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Voter to cast ballot for Underwood
This is a letter of support to re-elect Jamie Underwood to the Edmond Public School Board, District 3, in the April 4th election.
Ms. Underwood’s extensive experience on the Edmond School Board will enable her to continue to provide the best possible outcome for students as well as address issues facing the Board. Her demonstrated ability to communicate well with her colleagues, parents, and staff are all key to successfully managing one of the top districts in the state.
The District has continued to grow rapidly during Ms. Underwood’s years of service, passing over $853 million in bond issues without increas-
Letter to the Editor ing taxes. These votes alone speak to the confidence our residents have for Ms. Underwood, her colleagues, and EPS.
Class sizes have been maintained during this time by building new schools, all the while maintaining academic excellence. Indeed, all three Edmond High Schools are currently ranked in the Top 10 of public high schools in Oklahoma.
Ms. Underwood is also the only Edmond School Board member to be chosen as an honorary member of the Oklahoma State School Board Association!
Like so many communities, the school system is the heart of our community. Ms. Underwood’s proven experience, dedication, and commitment to Edmond Public Schools has been a large part of making EPS the school district it is today. I hope the residents of EPS District 3 will join me in re-electing Ms. Underwood so that she may continue to provide the very best for Edmond’s students, and keep EPS one of the best school districts in Oklahoma.
For additional information, kindly check out Jamieforeps.com.