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Junior Update, Madison Loschke
from Maine-Anjou Voice
MAINE-ANJOU Junior Update
President - Whitney Walker, Arkansas Vice President - Cassidy Barker, Missouri Secretary/Treasurer - Kaleb Miller, Iowa
REGION 1 Whitney Walker, Arkansas Madisen Joliff, Ohio
REGION 2 Kaleb Miller, Iowa Dexter Small, Kansas
REGION 3 Cameron Luedtke, Texas Chancee Clark, Oklahoma
AT-LARGE Madison Loschke, Kansas Emma Preston, Illinois Macie McCollum, Texas Cade Austin, Wisconsin Cassidy Barker, Missouri
2020 ROYALTY QUEEN Mckenna Striegel, Ohio
PRINCESS Jaelin Wolfinger, Nebraska Mikell O’Hara, Montana Abree Belcher, Iowa
AMAA YOUTH COMMITTEE Jirl Buck, Oklahoma Mark Beauprez, Colorado Cali O’Hara, Montana Andy Jones, Illinois
Hey y’all my name is Madison Loschke, one of your at-large American Junior Maine-Anjou Association (AJMAA) Board of Directors. I am from Kingsdown, Kan., where I have grown up on my family’s cow calf operation. I recently graduated from Kansas State University where I majored in Animal Sciences and Industry, minored in mass communication, as well as completed a certificate in sales. Currently me, my three cats, and my Airedale Terrier are living on the ranch and I work as a field sales representative for Bunzl Processor Division selling supplies for the packing houses. This is my fourth and final year as an AJMAA director and I could not be more thankful of the lessons learned and memories made in my time serving the association.
The AJMAA has lots of exciting activities coming up. We are letting the Good Times Role this summer in Chickasha, Okla., for the National Junior Heifer Show. This year as a fundraiser we are holding a cash raffle. If you are interested in participating contact a junior board member, but don’t delay because spots are limited. Oklahoma seems to be the place this year we will also be holding our National Show in Oklahoma City at the Cattlemen’s Congress. This will be replacing many of the shows, sales, and activities typically held during the National Western Stock Show. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you as we travel to Oklahoma in 2021.