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Edmond Life and Leisure - October 10, 2024
GOP Women’s Club invites speakers on city bond issue
Our speakers for the October meeting will be Edmond City Councilman, Ward 1, Tom Robins, and former Edmond Mayoral candidate, Brian Shellum. These two gentlemen will be discussing the pros and cons of the proposed General Obligation (GO) Bond program for the City of Edmond. Tom will be presenting the pros and Brian representing the cons. This proposed bond issue is divided into three segments of 15 Street Projects, 6 Park Projects, and 1 Fire Project.
It is projected that the 15 mill levy would generate $231 million, which would mean an approximate $40 per month property tax increase per household.
If you feel you need more information or have questions where this issue is concerned, you will want to attend this meeting.
Also, how many times have you gone to your polling place and found that there are judges on the ballot that you know nothing about? Ryan Haney with OCPA will also be attending our meeting with information on the judges who will be on the ballot on Nov. 5th. Three are Oklahoma Supreme Court judges, one appointed by Gov. George Nigh, and two appointed by Gov. Brad Henry.
Our club has recently donated several thousand dollars to Republican Candidates around the state and our members are knocking doors, making calls, and stuffing envelopes. Many of our Republican Women from all over the state are in other states, such as Pennsylvania, campaigning for both State and National Candidates.
This will be an information packed meeting and we welcome you to join us. Our meeting location is in the Meinders/Gaylord Conference Center of Oklahhoma Christian University, 2501 E Memorial Rd., Edmond. Again, if you would like to join us you can sign up at ERWC1787@gmail.com and we will sign you up.