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Letters to the Editor policy

We love mail, especially mail from Edmond Life & Leisure readers with complaints, compliments or comments about what they read here. The rules, even for e-mail letters:

1) You must tell us your full name;

2) You must give us your complete address and phone numbers (but we will identify you only by name); and homa Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association for offering educational training to recognize the signs of Alzheimer’s and connecting patients with local resources. This is in addition to their support for patients and caregivers and participation in advocacy work and research.

3) We reserve the right to edit letters for length, clarity and taste (our taste). Send mail to Letter to the Editor, Edmond Life & Leisure, 107 S. Broadway, Edmond, OK 73034, or fax to 340-3384 or e-mail to news@edmondpaper.com.

Alzheimer’s disease has impacted both my mother’s and father’s sides of the family, and I know there is nothing more devastating than seeing a family member who is not themselves. While many loved ones provide care without expecting anything in return, please accept my heartful gratitude for your care, patience, and endless support for those you love.

This disease takes and takes some more, and I couldn’t be more grateful for those who keep giving so one day, we can find a cure for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. May we never cease in our efforts to find a cure and end Alzheimer’s disease as we know it.

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