CPD Directory 2009

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CPD Directory 2009


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CPD Directory 2009

Education Law Unit


CPD Directory 2009


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CPD Directory 2009 Education Law Unit Contents 18 May 2009


English as an Additional Language (Glasgow)


3 June 2009

Equality & Human Rights in the Classroom (Glasgow)


9 Sept 2009

Safeguarding Rural Schools (Perthshire)


28 Oct 2009

Religion in Scottish Schools (Glasgow)


16 Nov 2009

Disability in Schools Conference (Glasgow)


20 Jan 2010

School Trips, Safely and Lawfully (Glasgow)


In-house training and CPD


Education Law Leaflets for Pupils


Booking Form


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English as an Additional Language Langside Halls, Shawlands, Glasgow – 18 May 2009 Time: 1pm ‘til 4pm

Cost: £45+VAT

According to the 2008 Pupil Census, there are now 147 different languages spoken as the main language in the homes of pupils attending Scottish schools. With demand for specialist language support increasing at a time when education budgets are being frozen or cut, the challenge of meeting the needs of bilingual learners is greater than ever. This seminar aims to explore responses to some of these challenges and set out the legal rights of pupils with English as an additional language.

Topics include Unaccompanied and trafficked children EAL and additional support needs Race Equality Duty and EAL ESOL National Qualifications in Schools Glasgow’s EAL Strategy

Speakers include Maria Walker, EAL Co-ordinator Glasgow City Council Iain Nisbet, Education Law Unit Claire Platts, Ethnic Minorities Law Centre Joe Bryce, Advocate Margaret Allan, Scottish Qualifications Authority


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Equality & Human Rights in the Classroom Jury’s Inn Hotel, Glasgow – 3 June 2009 Time: 1pm ‘til 4pm

Cost: £75+VAT

Schools in Scotland, whether they are Council schools or independent, are now covered by laws forbidding discrimination against their pupils on the grounds of sex, race, disability, religion or belief, and sexual orientation. At the same time the issue of human rights in the classroom has never been so pertinent. This seminar offers a route through the often complex and confusing field of equality and human rights legislation – telling you what you must and must not do.

Topics include Checklist of Equality Duties Anti Homophobic bullying toolkit Equality Schemes and School Development Plans Race Equality in Schools Gender Equality in Schools Creating a Human Rights Culture in your School

Speakers include Iain Nisbet, Education Law Unit Angela Ward, Equalities Case Worker, Govan Law Centre Speaker from LGBT Youth (t.b.c.) Rowena Arshad, CERES Dr. Jean Kane, University of Glasgow Prof. Alan Miller, Scottish Human Rights Commissioner


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Safeguarding Rural Schools & Improving Consultations Huntingtower Hotel, nr. Perth – 9 September 2009 Time: 10am ‘til 4pm

Cost: £75+VAT

The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Bill was introduced in March 2009 to the Scottish Parliament. The Bill will improve the consultation procedures for school closures; introduce a new duty on authorities to take into account additional factors for rural schools; and allow the Scottish Ministers to “call in” any school closure decisions. The seminar aims to outline all of the legal requirements for school closures (both as they stand and as proposed) and to discuss some of the strategies used by campaigners trying to safeguard their schools from closure.

Topics include Using Freedom of Information in opposing school closures School Closures and Legal Challenges Case Study: We saved our school! School (Consultation) (Scotland) Bill Disability Equality Duty and School Closures

Speakers include Sandy Longmuir, Scottish Rural Schools Network Sir Crispen Agnew of Lochnaw, QC Bt Iain Nisbet, Education Law Unit


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Religion in Scottish Schools St. Mungo’s Museum of Religious Life and Art, Glasgow – 28 October 2009 Time: 1pm ‘til 4pm Cost: £35+VAT Religion in Scottish schools can often be a controversial topic, but denominational schools are increasingly popular with parents and legislation old and new demands respect for religious beliefs in the education system for parents and pupils. Religion in schools can affect the curriculum, sex education, placing requests, school uniform and many other aspects. Is there a place for religion in Scottish schools and, if so, what is it?

Topics include Religious Observance and Religious Instruction Discrimination (Religion and Belief) Debate on Denominational and Faith Schools

Speakers include Iain Nisbet, Education Law Unit John McKendrick, Advocate Michael McGrath, Scottish Catholic Education Service Osama Saeed, Campaign for Muslim Schools


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Disability in Schools Conference Beardmore Hotel, Clydebank – 16 November 2009 Time: 10am ‘til 4pm

Cost: £125+VAT

The major national conference is a comprehensive one day event which will enhance your knowledge and capacity in relation to disabled pupils. The morning session will describe the major duties which schools owe to their disabled pupils as well as exploring ways to resolve any disputes which may arise. In the afternoon, delegates will have a choice of workshops where they can learn about adapting classroom practice for pupils with particular disabilities. This conference is an opportunity that no school can afford to miss.

Topics include Disability Discrimination – the duty to take Reasonable Steps Accessibility Strategies for Schools Disability Equality Schemes in Education Disability Conciliation

Workshops on adapting classroom practice for pupils with: Autism Dyslexia Language & Communication Epilepsy Deafness

Tourette Syndrome Down’s Syndrome ADHD Diabetes Visual Impairment Delegates will have the opportunity to attend up to four different workshops (subject to demand).


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School Trips, Safely and Legally The Pearce Institute, Glasgow – 20 January 2010 Time: 1pm ‘til 4pm

Cost: £45+VAT

High profile Health & Safety prosecutions arising from accidents during school trips have led some to decide that school trips are too risky to run. Yet school trips are a necessary and valuable educational experience for pupils of all ages.

This seminar aims to take the fear out of organising school trips by explaining the legal duties which apply and exploring how to put them into practice.

Topics include Practical tips for organising a school trip Consent and Liability issues Health & Safety and risk assessment Including disabled pupils & disability discrimination

Speakers include Dr. Bill Kerr, The Glasgow Academy Katy Macfarlane, Independent Child Law Service Speaker from the Health & Saftey Executive Iain Nisbet, Education Law Unit


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In-house Training and CPD Even if you are unable to come to any of our events, Govan Law Centre’s Education Law Unit offers an extensive programme of in-house training on every aspect of education and the law. Our training can be delivered at your premises and at a time and date suitable for you and your staff (including twilight sessions, evenings and weekends). These sessions can be customised to suit your needs and are delivered by our own solicitors who specialise exclusively in education.

Topics include: Additional Support Needs Bullying and the Law Disability Discrimination Exclusion and Discipline Equality and Human Rights in the Classroom Home Education Placing Requests and Admissions Pupil Information (incl. Confidentiality and Data Protection) Safety and Supervision of Pupils Transport to School and many more – just ask. Our 2009 training rate is £750 +VAT per day. Reasonable travel and subsistence costs will also be charged. A half day rate of £375 +VAT is also available. We are happy to speak to groups of staff from more than one school and there is no audience too big (or too small). Please contact Anne Taylor for more information or to make a booking (admin@edlaw.org.uk or 0141 445 1955).


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Information Leaflets for Pupils Are you a young carer? These are your rights

Be Yourself! Your rights are not wrong. A guide for young people to the Sexual Orientation Regulations 2007

Your Rights A guide to education law for looked after children and young people

We also have a number of leaflets which are available in a variety of formats and languages including Spoken English, BSL, Polish, Punjabi, Urdu, Farsi, Hindi, Tagalog, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Chinese, Gaelic, Arabic and Slovakian. Titles include: What do you think? Help! I’m being bullied Disabled and at school

Do I have to go to school? Getting additional support at school

For more details, or to order leaflets, please contact Anne Taylor (admin@edlaw.org.uk or 0141 445 1955). 10

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Booking Form Please let us know if you have any special requirements (e.g. dietary, access or sensory) and we will do our best to assist you. Course: Name(s): Organisation: Address:



*[I enclose a cheque made payable to “Govan Law Centre” (GLC) in the sum of £_______+VAT] or *[Please invoice me for the sum of £_______+VAT].

Please return this booking form by post to Govan Law Centre, 47 Burleigh Street, Govan G51 3LB or fax to 0141 445 3934 or by e-mail admin@edlaw.org.uk Your booking is confirmed once acknowledged by us in writing. We will send you a VAT and payment receipt. GLC operates a full discount policy for cancellations received at least 2 weeks before the event; for cancellations received after this point, a 75% refund is payable. However, no refund is payable for cancellations received or intimated on or after the date of the event. [* Delete as appropriate]


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Alternative formats are available on request. Please contact us on 0141 445 1955 or equality@edlaw.org.uk to enquire.

Our sincere thanks to the Equality and Human Rights Commission for their financial support in producing this directory.

Govan Law Centre is an independent community controlled organisation which exists to tackle unmet legal needs within the Greater Govan area and other areas of social disadvantage as determined by the Govan Law Centre Trust. It is a Scottish charity SC030193. Its legal work is undertaken by the independent legal practice of Dailly & Co. Solicitors. Image on back cover is copyright of Juan Paulo F. Correa (stereofunkgraphics@gmail.com) and is used with permission.

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