Epworth Villa Happenings Week of June 27, 2018

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Vol. 3, Issue 26 Week of June 27, 2018

Editor: Susan Williams Community Activities Coordinator

EDITION HIGHLIGHTS: (click on event to go to that page)

Readers’ Choice Voting….....….....2 Be Ready Bags Available….....…...3 4th of July Picnic Lunch…….......…6 Card Bingo...................….........….8


Skyline Urban Mission Tour…..….9

During the CEO Coffee on Thursday, June 28th, CEO Ron News From Brill Chapel...…….....11 Kelly will be having Tina Ballard as his guest. Let’s all attend to wish her well in her move and new job. Tina’s last day is June 29th, and she is moving to Midland, TX, to be CFO at a retirement community there. After the coffee there will be a reception in the Coffee Lounge in Tina’s honor that everyone is welcome to attend.


http://www.epworthvilla.org/events/ Click link for past issues of Epworth Villa Happenings


We need your help!! Please vote for Epworth Villa by picking up the ballot in the Oklahoman or by visiting oklahoman.com/readerschoice

Voting will be open from June 24 to July 1. Please vote every day online or each time you get a ballot. We want to spread the word that Epworth Villa is the best:    

Assisted Living Center Retirement Community Home Health Provider Best CCRC (Continuous Care Retirement Community)

Please ask your family and friends to vote!!! 2

COFFEE CHAT WITH THE CEO Enjoy coffee with the CEO Thursday, JUNE 28th, starting at 10:00 am in the Coffee Lounge. These coffees are being held every Thursday to give residents an opportunity to chat with the CEO in an informal setting.

Fitness on the Floors Schedule for June 2018 Friday, June 29: 3 South We will start at 10:30 am. Bring your neighbor! EMERGENCY BE READY BAGS RSVP has brought a very limited number of emergency BE READY BAGS. If you would like one (and DID NOT receive one last year) please contact Susan to pick one up. First come first serve. 3

SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY, JULY 1ST BRILL CHAPEL 9:30 AM JESUS CALLS FOR JUSTICE AND MERCY No Limits Many car insurance companies include “accident forgiveness” in their policies. The specifics of how this concept works vary, but the foundational idea is that the insurance company will “forgive” a policyholder's first accident by not increasing his or her premiums. Some companies offer accident forgiveness as a reward for anyone who chooses to be insured by them. Some offer it to customers who have been with them for a certain length of time, etc. At the same time, there are limits to this kind of forgiveness. Just because an insurance company forgives your at-fault accident does not mean that the points added to your driving record are removed. That part of your driving record is separate from what the insurance company can promise to do for you. Accident forgiveness does have its limitations. In this week's text, Peter asks Jesus a question about limits on forgiveness. The gist of Jesus' initial response is that there should be none. The master teacher then proceeds to tell a parable that challenges Peter (and us) to think not only of forgiving others but also of how much we have been forgiven by our heavenly Father. The measure of the latter should affect our perspective on the former. Our own Fretta Moore will bless us on the piano at 9:15. You don't want to miss it. Tracy Wilson will lead us this Sunday. Come to learn about this prickly issue.

VESPERS THURSDAY, JUNE 28TH 3:30 PM BRILL CHAPEL Vespers speaker will be Rev. Dane Lemmons, Pastor at Kremlin United Methodist Church and Professional Counselor, Stillwater Drug Court.

VESPERS THURSDAY, JULY 5TH 3:30 PM BRILL CHAPEL Vespers speaker will be Rev. Mike Meeks, Senior Pastor, Lake View Park Church of the Nazarene, OKC. 4

WALGREENS FOR SENIOR CITIZEN DAY TUESDAY, JULY 3RD LEAVE EPWORTH @ 10:00 AM July Senior Day is TUESDAY, JULY 3rd so we will be heading to Walgreens for our monthly trip. If you are interested in going on July 3rd, please sign up in the ‘Count Me In’ book.


Bill Munsell

Monique Laughlin

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MAY 2018 VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH: DON FROST Don volunteers his time planning, preparing, planting, and tending the many gardens and flower beds around campus that residents keep up. He also volunteers during Vespers on Thursday afternoons as an usher.

‘50s SOCK HOP AUGUST 24Th It may seem a long way off now, but on Friday, August 24th Marketing will be sponsoring a ‘50s Sock Hop for residents, potential residents and guests. Plan now and get your best ’50s attire ready for the party. There will be prizes for the best dressed!! 5

4th of july picnic 2018 BISTRO 11:00 AM -1:30 pm Sliced smoked brisket

honey chipotle chicken Tenders Grilled polish sausage Hamburger Sliders with fixings Home- made potato salad Brown sugar baked beans Potato chips Ice cream sundaes Fountain beverages $14.50 residents $18.50 guests 12 and under free 6


SUPPORT GROUP f or all caregivers


YOU KNOW YOU AREN’T ALONE. We will meet on the FIRST THURSDAY of each month At Epworth Villa 14901 N. Pennsylvania (Front Entrance) From 11:30 am – 1:00 pm In the JOE WHITE LIVING ROOM There is no cost. Bring a snack if you wish.


MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW Facilitators are Cheryl Austin & Nancie Webb

THANK YOU My heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to my copious supply of Birthday Greetings. It is a true blessing to be a part of the Epworth Family! Nancie W. 7

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Friday, July 6th at 2:00 pm in the Coffee Lounge we will be having our JULY BIRTHDAY PARTY celebrating all those IL residents who have their Birthdays in JULY!! There will be Birthday Cake & Ice Cream (while it lasts) for everyone!! EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN JULY BIRTHDAY, THE CELEBRATION IS FOR ALL IL RESIDENTS.

MONA SABAH EARNEST “FROM ISA TO CHRIST” FRIDAY, JULY 6TH 7:00 PM BRILL CHAPEL Come hear Edmond resident Mona Earnest as she tells her extraordinary story of growing up Muslim and in later life making the decision to convert to Christianity. She will talk on the trails and tribulations she faced from family and friends on her decision and why she wanted to convert. For anyone interested in her book, she will have them at the program for purchase for $15.00 and will even autograph them. CARD BINGO SUNDAY, JULY 8TH 3:00 PM BISTRO Join your fellow residents for an afternoon of companionship, laughter and just plain old fun. Bring $1.00’s worth of dimes, some of your friends and neighbors and join in the game. It’s easy to play and who knows, you might just be a winner!! What better way to spend an hour or so on a Sunday afternoon. 8

VISUAL ARTS AT EPWORTH ART CORNER As always, the Art Corner is for artists that work in oil, acrylics, water and more. The room is open to all and not just on the days stated. On Fridays we meet from 9 am to 11 am to work on several craft projects that are on-going and invite you to visit to see the results. Last Friday we had Kay Lynn S., Virginia M., and Barbara M. come to visit. Dauna D. and myself worked on current projects in process. There have been more donations of supplies from Donna R., Nancie W., Kay Lynn S. and Barbara M.

NEEDLE WORK We are scheduled to meet on Wednesdays at 1 pm in the South Classroom. Is there another day that would be more convenient for this group to meet to do needlework? I would like your ideas for the above group. For suggestions or questions, please contact Phyllis at 640-5190.

ANDY’S FROZEN CUSTARD MONDAY, JULY 9th LEAVE EV @ 1:30 PM Let’s go get some FROZEN CUSTARD on a HOT Oklahoma afternoon across the street at Andy’s Frozen Custard. If you would like to go, please sign up in the ‘Count Me In’ book at the desk. Check out the menu here: http://www.eatandys.com/full-menu/

SKYLINE URBAN MINISTRY TOUR TUESDAY, JULY 10TH LEAVE EPWORTH @ 1:00 PM You asked for it and here it is. This is your chance to tour this wonderful organization that provides clothing, food, and more to Oklahoma City’s homeless and low income individuals and families. If you are interested in touring Skyline, please sign up in the ’Count Me In’ book at the desk. Transportation will be $5.00 for this event. https://www.skylineurbanministry.org/ 9

WEDNESDAY, JULY 11TH 10:00 AM BOB MEDLEY GRAND BALLROOM It is time for all Floor and Cottage Representatives, Standing Committee Chairmen and Interest Group Appointees to attend the monthly Resident Council Meeting. As a reminder, please come prepared to give your report and provide a written copy to the secretary to assure that an accurate account will appear in the Council minutes. Thanks to all of you who are resident volunteers in the above mentioned positions. You make our Resident Association possible and successful.

TO THE POINT WEDNESDAY, JULY 11TH 2:00 PM BOB MEDLEY GRAND BALLROOM The next To The Point meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 11th, at 2:00 pm in the Grand Ballroom. The meeting will be broadcast live on EVTV Channel 1960 and re-played that evening at 7:00 pm on EVTV Channel 1960.


“WILD, WILD WEST” FRIDAY, JULY 20TH 7:00 PM GRAND BALLROOM You’ve loved it before and now it’s back — TRIVIA NIGHT!!! Do you love trivia?? Do you love to compete against your friends?? Than this night is for you!! Our theme this time is the WILD, WILD WEST, so grab some friends, come up with a team name and sign up in the ‘Count Me In’ book by 3:00 pm Wednesday, JULY 18th and you can compete for bragging rights of the ‘BEST TRIVIA TEAM IN IL AT EPWORTH VILLA’. Teams can be a maximum of 4 people and a minimum of 2 people. The evening promises to be FUN for all! EVEN IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE ON A TEAM, COME WATCH AND SUPPORT YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. 10

NEW THINGS AT BRILL CHAPEL The next time you are near Brill Chapel look up and give thanks ….. for the beautiful new sign that will give direction to new residents, new staff, and outside visitors who are looking for the Chapel. We are also pleased to announce a new service that has been previously announced through the Resident Council. The Upper Room for July and August has arrived and is now available for those of you who do not have access to this popular devotional guide. You may pick up your large or regular print copy in the Chapel foyer in a display located to the left of the Chapel office door. If you would like to help defray the cost, there is a dedicated slot marked “donation” as a part of the display. The “Upper Room” is a household name for the thousands who subscribe to this popular daily devotional book. Since many Churches provide their membership with this devotional guide, many Epworth residents pick up their copy at their local church. The Upper Room’s slogan is “Where the World Meets to Pray.” It is ecumenical in nature, printed in five different countries and translated into 33 different languages. One of the reasons for its popularity and success is that it is written by ordinary people just like you and me, who tell their stories and share their Faith. Both the new sign and the Upper Room are sponsored by the RLC and funded by two sources, donated monies by residents attending the weekly Sunday School services and allocated funds from the Resident Association. Wilma R. Chairperson of Religious Life Committee


REMINDERS ABOUT THE POOL: We are approaching the time when grandkids and family come to visit and swim in the pool. Don’t forget the pool rules regarding visitors: All guests and family members (adults and children) must sign in and be accompanied and supervised by a resident. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guest(s) and the resident assumes financial and personal responsibility for any damage done. A waiver of liability must be signed and a pool pass picked up at the front desk before any guests or family members may use the pool.

EPWORTH VILLA WELCOMES TARA TURPIN-CAMPBELL TO THE SALON AS A NEW HAIR STYLIST Tara will be in the salon on Mondays and Tuesdays by appointment. Here is her information: “I have been doing hair for almost 40 years in the OKC and surrounding areas. Hair has been my passion my entire life. I look forward to meeting the residents in this beautiful facility and assisting them with their hair needs. I am offering a $5.00 discount off the cost of a first service just to introduce myself to the residents. It would be my pleasure to have you call and book your appointments so we can get acquainted! Please give me a call at (405) 316-0894 to book an appointment with me. “ Thank you Tara Turpin-Campbell

PUZZLES BEING RELOCATED In the upcoming weeks the puzzles in the business center on the 2nd floor, formerly the Cozy Corner, will be moved to a cabinet outside of the room. They will still be accessible to anyone who wants to use them so please feel free to do so. Thank you for your understanding 12



THE PHANTOM THREAD STARRING: DANIEL DAY-LEWIS Set in the glamour of the 1950’s post-war London, a renowned dressmaker, Reynolds Woodcock, is at the center of the British fashion world. Women come and go through his life until he comes across a young, strong-willed woman who becomes a fixture in his life. Once controlled and planned, he finds his carefully tailored life disrupted by the scariest curse of all…love. RATINGS: R 15+ Language, Sex Run Time 2hr 10min




Read the West Book Club: Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival July 5, 2018 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. Read the West Book Club meets in July and August. Free to Museum members or with $5 Museum admission at the door. Cash bar and pre-order hors d’oeuvre plates available. Register by July 2. Publications are available in The Museum Store (15% discount for Museum members). Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival, a Western Heritage Award winner for Western Novel by Matthew P. Mayo, is based on a true account of 14 year-old Janette Riker who, in the autumn of 1849, travels westward to Oregon Territory with her father and two brothers. She was challenged with blizzards, frostbite, and gnawing hunger and rose to each challenge, relying on herself more than she knew possible. Her only comfort comes in writing in her diary, where she shares her fears, her travails, and her dwindling hopes. For more information or to register, please click on the link https://bit.ly/2LIBBv4 or visit our website at www.nationalcowboymuseum.org. The West Book Club will also meet on August 2nd for the book LaRose and August 30th for the book Orphan Train. Please note: Epworth WILL NOT be offering transportation to these meetings.

NOTE FROM DINING SERVICES: Market prices have been steadily increasing on beef tenderloin and have currently been holding at $10.99 per pound. Last month we purchased it for $10.13 per pound. That is an .86 cents per pound price difference. If the market price keeps increasing, we will have no choice but to increase the plate price in both the Redbud and Bistro dining rooms until the price comes back down. Thank you for your understanding and we’ll keep you informed. Chris Stettnisch Director of Dining Services 14





Epworth Villa Weekly Activities Week of June 27 through July 4, 2018 Wednesday June 27

8:30 a.m. 9:00 9:45 10:00 1:00 p.m. 1:00

Thursday June 28

9:00 a.m. 10:00 10:45 1:30 p.m. 3:30 7:00

Catholic Communion – West Prayer Chapel Flex and Stretch – Wellness Classroom Limber Up – Wellness Studio Grocery Shopping – Homeland/Uptown Grocery Needlework Group – South Classroom Tai Chi —Wellness Center Water Aerobics – Pool Coffee w/the CEO & Going Away Reception for Tina Ballard – Coffee Lounge Chair Yoga – Wellness Classroom Balance & Fall Prevention – Wellness Classroom Vespers Service – Brill Chapel Vespers Service Replay – Channel 1960

Friday June 29

9:00 a.m. 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30

Flex and Stretch – Wellness Center Art Group – Art Corner Line Dancing – Wellness Studio Shopping – Target Fitness on the Floors – 3rd Floor South

Saturday June 30

9:00 a.m. 10:00 10:45 2:00 p.m.

Tai Chi w/Kathy Plummer – Wellness Studio Flex and Stretch - Wellness Center Chair Yoga – Wellness Center Matinee Movie in the Theater

Sunday July 1

9:30 a.m. 10:50

Sunday School – Brill Chapel St. Luke’s Live Stream – Brill Chapel


Monday July 2

9:00 a.m. 9:30 10:15

Tuesday July 3

9:00 a.m. Leave 10:00 10:30 10:45 1:30 p.m.

Wednesday July 4

8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. 1:00 1:00

Flex and Stretch – Wellness Center Line Dancing – Studio Limber Up – Wellness Studio

Water Aerobics - Pool Walgreens Trip Episcopal Communion – Brill Chapel Chair Yoga – Wellness Classroom Balance & Fall Prevention – Wellness Classroom

Catholic Communion – West Prayer Chapel 4th of July Picnic Lunch – Bistro Needlework –South Classroom Tai Chi – Wellness Center

Business Hours for Services Available at Epworth Villa


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Mercy Clinic is Open

M, W, F

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

BancFirst is Open


1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The Market is Open


3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Thrifty Pharmacy is Open


M – Sat.

7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Café Open

M, F & Sat.

11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Bistro Open

T, W, TH

11:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Bistro Open

1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sun.

11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Bistro Open

T – TH

4:45 -- 7:00 p.m.

Redbud Open

4th Sun. of Month

11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Redbud Open 17

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