Epworth Villa Happenings: Week of April 25, 2018

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Vol. 3, Issue 17 Week of April 25, 2018

Editor: Susan Williams Community Activities Coordinator

EDITION HIGHLIGHTS: (click on event to go to that page)


Volunteer Congratulations…....….2

7:15 PM

CEO Coffee Change …............…….4


Walgreens Opportunity………....…5 Special Inquiring Minds……….…..8 Podiatrist Rescheduled…...…...…10 Perkins Elem. Kids to Sing…..…..11

OKLAHOMA CITY SYMPHONC BAND CONCERT THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH If you are signed up to go on the bus, please be in the Epworth Villa Lobby BY 6:30 pm to leave.

http://www.epworthvilla.org/events/ Click link for past issues of Epworth Villa Happenings


CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR EPWORTH VILLA VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR FOR 2017…….ROBERTA M. Roberta spends her time volunteering at Epworth making and putting up the slides on EVTV, recycling countless batteries, participating in Grand-friends, volunteering on the Epworth Villa Welcome Team for Marketing, for Infant Crisis on their monthly volunteer day here at Epworth, being a companion to residents in Assisted Living, serving on committees for Independent Living, and lastly but certainly not least, Roberta is very dedicated to her church, St. Eugene Catholic Church where she volunteers weekly in the office. Roberta put in a total of 563.25 hours during 2017, and that was just what she reported. I know she put in many more that she didn’t report. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR RESIDENTS WHO WERE RECENTLY HONORED AT OUR ANNUAL VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION EVENT. In 2017, residents in IL reported that they volunteered 5905.25 hours for the Epworth Villa Community and 4177.25 hours out in the OKC metro for a total of *10,082.5!! Way to go! *Keep in mind, these are only the hours reported. There are many residents that either don’t report all the hours they put in or don’t report hours at all. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH FOR MARCH 2018….MICKIE D. Mickie volunteered her time in March to the Epworth community by helping make tree ornaments for the Children’s Christmas Party, doing inventory, shopping and stocking for the Epworth Market, hosting Card Bingo, working on repairing a quilt for someone, and serving on IL committees. She also volunteered outside of Epworth at the National Cowboy and Heritage Museum and knitting hats for babies that Infant Crisis distributes.




PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN CEO COFFEE FOR THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH: In order to share financial information about Epworth Villa with all residents who have an interest, a Financial Review meeting has been scheduled on Thursday, April 26th, at 10:00 am in the Bob Medley Grand Ballroom. Tina Ballard, Chief Financial Officer, and Ron Kelly, President/CEO, will give an update and answer questions about Epworth Villa’s financial status as of 3/31/18. Coffee with the CEO will NOT be held on APRIL 26th.

Fitness on the Floors Friday, April 27: 2 South We will start at 10:30 am. Bring your neighbor! DINING SERVICES NEEDS Dining Services is asking for IL residents to participate in an upcoming food service mini survey starting on Tuesday, May 1st, 2018. Marked shoe boxes will be placed in each dining venue to collect your responses and we thank you in advance for participating. 4

VOCAL SOUNDS OF OKLAHOMA CONCERT SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH 2:00 PM MATINEE LEAVE EPWORTH @ 12:30 PM DEL CITY HIGH SCHOOL We will be taking the Epworth bus to this program if we have at least 8 people interested in going. Tickets are $8.00 each or 2 for $15.00. Transportation will be $8.00 per person. If you are interested in going, please sign up in the ‘Count Me In’ book by Thursday, April 26th. We MUST HAVE A MINIMUM of 8 people, and a Max 14.

EASTERTIDE PROGRAM “WANT TO WALK ON WATER?” Everyone is invited to an eight-week Eastertide study led by Burrel McNaught using selected chapters from his book, The Secret to Walking on Water. Each session will consist of a brief introduction—followed by a guided discussion. Books will be provided at no charge. Dates: Fridays thru May 25th Time: 11:00 to 11:45 a.m. Place: North Classroom (2nd floor, above front lobby) Following each session, those who are available and interested may want to gather downstairs for lunch and further sharing. If you have any questions or to register, please call Burrel (254-3846). Otherwise, just show up.

WALGREENS FOR SENIOR CITIZEN’S DAY Starting TUESDAY, MAY 1st we will be offering rides to Walgreens at NW 150th and Western for Senior Citizen Day at NO COST. The free rides will only occur on the FIRST Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in going on May 1st, please sign up in the ‘Count Me In’ book. *If you need to go any other time during the month you will need to schedule it through the drivers and pay a small fee. 5

SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY, APRIL 29TH BRILL CHAPEL 9:30 AM DESTINY OR DEITY? Revelations 5:6-14 Many religious beliefs feature a strong sense of destiny, of divine control over the lives of humans. In the Greek mythological world of Mount Olympus, familiar to the first readers of Revelation, this was personified by the three goddesses of fate: one who spins the thread of life, one who allots the number of life's days, and one who cuts the thread of life at the time of death. The Greeks and Romans also believed in Fortuna, the goddess who determined a person's destiny, whether prosperous or disastrous. The Bible presents God as sovereign: he declares, “my counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose” (Isaiah 46:10). God's plans are not to be thwarted, for he has the power to carry out his will in all things (Proverbs 19:21). Yet God allows humans to devise and carry out their own plans for life, reserving for himself the final say on the outcomes (Proverbs 16:9). Unlike the capricious and unpredictable actions of the goddesses of fate or Fortune, the Lord's will works with human wills for God's desired outcomes. These outcomes are always and utterly consistent with God's unchanging nature. This coming Sunday's lesson considers the ultimate outcome that God ensures will happen. In chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation, John sees the Lord seated on his heavenly throne. In God's hand is a scroll sealed with seven seals: the opening of this scroll reveals the future, the events that “must take place after this” (Revelation 4:1, last week's lesson”).

VESPERS THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH 3:30 PM BRILL CHAPEL Vespers speaker will be Rev. J. Larry Jacobson, Retired Pastor at Lambuth, UMC, OKC. Music by the Villa Voices: Nearer, My God, to Thee

VESPERS THURSDAY, MAY 3RD 3:30 PM BRILL CHAPEL Vespers speaker will be Rev. Wendy Lambert, Senior Executive Pastor at St. Luke’s UMC in OKC.


Sunday, APRIL 29th at 4:30 pm in the Brill Chapel. Everyone welcome 7

SPECIAL INQUIRING MINDS MONDAY, APRIL 30TH 7:14 PM GRAND BALLROOM RESPECT DIVERSITY FOUNDATION promoting tolerance and acceptance across differences through communication, education, collaboration, and the arts

Michael Korenblit is co-author of Until We Meet Again, the true story of love and survival in the Holocaust. In his most-requested presentation, Mike takes his audiences on a journey through time to Hrubieszow, Poland, during the late 1930’s and 1940’s. He relates the stories of two families and the impact of World War II on their lives. An award-winning producer, activist and social justice innovator (and Respect Diversity’s president), Mike uses his parents’ story as a touchpoint for human rights education in numerous spheres, as he gives talks and leads workshops with a range of participants – from fifth graders to high-school students to community groups. In his explorations of human rights and human rights abuses around the world, Mike communicates the responsibility we all share and how participants can make a difference.

MAY DAY FASHION SHOW BY ‘A FLOWER PLACE’ & FEATURING IL RESIDENT MODELS TUESDAY, MAY 1ST 2:00 PM GRAND BALLROOM Come join your fellow residents in the Grand Ballroom on Tuesday, May 1st at 2:00 pm as they model some of the latest fashions for the summer. A Flower Place carries a wide variety of sizes and styles for all the ladies including a line of easy wear by Jostar. The line consists of women’s casual clothing, perfect for travel and everyday wear. Located in the Homestead Shopping Center at Danforth and Santa Fe Avenue, A Flower Place carries jewelry, scarves, purses and accessory items including watches as well as seasonal home decorative items. MOTHER’S DAY IS COMING. THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO DO SOME MOTHER’S DAY SHOPPING FOR A SPECIAL ‘MOTHER’ IN YOUR LIFE 8

WEDNESDAY, MAY 2ND 10:00 AM GRAND BALLROOM It is time for all Floor and Cottage Representatives, Standing Committee Chairmen and Interest Group Appointees to attend the monthly Resident Council Meeting. As a reminder, please come prepared to give your report and provide a written copy to the secretary to assure that an accurate account will appear in the Council minutes. Thanks to all of you who are resident volunteers in the above mentioned positions. You make our Resident Association possible and successful.

TO THE POINT WEDNESDAY, MAY 2ND 2:00 PM GRAND BALLROOM The next To The Point meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2nd, at 2:00 pm in the Grand Ballroom. The meeting will be broadcast live on EVTV Channel 1960 and re-played that evening at 7:00 pm on EVTV Channel 1960.

EPWORTH VILLA SATELLITE ROTARY CLUB Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem- solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad. NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY, MAY 3RD, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM IN THE OPEN DOOR. Our speaker for this meeting will be Dawn Hisey, Licensed Massage Therapist. She will speak on the benefits of massage and even give demos to some lucky attendees! Rotary will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month. This club is open to anyone in the Epworth Villa community and can be used as a make-up for current Rotary members from other clubs. 9

Electric Mobility Vehicles Numerous complaints have been made lately about the use of Electric Mobility Vehicles (EMV’s) at Epworth. Several people have been driving them at high rates of speed and had some near misses with pedestrians that could have resulted in severe injury. Please remember that you must travel at a very low rate of speed and use the larger elevators in the community. Safe driving includes: Be seen - Make eye contact with drivers so you know they are aware you are there. Some residents have visions issues and may not be expecting a scooter. Be in control - Do not drive fast in an area with people or in small spaces. Slow down - Travel at the same speed as pedestrians Turn scooter off when getting on/off - The user can accidentally touch the forward/reverse button causing the scooter to move and causing the user to fall. Defensive driving - Drive like no one can see you Drive defensibly and make eye contact so you know they are aware of you. Don't overload - Don't overload the scooter with too many packages as this can make the scooter prone to tipping over (i.e. top heavy). Passing - When passing pedestrians, give room and use a bell or tell them you would like to pass. Medications/alcohol - Avoid using the scooter if taking medications or alcohol that can affect your judgment or skills. 10


SUPPORT GROUP f or all caregivers


YOU KNOW YOU AREN’T ALONE. We will meet on the FIRST THURSDAY of each month At Epworth Villa 14901 N. Pennsylvania (Front Entrance) From 11:30 am – 1:00 pm In the JOE WHITE LIVING ROOM There is no cost. Bring a snack if you wish.


MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW Facilitators are Cheryl Austin & Nancie Webb

DR. HUFFMYER THE PODIATRIST—RESCHEDULED THURSDAY, MAY 3RD 1:00—4:00 PM WELLNESS CENTER If you signed up to see the podiatrist in April, YOU DO NOT NEED TO RE-SIGN UP. If you didn’t sign up before, please do so in the ’Count Me In’ Book’. 11

PERKINS ELEMENTARY CHOIR THURSDAY, MAY 3RD 1:30 PM GRAND BALLROOM Please come support these talented kids as they share their songs with us here at Epworth Villa.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU Friday, May 4th at 2:00 pm in the Coffee Lounge we will be having our MAY BIRTHDAY PARTY celebrating all those IL residents who have their Birthdays in MAY!! There will be Birthday Cake & Ice Cream (while it lasts) for everyone!! EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN MAY BIRTHDAY, THE CELEBRATION IS FOR ALL IL RESIDENTS.




REMINDERS ABOUT THE POOL: We are approaching the time when grandkids and family come to visit and swim in the pool. Don’t forget the pool rules regarding visitors: All guests and family members (adults and children) must sign in and be accompanied and supervised by a resident. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guest(s) and the resident assumes financial and personal responsibility for any damage done. A waiver of liability must be signed and a pool pass picked up at the front desk before any guests or family members may use the pool.

INFORMATION ON SCAMS AVAILABLE If you are interested in receiving information on Scams and Bank Fraud, please stop by Susan Williams’ office for your FREE information.

RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION All residents are members of the Epworth Villa Residents’ Association. The Residents’ Association supports projects to enrich life at Epworth Villa. The entertainment and activities provided are scheduled through Susan Williams, and encompass a varied menu of options for residents to enjoy. A voluntary donation of $3.00 per month of occupancy, per resident, is the funding source. We are now into a new year (2018), and if you choose to contribute, make a check payable to Epworth Villa, and indicate on the memo line for Residents’ Association. You may place your check in the in-house mailbox of Treasurer, Linda Lambert, Box 326. Sandra B., Activities Chairperson


VISUAL ARTS AT EPWORTH ART CORNER Happy to announce that we are at the end of the Christmas Craft Project with wine corks. We will finish up the last of the ornaments on Friday. Last Friday we had Louise W., Dauna D. and Linda M. to help complete most of the project. Thank you to all for your help. When we meet on Friday, We will address what we want to do next. Please bring any ideas you might want to explore. We meet on Fridays from 9—11:00 am in the Art Corner.

NEEDLE WORK We had two resident on Wednesday but we are encouraging and inviting others to participate. We have plenty of yarn and supplies to accommodate your needs. We meet on Wednesdays from 1—4 pm in the South Classroom next to the Art Corner. If you have any questions about either group, contact Phyllis @ 640-5190.


SATURDAY MATINEE MOVIE (Shown in the 2nd Floor Theater) SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH 2017

MARSHALL This film is based on the incredible story of future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and one of the landmark cases of his life. It follows the young lawyer to conservative Connecticut to defend a black chauffeur charged with sexual assault and attempted murder of his white socialite employer. Joining a young Jewish lawyer, they mount the defense in an environment of racism and anti-Semitism. RATINGS: PG RUN TIME 1hr 58min

EVTV MOVIE WILL BE SHOWN On EVTV Channel 1960 SAT. 7:00 PM AND WED. 8:00 PM SAT. 4/28 AND WED. 5/2 Movie time 174 minutes

SOUND OF MUSIC A tuneful, heartwarming story, it is based on the real life story of the Von Trapp Family singers, one of the world's best-known concert groups in the era immediately preceding World War II. Julie Andrews plays the role of Maria, the tomboyish postulant at an Austrian abbey who becomes a governess in the home of a widowed naval captain with seven children, and brings a new love of life and music into the home. 16





Epworth Villa Weekly Activities Week of April 25 through May 2, 2018 Wednesday April 25

8:30 a.m. 9:00 9:45 10:00 1:00 p.m. 1:00 1:00 8:00

Thursday April 26

9:00 a.m. 10:00 10:45 1:30 p.m. 3:30 Leave @ 6:30 7:00

Friday April 27

9:00 a.m. 9:00 9:30 Leave @ 10:00 10:30 11:00 1:00 p.m. 7:15

Saturday April 28

9:00 a.m. 10:00 10:45 Leave @ 12:30 p.m. 2:00 7:00

Sunday April 29

9:30 a.m. 10:50 4:30 p.m.

Catholic Communion – West Prayer Chapel Flex and Stretch – Wellness Classroom Limber Up – Wellness Studio Grocery Shopping – Homeland/Uptown Infant Crisis Volunteer Day – Art Corner Needlework Group – South Classroom (Will meet AFTER Infant Crisis) Tai Chi —Wellness Center Movie – EVTV Channel 1960 (Replay) Water Aerobics – Pool Resident Financial Meeting w/the CEO – Grand Ballroom Chair Yoga – Wellness Classroom Balance & Fall Prevention – Wellness Classroom Vespers Service – Brill Chapel OKC Symphonic Band Concert – Putnam City H.S. Vespers Service Replay – Channel 1960 Art Group – Art Corner Flex and Stretch – Wellness Center Line Dancing – Wellness Studio Shopping – Target Fitness on the Floors – 2 South Eastertide Study – North Classroom Write Group – North Classroom BINGO with Bill -- Redbud Tai Chi w/Kathy Plummer – Wellness Studio Flex and Stretch - Wellness Center Chair Yoga – Wellness Center Vocal Sounds of Oklahoma Concert – Del City H.S. Matinee Movie in the Theater Movie Night – EVTV Channel 1960 Sunday School – Brill Chapel St. Luke’s Live Stream – Brill Chapel Gathan Graham – Brill Chapel


Monday April 30

9:00 a.m. 9:30 10:15 7:14 p.m.

Tuesday May 1

9:00 a.m. 9:30 Leave @ 10:00 10:30 10:45 1:30 p.m. 2:00

Wednesday May 2

8:30 a.m. 9:00 9:45 Leave @ 10:00 10:00 1:00 p.m. 1:00 2:00 8:00

Flex and Stretch – Wellness Center Line Dancing – Studio Limber Up – Wellness Studio SPECIAL -- Inquiring Minds – Grand Ballroom

Water Aerobics - Pool Golden Swans – Wellness Studio Walgreens Trip Episcopal Communion – Brill Chapel Chair Yoga – Wellness Classroom Balance & Fall Prevention – Wellness Classroom Fashion Show – Grand Ballroom Catholic Communion – West Prayer Chapel Flex and Stretch – Wellness Center Limber Up – Wellness Studio Grocery Shopping – Walmart/Natural Grocers Residents’ Council – Grand Ballroom Needlework –South Classroom Tai Chi – Wellness Center To The Point – Grand Ballroom Movie – EVTV Channel 1960 (Replay)

Business Hours for Services Available at Epworth Villa M–F

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Mercy Clinic is Open

M, W, F

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

BancFirst is Open


1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The Market is Open


3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Thrifty Pharmacy is Open


M – Sat.

7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Café Open

M, F & Sat.

11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Bistro Open

T, W, TH

11:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Bistro Open

1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sun.

11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Bistro Open

T – TH

4:45 -- 7:00 p.m.

Redbud Open

4th Sun. of Month

11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Redbud Open 19

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