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Headquarters, Blake Nelson
MAINE-ANJOU Headquarters
M. BLAKE NELSON AMAA Executive Vice President
After a very busy but successful state fair run, fall is quickly approaching. I always look forward to this time of year, cooler weather, crop harvest, cattle sales and football; it doesn’t get much better than that. Interest in Maine-Anjou genetics continues to grow and I believe the fall sales will reflect this. Just watching the online sale sites, I have noticed an increased amount of High Maine and Maine Angus cattle selling. We have a tremendous product and we have to get the word out!
Promoting our product is key. I believe that we have to educate the industry on what we have to offer today. Unfortunately there is still a large number of the commercial sector that think of us as a show driven breed only and we have production concerns like calving ease and longevity. I think we all have to communicate to every segment that the cattle have changed. Birthing issues have been addressed and the cattle are more moderate and versatile than they were in the past. Some may say that many breeds can provide this and that is true, but Maine-Anjou can also inject muscle, docility, efficiency and still keep frame and maturity under control.
Developing your marketing program is essential to succeed in this increasingly competitive sales environment that we see today. Some things to consider and ask yourself before you get going and investing dollars: Mass vs Targeted, Personal vs NonPersonal, Quick vs Slow, One way interaction vs Two way, Cost vs Exposure? These are just a few things to get started.
What are some avenues of promotion and marketing our product? I believe that there is no replacement for personal contact. In this day an age when it feels that you have to send out a text or e-mail just to let the household know that it is “dinner time”, calling a potential customer or making a farm visit can be refreshing and very effective. In agriculture most producers appreciate eye to eye conversation. This may even have more value today than it did for past generations because direct communication has decreased due to Covid and society trends. Some great opportunities to make these contacts can be at conventions, cattlemen’s meetings, the local stockyards or coffee shop just to name a few. Another great thing about personal contact is you have immediate two way interaction with the potential customer, your conversation or promotional items may prompt questions and interest. If you believe in what your MaineAnjou cattle have to offer then interact and tell people about them, there is no replacement for your own convictions and faith in what you are producing.
One avenue that we often use is print advertising. Targeted magazine ads can be extremely effective, especially when trying to market to a specific audience. Consistency within a specific magazine builds brand recognition and familiarity with your program. This can not only spark interest, but also let the customer feel more acquainted with your product. The Voice and other industry magazines are great avenues to consider. Regional publications and your local newspaper can be very cost effective especially when you are marketing bulls or replacement females. Ultimately you have to honestly access your cattle and decide if they should be promoted for a local market or if they have the attributes to attract customers from a larger audience.
Social Media is the hottest venue and must be seriously considered as a marketing source. The speed of communicating through social media has changed our world. Whether it is for the better or not that is for you to decide, but without a doubt it is here and for real. Utilizing social media is extremely quick, cost effective, and can reach a large population mass.
Today’s society thrives on having everything at their fingertips and cattlemen are no different. E-mail blasts are a great way to send a specific message to a targeted group, our goal is to prompt action by the customer. The AMAA offers these e-blasts services so please contact Lindsey and she will be glad to assist you.
Utilizing search engines can expose a large mass of folks to your product through the use of analytics and key words. Just about every major search engine (ex. Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.) offers these services and they are typically user friendly in setting them up. The use of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be very potent and give you instant contact with a big group.
This is one of the most cost effective venues to promote your cattle and it can still have a personal touch to certain generations. I would encourage you to look into this options, if you are not comfortable I bet your kids or grandkids will lend a hand. A weekly promotion of your bulls, matriarch cows, and sale cattle can all be great topics to showcase in these posts.
Does it reach them? Is it credible? Does it create interest? These are some of the questions that I have heard about the use of social media, what is the answer? I don’t know, but if it increases your sales and ultimately your bottom-line it is working.
Ultimately, I call on you to promote our cattle. It takes all of us to tell our story and reach both current and potential customers. The AMAA will be happy to help you with any questions on any of these topics you may have so please contact us, we are here to help you.
Just a reminder, when sorting your spring born calves please consider some of the AMAA sponsored options in marketing them; the Bright Lights Sale in Oklahoma City and Power in the Pens Sale in Denver. If you have any interest or questions regarding these programs please contact myself or Josh.
Best Regards, Blake
MAINE-ANJOU- Vision, Vigor, Value!
building a female saleLegacy October 21
Epic X Miss Green Valley 882U

Missouri State Fair Calf Champion

maternal made X Lucky Lady 51Z
Missouri Maine Incentive Program James Farms is a proud sponsor of the Missouri Maine Incentive Program. The Missouri Maine-Anjou Association will award $500 to the top High Maine and MaineTainer at the 2022 Missouri State Fair. To be eligible, the winning heifers must be born and raised in Missouri. CongratulationsMason Bergthold, many time MaineTainer Champion in Missouri.
Larry James 573.473.8912 Casey & Ashley Bergthold 573.397.3494 Chris & Anna Bird 573.271.1953 22992 Monroe Road 277, Paris, MO


12PM – NOV 24 – Maine-Anjou Sale 4PM – NOV 24 – World Congress Show 9AM – NOV 25 – Maine Attraction Heifer Calf Jackpot Show 7PM – NOV 25 – Cocktails 7:30PM – Banquet – Tickets $65
The Canadian Maine-Anjou Association is proud to honor the 50th Anniversary Celebrations at the 2021 Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
International guests, please contact the Canadian Maine-Anjou Association office about inbound international travel incentives.