Education Leeds Strategic Plan 2009-2012

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2009 to 2012

Brilliant learning, brilliant learning places Education Leeds strategy

Our vision Our vision is for all children and young people to be engaged in learning that, • challenges their expectations; • raises their aspirations: and • enables them to fulfil their ambitions. Learning that equips children and young people as the 21st century workforce and supports them to be healthy, happy, safe and successful throughout their lives. Our vision is for brilliant learning, in brilliant learning places, led by brilliant people.

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Education Leeds 2009 to to 2012 2012 Education Leeds strategy strategy 2009


Chris Edwards Education Leeds Chief executive

Leeds is a successful, dynamic, multi-cultural city with aspirations for worldclass schools and worldclass support services for education. Our mission is to provide these. Over the last eight years Education Leeds has transformed outcomes for children and young people.

every child and every young person can be happy, healthy, safe and successful. However, we still face a reality where about a third of our young people are not achieving five good GCSEs and a very small but significant proportion are not achieving anything.

We have re-modelled the learning landscape here in Leeds. At its best educational provision is outstanding; in primary schools, secondary schools, pupil referral units and specialist inclusive learning centres across the city, talented, creative and exceptional colleagues are achieving remarkable things.

Together we can turn our vision for world-class learning into reality.

We need all our schools to be brilliant learning places achieving world-class outcomes; places where

We need to do more to achieve aspirational outcomes for all our young people. We know that schools must be significantly different to

be significantly better and that the answers lie in the new models we are developing. New models that recognise the nature of learning, the nature of the learner and the critical importance of self-esteem and high expectations. We are developing community approaches to learning and local leadership for more

dynamic institutions, with creative and imaginative responses to a rapidly and constantly changing society. We are rethinking the content, process, capacity and meaning of learning in the light of an enormously complex and information-rich society. We must continue to develop Education Leeds as a unique, innovative, creative and highly effective team. We will work with all learning settings, stakeholders


Stephen Parkinson Education Leeds Board chair

Our three year strategic plan sets out our vision, values, culture, objectives and principles; and identifies the behaviours and processes we believe are essential for excellent educational provision. It recognises the enormous strengths and potential we have in Leeds and the priorities we must tackle together. The strategy is our contribution to securing the outcomes of the Leeds Children and Young People’s Plan. Together we can turn our vision for world-class learning into reality.

and partners to provide effective, purposeful and visionary leadership and a high quality services. Our partnerships will ensure that all children and young people acquire the confidence, self-esteem, knowledge, understanding and skills to thrive and achieve their full potential. Education Leeds strategy 2009 to 2012

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Our purpose Education Leeds was established by Leeds City Council in 2001 to take on responsibility for providing leadership and support to, and challenging all Leeds schools. Our purpose is to improve outcomes for children and young people by working with schools, other learning settings and partners. We will help all schools to be good, improving and inclusive. We will help all children and young people acquire the conďŹ dence, knowledge, and skills to thrive and achieve their potential.

Our values We will ensure that all children and young people are making good progress in their learning. We will narrow the achievement gaps that exist for groups of children and young people who are vulnerable to poor learning outcomes. As a strong Children Leeds partner we will contribute to ensuring a successful partnership and the full engagement of schools as partners, and commit to improving outcomes for children, young people and families; especially those at greatest risk of poor outcomes.


Inventing the way innovative, dynamic, responsive and exible


Passionate and committed because we want to be, to make an impact and to improve outcomes


Empowering and nurturing supporting people, children, families and colleagues, to achieve brilliant results


Whatever it takes disciplined, relentless, uncompromising, efďŹ cient and effective in pursuit of our goals

challenging expectations Page 4

Education Leeds strategy 2009 to 2012

Our culture We will promote and celebrate a culture that achieves our vision, purpose and objectives. This will be underpinned by our systems for strategic planning, performance management and communication. We will nurture a culture which celebrates diversity, promotes equality, facilitates learning, encourages creativity and is effective. We will:

• put the welfare and interests of

children and young people first;

• prioritise and champion the

rights of the most vulnerable;

• listen to and engage children,

young people, families, schools and their communities;

• celebrate and embrace diversity; • create honest and open partnerships;

• deliver on our promises and commitments;

• ensure quality in everything we do; • strive for continuous improvement and customer excellence;

• thrive on learning and innovation; • respect the people that work; with us and for us;

• be transparent and accountable

in our actions and decisions; and

• empower people to take

responsibility and enable them to do their work and take risks without fear of blame.

innovative Education Leeds strategy 2009 to 2012

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Improving outcomes across the city – the wider Leeds context Clear improvement priorities have been developed through partnership working between Education Leeds, Leeds City Council and the Leeds Children’s Trust. These were agreed following extensive consultation with councillors, stakeholder groups and the public across the city. The children’s trust arrangements bring together all services for children and young people in Leeds. The Leeds Children’s Trust;

• sets the vision and long-term strategy for the Children Leeds partnership;

• commissions services to

deliver the Children and Young People’s Plan priorities;

• promotes the safeguarding

and welfare of young people through the Leeds Safeguarding Children Board; and

• has put in place locality

working through the five wedge partnerships.

Education Leeds is responsible to the trust for the provision of all educational support services that relate to children and young people of statutory school age. Our core role is to lead on improving schools and learning, and the contribution these make to the five national Every Child Matters outcomes: be healthy; stay safe; enjoy and achieve; make a positive contribution; and achieve economic wellbeing.

National Education Agenda – Ofsted, Department of Children, Schools and Families; 21st Century Schools

Leeds Children’s Trust – Children Leeds partnership

Education Leeds

Leeds Initiative Leeds City Council

Leeds Strategic Plan

Children and Young People’s Plan

Education Leeds Strategy and Annual Plan

Under the duty to co-operate all the children’s trust agencies are working together in the partnership to focus on the needs of children and their families. There are a wide range of agencies engaged in the work of Children Leeds: Children and Young People’s Social Care, Community Safety, Early Years Services, Education Leeds and schools, Leeds Children’s Fund, Leeds voluntary, community and faith sector, National Health Service, Probation Service, West Yorkshire Police, Youth Offending Service and Integrated Youth Support Service. Further details of the children’s trust arrangements can be found on the Children Leeds website:

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Education Leeds strategy 2009 to 2012

Priorities for 2009-12 Education Leeds is a key partner in delivering the ambitions of the Leeds Children’s Trust and Leeds City Council for improving outcomes for children, young people and families, as expressed in the Leeds strategic plan and in the Children and Young People’s Plan. In the Leeds strategic plan, Education Leeds leads on the following specific improvement priorities.

In the Children and Young People’s Plan, Education Leeds has a particular leadership role for improving early learning outcomes in deprived areas and reducing secondary persistent absence.

• Improve participation and early

• improving outcomes for looked

learning outcomes for all children, with a focus on families in deprived areas.

• Improve learning outcomes and skill levels for all 16 year-olds, with a focus on narrowing the achievement gap.

• Improve learning outcomes and skill levels for all 19 year-olds.

• Reduce bullying and harassment. • Develop extended services, using sites across the city, to improve support to children, families and communities.

We will also contribute significantly to the other CYPP priorities, for example:

• reducing the number of children

not in employment, education or training; after children; and

• reducing teenage conception rates.

Our vision and priorities are also influenced by the national agenda found in the National Children’s Plan, and national initiatives and programmes such as the 21st Century Schools agenda and the frameworks for the inspection of schools and services. These develop the remit of schools by focusing on:

• equipping children with the skills

required in a rapidly changing and challenging context – nationally and globally;

• excellent teaching and the extra help each child needs;

• schools working in partnership

with other schools and children’s services to deliver a broad range of improved outcomes;

• supporting all schools to improve; and

• a well-led and highly skilled workforce.

inventive Education Leeds strategy 2009 to 2012

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Our principles

Our ambitions for 2012

Our objectives and ambitions for 2012 are set out on the right. Seven principles underpin our strategies and practice.

For 2009 – 2012 Education Leeds’ efforts will be shaped around the following ten strategic objectives. These have been developed in response to the Children and Young People’s plan, the Leeds strategic plan and the national agenda for education.

• Excellence – our work and

practice reflects a commitment to excellence, with evidence of innovation, leadership and exceptional practice.

• Equality and diversity

– we appreciate diversity and are committed to equality of outcomes.

• Intelligence – we understand needs and evaluate impact.

• Participation – our work and

practice is informed and shaped by the involvement of children and young people.

• Safeguarding – ensuring that

children and young people are safe and secure.

• Sustainability – our work and

practice will continue to change to promote more sustainable behaviours and use of resources.

• Value for money – we seek the greatest impact possible from the resources available.

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Children will have a good start and thrive in learning • increase the rate of progress made by Leeds children through their early years and during primary school education;

• significantly reduce the number of primary schools performing below national expectations;

• improve children’s attendance at primary schools and reduce the number of children who are persistently absent;

Young people will be engaged and thriving in learning • improve the progress of Leeds young people throughout secondary school;

• ensure more than 95 per cent of Leeds young people are regularly attending secondary school;

• ensure all secondary schools are reaching expected national standards;

Narrow the achievement gap for vulnerable children and young people • significantly increase the proportion of looked after children and children and young people entitled to free school meals reaching age-related expectations;

• ensure all children and young people with special educational needs or learning difficulties and disabilities are making good progress;

• reduce the number of black and minority ethnic groups where young people are consistently achieving substantially below the Leeds average;

Support the continuation of learning into adulthood • increase the number of young people aged over 16 in education, employment or training;

• ensure improvement in Leeds young people’s learning outcomes at age 19;

• give ownership to every young person of a learning plan recognised by all partners;

Ensure a 21st century learning experience for Leeds children and young people • deliver a learning entitlement for all young people and a greater choice of learning routes and pathways;

• make best use of the significant investments that will continue to be made in learning environments, including virtual environments;

• better meet behavioural and specialist needs through more integrated provision at city and locality levels;

Develop the leadership and governance to deliver 21st century learning • have strengthened the leadership role of children and young people and their influence on policy and services;

Schools are at the heart of strong communities with places to go and things to do • increase parents’ satisfaction with their local school;

• ensure the positive impact of the new partnership

• increase children and young people’s participation in

models of 14-19 delivery;

• have all schools involved in strong partnerships with other schools and agencies;

Promote learning that supports children and young people to make informed choices • reduce the number of children and young people who are bullied;

• improve the quality of information, advice and guidance available to young people on their future options;

• improve the delivery of personal, social, health and relationships education;

cultural and sporting activities and improve the identification and development of sporting and artistic talent;

• have all schools actively supporting strong and cohesive local communities;

Education Leeds is a successful learning organisation • be able to evidence strong leadership at all levels and in all parts of the company;

• have high levels of staff satisfaction and commitment to company priorities; and

• achieve external recognition for excellence;

Schools and services provide integrated support to safeguard children, young people and families • achieve a decrease in fixed-term exclusions through improvements in early intervention;

• ensure that schools are an integral part of the Leeds

shared pathway for accessing additional and specialist services;

• improve children and young people’s sense of safety in their school;

• ensure all schools receive positive Ofsted judgements for safeguarding;

Education Leeds strategy 2009 to 2012

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Education Leeds programmes To support delivery of our strategic objectives, especially the effectiveness of our response to major national initiatives, we have commenced with our partners a number of core work programmes to achieve rapid, significant and sustainable change in key areas.

• 0 to 14 learning

A coordinated programme that will address the children’s plan theme of improving early and primary learning outcomes across the city, particularly in areas of deprivation.

• 14 to 19 learning

Working in partnership in each area of the city with schools, colleges and other providers to develop the structures and opportunities that help young people make positive choices from a dynamic, varied and accessible curriculum. We want young people to be committed to a personalised programme of learning that meets their needs, and equips them with the relevant skills in a changing and challenging society.

• Learning environments Education Leeds will be a lead partner in shaping investment in primary and secondary learning environments. • National Challenge

Working in partnership with secondary schools we will ensure that all our secondary schools at least meet the expectations set out in the government’s national challenge.

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Education Leeds strategy 2009 to 2012

• Leeds Inclusive

Learning strategy We will ensure that support for the range of learning and behaviour needs is the best possible. We will tailor provision to the needs of local communities and work closely with a range of agencies to improve outcomes for children, young people and families.

• Leadership and

governance strategy Working in partnership with school leaders we will develop new models of headship; improve the recruitment and development of school leaders; and achieve greater diversity in the leadership workforce profile.

• Coaching

Fundamental to future success are empowered and passionate leaders and staff; to support this we will continue to embed a coaching culture in Education Leeds and with school leaders, unlocking potential and maximising performance.

working together Education Leeds strategy 2009 to 2012

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Further information Full details of the activities and targets we will focus on in 2009-10 can be found in our annual plan. SpeciďŹ c activities and targets are reviewed annually to ensure that we are on track to deliver our vision, priorities and objectives. We also review our objectives and programmes on an annual basis. This is to ensure that they still remain relevant to the social, economic and political environment. Education can be affected by rapid and/or unpredictable change. Our annual review processes ensures our plans are relevant and practical. If you would like an electronic copy of the full plan please visit If you would like a paper copy or have any queries or comments please contact or write to: Performance management and information team, Education Leeds, 10th Floor East, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds, LS2 8DR. Telephone: 0113 247 5590.

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