2 minute read
Jackson Community Building Information
from 2021 Madison County Fairbook
4-H & FFA General Rules & Regulations
2021 74th Annual Madison County Fair
1. 4-H’ers who have completed 4th through 12th grade (or equivalent) of the completed school year (2021) and are in good standing at the county level are eligible to exhibit at the Madison County Fair. Divisions are: Junior (grades 4-6), Intermediate (grades 7-8), Senior (grades 9-12). 4-H Clover Buds who have completed grades K through 3rd of the completed school year and are in good standing at the county level are eligible to exhibit. FFA members in good standing from the following chapters are eligible to exhibit at the Madison County Fair: Winterset FFA, Earlham FFA, Interstate 35 FFA, East Union FFA, Orient-Macksburg FFA., and Adel FFA. 2. To be eligible to exhibit at the 2021 Madison County Fair, 4-H and FFA members must be an enrolled in their Respective organization (4-H or FFA) and a member in good standing. 4-H and FFA membership is defined as an enrolled youth program member receiving six or more hours of 4-H or FFA educational programming during the 4-H/ FFA year, running September 2020 through July 2021. These educational hours may include club meetings, project workshops, camps, seminars, or other activities deemed 4-H or FFA educational activities by their respective organization (4-H Members by Madison County Extension Office, FFA members by their respective FFA Advisor.) For further clarification, your respective organization has the Extension Office has a document that outlines approved hours. 3. FFA members must comply with 4-H rules at the Madison County Fair. 4. All judges’ decisions are final. 5. A 4-H exhibitor must have participated in the project or program from which the exhibit comes.
Each exhibit must be the work of a 4-H’er during the current 4-H year.
The exhibit is to be an outgrowth of work done as a planned part of a project or program through 4-H.
6. All exhibitors are responsible for being aware of all information contained in the schedule of events and fair book. Be sure to read all sections contained within.
7. All exhibitors and program participants are expected to be cooperative, courteous and good 4-H representatives while on the fairgrounds and participating in 4-H events. Use or possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs on the Madison County Fairgrounds will result in disqualification of the exhibitor’s entry and/or continued participation by the 4-H’er in the event. All members staying on the fairgrounds must be chaperoned by a local club leader, parent or advisor and must stay in a place designated by the Fair Board. Exhibitors may not stay in the livestock barns.
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