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Junior & Open Show Reports

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MAINE-ANJOU Junior Show Reports

Kansas State Fair - Junior Show Hutchinson, Kan. • Judge: Shane Meier, Texas

Champion Maine-Anjou Female Parker Schwarz, LaCygne, Kan. Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Teagan Deyoe, Ulysses, Kan. Champion MaineTainer Female Jacob Hanen, Buhler, Kan.

SOUTH DAKOTA STATE FAIR (Open Show) Huron, S.D. • Judge: Christi Gabel, Colorado NO PHOTO AVAILABLE

Reserve MaineTainer Female Jackie Sleichter, Abilene, Kans.

Champion Maine-Anjou Female Sammi Schrag, Marion, S.D. Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Talen Hazel, Beresford, S.D. Champion MaineTainer Female Sam Podzimek, Mitchell, S.D. Reserve MaineTainer Female Aiden Hiniker, Pipestone, Minn.


Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Eastview Maines, Jasper, Minn. Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull DeJong Ranch, Kennebc, S.D. Champion MaineTainer Bull Sinkie Ranch, Gann Valley, S.D.

MAINE-ANJOU Junior Update



President - Whitney Walker, Arkansas Vice President - Cassidy Barker, Missouri Secretary/Treasurer - Kaleb Miller, Iowa

REGION 1 Whitney Walker, Arkansas Madisen Joliff, Ohio

REGION 2 Kaleb Miller, Iowa Dexter Small, Kansas

REGION 3 Cameron Luedtke, Texas Chancee Clark, Oklahoma

AT-LARGE Madison Loschke, Kansas Emma Preston, Illinois Macie McCollum, Texas Cade Austin, Wisconsin Cassidy Barker, Missouri

2020 ROYALTY QUEEN Mckenna Striegel, Ohio

PRINCESS Jaelin Wolfinger, Nebraska Mikell O’Hara, Montana Abree Belcher, Iowa

AMAA YOUTH COMMITTEE Jirl Buck, Oklahoma Mark Beauprez, Colorado Cali O’Hara, Montana Andy Jones, Illinois

Hey everyone! My name is Cassidy Barker and I am your American Junior Maine-Anjou Association (AJMAA) Vice President. This is my second year serving on the AJMAA board. I am from Kearney, Mo., and currently a junior at Oklahoma State University majoring in Agribusiness. I have enjoyed showing and raising Maine-Anjou cattle my entire show career having attended 11 AJMAA junior nationals and counting! I am extremely passionate about the Maine-Anjou breed and proud to consider the association home.

I am so excited to “Let the Good Times Roll” in Chickasha, Okla., next summer. Next year junior national is schedule for June 19-24 and we are already preparing for a fun-filled week. We are hoping for a COVID-19 free week and are excited to take the junior national to the South.

The AJMAA is extremely fortunate to have many amazing sponsors in the industry to help make our events so great. This year the junior board will be selling card advertisements for the calendar. We have done this before and feel it it a great way to promote your businesses and help out the AJMAA.

New this year, we are starting a ‘Let the Good Times Roll’ cash raffle and are thrilled to see how it turns out! For the raffle, the junior board will be selling squares, each square represents a different dollar value starting at $1 all the way up to $200. For each square purchased, your name goes into a drawing. Winners will be drawn live via Facebook. Cash prizes will be awarded for first place, $1,000, second place, $750, third place, $500, fourth place, $250 and fifth place, $100. Five other select squares will have swag to give away as well! Stay tuned and feel free to reach out to any junior board members to purchase your square or if you have any questions.

I hope to see everyone at the major shows this fall/winter and wish everyone safe travels and good luck. Until then, stay safe and know we have many great things planned for the coming year!

2020 2021 Follow along as we introdue

Meet THE you to three different board members each issue. Asked a variety of questions and a ‘this or that’, here is a little about who is serving you in blue! JUNIOR BOARD OCTOBER 2020


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