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Investing In Parent Verification by Leoma Wells

Investing in Parent Verification Parent Verification is a process which utilizes DNA markers to exclude incorrect parent(s)

By: Leoma Wells, Strategic Account Manager, Beef Cattle Genetics - Neogen

The morning is chilly, and a newborn calf awaits us. As we begin to process the calf, the question arises, what sire do we write down in the calving notebook? Ninety percent of the time, the answer is straightforward. However, experts estimate 10% of pedigree’s are misreported into association databases. Let’s imagine that same bull calf goes on to be featured as lot 1 as a yearling and the buyer pays $25,000 for him. The buyer decides to collect the bull and submits a DNA sample to meet AI requirements. The results come back, and he doesn’t qualify to the AI sire noted on the pedigree. A follow-up DNA comparison indicates he qualifies to the pasture bull. I ask you; how would you like to receive that phone call from the buyer, notifying you of the parentage error. With the parent verification technology available today, it is easy to locate these errors at an early age, before the animal enters the herd as a replacement or is sold as breeding stock. Being able to identify incorrect pedigrees via DNA testing becomes an insurance policy for your operation. A $20 parentage test can provide you with the peace of mind and full confidence to fully promote and endorse an animal. That on its own may be worth its weight in gold, or at the very least the animal’s genetic value.

As modern technology has evolved, the method used for parent verification has as well. As we’ve moved from blood markers to microsatellites (STRs) and now to Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), the confidence in the calls has increased, while the cost has continued to decrease. Today there are approximately 200 SNPs used to determine whether progeny excludes to a parent(s). In contrast, only 8-14 STR markers or 5-10 blood markers were used for comparisons. As different platforms become available, it is important to be aware the different marker sets are not comparable to one another. For example, if you tested a sire with American MaineAnjou Association (AMAA) in 2010, he likely would have STR parentage markers on file, whereas, if progeny were tested in 2021, they would instead receive SNP parentage markers. Because of this difference in technology, AMAA would be unable to compare to the sire’s STRs. To rectify this,

either the sire would need to be genotyped using the GGP100K (it is encouraged to have a genotype on sires in the genetic evaluation) which includes SNP parentage markers (sire could also only be SNP parentage tested) or the progeny would need to be sent through STR testing for the comparison to be made. The key take home message is that as a Maine-Anjou breeder, you should feel very confident in the current parentage platform and it’s level of accuracy. (See Figure 1)

This is all great information, but you may be asking “why is parent verification vitally important for a registered breeder?”. If you are in the registered seedstock business, it is imperative to verify the pedigree and animal information submitted into the breed database is accurate. The genetic evaluation also utilizes the sire and dam’s EPD profiles to calculate the interim EPD profile on the progeny. If the sire, dam or both parents are incorrect, the individual’s EPDs and adjusted information will be impacted. In addition, buyers, whether registered or commercial, often make final selection decisions based upon pedigree, EPDs and animal information. Imagine selecting a bull for his elite phenotype and pedigree, only to find out he may be vastly different than advertised. Later you find out the situation could have been resolved via a $20 DNA test. As you can imagine, if EPDs are being used as a breeding or selection tool then parentage analysis is critical to maintain pedigree accuracy. (See Figure 2)

Let’s not forget to acknowledge the importance of parent verification for show exhibitors, both youth and adults, Figure 1: The Growth of Genetic Testing Technology

Figure 2: Parent Analysis and Capatilizing on your Genetic Investement

wishing to fully capitalize on their genetic investments. Armed with the parentage report displaying the results can add purchasing assurance and confidence everything will check out in the winner’s circle.

We would strongly encourage if you’re currently calving out fall cows or getting ready to start with the spring crop, consider submitting DNA samples through AMAA. Let’s use the knowledge and availability of DNA parentage testing to insure your herd for generations by ensuring the accuracy of pedigrees.

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