Guide Summer 2022

Page 9


Sarah Van Schothorst



he 50th Anniversary plans are well underway. It is an exciting time for Canadian Gelbvieh Association members. We have been working away at promoting the breed and the events that we have planned. Check out the May issues of AB Beef magazine and Beef in BC magazine for specials on the Gelbvieh breed and producers using Gelbvieh genetics! The history book is printing as we speak and we look forward to getting that out to the people who have pre-ordered. You can still order a history book by contacting the CGA office. The first merchandise order was also made May 12th. Once those items are received they will be sent out to those who have ordered. Another order will be made in late summer/early fall to receive in time for fall events. Belt buckles have been sent out in a steady stream! Make sure to order your limited edition belt buckle and get the number of your choice. Buckles #1 and #50 will be on auction at the 50th anniversary fall banquet in Regina, SK on December 1st. The banquet will be will be held at the Royal Hotel by Wyndam in Regina. This is the hotel that we have booked our block of rooms with in the past. We have reserved many rooms at a rate of $119 / night, with breakfast included daily. Please make sure to book early. The deadline for booking is October 30. The GAA/BC alongside the Juniors have been working hard to plan the National Junior Gelbvieh Show being held in Stettler, AB from July 21-24. It is going to be a special event with a banquet planned for July 23. Also being held is a Facebook fundraiser auction to support the junior show and future

annual events. Donations of any kind are welcome as well as sponsorships for the show. Donations can be made out to the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association and sent to the office. The second half of herd assessments will be billed on July 4 for those with herds over 30 head. Update of the Female Foundation Project We are going to be working on creating the DNA request box for this project. Please let Sarah know that you want to be enrolled in the project before making the DNA requests on your females. The Docility scoring portion of this project has been moved to starting in the fall season with preg checking. This will be more convenient for members when handling their animals and we will also collect the fertility data at the same time. As we look toward the next 50 years it is projects like these that collect the hard data to prove the benefits of the breed. Docility, reproductive efficiency and female qualities that this breed has to offer are profitable traits and are becoming more and more important in the industry. A reminder that this project will take place over the next 3 to 4 years so you are not required to DNA all your females at one time, you can spread it out over the 3 to 4 year period. I hope that everyone has had a good calving season and that adequate moisture is received by all.

Exciting Fall Events • The National Gelbvieh show November 30 • The National Gelbvieh sale December 1st • CGA AGM December 1st • 50th Anniversary banquet December 1st

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2022 • Page 9

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Guide Summer 2022 by EDJE - Issuu