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Junior Update, Madisen Joliff
Junior Update
President - Cameron Luedtke, Texas Vice President - Emma Preston, Illinois Secretary/Treasurer - Madisen Joliff, Ohio
REGION 1 Rachael Rodgers, Indiana Madisen Joliff, Ohio
REGION 2 Abby Stallbaumer, Nebraska Dexter Small, Kansas
REGION 3 Cameron Luedtke, Texas Chancee Clark, Oklahoma
AT-LARGE Larahmy Blakley, Oklahoma Emma Preston, Illinois Macie McCollum, Texas Tyler Loudon, Iowa Morayah Cupp, Nebraska
QUEEN Brayton Striegel, Iowa
PRINCESS Emma Yochum, Ohio Karly Lowes, Indiana
AMAA YOUTH COMMITTEE Eric Walker, Arkansas Beau Ebersole, Iowa Andy Jones, Illinois Brett Carter, Oklahoma
Hello everyone! My name is Madisen Jolliff and I am from Kenton, Ohio. I currently attend the Ohio State University - Agricultural Technical Institute where I am dual majoring in Agriculture Communications and Community Leadership with a focus in extension. I have the honor of serving as one of the American Junior Maine-Anjou Association (AJMAA) Region 1 Directors as well as serving as the junior board’s 20212022 Secretary/Treasurer.
Being a part of the board this last year was one of the best opportunities I have ever had. Even though we were in the mist of the pandemic, we learned as an association how to adapt and overcome any obstacles we may face. My absolute favorite part of being on the board is getting to create friendships with other board members and getting the privilege to give back to those within this association who have helped me. Along with that, getting to mentor the next generation of showmen. Another part of the board that I absolutely love is the leadership opportunities that our association provides.
One of those leadership opportunities is occuring on March 31st to April 3rd. The AJMAA is presenting the NYLC! This is an amazing National Youth Leadership Conference for youth of 14-21 years old. NYLC will provide a unique and challenging atmosphere for leadership where our AJMAA members will be able to meet from all across the country. They will not only get to interact with peers, but industry leaders and professionals as well. Opportunities within this conference will not only allow members to study and implement their individual leadership styles and strengths but also allow members to see new and innovative technologies that are being created for the benefit of the livestock industry.
The entry forms for NYLC go live November 15th! The registration fee is 400 and this includes a T-shirt, a goodie bag, and all meals & hotel cost while in attendance of the conference! We look forward to seeing all of our members there!