ISSN 17905117, ISBN 978-960-474-032-1,

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ALMOST CONTRACTIVE COUPLED MAPPINGS IN ORDERED COMPLETE METRIC SPACES Cristina FILIĹž1 Abstract In this paper, we introduce two of the most important notions in fixed point theory: coupled fixed point and almost contractive mapping. The main existence result on coupled fixed points of a continuous mapping having the mixed monotone property was initially given by Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham. Our first goal is to extend the coupled fixed point theorems obtained in [4] by significantly weakening the contractive condition involved, in order to obtain a more natural technique of proof. Another important step in this paper is introducing the notion of almost contractive mapping. First we establish some existence and uniqueness theorems of a coupled common coincidence point in ordered complete metric spaces, then we introduce some basic examples to support our main results. Keywords and phrases: metric space, mixed monotone property, almost contraction, coupled fixed point

1. Introduction One of the most dynamic area of research of the last 60 years and a crucial method in numerical analysis used to solve problems in various fields of pure and applied mathematics (for example, in solving differential equations, matrix equations and integral equations), as well as in physical, economic or life sciences is represented by fixed point theory in which the existence and uniqueness theorems of a fixed point play an important role. One of these theorems on a fixed point in complete metric spaces is the Banach contraction theorem (also known as the Banach contraction principle). It says that if is a complete metric space and is a contraction, i.e. there such that exists a constant

then by

has a unique fixed point


, i.e.

. Moreover, the Picard iteration


. converges to , for any Many authors generalized the Banach contraction theorem in several directions; see for example [1]. One of the most important directions has been obtained by weakening the contractive condition (1.1) and simultaneously enriching the metric space structure with a partial order, as in Ran and Reurings fixed point theorem for monotone mappings in ordered metric spaces (see [2]). Following almost the same approach as the one in [2], Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham [4] initiated the study of coupled fixed points and applied their results to solve a pair of differential equations. We need the following notions in order to state the main result presented in [4]. Definition 1. Let be a partially ordered set and . We define the following : partial order on the product space is said to have the mixed monotone property if is monotone nonThe mapping and is monotone non-increasing in , that is, for any decreasing in and is called a coupled fixed point of the mapping if Definition 2. An element With these definitions, we can now see the main existence result of Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham in [4]. In this article, the authors also establish some uniqueness results for coupled fixed points and, also, the existence of fixed points for be a partially ordered set and Theorem 1. (Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham [4]). Let is a complete metric space. Let be a suppose there is a metric on such that continuous mapping having the mixed monotone property on . Assume that there exists a constant with . (1.3)


PhD Student, North University of Baia Mare, Baia Mare, Romania,

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge If there exist two elements such that then there such that exist Starting from this result, the main question is whether we can or cannot obtain a result which generalizes Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham’s theorem. The answer is positive. Moreover, such an important result is obtained if we suppose that the mixed monotone operator satisfies a contractive condition which is weaker than (1.3). For this purpose, Berinde [6] obtained a significant result which brings new features to the is coupled fixed point theory. First of all, as we wanted, the contractive condition satisfied by is not required anymore. A third advantage is that the weakened. Secondly, the continuity of technique of proof given in [6] is simpler than the one given in [4] or in any article from the last years. A fourth feature is based on the fact that in [6] the author finds a method for approximating the coupled fixed points. Finally, the last improvement is given by the fact that the author also provides an error estimate for his method. That being said, we can state this main theorem. be a partially ordered set and suppose there is a metric on such Theorem 2. Let is a complete metric space. Let be a mixed monotone mapping for which there that such that for each , exists a constant . (1.4) If there exist two elements then there exist Example 1. Let

such that such that be defined by


has the mixed monotone property and satisfies condition Then we can demonstrate that such (1.4), but it does not satisfy condition (1.3). Indeed, assume that there exists a constant that (1.3) holds i.e.

which holds, for

, to .

This relation, applied for

, would lead to the inequality

, which is a

contradiction. Let now prove that (1.4) holds. Indeed, we have

and and by summing up the two inequalities above, we get exactly (1.4) for


. , but In conclusion, we obtain, by Theorem 2, that has a (unique) coupled fixed point Theorem 1 cannot be applied to the operator in the example above. However, Theorem 2 cannot guarantee the uniqueness of the coupled fixed point in general. Yet, there exist some ways to find additional conditions to ensure the uniqueness of the couple fixed point in Theorem 2. Such a condition is given by (1.5) has either a lower bound In more words, this condition says that every pair of elements in or an upper bound. Theorem 3. Adding condition (1.5) to the hypotheses of Theorem 2, we obtain the uniqueness of the coupled fixed point of the mapping . The next two theorems ensure us that the operator has a fixed point. Theorem 4. In addition to the hypotheses of Theorem 2, suppose that every pair of elements , we have , of has an upper bound or a lower bound in . Then for the coupled fixed point

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge which means has a fixed point, i.e. . Under the following alternative assumption, we can obtain the same conclusion. Theorem 5. In addition to the hypotheses of Theorem 2, suppose that are , we have , which means has a fixed point, comparable. Then for the coupled fixed point . i.e. Since are comparable, we have Proof. Consider that , or . Suppose we are in the first case. Then, the mixed monotone property of either and, hence, by induction we obtain ensures us that and by the continuity of Now, by the fact that . the distance , we have This actually means Therefore, in all Theorems 2-5. As a remark, we can approximate the coupled fixed point Now, another important concept in the fixed point theory is represented by almost contractive coupled mappings in ordered complete metric spaces. Berinde [5-9] initiated the concept of almost contractions and studied many fixed point theorems for a Ćirić strong almost contraction. The aim of the next results is to introduce the notion of almost contractive mapping with respect to the mapping and present some existence and uniqueness theorems of coupled fixed and coincidence point. be a partially ordered set and and two Definition 3 [10]. Let mappings. The mapping is said to have the mixed -monotone property if is monotone -nondecreasing in its first argument and is monotone -non-increasing in its second argument, i.e. for any , and is called a coupled coincidence point of the mappings Definition 4. An element and if be a metric space and and be two mappings. Definition 5. Let for all We say that and commute if 2. Main results We start with the following definition. Definition 6. Let be an ordered metric space. We say that the mapping if there exist a real number is an almost contractive mapping with respect to the mapping and a non-negative number such that

for all


Now, the existence of a coupled coincidence point for the mapping and is given by the following theorem: Theorem 6. Let be an ordered metric space and let and be mappings such that (1) is an almost contractive mapping with respect to . (2) has the mixed -monotone property on . with (3) There exist two elements is a complete subspace of . (4) Also suppose that satisfies the following properties: (i) if a no decreasing sequence , then (ii) if a no increasing sequence converges to , converges to . Then there exist such that which then . means and have a coupled coincidence point be a partially ordered set and suppose that there is a metric on Theorem 7. Let is a complete metric space. Let and be mappings such that such that (1) is an almost contractive mapping with respect to . (2) has the mixed -monotone property on . Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 52

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge (3) There exist two elements with . (4) (5) is continuous no decreasing and commutes with . Also suppose that either (a) is continuous, or converges to , (b) has the following property: (i) if a no decreasing sequence (ii) if a no increasing sequence converges to , then . then such that which means and Then there exist have a coupled coincidence point . Next theorem provide the uniqueness of the coupled common fixed point for the mapping . Theorem 8. In addition to the hypotheses of Theorem 6, suppose that , there exists

commute and for every and

comparable to common





such that . Then






have a unique coupled




and are comparable and Theorem 9. In addition to the hypotheses of Theorem 6, if , then and have a coupled coincidence point such that . To illustrate and support all the above results, we introduce the following example. . Then is a partially ordered set with the natural ordering of Example 2. Let real numbers. Define the metric on by





Then is a complete subset of . (1) (2) (3) satisfies (i) and (ii) of Theorem 6. (4) has the mixed -monotone property. , and satisfy that (5) For any for all

holds for all

with Thus, by Theorem 6, has a coupled fixed point. Moreover, is a coupled coincidence point of . Proof. The proof of (1)-(4) is clear. The proof of (5) can be divided into the following two sub cases. then . Hence Case 1: If

Case 2: If


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. Hence

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Case 3. If Therefore Case 4. If Sub case I:

Sub case II:


. Hence

then Here, we have

. Hence

, which is impossible.

. Here, we have


. Therefore

3. Conclusions In this paper, we established some existence and uniqueness theorems of a coupled coincidence point for an almost contractive coupled mapping in ordered complete metric spaces. Our main next question is whether we can or cannot obtain a more generalized result by using a contractive condition weaker than the conditions involved in our paper. Furthermore, regarding Berinde and Borcut work [12] on the concept of tripled fixed point theory, we want to find a way to extend our results on coupled coincidence point into some tripled coincidence point theorems for almost generalized contractions in ordered metric spaces. References 1. Rus I.A., Petrusel A., Petrusel G.,- Fixed Point Theory, Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2008 2. Ran A.C.M., Reurings M.C.B.,- A fixed point theorem in partially ordered sets and some applications to matrix equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (5) (2004) 1435-1443 3. Rus M.D., -Fixed point theorems for generalized contractions in partially ordered metric spaces with semi-monotone metric, Nonlinear Anal. 74(2011) 1804-1813 4. Bhaskar T.G., Lakshmikantham V., - Fixed point theorems in partially ordered metric spaces and aplications, Nonlinear Anal. 65 (7) (2006) 1379-1393 5. Berinde V., - Some remarks on a fixed point theorem for Ćirić-type almost contractions, Carpathian J. Math. 25 (2) (2009) 157-162 6. Berinde V., - Generalized coupled fixed point theorems for mixed montone mappings in partially ordered metric spaces, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011) pp. 7347-7355 7. Berinde V., - Approximation fixed points of weak contractions using the Picard iteration, Nonlinear Anal. Forum 9, 43-53, 2004 8. Berinde V., - On the approximation fixed points of weak contractive mappings, Carpath. J. Math. 19, 7-22, 2003 9. Berinde V., - General contractive fixed point theorems for Ćirić-type almost contraction in metric spaces, Carpath. J. Math. 24, 10-19, 2008 10. Lakshmikanthama V., Ćirić L.B., - Coupled fixed point theorems for nonlinear contractions in partially ordered metric spaces, Nonlinear Anal. 70, 4341-4349, 2009 11. Shatanawi W., Saadati R., Park C.,- Almost contractive coupled mapping in ordered complete metric spaces, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2013 12. Berinde V., Borcut M., - Tripled fixed point theorems for contractive type mappings in partially ordered metric spaces, Nonlinear Anal., 74(2011), 4889–4897

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

DIFFERENT APPROACHES OF RISKS GENERATED BY THE AIR POLLUTANTS CONTROL Carmen Mihaela TOPALÄ‚1, Sorin ANGHEL2 Abstract Controlling, reduction and prevention of the ambient environment pollution represent "key problems" of sustainable development. Although control of pollutants emissions by different methods is one of the paths of reducing pollution, control methods applied sometimes generates other pollutants, and the evaluation of these situations should be considered. Is the case of the considerations of the present paper, which examines two viewpoints about VOC emissions: greenhouse effect directly generated by these emissions and CO2 emissions from the incineration process of this category of air pollutants. Procedures for calculating the emissions of organic compounds take into account: direct release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere or the thermal destruction of VOCs (incineration), so that the consequences on climate change to be quantified. Three cases to calculate the equivalent CO2 are presented, in order to choose for volatile organic compounds the remove by incineration or the direct release into the atmosphere. Keywords and phrases: Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Global Warming Potential (GWP), emission, incineration, primary CO2, secondary CO2

1. Introduction Ensuring sustainable growth aims developing a competitive economy, with low CO2 emissions, using resources efficiently and sustainably, protecting the environment by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and stopping the biodiversity loss. In order to move toward an economy that efficiently uses the resources and emit less CO2, we need to reduce the dependence of the economic growth on energy and resources, particularly by: reducing CO2 emissions; improving energy security; reducing the amount of used resources. Industrial activities represent an important part of the economy, but they contribute to environmental pollution and waste generation. Climate change is caused also by these industrial activities, which determines changing the composition of the global atmosphere and which adds to the natural climate variability. Less than 1% of the earth's atmosphere is composed of water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO2) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), known as greenhouse gases (GHG). Each greenhouse gas differs through its ability to absorb heat, and its residence time into the atmosphere, expressed by the "global warming potential" (GWP), or the "global potential effect" (PGE). GWP is a measure of the contribution of each gas to global warming compared to that of carbon dioxide. The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide and methane. The global effect potential greenhouse (PGE) is expressed in CO2 equivalent [1]. It was found that some volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds, compounds of the type HCFC bring an indirect contribution to the global warming, leading to stratospheric ozone depletion. Other VOCs, such as hydrocarbons (propane, butane, and pentane), butylene glycol, etc., released into the atmosphere are degraded into simpler compounds, in greenhouse gases like methane, ozone, also contribute to global warming effect. 2. Evaluation of the of direct and equivalent emissions from VOCs incineration 2.1 Direct emissions of CO2 equivalent VOCs contribute to climate change in two ways: a) primary contribution deriving from the direct effect that VOCs present, if it is a halogenated compound (Table 1 shows the global warming potential GWP for a range of VOCs). b) secondary contribution from VOCs emissions, determined from carbon content of organic compound. The amount of emitted CO2 results from a) and is given by GWP and the mass of VOC released: CO2 primary=GWPVOC x mVOC (1) where GWPVOC is given in Table 2 and mVOC is the number of tones of VOC emitted. CO2 primary is expressed in tones. Secondary CO2 emitted results from b) and depends on the number of carbon atoms in VOC, molecular mass and the mass of VOC released. 1 2

Associate Professor PhD., University of Pitesti, Romania, Associate Professor PhD., University of Pitesti, Romania,

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge CO2 secondary =44 x nVOC x mVOC/MWVOC (2) where nVOC is the number of carbon atoms in VOC, MWVOC is the molecular mass expressed in g/mol. CO2 secondary expresses the number of tones of CO2 released. Total amount (in tones) of emitted CO2 results from: CO2 equiv.=CO2 primary+CO2 secondary (3) If VOC originates from a renewable source (bio-organic) the secondary effect given by the carbon atoms of the volatile organic compound is dropped. Is the case of some solvents that are VOCs derived from natural compounds (turpentine, plant residues such as orange peels, lemon, rape oil, etc). Only the contribution of GWP is considered. CO2 equiv, bio=CO2 primary, bio (4) CO2 equiv, bio refers to the amount of equivalent CO2 emitted by a VOC derived from bio raw materials. Table 1. Global warming potential (GWP) for a range of VOCs (by Climate Change Consequences of VOC Emission Control, 2007AEA Energy and Environment) [3], [4] COV Formula chimică Denumire IUPAC GWP, 100 ani dimethylether CH3OCH3 methoxymethane 13a methylene chloride CH2Cl2 dichloromethane 103a methyl chloride CH3Cl chloromethane 163a methyl bromide CH3Br bromomethane 53a methyl chloroform CH3CCl3 1,1,1-trichloroethane 1443a HCFC-22 CHClF2 chlorodifluoromethane 17803a HCFC-123 CHCl2CF3 dichlorotrifluorethane 763a HCFC-124 CHClFCF3 chlorotetrafluorethane 5993a HCFC-141b CH3CCl2F dichlorofluorethane 7133a HCFC-142b CH3CClF2 chlorodifluorethane 22703a HCFC-225ca CHCl2CF2CF3 dichloropentafluoropropane 1203a HCFC-225cb CHClFCF2CClF2 dichloropentafluoropropane 5863a HCF-23 CHF3 trifluoromethane 143103a HFC-32 CH2F2 difluoromethane 6703a HCF-125 CHF2CF3 pentafluorethane 34503a HFC-134a CH2FCF3 1,1,1,2-tetrafluorethane 14103a HFC-143a CH3CF3 1,1,1-trifluorethane 44003a HFC-152a CH3CHF2 1,1-difluorethane 1223a HFC-227ea CF3CHFCF3 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane 31403a HFC-236fa CF3CH2CF3 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane 95003a HFC-245fa CHF2CH2CF3 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropan 10203a HFC-365mfc CH3CF2CH2CF3 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane 7823a HFC-43-10mee CF3CHFCHFCF2CF3 1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane 16103a HFE-449s1 CH3O(CF2)3CF3 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-nonfluoro-4-metoxybutane 3973a HFE-569sf2 CH3CH2O(CF2)3CF3 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-nonfluoro-4-ethoxybutane 563a HFE-347pcf2 CF3CH2OCF2CHF2 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-2-ethoxyetane 5403a ethane CH3CH3 ethane 8,43b propane CH3CH2CH3 propane 6,33b butane CH3(CH2)2CH3 butane 7,063b ethene CH2=CH2 ethene 6,83b propene CH2=CHCH3 propene 4,93b

If a type of VOC is not in table 0.1 is assumed values of -10 to hydrocarbons 100-5000 for flour-hydrocarbon. The scale takes into account the direct and indirect effects of VOCs. 2.2. CO2 equivalent emissions from VOCs incineration If VOCs are removed by incineration, using a fossil fuel, CO2 emission would come from the carbon atoms of VOC and from the used fuel. However, CO2 emission from the carbon atoms of the used fuel can be reduced in the generation of heat process. CO2 emission from incinerated VOCs is calculated with (2) relation: CO2 incin. =44 x nCOV x mVOC/MWVOC=CO2 secondary (5) CO2 resulting from the fossil fuel used for burning VOCs depends on the amount and nature of the fuel (if crude oil, natural gas, coal). It defines a conversion factor of CO2 emissions produced by the fuel. In Table 2 are presented the conversion factors from several fuels.

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Table 2. CO2 conversion of different fuels (Climate Change Consequences of VOC Emission Control) [3] Fuel Fuel Fuel Factor Consumer units (tones CO2) 0,206 per MWh gasa Natural gas 6,023 per ktherm gasa 3,19 per tons Diesel fuela Diesel fuel 0,265 per MWh Diesel fuela 2,674 per thousands liters motorină 3,223 per tons crude oil Crude oil 0,281 per MWh crude oila 2,457 per tons coal Coal 0,346 per MWh coala Electricity 0,523 per MWh electricity a

net calorific value; 1 therm = 100,000 BTU, a measure of the energy generated in gas consumption, 1BTU (British Thermal Unit) = 1055 joules.

The CO2 coming from fossil fuels used to calculate VOC destruction: CO2 fuel=Fcombust. x mcombust. (6) where fuel CO2 in tones, Fcombust. is CO2 conversion factor from fuel, mcombust. x Fcombust=0 (for biofuels). A compensation factor appears: CO2 comp.=Fcombust. X ∆m fuel (7) where ∆m is a reduction in the mass combust of the fuel, due to its reuse elsewhere in the plant. Thus, the total amount of CO2 emitted resulting from the incineration of the VOC is given by: CO2 equiv. = CO2 incin. + CO2 fuel - CO2 comp. (8) 3. Case study If a volatile organic compound can be incinerated without the need of an additional fuel, the incineration process is beneficial for the control of these compounds. In this case, incineration is recommended face to the release into atmosphere of VOCs, release which contributes to the global warming. When the incineration of volatile organic compounds is needed fuel, it must be followed if there are additional emissions of organic compounds. There have been issued procedures for calculating the emissions from organic compounds. These procedures take into account or the direct release of VOCs into the atmosphere, or thermal destruction of VOCs (incineration), so that the consequences regarding climate change to be quantified. Although the new directives intend to reduce VOC emissions by destroying their, it is also envisaged the global warming effect produced by the incineration of these organic pollutants too. This is the reason we proposed this case study. The following examples show how equivalent CO2 emissions can be calculated for a given set of initial conditions, in order to choose between incinerating or releasing VOCs into the atmosphere. The taken examples intend to illustrate calculations of the equivalent CO2 for various organic compounds. Case 1. 10 tones of chloride (1,1,1-trichloroethane) were disposed of in a burning incinerator 6 k term natural gas. Heat may be recovered from the incinerator in that one kterm natural gas can be stored in other parts of the installation. The fuel does not come from a renewable source. • Emissions of CO2 equivalent made directly in air: Methylene chloride GWP is 144 (table 1); CO2 primary=144 x 10=1440 tones (from equation 1); Molecular mass for CH3CCl3=133.41 g/mol; CO2 secondary=44 x 2 x 10 /133.41=6.6 tones of CO2 (equation 2). The total amount of CO2 emitted by VOCs in air: CO2 equiv.=1440 + 6.6=1446.6 tones CO2 • Equivalent CO2 emissions from incineration: CO2incin.=CO2secondary=6.6tons CO2 (equation 5). Natural gas, used to burn the incinerator, shows the factor: Fcombust=6,023t CO2/ therm gas (table 2). The resulting CO2 emission of 6 k term gas incinerator is: CO2 fuels=6.023 x 6=38 138 t CO2 equiv. (equation 6). Because one k term gas can be recovered, CO2 comp.= 6.023 x 1=6.023 t CO2 equiv. (equation 7). The total amount of CO2 emitted by VOC incineration: CO2 equiv.=6.6 + 38.138 to 6.023 = 38,715 tones CO2 (equation 8). • The difference in CO2 equivalent emitted from the incineration of VOC against VOC release in air: ∆CO2 equiv=38,715 -1446.6 =- 1407.9 tones CO2 equiv. The negative value indicates that there are benefits of global climate change through the VOC incineration (under the circumstances) than direct release to the atmosphere.

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Case 2. 8 tones of methylene chloride are removed in a burning incinerator by 6 tones of diesel fuel. Diesel fuel comes from a renewable source. The heat can be recovered from the incinerator. • Emissions of CO2 equivalent made directly in air: GWP methylene chloride is 10 (table 1);CO2 primary=10 x 8 = 80 tones (from equation 1); Molecular mass for CH2Cl2= 84.9 g/mol; CO2 secondary=44 x 1 x 10 / 84.9=5.2 tones of CO2 (in equation 2); The total amount of CO2 emitted by VOCs in air: CO2 equiv=80 + 5.2 =85.2 tones CO2 • Equivalent CO2 emissions from incineration: CO2 incin.=CO2secondary=5.2 tones CO2 (equation 5). As the fuel comes from a renewable source, then: Fcombust.=0. The emission of CO2 from diesel regenerated incinerator is used: CO2 fuels=0 t CO2 equiv. (equation 6). Does not occur when heat conversion: CO2 comp.=0 t CO2 equiv. The total amount of CO2 emitted VOC incineration: CO2 equiv.=5.2 + 0-0=5.2 tones CO2 (equation 8). • The difference in CO2 equivalent emitted from the incineration of VOC against VOC release in air: ∆CO2 equiv.=5,2 – 85,2 =- 90,4 tones CO2 equiv. In this case, because the fuel comes from a renewable source (CO2 fuel emitted does not count), the difference in CO2 based solely on GWP methylene chloride. The negative value indicates a good choice incineration of methylene chloride to the release into the atmosphere for the case shown. Case 3. 100 tones of solvent type hydrocarbon C7H14, obtained from a renewable source placed in an incinerator lit 1000 tones diesel fuel. The heat can be recovered from the incinerator, so that 400t diesel fuel can be recovered in other parts of the installation. The fuel does not come from a renewable source. • Emissions of CO2 equivalent made directly in air: GWP for solvent with formula C7H14 is given in Table 1, it take 10 assuming that the indirect effect of VOC; CO2 primary=10 x 100=1000 tones (from equation 1); Molecular mass for C7H14=100.21 g/mol. While the solvent is from a renewable source, carbon atoms do not contribute to climate change, so CO2 secondary=0 tones CO2 and the total amount of CO2 emitted VOCs in air: CO2 equiv.=CO2 primary =1000 tones CO2 • Equivalent CO2 emissions from incineration: CO2incin.=CO2secondary=0 tones CO2 (equation 5) as VOC comes from a renewable source. Additional fuel, gas oil, used to burn the incinerator has Fcombust 3.19 t (table 2). Thus CO2 emissions resulting from 1000t of diesel fuel is: CO2 fuels.=3.19 x 1000=3190 t CO2 equiv. (equation 6). The fuel is recovered (∆m=400t diesel fuel), thus: CO2 comp.=3.19 x 400=1276 t CO2 equiv. (equation 7). The total amount of CO2 emitted through VOC incineration: CO2 equiv.= 0 + 3190-1276 =1914 tones CO2 (equation 8). • The difference in CO2 equivalent emitted from the incineration of VOC against VOC release in air: ∆CO2 equiv.=1914 - 1000 = 914 tones CO2 equiv In this case, since the solvent has a low global warming potential (GWP = 10) and is burned using a large amount of fuel (diesel), incineration is a disadvantage to the removal of the solvent in the atmosphere. 4. Conclusions Although the new directives relating to the emissions of solvents intend to reduce VOCs emissions by removing them, the global worming effect produced by their incineration must not be neglected. Three cases to calculate the equivalent CO2 emissions were presented, in order to choose for VOC between incineration or release into the atmosphere; two situations that indicate a better choice of solvent incineration (in the first case the fuel does not come from a renewable source, in the second case the fuel comes from such a source) and a case pointing the disadvantage of incineration towards the release of solvent into the atmosphere. References 1. Topală C., Anghel, S., - Compuși organici volatili. Abordări teoretice, tehnice, legislative, (in Romanian), Ed. Universității din Pitești, 2009, 30-40 2. *** IPCC, - Safeguarding the ozone layer and the global climate system. Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005 3. a Collins and al., - Indirect GPWs, 2006; The impact of the VOC on the global distribution of methane and ozone, IPCC, Table 2.8., 2005 4. ***,- 5. ***,-

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

TOPO STUDIES FOR BUILDING OF THE PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS FIELDS Mădălina-Cristina MARIAN1 Abstract Photovoltaic solar panels convert solar energy directly into electricity. The study aims at presenting a project topographic techniques for placing solar panels. Go through the steps that are presented in the project and the importance of the equipment used, in terms of precision and workload. The bulk of the work is the graphics, drawings necessary for their opinions on such a project. Are detailed in the paper, to protect the identity of the owner and especially for the size measurement, in terms of its total, it is not possible to be viewed on a reduced size. Such work requires attention from the surveyor, eliminate errors, compliance measurement tolerances. Keywords and phrases: photovoltaics, topographical survey, planimetry, leveling

1. Introduction Climate change has imposed comprehensive research regarding the use of renewable energy resources. Fossil fuels, easily exhausted, will focus on renewable energy sources such as sunlight and wind complement naturally so durable. (C. Beggs, 2012). [1]. Photovoltaic solar panels convert solar energy directly into electricity and are made up of solar cells mechanically assembled. To obtain the necessary permits carrying out a project on construction of a photovoltaic park were needed some topological cadastral works. The land which is the subject of this paper has an area of 11.14 hectares. 2. Materials and methods Solar panels are used separately or linked independent consumer batteries for power or electricity generation that comes into the public network. A solar panel is characterized by its electrical parameters such as voltage or current idle circuit. To satisfy the conditions of production of electricity, solar cells are assembled into solar panels using different materials to provide protection against radiation and weathering transparent, robust electrical connection, protection of the mechanical rigid solar cells, solar cell protection and links Electric humidity, ensuring proper cooling of solar cells, protect against contact with electrically conductive components, the possibility of handling and light assembly ( Topographical study for such a project, generally comprises the following steps: studies necessary to obtain the building permit (CAP), road mapping, charting pillars supporting solar panels to align them vertically and horizontally. In the first stage, it was necessary to identify the location (Figure 1) as property documents and preparing technical documentation for obtaining topographical support reception of Zonal Urban Plan, in order to pass land located outside the town, knowing that you can not build without authorization.

Fig. 1. Identify site for topographical study

We used Spectra Precision Focus 4 Total Station with the method of repetitive firing of the laser pulse. There have been two traverse stations, the first directly GPS1 point (target-oriented GPS2), the second being ST1. From these stations were removed points on the perimeter and inside the body ownership. To determine the GPS points have been used Stratus receiving the SOKKIA. Spectra Precision Focus 4 Total Station has the following technical performances: Wavelength: 870nm, pulse rate <5ns, laser emission power at the output of the tool <6.4 W and SOKKIA GPS sites,


PhD.Lecturer, Universitaty of Pitesti, Romania,

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 59

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Stratus model, have 12 channels, L1 signal code C / A, precision-1m 5m 5mm cold start 2min. 45s warm start, resume 3s, internal antenna. Measurements were made directly in Stereo 70s. On the basis of measurements of the first phase, all other steps were carried out as described above. 3. Discussions and results Topographical made planimetric and nivelitice were lifting points with the removal of quotas on detail and determination of characteristic points of level curves (Figure 2). Number of points of detail was very high, 784 (Table 1).

Fig. 2. Planimetric and nivelitic detail with plotting contours

Plotting roads has been designed according to the coordinates of the plane (Figure 3), the area occupied by roads is 0.75 hectares.

Fig. 3. Draw Road Table 1. Inventory of coordonate- extracted from the field book No. Coordinates obtained from measurements point X Y Z 1 4xx678.842 4xx159.329 490.370 2 4xx666.598 4xx165.469 490.660 3 4xx690.205 4xx140.421 489.390 4 4xx692.336 4xx153.386 490.310 781 4xx469.259 4xx293.379 484.717 782 4xx491.280 4xx286.353 485.929 783 4xx482.928 4xx265.295 484.193 784 4xx472.733 4xx242.984 481.530

Step was to chart the supporting pillars of the panels according to the details on Figure 4 and 5, by positioning metal legs foundation.

Fig. 4. Drawing boards supporting pillars

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Fig. 5. Detail Project

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge It is noted that such operations are found in the major field configuration with solar panels. 4. Conclusions

From a technical standpoint, the work requires the use of a precision topographic devices, with the rise in both land and planimetric details of the nivelitice. In the production of documentation to be submitted to the Office of Cadastre and Land, several files are required to surrender, so both field work and the office requires a high workload. Attention is needed in data processing or drawing on the ground, because such projects require large investments and are not admitted errors. Moreover, any specialist surveyor should take account of measurement tolerances regulation and any error to be able to compensate at the right time. References 1. Beggs C., - Energy: Management, Supply and Conservation, Clive Beggs, ISBN: 978-0-7506-8670-9, Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK, 2012. 2. * * *,- – accesat 19.09.2014

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

VIRTUAL SIMULATION OF THE COAL BED DEGASSING AND HIGHLIGHT THE BENEFICIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Nicolae ILIAĹž,1 Eugen COZMA2, Roland MORARU3, Cristian TOMESCU4, Nicolae VLASIN5 Abstract Mining industry, by underground coal exploitations allows the release of important methane quantities in the atmosphere. This gas can be found stored both in coal deposits, as well as in sterile rocks from the proximity of coal beds. By realized degassing process in advance of the exploitation, there can be obtained at least three benefits simultaneously: a new source of fuel for heating devices, methane emissions reduction and ventilation costs reduction. With the help of computer simulations of the process of coal bed degassing, the differences between the situations that include this procedure and the situations in which the exploitation is performed without prior degassing of the coal beds can be highlighted. Keywords and phrases: ANSYS, degassing, environment, methane, simulation

1. Introduction Generally, all geological seams contain certain amounts of gases. By mining activities, some of these gases may be released in concentrations too low to take into account. But the methane gas released from coal beds, together with minor amounts of hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and helium, is the main component of fire damp in a coal mine. Because of the lower level of sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxides it releases when combusted, methane gas is viewed as a fuel with many environmental advantages (MacDonald, 1990). Safety work in coal mines substantially depends on extensive research of the gas kinetics processes taking place inside the coal or barren massive (processes changing with the changing of the mining excavations geometry) and on the measures taken based on this research, to reduce methane concentrations at the workplace. Once the safety parameters have been achieved through the mining ventilation process, degassing in advance of the coal exploitation is avoided although the amount of methane released into the atmosphere is significant. At the level of one coal face of 100 m length and 3.6 m height, the methane emissions from the work face reach a value of approximately 0.108kg/s, so approximately 9330kg/24h. The quantities are related to a production of 1440 tons/day (Vlasin et al., 2013). The release of methane to the atmosphere from producing and abandoned coal mines accounts for ten percent of global anthropogenic methane emissions. Methane adsorbed to coal’s internal surface matrix can be captured and recovered prior to the mining process, enhancing the health and safety of the underground workforce and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions while providing a clean burning energy source. The development of a strategic degasification plan is crucial to the success of both coal bed methane extraction and coal mining (VCCER, 2011). 2. Degassing process Degassing is an effective means for drainage the methane content in the coal deposits and in the sterile rocks from the proximity of coal beds. This process needs a detailed analysis of the factors influencing the methane emanations, a forecast of methane emanations, a diversified analysis of mining ventilation, a clear knowledge of the reserve deposit and the exploitation dynamics. Degassing is to capture the methane gas through boreholes drilled according to a certain scheme and draining the gas through a pipeline network to the surface by means of the depression developed of the vacuum pumps. Boreholes are drilled from specific underground locations (degassing niches) and can have lengths between 20 and 100 meters. The most used and beneficial degassing schemes are those with rising boreholes, whose efficiency is 1.1 to 1.5 times higher than descending boreholes.


Professor PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, iliasnic@ Professor PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, cozma2003@ 3 Professor PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, 4 PhD. Student, INCD INSEMEX Petrosani, Romania, critom05@ 5 PhD. Student, INCD INSEMEX Petrosani, Romania, valahian1@ 2

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Drilling locations must take into account: the geometrical characteristics of the coal deposit, the nature of the rocks from the roof and the nest, the risk factors for gas dynamics phenomena; the gas pressure in the rock massif; the amount of methane that could be released; the type and destination of the mining work. Figure 1 presents a placement scheme of the boreholes in the vicinity of a retreating longwall face.

Fig.1. Scheme of the boreholes for a retreating longwall face

Technological, the capture works may be boreholes made in coal beds, boreholes made to voids or cracks created above the coal bed, dams for the isolation of old mining works or drainage galleries made in coal beds 3. Computational model 3.1. Geometry and meshing For the virtual model, the geometry of a retreating longwall face was greatly simplified without affecting the final results of the simulation, complex geometry requiring an increased computational effort. The coal massif is 46.9m long, 25m width and 10m high (Figure 2).

Fig. 2. The geometry of the virtual system

The longwall face is 2.5m high, 3m wide and has the same length as the coal massif. The bottom gallery that supplies fresh air in the stope is 30m long. The other gallery, upper gallery for the return air, is 40m long and continues up with a shaft of 50m high. The upper surface of the shaft is set to represent the ventilation fan. At a distance of 22 m from the longwall face, there are made three boreholes in the coal massif. The boreholes are 25, 30 and 40m long and merge into a pipe that follows the upper gallery and climb along the shaft to the surface. Normally, the pipe is mounted on the gallery wall and climbs through the shaft. In virtual case, the pipeline is out of gallery and out of shaft in order to avoid contact regions that do not help in simulation. For the discretization network, there has been taken into account the reduced resources consumption, but while keeping a high accuracy of the simulated process. Meshing is an important part of the work; a huge number of elements can lead to blockage of the computer system, while a coarse mesh will give inadequate results, far from reality. In this case, the mesh grid consists of about 2,265,000 elements with focus on proximity and curvature area (Figure 3). Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 63

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Fig. 3. The mesh without and with the coal massif

The minim size of the cells is about 41mm. Meanwhile, the mesh must meet the requirements of the Fluent’s solvers. Another requirement was the designation of a common region representing the longwall face between the coal massif and the longwall working. The coal massif was considered as porous medium. 3.2. Input data and virtual simulation The air feed formula for a stope under the general depression of the mine, for dilution of emanating gases from deposit is: (1) where: qr - methane relative flow relating to the stope (value of 10 for firedamp mines); T - daily production of the stope; C - 1%: methane concentration taking in account; K - non-uniformity index for gas releases (values of 1.1 for mines with up to 15m3/t methane released). A value of 15m3/t methane released was taken in account, which corresponds to 1048m3/min to a daily production of 915tons/day. For the degassing system, the pump creates a flow of 100m3/min. The CFD tool used to achieve the simulation was ANSYS multi-physics package, which includes the necessary software to make the geometry and mesh. ANSYS Fluent is a powerful instrument providing, among other things, the possibility of parallel processing. Tests were made in both cases: exploitation with an implemented degassing system and exploitation without coal degasification. For both cases, the geometry used was the same, except the boreholes and pipeline representing degassing system. Also the input parameters were identically the same. But the results are different.

4. Results

In the case of a non-existing degassing system, the methane flow rate measured to the shaft’s exhaust fan has a value of approx. 0.1210kg/s CH4 (Figure 4).

Fig. 4. Flow rate to the exhaust fan of the shaft (non-existing degasification)

In the second case, with an existing degassing system, there are two outlets from the underground works: first is the exhaust fan of the shaft (like in the previous case), and second outlet is the pump of degassing system (in the virtual geometry is the surface on the top of the pipeline). The methane flow rate was measured again at the level of the ventilation fan (Figure 5) and to the outlet of the degassing pipeline (Figure 6). Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 64

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

Fig. 5. Flow rate to the exhaust fan (existing degassing system)

Fig. 6. Flow rate to the outlet of the degassing pipe

Making a comparison between the results of the virtual simulation treated here and the results from practice (Lupu, 2007), the values of the computed flows can be successfully integrated into the real range of values measured to degassing systems of mining enterprises in Jiu Valley, Romania (table 1). Table 1. Comparison between real and computed results of degassing process CH4 flow rate CH4 total Degassing Mining CH4 flow rate Efficiency Enterprise from degassing from ventilation flow rate 3 3 3 [%] [m /min] [m /min] [m /min] Lupeni 6.8 39.2 46.0 14.7 Paroseni 4.68 28.94 33.62 13.9 Livezeni 1.26 17.85 19.11 6.6 Simulation 1.3 9.53 10.83 12.0

In Figure 7 are represented the path lines for CH4 mass fractions (a), pressure (b) and velocities (c) inside the coal massif, along the coal face, galleries and shaft and inside the degassing pipeline during the computational simulation.


b. Fig. 7. Path lines of CH4 mass fraction, pressure and velocities

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Generally, the first hundred of iterations are omitted, until the simulation calculation is stable. After that, it can be observed that the sum of the two values of flow (to the fan and to the pump) is almost equal with the value of the flow to the fan from the first case (0.1060+0.0145=0.1205kg/s). Negative sign means the mass leaves the discredited domain.

5. Conclusions

Though Computational Fluid Dynamics technics, the degasification efficiency can be predicted with enough accuracy. The main reason of degassing projects and for methane recovery is the mine safety due to the major risk of explosion. Reducing the methane quantities in coal beds may shrink the methane concentration in working area, thereby improving the safety and reducing the costs of mining ventilation process, or reducing to minimum the downtimes due to high level of methane. Another important reason is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission involving methane, knowing that it is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. And not least, the research in methane recovery from abandoned and active mines or from the underground of future mines can create opportunities to generate energy. References 1. Lupu C., - Methane from coal mines, (in Romanian), INSEMEX Publishing House; Petrosani, Romania, 19-21, 2007 2. MacDonald G.J., - The future of methane as an energy resource; Annual Review of Energy; Volume 15; Virginia, USA, 1990 3. Tomescu C., - Cercetări privind creşterea gradului de securitate în procesul recuperării şi valorificării metanului din arealul carbonifer al Văii Jiului, (in Romanian), Proiect Teza de doctorat, Petrosani, 2014 4. * * * -, Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research, - A Regional Handbook for Coalbed Methane Degasification in the Southern Shanxi Province China, 2011, Online at: https:// FinalHandbook_VATech2008Grant.pdf; 5. Vlasin N., Lupu C., Ghicioi E., Suvar M., Pasculescu V., - Highlighting gas emissions from coal mines into the atmosphere through computerised methods, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE '13), Valencia, 132, 2013

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

PREDICTING THE FLUID FLOW SHAPE IN THE COMBUSTION CHAMBER OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE BY USING CFD SIMULATIONS Mahran DAWWA1, Yahia ZAKARIA2 Abstract The combustion quality in the internal combustion engines is influenced by the shapes of the fluid flows inside the cylinders. The present paper aims to predict these shapes by using three simulations based on the finite elements method. The simulations study the gases flow during the scavenging phase and at the end of the compression stroke. They also study the fuel flow from the injector nozzle into the combustion chamber. The results obtained from these simulations are discussed and compared to the empirical data from the discipline literature. Keywords and phrases: Diesel, simulation, fluid flow, Ansys, combustion chamber

1. Introduction As the need for energy is raising day by day, more efficient methods for implementing the natural sources should be achieved. Obtaining energy by combustion is one of the most classical methods, yet the most important [1],[2]. Many research efforts, such as [3],[4], [5] and [6] have been dedicated in the last decades to reach an optimum burning of the fuel in the Internal Combustion Engines (ICE). The using of numerical analysis techniques to predict different aspects of the combustion process has become popular recently in the discipline of (ICE) [7],[8],[9]. However, due to the extreme complexity of the combustion process, the researchers tend to include more factors in simulation to obtain results closer to the empirical ones. Nevertheless, adding large number of factors and constants could lead to the desired results only for one specific engine at one well-determined working regime. Each time the numerical analysis is applied for different engine or different working regime, a large set of constants needs to be calibrated once again by comparing the simulation results with the experimental ones, if the latest are available [10]. Therefore, the authors of this paper propose approaching the problem from innovative point of view. Instead of adding more constants, the problem should be divided into smaller and simpler problems. At the end, when all the involved phenomena are investigated, the connection between the problems can be made intellectually. Thus, the present paper aims to gain a better understanding of the combustion process in diesel engines by simulating the flow of the gases inside the cylinders. For this purpose, three different simulations are included in this research: intake and exhaust gases flow during the valves overlap opening, gases flow at the end of the compression stroke and fuel flow from the injector nozzle. All these simulations are performed on CFD analysis tool provided in Ansys Workbench. 2. Simulation description Conform the main goal of the paper stated above, three simulations are performed on the incylinder processes and they are outlined in the following way: 2.1. Simulation I: Fluid flow during the scavenging phase.The scavenging process has a significant effect on many parameters of the combustion process, from which we mention: temperature and flow shape of the gases inside the cylinder before ignition and temperature of the exhaust gases [2],[11],[12]. 2.2. Simulation II: In-cylinder fluid flow at the end of compression stroke.The flow shape of the gases in the pre-ignition phase influences the mixture formation, ignition delay and combustion products [13],[14]. The gases flow can be divided into two distinct motions: rotational around the vertical axis of the piston (swirl flow) and radial towards the center of the cylinder (quench flow) [2],[15]. 2.3. Simulation III: Fuel spray.The injector nozzle should be designed to assure an optimal distribution of the fuel in the combustion chamber, which leads to form an homogeneous mixture. In addition, the fuel flow in the injector and in the combustion chamber affects the droplets size and number. In order to obtain a maximum surface of contact between fuel and oxidizer, the droplets size is required to be as small as possible while the droplets number is needed to be as large as possible [16]. 1 2

PhD Student, Maritime University of Constanta, Romania,; PhD, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania,

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge 3. Simulation stages Simulations include three basic stages: preprocessing, processing and post-processing. The details of every stage differ depending on the type of the simulation and the programs used. CFD analysis in Ansys Workbench consists in the following sub-stages: geometry, mesh, setting, solution and results. These steps are described in detail in [17] and [18].The distinct feature of the simulations presented in this paper over other methods of approaching the combustion process is the ability to apply the same general steps for all engine types and working regimes if the geometric model, boundary conditions and solver options are assumed correctly. Furthermore, although three different fluid flow simulations are performed on three different components of the engine, the simulation stages are almost the same, except some small particularities which will be pointed clearly. 3.1. The geometric model Three geometric models are built for the three simulations. Each one of these models is built in such a way that permits studying the related simulation accurately. Generally, these models can be constructed in any CAD program, such as: SolidWorks, AutoCAD Mechanical, Ansys and Catia. The authors chose Catia for its easy exporting feature into Ansys. The shape and dimensions of the geometric models are based on the engine detailed description provided in [19]. Some of the tiny details can be neglected due their small influence on the simulation results. The geometric models for the simulations I, II and III are shown respectively in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Fig.1 Geometric model for analyzing the scavenging process

Fig.2. Geometric model for predicting the shape of the gases flow at the end of the compression stroke

Fig.3. Geometric model used to simulate fuel flow in the injector nozzle

3.2. Meshing As the simulations of this research are based on the Finite Elements Method (FEM), the geometric model should be divided into a large number of tiny elements. The equations which describe the fluid flow are written for each element separately. After that, the fluid flow is predicted in the whole body by the common solution of the equations obtained in these elements. It is well known that a better prediction of the fluid flow can be achieved when the elements size is smaller. However, the reduction of the elements size is limited by the time needed to solve the mathematical model which depends mainly on the computer properties. Thus, if we keep in mind that the longer the time needed for simulation, the higher the costs, a compromise between the elements size and simulation time should be considered. The method followed in this paper to reach this compromise is to start with a mesh having low quality, then the mesh quality is increased as long as the time elapsed to perform the simulation is considerably acceptable. A chief indicator of reaching an optimum quality for the mesh is when the mesh is refined and the same results are obtained. Another indicator is the homogeneousness of the elements throughout the geometric model [20].It is worth mentioning that during the meshing stage, it is important to deal with the locations of the body which have great Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 68

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge influence on the flow shape with a higher attention. Ansys provides the user with many options to achieve a high-quality mesh such as: sizing, contact sizing, refinement, mapped face meshing, match control, pinch and inflation. The final mesh adopted for the simulations I, II and III can be seen respectively in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6.

Fig. 4. Meshing of the geometric model adopted for the simulation I - sectional view

Fig. 5. Meshing of the geometric model adopted for the simulation II - sectional view

Fig. 6. Meshing of the geometric model adopted for the simulation III - sectional view

3.3. Setup The boundary conditions are determined in this stage. Basically these conditions should be set as close as possible to the real exploitation conditions. However, depending on the simulation purpose, the boundary conditions can be chosen to answer the question: “What would happen if these were the boundary conditions?� Therefore, the boundary conditions of the simulations in this paper are firstly chosen close to real conditions. Bearing in mind the papers main aims, small deviations from the real engine working regime are added to make the results more visible. 3.4. Solution The time needed to obtain a stable solution depends on the computer properties, the elements size and number and the solution options. The method followed by Ansys to solve the mathematical model is based on giving an approximate solution for a specific number of iterations. The solution is considered satisfactory when an acceptable convergence of results is reached. The average time elapsed to reach the results convergence for these simulations is about 33 minutes within approximately 60 iterations. 3.5. Results The outcome of the numerical analysis can be represented in tables, graphical curves or in 3D illustrations. The results illustrations are presented in Figure 7 and Figure 8 for simulation I, Figure 9 and Figure 10 for simulation II and in Figure 11 and Figure 12 for simulation III. In Figure 7 we can see the streamlines of the gases and the pressure on the internal walls of the studied model. Colors from red to blue indicate the magnitude of speed and pressure ranged between the highest and lowest values respectively. A top-view of the gases streamlines are shown in Figure 8 where the walls of the model are made transparent to visualize the internal space. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 69

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Fig.7. The flow of the gases during the scavenging phase - sectional front view

Fig.8. The flow of the gases during the scavenging phase - top view

Fig.9. The flow of the gases at the end of the compression stroke

Fig.10. The flow of the gases at the end of the compression stroke - sectional front view

Fig.11. The flow of the fuel at the injection moment sectional front view

Fig.12. The flow of the fuel at the injection moment top view

Figure 9 shows the difference in pressure distribution on the surfaces of the combustion chamber. The shape of the flow of the gases when the piston is near to the top dead center is shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10. The results of simulation III are illustrated in Figure 11 and Figure 12. Fuel flow inside the injector and after it goes out of the injector nozzle can be seen in these figures form a front-view and top-view.The results obtained from these simulations are numerous and the figures presented above are chosen to serve the main goals of this research. 4. Results discussion The results obtained from the three simulations discussed in this paper are compared to the theoretical and experimental data achieved by Challen et al [1], Pulkrabek [2], Smits [21], Merker et al [22], Bogin et al [16] and Rao et al [23]. Consequently, the results of this paper confirm the predictions of fluid flow shape established in former studies.Simulation I shows the effect of different geometrical properties of the engine on the gases flow from the intake manifold until the exhaust manifold. From these geometrical properties we mention, for example, shapes and dimensions of the intake and exhaust valves and holes. Since the valves constitute an obstacle in the gases path, they affect the turbulence generated inside the cylinder.Simulation II gives the expected form of gases flow prior to ignition. The final obtained form is a result of combining two simultaneous motions of gases: swirl flow and quench flow. It can be noticed from Figure 9 and Figure 10 that the design of the piston head initiates specific shapes of the gases flow, which are represented here mainly in two vortices located on the piston’s plane of symmetry. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 70

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge The results obtained from simulation III, which are presented in Figure 11 and Figure 12, show that the fuel flow changes its nature from laminar to extremely turbulent as it approaches the nozzle holes. This can be seen clearly from the high velocity of the fuel droplets as they pass the holes. The high turbulence of the fuel in the nozzle holes makes the distance between the streamlines larger as soon as they leave the injector. This may indicate that cavitation phenomenon takes place near to the exit end of the nozzle holes. In addition, we can notice from the figures that the fuel spray covers a descent area of the combustion chamber, yet blind spots still exit. The blind spots have insignificant negative effect because the turbulent motion of the gases inside the cylinder at the end of the compression stroke, as it was mentioned, reduces or even eliminates the blind spots. 5. Conclusions Due to the complexity of the combustion process in the ICE, the authors propose dividing the combustion analyzing into smaller separate problems. Generally, the sub-problems can be classified in three major categories: fluid flow, thermal analysis and chemical reactions examination. The simulations performed in this paper belong to the first category. The importance of the in-cylinder gases flow analysis comes from the fact that the form of the gases flow affects mixture formation, combustion quality, combustion delay, flame length and the exhaust gases type and quantity [24], [25], [26]. At the injection moment, the flow of the fresh gas is influenced by the scavenging process and the motion of the piston towards the top dead center. Scavenging process decreases the temperature of the gases inside the cylinder before and after the combustion. It reduces also the ratio of the exhaust gases which remain in the cylinder and participate in the next thermodynamic cycle [12]. The present paper includes performing three simulations on three different aspects accompany the combustion process. Although all these simulations have the same stages, they have different geometric models, boundary conditions and meshing methods. The first simulation examines the gases flow from the intake manifold until the exhaust manifold. This flow occurs basically during the valve opening overlap within a process known as the scavenging. However, this simulation is useful to predict the gases flow in the intake stroke and in the exhaust stroke as well. The results obtained from this simulation showed a great amount of turbulence generated behind the valve body. This indicates, firstly, that the valve body has a negative role in creating a resistance in the gases way in and out of the cylinder. Secondly, the valve body can be designed to achieve a higher degree of turbulence for the gases prior to the injection moment. The second simulation targets the shape of the gases flow at the injection moment. The common tendency of the designers of the combustion chamber is to spread the fresh air around the fuel droplets in such a way that reduces the occurrence of rich combustion [23]. This requires the fresh air to penetrate the fuel spray at a speed close to the speed of the chemical reactions which start with the ignition of the fuel-air mixture. Furthermore, the high turbulence of the fresh air increases the probability of producing a homogenous mixture. It can be observed in Figure 9 and Figure 10 that a general turbulent flow is generated from the combination of the quench flow and swirl flow. However, because of the piston head design, two obvious vortices can be witnessed on the symmetry plane of the piston. The flow shape predicted in the first simulation will add to these vortices a rotational motion around the vertical axis of symmetry of the cylinder. It can be said, thus, that the fuel spray will be surrounded by two vortices rotating around the vertical axis of the cylinder. The third simulation has been applied on the fuel flow in the injector nozzle. The results gained from this simulation demonstrate that the high pressure exerted on the fuel by the injector pomp forces the fuel to pass the nozzle holes at high velocities, which initiates fuel cavitation in these holes. This can be seen clearly in Figure 12 where the streamlines spread apart as soon as they leave the nozzle holes. This leads to a fast vaporization of the fuel and a large reduction in the fuel droplet size [16]. This phenomenon, along with the flow of the fresh air in the cylinder anticipated in the other simulations, increases air entrainment in the fuel spray cone. On the other hand, the simulation shows an appearance of blind spots in the fuel distribution inside the combustion chamber. However, these spots have small dimensions and can be eliminated by the rotational motion of the vortices described above. Finally we mention that these simulations constitute an approach for solving the combustion process partially. Further thermal and chemical simulations are necessary to achieve a complete view of the combustion process and they will be presented in following research papers.

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge References 1. Challen B., Baranescu R., - Diesel engine reference book, second edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1999 2. Pulkrabek W.W., - Engineering fundamentals of the internal combustion engine, Prentice Hall, New Jersy, USA, 1997 3. Kongre U.V., Sunnapwar V.K., -CFD modeling and experimental validation of combustion in direct ignition engine fueled with diesel, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, DINDIGUL, Vol.1(3), pp. 508-517, 2010 4. Saad, I.,Bari, S. (2013). -CFD investigation of in-cylinder air flow to optimize number of guide vanes to improve CI engine performance using higher viscous fuel. International Journal of Automotive And Mechanical Engineering (IJAME). Vol.8. pp. 1096-1107, DOI: 10.15282/ijame.8.2013.1.0089 5. Hossain, S.N., Bari, S. - Waste heat recovery from the exhaust of a diesel generator using Rankine Cycle, Energy Conversion and Management,75. pp. 141-151. DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2013.06.009, 2013 6. Buzbuchi N., Stan L.C., - Model simulation of high power diesel engine exhaust gas pollutants, rd Proceeding of the 3 international conference on environment and global science and engineering, Constanta, Romania, 3-5 September 2010 7. Gao-Feng Y., Ming-Jiang, H. - Predicting Nox emissions of diesel engine based on Fluent. International conference on E-product, E-service and E-entertainment. Henan. pp. 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/ICEEE.2010.5660344, 2010 8. Kuntz, M., Ansys Inc. -Validation and verification of Ansys internal combustion engine software. Automotive simulation World Congress. 30-31 October, Detroit, MI, USA, 2012 9. Ansys Inc., - IC Engine System. Automotive simulation World Congress. Detroit, MI, USA, 30-31 October 2012 10. Rao, V., Honnery D., - A comparison of two Nox prediction schemes for use in diesel thermodynamic modeling. Fuel 107. pp.662-670. DOI: 10.1016.j.fuel.2013.01.071, 2013 11. Rao V., Honnery D., - Application of multi-step soot model in thermodynamic diesel engine model. Fuel 135. pp.269-278. DOI: 10.1016.j.fuel.2014.06.046, 2014 12. Salzar F., - Internal combustion engines. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, 1998 13. Purohit D., Mishra P., Banskar V., - Flow simulation of an IC engine in Fluent, Ansys 14. International Journal of Engineering Research And Applications. ICETMEE, 13-14 March 2014. pp. 252-255 14. Bosch S.M.J., Prasad P.I., Rajagopal K., - Simulation of in-cylinder processes in a DI diesel engine with various injection timing. ARPN Journal of Engineering And Applied Sciences. Vol.4(1), 2009, pp. 1-7 15. Karunanidhi S.G., Balakrishnan N., Rao G.S., - CFD studies of combustion in direct injection single cylinder diesel engine using non-premixed combustion model. International Journal Of Engineering Research and Applications. Vol.4 (7), 2014, version 1. pp. 68-73 16. Bogin G.E.Jr., DeFillipo, A., Chen J.Y, Chin G., Luecke J., Ratcliff M.A., Zilger B.T., Dean A.M., (2009). - Modeling of the fuel spray and combustion process of the ignition quality tester with KIV A-3V, Fallmeeting of the western states section of the combustion institute. Irvine, CA, USA. 17. Cazacu M., Alkhatib M., Zakaria Y.,- Numerical simulation of the viscous fluid flow through labyrinths. Scientific Bulletin, Series D, Mechanical engineering. University Polytechnic of Bucharest, 2014 18. Zakaria Y., -Using Ansys program for static wheel-rail interaction simulation. INCER, 2nd Ed., Bucharest, Romania, June 20-21, 2013, pp.181-84 19. Hino Motors Ltd., - Workshop manual: Engine W04D. Tokyo, Japan, 2014 20. Noor M.M., Wandel A.P., Yusaf T., -Detail guide for CFD on the simulation of biogas combustion in bluff-body mild burner. Kuantan, Malaysia, PaperID: 342 ICMER 2013, 1-3 July 21. Smits J.J.M., -Modeling of fluid flow in an internal combustion engine. Eindhoven University of Technology. Report Number WVT2006.22, 2006 22. Merker G.P., Schwarz C., Teichmann R., -Combustion engines development: Mixture formation, combustion, emissions and simulation. Springer. Heidelberg & New York. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14094-5, 2009 23. Rao V., Honnery D., - Development of diesel engine phenomenological model: Modeling and th validation. 9 Australian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Monash University. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2011 24. Rao V., Honnery D., Ghojel J., - Diesel engine performance of pyrolysis oil-diesel blends. Bioenergy Australia Conference, Goldcoast, Queensland, 2009 25. Alkhulaifi K., Hamdalla M., - Ignition delay correlation for a direct injection diesel engine fuelled with automotive diesel and water diesel emulsion, World Academy of Science, Engineering and technology, Vol. 5(10), 2011, pp.754-766 26. Merker G.P., Schwarz C., Stiesch G., Otto F., - Simulating combustion (Simulation of combustion and pollutant formation for engine-development). Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

INCREASING SAFETY CONDITIONS IN INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION INSTALLATIONS Eugen COZMA1, Florin RÄ‚DOI,2 Doru CIOCLEA3 Abstract To control the atmosphere of industrial enclosures are used complex installations for ventilation that typically include ventilators, routing systems, regulating systems, wetting, heating / cooling, de-dusting etc. Ventilation systems are designed in order to maintain under the maximum permissible limit the concentrations of gases, mists, powders or dusts, generated by industrial processes. During their operation may occur structural changes or operating system entailing changes in functional parameters and specific of the ventilator and therefore the risk of occurrence for potentially explosive and / or toxic atmosphere. For this reason it is necessary to check them regularly. Checking ventilation systems aims to achieve and maintain an optimal environment for carrying the activity, protection of life, bodily integrity and health of workers and others involved in the work process. Verification activity of the ventilation systems has strong preventive role mainly in terms of risk of explosion because of the three elements that can lead to an explosion occurrence, ventilation systems can provide fuel (gases, vapors, dusts /powders, mists) respectively initiation source (hot surface, flame, mechanic sparks, electrical sparks, static electricity, etc.). Keyworlds and phrases: ventilation, explosive atmospheres, toxic environments

1. Introduction Within the work environment there may occur factors generating toxic or explosive atmosphere which have drastically and sometimes dramatically consequences upon the workers. In order to ensure the occupational health and safety of workers in all aspects related, there have to be prevented occupational risks, their avoidance or the assessment of risks which cannot be avoided, respectively fighting against risks at their source. 2. Explosion risk In essence, the explosion is an extremely rapid physical-chemical process of flammable substance or compounds combustion, accompanied by a rapid change of their potential energies into mechanical work. The mechanical work is the result of instant increase of the volume of gases formed at the moment of the explosion and their instant increase of temperature and pressure. Generation and violent release of gases is specific for the explosion and it occurs in all three types of explosions: mechanical (physical), chemical and atomic. Chemical explosions of air-fuels mixtures may be grouped into homogenous explosions and heterogeneous explosions. Heterogeneous explosions are explosions which ignited in a point of the mixture, spread step by step on its own support, through the capacity of auto-maintenance of the reaction. It is understood that a group of molecules under the action of an external impulse decomposes, and then the resulted energy is sufficient for generating repeated decomposing in the neighboring layers. So, the explosion spreads like a wave. A homogenous explosion is a chemical reaction which takes place in a homogenous mixture that has in any moment strictly uniform temperature and concentrations, and the reaction speed (in the sense of chemical kinetics) is the same in all points of the system; this speed increases until it reaches a high value, meaning an explosion [1]. The necessary conditions to achieve an explosion are presented in figure 1.

Fig. 1. Explosion triangle (1. fuel -gases, vapors, dusts/powders, mists; 2. oxygen carrier - oxygen, oxidant substances- ; 3. ignition source - hot surface, mechanical sparks, electrical sparks, static electricity etc.). 1

Professor PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, cozma2003@ PhD.Student, INCD INSEMEX Petrosani, Romania, Romania, 3 PhD. Eng., INCD INSEMEX Petrosani, Romania,


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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Explosions may occur anytime there are simultaneously fulfilled the conditions: flammable/combustible (fuel) substances or mixtures present a high level of dispersion in air; concentration of flammable substances or mixtures in air (oxygen carrier) is found between the explosion ranges (lower or higher); the quantity of explosive atmosphere (air-fuel mixture) is dangerous at a moment; there is considered to be dangerous a compact explosive atmosphere of minimum 10 dm3, formed in an enclosure (room), regardless of its size; the ignition source exists and is efficient (high enough temperature and energy) for ensuring the activation of the molecules in order to ignite and spread the fast combustion reaction. 3. Ventilation installations verification Execution projects comprise systems for preventing and fighting against risk factors which may occur during the development of technological processes. Based on the approached knowledge of the type and quantity of noxious which can be released in the enclosure, the designer includes ventilation installations for limiting or removing the risk of potentially explosive and/or toxic atmosphere occurrence. Based on the execution project, the builder mounts installations for ventilation depending on the technical specifications of the intended location. Depending on the technical specifications, the ventilation installations foreseen may contain tubing or not. The ones containing tubes may be single line or branched. Also, they can be equipped with one or more fans. In operation, the operational parameters of fans, respectively the tubing encounters changes which may lead to the increase in gas concentrations, vapors, powders or mists. For avoiding the risk of potentially explosive and/or toxic atmosphere, the ventilation installations must be verified. The verification of ventilation installations aims to ensure and maintain an optimal environment for performing the activities, for life care, body integrity and health of workers and other persons taking part in the work process and it establishes the general provisions for the organization of the activity for verification of ventilation installations operating in environments with potentially explosive and/or toxic atmosphere hazards. The activity for verification of ventilation installations is applied to all companies, whose activity is susceptible to generate potentially explosive and/or toxic atmospheres, in order to ensure the conformity of operational parameters achieved by the ventilation installations with the ones declared by the user. The activity for verification of ventilation installations has a major preventive role regarding the explosion hazard, mainly because one of the three elements which may lead to an explosion may be ensured by the ventilation installations, namely the fuel (gases, vapors, powders/dusts, mists), and another one being the ignition source (hot surfaces, flame, mechanical sparks, electrical sparks, static electricity etc.) [3] [4] [5] [6]. The activity for verification of ventilation installations involves the determination of parameters achieved by the installation, through measurements carried out on site, as follows: Air state parameters: air flow velocity; absolute pressure; temperature; relative humidity; Aerodynamic parameters: geometry of the installation; pressure loss; static, dynamic and total pressure / depression; circulated air flow; unit/total aerodynamic resistance; unit/total coefficient of air losses; tightening level. Operational parameters of fans: static pressure/depression in fan intake or exhaust; achieved air flow; supply voltage; absorbed current intensity; power factor; rotation; power absorbed by the engine; useful power; operational efficiency. 4. Verification of aerodynamic coefficients related to ventilation columns Calculation phases required for determining the aerodynamic coefficients, related to ventilation columns, R0 and K0, on site, are the following [2]: a) Performing measurements for: air flow, in one point of the column, towards the fan, Q1 (m3/s); air flow, in one point of the column, towards the workface, Q2 (m3/s); pressure, in one point of the column, towards the fan, P1 (daPa); length of the column between the two points of measurement, L (m); average dynamic depression (pressure) and air velocity within the column, in stations for measuring air flow; air temperature in the ventilation column and mining work, in stations for measuring flow; barometric pressure within the mining work; diameter and length of the ventilation column; distance between fans and column length related to each fan. b) The correction off-air flow is performed. Measured flows according to the ones presented above, are brought to the standard level of 760 mmHg and 150C using the following equation: Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 74

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Qcor = 0,38 ⋅ B/T ⋅ Qmas (m3/s) in which: B – barometric pressure determined in the measurement point, mmHg; T – Absolute temperature (t + 273,16), K. c) Air flow velocity within the pipe. For each point are measured the values of dynamic depression (pressure) corresponding to the two perpendicular diameters, calculating the value of the dynamic depression in environments corresponding to each diameter. Final average value obtained in this manner serves to the determination of air flow velocity in the column of tubes, velocity determined using the following equation: V =




(m/s )


in which: g – gravitational acceleration m/s ; hd – final average depression (pressure), Pa; ρ - air density, kg/m3. Air density depends on static pressure which is specific for the flow and has the t temperature: ρ = 0,462

hS t + 273,16

If the atmospheric pressure is noted with Pa (mmHg) then the static pressure from the ventilation column is the following: h′ h = Pa + s , (Pa) s 13,6

where: hs' - reading performed with the depression-meter (Pa). In these conditions, air density ρ is calculated using the following equation: h′ 3 Pa + S , (Kg/m ) 13,6 ρ = 0,462

t + 273,15

d) Average air flow is calculated using the following equation: Qm = 2Q1 + 3Q2 , (m3/s) 5

e) Air flows ration is calculated using the following equation: QR = Q1 / Q2 f) Aerodynamic resistance of the column of L length is determined using the following equation: Rc = P1 / Qm2 (daPa s2/m6) g) The coefficient of air losses of the column of L length is determined, using QR and RC, with the relation: QR = 1,02 + 0,585K C

RC + 0,15 K C2 RC

h) Unit coefficient of air losses is determined using the following equation: K0 = KC / L (m3/s for one daPa) i) The aerodynamic unit resistance is determined using the following equation: R0 = RC / L (daPa s2/m7) 5. Conclusions In essence, the explosion is an extremely rapid physical-chemical process of flammable substance or compounds combustion, accompanied by a rapid change of their potential energies into mechanical work. Generation and violent release of gases leads to human losses, massive material losses, respectively to stopping the technological process over a longer period of time. The activity for verification of ventilation installations has a major preventive role regarding the explosion hazard, mainly because one of the three elements which may lead to an explosion may be ensured by the ventilation installations, namely the fuel (gases, vapors, powders/dusts, mists), and another one being the ignition source (hot surfaces, flame, mechanical sparks, electrical sparks, static electricity etc.). For the verification of industrial ventilation fans was issued a Normative on the organization of the activity for verification of ventilation installations operating in industrial units with explosive and/or toxic atmosphere occurrence hazard, NVIV-01-06 approved by Order of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and of the Ministry of Labor, Family and Equal Opportunities no. 1638 dated April 25th 207, respectively Order of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and of the Ministry of Labor, Family and Equal Opportunities no.393 dated may 2nd 2007. NVIV-01-06 aims to ensure and maintain an optimal environment for performing the activities, for life care, body integrity and health of workers and other persons taking part in the work process and it establishes the general provisions for the organization of the activity for verification of ventilation installations operating in environments with potentially explosive and/or toxic atmosphere hazards. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 75

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge NVIV-01-06 Normative is applied to all companies, whose activity is susceptible to generate potentially explosive and/or toxic atmospheres, in order to ensure the conformity of operational parameters achieved by the ventilation installations with the ones declared by the user. Ventilation installations under the incidence of NVIV-01-06 Normative are the ones which operate or circulate potentially explosive or toxic atmospheres. References 1. Baron O., Simion S., Basuc M., - Explosion risk assessment, Europrint Publishing House, Oradea, 2004 2. Cioclea D. – Guidelines for dimensioning industrial ventilation installations, INSEMEX Publishing House, Petrosani, 2013 3. Rădoi F., Boantă C. - Establishing characteristic ruves abd operational parameters if fans from the main ventilation station no.18, VOD 3.0, from within Paroşeni mining unit, INCD INSEMEX Work, Petrosani, 2013 4. Rădoi F., Boantă C,. - Assessment and verification of the ventilation installation related to “Front Castel” from within AHE Surduc Nehoiaşu, regarding the conformity with NVIV-01-06 Normative INCD INSEMEX Work, Petrosani, 2013 5. Boantă C., Rădoi F. - Assessment and verification of the ventilation installation related to “Trestia – Castel” (downstream), from within the adduction gallery Surduc – Nehoiaşu, regarding the conformity with NVIV01-06 Normative, INCD INSEMEX Work, Petrosani, 2014 6. * * * -, Normative dated May 2nd 2007 on the organisation of the activity for verification of ventilation installations operating in environments with potentially explosive and/or toxic atmosphere hazards, indicator NVIV-01-06, Bucharest, 2007

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 76

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

SEPARATION OF THE CONSTITUENTS FROM MINERAL MIXTURE COMPOSED OF IRON ORE, BAUXITE AND COAL THROUGH JIGGING Alexandru-Florin MIHAI1 Abstract The effort to recycle the mineral waste from the losses which occur at the bulk handling companies in the harbor area leads to the need for separating the useful mineral components. We will analyze different separation methods for this waste that is composed of a mechanical mixture of iron ore, bauxite and coal, with a size of 0 -50 mm in order to obtain mineral products which can be sold on a competitive market. In this article we will study the separation of constituents with size over 0.5 mm using jigging. Keywords and phrases: harbor waste, jigging of a mineral mixture, extraction of coal from mineral waste, separation of synthetic mineral mixture Innovative elements: Separation of the constituents from harbor waste mixture composed of iron ore, bauxite and coal

1. Introduction As we know, from the activities of unloading, depositing and loading from/in vessels, barges, freight trains or trucks of raw materials for steel industry like: iron ore, coal, bauxite etc. in the harbor area, some loses occurred that have the following causes: technological (from the usage of long conveyor belts, bunkers, transfer points etc.); natural (waste originating from dusty materials scattered by strong winds during depositing; waste originating from heavy rains that break some material from piles. Losses and even contamination of material may occur); other (waste arising from measurements made in bad weather conditions: strong winds, waves). As a result of the manipulation of several types of raw materials in the technological flow and depositing areas, quantities of contaminated materials accumulated, which cannot be used resulting a mineral waste. 2. Separation through jigging 2.1. Generalities The jigging is a method of gravitational concentration by which, under the action of a water pulsating current, the mineral mixture formed of components with different densities is separated in their ascending sequence from the superficial layers to the depth. The finite products obtained, under the form of layers are divided and continuously evacuated from the machine. The concentration through jigging is specially applied for the concentration of coals; therefore almost 70 % from the coal preparations are endowed with jugging machines.The size of the treated material varies in wide limits being always bigger than 0,5 mm. The existence at present of more hypotheses regarding the process of separation of the material, based on the difference of density, indicates the complexity of the process and the difficulty of surprising all the phenomena that take place and act synergic. Although the simplifying hypotheses of the jigging process are based on the laws of symptosis of falling of the bodies in uncomfortable conditions, which was also proved by practice that implies the pre-classification of material on limited granulation classes, (Mayer and Taggard / Sârbu R., The Gravitational preparation, University of Petrosani, 1993) / proved that the falling time of the grains until reaching the speed limit of falling is much longer than the available one in the jigging process, thus the mineral grains, regardless their density and size, are found in the period of uniform accelerated movement. Richard states that the dens metric separation is taking place in the entire period of jigging with different intensities: the big and medium grains will be separated in the first period and the small grains will be separated based on the density in the spaces created by the big and medium grains under the action of water descendent current in period of jigging. 2.2 Researches regarding the concentration by jigging of the class + 0.5 mm The tests of separation through jigging were made on two laboratories equipments, thus: • The „U type” jigging equipment for laboratory, at which it can be established the working regime in industrial conditions, according to the separating material. At this equipment it can be visualised the process of separation and the cutting plans can be established. The constructive technical characteristic of this equipment is the separation surface (working), S=124 mm x121 mm=15004 mm2 =150,04 cm2. • The jigging equipment for the laboratory, similar with an industrial equipment, with three separation rooms, ”heavy”, ”mixed” and „light”. 1

PhD. Student, University of Petroșani, Romania,

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

100 105 105 103,33 5916 P2

65 1090 963 11,65 98,5 98 70 88,83 5646 4627 18,05

23,08 9,63

50,76 51,02 57,14 52,53 28,83 29,60

25 23 23,5 23,83 1336 P1 X X 30 592 P6 521 12,67 20 20 12 17,33 1300 P12 987 24,08

25 22 22,38 23,06 22,58

46,15 54,31

20,30 20,40 17,14 19,51 23,03 21,33

Participation %/volume

Height of heavy material,h3 [mm]

50 40 46,66 45,48 23,07

Participation %/vol.

50 42 49 47 1365 P4 1213 11,14 15 105 P5 96 8,57 50 50 40 46,66 1628 P11 1370 15,85

Height of mixed material,h2 [mm]

Participation %/volume

Attempt 1,t=30s Attempt 2,t=30s Attempt 3,t=30s Average Weight humid,[g] Weight dried,[g] %H2O Attempt 4,t=30s,mixt Weight humid,[g] Weight dried,[g] %H2O Attempt 5,t=60s Attempt 6,t=60s Attempt 7,t=60s Average Weight humid,[g] Weight dried,[g] %H2O

Height light material,h1 [mm]

Height Material Column [mm]

Table 2.1. Separation by jigging, „U type” equipment” 0,8÷10 mm, w =58 rot/min. Specification

25 40 32,5 32,5 3215 P3 2915 9,34 20 393 P7 346 11,96 28,5 28 18 24,83 2718 P10 2270 16,48

25 38 30,96 31,45 54,34

30,77 36,06

28,93 28,57 25,71 27,95 48,14 49,06

Table 2.2. Separation through jigging, „industrial model” equipment, material 0,8÷3 mm and 3÷10 mm Specifications/ name Mixed Heavy ParticiParticiParticiTotal Light of the sample quantity quantity pation pation pation quantity[g] quantity[g] % % % [g] [g] 2248 P8 Attempt 8, 0,8÷3mm 4341 875 20,16 1218 28,06 51,79 1997 P9 Attempt 9, 3÷10mm 4649 1844 18,15 1808 38,89 42,96 Note: There were noted with P1÷13, the samples taken for the chemical analyses;

Table 2.3. Chemical analyses of the samples taken No. Specifications/ name of the Name of %Fe sample material 1 P1-mixed,attempt1,2 si3 Mixture 18,6 2 2 P2- raw mixture Mixture 40,5 (Constanta) 3 3 P3- heavy, attempt 1,2 and Iron ore 48,4 9 3 4 P4- light, attempt 1,2 and 3 Coal 5,63 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

P5- light, attempt 4retreated mixed 1 P6- mixed, attempt 4retreated mixed 1 P7- heavy, attempt 4 – retreated mixed 1 P8- heavy, attempt 8, table 3- size 0,8-3mm P9- heavy, attempt 9, table 3- size,3-10mm P10- heavy, attempt 5,6 and 7 P11- light, attempt 5,6 and 7 P12- mixed, attempt 5,6 and 7 P13- mixture, granulation 0÷0,8 mm



MV% Cfixed% Cen. H2O % % x x x x

















73,1 8 74,5 2 x

12,7 2 12,2 2 x

1, 49 1, 59 x






15,5 3 21,0 5 53,3 7 41,6 2 52,5 6 5,69



12,6 1 11,6 7 x



























28,4 8 48,3 0



11,6 7 x

76,2 0 x

10,5 2 x

1, 61 x







Iron ore Iron ore Iron ore Iron ore Coal Mixture Mixture

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 78

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge For taking the tests of separation through jigging there were made the following: the equipment from point 1 was adjusted, thus: angle speed, w=58 rot/min, working time, t=30 s; height of the column for the material for separation, H=100 mm; it was prepared by sieving a sample of material for separation with a granulation of 0,8÷10 mm, for „U type” equipment; it was prepared by screening a sample of material for separation with a granulation of 0,8÷3 mm and a granulation sample of 3÷10 mm, for the working equipment from point 2; the equipments were filled with water. The taking of the tests was performed in this way: 1. The testing of the separating material, granulation of 0,8÷10 mm, on „U type” equipment–three attempts of 30 seconds – there were measured the heights of separation, h1,h2,h3 and the weights of the separated grades. 2. The testing of the „mixed” separated material, granulation of 0,8÷10 mm, on „U type” equipment – an attempt of 30 s - there were measured the heights of separation, h1,h2,h3 and the weights of the separated grades. 3. The testing of the separating material, granulation of 0,8÷10 mm, on „U type” equipment” - three attempts of 60 s - there were measured the heights of separation, h1,h2,h3 and the weights of the separated grades. 4. Determination of the speed of sedimentation of the material of 0÷0,8 mm. 5. Drying of the materials for establishing the humidity. 6. Taking of 13 samples for a chemical analysis at INCDMRR Bucharest. The results of the separation tests are highlighted in tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. Based on the determinations made it was turned to the sizing of the jigging machine. 3. Sizing of the jigging machine 3.1. Technical parameters and influence factors • The graining composition of feeding. The practice of concentration through jigging proved that the raw material behaves better at separation than the small material, being obtained greater performances. The hydraulic regime of each jigging machine must be determined based on the hydraulic resistance of the material bed. • The dens metric composition of the material from the feeding of the jigging machine. Besides the things mentioned, the results of concentration are influenced by the inherent variations from the qualitative point of view of the material from feeding. The variation of the content of mixed determines the pre-preparation of the raw coal, but it is also reflected upon the purity of the finite products. In order to diminish the influence of this factor it is necessary for the raw material to be homogenised in advance in homogeneity hoppers. • The specific capacity of the jigging machines. This parameter conditions the height of the bed of material in the jigging compartment and varies based on the granulation of the material, its density and the constructive type of the jigging machine, the values being ranged within high limits between 4–35 t/hm2. The decrease of the specific capacity under this limit draws the decrease of the performance of concentration due to formation of a bed of material not thick enough, which draws the non-homogenous aeration of the material of the sieve of the machine. • The capacity of processing of the jigging machines. This parameter is influenced by the limit sizes, granulometric and fractional composition of feeding, the thickness of the bed of material and hydraulic regime. With the increase of the size and difference in density between the mineral components, the processing debit increases. • The actuating power. On average, the specific actuating power is of 1–1.5 kW/m2 effective section of the sieve and depends on the granulo-metry of the material and degree of loading of the machine. 3.2. Hydrodynamic parameters of the jigging machines The main hydrodynamic parameters are: 1.The duration of the admission cycle and discharge of the compressed air; 2. The pressure of the compressed air; 3. Amplitude and frequency of the water pulsations; 4. Speed and acceleration of the water current; 5. Debit of additional water. The aeration of the bed of material is determined by the simultaneous action of all the hydrodynamic and technological parameters of the machine and present variations both on the height of the layer of material and along the sieve from the feeding to discharge in each compartment of the jig. For narrowing in optimum limits these parameters there must be found those with which the jigging machine can efficiently be adjusted. The experimental studies and researches succeeded in establishing some limits of frequency of the pulsations of the water for known values of their amplitude and vice versa, in whose interval the separation based on difference of density should be accomplished in the most efficient conditions. The feeding of the jigging machine is made in the presence of water, the dilution of the feeding not exceeding the value of 1. Besides this quantity of water– of circulation – for the adjustment of the machine is used an additional quantity of water which is administrated usually under the sieve of the Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 79

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge machine or in the pressure room.The total quantity of water supplied at the jigging machines determines the speed of the transport of the material on the sieve of the machine and especially of the light fractions situated in the superficial of the layers of the bed of the material. The additional water, by the increase of the speed of the ascendant current and in the same time by the diminishing of the speed of the descendent current, causes the increase of the aeration of the bed of material on one side and diminishes the effect of aspiration of the bed on the other side, being in the same time an adjustment means of the separation process. The debit of the water varies based on the type of the machine, nature of the mineral substance and its granulation. 3.3. Determination of the coefficient of the scale of the symptotic classification of the limits of granulation for the material submitted to jigging • The determination of the granulometric limits of the material submitted to jigging It is taken into consideration the jigging machine - Gravicon Jigging Machine 12x3-m

Fig.1. Gravicon Jigging Machine 12x3-m [GRAVICON 12х3-М] Ukraine, Product Description Purpose : for washing ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals of size 4-100 mm; kimberlite ores of size up to 5 mm: Effective area of separation, m – 12 Maximum efficiency: ( ores of size 4-100 mm, t/h 80, kimberlite ores of size up to 5 mm, t/h up to 100), Nominal width of jigging compartment, mm 2000, Excessive air pressure, MPa 0, 03-0, 05, Pulsation frequency, Hz 0, 5-2, 5, Overall dimensions, mm: Length 7300, Width 3400, Height 4815, Mass ( without SPTA, protective coatings and electrical equipment ), kg not more 22000

From the presentation of the machine it results that the surface of a jigging cell is of 4x3=12m2. Based on the surface of the jigging machine [S] (m2) and the maximum dimension of the grains of heavy product [dM] (mm), the debit of the additional water that is supplied under the sieve of the machine is calculated with the relation: Qad=(0,19÷0,26) dM.S=0,2.50.12=120m3/h. For a processing debit of 80 t/h it results a dilution of 1,5 m3/t. If in front of the machine is placed a curved sieve, as usual, in its refusal it is obtained a dilution of 1m3/t. The total dilution n=1+1,5=2,5m3/t. In order to calculate the speed limit of falling of the smallest heavy grain in uncomfortable conditions, v0st therefore of the uncomfortable coefficient, θ it is necessary to be calculated the concentration in solid phase of each layer of material with different densities. In this regard, starting from the experiment made in the laboratory for Gravitational Processing within the University from it is calculated the density in bulk for each layered product. The volume of the jigging cell (Wedag laboratory machine): V=L x l x H = 1,2 x 1,2 x 1,03 =1,4875 dm3 Total raw material 5,916 kg with humidity of 10%:


Aanh=Aw 100 − w A = 5,916 100 − 10 = 5,324 kg. 100 100 Elementary sample A=5,324/3 =1,775kg, from which: For the height of the coal layer of 47 mm and the mass mC= 404,33g, Vc=1,44 x 0,47 = 0,676

Thus the density in bulk, δ0C 0,4043 = 0,5976kg/dm3. 0,676 For the height of the mixed layer (Alumina) of 23,83 mm and the mass mAl=398,8g, Vc= 1,44 x 0,2383=0,3431 dm3. Thus the density in bulk, δ0Al 0,3988 = 1,162 kg/dm3 0,3431

For the height of the layer of the heavy product (oxides of Fe) de 32,5 mm and mass mFe= 971,8 g, Vc= 1,44 x 0,325 = 0,468 dm3. Thus the density in bulk, δ0Fe 0,9718 = 2,076 kg/dm3


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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Keeping into account the height of the bed of material and the sectioning of the jigging cell according to the calculations there were obtained the following volumes, respectively extractions in weight of the products. (Table 3.1) Table 3.1. Extractions in weight of the products Composition Real Density Volumetric density δ0, 3 [kg/m3] δm, [kg/m ] Light product coal 1400 597 Mixed 2270 1162 Alumina Heavy product 4280 2076 Iron Oxides TOTAL/AVERAGE 2335 1,193


Volume x 10 V, [m3] 0,676 0,343

Mass M, [kg] 0,404 0,399

Extraction in weight v, [%] 22,76 22,47







The average volumetric density in bulk of the bed of material: 3 3 1.775 1,775 δ0= M T = = = 1,193 kg/dm =1193 kg/m M 404 399 972 0,677 + 0,343 + 0,468 + + Σ i δ 0i 0,597 1,162 2,076 The real density of the raw product: δm= M T =



δ mi

3 3 1.775 1,775 = = 2,568 kg/dm =2568 kg/m 404 399 972 0,288 + 0,176 + 0,227 + + 1,4 2,27 4,28

The volumetric concentration of the entire bed of material that has a density of 2568kg/m3







1000 =346,09 kg/m3=0,346 t/m3. 1000 2,5 + 2568

Applying the same formula we obtain the volumetric concentration for the layer of oxides of Fe with δFe=4280kg/m, cvFe=365,81kg/m3; for the alumina layer δAl=2270kg/m3, cvAl=340,07kg/m3, and for the coal layer with δC=1400kg/m3, cvC=321,42kg/m3. The percentage concentration:

365,81 4,28 δ 100 [%]; c = 100 =9,34% c%= %Fe 365,81 cv 1000 − Δ− 4,28 δ cv

The maximum concentration of the material in the unit of volume at which teh relative movement of the grains is definitely stopped: Cmax=


(δ − Δ ) +



100 [%]; Cmax=


The uncomfortable coefficient: θ=1-


(4280 − 1000 ) +



100 =82,45 % 1000

c% 9,34 = 1− =0,89 82,45 c max

We retain that the speed limit for falling in uncomfortable conditions for the domain NewtonRittinger of the smallest heavy grain is: v0stFe =θv0=θkN-R d δ − Δ


= 0,87x2,2x

1 ⋅ 10 −3

4280 − 1000 =0,109 m/s 1000

For the calculation of the size of the biggest grain from the light product separated in the first cell (alumina + coal), it is calculated the coefficient of the scale of symptotic classification, q, following the calculation algorithm: Density in bulk of the mixture alumina-coal is: Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 81

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge δoAl+C= 398 ,8 + 404 , 38 =0,788 kg/m3 398 ,8 404 , 38 + 1,162 0 , 597 Real density of the mixture alumina – coal: δAl+C= 398 ,8 + 404 ,38 =1,729 kg/m3

398 ,8 404 ,38 + 2 , 27 1, 4

Aeration coefficient of the light product: εAl+C=1-(δoAl+C/ δAl+C) =1–(0,788/1,729)=0,544. Seeming density of the light layer, ρa=(1- εAl+C). δAl+C+εAl+C. ∆ = (1–0,544). 1,729+0,544. 1= 1,332kg/m3. Coefficient of symptosis in uncomfortable conditions: est=

δ Fe − ρ a δ Al +C − ρ a

= 4 . 280 − 1 . 332 = 7 , 42 1 . 729 − 1 . 332

Coefficient of the scale of symptotic classification: q= e st =

7 ,42 =2,72

Speed limit of falling of the light biggest grain: v0Al+C=q. v0stFe=2,72. 0,109=0,2965 m/s In order to find out the uncomfortable coefficient it is used the volumetric concentration of the mixture alumina – coal: cvAl+C= 1000 kg/m3 2 .5 +

1000 1729

= 324,85

Percentage concentration of the mixture alumina – coal: c% =

Maximum concentration: cmax=

324 , 85 1 , 729 = 23 ,13 324 , 85 1000 − 1 , 729


1729 = 59,42; θ = 1 − 23 ,13 =0,610 59 . 42 6 1000 + 1000




v0 Al +C Δ

k N − R θ 2 (δ Al +C − Δ ) 2

m; d1=

0,296521000 =0,04945 m=50mm. 2,56 2 0,610 2 (1729 − 1000)

So, the granulometric class that is submitted to the operation of separation by jigging is 1 ÷ 50 mm, or 0,8-40 mm, or 0,5-7 mm. It is recommended the use of a jigging machine for small class 0,5-7 mm and another for the class +7 mm. 4. Conclusions and recommendations From the calculation of the technological indices it is noticed that in the iron concentrate representing about 61 % from the fed material it is recovered about 87 % from the existent metal from feeding, in the coal concentrates in extraction of about 18% it is recovered about 78 % from the fixed carbon existent in the feeding and in the aluminous concentrate in extraction of about 17 % it is recovered about 61 % from the aluminium oxide existent in feeding. The concentrates of iron and coal are competitive products on the market being easily exploited and the aluminous product may be used in infrastructure or in the industry of construction materials. It is recommended the use of a jigging machine for small class 0,5-7 mm and another for the class +7 mm. References 1. Krausz S., Cristea N., Cristea G., Căpuşan C., – Technologies for useful component recovery from harbor mineral landfill. Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Sozopol, 2013, pp.10661070. 2. Krausz S., Paraschiv I., – Flotation Theory and Technology. Monography, Ed. MatrixRom, Bucharest, 2001

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 82

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

EXPLOITATION AND RECOVERY OF THE MINERAL USEFUL IN NORTHERN DOBROGEA Ioan I. GĂ‚F-DEAC1, Constantin SAVA2, Aronel-Ovidiu-Corneliu MATEI3, Roxana HERBEI4, Mihai Marius NEDELEA5 Abstract The overall objective of this paper is to highlight the impact suffered by the investigated under the influence / exploitation / post-mining. It is necessary to arrive at conclusions and to offer innovative alternatives for reducing or eliminating trade pressure that faults in the environment through the exploitation and utilization of mineral resources useful Constanta and Tulcea counties surfaces. Identification of risk factors and consequences of mining on the coastal system in marine and terrestrial Dobrogea legitimate research in this paper. Throughout It contains data about the nature and organization of the land and sea area of Dobrogea. Equally, are treated prerequisites for useful minerals deposits exploitability. Described networking and specificities of the mining in Northern Dobrogea area. Keywords and phrases: useful minerals, mining, recovery, mining areas, mining sector.

1. Introduction. Background of operation and exploitation of minerals in Romania In the basement of the country, and the North Dobrogea area as part of the buildup of minerals useful economic expression of interest is met radioactive metal ore deposits, rare, iron, manganese, bauxite and a variety of non-metallic substances and rocks purpose of incorporation in industrial products. Productive units and material basis of geological reserves exploitable shows that mining activities are conducted in 277 mines and quarries in 41 basins mining geological reserves in operation, highlighted in the basement of the territory of 23 counties. It is estimated geological reserves of minerals from deposits of solid state property that can be exploited with current mining technology known are: 3 billion tons of lignite and brown coal; 1 billion tons coal; 40 million tones of ore gold and silver; 90 million tones of polymetallic ores; 900 million tons of copper ore; 4 billion tons of salt. Production capacity (extraction) have specific mining which differ from other sectors of the economy, namely: Production capacity is achieved by proprietary technologies mining (open mining), based on highlight the geological reserve of minerals in geological research. Production infrastructure building long (5-10 years) and high costs of implementation. A open mine consumes its production capacity as extraction operates; ability to maintain continuous investment to replace capacity consumed. At the same time, meet investment to create new capacity or to restructure production flows through refurbishment. Natural reserves of useful minerals from subsoil are owned and have features such as: Is highlight and raise their awareness through continuous execution of research work (prospecting and geological); Geological reserves are exhausted by exploitation and thus they have limited character and non-renewable; Is always necessary highlighting new geological reserves in order to maintain productive mining. Meet and restrictions or failures on the integration of economic restructuring mining in general. Specific issues regarding limitations and failures in mining concern: Restructuring takes place throughout the economy affecting consumers of mining products; Mining areas is context specific mono-industrial development; Meet tough environmental problems, which are amplified with the restriction of mining activity; Social programs and reconstruction (re) areas to be affected have little alternative for creating new jobs and restructuring; Lack of experience and specific training of the newly created bodies for initiating, designing and implementing restructuring and redevelopment of mining regions is found in affected areas; Limited financial resources are recorded in the consolidated state budget and local budgets. The mining sector has the resources of a legal regulatory and institutional environment necessary to ensure efficient operation. Geological characteristics of the ore in mining operations and low metal content and reduced reliability of the equipment supplied, the high cost of mining products are characteristic elements 1

Senior Lecturer PhD. SH University of Bucharest, Romania, PhD. Eng, Water Ag., Constanta, Romania, 3 Associate Professor, PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, 4 Lecturer PhD.,University of Petroșani, Romania, 5 PhD. Student, University of Petrosani, Romania, 2

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge approach Metal contents of minerals extracted are generally low. Metallurgical value, ie the value of a ton of metallurgical products from fields operated backup Romania is 5-7 / ton, respectively 3-4 times lower than in fields that are valued worldwide in terms of profitability. Reviving mining production including Northern Dobrogea is based on strategic concepts restructuring fund mining system by: Restructuring technological and production; Reduction or cessation of operations at some careers / microcariere and me with geological reserves depletion and difficult operating conditions; organizational and managerial restructuring by splitting the mining companies of complementary activities. The closure of mines, quarries / micro- quarries includes: Defining perimeters to be closed; Determination of closing and cleaning costs while mining areas; Provide financial resources; Establishment of institutional structures covering closure activities /conservation mining entities; Respect the Methodological Norms set by the Mining Law for mine closure; Promotion of legislative initiatives on boosting investment in mining areas affected. Driving Directions medium-term viable mines and quarries or opportunities to improve the economic efficiency or investment effort relates to: Strategic directions and geological research practices (continuation of geological research in the areas and for substances immediate term are important for the local economy); Reformulation of the current balance of useful minerals geological reserves according to the economic value of deposits in accordance with the requirements of competitiveness; Systematization priorities restructuring production capacities and technologies to improve performance; Rehabilitation of productive processes by focusing on business objectives that can achieve economic efficiency improvement; Increasing the quality of ore extracted with 8-10% (by directing the operation so as to properly abandon tailings underground ore with useful); Introduction of computerized management development processes substances from fields operated to increase the yield of recovery; Recovery of useful substances from unconventional resources with low content but recoverable (pyrites gold, old landfills and ponds, metallurgical slag). 2. Situation and organizational natural land and sea area of Dobrogea By geographical location, climate, relief, Constanta county, and equally significant Tulcea county productive and economic potential. In the area meet archaeological remains, nature reserves, recreation and treatment; maintain a range of tourist activity. The coast is one of the most significant tourist areas in Romania. Constanta County is in the Eastern part of Romania, bordering to the north with Tulcea County, east of the Black Sea, Bulgaria to the south and west by the River Danube. Dobrogea Tulcea County is bordered by a conventional border, crossing Casimcea Plateau and Razim (Zmeica lakes and Sinoe). The South is bordered by Romanian-Bulgarian state border crossing between Ostrov South Dobrogea Plateau (west) and Vama Veche 8 East). In the West - the Danube defines the counties Constanta county Calarasi, Ialomita and Braila. The East-mouth portion and Vama Veche Dobrogea Plateau, is adjacent to the Black Sea waters. From the coastline to sea, 22 km (equivalent to 12 nautical miles), stretching the territorial waters established under international conventions. Constanta county has an area of 7701 km2. It occupies 8th place among counties in Romania and holds 2.97% of the country. Its territory is recorded presence of natural lakes and lagoons that meadow (Oltina, Sinoe, Tasaul, Techirghiol, Mangalia). The hydrographic network has waterways. A particular interest are the salt lakes and Nuntasi Techirghiol sapropelic mud reserve. Main Black Sea ports are: Constance-largest port and Romanian Black Sea (traffic of over 80 million tonnes per year): Ports are Cernavoda Danube (Danube-Black Sea Canal, a distance of 64.2 km starts from Cernavoda) HârĹ&#x;ova; Sulina; Tulcea; the ports on the Danube-Black Sea Canal are: Cernavoda, Constanta, Mission, Agigea- South Constanta. Paleogeographic situation and action are differentiated factors modelers underground formation sources of relief units characterized by low altitude plateau structure. The main natural units are plateau-which includes almost the entire territory (about 200 m altitude). It consists of Mesozoic limestone marl and limestone located on tertiary covered with a mantle of loess 8 Pod. Casimcei, South Dobrogea, Medgidia, Cobadin, Negru Voda). The field is high, slightly wavy-looking bridges. The hydrographic network consists of Danube-Black Sea Canal for a distance of 64.2 km, Channel Gate White-Midia over a distance of 27.5 km and irrigation canals Carasu Valley. The landscape is fragmented platform valleys with different orientations (Casimcea, Plover, Nuntasi, topology-Saraiu, Chichirgeaua). The unit most significant river is the Black Sea, located in the eastern part of the county. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 84

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge The hydrographic network is made up of rivers (Danube on a length of 137 km) Carasu Valley, the River Valley Casimcea, Casimcea Baciu, Agi Cabul river, creek Corbu. Natural lakes and lagoons that Oltina meadow, Istria, Sinoe, Corbu, Techirghiol, Tasaul, Nuntasi, Ovidiu, Tatlageac, Mangalia), marine coasts. The southern part is the corresponding Plateau west coastline and altitudes ranging from 85100m, realizing the transition to South Dobrogea Plateau (Medgidiei and Topraisar). Sector width is between 10 and 12 km. The climate falls into the general fund of the continental temperate climate for location and physical-geographical components of the surface. Black Sea and Danube give rise to a continuous evaporation of water and thus ensures humidity causing its heating regulation. Siberian anticyclone reduces rainfall in winter and in summer the Azores anticyclone causes high temperatures and drought. The annual average temperatures exceeding the average fall in the country. Tulcea County occupies the northern part of the province of Dobrogea. Tulcea is a port on the Danube, at an average altitude of 30 m.The county is surrounded by water and is bordered to the west by the counties of Braila and Galati, north of the border with Ukraine naturale- Danube, to the east by the Black Sea. Limit of county land to the south is Constanta County. County area is 8499 and represents 3.6% of Romania. Relief Tulcea County has two physical-geographical units. One is higher (in the central-western) inside which is the oldest relief elements of the country. Another part is lower and nine in the N and NE in the meadow and the Danube Delta. In the east are located Razim-Sinoe lakes and ponds land west clogged accompanying Danube riverbed. Altitudes range from 0 m to the Black Sea (St. George) and 467m (Macin Mountains tip Greeks respectively). The climate is continental Tulcea excessive. Rainfall is low (below 400 mm/year). Atmospheric humidity is high in the delta, hot summers, cold winters with blizzards and high temperature variations (66,30C). The northern wind, the wind, causing winters topoclimatic considered as very cold. Summer winds bring warm and dry air that affect land and soil turns to dust. 3. Mining Products in the Black Sea coast The main mining products from the crowd encountered as operating activities in the continental coast of the Black Sea are: Bentonite (Adamclisi); Product clay / silica (montmorillonite) white yellowish green; Kieselguhr (Adamclisi); silica product (with microfossils, diatomite); size micron, sub-uniform bulk density, increased porosity, off-white; dolomite (Ovidiu); calcium carbonate with magnesium impregnations, compact, white-gray; Quartz (Cerna-Tulcea); white-gray quartzite (SiO2 high load Gura Arman-ground on river barges max. 3,000 tons capacity, or in ships of 5,000 tons, with loading Tulcea); Chalk (Mulfatlar); microfosilier calcium carbonate (load railway station Bessarabia); Kaolin (Valley Germans, Constanta) polychrome clay, (Medgidia port loading onto vessels of 3,000 tons); Limestone (those Baneasa, Constanta) calcium carbonate gray. 4. Requirements for exploitability useful mineral deposits in Dobrogea Deposits of raw materials are exhausted character in a time in which operationalize their extraction. For example, accumulations of oil and natural gas are valued for decades, while the nonferrous ores for approx. 100 years caustobiolitici fuels for 100-150 years. The content of useful minerals is increasingly reduced and their intrinsic quality decreasing. Is subjected to extraction with 15 to 20% of iron ores compared to the conventional content of 40% Fe, 12% Al (as compared to 15%), 1-4% Pb (compared to 3-4%), 1-4% Zn (as opposed to 3-4%), 0.2% Cu (from 0.8%), 2-3% g /t Au, or even 0.5 g /t Au, (compared to 5 g /t), 0.02% Uranium etc. Concentration levels are low due to increased mining science in preparation formulas for obtaining commercial concentrates effective. At the same reservoir meet associations useful minerals, resulting in accumulation of geological complexity. Ferrous complex ores were 0.2% Cu, 1-4% Zn, 1-4% Pb, Fe, traces of gold and silver. New technologies for preparing the separation of tailings and concentrate to obtain individual business. On the other hand, the deposit encountered conditions are more difficult and cause difficulties in operation. The works of prospecting, mining, extraction and preparation aimed at providing support for the production of useful minerals such as coal, oil, natural gas, ferrous and non-ferrous ores radioactive minerals (salt, kaolin, dolomite, sulfur, clay, graphite, asbestos etc.), rare earth etc. Field mining provides energy, steel, organic and inorganic chemical industry, building materials sector with basic raw materials and fuels for production / reproduction industry. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 85

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge In essence, there is discovery, assessing and evaluating the accumulation / reserves of raw materials and energy resources under their sides providing the physical quantitative and qualitative extraction and preparation. 1) The location of mines is determined by the deposit of its natural position. As such, there are economic implications regarding expenditures of access roads, site preparation unit mass extracted mining, and transportation workforce. 2) deposits subject to reserve volume mining have defined different qualitative characteristics and methods of operation and preparation are designed to cover the specific geological accumulation. A deposit is an expression of interest for operation when the total operating costs and the economic value of preparation is under geological accumulation. 3) Ore reserves are depleting, which influences the conditions during extraction and production capacity. 4) When operating, working depth increases, decreases quality reserves and increasing mining costs. 5) Mining activity requires high volume continuous investment during operation. 6) Extraction of useful minerals from ores is subject to preparation with maximum efficiency and lowest possible costs. It used to be one aspect that is in minerals such as associations and between rocks and minerals, properties, qualities and quantities dispersed or accumulated on the surface or deep areas. Minerals are minerals found in the earth's crust in order to use them in certain areas. The minerals are homogeneous bodies, solid, crystalline, or amorphous. Minerals are found in categories such as: Elements, metals and non-metals WT: Au, Ag, S, graphite, etc.); Metal sulfides: galena (PbS), sphalerite (ZnS), pyrite (FeS2); Oxides: hematite (Fe2O3), Limon - (2Fe2O3) 3 H2O), bauxite; Haloid salt: rock salt - (NaCl), Sylvine - (KCl); Oxide salts: limestone - (CaCO), Sider - (FECO); Organic compounds - (organic substances the main weight is carbon, which is represented by oil, methane, petroleum gas, fuel caustobiolitici). In the studied area, the coastal marine area of Dobrogea, depending on the shape and the depth at which they are located, deposits are: In massive deposits whose spatial dimensions have high values specific for rock salt (sodium chloride) As layer - specific deposits of coal, oil and generally sedimentary rocks. Are rare in the study area. In seam - ore deposit is formed by depositing useful in cracks or faults. In this form are ferrous metals like gold ore, manganese nodules seabed etc. Minimum consumption of useful substance is restricted and depends on the nature of minerals, alternatives, technical, technological exploitation. Minimum concentration limits given operational feasibility of various quasi-profitable accumulation of useful substances are: 0.2%; 1% Zn; 1% Pb; 1.3% Ni; The 12%; Fe 15%. Deposits of useful substances can be categorized into: high (with reserves of over 30 mil. Tons); Large (10-30 mil. tons); small (0.6 to 3 million tons); very small (0.1-0.6 mln. tons) and special (<0.1 mil. tons). In Dobrogea fields are categories medium, small, very small and special. Examining the specific situations of the coastal marine geological Dobrogea corresponding alignment shows that exploitability useful substances known deposits is determined by conditions such as: a) Geological nature (nature of the minerals, its contents into the reservoir, reservoir conditions (the depth, thickness, industrial reserves, the presence of groundwater, gas); b) Mining technical performance (operating the technology, the methods of operation, technical options for opening deposits and their training); c) Providing technical solutions for safety at work (mining infrastructure security, prevention of pollutant gases, water, fire, illness and accidents etc.); d) Economic restrictiveness (dissolution of minerals, ores, rocks, minimized value of investments); e) Background (providing workforce, roads, communication and transport); f) Issues regarding environmental protection (not to cause environmental disturbances). The rocks in the mining area of Dobrogea are associations in some cases non-metallic minerals (granite, marble) and used as construction materials or for other types of consumption (rock salt, limestone, gypsum). Iron Ore (complex of copper, semi complex) from Palazu Mare consists of extractable metal metallic minerals, sterile components (Ganga) and the fractions of the surrounding rocks. The issue of exploitation of minerals in the mining area of Dobrogea overall aims: a) change the concentration useful content and b) changing the grading structure. In Dobrogea, the perimeters depending on the formation, rocks encountered are: a) geological nature (nature of the minerals, ITS contents into the reservoir, reservoir Conditions (the depth, thickness, industrial Reserves, the Presence of groundwater, gas); b) mining technical performance (operating the technology, the Methods of operation, technical options for opening Deposits and Their training); c) Providing technical solutions for safety at work (mining Infrastructure security, prevention of pollutant gases, water, fire, Illness and accidents, etc.); d) economic restrictiveness (dissolution of minerals, ores, rocks, minimized value of Investments); e) Background (Providing workforce, roads, communication and transport); f) issues regarding Environmental Protection (not to cause Environmental disturbances). Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 86

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge 5. Conclusions The mining activity occurs in the context of its specific effects on the environment disturbing as well:Changes in the landscape (landscape degradation, displacement of households and the industrial extraction areas); Degradation of surface mining by vertical and horizontal sliding arrays and heaps and tailings ponds; Infested rivers from surface water and groundwater in the mining activities; Registration of hydrodynamic disturbances of groundwater; Adverse effects on the atmosphere, flora and fauna of the coastal zone; Chemical soil damage (change of soil fertility); Production of noise, vibration and radiation scattered in the environment. It is estimated that a primary measure of protection, considered efficient and provide practical consideration in relation to various forms of pollution caused by mining and quarrying activity is limiting the proliferation of uncontrolled dumps. In fact, the objective insertion countermeasures training dumps is to follow the flow of all mined and microcariere. Tailings can be used for other purposes in different sectors such as: 1) as backfill material for embankments highways, roads, railways, 2) construction of dams and dikes, 3) development of prefabricated construction, 4) as backfilling material for underground bare areas. References 1. Airinei St., (col.)., - Contributions to the knowledge of geological geophysical Dobrogea, SCGG, Geophysics. Bucharest, No. 15/1977 2. Antonelli C., (col), - Recently morphological changes in a deltaic environment. The houses of the Rhone River Geomorphology, Bucharest, No 57, 2004 3. Angelescu A.., (col)., - Environment and Sustainable Development, ASE Pb. House, Bucharest, 1999 4. Abram E., (col)., - Dobrogea geotectonic framework. Arh. IGR, Bucharest, 1993 5. Baican G., - Mining industry Strategy in Romania. Basic component of sustainable development, Patromin Journal Magazine,Bucharest, No. January, 2003 6. Barak M., (col) - South Dobrogea aquifer influence Danube-Black Sea Canal and anthropogenic factors, its potential polluters- Ecoterra Magazine, Bucharest, No.26, 2011 7. Bavaru A., (col.)., - Biodiversity and nature protection, Ed. Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2007 8. Bogdan O., - Characteristics of dryness and drought phenomena in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Communications Geography, Bucharest, no.43-49 / 1997 9. Ciulache S., - Climate Dobrogea, Annals of University of Bucharest, Year LII, 2003 10. ***, - Romanian Mining Law no. 85, March 2003 11 ***,- Strategy mining industry for the period 2004 to 2020, Official Gazette of Romania, Bucharest, Part I, no. 411 / 7.V.2004

„This paper is supported by the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number SOP HRD/159/1.5/S/136077�

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 87

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

THERMO-PAN THERMAL SOLAR PANEL Nicolae Cicerone MARINESCU1, Daniela GIOSANU2, Carmen Maria ION3, Ramona BELOIU4, Ioana Andreea MARINESCU5, Ilie Ionel CIUCLEA6, Ioan RUS7, Abstract This paper presents a solution to achieve a thermo pane windows that type of thermal energy production system clean with high yield, compared low cost. Panel enables use as construction element by itself adaptable to any fixed building (curtain walls). It may be a structural component furniture (door, window). It also can be used in combination with double glazed windows usual consist of a single vacuum chamber, achieving a modular operating system determined depending on the beneficiary, by rerouting heat the facility. The study of highlights importance of developing research, ȋn order to find solutions that present low cost, to reduce the consumption of depleting conventional energy sources. Keywords and phrases: panel, type cell windows, thermo, thermal conversion, solar

1. Introduction Worldwide concern continues to capture and store solar waves and their transformation into thermal energy clean (Panwar N.L., Kaushik S.C., Kothari S., 2011) [1]. In this context, it is proposed a new solution of the type thermo pane windows, facing the possibilities of exploitation of renewable solar power to reduce or even eliminate bet on energy consumption ȋn conventional buildings. On this basis can establish guidelines for tactical technological development of the energy sector, taking into account, on the one hand, economic limits, and on the other hand, the availability of restrictive natural resources in national economy. The work is carried out to determine the parameters of a new type of panel type thermo windows. 2. Materials and methods From theoretical and experimental idea, solar energy recovery using a thermo panel is an essential element type cell window, which is part of the collectors without concentrating sunlight. Experiments were performed in Faculty of the University of Pitesti - Romania, prototype and control panels are mounted on the roof of the main building. The surface was used as a "curtain wall" is 75 m2, the length (horizontal) by 15 m and the width (vertical) for 5 m. In the Laboratory of clean power were processed experimental data during two days of monitoring.From the experimental point of view, the parameters were monitored: Illumination bet on front panel prototype and bet on the back. (Measuring lighting was instrumental, with a luxemeter); Speed heat (air) circulating in prototype panel and control panel; (Determined using a digital anemometer); The temperature of the heat (air) circulating in prototype panel and control panel. (Was made using electronic thermometers). Ambient temperature. Recorded resorted to bet on the day of measurement of the surface temperature of the two panels by means of a digital thermometer, by infrared laser marker. Finally were monitored parameter values, realise the tables, graphs were made and were obtained following conclusions bet on the plots. 3. Description of the thermo pane windows type Type thermo pane windows, is part of panels without concentrating sunlight. Unit constructive -functional solar collector is the type plan. The invention relates to a cell-type thermal solar glazing, solar meant to catch waves and clean conversion into thermal energy used for space heating of buildings of various types useful. (Figure 1). Therefore, the double-glazed thermo cell of the present invention is a multilayer element composed of four plexiglass sheets (thickness 2.5 mm) of the same size, uniformly spaced and fastened to each other isothermal silicone putty particular panes in the system, such as to form threeabsorption.The room has central role in taking solar energy.It is a space vacuum, hydro-thermal effect, containing a clear liquid with a role of heat (plain water can be well filtered, whose movement is done by means of hydraulic fittings, ethyl glycol or air). Bet on space, to raise efficiency of capturing solar 1

PhD. Eng. Lecturer, University of Pitesti, Romania, Senior Lecturer, PhD., University of Pitesti, Romania, 3 St.Eng., University of Pitesti, Romania, 4 PhD. Chem., Med. Director, Romgermed, Bucharest, Romania, 5 Lecturer PhD., Phys. -Chem., Veterinary Med. Faculty., USH Bucharest, Romania, 6 PhD.St. Ec., General Manager Supercom, University of Petrosani, Romania, 7 Drd.Ing., Universitatea din Petroșani, 2

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 88

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge waves may be placed a grid of different metals and alloys. On both sides of the central room is one room with thermal barrier. They produce greenhouse effect inside the thermo-solar cell. The camera is designed as a simple glass (2.5 mm thick Plexiglas) panes, with inside vacuum. The third room has construction on the same principle, with inside vacuum, being crossed by two or four metal fittings are designed to circulate heat in the central chamber or the whole plant.

Fig. 1. Introduction studied on solar panel radiation [1]

Through a connection between the low-temperature heating within the cell, solar heat, and the heated heat transfer medium comes out the other port. The two connectors are combined on the basis of an interior thread of the building. The combination can be fixed or mobile, depending on carpentry or building element that is mounted. 4. Experimental data Bet on the first day of experiments (04/23/2014) measurements were performed in 15 in 15 minutes from time beagin 0830 and ending at 2030, noting observations about the weather (clear sky or clouds). Bet on the second day of experiments (05/29/2014) measurements were performed in 30 inn 30 minutes from time ȋncepând 0900 and ending at 1830, also noting observations about the weather. Finally bet on a table with the values of the monitored parameters were made graphics and were obtained following conclusions bet on their representation as follows: • Lighting, Photometric size, measured total luminous flux falling uniform per unit area of a surface data. ( [7] Ȋn case, the monitored area is the thermo pane windows type. In Table 1 are the values of enlightenment bet on the first day of monitoring measurements prototype bet on front panel and rear bet on it. Table 1. Illumination values bet on the first day of monitoring

Ȋ.-sun, Pred. ȋ.-predominant sun, P. ȋ., n.- part sun, cloud, P. ȋ.-part sun, P.ȋ.u.v.-part sun, wind

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Fig. 2 show the variance-time illumination.

Fig. 2. Change lighting time (first day)

It is noted that the lighting is growing bet on until noon, at which ȋnregistrează bet on maximum bet on front panel (at 1300 → 1129 LX) and bet on behind the maximum illumination (at 1145 → 476 LX) then gradually decreases toward evening. Table 2 are the values of enlightenment bet on the second day of monitoring or prototype measurements bet on front panel and rear bet on it. Table 2. Values illumination bet on the second day of monitoring

Ȋ.-sun, N.s.-rare clouds, Pred. ȋ.-predominant sun, Ȋnn- cloud, P- rain, Ȋnn. v.-rain, wind

Fig. 3. show the illumination variation versus time for the second day of monitoring.

Fig. 3. Variation ȋn illumination time (second day)

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge From the graphical representation can be seen that the maximum is attained enlightenment at 1230 front panel ȋn value LX 1162 or LX 484 bet on the back panel. At 1500, with precipitation, there is only a slight decrease in the value of enlightenment to bet on front panel LX 478, LX 105 ie bet on the back. At 1530 is again increased to 484 lx illumination bet on front panel studied when the external environment has become predominant sun, then gradually decreases until it reaches the threshold at 0 LX 1830 when rainfall occurs again. • Temperature is another parameter recorded during the two days of measurements using electronic thermometers. Ȋn case, water temperature (air) of the prototype and control panels and ambient temperature. (Table 3). Table 3. The values bet on the first day of monitoring the temperature

In Fig. 4 is found values for the change in water temperature from the control panel and the panel type or the ambient temperature during the first days of monitoring.

Fig. 4. Temperature variation with time (1st day)

From representation can be seen that water temperature is rising up in afternoon and then decreases gradually toward evening. It recorded at 1300 the maximum temperature of heat from the control panel (57.80 C) and prototype panel (56.80 C) when ȋn ambient maximum temperature was (240 C). The heat from the control panel throughout the day higher temperatures compared to water temperature in studied panel. This is because the control panel is opaque and quasi-total capture solar energy, unlike the prototype panel through which part of the solar energy. We can see that the Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 91

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge surface temperature variation ranging between hard panels and variation in ambient temperature the heat, in fact, captured prototype solar thermal panels and controls. In Table 4 is show the water temperature data and the ambient temperature of the panel in the day of monitoring. Table 4. Values temperatures bet on the second day of monitoring

Ȋ.-sun, N.s.- rare clouds, Pred.ȋ.- predominant sun, Ȋnn.- cloud, P.- rain, Ȋnn. v.- rain,wind

Figure 5 shown water temperature variation prototype panel and control panel or ambient temperature of the day monitoring.

Fig. 5. Temperature variation with time (1st day)

From representation can be seen that water temperature ranges of the two panels; as a bet on the first day of monitoring, control panel heating throughout the study interval are higher temperatures compared to water temperature ȋn investigated panel. The highest temperature heat is at 1230 in both control panel and bet on →55.20C → 54.20C. in prototype panel. Temperatures heat panels, but gradually decrease toward evening. It is important to know that the surface temperature variation ranging between hard panels and variation in ambient temperature the heat, in fact, captured prototype solar thermal panels and controls. In the day monitor of the parameters were performed in addition to those measurements and temperature of the surface of the two panels by means of an infrared digital thermometer bet on the laser marker. (Table 5). From the representation it can be seen that the temperature at the surface of the panel in prototype is small compared to the surface temperature of the bet on the control panel. This is due to the structural characteristics of panels, the panel allowing light to pass through it prototype, and the control panel is opaque, a significant maai captures light energy, which leads to an increase in temperature at the surface of the control panel. At 1230, the maximum temperature is 390 C at the surface of the panel prototype, namely 43,70 C control panel surface. • The speed of the two panels heat. Central Chamber panels have bet on taking leading role of solar energy, the space vacuum, thermal effect, which contains both cases ȋn air as heat. Table 6 show the speed heat (air) of the two panels, bet on the two days of monitoring. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 92

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Table 5. Values surface temperatures prototype and control panels

ČŠ.-sun, N.s.- rare cloud, Pred.Č‹.- predominant sun, ČŠnn.- clouds, P.- rain

In Fig. 6 is shown the variation of the surface temperature of the two panels monitored.

Fig. 6. Variation of the surface temperature versus time bet on two panels Table 6. Values heat speed, prototype panel and control panel

Both panes prototype panel and control panel shows the air as heat, whose speed is determined instrumentally using a digital anemometer. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 93

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge In Figure 7 is show the variation of the speed of the heat is recovered from the two panels bet on bet on the first day of the monitoring function of time.

Fig. 7. Variation of heat ȋn speed versus time (first day)

From representation can be seen that the control panel is throughout the hours of monitoring higher values of speed heat (air), compared in prototype panel. Thus, at 1400 to register the maximum speed of the heat carrier bet on the control panel of 1.30 m/s; Until 1400 all bet on prototype panel heat maximum speed of 0.97 m/s. These speeds were ȋnregistrat heat to ambient temperature of 240C, bet on the presence of light breeze, the external environment is mainly sun.

Fig. 8. Variation of heat ȋn speed versus time (second day)

From the graphical representation (Figure 8), it can be seen that the variation in speed of the heat carrier bet on the second day of monitoring of the parameters. In this case, the control panel bet on heat speed greater than the speed of heat in prototype panel. At 1300, when ambient temperature is 220C show being clouds and wind was measured using a digital anemometer maximum heat control panel ȋn 1.2 m/s and a prototype panel speed heat is 0.93 m/s at 0900 to 1300 hours. It can be seen that the speed decreases prototype panel heat and increase speed while ȋn agent control panel, this being achieved bet on both days of monitoring parameters.

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 94

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge 5. Conclusions Adopting the solution of solar energy change of the thermal windows curtain walls, thermal solar panels type in windows, you get the following solution: formalized a system of clean thermal energy production; reduced cost compared to the price of solar panels known; the ability to be used as construction element by itself; the ability to be adapted to any type of fixed construction (curtain walls or building element furniture, windows, doors); possibility to be used with ordinary window panes, consisting of a single vacuum chamber, achieving a modular system whose operation can be determined depending on the beneficiary, by rerouting heat the facility; is developed the concept of multi-wave technology for capturing solar and clean conversion into thermal energy that can be used for space heating of buildings of any type useful. Thermo pane windows show the possibility of using the type of bet on the purpose of capturing solar waves, clean conversion into heat that can be used for space heating of buildings. References 1. Giovannetti F., Kirchner M., Kliem F., Hoeltje T., - Development of insulated glass solar thermal collector year, Institute for Solarenergie Hameln (ISFH), Germany, 2013 2. Panwar N.L., Kaushik S.C., Kothari S.,- Renewable and Sustainable, Energy Reviews, Vol. 15, 2011, pp. 1513-1524 3. Marinescu N.C., - Eco-tech architectural and construction thermo regime, Ed. Infomin, Deva, 2010 4. Ilina M., Bandrabur C., Dance N., - Unconventional energy used in construction, Ed. Engineering, Bucharest, 1987 5. Marinescu N.C., - Current Trends non-conventional energy systems, Mining Magazine, Bucharest, No. 7/2008 6. Margarit C., - Renewable energy between complementary and alternative, Ed. Fortress, Targoviste, 2006 7. * * *, -

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 95

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

THE POSITIONING OF CEC BANK S.A. IN THE SPHERE OF THE ROMANIAN BANKING SYSTEM Ramona-Ioana VLADA1, Alexandra OȚETEA2, Mihai Aristotel UNGUREANU3 Abstract Thanks to the experience obtained throughout the years, to the millions of customers and to the resources needed to start existing once more, CEC BANK s.a is acknowledged today as an universal commercial bank, sitting amongts the top 5 banks of the Romanian banking system, it’s producs/ services appealing not only to the population, but to economic agents as well, from both rural and urban communities. Keywords and phrases: bank, banking system, credits, assets, market share

1. Introduction The 24th of November 20144 was for the history of CEC Bank the anniversary of 150 years of existence, marking the bank’s objectives and resolutions throughout the years, as well as the meaning of the rebranding processstarted in May 2008. This is the Manner through which CEC Bank S.A. manages to impress in a time of global financial crisis,the expectations of the entire banking system moving from tradition to performance and nationalism. Supporting Romania’s tests for the EU integration, and the ones imposed by the global financial crisis, CEC Bank assumed the idea of becoming an universal commercial bank, a competitive bank, which would offer customers a wide array of high quality services and products, pursuing the financing of IMMs, of the agriculture, of local public administrations as well as the banking projects, which, by their way of being contribute to economic development. At the same time, the bank has assumed the role of being an active element in the aid of cusomers that intend to make use of funds granted by the EU The bank will keep on being focused on the customer relationships. Premanently trying to comply with market demands, CEC Bank S.A. has been offering new products and services. Nowadays, the producs and services available in the inventory of CEC Bank have evolved in direct ratio to the tendencies of consumers and investors, thus describing the status of an economy influenced by the consequences of the global financial crisis. 2. The dynamics of CEC Bank S.A.’s activities before and after the EU integration Over the years, the activity of CEC Bank S.A.. has been improved by the efficient teams of the banking branches, coordinated by managers that are aware of the role banks have related to the needs of customers. Therefore, in 2006CEC Bank S.A.took the 1st place in the top 5 Romanian banks, concerning the number of regional branches, and the economical weight they had in alongside other branches nationally, as it is presented here: CEC Bank, with a total of 1.388 branchesand an economic weightof 31.93% out of the total of all branches; BRD-GSG, with a total of 600 branchesand an economic weight 13.80% out of the total of all branches; BCR, with a total of 473 branchesand an economic weight 10.88% out of the total of all branches; Banca Transilvania with a total of 341 branchesand an economic weight 7.84% out of the total of all branches; Raiffeisen Bank with a total of 265 branchesand an economic weight 6.09% out of the total of all branches. Because customer number holds an important spot in the hierarchy of the banking system’s priorities, it being ensured only by the possesion of actives sufficient for the financing demand, the necessity of banking cenralizaion has been imposed, the means of it’s realisation not being important, either through the registered capital increment, or through the fusion or the acquisition made bye the strategic investors. Understanding the behaviour of the common customer and the transformation process of this customer into a more sophisticated one, CEC Bank decided to implement a management policy that would fulfill the demands of customers related to the consolidation of the bank, thus forwarding the support for certain aspects such as: positioning, presence, prerspective, quality of services, the betterment of the manner of distribution. The information found in the following table serves as proof, for it presents the dynamics of CEC Bank’s S.A.’s activity before and after the start of the global economic crisis. 1

Credit analyst, CEC Bank SA Craiova, Romania, Public external auditor, Romanian Court of Accounts, Sibiu, Romania, 3 Professor PhD., Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania, 2


CEC Bank SA Bulletin November 2014

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Table 1. Indicatores CEC Bank SA in progress 31.12.2007 EMPLOYEES 6.801 BRANCHES 1.404 MODERNIZED BRANCHES 0 COSTS/INCOME 72% ACIVE CARDS 441.459 ATMs 597 Customer Number PF 2.896.886 Customer Number PJ 75.919

31.12.2008 6.602 1.408 220 59% 640.690 714 3.101.422 89.887

31.12.2009 6.679 1.375 615 63% 771.134 821 3.248.740 104.663

Source: author processing according to BNR statistical reporting "Monetary Balance"

CEC Bank S.A.’s activity is also influenced by the lending dynamics between the years 20062010. Tabel 2. The evolution of loans for businesses YEAR 31.12.2006 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.05.2010

CORPORATE 0 373 410 604

IMM 650 2.451 3.601 3.550

AAPL 36 111 201 189

-mil. leiTOTAL CREDITS PJ 686 2.935 4.212 4.154

Source: author processing according to BNR statistical reporting "Monetary Balance"

The evolution of PF component lending for the same time interval is described in the following table: Table 3. The evolution of personal loan (mil. lei) YEAR MORTGAGEE PERSONAL AND CONSUMPTION NEEDS 31.12.2006 224 2.300 31.12.2008 651 4.555 31.12.2009 746 4.440 31.05.2010 745 4.265

TOTAL CREDITS PF 2.524 5.206 5.186 5.010

Source: author processing according to BNR statistical reporting "Monetary Balance"

Over these periods of time, the evolutions of the analysed indicators were positive,this being the result of the strategy used by CEC Bank S.A., which came into prominence, mainly because of the aspects regarding the exploit of CEC Banks S.A.’s own banking network,while competing with two new powerful foreing banks. As for the the actives volume held by the Romanian banking system,CEC Bank obtained an extraordinary ascension after Romanian’s E.U. integration,,considering the fact that in 2008, Romania’s economy was affected by disadvantageous factors, result of global economic and financial crisis”. This evolution of CEC Bank S.A.’s market share is recorded in table 4. Table 4. Top 10 Romanian banks in 2009, regarding assets BANK COTA MARKET (%) 2009 Vs 2008 Vs 2006 1. BCR 19 20,3 (1) 25,90 (1) 2. BRD 14,1 15,6 (2) 16,10 (2) 3. VOLKSBANK 6,6 6,8 (3) (>11) 4. ALPHA BANK 6,4 5,5 (5) 4,10 (8) 5. CEC BANK 6,3 4,3 (9) 4,04 (9) 6. UNICREDIT TIRIAC BANK 6,1 5,5 (6) 5,07 (4) 7. RAIFFEISEN BANK 6 5,9 (4) 7,94 (3) 8. BANCA TRANSILVANIA 5,9 5,4 (7) 4,64 (5) 9. BANCPOST 4,4 4,7 (8) 4,42 (6) 10. ING BANK 3,3 3,5 (10) 4,15 (7) Source: author processing according to statistical reporting by BBC in 29.01.2007 and as CEC Bank SA Bulletin, no. 17, March 2010

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge We may observe that at the end of 2009, CEC Bank went up to the 5th place (compared to it’s 31.12.2006/2008 position on the 9th place) in the classification of the TOP 10 banks of the banking system concerning the actives market share. The market share went up from 4,30% at the end of 2008 to 6,31% at the end of 2009. Also, in 2009 the credits market share ascended by 0,37% and the one related to deposition went up by 0,91%. Following these results, the bank’s chairman talked of willing to maintain the bank’s TOP 5 position through future banking performance.1 Compared to this affirmation, the fulfillment of the proritary objectives ensued the perseverence generated by the force of a motivated national team, thus CEC Bank finding itself in the following years among the TOP 5 most important Romanian banks: Table 5. Market share of bank by assets BANK 1. BCR 2. BRD 3. BT 4. UNICREDIT 5. CEC BANK

MARKET SHARE ( %) 2013 Vs 2012 Vs 2011 17,5 19,3 (1) 20,1 (1) 13,0 13,1 (2) 13,6 (2) 8,9 8,1 (3) 7,3 (3) 7,6 6,9 (5) (>5) 7,3 7,4 (4) 7,0 (4) Source: author processing, according to NBR

CEC Bank succeded in keeping it’s TOP 5 position,this effort being sustained by reaching a certain dynamic level of the specific indicators. In 2014,CEC Bank’s activity is faced with the same challenge, the evolution of the recorded financial indicators on 30.06.2014 being presented in proportionto the indicators of the banking system. (Chart 1). Chart 1. Credit rates/ CEC BANK deposits vs. Bank system at 30.06.2014

Source: author’s own work, according to the statistical reference to BNR“Monetary Balance”

Observing the economic weight values recorded after the first semseter of 2014, we may derive the following conclusions: The South-West zone Oltenia holds the highest credits/deposits rate, in the banking system total as well as in the CEC Bank level; The Bucharest-Ilfov Zone hold the lowest credits/deposits rate recorded in the banking; The North-East zone holds the lowest credits/deposits rate recorded by CEC.


Mr. Ghetea – Chairman CEC Bank S.A. After the results had been displayed, he affirmed that “our duty is to maintain our place in the top 5 and to prove that we are a bank worth of the TOP 5 classification, otherwise we will be dissapointed, and the same will happen with our shareholders”

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Next, the economic weight values of CEC Bank’s credits and deposits granted to the population and to the corporate area will be presented in Chart 2. Chart 2. CEC BANK`s zonal market share at 30.06.2014

Source: author processing according to BNR statistical reporting "Monetary Balance"

We come to the conclusion that after the first semester of 2014, the market share of CEC Bank had the following characteristics: The South-West Oltenia Zone holds the highest market share rate in the matter of credits and deposits; The Bucharest-Ilfov zone holds the lowest market share rate in the matter of credits and deposits. The two representations of CEC Bank’s activity on 30.06.2014 are suggestive in rellation to the dynamics and the structure of the entire banking system if we are to observe the entirety of the market potential, regarding the number of economic agents, the total active population and the financial resources of possible debitors First, we will graphically describe the status of acive CEC Bank branches on 31.08.2014. Chart 3. The number of existing CEC BANK branches on 31.08.2014

Source: author processing according to internal reports of the Directorate of Territorial Administration Network CEC Bank

Next, we will make use of the two given marks in order to get familiar with the actual valorification of the CEC Bank opportunities, as well as it’s activity`s positioning in the nearby future. Consequently, the following chart will help us get an idea of the zone distribution of economic agents/consumers with ages higher than 15, especially since this piece of informaion is important for the marketing practices of the brances of the presented zones. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 99

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Chart 4. The number of economic agents /resident population with ages over 15

By colligating the information presented in the anterior chart with the info from the other charts (Chart 3 and Chart 4) we conclude: The highest number of economic agents is located in the Bucharest-Ilfov zone as well as in the North-West zone,even though in these zones the lowest market share rate and the lowest banking system credits/deposits rate are being recored; The South-West Oltenia zone holds the lowest number of economic agents, even though this zone holds the highest market share rate and the highest credits/deposits rate in the entire banking system and on the CEC Bank level; The highest resident populatian with ages over 15 is located in the North-East zone,even though this zone holds the lowest credits/deposits rate recorded by CEC; The West zone holds the lowest resident population with ages over 15. We come to the conclusion that CEC Bank indicators record levels inversely proportional to the accessible resources of the analysed zones,and one of the justifications would be that of a high autofinancing capacity of entities (retail/ corporate) in the zones with a lower CES Bank products and services access incidence. In order to support this supposition we have decided to analyse the income resources corresponding to each of the analysed zones, as it follows Chart 5. Chart 5. The avarage number of wage earners/the monthly avarage income

Source: author processing according CNP

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge All data presented here support a theory which affirms that that CEC Bankc products and services, and of banks in general,are powerfully influenced by the financial resources of every individual/economic agent, and powerfully related to the economical and financial potential of the zone in which they are located,as well as the country’s economy in it’s entirety. 3. Conclusions We observe that an average monthly income of ~2.500 lei, just like the one recorded in Bucharest, may assure the confort of the consumer, other sources of alternative financing not being needed. On the other hand, the population’s dependence on the alternative financing sources for consumption needs is high. Compared to all this, the keeping of CEC Bank’s activity at the same level,at least in the nearby future will be realisable through the fufillment of the noble „Bank of all Romanians” duty. It is recommended that the bank pursue a better understanding of the customer, offering to him all necessary products and services, and that it also show prudence when it comes to healthy partnerships with debitors, adding to the customers portofolio the expected quality. Hereafter, the CEC Bank mission will focus on maintaining it’s spot in the TOP 5 banks of the romanian banking system, the year 2015 representing the year of consolidation and performance: CEC bank will prioritize the consolidations of the universal bank status, will will consolidate the achievements of previous years, at the same time being preoccupied with the development of the customer portfolio and with obtaining more „bankable” customers. References 1. * * *, - BNR –Raport asupra stabilităţii financiare, (in Romanian), ed. 2006-2013 2. * * *, - BNR –Raport asupra inflației, (in Romanian), ed. 2006-2013 3. * * *, - BNR - Sondaj privind creditarea companiilor nefinanciare şi a populaţiei, (in Romanian), ed. februarie, mai, august 2006-2013 4. * * *, - Buletin CEC Bank S.A., (in Romanian), ed. 2006-2014 5. Grigorie N.L., Ungureanu M.A., (col.)., – Dicționar Legislativ Fiscal, Ed. Did. și Ped.., București, 2009 6. Ungureanu M.A., (coord.), - Politici și practice financiare – Ed. Universitară, București, 2013 7. Ungureanu M.A., (coord.),- Finante Publice, Universitatea Româno-Americană, București, 2003 8. Ungureanu M.A., (coord.), – Control fiscal și evaziune fiscal, Ed. Cophys, Rm. Vâlcea, 2010 9. Vlada R.I., - Lending Population – New Challenges Of The Banking System Amid The Persistent Global Crisis, International Conference on Business, Management and Corporate Social Responsibility (ICBMCSR’14), Feb. 14-15, 2014, Batam (Indonezia) 10. Vlada R.I., - Implicatiile bonității asupra creditării populației în România și riscurile asociate în contextul crizei economice globale, (in Romanian), Conferința Internațională Performanțe într-o economie competitivă, Chișinău, ed. 2, 25-26 apr. 2014 11. Vlada R.I., - Basel III – Implications Of The New Agreement Upon The Banking Systems, Annals of the C. Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 6/2013 12. Vlada R.I., - CEC Bank risk and management in the field of household lending, Conferința Internațională Științifico-Practică, ed. a IX-a, Chișinău, 16-17 oct. 2014 13. * * *,- 14. * * *,- 15. * * *,-

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 101

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge

THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE HEAT PUMP HEATING COMPARED TO OTHER HEATERS Radu CURSARU1 Abstract The paper analyzed more conventional sources of fossil fuel heating and heat source considered "eco", represented by the heat pump. It shall analyze the COP (coefficient of performance) and other parameters that directly influence the overall profitability heating sources. The results were calculated based on annual energy consumption and the corresponding annual costs for electricity prices or fossil fuel. Regardless of the source used consumption remains constant, what changes is the efficiency or COP, and annual energy. Although the heat pump has a high investment cost, it compensates the effort by small annual energy costs, as pays a relatively short period. Keywords and phrases: heat pump, technical analysis, economic analysis, coefficient of performance

1. Introduction The productivity of a heat pump [1]; [2], depends on various parameters such as: the coefficient of performance of the heat pump, the number of operating hours during a year, investment costs, the cost of fuel, additional costs. The influence of various parameters on the productivity of a heat pump driven by an electric motor compared to the electric heating on the one hand and fossil fuel heating on the other hand is shown in Figure 1. [1]. Certain assumptions related to the investments costs and prices for fossil fuels underlie this chart.

Fig. 1. Productivity for various heating systems [1].

The chart shows the productivity for various heating systems: the abscissa is the relative annual duration and the ordinate is the report between the cost of electricity and that of the energy from fossil fuels. We can see that under certain prices for electricity and gas or liquid fuel, the productivity of the heat pump increases as the annual operating duration is higher. The productivity can increase significantly when the coefficient of performance of the heat pump increases, for example from 3 to 4, as can be seen in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. The influence of the coefficient of performance of the heat pump on productivity

Unfortunately possible outlooks with general character are not possible. Therefore each case in which the use of a heat pump is desired must be analyzed separately by comparing the costs that various heating systems involve. These costs can be classified into four categories, namely: 1. Expenses of use - this category includes primarily fuel and energy costs. However costs for additional energy and materials needed for operation, costs for transport and fuel storage, together with the payment of the respective interest must be also included. 2. Expenses related to investment - this 1

Eng. Mst., University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania,

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge category includes the actual costs of investment as well as those of repair. 3. Expenses related to maintenance - this category includes costs for maintenance, monitoring and cleaning. 4. Other expenses - this category includes all additional costs, such as those for insurance, various payments etc. To calculate the costs for heating a simplified procedure is hereinafter presented. 2. Materials and methods The starting point in determining the energy requirement is the calculation of the needed heating for the building, which primarily depends on its thermal insulation and climatic conditions. The needed heating is determined in accordance with current standards and represents the nominal thermal power that the heating station must provide. It is considered that the plant operates continuously only at rated conditions, i.e. at maximum power - so that the (fictional) operating time can be appreciated by the total hours of operation at rated capacity. The annual consumption of energy represents the amount of energy to be supplied to a heating system over a year, in order to cover the annual heating demand and it is calculated by the formula:

(1.1) where: it represents the heating demand (for a house with an area of about 170 )[3]. In more detail, the norm requires that a house of 100sq should have a thermal zone up to 5kw (100sq x 50 watts/sq = 5000 watts). =2880 represents the number of operating hours. The number of operating hours was considered to be equal to: 4 months x 30 days x 24 hours. The annual energy consumption is not equal for all heating systems. The efficiency with which heating is produced is expressed through the annual capacity for conventional boilers or through the thermal efficient for the heat pumps. The annual energy consumption is calculated using the relation (1.2) for boilers with fossil fuels and (1.3) for heat pumps.

(1.2) (1.3) where: fuel),

is the efficiency with which the heat is produced (the annual energy consumption as 24 480 KWh/year (from 1.1) is the annual energy need for heating, COP is

the thermal efficient of the heat pump, is annual average capacity of the boilers. The annual costs for energy are obtained by multiplying the annual energy consumption with the corresponding prices for electricity, respectively fossil fuel.

(1.4) where: C- represents the annual energy costs in RON/year, - it represents the efficiency with which heat is produced in kWh/year, P- represents the price of a kWh of energy in RON/kWh. 3. Results and discussions I will hereafter make a comparative analysis between annual costs of energy of the heat pump and annual costs for energy regarding: electric heating, boiler using liquid fuel, boiler using gas fuel, heating with wood pellets, heating using diesel fuel, radiant panels. Using the above formulas, but also the current prices for producing a kWh thermal energy from electricity, liquid fuel, gas fuel, wood and diesel, I came to the following results: Table 1. The annual costs for energy using the heat pump [4] Crt. no. Designation Symbol 1

Heat demand


Number of operating hours


Annual energy demand for heating


Coefficient of performance of PC


Annual energy consumption


Price of an electric *


Annual costs for energy




















* The price of electricity is taken from the invoices in 2015 ELECTRICA CR JT (established by Regulatory Authority for Energy). The cost varies according to the type of consumer: domestic, industrial, according to the consumption of kW.

Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 103

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Table 2. The annual costs for energy of a boiler using liquid fuel [5] Crt. No. Designation Symbol Value 1 Heat demand 8.5 2 Number of operating hours 2880 3 Annual energy demand for heating 24480 4 The annual average efficiency 0.82 5 Annual energy consumption as fuel 29853.66 6 Price of the liquid fuel * P 0.344 10269.66 7 Annual costs for energy Ch

U.M. kW hours kWh/year kWh/year RON/kWh RON/year

* A liter comb. liq/ LPG is equivalent to 8.7 kW, the price of a liter of LPG is approx. 3 RON Consumption and cost vary considerably depending on the LPG: propane, butane or mixture in different proportions, boiler efficiency, type of installation, degree of automation.

Table 3. The annual costs for energy of a boiler using gas fuel

Crt. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Designation Heat demand Number of operating hours Annual energy demand for heating The annual average efficiency Annual energy consumption as fuel Price of a marsh gas product * Annual costs for energy


P Ch

Value 8.5 2880 24480 0.85 28800 0.26 7488

U.M. kW ore kWh/year kWh/year RON/kWh RON/an

* Marsh gas: 1,7 RON/Nmc; consumption: 0,1525 Nmc/h (to obtain 1 thermal kW) ->cost: 0,26 RON/kWh The cost varies according to the type of consumer: domestic, industrial, according to the consumption of Nmc, boiler efficiency, degree of automation, type of installation, of the marsh gas is domestic or imported. Table 4. The annual costs for energy when using electric central station Value Crt. No. Designation Symbol 1 Heat demand 8.5 2 Number of operating hours 2880 3 Annual energy demand for heating 24480 4 Annual consumption of electricity 24480 5 Price of an electric P 0.62 15177.6 6 Annual costs for energy Ch

U.M. kW hours kWh/year kWh/year RON/kWh RON/year

Table 5. The annual costs for energy when using heating with wood pellets Value Crt. No. Designation Symbol 1 Heat demand 8.5 2 Number of operating hours 2880 3 Annual energy demand for heating 24480 4 Annual average efficiency 0.80 5 Annual energy consumption as fuel 30600.0 6 Price of a wood product * P 0.23 7038.0 7 Annual costs for energy Ch

U.M. kW hours kWh/year kWh/year RON/kWh RON/year

* Wood pellets: 0, 85 RON/kg; consumption 0,273 kg/h (to obtain 1 thermal 1 kW) -> cost: 0, 23 RON/kWh Consumption and cost vary considerably depending on: essence, humidity, how old the wood is, type of boiler, boiler efficiency, type of installation.

Table 6. The annual costs for energy of a heating using diesel fuel Value Crt. No. Designation Symbol 1 Heat demand 8.5 2 Number of operating hours 2880 3 Annual energy demand for heating 24480 4 Annual average efficiency 0.81 5 Annual energy consumption as fuel 30222.22 6 Price of a diesel fuel product * P 0.32 9671.11 7 Annual costs for energy Ch

U.M. kW hours kWh/year kWh/year RON/kWh RON/year

*Diesel: 4 RON/kg; consumption: 0.08 kg/h (to obtain 1 thermal 1 kW) -> cost: 0,32 RON/kWh The cost varies according to the type of consumer, boiler efficiency, degree of automation, type of installation, if there is any agreement with a supplier or it is purchased directly from the pump.

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Table 7. The annual costs for energy when using radiant panels [6] Crt. No. Designation Symbol Value 1 Heat demand 8.5 2 Number of operating hours 2880 3 Annual energy demand for heating 24480 4 Annual average efficiency 0.95 5 Annual consumption of electricity 25768.42 6 Price of an electric kWht * P 0.572 7 Annual costs for energy Ch 15976.42

U.M. kW hours kWh/year kWh/year RON/kWh RON/year

Note: Prices, consumption and costs are approximate; prices and costs are exclusive of VAT. The above prices and costs are covered by a fairly wide range. For ease of calculation they are average. So are the boilers' efficiencies.

Figure 3 indicates the annual consumption of energy for each analyzed heating source.

Fig. 3. Changes in annual energy consumption depending on the heating system

The chart shows the following aspects: the heating using wood pellets, the heating using diesel fuel, the boiler using liquid fuel and the boiler using gas fuel have the highest annual energy consumption. This is due to the low efficiency of the boilers, productivities that are subunitary. A slight decrease in consumption is seen for the electric heating. The best solution in terms of annual energy consumption is represented by the use of heat pumps, where the energy consumption can be reduced by up to six times. Figure 4 presents the annual energy costs depending on the type of heating.

Fig. 4. Annual energy costs depending on the type of heating

The above chart shows that the highest heating costs are for electric heating, but also for radiant panels. These high costs (five times higher than for the heat pump) are due to the higher price of an electric kW (0,572 RON) compared to that of fossil fuels. The lowest annual costs are for the heat pump. This is largely due to its high thermal efficiency. Among the options that use fossil fuels the most cost-effective solution is to use heating with wood pellets, followed by a boiler using gas fuel and the heating using diesel fuel. The highest annual costs for energy from this point of view are recorded by the boiler using liquid fuel. Table 8 shows the approximate investment in euro and annual costs for energy for the chosen heating installations. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 105

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Table 8. Approximate investment for heating installation Heating installation Investment [EURO] Heat pump 10,000.00 Boilers using liquid fuel 2,000.00 Boilers using gas fuel 1,500.00 Electric central heating 1,800.00 Heating with wood pellets 1,200.00 Heating using diesel fuel 2,000.00 Radiant panels 6,000.00

Annual costs for energy [EURO/year] 560.28 2,334.01 1,701.82 3,182.40 1,599.55 2,197.98 3,559.32

Table 8 presents that although it requires the highest investment the heat pump is the best long-term alternative. With the lowest annual costs, the heat pump makes for the writing-off of the investment and saving of fairly large amount of money. Figure 5 shows the approximate investment and annual costs for energy for the seven heating systems.

Fig. 5. Approximate investment and annual costs for energy for the seven heating systems.

With each increase of the prices of fossil fuels, the cost of heating with heat pump is more convenient compared to electrical heating, gas heating, liquid fuel or pellets. After taking into account the comparative analyses with other heating sources, the heat pump appears to be the most viable solution from an economic point of view. This is mainly due to the operating costs and annual costs for low energy. A very important aspect regarding the heat pump is that it safely operates for a long term, this being a decisive factor in choosing to invest in this heating source. 4. Conclusion / Recommendations The advantages of using the heat pump can be summarized as follows: low costs for maintenance and service (lifetime over 20 years); very low noise level; it is not polluting, using only electricity; no danger of intoxication or explosion; it does not require special authorization; it uses the latest refrigerants ("ozone friendly"), non-polluting, without impact on the environment; independence from fossil fuels; safety for the future - with each increase in the prices of the fossil fuels, the costs of heating with heat pump is more convenient compared to the gas heating, electric heating, liquid fuel or pellets; multiple functions - the heat pump can provide heating throughout the cold season, cooling throughout the warm season (with minor changes) and hot water all year round. References 1. Necula A.H.,-Surse Regenerabile de energie, (in Romanian), Ed. AGIR, București, 2014 2. Cursaru R., - Calculul unei pompe de căldură rezidenţiale. (in Romanian), Proiect de Diplomă, Universitatea Politehnica București, 2015 3. * * *,-// 4. * * *,-// 5. * * *, 6. * * *, 7. * * *,

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HIGHLIGHT MATRIX OF CONVENTIONAL PERFORMANCE LEVELS IN HIGHER EDUCATION Maria GÂF-DEAC1, Ioan I. GÂF-DEAC2 Abstract The paper presents a matrix pre-aggregation of sets of elements defining levels of performance in higher education. Moreover, qualitative and quantitative elements are analyzed aggregation matrix for expression levels of performance in higher education. Keywords and phrases: performance, quality, matrix, higher education

1. Introduction Performance is defined as "result (very good) obtained by someone in an activity or in a field" or "the best result of a technical system, a machine, a device etc." In higher education, officially imposed methodology shows that the performance criteria cover areas such as: a) Institutional capacity, with two criteria: the institutional, administrative and management; material basis; b) Educational effectiveness by 4 criteria: content of curricula, learning outcomes, research activity, financial activity of the organization. c) Quality management with 8 criteria: strategies and procedures for quality assurance; procedures for initiating, monitoring and periodic review of programs and activities; procedures for periodically evaluating programs and activities; objective and transparent procedures for assessing learning outcomes; procedures for periodically evaluating teaching staff; the availability of adequate learning resources; database updated systematically related to internal quality assurance; transparency of public information on study programs and, where appropriate, certificates, diplomas and qualifications; functionality of education quality assurance structures, according to the law. 2. Expression of levels performance According general notion, "the level" is "intensive value of a quantity relative to a reference value". Figure 1 shows the pre-matrix elements constituting the crowds contributory in referential vertical plan and horizontal axis.

Fig. 1. Pre-matrix aggregation of sets of elements defining performance levels in higher education

The notations in figure 1 covers: Vertical [V]: (CJ) = institutional caoacity; → {X}; (EE) = education eficience; → {Y}; (MC) =quality management; → {Z} 1 2

Senior Lecturer PhD, Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, Romania, Senior Lecturer PhD, Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, Romania,

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Orizontal [O] {xi} (S) = structures = {(Si) = institutional structures * (Sa) = removed structures * (Sm) = managerial structures (Bm) = infrastructure =

The benchmark indices is expressed by reference, set conventionally in quality evaluation in higher education. The evaluation of teachers and support staff in terms of their business performance requires a certain quality of managerial judgment. The usual practice, meet two major categories of evaluation: Conventional=systematic evaluation and planned, rational, orderly, with objectives familiar to both parties. Unconventional= continuous evaluation of the performance of an employee, his manager made during normal business based on intuition and evidence of results. University performs specific evaluation procedures to learn: Training and professional development needs of employees; Potential work performance of employees; Strengths and weaknesses of an employee; Provide a basis for employee reward system based on its contribution to the goals of the organization. Personnel evaluation system used by the University to know the performance level of qualified employees is used for aiming purposes organizational development, namely: Identifying the potential for promotion or transfer; Fair reward them. To express the performance levels should be considered in two parts of the content of education, namely: 1. The amount - which refers to how to be transmitted / acquired in a particular subject (number, crowd size), expansion of information and practical skills and theoretical knowledge and practical volume; 2. Quality - which refers to the functionality, performance, durability, durability, reliability and efficiency formative theoretical and practical knowledge in the development and personality formation (Figure 2).

Fig. 2. Qualitative and quantitative elements of aggregation matrix to express the performance levels in higher education

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge The notations in Figure 2 refer to: [Q] = quantity; Nr. = number; M = area; D = size; (EI) = extension of informations; (DC) = total volume of knowledge; (DC)t = volume of theoretical knowledge; (DCp) = volume of practical knowledge. [C] = quality; K = knowledge; Kt = theoretical knowledge; Kp = practical knowledge; Ve = value; F = functionality; P = performance; Va = valuability; Du = durability; Fi = fiability; Ef = formative efficience. Standards conventionally traced in expression levels of performance in higher education should relate in particular to: Quantity (how many?); Quality (how well?); Time (how long?); Costs (at what cost?). 3. Conclusions Quality requirements analysis requires the assumption of areas, criteria, standards and indicators used in the national and international level to formulate a matrix highlighting current conventional levels of performance. The desired results are achieved through judicious management of human, material and financial, which also requires continued monitoring. Monitoring - expression of the conventional means establishing sets of rules, measuring actual performance and taking appropriate measures to maintain the level of performance. Regarding university human resources, this means taking action to improve performance by means of training and assistance, ie the "management development". The main elements for measuring the level achieved by a teacher or staff involved in distance education are provided by reference the following areas: Tasks set by the position held by the teacher assessment; Performance criteria imposed or chosen virtuatea university autonomy; Grading system performance within the University. References 1. Fischer, S.; Steinmetz, R., - Automatic creation of exercices in adaptive hypermedia – Learning systems, Hypertext conference, London, Ianuary 2000 2. Florescu, C., Popescu, N., - Trecerea la o nouă calitate prin conducerea ştiinţifică a schimbărilor, (in Romanian), Ed. Politică, Bucureşti, 1998 3. Gâf-Deac, I.- Dezvoltarea structurală a tehnologiilor moderne, Ed. AllBeck, Bucureşti, 2005 4. Geddes, T.,- The Higher Education Distance Learner and Technology, Australian and South Pacific External Studies Association Biennial Forum on Distance Education Future, Adelaide, Australia, 1993

„This paper is supported by the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number SOP HRD/159/1.5/S/136077”

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TIME SCAN MAINTENANCE OF THE HYDRO TUNNEL ON JIU RIVER, DUMITRA-BUMBESTI AREA Dănuț CHIRILĂ1, Cristina DURA2, Roxana Claudia HERBEI3, Aronel MATEI4, George BĂLAN5, Corina-Maria ENE6 Abstract The improvement on Jiu river have two deviations in order to insurance the debt transit. Our interest in the Dumitra – Bumbesti hydro tunnel is to follow the maintenance deformations in time in corelations with the rock proprieties. The maintenance that was used was one temporary, made of steel and a permanent one made of concrete. The provisory maintenance was used for a period of less than one year but during this time some damages were noticed because of rock pressure. Keywords and phrases: Jiu River, deviations, hydro tunnel, maintenance

1. Introduction The construction of the hidro tunnel is type C, third importance class and the area around the tunnel have a seismic intensity Ks=0,12, Tc=1,00. The tunnel crosses a mountain area, with thin and deep valleys, this area beeing part of the Danubian geologycal domain. The Danubian geologycal domain is remarcable because of the cracks system. The variety of cracks allows the wather to flow through so the maintenance of the tunnel needs to be impermeabilized. In Figure 1 is showed the hydro tunnel emplacement.

Fig. 1. Jiu river hydro tunnel emplacement

From the hydrological view, the tunnel direction depends of the rock permeability and the tectonic dynamics. For a time scan of the provisory maintenance, the rocks proprieties are shown in table 1. Table 1. Bumbesti – Dumitra tunnel – rock proprieties No. crt. Geotehnical coefficients Geotehnical coefficients of the rock mass E·103 daN/cm2 K0 daN/cm2 F (p) RMR Q 1 › 60 › 600 ≥6 › 80 › 50 60-80 10-50 2 50-40 400-500 4-5 40-60 2-20 3 20-30 200-300 2-3 30-50 1-10 20-40 0,5-5 4 20-10 200-100 2-1 10-20 0,05-1 5 ‹ 10 ‹ 100 ‹1 ‹ 10 ‹ 0,05 1

Tipe of rock I (A) II (B) III (C) IV (D) V (DS)

Associate Professor PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, Assistant Professor PhD., University of Petrosani, Romania, 3 Lecturer PhD., University of Petroșani, Romania, 4 Associate Professor PhD. Ch., University of Petrosani, Romania, 5 Associate Professor PhD.Eng-Ec., Romanian-German University of Sibiu, 6 Senior Lecturer, PhD., University Hyperion of Bucharest, Romania, 2

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Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge 2. Tehnological levels of the tunnel constructions The excavated area have a 4,60 m diameter at roof and 4,20 m at base and the excavation will be made by explosives. The problem of using explosives is the excessive crack of the rock around the tunnel and so the wather will make way into it if not sustained properly. To stop the rock pressure and cracks, for the II (B) rock category, the tunnel will be sustained with anchors L=1,5 m putted in chess, at 1 m distance between tham. If across the I and II rock category the maintenance is missing, a 6-8 mm deformation appears, so the tunnel needs a different type of anchors. In figure 2 is show the vary of ∆l in time.

Fig. 2. Different type of anchors; the vary of ∆l in time

Finally, the provisory maintenance is establish as anchors L=1,5 m, anchors L=0,75 m and 3 cm of concret. The fazes of rock pressure manifestation during the excavations are: - faze I, when the provisory maintenance is protected and the only effort that appears is the maintenance own weight; - at faze II, after the excavation, using explosives, a violent effort appears. During this faze the horizontally diameter is modify with 50 mm in 8-12 days. - the stability rock-maintenance is establish during the faze III. The observations of the tension variation in the metal fittings are obtained with the vibrant chord translator. The values of the tensions in the fitting can reach 3200-3800 daN/cm2, shown in figure 3.

Fig. 3. The values of the tensions in the fitting

The measurements made in points 7 and 9 shows that the maintenance acts during the maximum values reached by tensions, like a simple leaning beam. Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 111

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge 3. Conclusions Time scan of the maintenance followed two directions: obtaining the values of the rock deformations across the maintenance; obtaining the rock pressure value as a result of the manifestation of the tension state in the rock massive. It can be noticed that during the excavation the rock manifest an elastic behavior. In the second faze, after a period of time, a plastic deformation affect the maintenance. The deformations grow constant until the third faze when the deformations speed intensified and the rock is now in the process of cracking. As long as the distance between the excavated area and the thirst framework grows, the deformations amplified passing to a plastic behavior. The behavior of the maintenance is a cause of the non-uniformity of the rock pressure and so into the framework appears bending moments. The movement of the rocks requires the maintenance deformation and the excessive crack of the rock during the use of explosives is a cause of this non-uniformity and rock movement. References 1. Chirila D., – Modernizarea tehnologiei de susținere a lucraărilor miniere orizontale de deschidere din bazinul minier Berbești-Horezu, (in Romanian), Teza de doctorat, Petroșani, 2000 2. Ioanidi A., – Urmărirea comportării structurilor de susținere la stația de metrou ”Basarab 2”., (in Romanian), Conferința Naționala de Construcții Subterane, Brașov, 1996 3. Mahtab M.A., – Geomechanics principles in the design of tunnels and caverns in rock., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992 4. Teodorescu A., Gaiducov V., – Presiunea minieră – stabilitatea și fiabilitatea construcțiilor miniere, (in Romanian), Ed. Tehnică, București, 1995

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 CONFERENCE ALERTS − SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Knowledge for development of renewable energy systems" 1st Edition, Pitesti, Romania, 27 to 28 March 2015. University of Pitesti, Romania, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering and Applied Sciences, along with Knowledge Development Foundation (FDBC), Free Mind Publishing, The Journal of Economics and Knowledge Technologies organized Research and Development Scientific Conference with international participation "Knowledge for development of renewable energy systems", 1st Edition, Pitesti, 27 to 28 March 2015. Knowledge Development Foundation (FDBC) ( initiates, supports and organizes doctoral research and experiments, informational, educational, productive, economic, industrial and social, scientific, societal debates on major issues, research -dezvoltării with the participation of teachers, students, master, doctoral, university specialists, representatives of social organizations and professional associations and the national government bodies and international, using knowledge as a basic resource for development. Online:

Romenvirotec Bucharest. International trade fair for environmental technologies, equipment, recycling and alternative energy, Bucharest, Romania, 22, 25 April 2015 Romenvirotec is an international trade fair for environmental technologies, equipment, recycling and alternative energy sources and will be held in Bucharest. With its debates, lectures and workshops, it is an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest trends and innovations for the industry. Public bodies and specialized companies inform about the most important topics in the field of environmental protection. On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 4 days of the fair, from 9. April to 12. April 2013, about 80 exhibitors and 2000 visitors on the Romenvirotec in Bucharest. The Romenvirotec will take place on 4 days from Wednesday, 22 April to Saturday, 25 April 2015 in Bucharest. Website:

RoEnergy South-East Europe, Romania, Bucharest, 6-8 May 2015 A specialized International Trade Fair and Conferences of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Constructions, where countries from East meet with the offer from the West Europe. The entire program of the Trade Fair RoEnergy was designed to satisfy the most demanding requirements, being based on the exhibitors' expectations, according to surveys conducted from the companies’ registrations, with the maximum interest and current issues.Ⅱ. Exhibit Scope: Romanian renewable energy potential (solar/photovoltaic, geothermal, wind, biomass, biogas, biofuels, hydropower). Attractive law (incentives like green certificates). Emerging economy (economy that still supports an injection of huge amounts of money and foreign know how). Mandatory application of European environmental policy and pollution reduction. Low labor costs. Low operating and maintenance costs. Developed infrastructure and logistics, in constant expansion. Strong university tradition. Ⅲ. Why Attend: Get in touch with new customers. Extend and consolidate existing contacts. Become known in Romania and the surrounding areas. Find out who and what is new in this domain - exchange know how. Are among the firsts to invest in Romania. Study the Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 113

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge competition. Discover weaknesses and good points of the area. Meet experts from Romania. Get in touch with potential partners or prospective employees. You will test your capacity to be present on another market. E-mail: Website:

The Intersolar Expo, New Munich Trade Fair Centre, Messegelnde, Munich, Germany, 10-12 Jun 2015 The Intersolar Expo is a leading exhibition in the world of solar industry and boasts the presence of such products and services that include solar panels, solar products and goods, solar technologies, solar products' accessories and equipments and all products and goods that are related to solar industry. The event is a great place to promote solar technology and launch equivalent programs in the market. It also shows the utilization of the renewable form of energy and its various applications. Manufacturers of solar heater, solar lamps, solar lighting, solar products and solar water heater and production machinery will become the part of the Intersolar Expo. Manufacturers and dealers of distribution and conservation systems, process automation and instrumentation, boilers and steam systems, material handling systems and waste management systems will also exhibiting in the show. Exhibitors will get an opportunity to showcase their innovative products. Website:

AVEBIOM organizes Expobiomasa. The annual sector event in Europe, to be held from 22nd to 24th September 2015, in Valladolid (Spain). In a single enclosure and for only 3 days, the professional, international and specialized Fair held each year in Valladolid, since 2006, exhibits all the technology and equipment available in the booming market of biomass. Over 500 brands and companies in the greatest business representation of forestry and termal use of biomass. 18.000 professionals interested in buying machinery, equipment, products and services will attend Expobiomasa. The Fair for Professionals offers attractive business opportunities in Spain and Portugal. Expobiomasa is the leading business biomass platform of Europe and the meeting point for Latin America professionals. Website:

ExpoEnergiE, Romexpo Exhibitions Centre, Bucharest, Romania. 14-17 Oct. 2015 ExpoEnergie can be stated as the international event that will focus on the Renewable Energy, Conventional Energy, Equipment and Technologies for Oil and Natural Gas, which hold certain importance in this modern life. This event is going to take place for a period of four consecutive days and the venue is in Bucharest in IIfov. This forum is mainly dedicated to the producers and the distributors who are associated with important fields like conventional energy, renewable energy, equipment and technologies for oil and natural gas. ExpoEnergie is going to hold certain important highlights such as conferences, seminars and more, which will surely benefit the visitors in broad ways. This is for the professionals and large public both so that they can attain their desired end. The exhibitors in the event ExpoEnergie are producers and the distributors who are going to showcase products and services like Production and distribution of conventional energy like Power sources, Liquid fuels, Solid fuels, Gas fuels, Nuclear fuels, Power resource extraction equipment, Electric power and thermal energy producing equipment, Internal combustion engines, Industrial boilers, Turbines, Thermal equipment, Turnkey electric power plants, Transmission and distribution of conventional energy, Energy efficiency, Production and distribution of unconventional energy such as Solar thermal or solar photovoltaic, Wind power, Hydropower, Geothermal power, Wood energy, Waste plant energy, Biogas, Biofuels, Fuel cell, Heat pumps, Measurement, metering, storage and regulation, Equipment, apparata, instruments for geophysical and geological research and exploration, Laboratory apparata for processing the information and data obtained by geophysical and geological research and prospecting, Equipment & drilling rigs for geological prospecting, Computerized systems for processing the data obtained and for defining the area, sizes and quality of Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 114

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge the explored oil and gas fields, On shore drilling and production, Stationary and mobile drilling rigs, cementing equipment for crude oil, gas and water, Drilling bits, drills, tubes, casings, materials & accessories, Stationary & mobile pumping units, Air compressors, Storing tanks and deposits for crude oil, natural gas, by products and water and more. Website:

WORLD RENEWABLE ENERGY CONGRESS 14, WREC XIV, Clean Energy for a Sustainable Development, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, Central University Library, June 8 – 12, 2015 The Forum is organized by: World Renewable Energy Congress & Network (WREN), The Romanian Academy, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest. University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) is the largest and the oldest technical university in the country and among the most prestigious universities in Romania. The tradition of institution, developed in over 195 years through the effort of the most important nation’s schoolmasters and of the generations of students, is not the only convincing reason. Today, the UPB is undergoing a continuous modernization process, being involved in a permanent dialogue with great universities in Europe and all over the world. The Conference Language is English. The mission of UPB has been thought over as a blend of education, research and innovation, which represents a key towards a knowledge-based society and economy. Creating knowledge mainly by scientist research, giving it out by education and professional training, disseminating it by information technologies, as well as the use of technological innovation are elements that the university are distinctive role. In order to face these complex challenges, the UPB is planning a sound educational and research-development policy with the participation of the entire community. Forum topics: 1. Photovoltaic & Solar Thermal Technologies and Systems 2. Sustainable and Low Energy Architecture 3. Biomass, Biofuels and Waste-to-Energy 4. Wind and Hybrid Energy 5. Water and Hydropower 6. Geothermal Energy 7. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 8. Renewable System Integration 9. Policy, Finance and Education 10. Energy Meteorology. E-mail: Website:

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University of Pitești, Romania -/ Rector Professor Ionel Didea PhD. The state higher education in Piteşti, Romania, was established in 1962, under the name of the Pedagogical Institute of Pitești, with three faculties: Philology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In 1969, with the development of the car manufacturing industry in the Argeş county, the Assistant Engineer Institute was also established, subordinated to the Polytechnic Institute in Bucharest. The two structures merged in 1974 and became the Institute of Higher Education of Pitești which, by the Order of the Ministry of Education no. 4.894/23.03.1991, was established as the University of Piteşti. Nowadays, the University of Piteşti provides a large range of educational opportunities through its 11 faculties, BA programmes, MA programmes and doctoral schools. Every year the institution organises an ample programme of endowments that allows our university to develop an educational system at the same level as any modern university in the world. Scientific research is one of the priorities of the University of Piteşti. It takes place in research centres and laboratories, being materialized in theoretical andpractical results, scientific papers published in specialised journals in our country and abroad, presentations in symposia, conferences, and national and international congresses. Year after year, the University of Piteşti organises numerous scientific manifestations, both national and international. Within the context of internationalisation, the University of Piteşti is a member of numerous educational forums of great academic value. Within these structures, the University of Piteşti is actively involved in making decisions and elaborating new educational policies. In the field of international relations and collaborations, the University of Piteşti organises a series of research-development activities in the educational domain, by means of projects financed by the European Commission: Erasmus, Comenius, Gruntvig, Leonardo da Vinci. Besides participating in competitions of projects financed by the European Union, the University of Piteşti has paid special attention to the mutual exchanges of students and academic staff. We should mention here the mutual exchanges with universities and professional training institutes in France, England, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Portugal or Germany. The competence and performance education promoted by the University of Piteşti is also supported by the existence of a modern university library, with an extensive supply of book. Approx. 19000 students in initial training (Bachelor), 1182 students in Master and postgraduate studies; 294 students in doctoral studies at University of Pitesti, 129 students in doctoral studies in the other Romanian universities or abroad. Departments: • Department for International Relations & European Integration • Department for Strategy and Curricula Marketing • Education’s Quality Assurance Department • Department of Scientific and Educational Research • Muntenia Center for Vocational Education & Training • Department for Teaching Staff Training • Open & Distance Learning Department • “Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi” Department for the Romanians of Diaspora • University of Pitesti Publishing House • University Library. Faculty of Sciences: Bachelor Diplomas in: • Applied Engineering • Environmental Engineering • Biology • Horticulture • Environmental Science • Chemistry • Chemical Engineering • Nursing. Master Diplomas in: • Nuclear Materials & Technologies • The Physics and Chemistry of Materials • Medical Biology • Ecology & Environmental Protection • Protection of plants. Doctoral Diplomas in: • Biology. International Relations • Establishing contacts with foreign universities and organizations; • Opening short-term and long-term collaborations with similar international institutions; • Negotiating and signing cooperation agreements with European and international universities, organizations and organisms; • Maintaining and improving the international cooperation with foreign partners; • Assuring the access to up-to-date information and knowledge concerning the collaboration opportunities with European and international partners; • Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 116

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge Participating in European and International Programes: LLL (Erasmus, LdV, Comenius, Grundtvig), PHARE, Interreg, Culture, NATO, etc. Research Centers • 1. „Automotive Engineering” (Faculty of Mechanics and Technology) • 2. „Modeling and Simulation of Processes and Systems” (Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering) • 3. „Electromet–Electrotechnics and Electromechanics ” (Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering) • 4. „Advanced Materials” (Faculty of Sciences) • 5. „Excellence Promoting in Professional Formation” (Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences) • 6. „Human Performances” (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport) • 7. „Applied Theological Studies” (Faculty of Theology). Research Themes: Faculty of Sciences, Physics •[Development of X-ray analyze techniques in material science and environment • Development of ultrasound nondestructive control techniques and acoustic emission for structural materials in nuclear installations and civil constructions • Development of advanced methods of characterization for materials of nuclear interest and modeling of their properties • Advanced materials for different sectors of economy (ultra-hard tiny films and anticorrosive, catalysts, biomaterials, ceramic materials, composites)], Biology [• Elaboration of biotechnologies for rapid and efficient clone techniques in vitro for horticultural plants with assuring of genetically stability and phenotypic uniformity • Studies regarding genetic incompatibility mechanisms for horticulture plants and optimization of culture technologies • Genetically and phenotypic characterization of germoplasm fond of Fragaria • Elaboration of methodologies for monitoring of genetic stability of horticulture interest plants regenerated by in vitro techniques • Studies of heterocyclic compounds that can function like ligands for obtaining complex combinations with possible biological activity • Studies about mezogene sterids; Biological membranes; nonlinear processes], Chemistry [• Studies of natural compounds • Phenomenology of electrolyte interfaces • Studies of interaction of some ligands (colorants and drugs) with biomolecules (nucleic acids, steroids) • Studies regarding analytical control of surface water pollution, sols and atmosphere • Characterization of pollution sources of environment, description of parameters and correlation with health status • Synthesis of fuels type “Biofuel” based on trans-esterification reactions and electrochemical methods • Studies on corrosion and anticorrosion protection • Studies regarding spectro-electrochemical properties for some ionradical species in aprotic medium]. Master Franco–Roumain Science et Technologie des Materiaux „Initie en 1996– Université Paris Sud, avec le support de l’Ambassade de France en Roumanie „ A partir de 2005 fonctionne comme la 4e filière du master «Matériaux, Structures, Mécanique» de l’INP Toulouse „Double diplôme: Francais –INPT et Roumain -UPIT „ Soutien accord é par Dacia Renault et Renault France et BRD Société Générale.Master franco–roumain Science et Technologie des Materiaux Etablissements / enseignants français participants au master (Enseignement a l’Université de Pitesti). En présent les diplômés sont: „enseignants a l’U PIT „ employés Dacia Renault „ responsables dans des entreprises a participation française „docteurs et doctorants des universités françaises et roumaines. Doctorat en Science Et Genie Des Materiaux Theses En Cotutelle –Franco Roumaine En deroulement en 2005-2006: „UPIT- INSA Lyon -2 theses finalisées 1997 et 2005 „UPIT- INSA Lyon finalisée 2008„ UPIT – Universitie de Metz -2 theses, une finalisée en 2007 „UPIT-UTBM - 4 theses, finalisées 2006 et 2007. Website:

Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, Romania -/ Rector Professor Aurelian A. Bondrea, PhD On 19 January 1991, on the initiative of Professor Aurelian Gh. Bondrea, PhD., came into being the Fundaţia România de Mâine (România de Mâine Foundation) –an autonomous institution of culture, science and education, having no political or patrimony purposes (non-profit) – and whose president was elected by the Constitutive General Assembly of the founding members. The Court of Law of District 1, Bucharest, admitted under Decree in Civil Matters 109 on12 February 1991 the application for registration filed by the România de Mâine Foundation at the Registrar of Companies and Foundations, thus becoming a legal person of private law. In compliance with the stipulations of art. 7 of the Statutes of the România de Mâine Foundation, approved by the Constitutive General Assembly, the intended purpose and the objectives are attained by its relevant institutions, which provide and develop, within legal limits, activities in the line of education, science and culture. Having as a model the Harvard Foundation and University, Professor Aurelian Gh. Bondrea, PhD, the Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 117

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge President of the România de Mâine Foundation, has initiated, organized and coordinated Spiru Haret University, in the spirit of Spiru Haret, the great scholar, reformer and founder of the modern education system in Romania. The Act no. 443 of July 5, 2002, published in the Official Gazette of Romania nr. 491 on July 9, 2002, ratified the fact that Spiru Haret University, upon accreditation, is a ‘higher education institution, a legal person of private law and public utility, a part of the national system of education’. Spiru Haret University has adopted the ideals and principles set forth by the Magna Charta Universitatum, ratified in Bologna in 1988, advocating for the transposition, in higher education and scientific research, of the regulations, standards and values voted during the Bologna Process. The University President and Rector signed the Magna Charta Universitatum in Bologna in 2005 and pledged, in the name of University, to observe and promote the academic autonomy, the fundamental university values and rights, to effectively react to the challenges entailed by the transition to the knowledge-based society, by the globalization process. The efforts constantly made by Spiru Haret University in order to secure its integration into the national and European area of scientific research have been steered to building its own strategy of research-development. All of these clearly mirror the present circumstances and define the set of strategic and specific goals of the research-development area, of designing the research-development plan and setting the instruments that are required for its achievement. The University has always carried out various activities to promote its image, to make its performance more visible. The list of such activities includes, but it is not limited to, participation in important national and international events, establishing partnerships, agreements, relations of cooperation in various areas. The above-described brilliantly prove the wide openness of Spiru Haret University to the world, its desire to cooperate at various levels, in the European and international sphere of education and research. Likewise, it represents the expression of the prestige already acquired by our institution, an indisputable proof of its mission of promoting the values of Romanian education, science and culture worldwide. Spiru Haret University is a member of European and international organizations: Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities (ACEU)–2009, European Association for ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC)–2011, European Association of Career Guidance (EACG)–2011, Alliance of Universities for Democracy (AUDEM), Tennessee–1993, Magna Charta Universitatum, Bologna, Signatory party– 2005, Magna Charta Observatory- 2005, European University Association (EUA)–Associate Member- 2005, Balkan Forum for CommunicationFounding Member–2005, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)–2006, European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (CercleS)-2006, European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE)-2008, International Association of Universities (IAU)-2008. Interuniversity agreements: 48; Erasmus Bilateral Agreements between 2008 and 2010: 45; Erasmus study mobility between 2008-2010: 56 students; Outgoing teaching Erasmus mobility between 2008-2010: 15 teaching staff members; Projects for financing derived from structural funds: • 9 projects to the amount of 90,178,839 lei. Research projects: • 5 Grant-CNCSIS projects, to the amount of 3,100,260 lei• 16 research and scientific consultancy projects with the business environment, to the amount of 1,079,760 lei; • 2 research contracts from Spiru Haret University own funds, to the amount of 350,000 lei. Doctor Honoris Causa Awards; 1995 – Professor Roland Drago –French jurist, 1997 – Professor Nicolae Mateescu-Matte –Romanian jurist, professor at the University of Montreal, University of Paris, 1999 – Professor Paul Feher – Romanian jurist, professor at the University of Paris, University of Jerusalem, 2002 - Ion Iliescu, President of Romania, 2003 - Pope John Paul II, 2010 - Richard England, Arhitect, Academician, 2012 –Professor Ding Chao – Professor at the University of Foreign Languages, Beijing. Website:

Hyperion University of Bucharest, Romania -/Rector Professor Sever-Irin Spânulescu, PhD. Hyperion University is a self-governing private university developing its activity within Hyperion Foundation in Bucharest, Romania. It was set up in 1990 according to the provisions of Law no.21/1924, Decree 110.3111954 and Law no. 2064/1990, as an independent, nonprofit institution without political affiliation. Since its inception, Hyperion University has remained at the forefront of private higher education institutions in Romania. As self-financed university, it is based on the yearly fees of the enrolled students, on the postgraduate and doctor's degree activity, on the contracts in the research fields and technical assistance supplied by the Government or other Vol. 1. No. 3, 2015 118

Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge companies which are to take over specialists from among the graduates of our university. Being a nongovernmental institution, with no political implications, Hyperion University can accept any kind of financial aid from organisations, societies, governmental and non-governmental associations, as well as from physical and juridical persons from Romania and abroad. Having realised the need to upgrade instruction and education in Romania, our university is continually developing its curriculum to fulfil these needs. Its President, Prof. Ph.D. Ion Spanulescu, who can conclude contacts, protocols and agreements for co-operation in various fields of activity, represents Hyperion University abroad. He is member of IEEE, Electron Device Society, President of Hyperion Academic Society, member of Romanian Solar Energy Society, and of the International Society for Optics Engineering. The University occupies buildings that were bought or hired, supplied with the corresponding facilities: lecture halls, seminar rooms, and laboratories, among which 4 Informatics labs and a multi-media lab connected to Internet. The University has subscribed to over 100 periodicals, Romanian and foreign quarterly reviews which students can consult in the reading-rooms of the libraries. The university place hostels at the disposal of the students that they may enjoy accommodation and meals at a modest price. Both professors and students carry on research activities within the departments and faculties they are affiliated to, their activity being co-ordinated by Hyperion Research and Development Institute and Hyperion Academic Society." The results of the best researchers are turned into good account through research contracts and papers published in scientific reviews. Hyperion University issues textbooks, treaties, and monographs necessary to both professors and students from various faculties, Hyperion Review, the special review of the Faculty of Journalism, scientific official reports a/o. Hyperion University also takes an active part in the cultural scientific activities organised by Hyperion Academic Society or by other cultural-scientific and educational organisations at home and abroad. Hyperion University is founding member of the European University Forum and of the Europe-Asia Inter-University Network and member of University Without Frontiers (France). It develops co-operation activities with universities from Italy, France. Germany, Japan, Republic of Moldavia, Hungary, Ukraine and China. Website:

EU- Joint Research Centre. Nuclear knowledge management, training and education “Since 1990, the EU has been building up its nuclear knowledge base. Several incidents turned public opinion against nuclear power, leading to a gradual phasing out of nuclear energy in several EU Member States. Younger generations' interest in nuclear studies decreased dramatically and nuclear education was abandoned by many engineering faculties. This led gradually to a shortage of qualified professionals and an increased risk of loss of valuable knowledge for the nuclear community. However, factors such as security of supply and climate change issues have contributed to a nuclear power renaissance. For nuclear knowledge management, training and education, the JRC set up CAPTURE, a project that seeks to evaluate human resources trends in the sustainable energy sector, harmonise nuclear skills and competences with EU-wide recognition, and contribute to nuclear education, training and knowledge management (including preservation and dissemination). The importance of this project is linked to the fact that nuclear energy generation will continue to provide an important contribution to the security and competitiveness of energy supply in the EU, and to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, in line with the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) targets. The JRC has been tasked to monitor the supply and demand of human resources in the nuclear energy sector. It carries out nuclear training and education, and plays an important role in nuclear knowledge management. (Monitoring human resources in the nuclear energy sector, Nuclear training and education, Nuclear knowledge management tools)� Website:

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Knowledge Management Definition Knowledge management is the systematic management of an organization's knowledge assets for the purpose of creating value and meeting tactical & strategic requirements; it consists of the initiatives, processes, strategies, and systems that sustain and enhance the storage, assessment, sharing, refinement, and creation of knowledge. (A Synthesis of Knowledge Management Failure Factors by Alan Frost M.Sc., January 25, 2014, Knowledge management: managementul cunoașterii/gestionarea cunoștințelor, menaxhimit të njohurive, ‫المعرف ة إدارة‬, գիտելիքների կառավարման, управление на знанието, řízení znalostí, 知识管理, 지식 관리, videnstyring, ‫ידע ניהול‬, pamamahala ng kaalaman, tietämyksen hallinta, la gestion des connaissances, Wissensmanagement, διαχείριση της γνώσης, ज्ञान प्रबंधन, manajemen pengetahuan,

gestione della conoscenza, ナレッジマネジメント, scientia procuratio, tudásmenedzsment, мэдлэгийн менежмент, kunnskapsforvaltning, ‫دان ش تیریمد‬, zarządzanie wiedzą, gestão do conhecimento, управление знаниями, управљање знањем, riadenie znalostí, gestión del conocimiento, kunskapshantering, การจัดการความรู้, bilgi yönetimi, управління знаннями, quản lý tri thức.

Notes for Prospective Authors All papers must be submitted online, via e-mail, as word document attachments. (

KBDF, Knowledge-based Development Foundation

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