Domestic Violence Resource Pack

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Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit

Working With Families Affected by Domestic Violence

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


Contents Introduction: • Parenting unit • Background to workshops • Purpose of this resource pack

Domestic Violence • Definition of domestic violence • Why is the issue of working with families affected by domestic violence so important? • Safer Leeds & Leeds Parenting Unit’s ‘top ten tips for working with families affected by domestic violence’ • Spotlight on a worker: Lucy Fishwick – Womens Health Matters • Key outputs from Parenting Unit workshops May 2010 o Examples of what practitioners are already doing to engage families affected by domestic violence o Ideas for improving your practice locally

What services are available locally to support families affected by domestic violence? • Resources across Leeds

Where can I get more information on the issue of domestic violence? • Useful links: who they are and what they do

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


Introduction to Leeds Parenting Unit and Parenting Unit Workshops In Leeds, we know that the vast majority of parents want the very best for their children; and we know that every parent needs help and support from time to time and that’s what we, as practitioners, are here to offer….together! The Leeds Family Support and Parenting Strategy, published in November 2007 and reviewed in November 2009, sets out how the Children Leeds Partnership will work together, with parents and each other, to make sure that family support and parenting services in Leeds go further to recognise and respond to every parent’s needs. The strategy identified the need for a central point of contact to support the coordination, the quality assurance and the development of family support and parenting across the whole of Leeds. In September 2008, Leeds Parenting Unit was born. In September 2009, Jonny Cohen (Respect Parenting Practitioner) and Lauren Dunstan (Senior Parenting Practitioner) came into post. Their job roles involve supporting the delivery of parenting programmes, engaging with and developing the services of those who work with ‘hard to reach families’ and those who are resistant to using services. A consultation exercise took place in September/October 2009 with staff from a number of different organisations: extended services clusters, children’s centres and the voluntary sector, to see how the parenting unit could support practitioners. A key theme that came out of this was that practitioners would like to know more about different services and what they offer so that if an issue arises for them in their everyday work, they would know who they could contact to access further support and where to refer on to, if specialist help is required. Following this consultation it was agreed that Leeds Parenting Unit would stage a number of topic led workshops which would seek to: • increase practitioners’ personal capacity and help them to deal with problematic situations; • help practitioners to know who to go to for further help on an issue without having to ring round several different people (extremely time-consuming exercise); • help practitioners to know when to refer on to other specialist services – which will in turn reduce inappropriate referrals; • share good practice and learn from colleagues in other agencies.

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In addition to the workshops, a series of resource kits will be produced to give practitioners more information around the chosen subject. These will include hints and tips for good practice, local contacts and provision across the city including referral processes and useful links to ďŹ nd out more information. Working With Families Affected by Domestic Violence is the third resource kit in what will hopefully become a whole series. If anyone has ideas for future resource kits, please let us know as the aim of them is to assist you in your work with parents.

Jonny Cohen

Lauren Dunstan

Respect Parenting Practitioner

Senior Parenting Practitioner

Email: Tel: 0113 395 7221 Mobile: 07891 275903

Email: Tel: 0113 395 7219 Mobile: 07891 277085

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


Why is the subject of working with families where domestic violence is an issue important to all practitioners working with families and children? The issue of domestic violence is an important one for practitioners because it is a widespread and unfortunately common problem: research shows that it can affect one in four women in their life time, and it has no regard for age, social class, race, disability or lifestyle. Figures from Women’s Aid indicate that in the UK domestic violence accounts for between 16% and one quarter of all recorded violent crime. In any one year, there are 13 million separate incidents of physical violence or threats of violence against women from partners or former partners, with 11, 310 incidents reported nationwide on one snapshot day in November 2006. It is therefore likely that those practitioners working in the field of family and parenting support will come across this difficult issue more than once during their professional lives. Domestic violence can be defined as the physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence that takes place within an intimate or family-type relationship and that forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour. This includes issues of concern to black and minority ethnic (BME) communities such as so called ‘honour killings’. The vast majority of domestic violence victims are women who are suffering at the hands of men: “Women are the overwhelming majority of the most heavily abused group. Among people subject to four or more incidents of domestic violence from the perpetrator of the worst incident (since age 16) 89 per cent were women”. Whilst men can also be victims of domestic violence, it is this overwhelming majority of victims being female that leads this resource pack to focus on the issue of violence against women. Clearly, it is vital that practitioners understand the issues surrounding domestic violence and know how they can help to protect women in the communities in which they work. However, it is also true that domestic violence has a wider impact – especially on children within those families where it is present. This aspect of domestic violence is legally recognised by an amendment to the definition of harm in the Children Act 1989 recognising the

‘impairment suffered from seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another’ (Adoption and Children Act, 2002). This reflects that children living with domestic violence are over-represented among those children referred to statutory children and families teams with concerns about child abuse and neglect, and represent up to two thirds of cases seen at child protection conferences. However, children’s experiences of domestic violence are more than a child protection issue. Research with children suggests it has implications for education, health, welfare, civil and criminal justice. This resource pack is designed to help you in your professional practice to consider some of the questions relating to working with families where domestic violence is an issue: how you can support victims and their children; how you can access information and advice about domestic violence and how to stay safe. It includes pointers on how to make the work you do with this client group as effective as possible, to ensure the best outcomes for these parents and, most importantly, the children whom they care for. A section at the end of the resource pack will signpost you to organisations such as Women’s Aid and many others who will be able to assist with your understanding and knowledge of this important issue.

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


Safer Leeds Top Ten Tips for supporting families affected by Domestic Violence The Leeds City Council Domestic Violence Team (previously named Leeds Inter Agency Project) was established in 1990 to develop a multi agency approach to improve the safety of women and their children experiencing violence from men they know. Based within Safer Leeds, Leeds City Council Domestic Violence Team is working with partner organisations to deliver the Leeds Domestic Violence Strategy. The strategy aims to reduce the prevalence and impact of domestic violence in the city. These tips for practice have been developed in conjunction with Jacqueline Perrins and Paula Gardner from he Leeds City Council Domestic Violence Team and Leeds Parenting Unit. They are designed to be a starting point for all practitioners who may come into contact with this client group and an aid for good practice. Further practical advice can be accessed via contacting the agencies listed at the end of this resource pack. 1. The safeguarding of children is paramount We know that there are clear links between child protection and domestic violence: it has a negative impact on all 5 Every Child Matters outcomes for children. It is therefore crucial that local safeguarding guidelines should be followed. If you have concerns utilise the Common Assessment Framework to draw together the support around the family. This will allow you to work with other agencies to build resilience in children. Remember to take time out to understand the situation from the child’s perspective. (See Working Together to Safeguard Children (DCSF, 2010) & Improving Safety, Reducing Harm (DoH, 2009) for further information)

2. Support the non-abusing parent A positive way to support the children is to ensure that the non-abusing parent (usually mum) is safe and supported. Remember she may want the relationship – but not the violence, and she may want the children to have a relationship with Dad. It is also possible that she blames herself for the violence. It is important to be sensitive to these potential factors especially as they may be at odds with what you may expect. Throughout, you can help and encourage age-appropriate communication between mum and child.

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


3. See her on her own

See mum on her own - whenever possible and when appropriate. Can you meet her away from home if necessary? This will allow you to build up an understanding of what is actually happening within the family. If you are unsure whether she is alone when you are speaking to her then use code words that let you know she is not alone. Be mindful of letters, phone calls and texts that may be read by a controlling partner. Remember to consider the impact of the children being present – they may have witnessed the violence but we need to protect them from further trauma at all times.

4. Work with other agencies Can other agencies provide safe support for mum? Women’s Aid outreach? Women’s Health Matters groups? It doesn’t necessarily need to be a Domestic Violence group. Who is involved with the family? Who has a good working relationship with mum? Remember to share information that is: necessary, proportionate, relevant, accurate, secure. If a child may be at risk of harm then this overrides any agency requirements for confidentiality. Perceptions persist in both the statutory and the voluntary sector that sharing of information continues to be an area of concern because of confidentiality issues. Make sure that where there are child protection issues information is shared with appropriate agencies working with the family without delay. If you are unsure seek support from your line manager or the child protection lead within your organisation.

5. Additional Issues

Be aware of any additional issues and barriers to accessing services that some women may face e.g. Cultural and language barriers and access issues due to disability. Consider what you can do as a worker or agency to support women with additional issues? How can you ensure that you have the means not only for these sections of the community to get in touch with you, but also how you can reach out to them?

6. Help with the development of a safety plan

If assistance has been requested from the victim, help with the development of a plan for both their long and short term safety. Discuss her options with her, allow her to explore these safely and with time to consider potential consequences. Never encourage a woman to leave, this decision has to be hers, remember this can be the most dangerous time for a woman.

7. Safety & Risk Assessment Assess risk to the victim, children and staff and give priority to her children’s and her immediate safety. Take her seriously and believe her: if she feels unsafe she probably is. Refer her to a MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) if you feel she is high risk, try to get her consent for this to happen. This meeting is a multi-agency meeting which is an opportunity for agencies to share information, assess risk, identify appropriate services to work with the family and plan for increased safety. It also considers how best to work with the perpetrator. Attend MARAC briefings to increase your knowledge of the process, including when and how to refer. To find out more contact: Amanda Valeinis, MARAC Co-ordinator on 0113 395 0799. CONT

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8. Share information safely Explain confidentiality: particularly its boundaries in relation to safeguarding children. Failing to share information or doing so inappropriately can put women and their children at serious risk. You can also refer to national guidance: pocket guide and Home Office guidelines to sharing personal information, which can be found at: ladv?sr=0&cs=UTF-8&sc=ecmpubs&nh=10&sb=0&ha=144&hs=0&fl1=publicationshop%3A&op 1=1&ty1=0&tx1=2987&fl0=&op0=1&ty0=0&tx0=pocket+guide If in doubt speak with your manager.

9. Do not collude with violent or controlling behaviour • Don’t offer any joint sessions with the abuser • Don’t act as mediator • Don’t agree to accept letters, pass messages or facilitate contact in anyway

10. Consider your responses Don’t be judgemental or make assumptions. Don’t be dismissive, flippant or sceptical. She may stay or return to the violent man with the belief that this is the right thing to do. Be prepared to support her if she decides to leave again. This may be a personal challenge to you: you want her to be safe - your job and your professional intention is to help her achieve this. However, the decision must lie with the victim and professionals need to support her through any choice she makes.

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


Spotlight on a worker Within each themed resource kit, we would like to introduce a worker to you to highlight the role that they undertake. Hopefully you will get some bright ideas from them, or even just realise that they are out there working in the city with some of the same families you might be engaging with! What is your name? Lucy Fishwick

Who do you work for and what is your role? I’m a project manager for Women’s Health Matters .I co-run two different women’s domestic violence education and support groups and some project work with young women and girls, preventing abusive relationships and increasing positive choices around sexual health.

Can you tell us a little bit about your project and the work you do with families affected by domestic violence? We help run domestic violence education and support groups for women. We always provide crèche and refreshments to help create a safe space for women to explore their experiences. We work from a woman centred perspective, encouraging positive choices but never forcing women to take particular action in their situations. We are there to listen and support and we tend to find that very quickly women choose to share elements of their experiences in the group. The support they receive from each other is really powerful as feelings of isolation recede and new strength can be tapped into. We also use educational sessions to explain aspects of abuse and acknowledge its impact on women and their children. We invite visitors to the groups to improve access to services. We also feed back women’s experiences of services to the providers to improve services and get them tailored to meet the specific needs of women experiencing domestic violence.

What are the main barriers you encounter in getting these hard to reach families engaged? How do you overcome these? The main barriers are a lack of resources for us to be able to meet women before they come to the groups and build their confidence in the group as a safe space. Our partner agencies ( GIPSIL and Intensive Family Support ) do a lot to try and encourage women to attend. Also we work with women who have no recourse to public funds and keeping these women safe is a real challenge. The Council’s Domestic Violence Team are very supportive but there is only so much that anyone can do in this situation. We work closely with other agencies involved with these families to try and keep women and children safe.

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


Key Outputs from the 2010 ‘Working with Families Affected by Domestic Violence’ Workshops in Leeds Throughout the city, a large number of practitioners attended a series of workshops in 2010 to share ideas about how they are already working with families affected by domestic violence, and to discuss how they might better engage and signpost these families in their future work. There were some key ideas and suggestions generated which you may find useful in shaping your future practice.

Examples of what some practitioners are already doing to specifically engage and support families affected by domestic violence • Risk assessments • Good knowledge of the support services available in Leeds • Make sure we’re safe as workers – lone working policies • Refer appropriately to social care • Information sharing • CAF assessment (pulling all agencies together to provide the best possible support for families) • Ask victim what she wants – let her take the lead • Explore extended family – are there other children the perpetrator may have contact with who need support? • Acknowledge children’s emotional wellbeing – they may be missing their dad • Look at own agency policies around safeguarding • Access management support through supervision • Watch out for children’s development – are they reaching their milestones? • Get as much background information on the family as possible • Ensure we document everything • Involve the police where appropriate • Create a safe place for the woman to speak to us


Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


• Find out what behaviours the woman sees as abusive and acknowledge that abuse to one person may not be abuse to another • Be aware of our own personal values • Offer outreach service • Complete ‘access to share information’ forms to allow for multi-agency working • Ensure you know what other agencies are doing to support the family to avoid duplication • Ring specialist agencies for advice • Observe and monitor children in the play environment • Offer counselling • Build up a relationship and gain trust • Use a member of staff the woman feels comfortable with – it doesn’t matter who this is

What could you do differently in the future when working with families affected by domestic violence? Further feedback and ideas from the 2010 workshops: • Develop and use lone working policies - Adhere to any lone working policy in place in your team/agency - Make sure that you keep yourself safe - Conduct home visits in pairs wherever possible - Always let a colleague or manager know where you are and what time you will be expected back – if you are not coming back, arrange to telephone someone when you leave the home visit • Be honest with families - Explain to the families you are working with that their safety and that of their children is your paramount concern and that you will have to refer on any concerns you have to management and Social Care; - If making a referral to Social Care, try to speak to the family first and provide an explanation as to why you are taking this course of action. Being up front and honest about this will help to maintain professional working relationships with families. • Seek support from management - Do not allow yourself to become isolated when working with cases involving domestic violence; - Make use of colleagues and management for advice and support.


Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


• Be aware of your own emotions and values - Domestic violence can make practitioners feel scared. Acknowledge this, but try to remain professional – don’t let these feelings affect your judgement or stop you from doing your duty; - Maintain your professional status - even when personally you might want to do something differently e.g. challenge the perpetrator; - Befriend her, but don’t be her friend; - If mother chooses to stay with the perpetrator, continue to support her regardless of your personal feelings, but ensure she is aware of her duty to protect the children; - Listen, don’t assume. • When using interpreters be mindful of confidentiality issues - Is the woman comfortable with other people knowing about her situation – and is the interpreter someone whom she is comfortable speaking in front of about personal matters? This may be a significant issue in minority populations where most people know each other or have mutual acquaintances; - Don’t allow family members to act as interpreters – it is likely that she may feel threatened or inhibited about speaking up in front of family members and you cannot be certain that they are not party to any ongoing abusive situation. • Be more aware of support service for victims - Utilise this resource pack and familiarise yourself with local support services who you can signpost to for specialist advice and support; - Learn more about MARAC and how to refer – MARAC briefing dates are available for practitioners to attend (to find out more contact: Amanda Valeinis, MARAC Co-ordinator on 0113 3950799); - Promote these services to families – consider maybe ‘guest speakers’ for families to learn more about the services on offer. • Give the victim options - Allow her to decide where she wants to meet you and when, a place where she feels comfortable and at a time that suits her. Don’t pressure the victim. • Use CAF where possible - If CAF is used, this will allow agencies to work together to provide the best possible support for the family.

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


Local Provision Support Groups Womens Health Matters ‘We run a group for women who have experienced violence in a relationship or who are supporting someone close to them who is experiencing violence. We meet on a Thursday to learn more about staying safe, keeping well and feeling good about ourselves.’ Free crèche provided – Please ring to find out more Jan – 0113 248 1813 Lucy – 0113 276 2851 Womens Health Matters also run a similar group in South Leeds. Free crèche. For information on this group, contact: Marianna – 0113 276 2851 Alison – 07956 078078

Drop-in sessions Leeds Womens Aid Drop-in sessions are available for women at risk of domestic violence. At these sessions a member of staff can help victims by: • Listening to them without judging; • Talk through their rights and options in confidence; • Answer their questions; and • Help them to access support and safe accommodation if necessary. Sessions held: St. James’ Hospital (Amy) Mondays: Antenatal Clinic 10.30am – 12.30pm Wednesdays: A&E 9.00am – 11.00am Leeds General Infirmary (Amy) Mondays & Wednesdays: Antenatal Clinic 1.30pm – 3.30pm

NHS Walk in Centre in The Light, The Headrow (Jackie) Thursdays 2.00pm – 4.00pm & Fridays 10.00am – 12.00pm Women to ask for Amy of Jackie at reception. They don’t have to give their name. If they cannot make these times, they can telephone the workers who will try to meet them somewhere else. Tel: 0113 246 0401(24 hours) or Textphone: 07825 156087 (Mon – Fri 9.30am – 5.00pm)

Police Police Domestic Violence Co-ordinators and MARAC Chairs For City & Holbeck Division (based at Millgarth Police station) Tel: 0113 241 4180 or 0113 241 4127 PC Darren Child PC Tracey Hunter PC Jordan Burrows Sgt Richard Stead PC Fran Ruttledge For North East Leeds Division (based at Killingbeck Police Station) Tel: 0113 241 3633 or 0113 241 3761 PC Simon Spendelow PC John Rowson PC Caroline Bartley


Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit

Local Provision Sgt Tony Mills PC Michila Smith For North West Division (based at Weetwood Police Station) Tel: 0113 241 4949 or 0113 239 5083 PC Karen Hobson PC Janice King PC Joanne Swanston Sgt Susan MacLachlan PC Kellie Brathwaite PC Jemma Collins – jemma. MARAC Chair – Keith Lawrance Tel: 0113 395 0840 MARAC Co-ordinator – Amanda Valeinis Tel: 0113 395 0799


Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


Useful links National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 Police – in an emergency ring 999 Non emergency Tel: 0845 60 60 606

Or call the police Domestic Violence Co-ordinators City and Holbeck based at Morley police station 0113 238 2062 North East Leeds based at Killingbeck police station 0113 241 3633 North West Leeds based at Weetwood police station 0113 241 3454

Leeds City Council Domestic Violence Team Provide a variety of advice and support for victims of domestic violence. Tel: 0113 395 2140 E-mail:

STAR (Surviving Trauma After Rape) Support and counselling for victims of rape and serious sexual assault. Available for females and males in West Yorkshire Helpline Mon to Fri 9 – 5 Tel: 01924 298954

Broken Rainbow

CROP Coalition for the removal of pimping, CROP is dedicated to combating sexual exploitation. It supports affected parents (especially through its Parent Support Unit) and presses for multi-agency intervention and the effective use of legislation to target pimps. Tel: 0113 240 3040

Leeds City Council Housing Advice Centre If you are experiencing domestic violence you can approach the Housing Advice Centre for help and advice on housing, including emergency accommodation. Tel: 0113 247 6919

Samaritans Confidential counselling service for people undergoing trauma in their lives. Tel: 0113 245 6789

RASAC Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre. Open 12pm – 2.30pm & 7pm – 9.30pm Tel: 0808 802999

Leeds Crisis Centre

Confidential Counselling Service for people undergoing Domestic Violence Helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual trauma in their lives. and Transgender people experiencing domestic violence. Tel: 0113 275 5898 Tel: 0808 801 0327 Textphone: 0113 274 8880

Leeds Housing Options Provide help and advice on housing including emergency accommodation Tel: 0113 222 4412

Social Services Tel: 0845 125 4113 Adult Social Care: 0113 222 4401 Emergency Out of Hours: 0113 240 9536

The Family Hub Directory of organisations and services in Leeds for parents, carers, children and young people.

Victim Support Provide information, practical help and emotional support to people who have been threatened or abused. Service is free, confidential and available to everyone. Victims are usually put in touch with Victim Support by the police, but can also contact them CONT

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Useful links directly, whether or not they want to report the crime to the police and regardless of when it happened. Tel: 0845 2415151 or 0845 3030900

HALT (Help Advice and the Law Team) HALT (Help, Advice & the Law Team) is a pioneering and innovative charity, working with women to reduce further risk and improve safety. HALT works in Leeds offering legal advice, support and advocacy to women who have experienced domestic or sexual violence. HALT workers are called caseworkers or IDVA’s. HALT was the first Independent Domestic Violence Adviser (IDVA) service to set up in the UK. ‘IDVA’ is a relatively new term, coined by the Home Office and there are various projects across the UK offering independent support around domestic and sexual abuse. We will be your primary point of contact for anything that may be happening if you have reported an incident to the police, and a court case may happen. We work with you to assess the level of risk that you may face; discuss a range of suitable options with you and develop a joint safety plan.

For women Jewish Women’s Aid Support and information for Jewish women experiencing domestic violence. Tel: 0800 591203

Leeds Women’s Aid Support information and safe housing for women with or without children. Helpline: 0113 246 0401 7am – 12am Mobiles: 07776228196/07919212615

Sahara Confidential advice, support and accommodation for all black women with or without children, and white women with black children Helpline: 0113 245 8489 Mobile: 07989567978

Behind Closed Doors

Confidential advice and support for women living in We work with you to address your immediate safety West and North West Leeds. and also practical steps to help you protect yourself Tel: 0800 328 2430 and your children. We also look at longer term solutions E-mail: such as housing options and remedies available from the civil and criminal courts. We often work from a point of crisis and work over the short to medium term to help you achieve long term safety. It is important to know that we are independent of any other organisation and are confidential. Women feel confident that they can share what is often very complicated and intimate information with us without it affecting the criminal justice process or jeopardising their feelings of safety. They in turn know that they can trust the advice they are receiving from us; that it is impartial and independent; allowing them to make the best possible decision for their future. Help advice and support for women exploring legal options and support through the court system. Tel: 0113 243 2632 Voice and text phone

For children and young people Childline Childline is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK. Children and young people can call to talk about any problem. Tel: 0800 1111

NSPCC Helpline: 0800 800 500

The Hideout Social Services Children’s Social Care Tel: 0113 222 4403 CONT

Leeds Parenting Unit resource kit


The Marketplace


The Marketplace in the city centre of Leeds (near the market) and offers information and support on a variety of issues affecting young people (13 – 25 year olds). Tel: 0113 246 1656

Information and support for young men and boys abused through prostitution or at risk, also provide an outreach worker Tel: 01274 731468

Respect 4 us

For men

A fun interactive website where you can move around a “neighbourhood” gaining “knowledge, respect and skill.”

There 4 me NSPCC backed information site giving information on a massive range of subjects from sex to bullying for 12-16 year olds.

National Youth Advocacy Service Offers young people and children a voice. Log on to speak to a counsellor or simply ask questions.

WATOTO For BME children and young people who have experienced domestic violence, offering 1 to 1 support on a range of issues Tel: 0113 245 8489

Genesis Outreach support for young women at risk of sexual exploitation, via an outreach support worker. Provide information on sexual health, housing, benefits, education, employment and all aspects of safety. Tel: 0113 243 0036

STOP (Start treating others positively) Works with perpetrators of domestic violence to address abusive behaviour. Tel: 0113 244 6007

Respect National helpline for men concerned about their behaviour towards their partners. Tel: 0845 1228609

MALE (Men’s Advice Line and Enquiries) Free phone line offering emotional and practical support as well as signposting to local services for men experiencing domestic violence. Mon Tues Wed from 10am to 1pm and 2 pm to 5pm. Tel: 0808 801 0327

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