Food and our health play an important role in our health. Our health then decides our sexual life. The main issue that creates conditions for erectile dysfunction is flow of blood inside our body. Erectile dysfunction is lack of sufficient blood flow in the sexual organ. The penis needs blood push to get an erection. When a male uses Viagra 50 mg to boost erection, the medicine pushes the blood flow inside the penis to make an erection easy. The natural remedies lie in increasing intake of food that boosts blood circulation and removes any obstacle in blood vessels to blood flow.
FOODS THAT INCREASE BLOOD FLOW IN OUR BODY Blood is an essential carrier to take oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body. Every cell gets nourished by fresh oxygen. Our heart, brain and vital organs of the body need blood supply and oxygen. For a normal and healthy function of the body, blood flow is necessary. A healthy diet is first fundamental source to make blood flow Optimize. Along with a healthy diet, we also need proper rest, exercises, cutting down on bad habits like junk food, smoking, hard drinking to get back or maintain sexual life.
CAYENNE PEPPER The capsaicin in pepper works well for our arteries. It relaxes the muscles in blood vessels to make blood flow smoothly. The same function is also done by ED drugs. But when you can get the same benefit from the natural remedy, there is no need for a stronger dose like Cialis 60 mg Online , which will have some side effects.
BEET If there is one thing which is rich in nitrate, it is beets. This is the same nitrate that is converted into nitrate oxide by our body. Nitrate oxide relaxes blood vessels to improve blood flow to various part of the body. The beet juice also lowers the blood pressure.
BLUE BERRY Every berry, red or blue or black is good for your blood flow and arteries. They not only protect the damage to blood vessels, but also keep vessels flexible. The anthocyanine compound in them stimulates the release of nitric oxide that lowers blood pressure.
FISH Omega -3 fatty acid is one of the ingredients that protect your heart. And anything which is good for your heart supports your sexual life. All varieties of fish are full of this vital ingredient for heart and blood flow. The acid removes any obstruction from blood vessels.
POMEGRANATE AND WATERMELON Both are considered the best natural remedies for erectile dysfunction. Both fruits perform the same function which is often performed by ED medicines like doses levitra 40 mg . They dilate blood vessels. They are packed with antioxidants and nitrates. Get more oxygen and nutrients to your muscle and other tissues. Those who are not facing any erectile issue can get an additional boost
WALNUTS Walnuts are rich in alpha linolenic acid, which is type of omega -3 fatty acid. Regular consumption of walnuts improves blood vessels health, keeps them flexible and cuts risk of blood pressure.
GRAPES Grape is an excellent source to keep blood vessels free from any blood blockage. The antioxidants in grapes relax blood vessels to let them work efficiently. Additionally, grapes control inflammation causing molecules in blood that can make blood slow down in flow.
CITRUS FRUIT The antioxidants in fruit reduce inflammation, curb formation of blood clot, and improve blood circulation. All the factors that can cause reduction in blood flow to give erectile dysfunction.
MAKE FRUITS PART OF HEALTHY DIET Fruits do not bring immediate result like Viagra 200 mg . ED medicine instantly pushes blood flow into penis for an erection. And erection gaining ability lasts up to 5 hours. Fruits bring slow, but permanent result. They give a healthy heart, which ensures a healthy sexual life.A man with a healthy diet which also includes a good portion of fruits in breakfast or in snacks will never face erectile dysfunction early in life. Some fruits are seasonal fruits, which are not expensive.
NATURAL REMEDIES CAN BE USED WITH MEDICINES The antioxidants in fruit reduce inflammation, curb formation of blood clot, and improve blood circulation. All the factors that can cause reduction in blood flow to give erectile dysfunction.