While taking Viagra frequently, one may notice that on some days it works better than on other days. To put it simply, viagra's impact may vary because of several factors. If taken in account, the factors significantly improve Viagra's durability and results on the erectile dysfunction patients. Same is the case with most of the oral ED medications that are approved by FDA because they all fall in the category of phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors (PDE5). For example, Cialis 60 mg , cenforce , Levitra 10 mg and Fildena 100 also work similarly and their impact can also be varied with proper ways of taking them.
Firstly, if you are on medicines for other health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, chest pain or diabetes, this may affect the way Viagra works on your body. Because drugs often interact with each other and get impacted by other medicines, this is an important factor to consider. However, stop taking your medicines for said issues won't help and you must not do that on your own. Consult a doctor who would take in account your health condition and medicationsyou are on. Then, the ED medications would be prescribed to you accordingly. For Viagra dose like Viagra 150 mg to show the best result- always make your health professional go through your health history before deciding on the dosage. Secondly, Viagra is a PDE5 inhibitor category drug, which means that you can't take it with nitrates or nitroglycerin. Strictly avoid nitrates if you want Viagra to show you wonders you want to see.
Plan it.That's right. If you are expecting yourself to engage in a sexual activity or intercourse, plan the dose accordingly. Viagra takes time if it starts working. It almost take 30 minutes to dissolve in your body but some people even prefer taking it 1 hour before the sex or sexual activity. So if you want the best out of Viagra, plan the timings. It's durability is 4 to 6 hours. So schedule this blue pill to pop in a time when it gets enough time to work but not too early so as to become ineffective. Timeis an important factor. Another important factor that makes Viagra work in the best possible way is diet. Viagra can be taken with or without food. There's no restrictions as such but many men have shown better results if this is taken on an empty stomach. In case you plan to have food before taking Viagra, make sure it's lite and healthy as possible. Eating junk or fast food with lots ofcarbs and fats may impact Viagra's durability and efficiency. Avoid grapefruit at any cost.
Eat leafy greenvegetables and fruits before taking Viagra. It shows the best result if diet is taken into account. Not only the day you take but improving overall eating habits help improve the treatment of ED for obesity is one of the biggest causes of it. Exerciseis another longterm option of making Viagra work better. Â Next and the most important one is stimulation.You should not or cannot expect Viagra to work on its own. It's not an aphrodisiac. Means, you have to help your penis to get hard and it won't happen magically or automatically. Viagra is a chemical help to sustain and get an erection. But in order for it to work, you have to have visual, verbal or physical stimulation of some sort to get a hard reaction. Viagra would work the best if coupled with appropriate sexual stimulation. Â In long-term options to make Viagra work in the best ways are avoiding smoking and alcohol, regular exercise, resolving emotional and psychological issues, intimacy between partners etc.