Medical studies and observations have confirmed that psychological problems hinder the normal sexual life. The combination of psychological issues can cause erectile dysfunction. Psychological aspect of sexual deficiencies like erectile dysfunction is a confirmed case in younger males’ more than older males. Erectile dysfunction is difficulty that a male faces in getting penile erection even when he is fully aroused. The difficulty in getting erection and sustaining it for a longer period damages the mental health of the male. The psychological aspect is both easy and difficult to overcome, as normal ED medicines like Cenforce 100 mg online are an effective drug in cases where psychological aspect predominates.
HOW DO PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS CAUSE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION? Any psychological cause affects mind. Mind cannot play the role that it does in a penile erection. The whole erection process starts in the body when a thought or fantasy emerges in the mind. The mind triggers the nervous system to release nitrate oxide in blood vessels. Nitrate oxide stimulates the release of cGMP enzyme which relaxes and dilates the blood vessels. The relaxed and dilated blood vessels increase volume of blood towards the penis. The blood is filled in the spongy tissue of the penis, as more cGMP enzyme draw blood into it. The blood in the penis makes the penis big. And finally, with sexual stimulation, the penile erection takes place.
Anxiety, stress, depression, low mood, relationship issues, low self esteem, feeling of being worthless, etc can hamper the normal sexual life. Studies have revealed that stress in daily life or in critical life situation directly causes erectile dysfunction.
PSYCHOLOGICAL INDUCED ED Psychological issues can affect any adult man irrespective of his age, socioeconomic condition and health status. Erectile dysfunction induced by psychological causes is not related to age. The same factors can affect an old man or a younger male. Loss of the partner, loneliness, medical ailment, or poor health can impact sexual life of an older male. Side effects of medication have been observed as psychological issues in many cases. All these conditions affect the mind. These conditions disturb the normal mind relaxation level and produce negative feelings in life.
The role of ED medicines fildena 100 mg Pills is just to deal with blood flow deficit. A man with negative feeling will never get involved in recreational activities including sex.Relationship issues include separation from the partner, discord in relations, and lack of communication, misunderstanding, or suspicion on each other. Often younger males and unmarried males suffer from relationship issues which adversely affect their sexual stimulation.
TREATMENT OPTIONS The erectile dysfunction drugs even the stronger one like Cialis 60 mg Online normally used to cure erectile issue may not be helpful in psychological causes. This is due to the fact that every drug gives result only when the male is sexually aroused. Without sexual stimulation, there will be no penile erection. When medical tests are negative, the doctor suggests the services of a psychologist. The psychologist also takes a number of tests to confirm the presence of psychological causes and their nature. The treatment is in form of counseling sessions. Counseling sessions can be single or with a partner. The sessions are conducted in the privacy of the clinic. No part of the information or discussions with the psychologist is shared with any third party. Counseling is basically a talk therapy sessions.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is an integral part of the psychological treatment. It teaches the patient to identify the destruction or negative thoughts and change their behavior towards them for a better outcome. The therapy makes a patient deal effectively with the same old issues differently with positive perspective.
USE OF ED DRUGS ED drugs like levitra 60 mg online verdnafil will help a male who wants to increase intimacy with the partner. It will help those who want to enjoy the sexual relations. One can use ED drugs along with therapy. Since therapy is none medicated, there is no chance of reaction.