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VitaFerm CharFocus Youth Conference

The AIJCA hosted 38 youth from 7 states and 5 countries for the Inaugural VitaFerm CharFocus Youth Conference, July 28-31, 2022, at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. High school and college aged participants were provided the KSU Animal Science experience beginning with accommodations in Haymaker Hall, a visit to the Stanley Stout Center for Animal Sciences and Industry (ASI) Rotations with professors and a Meat Science Demonstration and tour of the KSU Meat Lab. Special thanks to Dr. Dan Moser, College of Agriculture Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Dr. Mike Day, ASI Department Head, for sharing the Kansas State Univeristy experience to attendees.

Galen & Lori Fink and Chad & Megan Larson of Fink Beef Genetics provided rst class hands-on experiences with repro tracts and microscopes with help from industry partners, Cross Country Genetics and Vytelle. NextGen Cattle Co. showed participants their bull development facility and a group of Charolais and Beefmaster cow-calf pairs while discussing their goals and vision of their business including the launch of the new e-commerce brand NextGen Beef. Day two wrapped up with a chat with young VitaFerm professionals Katie Williams, Shane Schaake, and Cody Jensen about the transition from college to career.

Day three kicked o with team building activities and personal growth with zipline and archery experiences at Rock Springs Ranch 4H Camp. Shawn Ti any, Ti any Cattle Company, provided a tour of their feedlot and cattle working facilities in Herrington. Our international participants were joining the conference as part of the Charolais Charbray International Youth Program in the USA. Attendees learned about the Charolais associations from each country in attendance.

To close the weekend, Debbie Lyons-Blythe, chairman of the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, shared the initiatives of the organization and how each of us can make an impact.

Watch for location and dates of the 2023 VitaFerm CharFocus Youth Conference!

Charolais Charbray International Youth Program United States – Kansas, Missouri July 27 – August 4, 2022

Future thought leaders for the Charolais breed traveled to Kansas City in late July for the Charolais Charbray International (CCI) Youth Program. Twelve delegates representing six countries participated.

The CCI Youth Program was initiated at the 2017 CCI World Congress with the Canadian Charolais Association hosting the rst event in 2018. The focus of the program is to bring youth from around the world together annually for leadership and educational activities.

The nine-day program started in Kansas City and encompassed visits to thirteen Charolais herds, three agriculturally based universities, ag industry-based companies, a major feedlot, packing plant and livestock market facilities. Included in the program was the CharFocus Inaugural Youth Conference.

The delegates traveled just short of 1, 700 miles across the states of Kansas and Missouri. Along the way stops included historical sites shopping, and Kansas City Royals game.

This year’s program was coordinated by the AmericanInternational Charolais Association in cooperation with United States Livestock Genetic Export support. Additional sponsorship was provided by Charolais Charbray International and the delegate’s respective Charolais Association.

CCI World Youth-(L to R) Amanda Cavenagh, Australia; Reegan McLeod, Canada; Molly Smith, USA; Lois Scott, Scotland; Aiden Kinahan. Ireland; Emilio Torres, Mexico; Dale Weinbender, Canada; Eoghan McGrenaghan, Ireland; Bartley Finnegan, Northern Ireland; Avaro Saldivar, Mexico; Rene Garza, Mexico; Luis Emilio Garcia, Mexico.

Wright Charolais, Chris Peuster Beef on Dairy Research-University of Missouri

Bioyme Inc., St. Joseph, Mo. Dr. Robert Schnabel, UMC Genetics Northwest Missouri State University, Jim Husz

Denny Stephenson, Stephenson Charolais

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