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Wisconsin H ereford A ssoci At ion Membership Directory
RENN’S NEST HEREFORDS , Kari and Jim Renn, 4207 Campbell Tr., Hartland, WI 53029. C: 414-217-7366 (Jim), C: 414-614-4537 (Kari), karirenn@sbcglobal.net. Directions: Hwy 83 to Campbell Trace, right on Campbell Tr. Herd information: 60 cow/calf pairs, raise all steer to market.
RHINER POLLED HEREFORDS , Kermit and Jana Rhiner, W8838 Richards Rd., Poynette, WI 53955. C: 608-445-1279, rhinerpolledherefords@yahoo.com. Directions: Just 2 miles off I90-94 at Hwy 60 Exit. Herd information: Using top AI sires to excel in the showring as well as in the herd.
S.E. ELLIOTT FARMS , Stephen and Heidi Elliott, 543 East Church Rd., Cambridge, WI 53523. P: 916-204-7114, heidi4391@yahoo.com. Directions: Off of Hwy 73. Herd sires: Cow/calf operation.
SANDROCK RANCH , Kevin and Janice Bennett, 3752 Ollie Bell Rd., Benton, WI 53803. P: 608-759-3685, C: 608-778-8685, KevinJaniceBennett@gmail.com. Herd information: Purebred and commercial.
SCHLIECKAU CATTLE COMPANY, Brian, Judi, and Andrea Schlieckau, S5859 State Road 23, Loganville, WI 53943. P: 608-727-2035, C: 608-432-8316, C: 608-432-8669. schlieckau@uwalumni.com. Herd information: Small herd of registered and commercial Herefords with focus on quality.
SCHNURBUSCH, Earl Schnurbusch, W382 N8959 Mill St., Oconomowoc, WI 53066. C: 262-804-7190, earl.schnurbusch@gmail.com.
SCHULZ POLLED HEREFORDS, Douglas and Rebecca Schulz, W3472 Wildcat Rd., Iron Ridge, WI 53035. P: 920-625-3424, C: 262-224-7185, thefarmgirlsmom@gmail.com.
SELL , Stuart and Michelle Sell, 9527 South Olson Rd., Beloit, WI 53511. P: 815-9790141, C: 815-979-0141, stuartsell@gmail.com.
SHADOW RIDGE RANCH , Randy and Liz Mittag, N6834 County Road E, River Falls, WI 54022. P: 715-781-2584, C: 612-964-6415. Herd information: We have been in the industry for 25 years. Now running a 25-cow breeding program. AI to: Lambeau, World Wide, and About Time.
SHEPHARD’S HILL FARM , Zeb and Siobhan Allen, E5342 Sand Hill Rd., Reedsburg, WI 53959. P: 608-963-9410, shfarm@ymail.com.
SMR POLLED HEREFORDS , Sheena, Ryan, Bristol and Reagan Ringelstetter, N2833 Wilson Rd., Poynette, WI 53955. C: 608-445-1387, smringelstetter@gmail.com.
SNL’S FARM, Steve and Loxi Smythe, E5054 490th Ave., Menomonie, WI 54751. P: 715232-7685, C: 715-505-4747 (Steve), snlfarm@outlook.com. Herd information: Running a set of 20 top polled Hereford females. Excellent club calves and heifers.