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Headquarters, Blake Nelson

MAINE-ANJOU Headquarters

M. BLAKE NELSON AMAA Executive Vice President

Holiday Greetings,

I hope you have a blessed and safe holiday season. This past year has been challenging for all of us, from the weather to the markets, and I think we all are looking forward to a fresh start in the New Year.

As we look to 2020 we can feel positive about the demand and growing interest in Maine-Anjou and Maine Angus genetics. I would like to review some of the great events and actions that were made at the American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA) in 2019. The year started off with a bang with high interest at the Bright Lights Sale, grossing $311,790, with an average of $6,125 on the bulls and $5,300 on the females. It was a great National Western with a lot of traffic buzz for Maine genetics. This was followed later in the spring with the 2019 Maine Max Bull Test in Wamego, Kan., which included 35 bulls and the sale averaged $2,300 with cattle going to six different states.

Utilizing the latest technology in the advancement of the breed is always a major focus and the 2019 Spring Genetic Evaluation included the first genetically enhanced EPDs to ever be used by the AMAA. This has increased predictability and accuracy for younger cattle and cattle with few performance records. This step was taken by the AMAA Board to have Angus Genetics, Inc., (AGI) run this evaluation to stay current in providing the best information for our membership and their customers.

The AMAA continues to find opportunities for Maine-Anjou to be utilized within the dairy sector as they have focused on producing more beef. Currently there are over 2,500 dairy cattle that have been bred to Maine-Anjou bulls to calve in the spring of 2020. Although this may not create a large market for live cattle, the use of Maine-Anjou semen could easily be 10-25,000 within the next couple of years if they like the product produced. From our previous dairy ventures we have found that Mainesired dairy cross calves are born easily, are predominately black, stay extremely healthy, grow fast and have drastically improved red meat yields.

The 2019 National Junior Heifer Show in Des Moines, Iowa held in late June was a huge success. The show featured over 550 head of cattle and kids from 26 different states. The junior show continues to thrive and is highlighted by the best young cattle people in the world. Once again we would like to thank the Iowa Maine-Anjou Association for their tremendous hospitality and all of Lindsey’s hardwork!

One of the other highlights is the use of Maine-Anjou feeder steers being utilized in research projects at South Dakota State University (SDSU). Josh did a great job locating these cattle and coordinating with SDSU to have our cattle involved in the research. A special thank you to the VanHove and Ringkob operations for providing the calves for this trial.

The staff has also branched out in promoting Maine-Anjou by attending the International Marketing Room at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo as well as the Florida Cattlemen’s Convention to spread the word and we have increased the use of social media with multiple videos as well as promotional posts. Greater promotion is a major focus for the future!

The AMAA 50th Anniversary celebration was held in Louisville, Ky., on November 17, 2019. There was a great mixture of attendees including some of our early members to some of the bright up-andcoming breeders of today. There were almost 100 attendees from as far away as Texas and Montana. Highlights of the event included recognizing our 30 plus year members, keynote speaker Mark Core, recognizing our Maine Man of the Year, Mr. Rick Carlson and 2019 Breeder of the Year, Morton Cattle Company. One of the great moments of the afternoon was announcing our 2019 Heritage Road Hall of Fame inductees, Kenny and Audrey Bremer of K&A Farms, Blakesburg, Iowa. It was a great afternoon of fellowship, recognition and excitement for the future of the AMAA!

These are just some of the highlights of 2019. We are excited about the growing interest and industry buzz about MaineAnjou and what opportunities 2020 will present!

MAINE-ANJOU- Vision, Vigor, Value!



SELLING 25 HEAD HIGH PERCENT MAINE-ANJOU BULLS Sired by Garth, Data Bank, Lasting Impression & Last Stand Maine Angus sired by Garth and New Game PRIVATE TREATY FEBRUARY 26, 2020 CORY THOMSEN 605-730-2397

Selling In Denver CHOICE of the 2020 Spring Heifer Calves! An opportunity to pick the very best from the Nagel herd! PHONE BID SALE - BIDS CLOSE AT 6 P.M. SELLING 30 HEAD - Includes 4 two-year-old bulls - Several heifer bulls - Sire by Garth, Data Bank, Lasting Impression & Last Stand Maine Angus sired by Garth and New Game ALL BULLS... will be semen checked in March with delivery available in late March, early April.

NAGE Ms Garth 54E Purebred Maine-Ajou by Garth Champion OYE Champion Fort Worth Open Show Shown by Berkley McKay, Oklahoma

BLANE (605) 464-1187 • LANDON (605) 464-1197 31164 E.R.S. Rd., Springfield, SD 57062 nagelcattle@excite.com NAGE Ms Middle Man 149E 3/4 Maine-Ajou by Middle Man Champion San Antonio Junior Show Many time champion for Kennedy Kauffman, Texas NAGE Ms Data Bank 98F Purebred Maine-Anjou by Data Bank Many time division champion shown by Kynlee Dailey, Oklahoma. NAGE Miss Pixie Dust ET Purebred Maine-Anjou by Garth Champion Maine-Anjou Badger Kick Off Shown by Olivan Noonan, Iowa All Raised by Us!

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