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The sweepstakes award is presented to exhibitors who accumulate the most contest points throughout the week of junior national. Contests include team fitting, salesmanship, public speaking, photography, showmanship, quiz bowl, livestock judging and videography. Congratulations to this year’s sweepstakes winners on a job well done!

Amaa Scholarship
Congratulations to Brenna Wilkins, Iowa, & Adrienne Bryant, Missouri, for receiving the 2023 American Maine-Anjou Association Scholarship. They were each awarded a check for $1,000 to further their education.
John Boddicker Scholarship
Congratulations to Tyler Loudon, Iowa, for receiving the 2023 John Boddicker Scholarship. Tyler was awarded $1,000 to further his education.
Congratulations to this year’s All Around scholarship winners: Grand Champion, Tyler Loudon, Iowa, Reserve Grand Champion, Larahmy Blakley, Oklahoma. Congratulations to this year’s Vincent Blakley scholarship winner, Dexter Small, Kansas. Sponosred by Alicia Rigdon, Bar R Cattle Company.